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TRUSTEES DISMISS STUDENT PETITION Dtlegate Committee to Make Thorough Investigation. Governor to Lend. Columbia, April -5.-Trustees of the University of South Carolina in spe cial session at the university yesterday to ferret out causes incident to the general unrest at the institution and to invest igate the student body, a ma Jority of which signed a petition sev era! weeks ago asking the trustees to remove Dr. W. S. Currell as presi dent of the school, delegated the comn mittee on organization of the board wit i power to make a tioroigh inves ligation at tihe university and take final action inl whatever way the COmn mit tee may sei fit to dispose of the trouble at tlie Inst itut ion. The comm in ittle oi organization to conduct the in veMi gation is composed of Goverinor Cooper, T'. P. 1Hollis of G reenville and ). R. Coker of I[arts vii Trh[e n ov ernor acts in, piace of C. K. Spencer of York, who askcd to be relieved because of relationship witi Dr. CurielI. A section of thle by law of he uiniversity by which the trustees adopted t1hir resolhtion dele gating the above commi ittee to act tea ds: "There shall l a standing commit lce on1 org'anizal inl consisting of thr(ie memhers (of tHle board of trunstees). whllose duty it shail he to thoroughly in form themselves of Ithe internal worlilgs o the ulniversily. of the :Atai ts; anid work of each and every ofleer and professor and teacher, of tle habits and behavior of the situ (ent s, of the management of stewa rd's hall. of the condition and proservat ion of thle property and of anylhing that ma1:1y he for the good of the Institution." Tihe trustees dismiissed the petition of thi students askinjig ftor a new pres idct and h'artily indo'sed Goviernor CooP(elr's letter to) tlie stuident hmoly tellintg that boly tl;t the board ftelt (apleiit of maning affairs :11 the unIi vers ite an thl 1atI II the Itat mi.htI rest assured that affairs of the Insti tution would not be slurred over. The board took the view that the governor had clearly stated matters in his let ter and dismissed the petition on these grounds. The trustees made no statement as to their attitude towards the 166 students who signed the peti tion, but It was said yesterday that some members were inclined to take summary action against all the stum dents. Tihe trouble at the university iwas somewhat aigmenlted Wednesday af teMioon when the president of the student body 'was indefinitely sus pIo1e(lnd fromt the inst itlitution by the dis (iltine comnittee because lie "Ie sided at an illegal neeting of the sltu dent body". The students held a meet ing 'Wednesda. morning and voted to declare a holiday in order that they might see tihe lank parade on "Lib erty day." 'ihe diselpline committee say that tihe pr"sident had no authority to en tertain a motion to declare a holiday, and fuither said that the entire meet ing was out of order Inasmuch as no perm ission had been granted by Pres ident Ciurreil to hold tie meeting. The president of tlit stuieit b1o(y stated yesterday that lie had no knowledge of what was to take place at the meet img ai a( Imerely presided at tie re (itlest of other students who were il ready in session when he arrived at tihe t100L'ing. 'le diseiplie comm11ittee is com1 posed of )r. W. S. Currell, )r-. A. C. Moore anil L. T. Ilake'. 'is new an-de inl Ile situlat ion m'ay develoli some interesting sidelights -wIeI teit' comm11ittee oil organization imieets next Monday to start its i nal Invest igat ion. as some nieibers of the ioard are said to be inclined to sispend all imiembers of tile student body abselt from classes Wednesday. Tie trmustees are to visit tihe t'ii ers ity of North Carolina May 1:1. 11 an1(1 1. to simy conditiolns there aml to '"Z I idlas" from the sister 'nsti tution. All members of the board will make the visit to the Tarheel institu tion. Those present at the meeting of the board of trustees yesterday were: Governor Cooper, C. i. Spencer of York, P. A. Wilvox of Florence, B. A. Hagood of Cha'leston, August Kohn of Colui'bla, S .\. Graham of WI! liamsburg county%, )r. W. T. C. Bates of Colmbtiia, 11. P. Hollis of Greenville and 1). R. Coker of Hartsvllie, John Pl. Swearingen, State superintendent of education, ex-olficio secretary of the board, was absent because of a meet ing of the State board of educatIon. NOWl IS TI3E TO'0 BUILD HOUSES 31ore 3oney Available for Btuildin.g P3'urposes Now 'lhan in Some Years. This is the time to build homes, aecording to the concensus of opin ions that ite comiig in to the United States 'Departiment of Labor, whicb is receiving many expressions of ap proval of it "own your own home Campalgi" Inld assiur-ances of co-op eration in Its liatioln-Wide work of st imulating construet Ion. It is pointed out that anl abundance of employment a It high wages has made the desire for Comfortable and pleasant living colditions more Wide spread thanI ever before. Since econ omy and thrift have been preachid and praelt ed in A meriea, during tihe period of the war, there is a new de sire to Is money wisely. EConomtiista estimate that more money is available for building in the United States this year than there has been in recent years. This fact added to the general disposition to seek a settl ed abidhing ilace, after thII adventures and separations attendani on -war. is giving home building a de cided impetis