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PIRESIDENT FAILS TO 310VE 3IINERS s Iewl Is OfY to iilinianapolks, to Take i Chartre of' Coal Strike Starting Fri dayt. llepenis Clanre 1h1t Operators ( are 4o 111a.11w Spr'ingield, Ill., Oct. "7.--leady to leave Springfield ("a r I y tomorrow lorning for Ind ianapolis to asstime a tivt char-2e of the threalcening strike of soft coal miners 'iclheduled to beg in Friday at ta idn igit . .ohn I,. Lewis, acti 1 cpresidtit of the l'nited Mine Work1rs of America, declaredl to nliht '1e strike ord(lr was still in (,I fect and that the 'Ail.000 miners inl tih hiinin ou0s held would walk out to a m1an unless the operators made I "The statement of l'resident Wilson oppsing tie' strike has tilis rar had lit restlis so f'ar as- weo are colleeriled," i Lewis said. No word reached him, he s1a , fcd. trol overm111111nt soilrces dirl 1in c day. Ir'\wi': 1.xpIelis to reach Indianapolis at "::v i m where he will tuakei preparations for the imeeting Wed ne(sdly Of thlie it 'tnaiItional c'eIMltiVe board. 1h' Saiki tonlivht he expecled no h voloietilts prior io this 11on foice. Btran ding statement1,o'i s that coal mi( in - 1rs were earning $10 io$ t.. a day as "absilrd.". Mt. lwwis said the average pay of ineriis in) the hiini onts field for ih year 191N. which lie declared . was ii1 bestt Iwilve-tIiotith in mine l 'orkr ' ainals, s was ' 1.22S a year. lit, reifusd ito say what the maxiiiiIIII earnin- of a minor ilidteri favoable circu stiilanlces i be. but said tihe 'arlin's of "day im-n" aioutiicd to ctawcoln $1.'.: and $. a day. Thcc'se in'cud' track layers, drivers. iiechianl i(s til labcornrs. ('oal digger,. he t stated. enn m1,1wa more imioney than that. lie explailled that vages of mines were curtailed. howe-Iver. by < lthe fact that minecs operate on the 1 avertag of only thice ort foi days a< weck. 'l'This condtiion. ie said. maI' ne cay a shorter day and w'eek in I orderl t o urnish contint ous O i tiS uii lo Iy- I mto14W. a'.; cinbriiaced inl wa e:" dl'Itllls silu - still Isy inintt (-a cly ici the' conc- 1 fiT n's. Other deimaunds inlcilud' Cn P(r t, n i nll nc inl wa ew ime and a1 half ?c' l>v i'r ii I lmaiatiot of tcl 'rcike en lty chlsc. < is. In a s atement isu d tonligh-Itt ho I ciM. in eb I r up )populart t'mcisapprte s an ow aot.exactlY what I ook laii inl tll joinil contferncil s. Mr. kwn 1 plalce:1 resp-qon iily fo)r thIIe Here's the bn are packed bill, the m our mercha: selling sam many miles figure with Burns & Cc TWO BIG I (No. trike agaln onl the operators. Tne C tatement follows: "At the blennial coifereice of the TjieCl '\ine Workers at Cleveland, leptember 9 to 23, attended by 2,046 elegates. a wage prograit and policy vas outlined anid scale comimiittees vere selcet(d who were ilstinetted to rieselt demantdis to tie' operators . f] "On Septembi :25, at huffalo, the C nin-'es and operators 1110 inl joiit f om mittev. 'T he miners presented their lenimds and were met by a blun talenient that the Washil ngton agre.-" aetll had not expired hevanuse tile war vas not etrled and peace had not been I romulgatd by the Presideit. "No coiutei-proposals wevre su1bnit- v ed by the op'erators, who seemingly veri determined to avoid making a vw agreement. This coummittee ad ouned for a week 'and reconvened n Philadelphia on October 9, where he same circumstances obtained and ine die adlournment took place on )etober .11. "T. rhie miners insisted at all times hat they were ready to consider do ialds from the standpoint of Ierit tone. lut consideration on this basis 6-( delnied hy, tlie operator-1s. "The government in eon felence with elrators and im iners last week at Vashi ington endeavored to secine a 'opeiing of inegot iation s. The ininers onsentled withonli revSenat%,ion. Theli pewrators l(elined except uider con litions wlIi''i rendered negotiations t m1possible." Ilake an Effort to ''est New Law. File Stit in Federal Court. New York, Oct. 29.