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Ladies' Coat Suits Lad' Ladies' Silk Lde'Sl Hosiery k BU IT I aAURs ENSts Ladies' Silk Lad'e' Kid Kimonas THE CHRISTMAS SEASON IS HERE. Gloves The Spirit of Christmas is Beginning to Fill the Air. Begin Your Christmas Buying Now. VISIT The stores of Laurens, and ask your friends to do likewise. Every citizen of Laurens and Laurens county has a part to play m the commercial future of Laurens and Laurens section, and we, as merchants of Laurens, ask for your patronage--not on sentiment or patriotism, but on the principle that it is to you- own best interest. If you buy in aurens you are helping not only the merchant you buy from, but you are helping the whole com mity therefore, you can t afford to shop elsewhere. By shop ping with your home merchant you can help to make Laurens a larger tc and this a more prosperous community. THEN, BUY IT IN LAURENS. SUGGESTIONS FOR LAURENS HOLIDAY SHOPPERS CLAIRDY & WILSON CLAIIDY & WILSON CLARDY & WILSON CLAIIIDY & WILSON LINEN TIABLE 'DAMASK SOFA PILLOWS LADIES' SILT ('REPE-IW-CII INE WAISTS CIIIIiI)RN VA LINEN TAI3IE DOILIES SOFA PILLOW 'PS I)IIbS' GIORGETE CREPE SIIRTWAISrS INFANT STOPS LINEN LUNCII CLOTHS TABLE COVERS IES' SILK KI.\ION.\S CliiLDR I E LINEN lII'CK TOWELS LAUNDRY IBAGS 'LADIES' ('REI'E KIMONAS IILISI LINEN DAMASK TOWELS COLORED TIURKISII ''OWELS 1A1)IES' 8I1K I'E'TICOATS SHAKER I LINEN GUEST TOWELS TURKISIH BATh MATS IAI)IES' SILK hOSIERY ('IIILDLN IW A (LARDY & WILSON ('hARDY & WILSON PlAIN WOOL BLANKETS LAIES' Kl1 GLOVES 'IARGE SILK MI'FF'IEIS COIN PURSE PLAII) VOOL, BLANKETS/ LADIES' LIATIIER IIAND BAGS LARGE MIDDY TIES VANITY s SILKOIINE COMFORTS LADIES' SILK IIAN) BAGS LADIES' LINEN IIAN:I)ERClIIEFS CARl) CA PCRE SILK COMFORTS e1AIES' NE EAR IAI)IES EMBROIDERED IIANDKERCIIIEFS BAR PINS \I II'TE M ARSAiLLES QUIIJCS LAIES' COLLAR AN) CUFF SETS LADIES' CREPE-DE-CIII IIANDKER- ('Ul'l" PIN INDIAN BLANKETS LAD)IES' BITDOIR CAP~S ChIlEFS IN IIOI.II)AY BOX ES BROOCHEA: Make Clardy & Wilson's your shopping place for holiday, goods. Here you'll find im oat every item packed in holia oe. N rul to show goods at this store. You are always welcome. MILLINEYandCLARDY & WILSON L "QUALITY SERVICE and FAIR PRICES" HOLIDAY RIBBONSLur s,..0@- S.CrLaisKdGoe LA ES' COCAaNDCrF.ST INNDIAN1 BLANKETSI~ LADE'S- U-ED-HN WIT llDRNSSETR * S* * i111.1, G' it0lVI: N\~i Ws. " "* . * t h " i- * * * * S * * * * . * e iIolly Ol ro( I . I c. I. \r. I)laven port .\1iilaini ha: Il rcihas di a a Ia I Ilat r ICCormliek, wheWree 1t is sOWing.i grain and preparing to moI0ve in Ile niear Ifli ture. I )avenuuort is a yoting inan of man~y fine tutalities and will be missed by friends and acquaintances here. Miss Frances Templeton, of Atlanta, spent last. week with her muother. Messrs George and Clarence Moore visited friends in this vicinity last week. Little It. Shockley had the misfor tune to hreak his leg some time ago. Your correspiondent has a porker that would compete with I Gus Wof ford's prize shoat. Very little grain is being sown in this community. With the high price of foodstuff an -over-production of cotton next year would mean ruin, so farmers take warning in time. We are indebted to Earl Blakely, 31ra. V. Ray Anderson and others, for favors. S* $ S * In Memory of I. ''illuan Moore. * a s 1. Tillman .\loore died Nov. 29, 1915. -One year ago today our darling Till man left us; hut time can never blot from our memory that bright presence who was the light of our home. flow we miss him! We hardly realize that be is gone--that never again In life will we hear that glad voice singing tbeering us with the sunshine of his presence. Sleep on dear Tillman, sweet he thy rest, We needed you but God knew best; God's will he done,--ile doeth well, But how we need you no tongue can tell. Nis absence draws nearer, Hetween us there hangs just a thread; To is there could be no one dearer We that---he's missing, not dead.'' "Lovrd Ones". State of Souit.h Carolina, 'ounty of Laurens.. IN COURT OP COMMON P'I,:AS 3. C. Smith, Ind. and as Ex., etc., plaintiff, - against Jeggle A,,c. teligsney, et a.), (efppdaanl. Pirg ant to' a Decree of tle Cqurt . A hbWV ki R'sth ted ' ;'eI Will sell at pllhlic outcry to It hihliest Kidldier, at' I,:iz rens) , C. 11., S. '., () Salesday III .lnuiry 1ex1, being; .