in all parts of tl tiited St ats. Sttrveys made of thi whole couitry show that the advantet in vost of mat erials has not kept pa' with increases of other commodities and real estate has not risen in price. Moreover, there is a disposition among those who finance building projects to-make easy terms for those which is acknowledged to be the most satisfactory of all investments. The rise ift-rentals and the shortage of more than half a million houses, owing to the suspension of construc tion during the period of the war, furnish a sufficient reason for the consideration of building a home. In -10 citIes now listed in the Division of .Puiblic Works and Construction De veiolment on the dleiatrment's Ina foriation and 1Education Service, in tensive %campaigns are in (progress and all these have as their object the starting of building projects at the earliest possible dates this spring. GIRLS! 1AVE A MASS OF BEAUTIEUL HAIR, SOFT, GLOSSY, WAVY .Asn bottle destroys dandruff and doubles beauty of-your hiir. Within ten ininiutes after an applil cation of 'Danderine you can not find a single traen of dandruff or faling hair and your scalp Wvvl' not itch, but what will please you most will be after a f.w- wceks' uIlse, when you see new hair,. lte and downy at lir'st -yes-hut leally new hair-growtng all over the scallp, A little Dauid'erne immcdiately dou iiles the beauty of your hair. No differ ence how (ut, faded, brit ie and scrag gy, just moisten a cloth. with Dander ine and careuilly di ,wil through your hair, taking one small -crajid at a time. IlIe eee is amazing -your hair will be light, iluffy and wavy, and lhve an aippea rawce of abuntaneq; an incomi pa rali lustie, softness and' luxuri anice. (;tI a small bottle 6f Knowlton's Ilnrine froi aly drtPig store or joilef centier tor a fevf eents and prove that your hair is as pretty aId( sOft 11s ay-thl it has been neglet od or injired by careless t reat men t that's all--you surely can have beani tiful hair ni lots (of it if you will just (ry a littite DIanderiie. at We are a member of the Federal eserve System of ~ aanks'. _ Our Bank is not too big to welcome small accounts but big enough to handle big business. Gome in and talk business with us. We shall wel come you. You will feel safe in dealing with a member of the Federal Reservo System of Banks, beGause we stand togther to protect our depositors. We add 4 per cent. interest. Make OUR bank YOUR bank. The Enterprise National Bank N. B. DIAL, President C. H. ROPER, Cashier Spring Sewing Introduces Authoritative Spring Fashions SPONSORED BY PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS Spring Sewing is of decided interest to every woman who contemplates making or having made Clothes for Spring wear. The newest styles, authoritatively shown by Pictorial Review Patterns, are pictured on this page. We have given the approximate cost of materials used in making these garments, selecting such materials as Ginghams and Voils which the average patron would desire. The cost of findings being mini mum. You can easily figure the entire cost yourself. The prices quoted represent unusual values at Clard3's for this week's selling. Visit our store this week, and permit us to help you plan your Spring Wardrobe. A LOWER Comparative Price Does not Always Mean the BEST VALUE. Consider QUALITY of Merchandis FIRST. MATERIALS sFor Commencement Dresses Silk Pongees, Organdies, !Voils and Battiste 4 y r 4 6-20 years 1L ~ ~~ \oie cos t It ingi:$I .50 t o:I:$[2.75.. MATERA LS ,) / WillT- Sili; 'ONi~. -:l:. '~ -'I wid e r, i l en (1id mteil f 10 A . . II 1 I f W Ii 4 ' i 1 V le I 'I forconin ne nw t 4s. lre 15 I I /~l il v iiI :Ii,. IIl and $. MATERIALS wir Separate Skirts and Shirt 0Iliil~ Waists61 yr. .1ye, I li i I I I IS. I -I i [ . : l 1 % i n h ;l wi de . ill i l 3 8 I i '(5 8 9 13 fili l l TF l.TSl ,k r Ma 1.Y r dt n D -s Prici $l.0tI ~20 asIeig Ihress 8131 1 )rk.s 8 128 2.o ceran 2c-) rnt Dress 8147 Dress 8140Lfl Pit i FnIll :-w i l . Brocde o ic - 14-20 year I t-20 p-are 2 cFos 25 anir Ia t h a d i ts I (i I II ss, iizes 's 1R* :1 I hat Ii it' e i M 5isss,1-2 yw 10-20 years andl$10) \\' n hilo. "aaonette , r wh it l to 11 atin(IIIo y rl, o '! I 16 to 20, which would re- I )ki~ 8117 is a N1 iss lt a ern1 a i iti (ahl: ,arl ide8.i i ce jlci e ; i 'IIlij c ~iiii(' A1.340l.s 350i . yards of hlinrin aill, api'oxi- ill Si/is I I to 20 iqlitii -) yards ef ni d Skirt .a i. Yard widet andi- otr yard. I (n $ .(),;I Voile, cost ing $2.5Ito aii a $3.754cs AVaid'L IV i deN( . iilcile tu )is, i.s81 o I; elir )l1ls-A; 8128 reat iicci a Nlisses' DU'S Si 8110 is a I issi s Driess ill Iiill y iii andi faney Voltsi. stH ieg and I )It l8- 8 2 13 fiaturtes a (il's D~reiswi1 5 N ,.aFtle'Ie~ e will, la1 ner. rIi,; $wa .0' nvwrs a. Dro,-, zsi- It t0 20, roqittiiig 5 yards si/es 16 to 20, which iiHquiif. 1; yards 111-1s :, ii d li~(~5 ~ ~ ~ ~ I to .11 ieiliirlii wie 1'ii'il's o5e 32-" G1 to 1II ,I'ililiiiilg I yards of 32oi of (iiiiighai, costni , k it * th ya d . . t '2.00. -1111 Voil, costing 0.a5n0.$. .4 ld$.41pe ya . I~li \\h1 (0hrdn 1krig inh(iga ,cotn 174 Paul Jones Middies Mother'd F7indpWrshySudt voltTHEBOYSl Wells Clardy CompanyATn TIo see them is to lilY theml. W'e have the iln p)1lain andifan, Vtiii. r an(i lors it, izes fr0om :,0 yhn's to hi years, LAaRN'S nS pal rnd t:y go to tinha indi.y. Price Praye .~~o, $3.of0,2-nch Gingam Voil.costin GO D L CETOT AD0.o