University of South Carolina Libraries
" ^ SI BELTON PAGE +0 * *** ~. ^ ? *-?* " ? ? - " - ? , -. ; . :, - , ? ^ t . . NEWS AN? WM?Ml^?ir^fl. * INTERESTING Bif? * AND NOTES Ff * ' ~ } * CLAUDE A. ?r\A\ * * * * ****** # * <... '..'** ? Hr . ' C. H. Gassaway of Long Brunell was lu town yesterday. ' Rev. C. A WuterB. pastor ot the First Baptist church of Petter, was amqug those who had business in Belton yesterday. The following traveling men ;;were registered at.Hotel Geer, yesterday; H. L.:Barnes. Chicago; J. M. Bennett, Atlanta; D. M. Peden. Chester; Rob ert Schaellsbauni. Pro<rld?n??< pf if. Snider. Richmond; J.I Ci ' .Mtnugft. Milwaukee; G. C. Hammond'/"RTcti mend; Fred Folk, Bonton; Paul Haddock. Charlotte; W. A. ,~ Now York City; W. :F. H Peoria, 111.; Jacob Churle?; ,Tu Walter West, Greenyilfe; 6; J" Virginia; W. A. Bulbrfech.Jt M. L? Furbery. Buff afb; B^tKur|ey;j Buffalo; G. B. Brindrgch,' G?nfornta?l C. E. Black...Montgomery; ..T^'.L.H GofT, ^altimore; F. R. M?CultockY At lanta: C. H. Bulkley, Spartaftburgj C. S. Rigby. .Greenville J G. W,-Wright; Columbia;- ?, W. Hetbt. Richmond; H. F. Hanks, Columbia- , ":;>... .?. I Mrs. M. C. Cunningham, one of our popular milliners, wnp baa been .tn New York and Baltimore for thp past three weeks buying millinery, bas re turned home. 1 I S. L. Shirley of Nlti waa-*1 amctfg j those in town j^feray^Y., ,-i. H Miss Sadie Shtirley of triangle -was in Belton yesterday on business. ?r|H .Mrs; Robert Parker and' MfsT Frank ? Arnold of Anderson spent yesterday in town, guests of the iornier.'a parente. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brobmeron-'An- ? i'cr so a street. . H Will Kajr of Hones Path, a very prominent traveling man. Was lo Bel ton yesterday. - x. ? Watter Keaton of Eben?ie*1 '"'was among those, In town yesterday. -'H c. E.. Clement of Belton. Route. was n buineess Belton yes terday, 'ii- ? IN MEMORIAM. Resolutions on the Heath of Mrs. Juo. R, Barris, The. Ladles' - Missionary society, of the Belton'Methodist church met' at tho beautiful home of Mrs. G. 8. Ctfth- ? bert, on-ittver. street, . yesterday after- ? noon.-andf quite an interesting pro gram was carried out....One feature ot! t he nrqgram.. was a tribute .to the ! memory o? tyrfc. John R. Harris, de-1 ceased- j This' resolution fof??we'? ?'?'?? "Whereas?. God, in Kia providence, ha:? seen tty to remove from our midst our bc??V?<L>irlend and co? worker,. . Mrs. John!.1V Harris,therefore .h?,. Hz resolved, by tba Woman's Foreign Missionary society ot the Latlmer Me . mortal Methodist church: "First Th-.? te ?"*death .sro,havam lost a;njosV'userul. consccraf?d kuti efficient worker. "Second-r-That, while, deeply deplor ing her loss.'we submit to the divin? will and pray God's comfort upon her loved ones. . "Third-^That a copy of,these, reso / talion's be'sent to Ute bereaved fam ily, and another copy,be Inscribed in I our minut? book.'' "MRS. W. H..COX, "MISS ANTONIA tSMITH, ( ? - *~ "Committee;" . 4 R KIT RN KO MISSIONARY. \ .?