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Xb VOLU.VlE XXXII. LAURENS, SOUTH CAROLINA, W DNESDAY, D ECEMBER 13,1986.ER2 P[AC PROPOSALS W[R[ MAD[ BY IB[_GERMANS Y[SUEROAYI' Chancellor Von Bethmann-Hollweg Receives Repre sentatives of the United States, Spain and Other Neutral Countries and Signifies Willifgness on the' Part of Central Powers to Enter into Peace Nego tiations Forthwith. (Spartainhtrg Journal.) Ierlin, )ee. 12.-(y Wireless.)-Giierany and her allies propose to etier fotl' lwit h into peaee negot iat ions. Chianvellor \ol I lihann iiii -Iloll weg received the rep resentat ives of the 1'nited States, Spain and Switzerlhnd, the nations protecting Ger 11111 interests ini hostile trmiit ies i1nd gave them a Iote. wh ich he asked that they br-ing to the knowledge of the hostile goveI' ments. Proim1sals1.1' wr alIso Inml1sm11itted 11 the Vatican anad all ot he ritnentrals. The proositions, which aso a1e beilg Imade by Aistriai, Turkish :mid Ilinlgarianl gov'erlinlts, ale appropia'te to lastling pwee, itel an 'eellor tohl tle neultril lenvoys. The semi-official news agenciv anniioun11e ing the a-tion said the note woul be read in the Rieiclistag today by the cial ncellor. The semii-Olfieial News Ag en-y annoinneemiienit said: "The (hiancellor thi's inoraning received 0ne after another of 1the reprsentatives of the Ulnited States of' Amuueriea. Simaini an1d Switze-rlan1d. that is the states p roteeling G('rian interests in hostile foreign countries. The han ('llor tranism itted to them ita not( and isked them to brinig it to the knowledge (of tle hostlle govermllents. The note will 1)e riead todhiy iIl the 1R'ilstalg by tle c1 han(ellor. "Tthe no1t sid i lit' fou' allied (eentrill) Iowers l'I op)ose to enter forthwith on11 e'ee negotition1s. T'i'e propositionl which they bring for Sne i Ilegot ions 11 a1C(ording I tiril' firm belief, a1 ppropriate fo' the establishmiienlt of lasting peace. "To the governmnents at Vienna, Constalitiniople and Sofia were trnansmitted identical notes and also they were eom niiicated with the lloly See and all other netural governments." , I. H bWEG'S STATEMENT'I. London, Dec. 12.-A Berlin wireless said Chancellor Hollweg in the Reichstag announed that Germany and her allies "conscious of their responsibility before God, before their own nation and before hiuianity" hive proposed to hostile powers to enter into peace negotia tions. THE T RMS OF PFACE. Washington, Dec. 12.----Itr in adviees to the German embassy indi eated the German peace terims generally propose the restoration of the .tatus quo before the war with.the exception of the establishment of in dependent kingdoms of Poland, and Iithmania. - They are understood to propose the complete restoration of the occupied portions of Belgium and France in return for Germany's captured colonies and dispose of the Balkan situation in the peace conference. SURPRISE TO WASHINGTON. Washington, Dec. 12.-News of Teutonic peace proposals was gen orally a distinct surprise here. There was no previous indication that the Central Powerk were about to make proposals. News was sent President Wilson immediately. Secretary Tumulty said here he could not commet uintil he learned how the entente allies had received the proposals. The state department and diplomats received their first informa t,ion through an Associated Press dispatch. The officials assumed the nations addressed were merely asked to transmit the proposals. The United States will do this on receipt of offcial dispatches. Such note is usually not made public. If the proposal is deemed one w'hich both sides might negotiate the United States probably will urge its being taken up. TWO PItISONEIS ESCAPE. C One Is Apprehended Near Clinton, but the Other Has not been Caught. Roy Vaughn, held for breaking into a store at Lydia mill at Clinton, and another young prisoner by the name of Lark, who escaped recently from the state reformatory, made their escape from the county jail Friday night about one o'clock and one of them, Roy Vaughn, still remains at large. Lark, who is a mere lad, was tracked to 'luion the same night by Rural Policeman Owens and City Policeman likely and caught just before he reached the city--limits. Roy Vaughn, who was' t roked in the direction of Fountatin Inn, managed to elude his p.ursu ers, Deputy sheriff Ow1ingus and Poic eian Davenport, and succeeded ir making his escape. The two latter ameers were traveling in a buggy and were not able to make as fast time a; the other officers, who were drivin ; a car of well known make. 