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THE ANDERSON INTELLIGENCER1 ?_ Fennded IBM IBS North Mala Street _ANDERSON, 8. CL WILLIAM BANKS, - . Belter W. W. 8M0AK, . Basinets Manager v.Catered According to Act et Cea* grete a* Second Cl?? MaU Matter nt ta? Postofflce at Anderson, 8. C. PahUihed Every Morning Ixetpij Monday Bead-Weekly Edition on Teet&?y aag| v I friday Meralagt Daflr Edition-IMO per aaaamt MM fer Six Months? f 1.2ft for Taree Months, i fies!?Wera!; Edition - ILM per Anana i 7? cents for Six Mos th a j M ?.ats fer Four Months. IN ADVANCB ll T-,-____ Member ef the Associated Pratt and He? el Ting Complete Bally Telegraphic Barrica. A larger Circulation Than Any Oth er Ne vripaper la Tait Congressional District. Intelligencer lt dellrered by aarriers In the city. If 70a fail to awi your paper regularly please notify m. Opposite your name on label .t yow paper lt printed data to which jroar paper lt paid. All checkt and drafts should be draw*, to The An* .arnon Intelligencer. ! 1 j The Weather. Washington, March 4.-Forecast for] South Carolina: Rain Thursday; Fri day cloudy and cooler. Ball/ Thought We cannot ail be heroeo And thrill a hemisphere With some great, daring venture Some deed that mocks at fear. Yat we can fill a lifetime With kindly acts and true; There's always noble service For noble souls to do. -Selected. Anderson is My Town.-it's home. Come on, now; let's have this com mission form of government and be a city. Anderson people who' travel around sometimes feel-awfully ashamed of the muddy streets. ?. gspwe> ' fjtf? Our opinion that Anderea* ls the beat town in the sUtes?Wonnrmed f from all pointa of the igimpaas. When Abbeville gets " ?iat list ?tarted around Anderson will do her part for the proposed railroad. Bulletin-Teddy announces that un der no circumstances wiU he become a candidate for the Anderson postmas tershlp. St. -Louie has a reform wave. If lt ever strikes Cincinnati and that town ts cleaned up there will be, nothing left. , .The world Is faithless. The bull mouse have declared thai Teddy does not suit for candidate for the presi dency. . .' England's attitude toward Villa re mind? us of the parent who waits for the angry passion to pass before pun ishing the child. Incidentally the rival bands in Mex ico seem to have lost' their test to fight each other while this Benton controversy ls on. Everybody in Anderson should hear Reed Miller and his concert singers next Monday.night, Frank Croxton ls a favorite hero. The Greenwood Journal in a head line: "Who does Blesse favor?" Meaning tn likeness or to whom does he give his faanr? Congressman Heflln ot Alabama doesn't seem to mind the hisses of the guffs, but we bet ho wouldn't'?ike io be tickled with hatpins militant. Every citizen, in Anderson who has at heart tlwf welfare of this splendid town in urged to attend the Chamber of-Commerce rally Friday night. A. D. Oliphant has many friends in Anderson who'love him for his gentle neat .and gentility. Who'd ever have thought that Allie would ever be a bruiser? \ .Some papers cannot- tell the truth abdut O?flspeiiw>f?. Rainer than fail into such ways we will try to be pleas ant with any that might be-classed *? 8Uch- _ ..- Good roads should be the slogan for Anderson ounty. Half a million dol lar. bond issue-for roads would in crease the saleable value of landa many times that amount. Some OK the papers ta making np a Hst of the candidates for / governor have omitted ?oe name or john: x Duncan: He would make even a db?t?n candidates, and we hellere he will run, at usual. (ONT AMI LOCATION OF KA KT II HMM* The cost ot hunllnK over country road* is largely determined by thc size uf load that cm tc- hauled, Hie number of trip? that qgb be made in one day, and thc wear and tear on teams and equipment, according to the Ottice of Public looads Steep grades, an well 08 rutH and mud-holes, serve to de-] crease both the speed and Hie loud... On the principle that a chain is no stronger than lin? ! weakest link, the uiHxiuniMi t'.it'd (hat a team can draw