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k-Wt te\ us Gets $1,400,000 Check Keprest'ntinj; the Jv\tnna Realty Com pany. Walter Rejrnery. vice-presklent of •!<'- anna Western Mills Company and jreneral manajrer of .Kvinna Cotton Mills Comjiiir.y. receives a check fv'r $ 1.400.000 from John V. Clarkson, presi.lent of N’ewlKury Federal Savings and l.<xm Ass<viation. which hand- od the tatancinj: of old houses formerly . ned !■ he-Joanna Realty Company. 1‘resen; : i the check presentation which. in tdilition t<» several cash transactions. in .'ieted the selling; of the Joanna Realty < ompany houses were, left to right in phiv >o J. li. Hart, assistant treasurer of Jo rum Western Mills Company and office .. ia«:>-r of Joanna Cotton Mills; Mr. Reg- > : Mr. Clarkson; and J. K. Willingham. - re ret ary -t reasurer of the Newberry Fed eral Savings and Loan Assiviation.—Photo v John H. Hunter. Items of Interest From... West Clinton MHS. CLIFTON HEATON, ( orre>t>ondent and-Representafive 4 PHONE 376-J Rev. and Mr> MarK>r. R’.ngei- visited relatives in Beaufort a few days last week Mr. and Mrs Bill Elledge and sins spent the wwk-erw with Mr and Mr- C E EKedge m Cross Hill. Mr and Mrs Bill' Lindler. of Whitmire, \ isiti\i Mr and Mrs. Harry Foster and Mr .vnd Mrs C W. Windsor recently Pvt Billy Cranford and Pvt Mack Freeman; of Fort Jackson, Columbia, spent the week-end re cently with their grandmother Mrs W P Sizemore Mr and Mrs Kenneth Gregory ^rum Chester \isited Mr and Mrs. Frank Lyda Sunday Mr and Mrs Luke Fuller and daughter. Gail, of Greenwood spi-nt the week-end with Mrs Vesta Eu banks. Mrs Henry Caaghman. Mrs Lo retta Hanks, Mr' McCoy. Mrs Tom McCoy. Mr> Clyde Wehunt and Mrs Jack Cunningham and son. Gary attended the all-night .Ninging in Spartanburg Saturday night Mrs Claude Farmer ana da ugh ter. Velda. spent Sunday with Mr and Mr^ Charlie Cole m Joanna Mr and Mr> Claude Mcinvaille and children and \r Cox from Kershaw spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Horace Smith Mrs . Gladys Bracken is visiting her son. Mr. ami Mrs Ray Boyd, Jr, in Atlanta. Ga * Mr and Mrs. Arzo Ivester and si>n. Danny. Mrs Abliene Evans and Kathy \\ ard attended the all- night singin, at SpartarUnirg Sat urday Mrs Arzo Ivester and children and Herman Burnette 1 attended a birthday dinner recently in honor of Mr and Mrs George Smith, of Martin. Ga B M 2 Paul C. .\rnold. of San Diego. Calif , is spending a few weeks leave with his parents Mr and Mrs J. L Arnold Mr and Mrs. Russell Lawson, of Buffalo, visited Mr and Mrs. Hen ry Lawson Sunday Mrs. S. P. Dye. ot Spartanburg, spent the week-end with her daugh ter and son-in-law. Mr and Mrs David Owens Mrs. S. P Dye. of Spartanburg. Mr.' and Mrs. David Owens visited Mr. Owens' uncle. Clarence Meeks, who is a patient at the Veterans Hospital in Columbia Sunday. .N£r> Sarah Cheek and daughter, Mary Jane, of Greenwood, spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Randell Farmer. Mr. and Mrs Joel Cox visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J E Cox, of Newberry . Sunday . Mr J. E. Cox is retiring after 19 years of service as card room overseer at Newberry Mill and will move to Seneca. Mr. gind Mrs Albert Griffith and daughter. Emma Lee. of near Chappells, spent >ttnday with Mr and Mks Hubert Leopard and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Clif ton Heaton They also visited Mr and Mrs H. A Adams. Miss Carol Joe Terry and Harold Terry, of Piedmont, visited Mrs \V D Sizemore Sunday WITH THE SICK Mrs. Charles Sheppard is