'rhe escape of the two culprits was discovered about midnight by City Of ficers Blakely and Reams as they were making their regular rounds. Their suspicion was aroused whenthey saw an improvised rope made of blanket@ hanging frou one of the jaik *106 i and at once aroused the deputy eiietiff. 'fho two prisoners were not fountid- is (C their accustomed cells, so the search for them was immediately begun. The -- ground being soft from the rain which was then falling made it possible t locate their' #aok some distance Iron the Jgil. VpiWh, who made a sue. aesfui p j ,trefesed haimselt *ith dr0 .s 4erdaes and a" A Mr M y' '1od stoyiM 3N dale Station. He also secured a shot. gun there belonljing to Mr . Ler Yeargin besides a box of shells al( a watch. The officers think he is at old hand at the game. Deputy Sherifl Owings followed clues as far n Greenville, but was unable to locate him there. lowever, he made use o his trip there by landing two negroev wanted for other crimes in this coun ty. A rather amusing Incident in con nection with the escape of the tw< 11risoners was their evidelnt disdai for the local Jail, they having an nounced to Mr. Owings just the morn Ing before that they expected to breal out in a Nery short time. They miia"d good their threa', using a hack-say that they had been able to seercte il their cells. Protracted Meetings (lose. The protracted meetings which hav been in Irogress at the Pirst Presby terian church for several weeks cam to a close Sunday night with service participated in by all the other con gregations of the city. Rev. leo. V Belk, who has been conducting th services, preached one of his mo: forceful sermons and many were vis bly affected. The meeting was ver helpful from many standpoints, th inembership of the church being largo 'ly augmented and the spirituality o the congregation greatly revive Thirty members were added to t1 church roll Sunday morning. Re Belk not only made a strong imprei ston in the city as a preacher at evangellot, but made numerous pe 'sonal rlends as well. The. singin 'under the direotion of Mr. owdy. wi 66itotiveofeature otthe.,eg't1!q 'IE.AT INSPECTION SITBLJECT OF WAIIM IIS(lSiSIONS ,coal lutchers Object to Local liealth ((deer and .lient Inspector. Offier Ipheld. Monday afternoon the 'City Council mnd Board of Health held the second oint meeting within a week to con ider complaints being registered by he butchers of the town against health Officer Franks. Also for the second time the Council went on ree )rd as supporting the health depart inent and Mr. Franks. The friction between the butchers und the health officer, a long standing tffair, apparently came to a head last week when the council and health de partment met in joint session to con sider a speiecle complaint brought by \l r. 'Dlon Irvin, a local butcher, against the health oflicer. It was charged by \l r. Irvin that the health ofilcer had condemned and destroyed two hogs which a local veterinary surgeon had declared fit to eat. Members of the board of health absolved Mr. Franks tfroin the charge, stating that .\l r. Franks had acted upon their direction, three of them having visited the city slaughter house and condemned the meat. It was pointed out by members of the board who had examined the hogs that a number of infected places were found on them. To prevent fric tion, however, the board of health recommended and the council adopted the recolnmCndation to allow the health inspector and the butchers to call for expert advice in case of a disagreement in the future. The joint session adjourned with the trouble apparently amicably adjusted. Friday afternoon the former trou ble -broke out again when Officer Franks hesitated to pass a hog car cass belonging to Mr. John Armstrong, the marketman on West Main street. Mr. Franks, according to the state ment of Dr. Ferguson before the joini session yesterday, refused to put the official stamp of approval upon the hog, but offered to arbitrate the mat ter as provided for at the counci meeting. Mr. Armstrong agreed to carry the hog to Clemson college and have il passed on there. Accordingly MIr Franks and Mr. Armstrong carried the carcass to Clemson college and n veterinary surgeon there pronounced the infection as local and the meat as 'harmless in the unaffected portions Upon their return from Clemson. Mr Armstrong notified Health Officer Franks that he would no longer recog nize his authority and refused hin access to his market. Although dir. Armstrong was not a the meeting of council Monday after noon, it was understood that the coun cil met to consider his demand tha Mr. Franks be, discharged on th grounds of incompetency. Upon th convening of the council Dr. Fergu son, of the board of health, reviewe the case as substantially outline - above. lie pointed out that the healt fofileer had n'ot ,acted uipon his ow responsibility In either ease at issu< hav ing receivedl direct Inst rution from the hoard of health to condema and (lestro .