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WE ANDERSON INTELLIGENCER FOUNDED AUGUST 1, 1840. 1S6 North Mala Stree t ANDERSON, S. C W. W. 8MOAK, Editor and Bas. Mgr L. M. GLENN.("tty Editor PHELPS SASSEEN, Advertising Mgr T. B. GODFREY,_Circulation Mgr. E. ADAMS, Telegraph Editor and Foreman. I>*nber ot Associated Press and Receiving Complete Dally Tolegrspblc Service. Entered according to Act of Con tr?es ss Second Class Mall Matter st the PostofDce st Anderson, 9. O TELEPHONES Editorial and Business Office.821 Job Printing .093-L SUBSCRIPTION BATES Semi-weekly One Vesr .I1.G0 Six Months .76 Dafly. On? Year .15.00 Six. Months . .2.60 Three Months .... L25 The Intelligencer is delivered by carriers in the city. If you fall to get your naper regularly please notify us. Opposite your natuo on tho label of your' paper' Ia printed date to whleh our paper ls paid. AH checks ?nd drafts OAnihtf be drawn to The Anderson Intelligencer. o o o o o o o o o 0 0 o i. > o o o o o o j Mora Shoppings Before X'rnas. j The Weather. South Carolina: Fair Thursday and THOUGHT FOR THE DAT This Is the best day th? worm, has ever seen. Tomorrow will bo better. -R. A; Campbell: I .'I il I ? : I j ' WB ARE THANKFUL- ' ,,u ? That the l*>rd God:: of ?ott?" is pleased If we are but thankful. . . a ... Th?t we live in ?^e'Urilted States itt America and not in warring Eu ,$Ptr*i . ;" ,fri i.ius -Wt?;: nDltf'A . ' ? O' ?? .. < ' That the mon of no more nations have been called upon to butcher their brethren. That the music of the church bells fllu our eera this morning and not tbs roaring of cannon. ? '?- .?o'' ? . "Tiu?t ttf^^oitOr of T?i? Intelligencer i?? City Attorney G. Cullen Sullivan both have hables Ast euu laugh. That Cher!"-ton hasn't any mere "points of historical interest" about lt than It shouts over already. , That wo ltfh lu Anderson and not Greenville or Spartanburg. to say nothing of i Greenwood. .-,<; rid.. Q That thi'J?ipJie; Ridge railway Is soon to b?$' a.',n>v?paasenger station up town and. discard the old one. That the set ol whiskers adorning the chin ,o^_Gen. Carranza !B of his own sprouting and doesn't be ion/', to us. That we are today eating turkey and not endeavoring to shoot Turkey foll ot holes with our battleships and armies. ? That the Mexican revolution hasn't been settled and thus dried up our only source of war news on this half of the sphere. " ?? O' That in the recent campaign for the cleaning up of the city the Interests i of law and order were in Ute hands ot G. Cullen Sullivan. That wa don't live in tho same town with a father in Georgia who mauled '?AB san because ne "sopped" molasses (on both side* ot his bread. -9- . . . : Th?t Browning was . inspired* to 4 write: "God's in His heaven: All's right with the world." That styles in men's hats are so varied this season we caa waar our isst winter's lld without anybody de* tectlag lt ie not of the new crop.. That Governor Binase cant blame anybody else for hin record, for he often boasted that *-' could novar be . said any una but Blesse was gover nor-while Blesse waa filling that ot CAPT. WATKINS' HE PL Y Captain ll. II. Watkins has another broadside In this issue of The 'nielli gencer, in reply to the last communi cation of city Attorney Sullivan. In this rom munica! ion lie replies to some of the statements made by Mr. Sulli van tn lils communication published in The Intelligencer of last Sunday, November 22. Capt. Watkins is a rogi ca! writer, and makes some very plain statements as lo the propriely of the city attorney's accepting the commis sion to investigate the legality of the franchise. Ile also takes him to task for the allusion to th? fact thal Capt. Watkins ls no longer a resident of the city, but has removed to the suburbs. The principal Issue between these gentlemen seems to be the prepara tion of the "White Way" contract, and their disagreement as to the few de tails In this transaction. Dismissing these details as of little Importance in the main. Capt. Wutkins makes this statement: "Whatever may have been the facts of the preparation of the contract, I was called upon to ap prove it, and did approve it, and hav ing done so I would not suffe; myself to be employed as an attorney to de ny or contest lt? validity even though I did no! lu express terms, as I am Informed he did, assure my client that It was a valid