-*4*'t'-*, tJ Keel ?red nf. Presbyterian Church ai * Belton Tuesday. Or. Buchhiran of. Virginia, who lias, boen a missionary in Japan - for -a ?umber bf?Mars, g?ve &farf -.Instruc tive i?fctur? at;;-the iPredWyteVian church In Belton Tuesday night. A large Crowd was present and enjoyed the lecture. Dr, Buchanan ts full hf interesting Information of the foreign land and wjll always be welcomed to Belton. Mfttsds; Ola'< Scotf'<?rifc ' RtttlPPattpp son of Anderson were among thora who etifiOded^ j^etime theater la - Rolten^TKfr?lght. ' " \. P?OlF. LANGI'ORR SHOT. ?H Well ^^^^^^l^^ I know)* ?a B?ltu??"bairn's> bboa o?jW ,v Intended* of Belton High School for two years, waa accidentally .ehoV.Mqur day afternoon. We nibil s fi th? Aggi -lowing article from tho Columbia Statedyesterday; As W.. H. lAntft^lPt^ISS??^M the Hopkins school. **?' ??rting out fov a abort bird h??t M?rf*& noon^Vith two ^*P^^^^^^^iq curr^^L'thd ba*c^^rft^^^^^^^? o? Upuvr* w?vyioK's*. ??.. Tatner or Phillp'. Claytor. Mr. Langford was rusfcea fa a hospital'ia Columbia and last night waa reported as retting Mr. Langford's wpund i? painful., bnt Js not' thought to-be ?fJ a 'f&tal nature. 'Vt?EK ?TPBAYEB, L*d??f of ^.t^m^m%lmf^ BiMllircbH^^i^df^ar?eK^ Mrs. W. T. Tate conducted the wcftkfftf? prayer meeting-and her sub ject ?fr, ^Shares in tbe Building." Devpt|??al exercise Resjmaaive Scripture vending. Prs^r.bxJ!ra.^.R_8^Jluri?a. ' - Talk,. "jFi?ib: -Thr?diir STihT^by * ? 4. * * * * >0ET,O#l^WS! - * ??M BUSY BELTON * ;_[ ' /. * /ES, Csm^deot * ???XX Hymn, "Come Ye That lx>ve the '.Lord.*', v '.'** ,,>'?; t p Pray?*" by Mr?. MT T. McCtteii. Duet by Mrs- McCucn and Mrs. West. i Tulk,; "Why May Southern Baptists Give Freely." by Mrs. J. T. West. Readinf. f'Dr. Gray's Appeal," by |'M?r>.rWest; * I Headings tract, ?'Every Day Thanka \ giving;" -Mrs. D. A. Gees. Thre?' payers, by Mrs. - Gees, Mrs. iBovep ajad "Mre,, Rj?e. 7 j I lagatb?rtn? of thank ottering. Hyi%pi rW? Praise Tee, Qb, God." I Announcements. ' I ???M?Jbg'^rayer.', . ' Mrs, Wv H.-Jrawnell will conduct the meeting Thursday,' arid her sub ject MU be '?'Foundation Centers." Her program ls very. Inf crest lng, and she Jtpv?? ijJUbjr isjqes will make sn especial effort to attend thia meeting. I * . ? * 4 *" ? ? * * *.Uv> ? * * . . . KT. TABOR AND ZION ?. -, .* ? ......?a* Editor Int?lllg??xer; , It bas been some time since you heard from" us, but we arv still in the ring. , ^.The^fArmer iiasn't dope anything te bli lind in about a monto. Don't ?et the blue^. Mrj Farmer, we have plen ty ot tini? y?C' There wasn't any preaching at Zion [Sunday,.op. account ??.yMr.c Peeler be ling ?! thc quarterly conference held pt i Pendleton, We all., missed bis sermon ; vef v muco as he la ari extraordinarily ?good?breach'?r. " Mrs",' W: p. Balford and children vls f-itcr.hfer sister, Mrs. O. B, Ballard at ! Roberta Saturday ?nd Sunday reports a fine time... ... ?' ~ . \ , -.Ti?fe?P will' be'rprf entertainment at Zion School houseWxt Friday night. Evenfoodj ls cordially InvRcd to come. The ?Qlly"B?4?a of this place ls get ting along*, lust fine. It has bought a moving picture ma?bjnjli.a|td IS going to get, uniforms this-summer. We bad a man from Dayton, Va., to teach us last summer, hope to get bim back next summer. One of our band boys went back with him to Dayton, and bo likes, it fine. Hope to have him with us also. we haft W^lH??