\0 Mr. I rvin's two hogs an that be had gone no furt her ini .\ Armtistraong's case than submittin g th maltter to arbitration. in s.u pport .\'..lFrankls' comptent'aCY. Ilr. I'OrantS( -(utotedl a letter fromu the hieaty (1lice of Greenv'ille in wich that gcelnm ('0n11 rmed the d iagnoses oft three li ers sent there b~y Mlr. Franks. I) F lergutson aid tha~ Ilt the boarad ha uim lii tously pa ssedl a r';ol ut ion confidencee in .\r. Frankths and aske the countc il to suista in the 11)In thle! 11os11Ion. Aldermnan WattIs of'ferc some object Ion to the re tenti:on of .\ .. Franks in thle initerest (If ;eace ani harmony, bt upon01 a motion byv Alde nait Fowler the conneil went on recot .. as endlorsing the board'i of healh la o ,its nominee, Mr'. Franks. e In the course of the meetIngs, diI t forent mnember's of the Ihoard of I Iealt -- Dr)1. Ferguson, Dr. Tenague andM y Monroe, pointed out that it was 'noti e be exp~ected that the health officer ar the butchers would agree and th; If' were they to agree on aUl cases tI 1. qfficer would more than likely pro' e a usoless burden upon the city. TI r, matter had resolved itself into il question, they said, whether tl d Board of Health or the butchers we ''to run the health department of tl ,. city. 'They intinated that if they we a5 'not ut)beid in this inStAncb that thi tEl) 'ROSS SEALS AS BUSINESS ET'TEliS barge Life Insurance Company 31akes Purchases Solely for Business Bea. sons. To enable their policy holders to live as long as possible was the sole reason for a large life insurance corn pany buying last. month 13,000 Red Cross Christmas s.als at 'one time. This firm made the statement that their action was dictated solely by business reasons, and that they could not for any reason claim any credit on the score for phillanthropy. They believed it good business on the fol lowing grounds: That presence of tuberculosis means it greater financial loss to the connunity, and its greatest ravages are found among the poor. Tihat. It. is more logical to spend money to get rid of the disease than to reflect lie co.;t of Supporting its victiis in an increased tax rate. That. the, aflliction of the bread winners of lie fainily with the dis ease means lowered efliciency and less earning capacity, which in turn means a lessened power to provide 'tile proper nourishment and environ miie'ut to successfully oembat its growth, and that this incapacity of ten throws his family upon the pub lic charge. That no one makes a profit upon a dead man but the undertaker, and he makes it only once, whereas a live man is a constant source of profit to every one with whom lie does busi ness, and the more alive and the more prosperous he is and the more busi 'ness he does, the greater are the pro fits of those with whom lie deals. < BIG SHIPMENT OF MAXWELLS Mr. J. W. McKee Announces the Ship. ment of a Solid Trainload from De. troit. Mr. .J. W. McKee, president of the Laurens Motor Car Company, dis tributors of Maxwell cars i n thil state, announced Saturday that lie had just completed arrangements for ti( shipment of a solid trainload of fift) cars of Maxwells, 150 automobiles It all, 'to this state within the next fen weeks. Mr. McKee stated that he completed booking the orders for then Saturday and immediately wired Ir the big order to Detroit. He said that this was the first shipment of a solic trainload of automobiles ever made to South Carolina, attesting to the popularity and selling qualities of the car. The shipment will be made t< Columbia and the cars distribtued t< the various agencies over the state from that point. Mr. McKee speaks very optimistically over the outlool for spring business and says that the business being built up on Maxwel cars Is very gratifying. Mrs. ,Jane Todd Dk-ad. A rs. .ane Todd, mother of. Mis. .1 O. C. Fleming, of this city, and Nirs. A 1'. ''honimpson, of Ora, (lied at her hom1 In )ue West yesterday norning. In 1term'ient was miade at 1)ue West ani was at tend~ed by Mirs. iFlemuing, .