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* O~CROSS 111LL NEWS. Cross 11111, April 28.-Itev. W. P. Turner, who has been in failing health for a few years, has been right sick the last two -weeks and is still unable to be up. le is suffering from blood )ressure and his physician advises that he keep his bed a few more weeks as lie is rather weak yet. Illis many friends here and throughout the county wish and hope for him a speedy and complete restoration to former good health. Miss Mary Pool, who has made her home here with her grandmother for a few years, was recently married to Mr. John liaffner of Chester. The mar ringe took place at Greenwood at the home of the bride's uncle, .1r. James Spearman. The happy couple came over from Chester Sunday to see the bride's grandmother, 'Mrs. W. B. Fuil ler. iMrs. liaffner is a fine young lady and during her sojourn in Cross l1ll endeared herself greatly to all with whom she associated. All these are happy In hearty congratulatIons. Mr. Haffner is a promising young man en gaged in railroading with headquar ters at Chester. Lieut. Henry G. 'Culbertson, who has been in the iwar service as transport quartermaster since early last. fall with headquarters at Baltimore, received an honorable discharge Saturday and Is expected home this afternoon. Mr. 'Rufus F. Walker and family went down to Cha'ppells Sunday to visit their relatives, the daughters of the late Mr. James Dukes, 'who are making their home for the present at that -place. Mr. Joe A. Guthrie, agent and opera tor at this place, his son James, who holds a similar position at Whitmire, and their wives are off for a few days' excursion to Washington, D. C. and other intervening places. Rev. J. G. .Wilson and 'Mr. A. M. Hill went to Fairview church near Kinards Sunday where the former presented 'the cause of education and filled the Tegular appointment of Pastor D. W. Garvin. Mrs. lary Robertson andl her sis ter, Airs. Corrine Boyd are off on a few days' visit to their sister, 'Mrs. Belle Poore at Williamston. Private Henry Smith who has seen DELIGHTFUL REEDY FOR LAZY LIVER Calotabs, the Perfected Nausealess CalomelSets the Liver Right Without tha Slightest Nausea or Danger. Feel meain. look yellow? Your Iiv~er is out. of fix! The poisonous hile is being retained in your system. You say I know calome*l will set mec striaightt, but 1 inikmle to takei ('alomeill. Why niot try ('alotabis, the iuitiedi (enlOmelt' that is as detlight ful to take ais it is beneleial in cleansing the liv er,. and pur ifyinig tihe system? ('alo tabls give you1 all oft the(-valuale' tmedle tirely freed fr'om the unpIilasant andi ltme with it 'swallow~ of' wal''r. that's no taltt Yosuik upt in the '9norn-a I ins efelin ln.1 ' t s W it a la i ve and a ea'yapet' e I' a ha o hilOns h -Ai. UOLLIANDh, a oreenwn oo ianhao r ron - To largetdealed tm meusIcl instun mas in" Wtrnath Caro Wllin' Ils paits selirhlye wito 'aoans (an) aewing machines. Reference: The Blank of Greenwood tho oldest andi etrongest Blank in dreenwood County, service on the firing line of France, has many interesting experiences to relate of modern warfare. 'Lt. Wn. Erakine Ttrner has gone to Denver, Col., where his older brother is engaged in business, to accept em ployment in that mountain city. 'Mr. W. A. Workinan, who has been right sick for ten days, is rapidly Im proving. The cool, dry oweather is retarding the coming-up of cotton, but farmers are securing fairly good stands in some places. ** * * * . * ** ** *** * * *0 MUSGROVE NEWS. * 'Musgrove, April 28.--rhe farmers have about finished planting their crops and are looking forward for a good rain. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Anderson and family were spend-the-day guests of Mr. Johnny Adair. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. 'Myers spent Sunday with Mir. and 'irs. C. R. Cooper. B3orn to Mr. and Mrs. Olen J. Bolt a daughter, Dorothy Elizabeth. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Glenn spent Sun (lay afternoon :with Mrs. Lucy Glenn. We are glad to know that Miss Eva Bolt is improving and will soon be back at her work. .1Messrs. Pierce, Vernon, W. M. and .James 'Myers and Miss Ruth Myers spent the week-end with MNrs. J. E. Tinsley at Spartanburg. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Trammell and family visited the latter's .parents, 'Mr. an(d .frs. Prince, Sunday. Mrs.'C. R. Cooper and Mrs. M. 0. Clark spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. 0. J. Bolt. Mrs. E. T. Woodruff and children visited 'Mrs. C. C. Davis Sunday. 'Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Owens and family visited 'Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Chaney re cently. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bramlett and son, William, and Mr. E. Bramlett were the recent guests at the Bolt house. Mrs. R. B. Glenn has been on the sick list for several days and is im proving slowly. Mr. and Mrs. W. 