-The first move >f New York liquor dealers to test. I he constit ut ionality of the war time rohlbition law since the passa-e of I lie enforcement act over the prosl lent's veto was made today by hihe iling of a suit in federal distsviet 'ourt against William I. Edwards, -olleetor of the second internaleve inc distIict here. A. West. llroadway iqior wholesaler broight the action, illeging the war' tine prohibition law o be void and illegal. 1). b. Plorcr, supwelvisig internal revenne agent for i lie New York dI isionl, reevdteleuraphic inslirne ions from Washintoni this afternoon hal the prlohibitioni ('nfori(ement haw I %vut into effect at 3: 10 p. i. yester lay. A force of revenue agents weire ,iven orders immediately to see that he law was enforced. je Ce13 'est answer to the pr full from the basema ore you will be ben rdise was bought e e goods now 20 te to J. C. Burns & Co you on your fall I .'s Two Red Iron Re C. BI 3USY STORES 1 Store 210 West Laure NO PRICE FIXED Itorney Gieneral Sliarply Rebukes Htead of Association for Ills Sugges. floit. Pulplic interest will be Pro. fected. Washington, Nov. 2.-Suggestion romni the Wholesale Coal Trade asso intion of New York that the govern ment should not fix a maximum priee I coal or interfere -with the normal ouroc of uiptly and demand during lie strike brought from Attorney Geu ral Palmer today vigorouls assertion hat lie would take the same action galinst pesons enhancing prices as ms taken against the union officers. "The action of the government -was Miken solely in the general public in est," Mr. Palmer declared, "and :1 hall not peormit It to be used directly ir indirectly for the benefit of the mployers' side of the controversy." -W. A. Marshall, president of the ssociation, wrote .lMr. Palmer recom ending that miners , who want to vork be given protection and, that oal consinuers be allowed to obtain nel through tIhe usual, normal chan ils. lie asserted that with adequate liotection enough coal would he pro hiced to mect the emergency, that king a maxi muin price would eurtall lie operators' ability to ileet norma! >roduction costs caused by tihe strike kind discourage their efforts to con inue work, that priority lists would >verstock certain consumers and al ow others to go without, and that tie fuel control net could be uised to iieveit attemplt s at profiteering. "1 am in receipt of your letter and 1ini amazed by its contents," the at. orney general replied. "While, of course, proper protec ion will be given to all miners who ire -willing to continue at work, it mist he perfectly plain to you that ven under su(ch coilditions the supply if coal must he far from normal. Your proposition amounts, In faut, to declaration thlt coal dealers should be perimlitted to take advantage of Ihiese ablinormal conditions and have their prices based entirely upon tle Iawm of supply and demand, whicl is only anloilier way of saying that ihey shiou ld be pelImited to clairge w hait ever Ilhey please. The demand for tiel will be constantly increasing with the supply d ecrensing. uilless there is go(vernme(n regulation, prices cha rged lo lhe publie will be out rageous and the rofils acrni'ing to other citizens to (n-operate in Ihe general puhlic welfa re in this Imergeney. even to tie JRNS A I NOW G oblem of getting yo mnt to the ceiling. efited by our huge: arny in the spring 40 per cent. un .'s Two Big Stores a i1l. You can save icket Stores. IRNN mna Street No. 2 extent of sacrificing profits. "The action of the government in restraining the officers of tho inine workois' union from furthering the strik'e order already issued was taken solely in the general public intere.4h and I shall not permit It to be used di reetly-or indiectly for the benefit ol the employers' sI(e of the controversy, If any advantage shall be taken ol present conditions by any arrange ment or agreement of two or mor< persons to restriet' either productior or distribution in order to enhanc< the price of fuel, I shall without hesi tation take precisely the same actiot against such persons as has beer taken against the olliers of the min( workers' union." STOLb TAKES SEAT AS Il01SE 311E3111El iiigstree 31n1 Sueceeds Lute ,1. WT ltingsdale. Sworn iII Yesterday. Washington, Oct. :0.