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LIFT CORNS OR 'CALLUSES OFF Doesn't hurt! Lift any corn or callus off with fingers Don't suffer! A tiny bottle of Freez one costs but a few cents at any drug store. Apply a few drops on the corns, calluses and "hard skin" on bot tom of feet, then lift them off. When Freczono removea corns from the toes or calluses from the bottom of feet, the skin beneath Is left pink and health and never sore, tender or irritated. To abort a cold and prevent com plications, take I' The purified and refined calomnel tablets that are nausealess, safe and sure. Medicinal virtues retain. ed and improved. Sold only in sealed packages, Price 35c. Ho.Aleadth About Gone t an y c housand t t feemtekn sufnethiseftm womhlhandy tevroe, taedro briaeenbnfde.y h s Ton aordng co leder and reventmia tomth p fliayn, N.C."kcoe d -ntaldometl and he purifie "Asd myesf---d aeoieg tabs thgrat ad' hauehaded oter adre. Mdicina irt--- radin edaimprovead. Slrd omly i knealed kye Hevs ealth wr About GonE Many hosans Toni wSohe w frite fromrt# womanl trulend he... been bido by th.e fe ow Cai the wadl om as toic, dcreding ondetton." of iyuanervC." oudun donundwko sufferedtril, hro hadche rakee dec, Dvr.y mnhd try gtCar dul, Thousano cmrin, atenod it cure moe. themn, and my phyctranos wha Cavusd the ior mepts, for ners, andorseaths wedr-e The. Womnk s whToenc tomb in splendid health. cane dors. Sok. 1 feI Carditto ardlfrwa Aln druggnito GER{MANY IS BUYING L MUCH COTTON This wa Given as One Bentsonl for the I Riecent Advance. The following Is from The New York Times: It Large German purchases of the bet- ti ter grades of American cotton, it was e learned yesterday, have been one of r the principal reasons for the recent J sensational advance in price In South- it ern markets, especially In Texas, C where the best grades are to be had n and where spot cotton has sold above 10 cents a pound for the first -tim1e t since tle civil war. It was estimated by men in the cot ton trade yesterday that more tlian 500,000 bales of choice grades had been bought by Germans or Gernian agents since the present cotton sea son began on Aug. 1, and of this total probably more than 50,000 bales al ready have been exported. On Monday more than 30,000 bales were shipped out of Savannah direct to lamburg, making the total of direct shipments to German ports since August 1, sonie thing more than 100,000 bales. In ad dition, it is believed that. at least 150, 000 bales have been sent to Germany by way of neutral countries, and It is understood that much imiore will be exported within a few weeks. Germany's purchases of American cotton, according to trade authorities, have been considerably larger in the last I.wo months than those of anly other forelgna coun try except l'ngland. On direct shipment France has taken only 85,000 bales so far, while exports to 10ngland have amounted to aboi. .170,000 bales. The Germans, it is said, have been buying only tle better grade and apparently are not haggling ov er prices, for reports. froim tle Souti say the German interests have been buying more aggressively in tile last few days than a month or so ago, when prices were $15 to $20 a bale lower than they are now. No large credits have been arrang ed here for the benefit of German importers, so far as is known, but it is understood that some private credits have been provided and also that many American kxporters have set plans afoot to use their own credit in assisting the movement. Remit tances from Gerniany have been coim ing in in rather large volime recent ly Which is oie Of tile reasons ascrib ed for lie steady decliie in tile (1110 tation for reichsinarinks, whicm yester (lay fell to a new lowI record of at . 0 cents to the mark. I lowever, it is inderstood that lie principal expedieit used thus far In financing exports of cotton to Ger mlnanyi hs beenl credits securel by irnmn as in peiuttral EI lropean coIln trivs. (10ermanyt111, accordidng to rep)orts, has been exporting raw materials ald Some finished goods to the Scandl navian countrics and to Ilolland. and gin retuitrni for these lias received ero (lits which have been used inl tle I t'nited States. The volime of busI iis d5 (one in t his way, It is said, has runt to manyi3 mIll ions of dollIarms and Shas; alltowed German limport ers to buy13 goodls here, chiefly cot tont, withoumt suif Ifering untdiuly Oin accouniit of thlir de pIreciatedl exchange. M.