'm. M1yers and Miss es Ruth AMyers, Ruth and Ethel Bolt and James .Myers went fishing Friday afternoon and one fish was caught by Miss Ethel Bolt. Griffith Romance Well Conceived. D. W. Griffith's magnificent svpecta cle, "llearts of the World," about which so much has been heard here and of which so much has been -writ ten, will be the special attraction for a v(ry limited engagement at the Opera House two (lays, May 5th an( 6th, matinee and night. The coming of peace makes partic u laily timely this tremendous histori cal dociilent of Mr. Griflith's. The ending of the great struggle in Europe adds a peculiar interest to the data col lected by the famous producer (luring the long months lie worked amid the din anld death of hattle to bring back to lhe Amnericenn people a r'omuantic story woven about the s)lenid ( people of France; their great love, their light laughter, thelir hopes andl featrs, the hiereic fort ituide or the women, the glory of the men of battle. It wo'uld( seeml impossi le thiat any man4 4. ho(wve ab'le 41)4, couild have visited wari-Ior Fm1ranace and1( brought hack anythiung save the scenes of struggle anad the awfuli devastation that follow 44d. it is ti-efeore atll thle moreI'4 re markable4414 antd ani added4(i tibte to t his nekno444w I~e dramat41 4414IC genuills that his "I b-arts of I l4- Wor1'ld" shou41ld be4 d4 4 r 4 i bl. Mr. (b 1iit h44:ts 114 us i th w rb war4 no-rely as th a'4ckgrdound fol '4r a4 -i'V as- ronn1ainli' and4 b4eau4tiful as n:1 V ai. 'ii J l" and) with a\ much-S414 .4 hi'.r and) 1oa whob44 1 ome2 e1- 1'I 4 4'ly. In I7- h is report n 441od4 ion 4 made141, in I-'r:' 4e4' nt it h:1 bown" to th ii' .\merican.41 be 4 V of1 I- ' nw 1 14h' 4 t 4 ~.le 4h - ill 4 > h41j4 r wal41 1147 44 iiiu 4'44 rie a4'1'; 4o). i pe lallt for' "Ilart 41iof the4 WorbIl",' from' 4.au4lical 4'rities, both11 for4 the4 beau-1 in 41 w i(ch it ilts (4vet'4 y cene4 and4( ac4tion4 or th~e produic4(tion. The Strong Withstand the Winter Cold Better Thuan the \Veak You must have IHealth, Strength and En durance to fight Colds, Grip and Influenza. When your blood is not in a healthy condition anid dloes niot circulate properly, y our system is unable to withstand the Winter cold. GROVE'S TASTELE3SS Chill TONIC Fortifies the System Against Colds, Grip arid Influenza b)y Purifying and Enriching the Blood. It contains the well-known tonic prop erties of Quinine and Iron in a form acceptable to the most delicate stomach, and is pleasant to take. You can soon feel its $trengthenlnd. Invigoratind Effect. O0c. Card of Thanks. eetig of Jjureis Lodge. We wish to thank the many friends A special mecting of Laurens LodgD who so kindly helped us during the No. 260, A. F. M. Is called for rurs- L A r sickness and death of our dear hus- day night, May , at 8:30 o'clock, when band and father, 'Mr. Albert Oscar 1l- the Ml . --. (egree will be conforred. GRADUA TE more, who left us and entered the life Members are urged to attend and all VETERINARY SURGEON & DENTIST Beyond on April 23rd. May God's rich- brothr Masons re Invited. Service Day and Night est blessing rest on ee and every By order: one.0, ). M. oi lood, W. . Charges Reasonable Wife and Children. g. L. Taylor, Sety. Will Appreciate Your Patronage. - Telephones: Residence 201; Office 45 The First Office at Posey's Drug Store. t lef re u ta aO aOY YOUR EASTER RIDE Entirely Free from Gave ~atarote Somci RPI~ iIt will be necessary to have your car ye Catarrlifo the StomachREAKN Piun asPsiiel on in good order. To Insure Its being hi) Relief l good condition bring your auto to our Recompe=1eaavtobeanetme andeag a Ternreds beort e tof bedun shop and have us remedy any defects relief and while I always so D It in the house for emerr. tht may exit and put your car Into onsiSer myself entrely r goo running order. Such precaution ro eCatarhr of ghe Rtoman, Wlrfor o from whiPh I uft on youi WOffic at Pylong before taking this remedy." the car and yourself. Safety first! Pnld oord ELIABLE GARAGE CO goodds, cnio briNext to Wilkes & Co. THRIFTY BUYERS WILL FIND UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITIES TO SAVE ON SPECIALS OFFERED BELOW New Dresses Crepe DeChine Dresses in the Styles and materials now And Georgette \Vaists in demand here in a most unusual varietyn andat he pecal rics o: Nwadgdind S rue ndn ore.cpnato a n d a t h e S p e i a l P r i e s o f :V a l u e s a t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5 . 7 5 Georgettes ..........................................$11 .95 Rounds, V, Square Neck and Collarless Styles Taffetas . ..... 17.75 Assortment of Colors. Crepe De-Chine and Taffeta Combina tio n s ............................................ 2 7 .7 5 S s k f o r D a r ge W ForDresndepot oWkr.&Co .Newe re Dresses~ etrn aetinvtosi atsTio tinesSetinestadeSerylssinnd leasirgavariet Copeemand hiN amotunsayvrit an teSpecial Price tof:v Qik r eined Chiffeta oia-ite rani tions....................................................... 2.75.........-..,..-... Spin CatSutsanCas OanySeshand exeta Dpcav fSyis-Rtut o p ag oer LFues et$orreanSprWe.