University of South Carolina Libraries
IMPORTANT I :: NO???JES :: ii i I FOR SALE FOI BALE-Nearly forty years with Barred Plymouth Rock?- best of chickens. Eighteen Kur rat? 1.76, Ringlets 11.00 for l? eggs In potent? baskets.-J. C. Striming, Pendleton. ? ?. c. n-:i-i4-6tp.'| FOB SALE Fjft*, ?gge? Eggs-S. C. Brown Leg i?>rn $1.00 and $2.00 per 16. 8. C. White Leghorns $1.00 foi* IQ. Barred Plymouth Rocks $1.00 for IS. W. E., RASOR, ?01 S. Main Street or Hotel Chlquo la Barber Shop. 2-7-E.O.D-lm I -WANTED-- ~~ Peas er ?U Verities. Fay MgheBt | Pri?es. JNO. A. MeGIlJU The Spot Cash Grocer NOTICE. , On Monday, March 16, at ll o'clock, in front of court house, will sell to tho highest bidder, singly and in pairs, d lot of county mules. Terms, cash. J. MACK KINO-, 3-4-tf County Supervisor. NOTICE. For Rent-One nice three-room cot tage to rent for colored ; located on I Cleveland avenue, Lindsay street, 119. For terms apply to James F. Rise, of- \ floh over Electric Theater. 3-4-3t i> ny ;_1-;LI_i_:-jg . . *..**.# ?'* ?*?.??. av-jj . '? -?./, * BB. W. H. WOODS * SPECIALIST * DISEASES ef tts? Bra, Bar, Nose * * aild Threat filasses Fitted * ' Rearer * *.a |?,&lF,e*?|aiB*t9&?*B3. * ., - . . V* Olneea: StfMO Bleekley BalWIng *| * Evenings by Appointment jr. TFBBPHONE CONNECTION : * ANDERSON, 8. C, wee* . SAYBE 4 BALDWIN ? , AaCJHTBFTg ' ?''". . Blechley Bldg. Anderson. 8. C. . . Cl?sena Notional Bank Bid?. . Bnlelgh, N. O. . . . O * . . * . . O . . JS'.'?'lJ'.J.IJI!'. .?llUt?BLUigL.^IU.. Ul, . J.. .' ?sgle Barber Shop BELLEVUE HOTEL BUILDING Fr?sh laundered towels, high grade I tonie? and expetleaeed. barbers. Oar t??rtto ta to piesse ?sr e^stoisef?. j catiand see us. C E. Howell* Manager?! _ ?ju' I1! j... .. ;. "j AsdaiTEG^a. . ' Anderson. S. a . * Brown Office Building. * " Bte*** Floor. Phone Un, . Every Day 12:00 te loo P. M. We'??end ii out toy?? E^lfcbig Clean and Neat. Th 'S0M8K!8B^ 1 I meeting l? t;; bj ld.?.hi tho ?udito tendaaeo^fclr^ are to be seMdtoi ii? ?n?'kurinelli at eon alderab?a ittnw uma will be treas .teaeaers? clew i The Anderses county teachers* ?tul? VMl meet ..%.*&? Fferst Bapetot cb?rob in this city en flasureay ?he lt*fe. This wilt ht p very'latstei lng ?nd lh^#f>?raa* M beta? t by wpes Oaiiffcgfiian? wno- bas basa- m for io days? antrfa vary meek lessee*' ??I. All teachers tn the cousit? aewar . ged to be present. W\ J. ROBBIiSS ' ANSWERED CALL Prominent Planter of Broadaway Section Died Metterday After noon at 1:30. capt. w. .|. Hobbins, one of ander son county's foremost planters, died at bi? borne in the Broadaway section of the county yesterday afternoon about 1:30 o'clock. Death followed an ill ness of about two weehs, the deceased coming to his death from pneumonia according lo attending physicians. Mr. Robbin* wa* 7!? y*nrn of aa? and was well known all over the coun ty. il? was once a member of the board of county commissioners nnd enjoyed the respect and esteem of all the people of his section. I Ifs wife has been deadfor several years, but ho ls survived ' by eight children, those being: T,U&/Robbtn?. J. P. Robbins, I.. B. Robbins. Misses -Daisy, Rubie, Zadie. M. B. Robbin* und Mrs. Duck-worth. The interment will take place ut the Kurek". cemetery today at 12 o'clock and will bp eppductvd with Masonic honors. All Masons of thai section will be in attendance. % WHAT SIRRINE SAW WHILE HERE Comments Made by the Green ville Man on Anderson's Ef forts for Golf Course. Thoie Anderson people who are In i -estcd in golf and who aro taking purl in the effort now being made tor a course at Rose Hill club, will hear with pleasure the statements mad > by J. B: Slrrine upon his return to Green ville Tuesday night. The .following In this connection' ls from the..Oreen\lllo News of yesterday: "Joseph B. Slrrine, president of the Sans Souci, club and one of the best known golfers of the Piedmont sec tion spent the day in,,Anderson yes terday looking over the golf links or Ute Electric City's country club. Mr. Slrrine said on his return yesterda) afternoon that he was nwch Impressed