ls the' load that lt can .draw np tlie steepest hill or tlijouj?li the deepest mudhole on Hie road. Whenever posadle roads should be located on st Bi it lit lines between ter s ?. mina) points. In hilly or mountain ons country however, tbs attempts to keep rouds straight between termi nals often lea ls to serious error. Hie grade must, thcr^fjkjg,, bc handled to gether. The bcstJUication ls one which ls straight in general direction, ls free from steep grades, is locate don solid ground, and serves the largest possi hie number of ^aople. Hoads should be located for Hie benefit of Hie public as well ns Hie private land-holder. at will also be noticed cleanly that steep hills on a line of road will fre quently enable horses io draw three or four times as much dkAhey could draw on the old road, ft^lakes approxi mately four times as much power to draw loadH up 10 per cent, grades (10 fuet vertical in 100; feet horizontal) as on a level ; but oh a 4 or 5 per cent, grade a horse can usually draw (for a short time) as much jus. lie can draw on a lovel. A 4 per cent, grads 1 :. therefore, considered. the maxim am. on roads subject. tb heavy hauling. Many steep grades may be avoided by locating Hie road around instead of(< over the hill-the handle of a bucket i is no longer when In a horizon tal position than.jin .a* vertical. By going around, we avoid twe steep : hills. If the road must phss up a step hill 1 or mountain sldrs, the steepness of , the road may be egressed by ?ncreas- | lng the length eYtyuV'road. In other words, eliminate steep-grades by lo- ' eating the road on curved or zigzag , linee, and not in straight lines from t the bottom to the top of the hill. Theale curves should, be carefully plotted and j the Btralght stretches located with an Instrument. ~ Jit is ImproAds the lodki? < of Hie road atjjt does noyj|4 material- ^ y|n \tudylnajtthe qa>J?Q^??f grade ls interesting:' 'loTift'e ion one foot ' high requires 2,000 foot-pounds of en-j J orgy; on tho road the surface of which , offers 100 pounds ot tractive resist- l ance per ton the same energy would ' roll the ton a horizontal distance of 20 feet To save 1 foot of grade the road may, Iheraf?ffe be lengthened 20 feet ot ? Roads ihnnlljnarnr be located so close to streamSeds as to be subject to overflow, orin ground which is constantly damp^rud"marshy. The earth road should nave at least six hours of sunshine each day. This can be secured elthdrr by locating the road with southern or western expos ure, pr by having-euell brush and trees as Impede the drying action of the '. un and wind iv moved; With gravel and i stone road this ts not so necessary, i j as a certain amount of moisture is ? needed on such? roads;-, especially lu the summer timo.* | .'. . i i Relocating roads Is not an engineer- ' lng problem alone. ? One must also ' consider the effect ot the road on the people who now live upon lt. Many i farmers dislike to have, the road put back of their house lr out of sight of it. It requires tact and* good judgment to Secure a suitable* location without ?rousing harsh agitation. Appreciated; Indeed Greenville piedmont. The Anderson Intelligencer In its Issue of today eays: "We wish to cati the "attention if the Chamber of.^Comoa-irce to the 'act that the people of Greenville aro trying tc get the. United States gov ernment to send there fd* enco-up nent something like 10.000 troops. As loon as it appeared that Greenville night be favored, Atlanta with her us ual reserve and dlBldonce, steppet in to the lime light end tried to take it. We trust that th?fttfOBle'of Anderson will stick to their??Iffer city and will by resolutions, personal efforts and ippeal to our legislators and our rep resentatives in congress do what they can for Greenville. 