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a ;ll li1l111li1111l 1I WHITE AN'= By George Agnew Chamberlain Author of "Home." "Througl Stained Glass," "John Bogardus," etc. Copyright, 19.19, The Bobbs-Merrill Company Coniinue'd froin frs pa_., Ilhi "oclion. 11 its vast on the dlistant sad 44 seeie(I lik : giant noth, . 'tiayvl fr'om sotne Arabian Ni git and sent in answer to the cry of child howtl's valiaut fancy. Who were those midgot dots? Were they en01 Or genili ? Whence had they cole :IId whither would tlhey go? Did they talk with tinumes or like Brown , vith thir to .1 an1l eyes? Andre':i W011601411 all tihes.e things. suddettiy sth pot' wonde4'ring. ski..1 djli up1) the. l-:41 41'r-like t:i frot IIv h 1e g lin to her r,411)111, snlated1411 up ;1 warn1 clunk atfair1 wthie h i :ill on :d l high v 1hllar at her nie'k :11141 1ha1 fII h 111 In Iver wienling folds froml hvIr shoulers to her ankles, anidl in s tin4 a1 t111I woui 1takw to S:>y. .hek Itohlin'son a1 hinui1redl and1 fifty tilines shit slip Ping :nd slidling down tihe, Pall) of 14'1ly that ..i.'n, !. 11 1In'h air :1f4n so sud 441 it its grs; tr . : dial p11)nt very real 1th''d ' were the toi - It ,.wis at -n d\v: it. tIn ; wa t he tallst. blacest.naktjest native. she had yetI s n, a inighty *stItu1 in uniaimlgined brnze , g I l1y Clo116t (illy at the l1117 with a pi4 1.1 d 1, t. The othe \.. a whi:.4 nij U n 1 row n in the SIMn. 1 w-: i t-- r v,-ry y nor old. he car- i h .''lf 'r'':t .vith the I har~n 9nf n man..ho lI fulh 3own . .- i h .nI h ill.vt.'ll b e - v . s n. t i n n 1~~~ I '' 4 I -II I v v i, t ;b : i)i . li t 1 . - i - - ! I- n w i \ i t , Ys:. hI I -hn 4 1' .1 14n - Tr hin1 imi 4oub) 1Tw done Io " . 4 vIi ' pr i t 1r 1n t h I v1111 of 0.::g aay an thin Mablnd 199)':o~ for enke, "'lease:1 , Mr'. .\ flbin M,-: 1o w thI youl." h k1ew'.\. a giod d41 11 Ili oult flying u'.1 111she kne-w they ' ubin't v rewo. i ay t hing41 -'9.19 at al 4 II wy invai-i ('.e i up :1to the11'1 1 14) f41 h1vin' 4 'it br ..' i.' When't h--l.N 501i14 rane tco 8s( :141 1 igh 41 4 a ilvIt :i lle. 441nig ' tonene1 the h1 t. fa'llIl (o the liround' di b-)& fmi !4:>~ w nh- i t. li er si e of Irish1141 .4r fa- -i gh 14 t hat I') tends1 theIII s1tr 4al wistful (' hib41 l w 4fithin 4 us-ht't be-1) eboc'lates and Etoo414'1 lie loxerie Sher wah iid' t o 1 n: ngh to look C48 tal in o spite9. ofat lo 4 k-1ii'ke(y' affirt' of t dark bh11Ie Thtv' 9.lo4t thatn ellhrotaher thoutle 1111sT outh all hi inspeei of CO1 he)11 inan' p1:41r- neverI chne. Iselol oed e ovr (elib fastely, 114 j111(1 dfeatey, 44)) del w h)ratelly le tit ro te lrtit hidd thaee te ar'ssy to heohrv )r(I.a ut i- he(le htr up'a wihoua word,(8 i)trIpped her' in(4l 3n1whe hadntd to pour2 14u!) volubh- intocons~ t ina (4e4't t th~ 1ronze statu ht sotood ati ate nn tlac fteys fd an h'is~(n ao trs fandse, rI~ re orip repetingr like a1 trotrter ilon herti thate elt tat Thed white rnang lmbred Io the blood, swelling her h6art, t rf6ming8 all her limbs with a new joy, a new life. She swayed this way and that, looked up and down; then she leaned far out to study the rugged brown face of Mr. Man, the face that alwayq smiled. From where she sat at his shoulder the goggles were not so com plete a mask. She looked and het eyes became fixed in a fascinated stitre. Two deep lines lay like paren. theses from the man's nostrils to tht (.iniers of his mouth. They made hie mouth look as though it smiled, but the um1an was not smilling. Suddenly she kinew that through it all, from tlt ?Imoment lie ha.d laid his masked eYC upon her, he had never smiled. lieri heart turned cold. (Continicl next week. ) E-:G'HT \kiti-:STI-:D IN MURDER1:h (ASh Dirhler in ('ross-('otary Ato linev Shmi in Raick. F-ouir Womien .imong \rri-est -. +:I Paso, Tex., Nov. 2.-.\lajor ''. .l. Seanlon. 1'. S. A., and seven others. intcludingti four women, were lrresid lonigit nt La'; Cruees, N. l., (harged with the mur11der of .John T. llutchinle. of Alimogordo. whlo was fat1ally shot today wiedriving" an1 atomlobile inl It rC ot r ii titiitily road ra ot. 'he Cause of te s11ling has not Sii'sidet .\lajor 'eanton. t11 arrests includ .1edJcksonm. of .