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" 0 * ORAY COURT ROUTE TIIIEE. *d * ''0 Gray Court, Route 3, Dec. 4.---Miss Clara Oarrett entertained at her home to ) a leap year party on Thanksgiving p night. A number of leaves werd drawn In different colors, these were cut in halves, each girl tld boy drew I one half and the girl" were to tind their mntes by matchging tile leave' . After this the couples muriched into the dining room where cake and cream were served. They then whiled the hours away by playing a niimber of e( games. A number of friends were 1 present and ever yone : fiemed to enjoy themselves. ' Mrs. .1. S. 'T'odd and little Blanch 1t were the guests of her mother, 'Mirs. W. W. Cannady recently. IN. ). Garrett and family were the h spend-tlhe-day guest of Mr. and 'Mrs. p S. E. Riddle, their daughter, Thursday. d Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williams ate din ner with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Garrett Thanksgiving. B. It. Garrett and W. I). Hollis were the visitors at a turkey dinn1er at Mir. Will Donnon's Thanksgiving. We are glad to learn of Lee West purchasing the .leans place. Mr. West is now occupying the house. We wish him well. , c Mirs. 1H. A. Holcombe and little girls, t Rosalee and Luenettle were visitors at I Jn Riddle's Friday. ir. and irs. Chesly lughes are , now making their home with their daughter, Mrs. Leilah Owens at Watts I Mill. The many friends of Sydney Ed wards will be interested to know that he is visiting in Laurens county again, Mr. Edwards was reared in this coun ty but has been making his home in Cuba for a number of years. He will visit these parts for a month. Miss Clara, Altha and Letha Wil liams, also Miss Clara Garrett spent Saturday night with Miss Blanch and Madge Williams near Bramletts. Luriman and Malvin Williams visit- 2 Eugene Todd Sunday. I Messrs. W. L. and 1. H. Garrett we in Laurens Saturday. Mr. C. 1). Green and Mrs. WV. G. Put m's relatives of Bethany were vist Irs at their homes di-ring the latter rt of the week. .lyrs. .l. 1). WVll1a:" and sister, Mr;. die I low0V;IL(. attendIe services!.4 at, 'amlellts Sundclay afternoon. FINAL SETT'r'i,1EENT Take notice, that on the 13lth day of inuiry. 1917, I. will render a fi nal ac 1int of ily ncts and donlgts as Ilx uItor of the 'e.-tatCe of Natn ie .1. inn1ks. deceased, in tihe olice of the Idge of Probate, of I aturens coutyi, I I1 o'clock a. Im1. and oil the Same y will apily fpr a lina1 discharge I om my trusts - nd IXCc'utor. Any person i ted to said estate notiflied and equired to make pay eat on that <itce and all persons tving claims gainst will resent thema n 0 -.efore said date, 1 Lly proven or e forever barred. A. N. 1111AMLODTT, cc. 1 ,*1916.-1 mo. 1!xecutor. [HIS STOPS HAIR FROM FALLING OUT lever count the dead hairs in your omb and brush? They are nature's airiing of future baldness and proof hat the dlangerous dandruff germ is usy on you scalp. i)r. Sang 'bund, the famous Paris peeialist, irst. discovered that dan [ruff and ailing hair Aro caused by a aierobe. Then c wnKthe discovery of he valu of i eal Parisian Qmge (Ii Iu1d for H i destroying the dandruff erm and promptly prevetnting the urther loss of hair. The effect of only hree days use of Parisian Sage is Limply marvelous and the American >cople have now awakened to the fact hat they can be quickly rid of dandruff tnd save their hair by using Parisian Sage. Parisian Sage is sold by Laurens Drug Co. and good druggists every where. It's inexpensive, daintily per fumed, free from stickiness, and will surely cause hair to grow soft, lustrou md really seem twice as abundant. ICIOLLS PLANS * c BIG0 SENSATION b ins Not Given Up His Fight on Traxler. Says Notling, Though It is Known That lie liss leen Proceed lug ('autiotsly With Schenie. WVaslington, :Dee. 10.