contract." ('apt. Watkro? expre?ses the opin ion that seems to be prevalent over the city, mid accepted as. correct by many of those who have discussed the matter, that even if "the city could avoid its agreement, I would hang my head in shume' before even sug gesting that 'My Town' is ready to repudiate its contract. It would shame mo to think that any citizen would do so after he had sat quietly and al lowed the company to spend immense sums of money on the faith of the con tract, and knowing that these expen ditures had been accepted by the city, and had added greatly to its upbuild ing and convenience." Capt. Watkins reverses tho posi tions of the city and the company for the sake of argument, and makes a telling comparison. He argues that it is a moral question as well as one cf law, and that the city should stand on as high ground as the -company docs.,He concludes dds article with a statement of his belief In the integ rity and honesty of the* people of. Anderson, and that they would not stand for repudiation of their con I tract. ... T^r Jr*cl!lgoBcer believes that the people really wish to know what ia right in thia matter, and further ir the city really has a good franchlso. With this in-view The, Intelligencer propos er to publish within the nest few.days' the franehiss contracts' fw th<y white way. end Tor the longer term. We trust that the people will rend these articles and decide tor themselves whether or not the city has been "dtped" and made a bad bargain. Meanwhile the columns of thia paper are open for a discussion of the mat ter from any standpoint, and wo shall be pleased to give space to rational articles on any side of lt. Let thc people think or it and discuss it j rONVICTS TURNED OUT. Governor Blease has again made a wholeaale liberation of convicts. To day la thanksgiving day, and he has turned out over on? hundred of the "citixens in stripes." This will * make more than fourteen hun dred he has extended clemency to since h|\hjds bean^ governor, and al most resulta in closing the doors'of Ute State penlntetlary. Of course there are tooee in every penal Insti tut ?.-.n wSo skcsld uot "? ?here, and when such cases ere, found, it is prop er to extend clemency. Bot lt ls hsrdly conceivable (hst there aro so many unjustly convicted In South Carolina, aa that the Governor should Interfere in so many cases. "Justice tempered with mercy" .is what we need, and whst should be the policy ot the State's chief executive. A BIG EDITION the Tuesday's edition of the Char leston Evening Post consists of sixty six pages, and ls commemorative of the "new Charleston spirit." It is a splendid example of the energy ot this afternoon paper, and shows that "Tho City by the Sea" ls very much allte; and that she has a very much alive newspsper in the Post. Bound _,__? .?.._ *~L... _ ..?'?-- -. . Oinn* oi mu maur wilt ITO {?UkUVU tn the nubile libraries and reading rscrn of the chambers fit commer?a in every state ta the Union. HE CANT BI BEAT The report comes from Anderson thst they will elect Will Lyona Sheriff In Islg. As we hsve often usted you cannot beat an Abbeville man. so if he runs he will be elected.-Abbeville Medium. That the "dear peepul" will be do? privad next sv.mmer ot the bi-annual visitation of the stat* political cam paign, circus, with Ita elevating and profound Discussion ot great princt Mes*afr jgovernjnunt ' ? j TURKEYS LAST THANKSGIVING m ?j . iWv ? iirk^v tis of rnee, ......... ..... - . . .. S L Sweet Mrd bf CraJiberry, Of thee I sing, I love thy neck: andwiiurs, Legs, back and other things. My heart with rapture sings, On this glad day. 11 was treated by the city attorney in CQ&toiti Watkins Retalies io ,thc n^?"*??-w to ^?rj^ ? - - ^ ?g . ; ehlse, but if he was met with the 0/1*1/ /lLttOYnG?J SllltiVCltl ; ?arno spirit that characterizes tho city ___. t.. ? attorney's discussion with the editor ' j of The Intelligencer, there may be TO THE EDIT0F? OF THE 1NTEUL.I- -the Southern Public Utilities Com- | found therein some justification cf the GENCER: I pany. will not feel T that 1 deserve to ' impatient spirit with which Mr. Tay 1 Know that tho people of Anderson have my views di&coun'.ed by calling j lor ls so grlevlously charged, and the readers of your paper are not attention to the fact that i am no Now as to the preparation of the concerned with .controverse i of a per- longer