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Dont Blame about his shoes wearin fact is, Mr. Parent, thc and thc reason your bo sooner than the ether 1 hood is that the other BERG'S SHOES." A? u PRICES $1.50, $3.00. Geisberg Brc UNDER MASO] .'Shots Tha 1 Belton s Greatest 1 (Continued from Paso Onc.i i lng and most creditably did they ac- , quit themselves of their duties . Tho building wan divided into sev en dopartmcn.tB: Domestic, candles, pantry supplies, fancy work, and ma chino work, children's department, floral and art department. Mrs. Isa Ilrown had charge of Hie domestic department and beru was n varied and elegant nasortiuent of cakou of all Kinds, bread, rolls, pota to chips and other fancy cooking. There wore beautiful specimens of homo cured tneatB, und other home raised products, that aro most attrac tive to any housekeeper. Miss Ixsdu Pooro, presided at thu candy booth and bad a 'tempting assortment of home mado candles. An attractive booth was the ono devoted to rantry supplies and tho rows of preserves, pickles, vinegar, wino and jellies, mado a credltnblo showing for tho hoUBckeopcrH of this community. One of tho most beautiful dtr.plnys in tho whole building was that of fancy work, machino work and all other hand/ work. Tho walls and ta bles were lined with tho most beau tiful specimens of dainty handwork. Among thece wiw :<. hnndnmdc coun terpane, made over 80 years aso, of homo mado thread. Also a quilt if intricate doslgn mado by u young lady 18. yea'rs o!d thnt had 11.466 piocc8 iu lt. Thoro was also on dis play a very uniquo and lovely pil low, mado in tho public schools in Mjoxtco, and brought to South Car olina by Mrs. Charles Brown. It was red velvet applique on white, the de sign being maple leaves and maiden hair foro?. Mr?. W. C. Black of Mon ea Path* had on oxhibit an entire lin en nuit for bod room dono in tim 14th Contruy Punch work. Mrs. W. C 1 Dearin had charge or this exhibit. Children's Department. Another interesting and wonderful department was that for children un der IS years of ase. Soma o" thu articles would have dono credit to older women and consisted of fancy wr.rk, hand work, cakes, candy, plc ncd t'rul;.-. preserves, jellies and pickle. Ono embroidered counter pane was a particularly handsome piece of work. Two interesting spec imens were a glass of Jelly from n 9 year old boy, and a Jar of pickle made hy n 10 year old hoy. This de pa rt ment was in charge of M ra. W. E. Grier. Mrs. J. T. West presided over the floral exhibit and pot plants and cut flowcs wore very raro and beau- , t If ul and attracted much admiration from tho host of visitors. In the art department under tho ; supervision of Mrs. J. T. Rico there ! was h handsome assortment of paint-. Inga. Mteneilllng, hand painted china, j STOMACH TROU JO Majority ol Friends Thought Mr. < flhgbs Would Die, But \ One Helped Him to Recovery. i Pomeroy ton, Ky.-In Interesting ad vices from this place. Mr. A. J. Hughes i writes aa follows: "I was down with stomach trouble for Ova (5) years, aad I would have ?lek headache so bad, at i times, that I thought surely I would die. I 1* tried different treatments, but they < did not seem to do me any good. i I ?jot sp bad, \ could not eat tv sleep, i smd aJLi?r/.frtenAi, except one, thought I I would die. He advised ?ne tc fry Ttooafpftfs Black-Draught, and quit Your Boy g out so quickly trouble is with you, y wears out his shoes boys in the neighbor boys wear "GEIS $1.75, $2.00, $2.50, ts. Shoe Co. MIC TEMPLE t Satisfy" %vent tow Only History ind photography. The display show so a great amount of talent ami iblllly. Depart nient Judges. Tiie Judges for thc Dovcral depart ment? were: Domestic. Mr?, t). K. tirant?ale, Weatralnstcr; Mrs. Tom Itrock, Monea Path; Miss Stoddard. Fair