^?\tetW&?trmmi Ry last w^^^j^^fBir^^ nbt fe?lmg weH^ ?hat e tenm^mnd? at 8 o'clock she became worse and djedl at eievep, no doctor.Usvlngjieea, call ed in. Every body waa'pouch surpris^I ed ind were tndeel sorry. *Bhe waa one of the oldest inhabitants of the county. Nobody knew her age exact ly,. but She was. nearly a hundred. \ Mr.( Jolm .Rhodes . is, getting ,along Jlne with his hew" barn and'hopes to have lt completed in a .few' days. Mr. 'W. H. 'MeDf?i Usa ?"?i ^is?tfed i a ri?w "barn.' His barn having been burnt uouiotii?o ago, destroying four-; mules'and one hpraeV , w, / The ?.chpoi is, getting-along fine with its good, kin 1 ?nd noble teachers. The principal., Mr, Mr. B.JC. Qrbmer with three assistants^ Misa N?nnl? O'Neal of Pendleton, Miss Lila Madden of Central and ML4s ?Cara Haddon of ! Donalds; 8,4Oi." We don't .sc??'how the ; uch?ol could, get along any better, so 1 .think you trust?es had better , get. to* getber and < efeel tnem.4 for another1 I tenn. Mr. D. M. Moore bought a new suit Uta other dar and had Just .bought ono about h month ago. I wpatier what ?ext? : Mr. ML H.*lMtoreVh1*famny visit ed Mr. D. S.> Hobson Sunday. I gtiess.I had better ring off for Oils He and IcaVo something" for" next c. . ' ? . " - .; .> Uncle Zeke. o ? o'o o Tool otf^o'WdTo o ? o ? o' O .{ .. O' 00 o 00 -O OOO O OOOOOOOO i?H?'?er ? il ^.cloek***?^3Li^?rt? ?f^tb^I*?inh Interments wert lb jan jft&?aflst cem etery. Showing, thc H*. great and las? respect to Mr?. Cole th? church would not seat the. congregation ?bat gath, ?fed for thia? last ?6d rifo. , ?j > . le, March 2.-James" E. Ew bome at Frlen^'p.' tofefjffipi. ^?b.J.fl The funeral ser vices . vere conduQte?j? I by tbe Methodist pastor Rev. W, S. I Myers. Mr. Ewlug had tmty ?lek? a short wh?l? with pn?umojit?, He I leaves a wife;- who was'Ml?* MctSfaie ? near' 8?neca, two ?Si'Wren, pauTro?' I an i' Jes: E- snottier*' who! rj?s?oes .at ? R. IA oUimii, nariyeiw ya., ana .Mrs. ? W. H. Bwoney, Hehd'ersonvtlle, N. C., Mr. Ewing was ^9 years of age, tu IV?* ?>-i 0000000*00000000000 Tow.>vrL?fe HU?ihiiik I o o ? ooo ? i> 6 O O O O O d O o (Specia?, to AnSsp? Inteti^e?cer:/. Towtfvtne; March 2.-::Rey. W\ 8.' Myers has returned from a-trip te friends at Pelter.0 ' '.'? ' Kev. ' and. tifo. S" T. Hollingsworth spent the weekend afc' Fair .Play.'.. . haveJjejn,ob an extended trip to Flor ida have returned Konje., Rev;. fJ^thors of. Anderson, visited friehdaW^hls.WeeK: t . Miss. Peterson - pr Laurens ia Visiting bereiste*.?frs. "fe & AsbUj.' . ... , Miss JEvnJcb MOpr?' pad aunt, of GrcJihvRlo ar? Visiting, rejatlyes: ? , Mi-. ?Vt Brbvtn.who.?s 'visiting iii? wife Ip Um jKnpvvl?,on Hospital. lo. Co\i lumbla, s pen t'a; few lays at home last M>! and Mm. ,#pwt Bpi<mV?o vfsft?eT frlehds in Anderson . th'18 weeli. .Mar. and Mrs. E. C. Ashil! were among the visitors 1 to AnderBOU last weefkL MK" C. Burkett apd , li&e aonj Jan e?."