ill w*h flu at her home Mrs Clara Lyda is ill at her home - E. C. Longshore continues ill at his home Mrs. Frances Nickles. of Lydia Mill, is ill with flu * Dad" .Arnold, who suffered a ! heart attack, has returned to the home of his son. Mr. and. ijrs J ' L Arnold on the -Whitmire highway from Hays Hospital Friends of Pvt Robert W Thom as will be interested to know he has returned to his base at Fort,Bliss. Texas, from Williams Beaumont Glenn Hiller Band At PC Dance Friday Presbyterian College's colorful j Miliary Ball Weekend, featuring the music.** the Glenn Miller Or chestra. will get underway here this Friday afternoon. The program will open with a full dress parade by the ROTC bat tle group It's set for 4:30 p. ra. Friday to honor the sponsors and other young ladies "dating" the cadets for this occasion The Glenn Miller orchestra is scheduled to swing into the open- ; ing Strains of the formal Military- Ball 3t 9 p m. This affair is under the joint sponsorship of the PC chapter of the National Society of Scabbard and Blade and the Inter Fraternity Council , . The final social event of the week end will be an informal dance, to lie held on Saturday,.night College Men At Board Meeting Two administrative officers of Presbyterian College attended the annual regional meeting of the Col lege Entrance Examination Board in Atlanta arlier this week \cademic Dean George C. Rel- lingrath and Student Dean A J. ; Thaekston met with oth^r admis-i sion officials, sroni colleges through out tne Southeast rn Monday and Tuesday at the Biltmore Hotel The group discussed matters per taining to unproved entrance stan dards increased cooperation be tween high school counselors and colleges, and the relationship be tween scores on the Scholastic Ap titude' Test and high School records. Hi - Fi ^Club Hop Friday>:30 -11:30 Pm Clinton High School ■o Gym Featuring The Bartons and \ , , , The Sharrons <7 Plus Talenfsville Contestants Admission By Hi-Fi Card Only Sponsored By Laurens Coca > Cola Bottling Hospital, El. Paso. Texas, where he underwent an operation. MT and Mrs. Boyd Wilkes and children have been ill with flu. Mrs. Clifton Heaton has been ill. Mrs. Colie Campbell is improv ing at home after being a patient at Blalock Clinic. BIRTHDAYS Mr» Essie Garner celebrated her birthday Feb. 29. Keith Oreswell will celebrate his 7th birthday March 6. C. E Elledge, of Cross Hill, ob served his birthday Feb 18. W A Dunaway has a birthday March 8 Alice Jane Grant celebrated a birthday Feb 29. Mrs Luke Fuller celebrates her birthday March 3 Ovell Woody celebrates his birth day March 3 Kenneth Lawson and Joe Bums celebrates birthdays March 3. J A. Traynham will celebrate his birthday March 4 Mrs Joe Terry will observe her birthday March 4. Mrs Alvin Trammell has a birth day March 6 . Mrs Cohe Campbell will cele brate her birthday March 6 Junior Rushton and Mrs. L. W. King celebrate birthdays March 7. Wayne Hams will celebrate his birthday March 8. Mrs Clyde Croy has a birthday on March 9. Today is the birthday of Mrs. H. K VtJhamston. Mrs A. J Wilburn celebrated her 70th birthday Sunday. Feb. 28. WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES Mr and Mrs. Melvin Holcombe celebrated their 14th wedding anni- versary Fet>fcl6 Mr and Mrs. Neiffer Creswell will celebrate their wedding anni versary March 4. Mr and Mrs Ralph Riddle will obseive their wedding anniversary March 6 WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT Mrs J. P Wilkes, of Whitmire, announce the marriage of her daughter. Joyce La Vonne. to Rob