-Soutlh Caro lina's delegation in the house of rep. resenitatives is now complete, Phiilil It. Stoll of Kingstree having taket his seat today as the represeniat ivt front the Sixth district, succeeding th< late .J. Willard Ragsdale, who died s(1. d ily in this city July 31, last. I'ntil today Ed. C. .ann was Ih< "house )atby" being the youngest men Ier of this body in point, of service. bu I today he yelded tle cradle to li: n ew colleague. .lr. Stoll, and the lat ter will be "fthe baby" litil some on else in sworn in to relieve hii of thiu title. mir. Stoll has been delained in Soutl Carolina by business and was onil: able to reachi Washington last, night At noon today lepresentative Ilyrne im ade the motion to admu it 'Mlr. Stol ani this was done, the latter receiv ing a cor'diat.l welcoie from many o Iis newly made coIleagties. Since th d eati of r. Mllagsdale and tle ret Ire ment of A. F. Lever on August 1, whe1 he beca me a me ' of tihe federa fari'm lIa nd board. Sothlb ('arolina ha heen withoit theI( services of riepresei tatives from ither tlel Sixth or 'Sv enlth districts un1til Mlr. Mlann camle t Wai shinigon last. Week fromil Ith Seventh and ilr. F4to1 Itoday from tt Sixtth to collplete the roll. Stomach ills eriianeitlv lisapi ar-aftx. drinking th elebradI Shivar .\ q w ater. Positivel u1aranteved h~v mo -harmk olerFa,! me costs a trille. 1)'live.: 1 aiv' h. r b im ln~re s A:-n~ .1.. (:. .% 1 & C;, IG QING ON ur Fall and Winter]i The sooner you co: stocks and money on a low market fo der to-day's markel mnd buy your fall e 15 to 35 per cent. Store North Side of the Tired,Overwc What You I War conditions have m mother's time and energy to do all in their pc wer f continually overwork an< run-down condition. Vin and iron tonic, will buil strong. HERE IS Whitman, Mans. "I suffered from a nervous, run down condition and loss of strength s0 it wits hard for me to get around and do my work. After other mecdi cines badfailed to help me Vinol re stored my health and strength and I heartily recommend It to anyone suf fering from a nervous, run-down condition. "-Mrs. R. M. Little. For sale by Laudrens 'Drug Co. an Plavw Notl 2 14E tSE UiC slsO.0TtRS E, lips~ .0o Sc GUARANTiHK It, after uming the entire 1conleni, of rani uccordln to .tlreeion, you are no.It tig i ou n ~tlalfed III every reap. ci g1 rh. oa." Y You Paid for it. iie The Reily-T y Ne Merchandise. Our T, me and buy your fal saving values. Pra< r this fall and wintei :prices. It will pay nd winter bill. Cor by buying your fall 1 )MPA - LAI Public Square in Burns]1 orkedMothers ieed is Vinol ade the demand upon a - unlimited. In their zeal or their loved ones, they I arc soon in. a nervous, 01, the non-secret cod liver I you up and make you PROOF Cleveland, Ohio, "I keel) house for my husband and myself nnd got intoaweak, run-down condition, no strength, languid and no ambition. After (loctoring for awhile and getting no better I tried Vinol and tomy surprise it built me up and strengthened my whole system. It is certainly a good tonic." "-Mrs.Wm. D. Dawson. -tes Strength d Druggists everywhere. le )riqsts Ling will lose lavor more kly than cof rhen exposed Lr. Luzianne >d only in Lvidual air Lt tin cans ver in bulk. M'N coffee aylor Comparny v Orleans wo Buildings 1 and winter :tically all of r and we are you to come rie and let us ill at J. C. JRENS, S. C. Monk)