\ost of thle cotton foirwa rdedi to Gem manyrt3 and to1 the I'iuropieani neutrals ~has not gone Itoiighi the Port oIf New York . Onl thle contrarmy, thle great bul1k Sof thle hbuliness hais been m novedl fromi Galveston, New Orleans and Savan jnahi, wher e It is received from the big Southbern spot. mtarkets. P'rotect You (t'(otfoni. T lh ere is (luiite a lot of cot ton being hatiled from the ginis back to the farms Pnl9lract ically every bale ginined in Oconee til to this time is perfect cot ton and ill bring (lie highest nimr ket pile If keplt in Its presenit conil Ition. Ilut it wvon't bring thaut price if it is thrown out oi (lie giroumnd on the farms and the tinder sIdes oIf thei bales allowed to accumutlate moist ure from the soil, and (lie ex posed siudes termimtted to take alternate raIn and sunshIne. Thlis sort of exposure is surie to damage the qualIty oIf the cot. ton. T1rue, the dhaimage ill Inot extend enct irely thircughi the hales, but when the cotton Is sold It wvill bring thed prlilce that the surface coniditlon shiows in gradIng. No reasonablle man will quitestion the justtlee of thIs. The ouiter puortlon of the bale Isa(lie only soutrc Sof judging the lutality of (lie entiri hale,.he. lie reasonablle. *., 6 mi ne qton In such lttell nI1f surface will i 1 h Iy o ytli 13leeting of II. A. h qyour cotton Ihny ~u escilti tlit ~m (1111 meet Friday aft ernoui q wo li auI .Ilal Grmay at 3:30 O'Clo(1 There aicof a coal strike. This t Ston in Ocoone belief that (lie ineirs Smrountd to r wvero not of one tmindd Sthirouighs (IUion of making (quick rehll in the Wt. away moat E Conrere is said. The sooner the signing the further off the perpetual desert. The act of congress provides for the enforcement of war tiie prohibition prior to the effectiveness of the con stitutional amlnendlmelt. War time pro hihitioi was created for tle period of the war, which interpretation froi Washington says will end with tile signing of Ithe Geriman peace treaty. Uut's Bialve, for ry lited Hunt's, Cure Is es com - iounded for the tent 01 Itch, Eczeian, nit ormu, and Totter, and i" ol y' the' dru gist on the strict glarantee that the purchano price, 45e, %All bf romptly refundc to any di-sat Ifedcustomer. Try Ilunt'isfalvo at ouI risk. For LIc locally bj Iallreits lirit. f0. 1 . I. 1la are sold eve n ainscientifically se4 9 Can o.'cages of 20 cigarette whernoripackages(200cigaret pac, in a glasaine-paper-.cove - te carton. We strongly rec, i mend this carton for home or office supply when you travel. R. 3. Reynolds Tobacco Winston-Salem, N. C aty is lle ill r-der a Moing. illing ii I I w, rail it his riime Iii Iltints . .1(, si lt inll th e -- --- f the the --t he it is -- - rt of the _R tart ngth dlate y, P1 EGION MEETS IN FIlRST CON VENTION t Fine meeting Twvo (Vrectville Men Chosen Delegates .Naiffonal (bnther Ing. Columbia, Oct. 2S.-CMecting in Co imbia today in Its first convention, ie South Carolina branch of the Am rican Legion assembled with every Ink represcnted from private to ma )r general aniong tihe delegates, and forier private, .11iiiius 11. Walker of oltmblia, presiding as state com innder. The convention amended its consti lition to provide that its 1m11mlbers hall be white, indorsed a memorial Puilding ralher than a hospital as til illicial South Carolina memorial to [en from thaI state who died in the var and elected delegates to tihe na. ional convention in Alinnapolis nex nonth. Aiong the delegate, ameliaic( vere EI llott W. M;rings, American ace" and hliilip I. Stoll, representa ive-elect from the Sixth Soulth Caro ina congressional district. Addresse: vere delivered by Ilenry Brecken ridge, former assistant secretary o Naar; Rear Admiral Samuel Mo. iowani, paymaster general of tl navy, a South Carolinian; Governo iobert A. Cooper and Major Genera George W. Read, commander of Cam Jackson, who commanded tle Secon arm1y corps in France. \lajor( Genera W. A. Clark, commander of the Sout Parolina division, t'nlited Confederat Veterans, was a guest of the legion a 11le convention. DIelegaies to the national conver lion elecled tills afternoon were: 11 vine P". ileizer, Columbia: W. F Work man, Greenville;1 George \V \Vainaimaker, .Jr., St. .latthews; I 11. Stoll, Kingstree; 1,. K. Leg;u Charleston, Bernard Manni ing, S'pai Ian birg;: El liolt Springs, lAlicaster John .1. McSwainl, Greenville; .