* spent the week-end with f rle imf. ' - MQra. James E. Ewing and children, of Hartwell, Oa., are visiting rela id. ?ob frioe.a?d.^.,Wnn?? ?o?pw ma? have returned trom'?' trip to At lanta. ." ?ft Bjufu?'S'&SL1?re awi >;po? pfr Texis, where Jm wRi mak? his borne, Mrs. R. \% StpvaU. pf HartweR;.Qa.J and. MTs. \R-.H: B?Atti?, of He?'lsr-J Bonville, visited friends herc this week. I* SOUTH WILLIAMSTON * * ?# * * * f#" South Williamston, March 3.-Mr Ward of Anderson", and < bis. elster, I Miss Sftrh, pf Clinton*,", hava been spending a lew days in Hie city, visit,-.; lng at tb?. home of. their uncle, Mr. P ,k"-*'Brotrn-' ".V; BiT. CauR spepf the -wW*e?*| in Andereon-.With . relatives. Mr, Jphn T^f?hSnala?' i-^?PMtB? 'a few da>B.ia;^ItmJre.with friends. KTooh't?T daughter. Miss ie spent a vf?w days1 in ?fedn vUIe thw week with.'- relative* MT. M, A. Mauldln and daughter, ?Miss Zora, spent Saturday 'and Sun lay ia Belton. Vi WlHihgham-B?rro?gl?n .- the W&4 Of Ber. ti. Cl * Mnrtin ."? Sunday1 rmoirn ihg March V MV/kt Ml' 3urrqt?5bB and Miss Berth? VvTO'mgh?m^wer? marfifd: both, the contracting- parties are from the city of Anderson... *-'? S-'V . V* ?ie ..?es o Friendship Bets. M ss KatelanlTMamle CallahAftJ?* Eugene Ht?gW^ were ' thc gueW Ol j Misa Eunice Young on Sunday. Cherry Cotbratc cabled on hf? best girl .Sun^ afternoon. ? : , .W&vi^Si^^.oX-W Rpck, sec tion; fe'vlsittng'her sister.''Mrs;- J. C? 'te?iun?n. . .?...,. Mfa. J. li. GsmbreR is right-Bick at brother, .Charlie Intimer .Saturday J and ;.Sund?ur. % . , ..; ' Mr. O. K. Martin and Miss Bora Taylor were the-guests of Mles Eu , started visUtu? ipi ^ntb?? rab; a*w?y.No Jf? was the gaefet of ir??^ af fr?^i'nlfj IB ^ir ^ve^^Pco^iT^ ?ferches | >pr country. Rebecca Oattt and: bec grairtN . er. Mica Lola Codelafad . U ?ding a few lays with Mrs. J. P: nbreU. : " . 1 he Cleveland asbool gr>e -a bo< ly laet'week which waa ?k big' sue - ir. .Fred" ?i?llRm has pdrchaaedi ai b*gg:jjoo*.'o*t <irls . i uki". ?-FAB? ??LkH." e .f?#yf?M&& p t? Wo a x) o o o o o ltoa;">f#rch ?.r^Tht? play. re ?sst Friday from it*w..wfii itoy.4ow? aria-. mmi they : expect naife, a.; f?md house "it. The .pnc?^afc|mttt?J t?^o Uf thp.'tchopiKlibrary, mau otk baa Mm** i?Tb*-:T?ioi Lite." s play tp:be<presented e?oq N??e time wl^.jhe^fimuT W. Cox. on Brown aWnae. THE 5tAN?*0?? KJAN 2 o o o o o ob o ? o o' o o o ? o ?v.l. sm,,ip ft fl?'rrjf (o .get to tqll you something. J notice?: .lest .anuda y, ou the Blue FA?gc train. 1 wonder il the^r fear ?hey wit^ burt the wm'^-rs Jf they dish, a.. flt*t!?\,w^?er3 on them and then dry etti with a ole*, clean rag. They ( rnlgh't dust' j?be Beats' oft* a little every day too, but, perhaps tbey think .that will gtre their employees j *omp kj?nd of disease it they &Lthe :^u*ft kicked up that has'l been'?ylr?fc; th?f? a&ould?rfnK.'fdr. thel pastoree w!n'?ows. bb. wolK they r??gWJ?l^k?je the glass If they put water op^tfifcm. it came to my attention, by fleeing'a,lady v^th onnge^in?it IS^Sf?