ert Earl McWatters. son of Mr. and Mrs W. D. McWatters, of Clinton. The wedding took place at 6 o’clock at the home of the Rev. Nickelson, of Whitmire. After a short honey moon trey are making their honuj with the groom's parents. Mr. and Mrs W D McWatters at 1008 Eliz abeth St. BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs Marlene Low and Mrs. Pat Owens honored little Larry Owens on his fourth birthday with a party. Twenty-four boys and girls attend ed the party and remembered him with many gifts. Refreshments were served by the hostesses. PINK AND BLUE SHOWER On Saturday night. February 27, at the Clinton Community Building Mrs Harold Stroud was honored with a pmk and blue shower. Many interesting games were enjoyed by . the IS ladies present. Refreshments were served by the hostesses, Mrs. B. B. Stroud and Mrs. Horace Rob- Mrs. Stroud received. many useful gifts ENJOYS PARTY ’ The Young Workers of the Inter mediate Department of Calvary Baptist Church enjoyed a party at the home of their teacher, Miss Velda Fanner. The hostess served orowaies. pop com and cold drinks to the tea young people attending. SURPRISE BIRTHDAY DINNER A surprise birthday dinner was given Sunday for Freddie Tumb- ka, who celebrated his 11th birth day Feb. 21. Those attending were the McNel- sons of Laurens, Mrs. Eva Land, the Gene Butlers, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Satterfield, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Duncan and daughter, Patricia, Mrs. Bessie McKenaey, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Butter, little Judy Bagwell and Johnny Cannon, all of His city. He received many gifts ('LINTON. S$ C. nS wj- .. “ ■ - , -,-rv CELEBRATING 25th. > BIRTHDAY 1935 to 1960 Thanks to our wonderful customers and friends. Belk’s is celebrating 25 years in business at the original location under the same management. Mt . *' r . . • has been our aim to present to the community we serve, Better Selection! Better Buys! and Better Certified Values! V 4 earlybirds ^ GET THE BUYS! Use Our Convenient Lay-Away Plan! FOR SPRING 2 for $11.25 Faction says it’s an early spring. We say it with values. Pretty new cottons blossom out now, in spring’s freshest styles, colors, patterns. Junior, Misses and Half Sizes. r. % u. t <■ Birthday Special! v/" 1 TIME TO PUT SPRING Into Yow Wardrobe MEN S SUITS >c $38.25 Just arrived, the newest, smartest fashions in spring suits. Quality tailor ing with the accent on long. Slender lines! Day-long good looks, thanks to this wrin^le>ihy-blend of dacron and wool. w m |p|S Spiff im i Ill: - EARLY BIRD BIRTHDAY VALUES - Ladies’ Nylon Hose . . . . . . . 25c • Spring Fall Woolens . . . yd. S2.25 Full and Knee Length! Pair • Brand New—Values $3.98-$2.98 Yd.! Men’s Sport Shirts . . . . . . $2.25 * Double Be^SheeU . . $1.25 Short Sleeve, New Styles! White ’N’ Pastels! * «r Boy’s Cotton Briefs . 25c • New Cotton Prints . . . . . yd.^25c Sizes Up to 1«! One Idouble Table, 1,000 Yards! Ladies’ Rayon Panties . .... 25c • Terry Hand Towels . . . 25c White and Pastel Colors! Thick Absorbent! Hobnail Bedspreads . . . . $5.25 • 200 Pair Pillow Cases . . 25c Double ’N* Twin! Sizes 42x36! ‘ FREE! FREE! GIFTS! FREE! FREE! GIFTS! TWENTY-FIVE SILVER DOLLARS to be given away to twenty-five lucky customers. Nothing to buy. Register free on all three big floors. Drawing will be made each Saturday at 5^. m. Free gifts to the first 100 ladies visiting our store Thursday. March 3. Store opens 9 a. m. sharp 1 Free Balloons and Candy for the children t — - - ; — ——« P