--It becnane nolwn here today, although he would 1 Iake no coluiment on what he pro 10oes doing, tlat a big sensation re t :;irding the Greenville pc-stoilee I natter Is in sight, wi Cong ressnan am .. Nicholls ono of the intc,.stcdI .\Ir. Nicholls r( turned to Washi intg on .\londay and was immtediately ueen by Th'ie State's corresp~ondent and isked for ain outline of his phuis. lie stated very frankly that he liad not hanged his mind as to what he' in Iended to do regarding this matter, )it that for .thie present he preferred not to say anything for publication I ioncerning fihe situation which has already become interesting not only in South Carolina but elsewhere for the precedent which it creates. It has been ascertained from other sources that Mr. Nicholls has been proceeding with caution in his efforts to oust Postmaster D. B. Traxler from tho Greenville oflice and that the statements made by some of those unfriendly to him that they did not believe he wanted Mr. Traxler out, as this would relieve him from the ne cessity of mtaking a choice from , among other candidates for the place, has served to spur Mr. Nichols on to act more forcibly than befdr(1e. It is known that. concerted action on the part of Mr. Nicholls and those here who are assisting him in what they believe a good fight to have the postoflce department deliaro the Greenville oflice vacant is soon to be taken and that it will prove highly interesting to the people in South Carolina. The fact that Mr. Nicholls will make no statement for publication at the present time and that from other sources it is learned that lie is pro Dedin'g cautiously in the matter, paves little room to doubt that a son ation of more than ordinary size is 1 sight in the very near future. it Wi-'E'S STOIIY Slit. P'IlSE S 1..A11'1{1E:NS The following has suriprised Ilau ens: A businew'. ma1n11's wife suffered ro111 dysp1eipsia aInd conltipationl for eaIrs. .\lholugh hie dieted she was so loated l.r 'lothies would not lit. ONl* 'DO)\l-'El bu("ckthorn bark"I, glycerine, W.. as mixed in .\dler-i-ka relieved er IN.S.\NTILY. Ilerause A\dler-i-ku talpties IO''ll largo and sinalil inties ine it reli -es ANY CAS' constipla iou, sour st nach or ga an11d prevents DIun (ticiI i.. I Ilu1rJQtIC'I(I'1TI ael ion I a1nylhing'Wever sold. The l'r11eka )rug Co. Ilonor 11011 of Wad4sworth School.* 1"irst G rade- S-twart -3"rown, Joe Y~orkman11. Second (;rade--laouise Buford, iPolir G"rade-Aildred WorkI1an, I Lois Workman. Fifth Grade:-Agnes Davis, Ruth Workman. Sixth Grade----Carrie '3ell Workman, Agnes Young, Marian Workman, D. Williams, Dallas Boyd. Eighth Grade-Josephine Workman, Charles Williams. Tenth Grade-Seyborn Day. TRADE MARK1 IlAllt TONIC is sold by us on a guarantee to be a reliable preparation for keeping the scalp and hair in a healthy condition. Let u1s explain its merits to you. Sold only hy us, :0c a1.d $1.00. Good for Constpation. 'Chamberlain's Tablets are excellent for constipation. They are pleasant to take and mild and gentle in effect. Obtainable everywhere. Drives Out Malarla, Builds Up System The Old Standard general strengthening tonic, GROVE'S TASTEI.8S chili TONIC, drives out Malariaenriches the b'loodand builds up the sys tem. A true tonic. For adults and children. 50c. 14, Can You Do One Thing Better Than Anyone Else? If so, as the su.