^ tba s^me^ iadj; ' trffdilp/Jcok, ofo qt thewlnddw to aee:,^we, friends and ibo dirt that had caked on the glass I interfered so much ffiat snp could notH levon sec the t?legrnfet? poles go by las ;th? fran? passed. ; ? I If ybtf wilf get 'rsatr Sunday's Tn-B ? telllg??cef and read th?''??un?ry.chi-W I resfponflence' ftdm* thlT vsrlbun parts'! of th? county you wiir And one thatH ? s?g'fc?s'ta th'atvAnd?rs???'rn"s*e a' coun?*M ? ty fair.' Th> writer from Slif-and-H ? Tw?hty sets''out'SolDt?Vgjoo^? facts <tiW ? this article in' regards to county fal ra ? and as I remember. Belton baa' hadH ? some several great aneciases. I hekrH not'J lng m the' Wind-'St* th?' pres^atB ?thAt tso?fidS lfkV' f??lr t?n? year M%M ?when Ed Fr?erSoV'?nfl<Capt'. Ad&rH started ag?in there will be ?afr &rW ? all. 8tfVt flf? ?elt?n1 fair spirit- idjfefl II 'TV give alf s?ch^as^r^fl t&Y?\ ?ni ? laid df what this' c?rrespo^enWdeWH ? ifk? )o? 'a' conniy tair,, which cO?StyH fair se im?, lo. have niade. Its. home fnH ? Belton. IjiAmt$.? *".We -need a couo-l ? ty fair. W?. ^careelt tt??W* WTisf to ? ? say; but will say thai a county falrH ?wfil bp,!.??* .'or'thif1 Vssr-chferptlBeaB ? ever gotten^?p ftjr ?'country." . TJfhfH DO tn l ?r.M.K I v. ? - -. . . I. .. ? .t,- .^I-I?H W y. * * ! - " . . a |tululDiUUi ?11.1 lUV OU1I ItH H must be county wide but lt Ja. needless! Mm IttnV td tfffer thti'suggekloi? toB ? Belton people foir'when^th.?y get sUf?-M ? ted they spread the spirit all 6nn ? the state, and let it ,g$;nsVsUte*wld]e.H ? start the Belton fair spirit right now. By the way'lias Beitoa oyer WeWShtH ?ot ,a'. bend . issue.; J$cfc%,t?t?V&m bch^ rijjlf: . ? : :. IUI lt r.j?fches the top o ' the f?ijder endH then with a! good, abos ? VUS^10rwM| through the skylTgh?. ''TOHfcjS. in the' pr line . or her ^WW^i^'^beM cannot abord to T?t thfhih??^^ thSt v,.?l. t?.dvj? make her ;a better Cit;'. In Btv ?tua?.frith' jth? pumte, spirited t$np^jftniH ? ehe has. in c^argVer her' a^wioWKfl ?vp. gofos" io allow, ber to iem^mifl The aldermen ii?Ml j^M?j?B ?ttf-.S're .all ' ??Vv? RV??C and )riterlprWhj$H ?and vwh?n" thc, t/mo pres ^ntt.V itae^toB H^^s'S.^el town' ? better and blggerH ? B>ltob.T?fcy win grasp thc' cffs^wit'bB ? snUrott.nerve ?nd, .viii s??^^OpfH ? what they '.are doing and have don? ? One .thing that ? bekr vorv about .i?> thc .Civic fc/ag?e.. So 'doubt dotcraufiamn u? make, th'e^eH*, bcAu: mps will continue to improve aiuLthat IWjr^nTtn^?4l-1& cjtyaij^?ep?a s^rm seeing thc business .district frig lO^^?id^ .upon tb?nv^sp^ t^ey wBI, go .homo, with nothing (6 talk s^"jo?V:B?^n; . , . k^^haVe"-m^'e? , -^-.y? fl 8.US?'??ekeLs fromTe?l<- Territory Will ?'.'Hf clltftei Seen Art. ?'? ? jfr^ lerr??ory is the next move b? U^^n^yitv^t too at lei program.' S> cording to announcement here last night(' , Fr?'hcYoCQ filia?,' InVcfer* r??p j?^4y?K^?!'eile tH?Pdef?^ jjr^ha^^ j *_ EIIP?:' ?jafcT The rebels were confident the gunboat Guerrero' would follow ' W^9?