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m ? ' " ? TTTW PAGE FWBiiF WE ARE CLOSING OUT Regardless of Cost or Value As announced some weeks since we are closing out, regardless of cost or value, our entire stock. Our lines, Somewhat broken, of course, still afford the careful shopper a great opportunity to SAVE in buy ing Dry Goods. Shoes, Rugs, Art Squares, Trunks, Suit Cases, etc. Also, we would emphasize the fact that the reductions we make are genuine and that the values are true values honestly reduced. : COME XO SEE US FOR Underwear Notions] Rugs Table Linens Blankets Dress Goods Art Squares Sheets Sweaters Silks Carpets Pillow Cases Rain Coats Domestics Matting Towels Shoes Curtain Goods Trunks Laces, etc. . Embroideries. Ladies9 Cloaks Furs, etc. mmk^wmkm%Wmmmmmkm%K?mmm^ WMWW????^?^?*^?BM????MWBD?M??M^????M??*???B?? cram?-m II II III.J III .? MHMI I I.M- . i ???? n >?pj|Wi w-Wim $_m JMUBJIUIJUI Come and see the Goods and we are confident that we can do business, as we know that you will recognize the difference in Closing Out and Regular Retail Prices. Osborne & Pearson .( . .. v UV ?:; ? un MERCER UNIVERSITY DEFEATS KING'S COLLEGE MACON, Ga., Oct. 21-The Mercer University football team this after noon defeated here the King's College eleven of Bristol, Tenn., by a score of 27 to 7. Tho visitors' touchdown and goal came in the fourth quarter as a ro- | suit of two forward nasses, one of wIi 1 Ou wa? handled by several play- ^ era, with King goink for 35 yarda j again. Mercer fumbled a gi* ?at deal in j the first quarter but scored in, each period. , Walker-McElmoyle. In the Hst of managers for the General Election for State and co : re published a day or two ago the Wal kor-McElmoyle polling place was omitted. The managers for tfiis dis trict are N. S. Reeves, Ed. Johnson and W. C. Barnett Guaranteed Core -For "SOREHEAD" When you firat notice your poultry ^\Qfhffi~:$f$&&* place, lay?is down at intervals and acting aa if they were et- . imott do^^d, ^vit?x t?a^si* ho&t?3 _ .woolen slightly ?nef having the ? appearance of having gotten ( the wore* of il in chicleen fight j you had better send AT ONCE i for a bottle of thisWonderful j remedy, for "Sore Head" is | fatal in nine cases pot- of ten j unless given an effective rc- j naedy. Wa know what "Sore Head" J CHM will Aa. tKerefiar? evie 1 cheerfully and willingly GUAR ANTEE vt to cure any and all casas? of "Sore Head." Yow money hack if you're not aatbSecf. TBE OWL DRUG CO. Phone 636 * ELECTRIC CIT * _ * Items of Interest ?nd Person Wireless on the S Kr. Felton WM More to Tone, j J. E. Fs?tcn, county superintendent I of education, is making arrangements ' to move tc Anderson and at an early j date will bring hia family. Into the ?city. Mr. Felton has not yet decided where he will Ure but it ia probable that he will locate in North Ander son. In discussing the matter yester day Mr. Felton said that he waw mov ing from hia farm in the Flat .lock section because ot his children. He in tends placing them in the Andersen schools. No Typhoid Feve?^"" Here Last Month. According to the report of the Routh Carolina Board of Health for - the month of September, made public yes terday, there was not a single case of -typhoid fever reported from An* doreen county during that month, All told, 297 cases of diptberia were re ported from all parts of vthe "tate dur in g be pt em nar and -of tnis number %i cases were in thia county. There are always more cases of diptberia in this State during the months ol September and October than at auj other time of the year and the num ber for this, county ls not alarming by any moans. 'O''' ? Willis tunton Maa iiougfhl New (Der. E. W. Gregory of Williamston came ta Anderson yesterday on tasines: and-while here registered a now au tomobile, a' five-passenger Franklin touring car. Mr. Gregory says thai his new machine is a beauty and thai he fa well pleased with IL His num ber uringa Anderson county's total ut ?t MI. ftpfeedU Idea For the School*. J. B. Felton, county superintended af education, has an excellent idea fbi the schools of South Carolina, .whlcl may eventually be worked out an? put Into operation in thia State. Mr relton - believes that a mutual insur mee association can be organised fo South CaroMna schools by which ever county school in the state cao .pa: Ita proportionate ahare when an; tchool building Is burped. Mr. Feltoi Has estimated that thia will lover th .est of Insurance on every buildin In the State employed for school pur poses and that ao school will have t pay more than oae-th! rd az much a :s now espended for inourance la thl State. He also anticipates insulin ?very building for Ito total instead t Y SPARKLETS * _J!