} irn gouc, the World will make a ;eatrln pf;;h , to your doir, \'e "ill hUg . ou live in a trackless iorest. We. the mnakers of YAM NUTS are b eg:'inning to belleve tbis. Else, iwhiy the steli'.: Inceasing demand for our newr cereal; Again, we are trying to deserve to have all the World come knocking at our doors for its breakfast. We are putting into Yam Nuts the cream of conscien tious effort. First of all, the best, selected, juiciest yams are chosen --thus is 1uri'ty assured. Next, modern, sau itary clea niliness is employed. You may he sure, when you are enjoying your morning YA.\M NUTl'S, that whole somen ess 1lnderlis "that unforgettable Ilavor" . .et the kiddies h1ave all they want. Fill upl the growiniwoy's.. pocket with YA'\ NIITS-ail let te?4e&!wz him eat it like--pipelorn -see iff he doesn't vote it the best ever! THE WILLIAMS CO. Sole \lanufaturers (Greenville, S. C. Coming Soon. YAN FLAKES, a Dlcos Golden Flake of pure Di- Wholesome clousniess. CT W* I4a Wu.4 1i84i(f i( 'WIttI AMS V--a ,4 4 GR(NviMt COMPANY Y"e SC \ c 'et 1u "The Most Attractive Plan for Saving Money Ever Devised" MEN-WOMEN-BOYS-GIRLS-LITTLE CHILDREN-BABY SHOULD JOIN OUR CHRIST.MAS BANKING.CLUB u. The Reasons for The r Have ever member o Christmas Banking Club N our fam iyM To provide a way for those of moderate and even small means to save money. To teach thrift to old and young by a systematic method of saving a specified sum each week. The Christmas Banking Club makes it easy for all to save. e,? d *;/ " = " Saving money is the one sure way to have money. ; Motlrefrue ean with small savings. ho yo uanii~ng Many small deposits n ake a large sum; as the amount in creases, your intere in your balance increases, 'nd it is Club that interest called the saving habit," that leads to wealth. To give all "a ba connection" so that they will learn the to""i ~;~ ,'t O many ways in w ich our bank can be of service to them., oeI; s bu t __ __ __ __ __ _WHAT THE DIFF CLUBS WILL PAY YOU 1ic Club, 2c Club 5c Clul? 10c Club 50c Club $1.00 Club$50ClbX lu I1ST WEEK .. .. .....e 1STIWE 2c 1,411 WEEK......5 5e S 1l EK.......Ilic 1ST' WEEK1 ...) 1ST' WEEK .0 l's~o T IS ' l( 2\1) EK. .. .e'1111 WE K. ..Ae2DW E ...0 \I) WEE . .2e2\D WEEK .....o 3 WEEK ..1.00 2\1) 1 k ,3111 WEEK .........3c 31W WEEK ........Oc t31U1 WEEK . .I 81 EK........floe :tRI) WEEK .........A0 1 W c MIDu WEEK . . o .01 ,i ii $ Incease every week by Ic Increase every week by 2c Increase ever~y week by be In~crease every Week by lbc D~eposit 50c evr W eek{ Deposit $1.00 (v 13 w~eek I)elIit ' (e'i. ek$1 Trotal In 50 Weeks Total In ;0Weeks Total in 0 Weeks Total In 50) Weeks 'total in 50 We eks 'Total In ;.0 We&eks I otli .0 e O $12.75, $25.50 $63.75 $127.50 $25.00 "$50.00$200 I YOU CAN BEGIN WITH THE LARGEST PAYMENT FIRST AND DECREASE YOUR PAYMNT EAHW K THE PLAN OF THE CLUB IS SIMPLE HOW TO JOIN---IT COSTSNTIG'OJI You begin with a certain amount, 1c, 2c, 5c or 10e, and ire t .-e your It is Very Easy to Join Our CrsmsBnigCu deposit the same amount each week. Or, N-.u can begin with a certain amount, 50c, $1.00, $5.00 or any amount, and deposit tl-e satie aamount tech All you need to do is to come intoouhnkwhlcc,2orcr week. 50Sc, $1.00, $5.00 or any amount and tellusvhhClbyuwhtoji.W There is a Club for Everybody. Pick cut the c'ub you want to join ar d will make you a member of the Club andgvyoaBAKOKshwn bring in your first--p epnt.. Do it today. I the Club you have joined. COME- IN AND ASK ABOUT IT WE PAY FOUR PER CENT INTEREST ON YOUR CHRISTMAS BANKING CU , Lam ON ENTRPRSE ATINALBAN b'ojhoyo cange