View. Pantry aunplics, Mrs Sallie Digby, Monea Path; Mrs. S. l). Brownlee, Andorsr.n; Mrs. Dur. Shan, Piedmont, Fancy work. Mrs Mitchell. M.rrt. HM. Frlerson, Mrs. Rd Woodside. Greenville. Children's dc partment, Mn. Jim Woodside, Mrs. Frank. Pelzer; Mrs. W. K. Sharpe Monea Path. Floral, art und candy Mrs. W. T. Tn te, Mrs. Raymond Beat ty, Anderson; Miss nessie Allen. Tho Baby Show. At il o'clock the baby show wa* held, Btarting at F. M. Cox's store Mero promptly on time was a larg* gathering of the babies from nil ovei tho Piedmont section, and the de cision of tho Judges was mulo under dllllcult circumstances. Most of thr llttlo folk? were In beautifully deco rated carriages and four nrizes went for the prettiest babies and two for the hast 'decorated carriage. Handsomest boy, :i month; to 1 year, silver cup. (Rinks Uros- Mr and M?-s. Mack Toed. I Innd comest hoy, 1 year to 3 years, birthday oliver spoon, by Fair asso ciation-Mrs. Frunk Kuobcc. Prettiest girl, 1 yoar to " years cot beauty pins. Fair association Mrs. a ray Norrib. Prettiest girl, 3 months do 1 yeur birthday silver spoon. Fair osaoeiu tien-Mrs. W. S. Thompson. liest decorated cart, flrr.t prize Mrs. W. E. Stannic!. Heat decorated cart, second prize Mrs, pleb Smith. Tho Judges awarded 50 cents each to tho twins bf Mr. and Mrs. Joe Green, for tho purpose of starting a bank account for those little folks. Mrs. C., G. Todd waa superinten dent of thlB department. Officen \a.i Committees. The following aro the officers and committees of the Belton Fair Asso ciation : D. A. Geer, president. ' E. C. Frler8on, vice president H. G. Campbell, treasurer. Claude A. Graves, secretary. Finance-W. E. Goer, chairman; J. B. Adger, L. D. Bloke. W. K. Stringer, Jesse T. Drake and Boss Mitchell. Premium List-H. G.- Campbell, chairman; Claude A. Graves and E. C. Frlerson. Advertising-Ross Mitchell, Chair man; M. L. Tolli8on, H. It. Campbell, W. O. Kay and II. p Hanks. Farm Products-J. S. West, chair man; A. V.*. B?^KS, nsbi?tant; J. A. IBIE ?JIVE YEARS taking other medicines. I deckled to take his advice, although I did not have uy confidence ta it. I have now been taking Black-Draught lor three months, and lt has cured me-* haven't had those awful sick headaches since I began using lt. I mr, so thankiut tor what Biack Draught has done for me," Thedlord's Blark-Draught- has been found a very valuable medicine for de rangements ot the stomach and liver, lt la composed of pure, vegetable herbs, tantalus no dangerous Ingredients, and lets gently, yet surely. It can be ireciy kept ta every family chest. Cet a package today. Only a quarter, MB Ki ! ii \ ni) I. .M. A N.M.M-", Governor-E lecl o? Soulli Carolina, Visitor ot thc Bolton Fair Ycalterdav. 'ox. W. s. Fleming, Jim G. Harris, M' Milford. Horste and Mules A. s. Fant) chairman; J. K. I'hilllps, assistant; J. '. Pinson, j. ll. McKinney, IO. I". Gum broil, J. I'. Cox. !.. II. Lewis ami M. P. McCueu. J Cattle-J. M. ("ox. Jr., chairman; E. !i. Rico, Jr.. as Islam; T. C. Bore, E. .V. Poore ami L. i*. Willingham. Sheep and M. King, chair man; chas. Horion, assistant; J. I'. Hunter, A. N. Campbell, lt. lt. Kenton, ind lt. Parker Robinson. Poultry und Vets- J. A. Singleton, chairman; A. W. Campbell, assistant; ?. C. Griffin, W. C. Brown, T. H. Kay. ?t. E. Campbell. I . O. Robinson. Fred ;). Cox. Vt. S. Cuthbert, L. ll. Smith and ). B. Putnam. Grounds a id Bulldinga--E. T. Broa ;eale, chairman; Boss Mitchell and Luther B. Kay Music-N. D. Taylor and C. M. Tolll ion. . Ladies Department-Mrs. W. C. Mowen, chairman; Mrs. F. M. Cox. Vira. W. J. Moorchead, Mr3. R, A. '.owls and Mrs. G. S. Cuthbert. F, very thing Free, It must bo known to appreciate the 'air that everything In connection vit h lt was tree. No gate receipts nor .ntry fees were