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I I 4. 12 ‘HE CLINTON CHRONICLE Thursday, T LYDIA MILLS MRS. CLYDE TRAMMELL, Correspondent, Representative , TELEPHONE 1085 / ‘ Mr. and Mrs Charles M. Dalton with her parents, Mr and Mrs L and J family of Calhoun Falls, visit- W Abercrombie, and brother. Eddie ed his aunt and uncle. Mr. and Abercrombie. Mrs H O Smith last week Mrs. Jack Lollis and Mrs Dave Mr and Mrs J. B Q Sh.elds.i Tucker of Horn a FiAh. were Sunday Mrs. Rav Rilev and son. Mrs. Hugh visitors of Mr and Mrs. R E Mhit. Ballard and Mrs Essie Crow were mire They also visited Mrs. Eula visitors in Spartanburg Wednesday Quinton. f , of last week On Thur>dav Mr and a, '< 1 Mrs Huffstetler Mrs O Shields were in Spartanburg a "d ^ nd >- the formers par- for the funeral and biu-ial services ( ' n:s - and c s Huffstetler, of his brother-in-law.' Mitchell jn New berry Sunda% Strange . Mrs. Sam Prince and Mrs. J. T Mrs Flore Thrasher of Spartan- Lanford were Saturday visitors in burg, was the guest of her brother- Spartanburg. in-law, S J Todd, and niece. Mrs Mrs. J H Shay accompanied Mr. Homer Fuller, and Mr Fuller the and Mrs Royce Smith of near Lau- past week * rens. to visit Mr. and Mrs. Gary Mrs J B Yanderford and Dar- Bnssie in Winnsboro Sunday, lene are visiting their sister and Mrs Harold Austin has 1 been vis- auM. Mrs Jack Callahan, who is'4H iting Mr. Austin's parents. Mr. and at her home, in Charleston. Mrs Leslie Austin, while he is on an Mr. and' Mrs Leroy Alexander of European tur with the navy. Clinton, visited Mr. and Mrs David Mr. and Mrs W. L. Boozer were R. Coker during the week-end. called to Newberry Sbnday due to Mrs Edith Cothran of Greenwood, the death of his mother, Mrs. W. D. spent the week-end with Mr and Boozer. Mr and Mrs. Zoozer, Mr. Mrs Claude Willard. » and Mrs Martin Boozer attended Mr. and Mrs William Stone' and the funeral services on Monday in children of .Anderson, were woek- Newberry Ray Boozer and Mrs. end guests of their parents, Murphy Mlidred Bowers of Clinton, are a Stone. Mr and Mrs Clyde Tram- son and daughter of Mrs. Boozer, mell Mrs. Some and children re- Their father died seven weeks ago. mained for a week's visit. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Webb and Mr and Mrs Mark Windsor spent baby of Joanna, visited his mother, the week-end with their son and Mrs. Lois Webb, over the week-end. daughter-in-law. Mr and Mrs. Jack Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shelby and Windsor, in Cowpens. ON LEAVE HERE SP14 Charles L. Brown is visit ing his sister and brother-in law, .Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Pace, on a 30-day leave. Mj and Mrs Howard Roach and »^»*»*^e**»»**^**e*»^e»e»»e«^»»e**»e*eee»*»***** ^ stationed there with the U. S. Navy for 18 months. The Fullers have received a letter .from another son. Ray (Bootsie), that he has ar rived in Rapiola, Italy. Miss Dianne Motes spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Betty Motes, in Newberry. Miss Motes resides with her grandpar ents, Mr and Mrs. O. A. Crawford Murphy Stone visited his brother, Willie Stone, and Mrs./Stone in Lau rens Sunday. MRS. DARBY RECEIVES CITIZENSHIP Mrs. Martha Esther Leyna Gon- gales Darby, wife of Dewx?y Darby, SF5, was among the nine new citi zens receiving their naturalization paers in Greenvillb on February 24. Mrs Darby is the daughter-in- law of Mrs. Laura Darby, and re sides near Clinton She and the chil dren pLin to join Seaman