\onday the I'A day o 1 11 1 1h 41n11h, during t hIse l gaI !hou . !,mr .euc'h sales:, the. Iollowing, de :cribe hd 11ro, wrty. to u\ it :1 .\I1 11h41 lot otr 1a1'e4-1 of lanid lying, be4in11g1g.1 -aIn IiI - n1a1r Waterloo, c404n tY :and :late afores :aid. c4ntainin) 1thirl 1-fo41 ' 1:' 1 acr s. Im4or1e or les., , knotwn au 1o No). I 1 of theIv r 4a vstat lf I Io ant aI ker dilet )' :lo , bouided I b lands n W 01 for rIy owned by .\. I la -is, .lat ' . .\ . Sm ith, l'. 1U. F*uller anl othe .. Tems fI 's: One-half (ash, 1a1 ane to ) . paid twelve months flrom date of . ale; the credit portion to be secured by bond and mortgage of the purchaser over the said premises, bearing legal interest from date, with leave to purchaser to pay his entire bid in cash. Purchaser to pay for pa pers. If the terms of sale are not complied with, the hand to be re-sold on same or some subsequent Sa1lesday on Samlie terms, at risk of former pur chaser. C. A. POWI0l1, C. C. C. P. and (. S., Laurens, S. C. Dated this Dec. 131h, 1916. 21-3t By virtue of the authority vested in me as Administrator with the will an nexed in the matter of the 10state of Mrs. It. L. .0ones, deceased, said au thority being given ile in Item ii of the said will, which reads as follows: "''hat my son .ohn II. .Jones have all my land on th right, or west side of the road runn1 g hy the house, during his life time, s t his death to he mold and equally d 'ided betwgen O. II. P. .Jones, W. 11. ones, R.,A. Jones and the ehildren or my daughter 1illza Jenkins and . .Jos." I will sell at p lilc auction to the highest bid( i ff cash, purchaser to pay for papirIfin or in front of the Cour1t1 liouse 1{t, L~auren:s, South C:aro lina, the following described real es tate: All that. piece, parcel and tract of land, lying and being, and situate in the County of Laurens and State of South Carolina, about two miles south east of the Town of Fountain inn, be ginning at a stone on pld road and running thenc N 59 1-4 f- 13.25 to a stone, thence N 69 1-4 1, 19.40 to a stone on branch, thence down said branch S 20 10 11.50 to a poplar, thence Y 12 W 5.76 to a stone on branch, thence S 31 I-.1 1: 9.00 down said branch to a stone, thence S 31 W 7.30 to a black gum. thence N lt1 V 3.00 to a :;tone, thence N 37 1-2 W 6.50 to a muaple, llhence N I t' 1-2 WV 3.68 to a stone, thence S 76 ,-2 W .51 to a stone by black gum, thence'S -it 1-2 V 11.10 to a stone, ti" nee N I 1-I W 16.78 to beginning corner, containing 56 acres. more or less, and bounded by land of .ohn II. .Jones 10state, .1. 1). (aylord, W. I). Garrett and others. SaId sale to he made on Salesday in .anuary, 1917, being the 1st day of said month, duriig the legal hoprs for sich ales. .:An~d said $91e will h 40 gubjef' to a rent hontr'act .for 'tieda r 1917''f'o i:'on't 'firied of I .i, I ife | :t If I !u li ins allow ei ] i ai d 4:1 41 lf 4tit,'l:2 t I s h day of I ho mber1f, lIl T. . I O IS .\ II ilinIi.=l iir;4 11 w illi \\'ill .\itnn e cd. it.A \ It I'l'T 1.1 1.F. )istriclt ('ouri of the 1'1ni1.d Sates Western listrilt of soutth ('arolina. li the Iialter of W. C. Italb, Foun tain Inn, . C. IN lt.\ NKI UI'TCY. P'ursuant to order of .1. .1. .\leSwain, E's:., Rieferee in Itn(ruplcy, dated je cember 5, IM1, ntioce Is hereby given Ihat I will sell at public auction be fore the Court iotuse at Laurens, S. t., to the highest bidder for (nsh, otn MIonlay, .anuary I, 1917, between the hours of II o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock 11. .\. the following described tracts of real estate, free and discharged frot any lien outslanding against same, in eluding the right of dower. Any such highest bidder at the sale of such property shall immediately pay to the 'T'rustee, or to his agent or attorney, ten per cent of the amount of his bil, either in cash or by certtilfed fheck iyable to the order of the Trustee herein, and be reuiired there after to comply with the terms of hits bid within ten days frot date of such sale; unless it shall appear that the title offered by the Trustee to the pur chaser is not good and marketable anrd to the 'T'rustee shall be refunded. It to the 'T'rustee shall be refunded; if however. the highest bidder shall fail to comply with the terms of his bid within ten days from date of sale with out sufficient legal excuse, then said ten per cent so deposited shall be for felted to the estate as liquidated dam ages for breach of contract. The following Is the property to be sold: Tract No. "1. All that tract of land containing I18.75 acres, more or less, bounded by lands of Ft. A. Nash, W. M Nash, S. I. Gray and W. C. Deck, and having such metes and bounsd as wll appear by reference to survey of samin made by W. M. Nash on September 6 190, situate on Neeley Ferry Road in Laurens County. 