\re Thompjsoni antd thir familIies. M\ r Todd1( was iln lie Si lh yeari of heri ag :1nd dleath was duet largely to comlil 0 hiei muarri'age she was a .\1liss .\lcCl I r tO(.k ild wn.x 11idely connec1ted~t I t4 his 'oun1t y. S'he was k nownm as a lid heri detparturie'~ 'a tyed w ides prea >f d Iteglarn 3Monthfy Meetitiu of Teaichet r .\sociat ion lilid Salturday.l tI The I 1 urens ('(ount1y Teachieris' a: -sociatti 11(ld its Ilceilmber mti1 (I Saturday at thle graded school bilbI (d sided, aind the mieetinig was opienc (I withi exercises conductted by .\iss At nie Workman, normal teacher in II r- cIty school. Thel firist part of the pre [I, grammne was then entered into, whk r. was tile prlactical teaching of presel o tation of p~oetr'y as demonstrated d three depar'tments of the Lauirer it school-primary, $nter'mediate ai e high school. This w~as a most into e~ esting feature and highly instruc~ti to to the membors, of tho association. he The association then reassenmbb he in the auditorium where it was a< re dressed by Miss Madaline Spigener ie Colutsbia, president of the State Rur re mprovement association. She was fc g7 1owed by Mrs. 10. V. Frierson, supe . Iina- teach1er for Laurens county. .NVIlIf W.ll 'iCABI'NET FINALLY ANNO'N('Ei) [ioverinment 141 Widl Practically be by a ('abinet. of Four. London, lDee. 10.-I4e official list of he new ministry issued tonight fol lows the unotficial forecast. with two ar three minor changes. Mr. Iloyd [ieorge, Lord Alili er, Earl Curzon, lionar Iaw and Arthur lenderson form what Is officially termed the war - cahinet, while the others who ordinari ly have been designated as cabinet ministers, are cnlled heads of depart ments. An important point in this novel or ganization is that it. concentrates far more power in the hands of the iprime' tr.inister than the iritish system has ever known beforte'. Mr. I loyd 4eorge's proposals to Pr'enie Asquith were for a war c'oneil. of wliic'hi tie premier shoul not :e a liemier although hit shtoild have Ite hiower of paimi on its work. MIrl. Lhoyd (eorge has not hesitated to thlie postion mlor'e closely resembling a distatorship t:an he wa:; willing to give his pirefe''. The wari iabinc t will hol! dfaily e ionvs, dire 'tinig the vroseention o the war and the gfreedom of tir. a'loyd G;eore-e, ILord Milner and \Mr. (lunder son front departinentail duties will al-1 low them to devote all their time to the war counnil, the work of 11he ex chequner and government leadership in the house of commons will absorb most. of Mir. Hlonar Law's time, and attendance on the house of lord's will necessitate Earl Curzon's absence from the council, so that 'Mr. Lloyd George, Lord Milner and Mr. Blender son will be the chief directors of the war. For practical purposes, the gov ernment will be by a cabinet of, four. A meeting of the privy council will re held tomorrow for the swearing in of the ministers. The prime min ister will make a speech in the house of commons Tuesday in which he will declare the policy of the new govern 'ment, and a bill will be introduced enabling the members to take their seats without going through the for mality of a ne* election which the law demands when a member accepts a position under the crown. The complexion of the new gov ernment. is 12 Liberals, 15 Unionists, three L~aborites and the presidents of the foard of Trade and, Education and the shipping controller, who have been attached to no parties. Sir Robert Finlay's renuneiation of the pension attached to the office of lord high chancellor, will be a popu lar stroke. The lord chancelor draws 10,000 pounds in office and a pension of 5,000 pounds after his retirement. There has been much discussion over the cost of this largely ornamental office recently. Four retired] chancel lors are now drawing pensions. T. P. O"''onnor gives notice of a . motion In the house' of commons for the formation of a series of comtis - sions in parliament, on the Frencl - tmiodel for' ('oopieraiti with the tmin I steris in conduct ing the w~ari. OFF'i('EHlS I NSJI'.LI,1-ll. . i'iihlle Mee'tting tutd inistalintlin of. thu e. Ofticer's of' the E-asiern 'itEar. - Ant impressive~u. insialfltion Scr'xit n~ in thue .\ani i hall .\londay eveingt binig at! tnded by a farge' numbef ~ it and .f its Na ney L . llennuett, Gramt ed muchitii to if, E'n.iotymeint of the er 'ning.\Aftet the inistatlfationi servic es, a omusi''af fproigrami w~as renderleiC sertvedi. 