Darby in Norfolk, Ya., soon. Mrs Darby is a native of Cuba OFFICERS AND DELEGATES NAMED AT PRECINCT CLUB The reurginizational meeting of the Lydia Democratic C'lub was held Saturday afternoon, Feb. 27, in the Lydia Conuftiinity Building, with the precinct committee chair man, Ellis Huffstetler, presiding, j, Elected were Mr. Huffstetler as Executive Committeemen and persi- dent; C. E^Spradley as vice-presi dent; DavttT Word, secretary. I Delegates named to attend the Laurens County Democratic meet ing in Laurens Monday, March 7, are Calvin Cooper, Clyde Trammell, Tommy Moore, Fred Bodie, Glenn Gaskin, Claude Gilstrap, Mr. Sprad ley. Mr. Word, and Mr. Huffstetler. LYDIA BAPTIST CHURCH NEWS The Woman's Missionary Society will meet Tuesday evening at 7:30 at the church. All members are in vited to attend. in-law, Rev ; and Mrs. Hobert Sel lers in McCoil. Mrs. George Howell is recuperat- St her home following an operation illnes sat Howard Byers has been ill with flu. ' Claude Willard is able to be out fater several days illness. Patsy Phips, daughter of Mr. and M rs. Millard Phips. is seriously ill at Blalock Clinic. Mr and Mrs Earl Armstrong are improving after being ill. Mrs Gene Armstrong and Sheila have been ill also. Mrs. Jessie Mae OWens is-ill, and her granddaughter, Talitha Dean, is ill also. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stone have been ill with flu. OFFICE SUPPUES At CHRONICLE PUB. CO. Phono 74 children were Friday overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kitch ens the past week. . Mrs. I S.. Parker of Charlotte, N*. C.. is visiting her brother, Fred Bodie, and Mrs. Bodie. HN Bobby and Mrs. Fuller and family of Central, Mr. and Mrs. little Bob have returned to Charles- Luke Fuller and Miss Gail Fuller of ton w here he is stationed with the Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs Henry U. S. Navy, after spending the past Lee and Cathy of Laurens, were week with his parents, Mr. and .Sunday guests of Mrs J W. Fuller. 1 Mrs. Bud Fuller. Wayne Fuller, AA, Mr. and Mrs. Lee also visited the is spending a ten-day leave with Bud Fullers his parents before leaving this week Mr and Mrs. Harold Clardy of for Pack River, Md., from where Greenville, spent a recent week-end I he will fly to Newfoundland. He will STOP! DON’T WASTE ANOTHER CENT ON RENT! BELMONT $3,395 p5S5-| ■ 1 al 1 fen few fl wsiBMa ou s eaucer MMSS ( 'Wsu || rat MR warn ATM Bra* am | "OMES i 1 must l "niSOBB 1 -/—i 1 NOTHING' DOWN! JIM WALTER c o P o A T I O N 401 North Pteasanthurg Drive, 291 By-Pass Airport Entrance t at! (oiled: ( > •^1216 or write P. O. Box 5073-1 (•KLKNVILLL. S. C. March 7-11 is designated as Wom an's Missionary Union Week of Prayer For Home Missions through out the Southern Baptist territory, with emphasis on rural churches. The Lydia women and the youth I organizations will be observing the week, with the general theme be ing ' Behold Your God.” At the meeting Tuesday the WMS program will be, ‘Lift Up Thy Voice Through Preaching.” Wednesday morning at 10:00 a. m the program, “Reveal His Glo ry," will be given, and a film strip, 'Home Missions in Action,” will be Shown The same program will be given on Wednesday evening at 7:30. Thursday evening a program. Bring Good Tidings Through Build ing,” will be presented. The circles will also enjoy a cov ered dish supper Thursday evening before the program BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS PATTERSON Mr and Mrs. Charles Patterson of