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« \ \ Thursday, March 3, 1960 THE CLINTON CHRONICLE 11 Personal and Social News of Joanna MRS. GEORGE MBITS, Correspondent and Representative Telepheoe J—— Ml AEM3 Tommy O’ShMds is spend ing a few days wWi his mother, Mrs. Sara O’Shields. He has just returned from a six months cruise in the BAediterranean. Mr .and Mrs. Claude Galaraneau and Suzanne, and Mrs. Fred Wheel er of Columbia, were Sunday visi tors of Mrs. W. W. Hair. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Killian and Larry spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Loy Chapman in Little Moun tain. J. W. Mills joined Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Mills of Whitmire and spent the week-end in Millen, Ga., with Mr. and Mrs. James Cay Bak er. Miss Essie Mae Dickey spent Sunday with her sister and brother- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Living- 'ston in Prosperity. Mrs. L. H. Poag celebrated a birthday on February 28., Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Waits and Linda of Belton, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Waits Sunday. Mrs. Hugh PoDard and Mrs. J. K. Waits attended the Fourth District Conference of the South Carolina Presbyterial at Thornwell Memorial Church in Clinton Sunday. Mrs. J Ffed Bragg, Mrs. Lester Hair, Mrs. R. B. Smith and Michael attended the all night singing in Spartanburg Saturday. HERE FROM COWPENS Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Cash of Cowpeas, visited Mrs. J. M. Re tard, Mr. and Mrs. Derrill Boiard Sunday. Miss Dora Abrams and Mrs. Folr- ence Finland of Greenville, visited Mrs. J. J. Abrams Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie B. Dickey, Mb's. Leila Turner and Mrs. M. Da vis of Greenville, spent Sunday with C. A. Dickey. Mr .and Mrs. Howard Turner and Jerry of Newberry, were Saturday visitors of Mr and Mrs. George Metts. Mrs .Claude Firmer and Miss Veida Farmer of Clinton, were Sun day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Cole. * Rev. and Mrs. Horace Hamm and daughters of Knoxville, Tenn , vis ited Mrs. Bessie Hamm Monday. They were enroute to Abbeville where Rev. Hamm will conduct re vival services this week. Heath and Urn Livingston of Laurens, spent the week-end with their aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Champ Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Forbes and daughters of Newberry. Mr. and Mrs. Roy O'Dell and Mrs. Alma O’Dell of Fort Mill, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil O’Dell. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Francis, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johnson visited Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Farmer in Spartan burg Sunday . Larry Murphy of Clemson Col lege, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Murphy. Sgt. and Mrs. Jimmy Hollings worth and Lynn of Greenville, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Davenport, Jr. MISS CARR AT HOME Miss Pat Carr of the University of South Carolina, Columbia, spent the week-end with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Carr. Mrs. J. H. Craft and Mrs. Grace Lancaster of Silverstreet, were re cent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil O’Dell. , Mr. and