a resident ?t the city.. It is white way contract, I stated that 1 ional nature. They are entitled, how- truo that for some'year,1 for reasons did not change a word of it so fax as ever, to a knowledge bf tho pcrsonnl ?kat I think would be'approved by the I remembered.. I still do not. rcmem conduct and motives of men .who deal -clty attorney, I have lived In the sub- t>er making or suggesting any change, wtth public intereets in t?o far as ?""bs of tho city 'J* a; roode3t home Mr. Sullivan states thal I'did and if these lntercstf are affected , thornby, which has not the advantage of water his recollection lp .positive in the mat whether these be the conduct and mo- works and ha? to be lighted with ker- ter; i am willing to accept his stater Uves of paid officials of the public or osene-lamps, but this fact hs?: not d~ meut as correct, anti * cheerfully apo! Bf private persons and corporations, prived me of the pririTeg'e of contrib- ogise for any In justice whl?h I may having dealing with tho public. I UT,NK as roy mean?'have permitted to have done him through lack, ?ave for some time thought that much tho puNte enterprise* ot the city. I ory or otherwise. . I hope he vyill now of the prejudice that at times pre- am certainly glad t^t nfeither the etty be equally fra? k in saying that the vhlls against corporatlopa ls due to attorney nor nnyjweAelhb; drew thc preparation of the contract was first the tact that the people are not in- ,lne ?* expatri?t lori, in older tb deny confided to him alone and not to na lr r?rmed of the corporate Bide of the me this privilege. Ttam glad, to know conjunction with each other; that the question. The natural and proper re- that tho city attorney has given this representatives of the council and luctance of business men to discuss humble non-resident the privilege Mr. Orr went to his office and gave their affairs in the public press ls re- more than once o' expressing symp..- him all tho data for drawing the con spoualble frequently for the, public tQr ior_h|s efforts itt behalf of good tract, end that *?? too* <*.<jwn th ressafnittg ia ignorance of mattera up- SovernuicH? without any suggestion necessary data without my being pres an which they should be Informed. I tDRt niv admiration was tho less ac- ent or without any suggestion that I nave an ?biding faith in the fairness ceptable because I.did not live In the be called; that he was charged with Bf the people upon all matters about City. ThcBe expressions wero In Uno tho bnslness of preparing the con whlch they have full knowledge. Thtt? with *."?? friendship and admiration \ tract, and not I; that .he made the has been forcibly Illustrated in tho which I have alwaya had. and still. complete draft of his proposal of the natter of the franchise) ot the South- haye, for the city attorney. They , contract before coming to my office or .rn Public Utilities Company, wblch wo*"? sincero, and were without any J conferring with me. I think he will has been thought by many to be an suggestion that the efforts cf tho city J further agree that there was not the exclusive forty year franchise. I attorney wore the less commendable j slightest argument over the terms of hopo you will publish this document even, though tho very'undesirable cen- the contract or any attempt on my for the Information of the public, who ditton* had been allowed to ' develop I part to change any portion of lt in are entitled to know its terms, as well under hi? long administration oe ?uohjordcr to render lt more favorable to Sa th? i?f?,? of the wh"e way cr;t?- attorney If ! wore *o ?on?w !??? ex-jibe Tv?p??>y ? S? sure that if ssy tract. , ample IE int* ?l?ca*?ioa. I might aug-1 change* were made, they were made ?2 one ~-_7 cr ssciher. f.l^ ?p** ,w " regret that the public ?.??w ?o purpose ot clearing up doubt rectly or through enterprises in ?o long deprived of the splendid- work ! fol evpressICM^?|n? ^^rs^r;v?r-f which I have held stock, I have con- Which ho finally accomplished and Hamey to the-terms-of the contract so tributed In some small degree to the that an earlier clean-up at the hands as tc render it more complete and city's revenues ever since I nave of so efficient a prosecutor had not satisfactory to both parties. I am "ceased to be a resident of the city'." saved the city the disgrace and crime kure that if I had.desired to make tra it had not occurred to me, therefore, which ran riot so long. In this con- portant changes vitally affecting the ihrt I waa committing ?le? majest?