^p^^^Ca\V^ making! tj??' capture pf Mazatlan' ?n ff G uyamas a slaiple matter, The G.?1X qf,Call 't?ral?; th?li would .be. ?pap to naviga tion fof the Constitutionalists, irtvlng theiri a-g>P?t advanta'Re in shifting their, $m:''j?m mil ?s southw?tfii.. >* *> Aside ffotp this thc UinVeoicnt; lt sbccesjBful', Would force wlUjffrawjii ot thc Fed?fat giptfrl?op" o? 12.000 men ; at Torre?n, where" they ste repotted st-ongly entrenched, because lt, would 'ptactTthe e*ri?my between them and Mexico city. ^ For.thls reason- the nev, Campaign'here is thought to ex plain In some degree . why Constitu tionalists' In Chihuahua' u?d?r G??'eV SI?,Vr\1tr wer? holding off. S?owlng the Coderais'to fortify and provision Torre?n against a .sjeg'e. : : . . ? :-,k Th? Tor're?h attat?Si-will be pushed' it was stated by ERM? ' ? j-o .?i>n^re ure plenty Of troops Jp Chi huahua." he said. "Genera! Carra?as . #111* go Into Chihuahua with, only 70t men! Fifty would b? enough.'' ' .\&!wsA,pnmopi^ed her(e;,ioday,,tba! ,C?asuf Leievfer an!d General Carrah Siwo^ju* jaietH cnna.pea tonTefrow that tlie Consttrution?l?st leader'woult hq at Naco tomorrow night and' Agu Ptl?u..i|?|wwl? -A'??i? PeleteJLiaj trl&pnsfarch^s ev>C?ed aou panuni spread lb honor of hts coming. ,,V, ...C?.^AJ?NEWS, . . ? .'? . .? .' a . * .' . ThW Ladies Behool Improvement As last PTidayhpftemoon? .ar the 'aSfapr j building.. An addition to. th'e trcastir I wah ,made by the sale of home maa candiaa^i.fjRraiJook Tor eilan Idaa? o . next *tlm>i. ?arle'Bruce visited rejatlves^ '.Mrs. J. A. M'ahaffey is spending th ffrWff ijffjllMl'yilll|T" at .Gentry ^wnh|l^dis^ the wintry Weath we have been experiencing, the IIO? of our community continues fine. I [ft '" i i Washington, Maret?-'vtf^fcepresc 'tfttlye Collier of Mississippi, In i s'p'??ch In the house against Int? '^peking directorates' tod?y, -leclur . VbTe t-oulh *rff trtillwky had* to go tb* .P^;Morgsh;,j??a Company with an ? ?rMtarn premium to get money wi which 'to'meal the- .W.OW.W* wo! of bonds abo tit to fall due. "they aro Btra?h'kif?Wfi^ pay the^-^mr^ great bobbed Indebtedn?s? of their ?std Mr.-edlller: "They" cannot t these-'' bonds, so they hSve' to so J. P. Morgan abd Company and j ffi-Qffi0^ to re1aero^>ths?a-^iyB< t _ ? "^^^^ i ? Ti? /^^,* w's./ A?L. S% *A<J' ? ^>xa*SmW S w ^ t ?fn^ofsla^rsi. , r rssshtsUr? .. .'n.??'< ?? ll''-1 ^Wllnt?. thc Morgan ?>mju?dy\fl?ys,-"we will Sive yqu.fSO.OOO.tJQ? but .fte, want $80, 000,000 for the fifty m?Rton of bondi*;, wn wajWrjr?u to Add ton mfttlon moro' k leaven $*?? io Dasghter-lB.Law Sania* Barbara; Calfr.'4lj)fcrcn 3.-To Katherine fi*urnam^C?TH>?ne,' ut lacreo Ibfe' ferocity, who itvea^'oa 'my bbunj if 4or years, at Hie same Uaq |iur nutag mt with .malicious slender. 1 lefciye thj' ia (ho. wa'y^.iii which Mrs. Robert' T<OU1B' Stevenson, remembered* ?r daughter-in-law ?ii hey will filed r probat^ ?ere .'ioday,*>t -M- 'i ? An ?nly. &??igtit? .ltte. ?ieved ?f Consumption. ??