1The fo oowing otfi('( ts wer installedl: - Mr. .\ai'on 8imipson, WV. P. \f.\urs. i)outglas Gray, Asst. M. M\iss I fat lie Kate IEast'rby, -('or Ih duictr'ess. I- Miss Rloberta ihutrohi, Asst. Cot ni diueies. iS Miss Esthel laangstoni, Treas. dt Miss Antie Childt'ess, Secty. -Mrs. J. N. Richardson, Adah, 'e Mrs. James Sullivan, Ruth. Miss Loulie Eichelber'ger, Esther. md Mrs. 5. G1. McDaniel, Martha. I- Miss Clara Switzer, Electa, ft MIss Maggie Peterston, Marshal. kiMis aEther F'owler, Organist. I- Mrs. Win. Siolomen, WMrder. r-' Mr. Jatmes Sullivan, Chaplain, .Mr. Robt. UlchelrgerOntinei. I[ThRM[O SULDI1[RS, -Varge Crowd Met Them at the Train. [URKEY SUPPER GIVEN AT HOTEL itoned and Tanned by Their Life fin the Open, the Laurens Boys Hetutn to their Homes and are (laidty Ite. ('celed by Iitthes and l'riends. 'i'Taned by the Texas sun and with In'alth invigorated by the ontdoor life, the membilerst of the Traynham Giuards, th e crack local miiilitary com1ipanv, re Iulied hom1e last W;rines'lay arter noon. happy to be amn iig ;h'-i friends an1 r1( elativeS- againi lmt nRo.' Ih.- less pleased at their expriencRe -it camp life. The boys arrived on the after noon train frolm C 'olunhia wIhere they had been mnR):dered out the das ' 1oro and were mi at the station h v a largo c'rowd gathered to ;greet. '.tem,. Al though but a few hours definite notice had been given of their exnected ar rival, the news soon spread around the city and the boys were givc n a fitting welcome. After a short time allowed the men to greet. members of their families and friends at the depot. they were formed in line and marched to the armory, their soldierly bearing and healthy countenances being the subject of much favorable comment. After "shucking off" a few marching ac-. couti'eonents there, the company ap peared on parade in front of the coirt house and drilled for about a quarter of an hour, going through the military mat enyers with clock-like precision and neatness. The unanimous opin ion was that they drilled like regu, lars and that the country had in them a band of soldierit Which it might well boast and be proud of. Although many of the soldiers were. anxious to get to their homes in the country and in adjoining towns, they, remained in the city until five o'clock when they were guests of the city at the Laurens Hotel, where a bountiful turkey supper was served, the com pany heingdmet hee . by the members of the United Daughters of the Con federacy, the Daughters of the Ameri can Revolution and citizens of the town. Mayor J. C. Owings and other citizens escorted them to the hotel and assisted in ente rta.ning spring the supper. Miss .iulia ioby, regent of the Ilenry lJ.turens chapter, D. A. R., in voked the blessing upon the meal. On account of the desire of many of the men to leave for their homes as early as possible, no speech making was in dulged In, the weleome being indicat I ed1 by deeds rathe: t.u by words. 't'he health of the :' mlmpa ny was ex ecelient while away I- urm home. With t'm excepctioni oR i.' 1 iht indisposi tioni suiffered by Rnu A of thlemi cn ae 'ount oft vaccinaitionf C oni aftir Cruer in1' campiI at Co)luRaRW. no1 --- km o ol'. :-y indl was had. I a Iare I!'r(ihe~t by te goivtran.ien, -..'1( no c.'en !atecd to app': I to a S tiete oen-e (il' t aste, \%as sub tan:: ii a n. d jemiful and1 the mien Rihctwed* no 1j t!Y. 'Is f*r'om t. In at to the elp.n air . and1 nnR t rit ions food is la: rgely aR t t1 ribu I d-i e (campij. Every mianR riturned . ith a ruddy appearanc1(, a1 he' althy glow~ on Ite (1heek andI an inl fOcrase avi~rdui - is Te avcirage giin ni-!ht of' th menR ini the~ (ompan w~l Va aid to be oautt ifte poun Rds. e Thet mRember's of the# coml ny ad taimore tales to tell ol rabi,l. toads. snakles anid sand thlani t hey had ot' A% leis, thIough thley sa id there were Rmore thiian enough e ven in El Paso. 'Thiey were niot allowed to (ross into Mexico, so they' had l ittle ex perienice wi th the Mex icans on t heir tiative" Sheathi. A few of Ithe m~ore venture COmeC erossed over the lino( in dIts guise, but did Riot remain long at a time, so thteir tales were rathler brief onI that inre. However, they said that the regular sentry service at the border bridges gave to the border a' warlke air. Many of the men ex pressed the opinion that the United States would have trouble on the Iborder yet and when Unele Sata called they would be "ready to go". 'They expressed themsqilves ae .being~