*' aectlon lt might not oe an unwarrant- Interest of my client tu a contract of when after my name had been re- liberty to wonder at the absent- .such Importance, my writing would peatedly brought into print In coonee- mindedness that led tho city attorney, have been plain enough to\be read lion with a great public issue. I ad- without criticism and with due cern-'by a stenographer who ts very faroil tl rea sed to you an article which the ptacency. to bask in the editor of The .'lar with my writing. Certainly no city attorney was kind enough to Intelligencer's enthusiastic praises for! change waa made of sufficient Import eharacterue as "dignified and moder- h,a work of reform, and equally to ?nee to Impress itself upon the m?m ate In tone," calling attention to cer- wonder at the promptness with which ?dry of Mr. Orr or myself, since his tain facts which I thought that the he exclaimed "Bah!" and. cried, "Say, recollection Coincides with my own. public were entitled to knew and editor when did you hU the town any, Whatever may have been the facts of Which were In danger of being ob- way?" when this editor dared to ex- the preparation or the contract, I was .eared hy partisan r>4 personal dis- press honest views differing from called upon to approve it, and did ap saaelon. I hope that cn maturer con- those of the city attorney on a great,prove lt. and having done so 1 would ilderatioa the city attorney, to whoso public Issue and to ask pertinent aot suffer myself io be employed aa lalary is contributed in a- small de- Questions to which lt might seem the ha attorney to deny or. contest ita va ges* hy the taxes which I pay. and in tax payers are entitled to :.hBwer. I Jldity even though I did not In express i mach larger msaoarerJry rey client, I do not know in weat spirit Hr. Taylor terms aa X am informed he did, a& Thankworthy Among other things, we are thankful for a "store with a conscience." A store where the confidence of the public has been merited and re tained; a store where there is a feeling of co-operation between buyer and seller; where there is more to busi ness than the idea of barter and trade. * We are thankful for your ap preciation of our spirit of of service. $t?f?rtl44^ Ca - PH m mini _ J "The Sion <6tth a Conda** (Closed today-Open Friday. \ rafe my ellam that it was a valid contracts on behalf of his company. :ontract. 1 ' ' and that it was equally the duty of I have not bean:called upon to ex- the city and Ita attorney to.see to this press any legal opinion .?w>n the va- on 1,3 behalf, ir Mr. Taylor, had act li-lity of the franchis? grn.1ted the ed in good faith, s?pposlng he had city, and I did not mean tq do so'in I such aut hority, but, aa al matter of ray article. ? I will, say, nnweyer, that ?fact, did not have lt, ami his attorney even it I believed1 that by reason of ! acted in like good faith. it t'oiuld seem legal technicalities unknown. to be , thc -. duty now, .to...dP. ail In er party and unsuggested by even the their power to induce the company's able legal representative or the city, stockholders to stand by this agree at the time of the adoption of the ment. Will the city and its ?attorney franchise, the city could avoid its permit themselves to stand on less agreement, I would hide my head in high ground? And ir Mr. Taylor's Bhame before even suggesting that stockholders had stood by and aliow "My Town" is ready to repudiate its "ed him to sign contracts with the city contract It would shame me to on their behalt and In carrying out think that any citizen would do BO ? t?1? agreement the city had incurred after he had sat quiet and allowed the j great expense in consequence thereof, company to spend immense sums of could these stockholders now, with money on the faith of the contract, proper self respect, repudiate the con and knowing that these expenditures tract? Suppose the position as to the had been accepted by the city and had white way had been reverse-!; snp Qdded greatly to its upbuilding and P0?? the <"lty had spent ten convenience. I am informed that the dollars in erecting it under a contract city attorney spent much tithe in the | with the Utilities Company to furnish (dody, of the franchise question before