1 "pf course, it would .be impossible to nave the encampment here, for Ibero I? not In ?ll And?W?S county put together land enough not under culti vation to hold an encampment of that oaky troops." . Greenville appreciates very much Indeel the stand o? the Anderson pa pers in this matter. They have acted the part of frfendte neighbors, both of them having coK out strongly for Greenville for tbeBcampment Green ville appreciated & Jrandshlp and support of the sSrBtCJty and will take pleasure hfnprbving the fact aa soon as tba oppov?janttHJoffera. George C. Slkcs^hlc?go's leading advocate of reform tn everything, bad warned the voters of that city that the local government is issuing too many bonds and a bait should be called be fore th? city ls embarrassed. Revolution's First Naval Engagement (Hy Associated Presa.) Nogales, Sonora, Mexico, March 4. The li rf t naval engagement of the present Mexican revolution ended to day at Topolobampo. after n half houri I of ineffective firing between the rebel!' warship Tamph-o and the federal gun boats Morelos and Guerrero, which strumed down from c'uuyinas for the attack. The Tampico remained at Topool-j1 bampo after its crew had mutinied;' and turned the little Wessel, over toj] the Carranza forces. ' The Morelos 1 and Guerrero arriver off Topolobam-|' pu and today opened fire at long > range. The Tumpico remained inside |< tim liarbor. willie tlie federal stflMs.j took positions out in ^he Gulf of Cai-j* ifornla. ' j' Tlie Tampico's guns seemed to have|< a longer range tlian those of thc fed eral gunboats and the latter drew away. No damuge wus done on either side. TO li I. TU KT IN PERSON REGARDING MEXICO. New York, Mareil 4.-Sir Lionel farden, British minister to Mexico, hailed for I/ondon today to report in person regarding the Mexican Hitua tion to Sir Edward CJrey, the British foreign secretary. He said that he would spend only ? few days in lin day, tlien return to Mexico City. wi i.i, it isl ix; ?: CREEK (lichter Board II ec ides to Max: Structure ?ar lam ry v Me Chester, Mardi 4.-The Chester board of county commissioners met yesterday In the ofllce df the super vlEor John O. Darby. Tlie township boards were urgel to have all dogs returned for taxation, The board decided to construct a bridge across Susie Bole creek on ll. P. l>. 2,1 LowryvUle, it win have a 40 to 44 Coot span, and will be about five feet from the water. Thc board accepted the proposition of EV M. Reeves to furnish the county a sacriftecer to treat macadam roads. SAME TWO ROBBERS. Chester, March 4.-There was no little interest created at thc police headquarters when a negro boy, Ar thur Stroud,, claimed that hi was held up at the point of a revolver In Je Lersville. a negro suburb of this city, by two white men. One of the men ivas of low stature, while the other was tall. The interest over the af fair was centered in the fact that the nen answered to the description of :wo men that attacked and robbed A. Pat Wilson, the Seaboard Air Line railway ticket agent. The negro was robbed of 50 cents. An investigation ww male, but ige search was futile.! denten Lecture^aj^^tce Church^ The .second lecture in tho series ?Ach are Jgjgfc ht . Grac . hurch during Lent on Thursday ev enings will be -delivered this after noon at the service. The subject ls :he*church and the Bible and all aro nvlfed. to attend* The hour of the service, la eight o'clock. REVEALS SiGRbTS OF. BLACK HAND SOCIETY Condemned C^ngstet ia Sing Smg Prison Makes Con fession. (By Associated Press) New York, March 4.-Pietro Rebaccl, n the death house at Sing Sing prison, i waiting to be electrocuted 1B said to tave made a confession today reveal ng secrets of a "black hand society" vltlch has been responsibly for many carders in this country. Rebaccl con essed to the murder of Tony-Marro it White Plains, for which crime he s to be executed .and also gave facts o show he bad been tho hired/assas in of blackhand agents. He declared Marro had been the dctlrn of a vendetta add that if he md. not Joined the society and killed durr o he would have met death. It ls laid that the loader or the gang con* lueted the hold-up of foreign employes m the estate of John D. Rockefeller vas revealed and a number ot arrests nay follow. . Rebaccl's alleged confession solved he murder of a man whose body was ound In a pond with seventeen -knife vounds In his back last December. Guard Against Thieves New York, Msrch H.