_ , * al Mention Caught Over the * treets of Anderson V I the two thirds rdanw. He thinks that the matter could be handled through the office ot the State Superintendent lot education and BO far aa"can be seen I there ia absolutely no reason why the plan should not be worked out. The Anderson man is enthusiastic over the idea and presents some very con vincing arguments in behalf of his plan. ?*? Negroes Were Admitted te Ball Bowman and Maria Roberta, both bound over to await trial at the next term of the Court of General Sessions for Anderson county, following trial before Magistrate Broadwell, were ad mitted to Jbail yesterday. Bowman Roberta waa bound over on two charg ea and his bond was. therefore plac ed at f*00, while bia wife will have to face only one charge and her bond was accordingly placed at 1200. Bow man said that- WilUamaton spring [water would taste mighty good to him after the quality furnished in Sheriff Ashley's hotel for the last three or fner day??. . ? -o Wants to Sell. Theatre Camira, ' J. E. Rellley, representing the American Seating Cooroy, has ar rived in the ctiy and will today con fer with J: 8. Fowler, Porter A. Whal ?y and other--officials of the Anderson Development Company, owners'Of the Anderson Theatre, relative to chaira and seats for the. new building. Mr. Reilly says that Anderson people, If they desire to secure seats for the theatre before December 20. will cer tainly have to place their order at once and lt ls extremely doubtful If the seats can be delivered by that date, even though the manufacturers start to work at once on the order. All plana are being made with an eye to having the theatre open on Decem ber 20 .or as' soon thereafter. as may be possible. o ? ?? HY. Placket* Probably Will Deliver Address, lt is understood that those inter ested ta the building ot a grain ele vator IS Anderson are now conferring with T^Cv Plunkett of the Farm fat* provement Work of the Southern rail road, with a view to having Mr. Plun kett-come here for the next meeting of the body of mea behind the eleva tor scheme, and to explain In detail how greatly Anderson county will prosper from launching such an un dertaking. Ur J Plunkett has offices in Atlanta, and Is a very busy man sad there ts some doubt about whether or not he will be able to comb to Auder son for the meeting but those who arc endeavoring to secure the elevator for thia city arc very much in hopet that he may consent to make the trip (toing to Columbia For the State Fair Having the fact called to mind thal the State Fair is rapidly approaching a number jot people spending yest cr day in Belton at the Fair held by tha place, signified their intention o going to Columbia for at least a par wi iii? Siiiic Fair. The Fair wiii opej on Monday, October 26 and will con tinuc through all of next week, com lng to a close on tho night of Octob er 31. Every indication is that full; aa many people will go from Andersoi this year as on former years and i 18 hardly likely that the war talk 1 going to hqrt the attendance from an; part of the State to a great degree. Physician Bought A New Automobile. Dr. Burton of Iva came to Andersoi yesterday und discarded bia old au tomobile. purchasing a handsome nei Hupmobile from J. E. Sadler'a Garag< Dr. Burton says that the Hap come nearer to jumping ditches and plowin over fences than any other car h knows of and thia is what is requit ed by a "hyslcian. Two automobile were' eoiu In Anderson yesterday an several more will be purchased toda j which seems to Indicate that "har junes" is a subject long forgotton 1 tnia Immediate vicinity. ?-o Townville Home Weat Up In Smoke. The home of William Whitfield ? Townville-was destroyed by fire Tnei day afternoon. The building belonge to James Kay and was partially co> ered by insurance but Mr. Whittle! lost all of his furniture, on which h carried no Insurance. When the. fii waa first discovered Mr. and Mr Whitfield 'were in the field and did ni know of the blaze. Neighbors did a that they'could to save the dwelliri but without avail. Following the fir a small purse wis made up for M Whitfield. # i '. f ' -i- * Perter Whaler Waa Pleased With Fair. Among.tho Interested Andersonlai attending tho Iis'.tor. Pair yesterd? waa Porter A- Whaley. secretary the Andenron Chamber of Cottunerc In talking to A reporter for The Inte ligencer concerning the Fair, M Whaley said that he liked evarythii ho saw ?a Belton end be felt as thom the Belton people should be commen ed for what they have been able to a complisb in the way of.working up oneway Fair. Mr. Whaley said If i could make ever* day of the 'Anders* county fair, to ba held next year, successful as Belton's one day w yesterday, that he would ask no moi Courthouse Yesterday Waa Almost Desertrd. Th? Anderson County court how waa a very forlorn looking place y< terday, since practically every one of the county officials had gone to Bel ton to attend the Fair! James N. Pear muu, clerk of court, and Miss Lula Smith, one ot the clerks in