with the links- at Anderson. Hot-said the Anderson people Interested in gell were determtned to build a nine-hole link at the club. ''In Ute event a decision is reached in the matter the Anderson golfers will submit tho., mutter to Gordon Smith, professional British golfer In ?In charge of the links of the Greenville country duh and an Sf fort -will . be made tor. have tho links completed be fore the* spring cy dr. A golf eiub at Anderson would g)ye the Pied mont section..three, links, .Greenville and. Spartan burg already having up* to-date courses, it ls likely that suf ficient Interest In golf w?ft hs raised at Anderson .to warrant the sending of representatives to tho Corollha'-AsBo ciation tournament to be.held at Dur-! hara, N. CT, this spring, a date to he j determined upon later. <"J. D. Hammett and C. J. DeCamps, sn engineer., will today come to Greenville to show the plats of land to Gordon Smith, who is in the city teaching golf to members cl the golf club. This Englishman, is un expert on Unka and1 courses, and the Ander ftOja representative!* ?t-A going to go? hts advices and Suggestions in plan ning the links fer the Bose HUI club. Werk on the links wilt be begun aa soon after these gentlemen return, f possibly in the next few days/K CLEMSON WILL H^#?? If?? HOST! I Southern College Press Associ*-| tien Goos There for Its Meet it|C Next November. Wilrmnwourg. Va..'Msieh> 4?-Wil liam and Mary entertained the an.ual convention of the Saatbern College Press association last wee.k and the meeting adjourned to meet heat Ne ther at Clemson College, S. C. this me?tlng of the association a policy ?aa.adapt?e; Heretofore R required of an InsUution to have as much as a weeidr -aud.. monthly publication to be eligibfo'Cor member [ship, bat hereafter wn^nMi*'he ne cessary to have one V*\ Iglbto fer membership atton felt that miuyLT (which would like to btfgfcber* were kept ont because or th^nWy clause. The roettings were NflMwlrov*f hf S. L. Latirus v. >-?"-. o* tb"?*. University 'ot Sooth C?frerlna, prMSHnE The principal address was 'MtgSjf Ladd, former ed?teti oCy|HflVlbrza?W associate'editor ot ist. Officers for the enp?gj?year were .elected as, followat dBBRr B. Jacte PeeW.VnJWWty bf"YuH. president, j Oliver wr Vrey, f? and Mmtf; it Hugh O. Haoiaaajvsrsitr of South Carolin?. iwdHKKP thur. Cletaaon CoOew.^eeisarer. Aa the year, the BOX:?. MortgaeserA AUK*. Warth 'Marnes G. eas*** feaeser sreetdeat of th? stat* ceawtct department, who ts un see num?ros? tadlirm?i?ra ehaeelng ot ?tate rands, fall?? te /ipseae ltt coser* hete teday'for trust. ?a* tentative forf?*up*tl, wa? taken agates* hes. kawl ot tSfcose, Judge Brows set tho ease agata tor hearing next atondar, ?s* ?. Oakley aspea?? fat Shat Un*?, ne stated,-lt wi? rest 1 entirely with UW oenetinv:tD whether Hie forfeiture will he made Anal. Oakley waa pr^sldeut of the ?tate ponwlet l-o;.r*1 ut the time that Theo dore Lucy wa? chief clerk. I^acy wa? convicted lam Saturday night on an indictment charging embezzlement of $r?t?4?oo ot state funds. Oakley wan under subpoena as a witness in Hi* Lucy trial, hut. although i:i the city, did not take the stand. ( ..(umhin Ila? four Fires In IHiy. Columbia, March 4. Four lires yes terday with only, ope resulting in se rious damage, wan thc calendar bf the lire department. Tho Are that did the worst damage wa* at 1728 Pendlteon street, i.i which case the roof was burned This lire started about 10 o'clock and the alarm came from box 18. The oilier fircB were minor. BRIDE OF 52; GROOM IS 24 Couple Married by Judge of Pro bate Yesterday of Differing Ages. Demonstrating that let . halt? not nt obstacles, Herman Jswynghan, aged 24 and Julia Fielding, aged ->'?. were married by the Judge of Probate of Andersen county in his offfice nt th? court hottsv today. Both the bride und groom are well known in the sections in which t icy live and people of the county ut large will be interested in Pluming of tile event. TELEPHONE CO. BEGINS WORK W~'cs Are Now Being Placed' Underground on Busi- _*? Streets of