-Though the itrlctest secrecy had enveloped tho neasures became known to lay that usual precaution ls beljjg ex .reined by the Metropolitan Museum >f Art to guard against thieves and ire the $50,000,000 Morgan collection uiw on. view In that iostltutlon. Wilson Gr?** \pproytfj ^ ? j! Washington. Marc? ?.-President Wilson today gave hts approval tooths proposal *o give irrl t.itors o'! govern ment projects twenty vram Instead ot ten to repay the government tor their waa r rights; craboolsd-m bills now | pending ia sda?ross. Trial Briefs Belayed. ' ? ' Concord. N. H., March 4.-Final ?rlefs for the state of New York on hfl Extradition of Harry Thaw were o have been filed here today .but lt hus announced that William T. Je -ome, representing the New York at orney-general, had twen granted five i?uiuonai days. . Tne dooumont will probably he flied next Monday. Cou; iel for Thaw will thea have fifteen lays in which to ?reply. The Interstate--commerce commis don has begun an Investigation of pri mate car xates with.-railroads. WHAT THEY Not In HOI th). N Prof. J. G. Clinks? ab s denier the re tort In circulation In some sections to lie effect that lils health is broken ind he says that be ?ill certainly be n the race for governor. If all the joys In South Carolina who have bask .d In the sunshine of his countenance md drank from his fountain of wis loiu vote for him he *'HI certainly bV e,ry .much in the running, if-all the' nen who are In favor of iducatk'i , so briety, -christianity and unadulterated itatesmanshlp vote for him he will be sleeted by the lar^-st majority ever ;lvop a candidate Tor uovernor in'this kate. We have hear l sonic,Uieb Sfty hat he did not ataml the ghost of a ihow, but we have yet to hear any one lay he is unworthy. -Gaffney Ledger. -x- ,., The Same Here . The fact that the York News ls en ured at the postofllci' as second class | natter does not mean that it is a sec uid class paper. It js just to get a| ower ra*e of postage.-York News. An Erer Cresent Fear. The fear of manv members of the I trniy of the unemployed is that they j viii l?c drafted into the army ot t employed.-Atlanta Journal. And Still The> (erne Wi io ls the logical candidate - for governor to succeed Hlease and con inuc his plans and policy. Sims is innounced out of the ring and J. L. McLaurin cannot be depended on to ie a worthy successor to Hlease. We lave the man here in Spartanburg 'ounty, "who would sweep the field f be would permit Iiis name to be ?s ?l.-Spartanburg Journal. A Splendid Successor iJVfr. W- L. Brlssey, who is being men oned in connection with the mayor ulty of Anderson of Anderson, ls one >f*tho Electric City's most progressive ind public spirited men. He would nake a splendid successor to Mayor l<ee Hollsman should thc latter not leek re-election-Greenville Pled nont. . MILITANTS WORST ENEMY OF CAUSE Bitterest Animosity Shown Party That Espoused Their . Cause. .w - j_ . A^Assoctt?d Press.) melon/;- Merch Ht-MUJ?ant suffra gettes tonftht gavMurtfer proof that heuK bltt#c?t at?ositfttfs reserved i orMhe labor parWithe OhJy political )arH?thatS|u|^jdJoused their cause. Vs-^sebn as^Pr*rTamsay JueDonald.1 chairman ot the labor HaiSy. began1 ?peaking at a labor party rally in Memorial Hall. Suffragettes, aided by mile supporters, started to howl him lowe. Women ushers had been engaged to leal with the women interrupters of, he meeting and men to attend to thc, nascultne dMAN-fers, but the women proved failures iud the men bad to I ake ov"r thejj.qmies. For nearly an lour MOTQrjjratruggle raged In tho i ia!!. There were frqunt free fights o?tween men, while women grabbed | JUC another by the hair, scratched) ace- and tore clothing. ' Windows | wire smashed and chairs oroken. Eventually the police were called md Mr. MacDonald finished his talk, .'oncluding he said, that if the vote "ould b*> gained for toe women- by .urning out the government, tho labor ,iarty would assist them. The worst inemies to th? women's