\otirc .lohnson, .\larion; Jul ius S. Walke Columbia; L. 11. Kohn, Newberry; I 13. IElkhoff, Norway: 11. 13. Malon Chester; Lloyd S. Smith, MEasley; Rol 1lkins, Hampton; L. C. Wannamake Cheraw; J. 1). Sinyzer, Florence; S. Williams, Norway. No imeeting place was decided up0 for the next convention, this heil left to the executive committee.' It vitatIons were received from Collu hia. Spartanburg and Charleston. TlI convention was a splendid succes readily establishing the fact that tl American Legion is rapidly spreadit in this state. IS (I'AiT-.-3ONTl1: IAI ('031ING A Tr liper. M-11 Depends onl lhe Peute Pauolina Signed, Says ('olulibia 11 wed to o The "wets" of South C ' tle Chri high hopes of being all' ; are even I (1ua-t of whiskey for '.vimie and Chr celebration and they *privilege of that hetween this tin all depends they may have the late and iithe s ing two uaPrts. I -;'ace trealy, 51a3y t'ited Staite.s ser" d. of the German lj.ts" are eveI g And thet "wgV are "pulling for"' it: friends of Ihle .hjle senate. before. Thecy ;enieral IWolfe sti< ltrition by tayve of The Rlecord t h Attorney (. ion or the situatHion wi representat' 'rhibition is t hat Ilwim initeripretai igress, in paissinig the il galrd Io I Ion enforcement leg is act oft col -esidlenit Wilson's v'eto, pirohibiltIartinie prohibit ion is lo 1 over ti unil the signin g of thle tha t w ,peace treaty', andl that be: forced ite and the Itith .jf next mai~n .ie nation wilt be in-statiu-q that a liqutor is c'oncernied, iry tI dI muean the quart-a-month I; far hi C'arolina, and( the mianufa wo 011 qunor in I aIliimoie and in Soul e manutiiifactur ie was allowed I of E war. in other words, biefort whei ,litlions woul d prevail, the 101ld( the German heace Itrea com 'led by thle seniale early in N< SI -annd Washintglon interpret e ratil I ing of the treaty as the end C her- emiergency period, so far a: slir ikey question Is concerned. wanr1,tsi of Soulth Carolina ,wonuld whig d, lie allowed to order at rita "'weiiskey in November and then saljiier qulairt in D~ecembher, (and PeI witothier in January.) ottl'This is the inter'pretat Ion put 01 andltuat ion by thle Attorney General Iso by thle Internal Revetnue de 5 nen'ut ofilees in Columbia. The It a of the 'oasis'" wiillI deliend 01n the Sthe siging of the peace t real 9. Iart Schaffner & l COM(OR0e EDTINS ONI 'UR Gf'O'P' IE" GREENWC HUE E DEALERS: We have an a in each coun tical Farm Li market. Aci tory may sti GENCO-LIGHT S1 DISTRIE Anderson - - .re in a c AMEL<S refreshing, 1 -aver smokcd. You car Camels puff-by-puff wi any price ! Put qualit faction to the utmost 1 'ry ied Made to meet your taste * or liberally you smoke them I (as) red and choice Domestic tobacc bodied, yet so fascinatingly or time you light one you get Freedom from any unp Co. unpleasant cigaretty odor n enjoyable. In fact, Camels appeal t many new ways you neve premiums or gifts. You'l) - JAI OHl-the Ide Not only does oil fur power and heating ir modern industries o: but it furnishes fuel the households of th< The Perfection Oil Heate nomicail kerosene heat 3,000,000 homes. Save Fall months. The Perfection is clean, sootless, odorless--burns gallon of oil--easily filled i Aladdin Security Oil give At your dealer's. STANDARD OIL C (New Jersev) Wehigon, 1). C. BALTIMORF. MI). Richmond, Va. U RFEC o'3 u ttractive proposition ty on the most Prac. ghting Outfit on the : quick. Your terri 11 be open. LLES COMPANY UTORS South Carolina lass by themselves--easily the he most likable cigarette you prove that! Simply compare th any cigarette in the world at y, flavor and cigarette satis est I Camels never tire it, no matter how The expert blend of choice Turkish os makes Camels delightful-so full smooth and mellow-mild. Every iew and keener enjoyment! leasant cigaretty after taste or any iakos Camels as unusual as they are o the most fastidious smoker in so r -will miss the absence of coupons, prefer Camel Quality! al Fuel nish fuel for navies and the world, for heating wvorld. r supos eco to more than s coal during portable, safe, ten hours on a and re-wicked. s b)est results. OMPANY se Aladdin scurity Oil ~~ JON,