Mlrs: C. C. Johnson spent Sunday in Charleston with their daugter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. David'Whitney. Mrs. Bessie Hamm celebrated a birthday on March 1. Rev. Hugh Pollard returned to the Veterans hospital in Columbia Monday after spending the week end at home. Seaman Woody Alexander of Lit tle Creek, Va., spent several days this week with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bragg visited Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wallenzine in CTinton Sunday. Mr and Mrs. v Hubert Davis of Columbia, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. League. Mrs. Frances Warner was a busi ness visitor in Anderson Monday. Mrs. Marion Crowder and Mary Beth of Mountvilk*, spent Monday with her father, C. A. Dickey. Barron O’Shields celebrated a birthday on March 1 Mrs. J. J. Abrams, Mrs. Frank Phillips, Mrs J. M. Bozard. and Mrs. J. D O’Dell attended the fun eral of Mrs. W D. Boozer in New berry Monday. WITH THE Sick Friends will be interested to know that C. W. Chandler has returned home from Self Memorial hospital, Greenwood. Mrs. BeQe Willingham is receiv ing treatment at Joanna hospital. Mrs. Marie Wehimt is convales cing at hoi^e following a stay at Jo anna hospital. W. T. Kanning underwent treat ment at the local hospital several days last week. Master John Morgan has beendis- msised from Joanna hospital follow ing treatment. Mrs. 11a Bell Prater is a medical patient at the local hospital BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS BAGWELL Mr. and Mrs. C. R Bagwell an nounce the birth of a son, Johnny Ross, on February 22 at Joanna hospital Mrs Bagwell is the former Miss Daisy Shaver BOZARD Mr and Mrs. J. D Bozard an nounce the birth of a daughter, Mar garet Elizabeth, on February 27 a* Joanna hospital Mrs Bozard is the ofrmer Nell Canfield GINN Mr. and Mrs Wayne Ginn an nounce the birth of a daughter, Cyn thia Diane, on February 27 at Jo anna hospital Mrs. Ginn is the for mer Pamela Penland. MOVES TO SPARTANBURG Friends will be interested to know Mrs. Nathan Fleming is making her home with her daughter and sin- in-law, Mr. and Mrs Bob Fiazger- ald, at 114 Carolyn Drive, Spartan burg. .WOMAN’S CLUB TO MEET The Joanna Woman's Club will meet Thursday (tonight) at 7:00 p. I m. ait the club house All members ire urged to attend. ENJOY ICE SKATING About 20 members of the Inter- lodiate/ Department of Epworth Methodist Church enjoyed ice skat- ng at the Ice Palace in Greenville -iaturday evening Chaperones for the party were Rev. and Mrs -Hugh Bickley, Mr. and Mrs Buck Mur-J Mrs Buford Weir, Mrs. J. T. W« rah, Mr and Mrs Shike Simpson, er, and Mrs. Violet Strand. USE CHRONICLE WANT ADS Dr. David I. Mixon —Optoipetrist— ’ 201 N. Broad Street ” 'PHONE 1308 Office Hours: 9-5:30 NEED CASH FOR TAXES ? CASH $ 50 TO YOU 1 75 S100 ' SEE MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN 6 » $12.00 - 9 a $12.00 $12.00 12 The above payments include ALL charges including life insurance. Forger loans arranged on similar monthly payment plan. n 110 PITTS ST. SAM SEAWRIGHT. Mgr. lancfi ( I.INTON, S. C. PH: 1943 MARKET SPECIALS scotch treat BACON 39* 2™* 75c hafa-Tendn U S. CHOICE QUALITY Colonial Stores’ TWO GRADES of Beef ' , . I • . . . . . : you buy to suit your budget! BUDGET Bffcf LI PKG TtAOCWINOS MEAOCO □ shrimp OOtlOH S FROZEN □ clam chips 2 “ $1.49 i . „» « C C F MZ 49c □ t-bone, sirloin or club Natur-T*nd«r ... Colonial'* Finoit toot, gradod U S D A. CHOICE or UTTCRI K yoo'ro looking for tfco fin*it . . . "Sunday bait" . . . tfcan bo wro you buy Natur-Tondor toof for only tbo bo*t carrio* tW* Mol at Colonial Stor»«. 