charged, and the premiums amounting lp more than *.i>00 were contributed by the people >f Belton and vicinity. The only BOU ree if revenue waa the advertisement:! a.ried in the premium booklet, which amounted to enough to pay for tho printing of the premium li?t. N'o sal irtos were paid to any of the superin tendents, or officers, who gave so lib erally of their time to making the fair \ success. Pren Firework?;. Among th? free attractions not men tioned i,n the premium list nor In the ?rogram^ of the fair, was a fireworks display at the fuir grounds nt 7:80 last night, furnished by the Piedmont & .Vorthern railway people. This was quite a liberal display, and was wit nessed by thousands who stayed over >o sec it. This display wan in charge of Trainmaster Crosby of the P. & X. Lines. . Curried to Sin?e Fuir. The exhibits winning first prizos yesterday will bo shown next wee-k al the State Fuir. Farm Demonstrator J. W. Rothrock, who waa one of .thc judges, stated that he Intended to car .y a great number of the winning ex hibits to Columbia, and he felt sure there would bo added some blue rib ' ms at the State Fair. Three Farm Displays. An Interesting fact in connection with the turin displays, which were among thc most interesting exhibits, . was that the same three farmers who had displays this year were thc same three who exhibited last year. Lust .year J. G. Harris won first prize fer I the best farm display; J. C. Pinson, I second; W. A. McGee, Caird. This year ?J. C. i'lnson won the Hirst prize, J. G. Harris, second and W. A. McGee third. All these exhibits were splen did. Mr. Harris had uvur sixty separ ate articles grown on his farm and ar ranged artistically ia his exhibit. The others had about the same number. A ve?y large gourd bearing this le gend waa on exhibit: "This, gourd grown In the gadren of Rally Bannis ter in your 18S4. It holds 14^ gallons of water." , Mr. P. M. Cox had a display of veg etaWes that does not cause one to think of six cent cotton or hard times. Every variety almost that cun bo lound in a Sounthcrn garden was shown there. ? ? - Speaking of prolific corn, the exhibit of W. M. Mghaffoy was good. On 12 ?laius he had 116 ours, on 12 stalks 24 ears, and on 16 stalks from 3 to 5 ears each.. These .were not nubbins j either, but fut} grown eara. I OUL'S month "waters" when thin Ins of the pretty syrup display on ex ?lilblL W. G. Slur..-, .who hnd several bottles there.,stated that he found syrup ono >t tho op3t sellrs and most : profitable products of his farm. This ? year he made about 200 gallons on lan acre, ami linds ready sale for it at 50 cents a gallon in barrel lots. An exhibit' that attracted Alt. nt ion was (hat of s. i. McLean. It consisted of nothing but cabbages. With thc aid of two wagon wheel.; and an old axle, t!ie heads were arranged to resemble a mammoth cabbage head. Large firm ?heads of the Succession and Surehcad vaiietles>compo8cd the exhibit. I John Smith of the Lebanon section, land spoken of as a candidate for I congress two years hense, hud a dis ! play of twelve varieties of tipples, which wore very good. Mr. Smith said ho*sprayed them and they were beau ties, being large, red and smooth with out n spot or H.poek. Mr. J. G. Harris had on display 75 stalks o? teoslnto growns from one seed. . ,* . M. M. Campbell had a spic-aid ex hibit of peas. Eight different, varieties Constituted his pica exhibit. Others had some fine peas.exhibited, and the remark was made that no totter peas could have beeti gotten together any where than were-those in the collec tion. Will Wharton.',of Iva, had some splendid huleaot-^avy in his. exhibit, ilia alfalfa, and ^red,clover liny wero very pretty and made one almost envy the horses or mules being fed on such - ' . -:rf??:r"t1> 1 HOX. D. A. ?EKB, Pres