- ? . r*l f.fl'"'1'/' ' When death" waa hourly eXpocted all remedies haying /ailed, andi Dr. H. t James was experimenting with the 1 manv herbs" ?f Calcutta, li? accident-' ly Bo* ?1 pi'?para't??tf ' which cured bi? . y child of Oommmptlon. His, child ls now.. In this country and en-j Jobing the best of .health. He has proved" to tjfe world thatCohsumptlon can be positively and permanent ly cured! The doctor now give* hW re cipe frefi, pjAiy .ftflgihjg. tsjort ern* stomps io pay .expenses. Tills herb 'also euros' NigTit .Sweat?l T??ube? at the stomach "ant! Mi will break up a1 fresh ?old in tyvdnty-fpur hours... Ad dress ?q?tA,PDOCK ft CO., Philadel phi*, Pa.', naming this paper, t . Till.Vt, Qt 81TT HXtTKD B? , (Rr AssociatedPress.) * fei, J Charleston,.W\ Va.. Marci). 4.-Trial o/, th?* m.u?o1 damage1 Anna Hall ?gatff?t thc Chcn?peake and ' Ohio railroad' was halted today when" 9-ie.?f iJ??Jt?orGrs"wa* caned from the! 1 . ; ? ?tim. .by ""tho Illh?aW of his wife. W. Di Kudual I and Prank Ho maker had teSfff??d'that the houses on Paint K**PfiM*-UBrim\fiirii jr>,by men'Jrom theahnoroa train s? U passed along th? Taint Creek brariW? 'the night of < KHMMrXuteJ913, durlne tho naners &W:^W?imffim"im< train that!; MrBf Hall alleges she'waawor 'i ?j&rbj^xaminajlqn,% ft*-;t^ defense raaMted^thgt lt Would, ?oflpntr thut i (hp' trien op' the tram^Wo did the shooting were under' fh? orders of the sheriff, W^lle th* plaintiffs edbbs?l ( WtPtfa'***'^*w?r4g employed ? ricial*. ' .. "??*' ? Heal Religion ? Atlanta' Unreif 3.-??e? ' Trotter,; wno VSSB?SSmm,mt |^^^^^^^*te^|^^^^an^ ; %! talJ?B. about the Crucl?xto? m If .S^t?lib* that-halm???^|to. before yesterday, and When ho pray?,' to Oe'd, ner'sottttdif ?O^t Hke an pv'cr gfroVd boy'tfTglSl(?"?h-earthly father. . He ?nts ?lang in tba mouth or^Jje Apostle Peter, and. tjalka aboui b&r> 'room,rights.'from thu pulpit, Yit Dr. G. .Campbell ?o'r?khj ?rv.Souper ya?*? othet^o?^ A?\MK!y\ i^^fflr ^ ot h or godly, and tntel??pttaa? ?n'd arc associated with hip), jin the confer.^ ence deciarp that ?LfflfX? rxiai?^pry ?sartft/ hkd* true rever1*mi& m'Sls hean lt ls Mel Trotter. lt WW so very r"?af ' to'rhlmVttfey* ffky ^pY-ffct' dr 'his own salvation end "Um. n?pd. of .others ipr salvation, that, h?kjabtr.s norther way to talk' ?b??f it except straight from the 'shoulder. JusTW* be talks of tho oth-.'r vital things of Rfc. His prayer .on the .opening day of tim conf?rence was ono ,of thev niost remarkable ever littered tro'm an AU labu t>urp?erpW On? of the iii?at1 ?ar nAst ' r' '.God, yon know wh|, >^ erp. trying to do. . in Atlanta," \ he. prayed, "and are1 bWiiaV 1^ W wifgiyob to ple?sa ~: V..- .-'J- ' * ? Wm % farm .or K. TolUaop:, J one of th? ?inhuki? M> ai LINE1 Pr* OF CHICAGOF?B?Bil?. a?-*??*' ' .'. 1 .lit : . . . . Yirii Team et New Leane te be Aa noiincerd Completely.' ? ?. ?> Chicagev,Ma>eh'?.->--The Une api ef the, Chicago Fed?rala iras announced today by Manager Tinker. . lt-was tile -"*.' Ilrst ot the Federal team? to.bc an nounced completely. 