tbe electrical ourrent for Its Illumina it* adoption. Indeed. I am told that l'on; and suppose there Were no oth BO~niucfi time'was consumed'that the et* source from- which th?B- current city council vqted in addition to his could be obtained, and that the ir regular salary an. extra fee or |r>00 vestment were made worthless by a for 'services, rendered in ' connection failure of the company to furnish the with the franchise matter and other light;-What would be thought of Mr. Interests of the city. If this be true Taylor or hlr attorney or any of lils md not thf council .whlctt"pgld^he:feei'iutoekholder8; >vh,o, having waited un anfljjven the Utttnlfei Cordpnnt.;whose- til? Imotley,.. *vvu? exnenued. should take?^ coiKributca^vWefcor^ofh hove -tbeSs.ljfte\amlbnr'to\re|JUdlate the ccn the right to expect that the city at- tract on the ground that the offl< torney would both know and advise of .acting for the company had escet^jl any. 1'h?g*Hf?. ?H. jfteLr . qrt?p.n T. .3?? tho^ authority conferred by their not. know .whether- extra compensation 1 hy-laws T The utilities Company 'baa has been provided, or ?ill be provided not only, spent the" money for ""the for'thO'weeks of labor'which the city white way, but it has spent approxi httorney hes spent,in-arriving at his mately," ?sp.<10p lb 'extending ils water present opinion., but it would seem niainB and "living better fire protec jast, Jf. he ls now giving a correct tion ; lt has made reductions in rates opinion he should certainly receive as that Its. written contract did not re large extra compensation as he re- lulre.r-had' thia waa done without a ceived for supervising a work which thought or suggestion thst Mr. Tay b* now declares to be illegal. 'or's verbal promise to do so was in Acother matter, and I will close valid because not in writing. Would this already long article. In tbe final ?t not be unjust to thc reputation of paragraph ' of his ', communication ht our city to suggest that we would fix launches against Mr. Taylor and my- ior ourselves a less exalted standard ?.If thin char?;?! "I prsaUme that I than that demanded of this company? these gentlemen do not mean to per- lt may be that our people are in favor mit the people of Anderson to decide of repudiation, but I do not believe this matter by vote at an election, lr lt and no one can make me believe Intend to keep them from voting on 't of "My Town" until it has been it If in their power to prevent" proved. I do not believe that upon Really. I had supposed that the ques- mature consideration tho city coali tion of submitting laces to a vote c" would insist upon their recent res of the people was the perogailr? ot elution because I do not believe that their representatives on the city coun- U would take such action on the city's ell, and ntit bf non-residents like my- contract after it had considered both self who enjoy the distinction of "lax- a,rtes of the question. I do not believe allon without representation." Tho that our people, who love the city, suggestion is more adroit than well who have gloried in its' past,'anc w founded; it ts intended to suggest td lork forward with confident hone in the1 people that Mr. Taylor and t are its future; Will penrilt it'l? be 'said denying them a substantial right No that Andersen stands 'fop repudiation. 3?0 's????i?? Le misled' by such'argo- * heiiovu'that the people ' wish the" meat A ls a? absurd as If one should vexed question laid to rest, and wish suggest to tho stockholders cf the to be permuted to-'Jm?' nands in the Southern Public ' Utilities ' Company work of fuUire progress. And I will that the city council of Anderson abd n?t bellevo otherwise of the people its attorney were responsible for whom I have known, and loved and their not voting on the question, trusted, and worked with for1 the last What IS the difference? Mi. Sullivan quarter of a century, until they speak knows that it was Mr. Taylor's duty 'or themselves and say I am mist "t?n. and that of bia attorney to soe to it ' H. H. WATK" that he bad authority to sign these November 25. .1914. - - | n it .: /; I i ; Reach" Foot Balls $1.00 to $5.00 "Reach" Punching Bags ANKLE AND WRIST SUPPORTERS Gifts that wotild picase any boy. THE REACH trademark guar ta te es sattsfaclK/u wad perfect goods, . Sullivan Hardware Co* Anderson, S. C.', Belton, S. C., Greenvil;e,: S. C.