Meat of the Berton Pair Association, WiW youl MUTUAL B BELTON PUBLIC SQUAIIE-The 1 empting delicacies. . [ One eo?i?om sees H 64 pound water melon. Dut there was one at thu fair ?etng exhibited by A. I* Martin, Pel ter, routo 1. It was of the Triumph rariety, and suited tho name, for lt won first pris? In the Frierson Phar macy conteBt from melon grown of seed sold by this pharmacy. Farm Products. Best collection of individual' agricultural display grown by the exhibitor, 1-2 ton of High Grade fertilizer by ' Anderson Fertilizer Co., Belton Mercantile Co., Agents -J. C. Pinson. Second best collection of indivi dual agricultural display grown by exhibitor, 1 No. 1 Cole cotton planter, by Sullivan Hardware Co. -J. G. Harris. Third best collection of. indivi dual agricultural display, grown by exhibitor, pr. Beacon shoes, by Belton Mere. Co.-M. A. McGee. Best 25 ears of prolific corr* fl. Kelley. ? . Best'ears of white . corn, pr. nants by C. M. Tollison-W. C Burns. . Best 25 e*rs of yellow corn-J. J. Armstrong. Best halt bushel of oats, t bolt cloth, Belton Cotton Mills-O. F. Cannon. Best naif bushel of wheat, \ round trip R. R. ticket to State fair.--J. G. Fogg. Best half toushel of barley-D, ?. Jones. Best half bushel of rye.-D. C. Jones. Best t ^2 half doz. stalks of cot ton, i Sanitary Iron Trundle crib, by F. M. Cox & Co.-E. C. Car ron". Second -best 1-2 doz. stalks of cotton, cash.-Robert Vaughn. Best 12 stalks of corn, any varietv. man's hat, by Beltn Bar gain Store.-J. G, Harris. , Second best 12 stalks of corn, anv varietv, 1 boit cloth, Belton Cotton mills.-T. A. Cox; Best half bushel of sweet pota toes, pr. overalls (Headlight) bv Cobb and Parker.-R. N. Cox. * Best hajf bushel of irish pota toes, shirt, byC: M.' Tollison.--O F. Cannon. <* t/m*?m Best exhibit of peas, not less Best peck of peanuts.^-G. 'C Saylors. Best bunch of peanuts.-J. T. Harris, pest dozen turnips.-B. W. Ashley. cst pe?fcpf popcom'feChibUcd Widow dress as gooi Wife does ? ENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE C M. M. Mallison, C. W. Webb, J. J. Ti $ cene of Much Intterest at the Fair Wei by boy,.i Ingersoll watch, by j Hanks Brothel's.-G. C. Saylors. i Best pumpkin.-J. C. Smith. Best 1-2 doz. heads of largest! cabbage, 1 case of Coca-Cola by Belton Coca-Cola Bottling Works. -S. V. McLean. Best 25 pounds of home-raised flour, pr. Cely shoes, by C. M. Tollison.-J. M. Bailey. Best home-raised meal, half bushel.-J. A, Wakefield. Best dozen ' beets.-Aaron! Poore. Best half dozen collards.-R. T. Kelley. Besi stalk of okra. 1 Lyon shirt, by J. H. McCuen.-R. N. Cox. ' , Best large pepper.-Mrs. R. J'. Gumbrell. Best bush small pepper (Chey enne.)-W. C. Deck. Best head of lettuce.-T. C. Poore. lest half dozen tomatoes.-L. Mashaw. Best peck cornfield beans.-H. B. McDaniel. Best peck multiplying onions. J. C Pinson. Best sample home-mare sor ghum.-?Julius Harris. * Second best sample home-made sorghum.-L. Mashaw. Best display of vegetables grown by exhibitor, 1 pr. Peters' All-for-Wear shoes.-Mrs. F. M. Cox, . j Best display of fruits (not less than five varieties) to be grown from the exhibitors own orchard! JKAVOB BOSS MITCWKI I , Oeu 1 as your ' . . a tn ?i . i t trv ri J . ?MPANY CLAUDE A. GRAVES Secretory Helton Fair Association >r place.-:W. L. Copeland. Horses and Mules. Best single harness colt, under hree years, old, one man's Samo ten hat, by J. H. McGuen.-1st, 1 C. Johnson; 2pd, J. W. Ban lister; 3rd, J. Q. Rush. Best mule colt under six months W, one iive-^aHon Nevcr-Fail il can. by W. S. Shirley * Co. st, J. C. Rush; 2nd,. W. B. looney. Mest mule colt under one year ?Id, enough carnage paint for mggyand top, by H. F. Hanks_ 1st, J. G. Rush. Best mu)e colt from one to two (Continued on Pago 7.) WW ral Manager of the Pelton Fair