Andersen. Vvork of puUIng Anderson's tele phony wires underground began yes terday and according to E. C. Yarbo rough, of SpartanburgV'who is In charge, the work wllr be t rushed to j completion as speedily as possible. Mr. Yarborough said yesterday that bis j forco of hands would make short work of the Job and that all the telephone 1 wires in the business district would j soon be underground. The first step taken yesterday was 1 tak?n yesterday at the overhead bridge j on Main, strict when a man-hole was cut In the cement and arrangements I made tor running them through into [ tho building occupied by Lig?n & Led bttter. Anderson people will rejoice] that this undertaking la at last under-] way. oooooooooooeoo o MARRIAGES. o O QOOOOOOOO?OOO Craft.Sfms Miss Ide Craft and C. H. Sims, two popular young people of this city, were married yesterday afternoon at 3*30 o'clock at th-* home of the bride's pa rents on BlecWey street. Tho cere mony waa performed by Rev. E. N. Sanders, pastor of the Recond Baptist church of Anderson. Thore were nu merous- friends and acquaintances present for the. ceremony and these participated tn the splendid supper whleh was served at 5 o'clock. At this time a large number or Invited guests were present and the party made mor ry until ? late hour. (J lena-A cher A marriage ot Interest ta. Anderson people took place yesterday afternoon ut 3:30 o'clock when Fred Acker and Misa Sallre Glenn were united in the hely bonds of matrimony, tho cere mony taking place at the home of the brldo's mother, Air?. 0. A. Glenn near Holland's store. The R/>v. Mr. Single hton officiated. ' Beth these young people aro well I known 'tn Anderson county and num ber their friends by th? score. is Opposed to ; Arbitration. (By Associated Press.) Houghton, Mich.. March 3.-"Aa long as I am general manager of the Calumet and Hecla company nd f.rlker wilt be taken back V? work un\esb he gives up his membership in the Western Federation of Minera," declared lames MacNaugbton hare to day before the congressional Investi gators, ."The Western, federation and members as such have tried In :&Afy way possible to put the mining companies out of business." He said ration "taught a gospel of MacNau.thton denounced the West ;wp ?edetstlon of Miners and its j principle*- and declared he would per* mit one to arbitrate between, hts toya( mployes - and tho .striking unionists. ? Chairman Taylor asked ton If S waa his position .that j. compart?as Would net let the gove of Michigan or thepeeamsnt^figg olher higli-mtnded person attempt settle, tie- ti-attble.' . j**?sai*ai?y wiri, ac*; Naughton, said, "to allow te arbitrate a question be., j employes who are faithful > " 240 employes who are on i ... to conditio??: they would rt the ?ea new at work. I t.... weald be outrageous and unjustifi able." (., Maccfaugltton said tl? attitude did [ net ind?cete lack ot ??-?denen tn ta* eMeials named, but "1 L-oow this ta'my 'pocketbook, and I am ats going to al low you or others to aabfteate te de cide wheeo pocketbook ft la." ....'.<. ~ There ava now 26. daye tn a year ree locintcd aS legitimate occasions for hoUdagejlnowa*. cities lp England. BAREFOOT WILL - BE NEW Sf YLE Will Anderson Girls Follow the Fashion, and Wear Sandals Without Uaae? Th?' latest prevailing fashion craze to nelse the country is the craxlcet of all anti yet indications arc thai it may be generally followed in muny of the larger cities during th? comiUK Hum mer. If you want to go barefoot this Bummer you can do so, provided of course you ure h youug woman atid have shapely feet. . H you have corne, or your feet or especially large, or perchance you boast of a few bunions and other callous spots, you naturally won't care to. However as this may \>o fashion lias decreed that the style this season will let' the young ladies KO back to the fashion once reserved for the red-headed, freckled fa' u youngster. It is predicted on every Hide that the new fashion will meet witb hearty favor at the hands of An derson's younger society set. Some of the chic and