'Tract No. 2. All that tract of land on waters of South Rahun Creek, con. taining 129 acres, more or less, being the same tract of land described in plat. made by W. M. Nash, surveyor, of September G, 1909, hounded by land: of Willis Coker and is also described in a dead rec orded in the it. .\. C. of fl;-e for ILaurens County in Deed [tool S, page 63. A I,EICHiT S. .101lNSTON', 'T'rustee in fankruptcy. 21-:t Coliumbia, S. C \' I 'A 1'08t011'.I Lax-Fos, A MilId, Effactive .axative & Liver Toni Does Not Gripe nor. Disturb the Stomach. In addition to other properties-, Lax-Fo contains Cascara in acceptable. form stimulating Laxative andTonic. Lax-] o acts effectively and does not .gripe no dsturtjytongeh. At the sene tipne it aid igretion,rouse the liver and seche on atodrstore"t11e healthy funttons. 50e Sl ate of Sout h t'a rolin.1, (111nt11 of l.nrt n , Si of launrens. .\N OlRDIN \N('I: )11posin an 1111 a111 lax 4 n)11 l! lax :thh- proert in ( , t'ilt (fd ' 1 14: - 1tibet t 4 nert he I1(. , rdinary iex ils 's o ' the it of l trfr ees for Ihe lkh'al year comm eneing .January ISt, 19io and to pay fihe legal obliga lions of said city, anof also to ev'S and collet a stiyient afount to meet te interest to becom de ueup on41 the bonded indebtedness of the said ity for. the year 1917, and to raise a sinking fund for thle pamnent of said bondled indebtedness. le it ordained by bihe City Counfl of the C'ity of Laurens: Section . That a tax of seventy live (75) cents on every one hundred 1 4dollars' worth of property, real and personal, not exempt by law from tax ation, wit hin the orporate lmits of t flthe City of uren, be and he same i is hereby levied for corporate Ir poses to pay the current expenses of e the Ciy of Laurens for the dfusal year, commencing January 1st, 1917, and to meet such other Indebtedness as has been legally contracted by said city for corporate purposes: That an addition al levy of sixty-five (65) cents on ev ery one hundred dollars worth of the assessed value of all property, real and personal, not exempt from taxa tion, situate within the corporate im ts of the City of Laurens, he and the came is hereby levied, to meet the In terest accruing on the bonded Indebt edness of the City of Laurens during the hiscal year 1917, and to create a sinking fund to be used in aid of the retirement and payment of said bonds, and he excess, if any, shall be used by the City Coucil for other corporate purposes. Sec. 2. That the Ierk of the said city shall enter sai levies and asess ments upon the books of the said city and receive aid .taxes. That the aid taxes herein levied shall be paid to the said City Clerk in lawful money of the United States on or before the ot day of larch, A. D. 1917, and any person, firm or corporation failing to pay said taxes when due shall be lia ble to a penalty of 15 per- centum of the tax so levied, and also costs of Is suing execution and collection as now provided by law for the failure to pay the general County and 'eate taxes. Done and raIlfled by the City Coun eAl of the City of Laurens and the or porate seal of the said city hereto af ixed, this the 41th day of December, In the year of 01ur Iord one housand nine hundred and sixteen and in the one hundred and forty-first year of the sovereigrnty and Independence, of the Uinited Stofon of Amoerl-a. CITY OF i,A iUCNP' Attest: ily .1. C. Owigs, M1ayor, C'. XV. KiTClilCNS, 9 ity Clerk.'. 21-31 Plies Ctare4 In 6 to 14 Days s pa dn -$11 t il eend - s y11teP M l if MN *Wto l b E Ia b Blankets! SPFCIAL VALUE IS OFFERED IN THIS LINE Eiderdown. Extra Heavy Cotton Flan nels. Underwear. ALL WOOL and HEAVY FLEECED Cotton Hosiery. AT W. G. Wilson & Co. Advertise in These Columns---It Will Pay You! I,'en ou wan Advertiser'Printing Co. Laurens, S. C. s H ARCOURT COloisvile, Ky cIi' )wwrACTwtCi 1 C VIEPs t h s frnlltn S~t-t " l i tlt C ~ *1i~S Y r. +~t~. ~r. ":3 i .liz i.r .. . .. :ir;. .V _ ... '