\lpinle. Tex., Reducing t d first by offering o Hart Schaffer & quality and fine t long wear-. -you d often. Second: By prices on what w ago. Were we this clothing we'r to pay as much fi at retail. So, if we e present wholesal< more money. SOMI YOU'LL fir overcoats here; os f or winter; ligh draped models; I and double breas BELTERS THEY'RE breasted models; of the season. That's w~ - here; Hai are guara back if 3 ani Harry u. Overstreet, Chalk Alt nan, liss Billie .3ennet,t, Mrs. Over treet, Mrs. P1.' I. Holbrook and M1l. 4j. M. Mollherson of E. Paso. Tnhe shooting occurred near Lan r1:, N. M., sixteen miles west of MAI laso, dulming an '10 Paso to Phoenix ace. Illiutchings Was shot In the back, a milet pelletrating the auitoiiobile "vat. uld lodging nevar thet base of is spinle. lis m0otorl car. -was Said to he travel n-.: forty-five miles an hIour at tIhe inule. Oliver Lev,- 1lulchinsl' Iimeclianie. -aid he heard six shots fired. bwe piloted lte car with its WoIid [d driver. to I allark. There I ,4 hor rowed a rI-le and retur1ned to) Ihe Icene of IIe shooting With WInter 1'ooley anid District .1 udge W. Il. lowe, where they took into cusltoly Ohe eight piersols hlvid at Ias Cruces. The four) menl and four. wotnenl were ovenpants of an au( t om obiv. 11111(hintgs was chauiffeui. for ("en. .ohn .1. 1'1rshlin ug when (,en. Pershing conI uan1ided the American 1)it1ivr expleditioll into Mexico. Ie had wol nueosautomlobile races Inl 1-,' Plasl and .luarez, .\exico. Daily Thought. Btetter not ho -it all than not bc FIN AL. SETTil.iEMENT'. Take 11(tive that oil the i 11th day ol e "Cost of Cl for You >ing it in two way LAY 6. +he best cloti Wlarx clL. ., . .a . 'Lthes; th lorng in L. he Ihem on't have to bU basing our presei a paid for the goods to try to duplicat e selling today, we Dr it at wholesale a4 old clothes to yor Sbasis, we'd be ask E WARM ONES ad all of the goo farm ulters and gr ter coats for fall'3 >ody tracing desig ,ted. .--FOR YOUNG M1 popular; single an yokes, plaits; the li i SURE THlING hat it is when you buy t Schaffner & Marx clother nteed to satisfy you; mnone) ou feel that they don't HARTON CA EURENS. S. C. November I will render a' final ac-, count of my acts and doings as Admin istrator of the estate of A. B. Alexan der, deceased, in the office of the Judge of Probate of daurens county, at 11 o'clock, a. in. and on the same day will apply for a final discharge from ny trust as Administrator. Anyperson indebted to said estate is notilled and required to make paY iment, on h-t (late; and all Persons having claims against said estate tiwill presentt them on orl before said date, di1y proveni or be forever barred. J. C. COX, Oct. 8, 1919. Administrator. 12-61.-A ASPIRIN FOR HEADACHE Mane "'Bayer " is on Genuine Aspirin-say Bayer A Insist on "Ba er Tablets of Aspirin't in a "Bayer pack age," containing proper directions for leadache, Colds, Pain, Neuralgia, Lumbago, and Rheumatism. Name "Bayer" means genuine Aspirin prescribed by piysiciahs for nineteen years. llandy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost few Cents. Aspirin is trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetict acidester of Salicylicacid. othes" s for you; tes made, all-wool give such clothes so it\ etail mon~ *fhs . e anyo f 'd have * 5 you do on the ing a lot d stylish eat-coats year; full ns single EN d double vest suits noyprii1 CLOT HIN I SH CLOTHIERS "SUIT! We have just received 6 ent have all sizes from 1 vanlized an1d fronm .1-8 ine) have received large shipti also some hvto or three cal us -iar fron Yot. COLUMBIA SUI 823 WEST GERVAIS S T .15-tt LOOSE LEAF LEDGE ....FOR S ADVEI 4 '. - tV 19 LA q juarein Burns RIOD, 0 tons of pipe and at pres,. -8 ich to 4 inch in Gal to 8 inich inl Black. Also cuit of loiler TuIbes. 1Hfave 'loads of iron in Stock. Let 'PLY COMPANY REET, COLUAIIA, S. C. YOUlt CHOICE OF A BATTERY has a lot to do mwith the efilciency of your car. If you choose it here you need have no doubt as to results. Our batteries are of standard make, pow erful as can be made and -as long last Ing. We have storage batteries for every possible use. 11AINEX ELECTRIC CO. Opposite Post Office. Laurens, S. C. RS..... ALE BY.... ZTISER PRINTING CO. '4 XNY j* 1