Mr. Pear man's office, J. S. Acker from the of pco of the Supervisor, J. Mack King, county supervisor, J. B. Felton, super intendent of education. C. D. Griffin, from the Treasurer's office and Win ston Smith, county aud. or, were Ijimong the county officials tc 'cave the . Hy for the day. Little business was transacted at the county court house aii dny iong. -o Anderson Team ls Sure to Win. The Anderson High School football team went through a splendid prac tice yesterday and fortunately but few members of the team were BO disabled by roason of the game Monday with Wofford that they were unablo to play yesterday. AU Indications tbat the lo cal boya will i have a fairly easy time in handling the aggregation from the Bailey Military school when the two teams gat together on tho Greenwood field Saturday afternoon. Another hard practice will be gone through with thia afternoon and another Fri day. -o Association to Meet In Mew York. A number of Anderson business men yesterday received invitations to at tend the Fifth . Annual Convention of the American Manufacturers Export Association, which witl be held thia year in New York City. Deliberations of the association will be conducted in the Hotel Biltmorc and the first ses sion will be held on Thursday, Oct. 27. The idea of the Association ia to foster foreign trade and addreasea will be delivered by some of the beet au thorities In the Uunted States. The banquet which la to be served on Thursday evening will be a very elab orate affair and it la understood that it will coat *M>ut $10 per plate. The Death of n Lillie Lad. ' Death is'always ead,' and leaves its black shadow across the hearts and elves of those who are left. The aw ful loneliness of the hours spent by broken-hearted parents, can only be felt by those who have experienced a tike Barron. Mr. and Mrs.. Ben Hawkins, who live on Hampton street, know what lt means to see a dear little life flick er out like a tiny candle, for the bright baby eyes of their little three year-old son, "R, A.." were closed by the Icy fingers of death Saturday night, October 17, after only a few days illness. Everything thai loving hands could do waa powerless to keep his little life with us. Now there la one more angel In heaven, one more Jewel- In our Master's crown, for He said. "Suffer attie children tb come unto nie." and who, of us, would d*re forbid them to come. * A Sympathetic Friend. oooooooooooooo o o o Some Artists, What? o o o oooooooooooooo Since the new traffic lav- have! gone into effect and the Anderson po- | lice are forcing people to drive to ' the right there are tome funny things aeon on the public square Yester day morning ono driver rame down the street; on tho wrong aide, was warned by one official, straightway gnl- back on the other side and waa again warned and then he had to be told the third time, thts warning re quiring an officer to run seer al blocks to catch him. - While all this waa going on. a re porter for Tho Intelligencer . was standing on the other aide of the street sketching;a picture ot Traffic; Officer Aiken as he DID NOT ap- j pear. Will Preach Sunday. -. ni l'. H According to announcements made yesterday by Rev|. J. T. Mann, he will preach at the Beaverdam church tn the Fair Play section of the county next Sunday morning at ll o'clock. A cordial invitttlou is extended the public to be p'esent and take part tn the services It Always Dees the Work. "I like Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy better thea any other," writes R. BL Roberts, Homer City, Pa. "I have taken it oft and on for years and it has never failed to give the desired results." For sale by Evan's Phar macy. All dealers. Stop thone Early Bronchial Cough? Thoy hang on all winter if not chocked, and pavo the way for seri ous throat and lung diseases, net a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar Com pounded, and take lt freely. Stops coughs snd coldo, heals raw inflamed throat, loosens tho phlegm and ht mildly laxative. Chas. T. Miller, Ed. Enquirer, Cannelton, Ind., had bron chia! trouble, gui vory hoarse, cough ed constantly from a tickling throat. Ho used only Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. Was entirely reitovedJ Wants others to know of Foley's Honey and Tar. * For sale by Evan'a Pharmacy. In Watches We are just in receipt of ? ? thia model, small Gen-. - tl cm au's Waltham watch, made in Antique style, which is just about the "niftiest" thing in swell timepieces that has hit the "Electric City" in many moons. It's ve:y neat and pretty in jj appearance; and is undoubt edly the smallest thin model Gentleman's watch ever ofV j fered at the price, of $12.00 ? It's a serviceable, Guar anteed Waltham movement, in a Twenty Year guaran teed case, and tue price is on ly twelve dollars. . . ,,t . . We will be please^, tps show it\to you. MARCHBANKS&BABB Vi