causo, he de clared were the militant suffragettes, I )f whose methods the poeple In the j nail had just had a-striking Illustra ;lon- t_JL_ RKSOLl TION8 ON ATTACK. '. c ' i lade on Prof. A. W. Ayers at Antre-1 Tille eu Friday. Abbeville? Medium. ' At a meeting of the patrons of the Antreviiln high scflol on Monday tho following resolutions were passed, tn reference to the attack made upon Prof/Ayere by J. G. and Chester Flem ing. Whereas our community has been dsiturbed and reflected upon by the audacious cowardly attack upon Prof. A W. Ayers upon the public btghway] m Rrlday, Feruary the 20th. 1914. We the patrons and friends of the An trevllle school district, do hereby put ourselves on record: First-We be lieve in the uprighteousness and per ice i ipnocence or Prot .A. W. Ayers and w/ pledge him our support, en dorsement .and protection. Second We condemn the cowardly act on the] part of J. G. and Chester Fleming. Third-That we ask, the court to Justi fy us in our leiief, that ?h? Honorable juege and soMelt/?r ?ring the parties to trial this week. Fourth--Thut we suggest the members present sigh these resolutions. Fifth-That these resolutions be published In the Couu trpapers and sent to the judge and so licitor. . 7 As Signed-B. A Keaton, J. A. Ander son. C. A. Suber. J. J?\ Prince,, M. Ol Ik-nurd, J. B. HarkMMT, W. W. Kay, T. c. Mitford. fL.icfmijaan;:Ji*? Blac>- J. H. Ferguson, J.-B, Buttier-* land, ?. L. Bell. John M. Harkness. Xl R. Gable. C. H. Jones. Jr., G. W. Cal rert, B. N. Mrf arter, G. C. .McCarterfl B. MH. rbobertso<J|.f A. TUna. J. P. Bowen, Misses Kate Eichelberger. Helen Ragedale, Made L. Sharpe. Mayma Bowen. Mrs, ferrie Caldwell. Mrs. A. M. Erwin add JlrsrB. W. Bur detts. Dor n in Texas last benson they con sidered Daniel Bocae every blt aa good a shortstop aa Art Fletcher when the latter operated a Texas teague. But Boone win have to travel some todo as well tn the ?caj?n? Ve Fletcher bsa. 4 ARE SAYING Even Noa li Webster Hardin ' It seems like the Columbia corres pondents are trying to get nearly ev erybody in South Carolina in the race for some office or other this summer. -Greenville Piedmont. A Good Htep. At a meeting of the Greenville city council last Tuesday nlgllf an ordl nanee -y^as .passed requiring the reg istration of washwomen\ in Geen villc and providing for the inspec tion of their premises, washing apa ratas, houses, ' washtubs, <^c. This is'a commendable action and .sh&uld ne an cxamnle for many other, towns. --Aiken Journal & Eeview^ . The Henson Why. W:e 'dodn't see why the cock fight ers should hold their fight in Flor ence and run the risk ot being pinch ed when Charleston is bul a shor1 distance away.-Greenville "Pielmoi Shot to Pieces. When one notices the many bills passed by the general assembly pro viding for constitutional amendments most of which are postponed to meet local demands and when the number of amendments which have been made is taken into consideration he must realize that it will not be long until there will be a demand for another constitutional convention. The consti tution will be BO perfbrtated with amendments before long that even its fermera will not be able to recognize lt. lt Is absurd that it shoul 1 bu necessary, every time atown"wants to "assess abutting property owners," to have to amend the constitution., Newberry Herald & News. Without Exception. The Governor always omits that in junction to "love your enemies" when he quotes from the Bible.-Greenwood Journal. v Sprint; Activity.. There will be now life in the old land in five weeks. Farmers will be planting corn and the baseball team will be getting in motion tb take the field.-Spartanburg Journal. . . FRENCH "SIAMESE TWINS" SEPARATED Stood Operation Well, bot Ul timate Soeces? Ia Un certain. (By Associated Press) Paris, Mar. 4.