Laurens, announce the birth of a son, Charles Wesley, III. on Feb. 24. Mrs. Patterson is the former Miss Mary Ellen Bodie. SHOCKLEY - Mr and Mrs. David F. Shockley announce the birth of a son. David Franklin. Jr., on Feb 20 at Hays hospital. Before marriage Mrs. Shockley j was Miss Florence Freeman. CARD OF THANKS We would like to say many thanks for the kindness shown us during Mr Wigley's illness and inability to Words cannot express our apreci- ation to the churches in the com munity and others for their help during our time of need. May God richly bless each of you for >our kindness and love. MR AND MRS W. T WIGLEY AND FAMILY WITH THE SICK Mary Walker is ill at her home Brenda Waters is ill. Mrs Columbus Hughes is much better after a recent illness at Hays hospital. Friends will be interested to know Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Smith have returned to their home after being ill at the home of their sons end families, the Horace Smiths in West Clinton, and the Joe Smiths here. Mrs. Bessie Bashop remains ill at the home of her daughter and son- Gray Funeral Home CttBtoa. S. C. FUNERAL DIRECTORS • • • and , *'•-— EMBALMERS Phone 41 AMBULANCE SERVICE Mrs. Horace B. Brown is improv ing following an illness. BIRtHDAYS AND WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES Mr. and Mrs. William Gregory ob- sered their 6th wedding anniver sary February 20. Miss Barbara Nabors will cele brate her birthday March 10. Little Becky Cooper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Cooper, will be two years old March 7. La try Waters celebrated his birth day March 2. Mrs Addic Bee Coleman observed her birthday February 27. Mr and Mrs. Ralph Riddle will observe their 34th wedding anniver sary March 6 Dona Marlene Campbell, little D illard BolanR t/ew&b ” 103 E. Pitts St. EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING Frankoma Pottery Silver - Watches Kimberly Diamonds Phone 1699 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Campbell, was 1 year, qid Feb. 2. Wayne Deitz will celebrate his birthday March 9. James Nelson was 14 years old February 23. L. A. Williams wi! lobserve his birthday March 3. Deborah Lynn Wyatt was 3 years old February 23. Dicky Boozer will be 8 years old March 6. Roger Whitmire win celebrate his birthday March 7. William Stone will observe his Miss Jo Anne Tharp will celebrate birthday March 1. her birthday March 5. Cindy Howell will have a birthday March 8. ' Martha Ann While will have a birthday March 5. Mrs. Bud Phippa has a birthday today. ACCURACY IS OUR - WATCHWORD Your registered pharmacist flils every prescription with pro fessional precision. WHEN YOUR HEALTH IS CONCERNED . . . GET WHAT YOU NEED HERE! At Your Service At AH Times! McGee's Drug Store To Help You Save Hundreds of Dollars! | u ★ Compares The 1960 Economy Cars y £ ★ Compares The 1960 Standard-Size Cars it Compares The 1960 Medium-Priced Cars nils ML THE nets IT TOUR TOEHTIPS! FULLY ILLUSTRATED! AUTHENTIC IN EVENT DETAIL! Don’t buy any new car till you read the new 1960 Automotive X-Ray booklets. Get honest, factual answers to your questions in easy-to-read, easy- to-understand form: Which car is lowest priced? Highest ia resale vaMe? Economy, fact or fiction? Get official resalts! Six-passenger room—which compact cars have it? Just a few minutes separating facts from exag gerated claims may save you hundreds of dollars. X-Rays are free at your Rambler dealer's. Hurry. Supply limited. i • " ■ '"‘AMERICA'S LOWEST*PRICE** Telephone No. 1 Manufacturer’s suggested delivered pnee ot Ike 1960 Rambler American 2-Door Detuie Sedan at tbe fac tory. Kenosha. Wisconsin, including federal tales | Stale and local taies, it any, optional equipment, atra. j Get Rambler’s FREE Automotive X-Ray NOW LYNN COOPER, Inc. East Carolina Ave. DALE CARNEGIE COURSE . FREE DEMONSTRATION MEETING If yoil would’like to see w hat the DALE ( ARNEG1E Course is and how it can help you. please Tie the truest of the Jaycee’s at Mary .Muskrove Hotel Thursday, March 3, at 7:30 p. m. There is no obligation. Hear graduates tell why they took this famous 48- year-old course and what they received from it. Enjoy three unusual memory demonstra tions. Refreshments-will be sreved. 10 THINGS THE D C. Course Will Help You Do: Speak Effectively Increase Your Income Improve Your Memory Conquer Fear and Worry Develop Self-Confidence Win More Friends Improve Your Personality Increase Your Ability To. Handle People Prepare for Leadership Sell Yourself and Your Product Better \ Dale Carnegie Enjoy An Evening Out. . . Thursday, March 3,7:30 p. m. Mary Musgrove Hotel SPONSORED BY Clinton Jr. Chamber of Commerce htt’s Charcli SuiuUu This Series Of Messages Is Published Each Week By the Following Clinton Firms In the Interest Of Increasing Church Attendance Johnson Bros. Super Market South Broad St. DEES OIL CO. S. Broad St. * GASTLEY’S GIFT SHOP Columbia Hwy. GULF OIL CORP. J. A. Addison, Distributor COOPER ; MOTOR CO. E. Carolina Ave. NEWBERRY COUNTY BANK Joanna YARBOROUGH OIL CO. f 15 W. Main St. D. EL TRIBBLE COMPANY 115 Gary St. Austin-Jones Furniture Co. 105 South Broad St. IRBY’S MARKET 207 Musgrove St. JOANNA STORES Joanaa,iL C. GULF OIL CORP J. A. Addison, Distributor .WAjlPl aces '■•1 Does the goal you’re seeking seem as remote— as unattainable—as this snow-frosted mountain top? Does it seem, sometimes, as if you’ll never get there? Are you on the verge of giving up? \ Don’t! Though your objective may seem light- years beyond your reach, if ifb the right thing for you, God will help you to attain it, if you’ll let Him. The teachings of His Church will help you find the patience and endurance you need to accept setbacks «.. and still keep trying. Don't try to climb to the top all by yourself. It's a lonely ascent. Let the Church help you, as it helped those who were here before you ,. and as it will help those who come after you. THE CHURCH EOR ALL . . . ALL FOR THE CHURCH Tkc QmtcIi it 4. grratat fatWt m good citiivaakip. il 1* a MotImb. «f ipiritual vabn. WiAmrt a ttoNgOniS^ atiAar drmocrary mv civiKniim mb wrviv*. Tic>* an faar mmi laaaaaa why awry pmaa AaaM aBtttJ aawiati rrgularly and aappart At Qtaadu TWy ar« (I) fat Im MB a*. (2) Fa. kit duklraa', taka. (3) Fat Aa taka af kit t nauatarty tad ttliaa. (4) Fat Aa mA* af Aa Ckaiak ikaM. vAnA aaadt 'kit Moral a ad malarial atypart. Pita la yt to akartk rajularly a ad Nad yaar BAA ‘‘••fr- i Day Moaday Job Wcdnaaday i Jaha Tb unday Romani Friday dtturday Ctgyriyir IMR XtMrr Ada. tmict, t/rmtarg. v«. BEACON DRIVE-IN Whitmire Hwy. McGEE’S DRUG STORE 100 W. Mala SI. YOUNG’S Gulf 212 N. Broad St CITIZENS FED. SAV. & LOAN 220 W. Main St COMMUNITY • CASH E. Florida St Clinton Realty & Insurance Co. Mrs. B. Hubert Boyd, Agt. 104 W. Pitts St. C. & L CONCRETE CO. 205 W. Carolina Ave. 1 . T. E. JONES & Sons Furniture 200 W. Mala St WILSON’S ^ CURB MKT. Telephone 9375 LARK’S * Esso Station 811 S. Broad St CHRONICLE PUB. CO. 100 Cary St