'Tlufu/iJehd&t U.S.D.A. GRADED CHOICE □ fresh ground beef “ 49c • 3 $1.37 tudg«t-t«*f . Colonial * Economy lab«l If you r* looking lor a lot* •xponiiv* cut of boof. with fho iam« nutritional raluo a* 'h« moro ihoicor gradot, than Budge Boof i* your bo*t buy Eithor lobol . . Colonial It your boof hoodquarton! NO BETTER BUY, ANYWHERE! r □ FULL CUT ROUND NATUR-TENDER BUDGET-BEEF ■ - 85< 75< □ PORTERHOUSE OR BONELESS RIB NATUR-TENDER BUDGET-BEEF LS OOC steaks □ PORTERHOUSE OR BONELESS steaks □ 7" CUT BONE IN RIB roast ANNOUNCING OUR "ROUND THE WORLD" contest winners! GROCERY SPECIALS . D . Mw«*nt Hrmlein, Ctmtn. 0*io, oil* U* l*t Prtjt ... I 1 St Prize tH world for two Im art) *t»» URO i»*"d1«« body tttur trip around Money i*nd LIMIT ■ 2 WITH 15 OR MORE ORDER NATUR-TENDER BUDGET-BEEF 75c*ft5< n In. Mn. William Mo- 2nd Prize Oormory, St. *. B«> ISM, CottoMal*. Fla., oiik '.to Ito Fnit . . . 7Oar trl* to LmAoo ami Pari* tor to* (all catONt) »r Mu falrot (■**. ... B . Ilrt ttary t Slooc, 4th Prize ais w. s™* Now Uliortoo, Oklo, Wio* tto un Ntoo . . . 7 Oar is load toro'M to CarnbOra* Itlaads tor two (or oaoltalom cask). G -1 D * Mn N *** n Url ‘ Jrd rrize tn*** **, w a*m- »illO, It C , Wi« tto 3rd toll- . , 7-0«y trio to Honolulu, Mowm for tire (or oooioal nt cart). _ l . Mn. H. Lowts Ctow. JS4 Otn Prize Clowlaod An , Sal"- burr, Md , wi« tbr Jtli to-itr ... A ooaotitiil P*nau!t Ai'omobile' SM COMPLETE LIST Of ADDITIONAL WINNSH AT OUR STORES □ BLUE DETERGENT cheer □ JXIPtE ACTION DETERGENT NO LIMIT □ MURRAY ROCKET CHOC COVHFD jumbo pies LGt SUE PKGS LGE. SUE • PKGS. PKG OF 12 / □ fifbxwe!! house Ml IAS n ei vacuum ' l,M,T ' ^ CHOK:E W1IH °* ou U ci vacuum ss.oo or more NATUR-TENDER, U S D A. GRADE& choice fraasar boof AU BEEF IN THIS SALE WW BE CUT AND WRAPfRD FOR YOUR FREEZER IN REGULAR BUTCHER FAPO. UfON REQUEST, NO CHARGE! PRODUCE U. S. NO. 1 WH1T« potatoes 10 * 39« □ FACTORY PACKED LIMIT 1 WITH ORDER $5 OR MORE □ 75 TO 90 LI. AVG. WHOLE beef rounds □ 55 TO 63 LS. AVG. WHOLE TRIMMED full loins □ 10" CUT - 25 TO 35 LI. /^VG. WHOtl beef ribs □ 145 TO 170 11. AVG. WHOLE SEEF forequarter » 43 LI. li. □ grapefruit nx 8bm 49s Q cabbage "«•<•«« “ 5« CHRF S FWOE FRESH MADE COTTAOi • cheese ^ 39* HOME CENTER □ NEW 1960 REMINGTON 24" ROTARY power mower $47.9s • J H.f , 4-Cytl# BHgg*-Stratton Angina • Automata bocoll Startor • DoIum Touah b Go Hand Throtno t loaf Mu labor □ 145 TO 170 LS. AVG. WHOLE BEEF hindquarters 59< □ 20 GALLON GALVANIZED garbage 92-29 # EACH Get Sav-a-Stamps FREE CS MILK Limit 6 With $5.00 Order or More Y I \ TALL CANS ■ ■ ■£ W. PITTS ST. - CLINTON, S. C. ^ . x > , \ COLONIAL ST0RES| c s PI HE VEGETABLE SHORTENING FROZEN FOODS MORTON'S FROZEN COMPLETE dinners t TURKEY 6 CHICKEN • STEAK • MEAT LOAF • BEEF 11-OZ SUE Q jes»« j*wel fruit turnovers uo*,* 3 out. ?♦« Q morion's macaroni & cheeeo - 2 sw-m £7* 0 seabrook fortes baby limat 2 am 5S< 0 cs frozen chopped broccoli 2 t»t 29< il \ X