-Madaleine-Susanne, the French "Siamese twfns"''were sep arated today by ? surgical 'operation* of extreme , delicacy. The operation was performed with especially con structed instruments by -Dr. Gustave Le Falliatre, Dr. Bleacher apdTSrY Vic tor De Launay and Dis wife,.who'also ia a Surgeon.; Numerous surgeons were present. Madaleinc-SUsanne were Joined to gether in the region bf the stomach and it waa found that a portion pf the intestines of Madaleine were * within Susanne's stomach. This had to be de tached from the wall of the fibreuse cartilaginous bridge connecting tho two children. Aloca! anaesthetic was' used and the bablGa cried a little dur ing the operation which lasted fifteen minutes. Both children appeared to stand the operation well, but the surgeons could not give a definite opinion as to the ultimate success of their work. Immigrant Bles of Feyer New York, March 4.-The death of j a Bteerangg passenger from typhoid; fever caused the health offieera to hold the Cunard line steamship Pan nonia for observation when*she ar rived lata today from Mediterranean ports. More than 200 other steerage passengers were transferred to Hoff man Island and the, ship will be dis infected before, abe ls- permitted to dock. Greensboro. N. C., March r4,-!-8ld Finger, a negro arrested. In P.owan county, North Carolina, this afternoon charged with the murder* of'Preston ' Dyer ly at Barber Junction, On {hef evening uf February 24, When ?'store In which Lyerly clerked was burned How Savings Grow. ' From Chicago Inter-Ocean. A saving bank in Evanston bas ad vertised that lt will place H to the credit of every baby born In that city, and lt advises the parent ot. the chil dren to deposit on each.-birthday of child .aw many dollars as the young-j ster la years old, then to let the money, remain in the bank drawing Interest, unttl the child reaches gi. lt ta a clever advertisement and ex cellent advice. If parents -did that the total sum deposited to the credit of the child upon Ita . 21st birthday , would ihbw a much large.' arno, $234.-, 69, la fact computed et Ute saving? (hanft-'hate of Interest, S per cent That is. the sum of $63.69 will have' been paid ht ? tpWegt; eem?ea?ded. ! Te*, amount ' which would sorra* at' simple Interest. w~t?* -?e Utl?,*** more than twice the amount-deposited on the 21st year, while Ute actual in terest received, would he - two and s' half times the last deposita?? .*&w?m Besides, the Interest c?rlate rest that is. Ute excess produced . pounding would be about $L&9, or more than ono-third of Ute, ami and largest deposit, and would be about 89 per cent, of the average yearly deposit of $11. thus lt la well shewn how money breeds from Itself, and there is little doubt that parente able to make I such deposita would afford to Utelr children a remarkable illustra tion ot the value nt thrift -sad ita ic-? floenee In life, besides giving t each youngster a substantial sum with Ct tts hardship jo the depositor. iAtujfuit'4 "Modern progress can accomplish most things, but it never will be abie to substitute an elevator for the lad der pf tame."-Price. We're Way Up on Style. We survey the whole field. If you want the newest in suits, the latest in early oxfords, thedou* ble royal insignia of style in headgear, this store is the station where you get off. . In cravatting color rag es, only the man in mourning avoids rain bow effects. Our? new spring assortment can give points to the color chart. In collars the ptorrit is to wear long points. Send UH your mail orders. We pre* pay all charges when rash, check or money order, accompanies order. Tour money back If you want it. The Store With n Conscience'* 28 , V Coni^ New Vehicles of every description keep coming iii every ?lay? ^ Our stock of Harness. Whips abd Robes, is the finest ever. We also have some Extra Good Mules and Horses on hand, come and see them/ J. S. FOWt-ER ANDE^SON.^;^0yTH CAROLINA PIEDM Gives prompt and careful atten tion to all kinds of Insurance, including FIRE? TORNADO, H0?AL-?H and ACCIDENT, BURGLARY and LIABILITY. Also FIDELITY, OFFICIAL, JUDICIAL and CONTRACT . Y, '. V ?k ?M ; -'-SI Let our Bolicitor, beat the Fire Engine to your property. C. EUGENE TRIBUTE; Mgr. & Treas. Second floor of Brown Building N. Matu Str* Our Motto!? "SERVICE.*' 303 KS