'The names of \ Lb? playera with, the team'-each mau wan with last year folfdwa:-' Pitchers-Ad Brennan.' Philadel phia Nationals; Claude Hendrix, Pitts burg : To^Y'H^^r?.tf^lMcaa^'^ti nls; fra'Lahfc tocal semPprofesslbn sl; fe J. Watson, Milwaukee; Henry Schmidt. Milwaukee*J John* Glaser. Chi cago ' Seml-pfofesslonal ; Dave Black, Chicago semi-professional,and' li?b IVendcrgast. Peoria. i ;i Catchers-*Art Wilson.- Newr Yerjt: ,, Nationals: f Jittt Mcdonough, Chicago /ederalu and George Mulvaney! Ch? cinnatl semi-professional. First basemen-W. H. Jsckaou* BpoU?ne; John Hading, Chicago Fed- '? erais; Fred Beck. Buffalo; Bill Zwil ling, St. Joseph. Second basemen-John . Farrell, (correct) Chicago Federals; . John Oman, Lake Forrest University; .Leo Kavanaugh, Chicago 1 semiprofession al.^' I /uv- .? *-\^r ^tity Third basemen-Rollie Zoider, New York Americans; James Stanley, Chi cago Federals.' I; Shortstop-Joe Tinker, GMndrfniil. O?tll?lders-Al Wickland;: Cinoln n?ti^pad Coles, Baltimore, audi Ki mi rani Jolui Muncie, University of Minnesota, and MHx1 Flack.-<PU???U. . '.Bill" Brannan. tbday was, appoint ed chief.of the Fed?ral a umpiro staff by Prij??d Vdt Gilmore. ' p * ? * * * * * * * S THE DAY m CONGRESS * * * ?# * * * $ Ma?h'^;l6?4 . ? W? Fdrelgn r?teUoS^conim dis cussed tho MWx?ctrn Situation.' Arrangements wttro made . for a loint session tomorrow to hear Presi dent Wilson read bia message advo cating repeal of the Panama . tolls Dxemptroh. House-Met at poon. Horne? Stern, of Phllatetphlai*<toM the: Judiciary committee the high cost af living wsB canned by foreign Indus trial; concern?. " ?.? Foreign affairs committee arranged . tb hear Sccrteary Bryan tomorrow on rti?'itexlcaa flltimflon:-- ' . ; ? ' ' '. Inhalar committee cohslderetL uew legislation for the government of Por to' Bleb: '. ?'. . >j\ ? -< .Land Committee continued consider- ' .' atlort of new laws for leasing the pub ii*!dbmain.;y'^v*':,?^'^ ?w*w^4?-?i-? . ? House-Passed bill to authorize ?ta{otrit6 prohibit ' dir'vBpmf convict ^oodB in originil 'paewk*%?>1b58>e?*d fro'mj ??tside'thb siat'i borders. ' ' Conference report made on": vWMH ofljcu appropriation- bill and Alaskan Railway project*. . Rdpr^sepUtlve. Wfelsh. Kew Jersey, . and others advocated passage of ti bill to create a bureau c?f labor n&tetr':-'- " ''? ?AtijoiTrcd at : . u:?f'i ll ?. m. TKursday/ . Senaterp'.^iU?urned at. 5 p. m. to noon Thursday.; Beat Storing Apparatus. .The ! heat storing-' apparatus Ptd#a-e* Stockholm : 'inventor Whkth .< may ?.ba charged from electric stations during periods o'f light load, contains a col" of , resistance wire inclosed ' In i beat ?toring material, which tn turn is sur rounded b^ he?f-lnB?mt?ng^sti?itadee. A damper? may fae opened to permit radiation frpm when-w^U der sired to use the heat. A radiating * {overing encases"the whole apparatus Wfng af c?P50ltyr 9["'^mMj^^ cubic yard, the Ihternal/ftiulfe?WWa^ reached about? ?00 'deir?e? ' C^ JTh* beat wa? ahmcient td. ratae^e;]!^- \A jtosture ot about r'?.^*IWU?^-M water one degree C andtF cb?Tu be * ^u*^*T*^ UmgilCj(i \ Bi . ? . ? -J* : BH?Ki' mn' demonstrated to many of th? l? Ask t^s w.who uiraaAfewt. Kwnlre ?ar<aatl3?.l^ ^n>w4>% "further information wrttT^aw * rt^ ANY. WiMtoti IsaVMR. ?. a