stylish costumes for spring contemplate bare feet with ? and?is, und no stockings. "Jambes au untura!," ls what.the French call the new style, which originated ju Paris. The phrase might be trans lated simply "natural legs." Startling us lias idea may seem, the transition toward Hie new style has been grad ual. The stockinga-of tlie last two or three years have been growing filmier and filmier until the step to no stockings ut all was a short one. Whether there is anything more Im modest in bare legs than in legs clad in tilmy transparent silk ls a ques tion open to discussion. Colored silk stockings ure tlie ntost prominent features of nome of the most darin? und disque costumes of the' past sea son, and going back several thousand of years thc ch??te and stately Hornau matrons of the Cornella type went barefooted or with sandals. They never wore stockings yet nothing ls more suggestive of absolute modesty than the wonderfully draped statues of somc or these saadalle 1 roman wo ! men. . . With the sandal stylo it is predicted that lavish and beautiful jeweis by I way of toe and ankle ornament will soon make their appearance. Already j ladies are wearing different Jewels on dainty sandals, ?onie of them embel lished with jewels. Of course it ia to be an indoor fashion. Tlie stocking less ones, it ia said,'will justify them [ selves if justification ls needed, by ar guing that the sandal 1B more hygienic more natura?'uttd'rnore moral thnn the shoe. **9 .'r*n ":. - ? SHIPMENT OF FLO?t?RT?ED?P . . ' ?i' .<!!'! I .?' [ ? ..' .V !>-TW: ' . Laws WOB Not P?rr?it " Bleached j -~*~-.*> q- . 1 .l& ? .? .. if j - . 1 A ?tatement came,: f."?m...Columbia i yesterday to; the effect ?that, 2T,phlp ments-of flour frora .Western .markets i to South Carolfna had been hold up i by the commissioner oJ"j agriculture of South Carolina. Those shipments of flour were to Columbia. Anderson. snd/oTner towns In th?i?tate. Orders have Issued, hy the depart ment to restrain the mencahnts from selling'the flour unless each sack is mar?r-T* "Bleached." ~~ ' Commissioner Watson said yester day that he could not atop the sale of the flour, but that Under the law he-had the authority to order that the sacks' be labeled "Bleached." ' "The chances are that several cases will be made and turned over to the federal government for' 'prosecution,'' said Commissioner Watson yesterday. "Notice is. hereby given to all man; ufacturers, '.agents, jobbers, mer chants and - other persons' offering those commodities for sale |n the State of South Carolina, that 'the state-board . or health,.-by authority vested in th$t body, under. the"*, nure food, andd drug law of. 1,907. and 'the aet of 1912 authorise.'.^ .executive committee of .the state boara of health, to adopt, promulgate and enforce the rules and regulations for the better-, ment and protection of the public healt?; of the State of South Carolina, did* on the l$th day of April, 1912. promulgate and issue the following regulation: "Regulation 2.-All flour that has been bleached by any of the various processes, offered for sale In the .State of South Carolina,'after July 1. 1912, must be clearly and distinctly la beled in tetters not lesa than one half Inch in height as follows; "Th* said labels should appear on each and every sack containing bleached product, and shall .be plac ed Immediately above 'or. below tho 'name of the product. "Notice is further gjven that under tho provisions, of the.act of the 5ih of February, 1910, requiring the in spectoj ? of this department to enforce" j thevtoure food and drag *ftW ot the I State.and the rules and regulations Laromulgated thereunder, thV Irffipec [tbra of the d?partmetj^HPf been far Hpli to strictly eft rcg ?BHklt manufactureros^ jobbers, Ag SSH> merchants or other p^rsdha of ESM ?or sale any goan* tn' Vtol atina ?HUs regulation are notlftted1 that oa Wffjwter July l. mg, any stocks IVHvd In this State, Offered tor said, kaili, oe dealt with accordiag to law, las will ala? those o ffef log such stocks I tor ss le.' Scheel? te IVJeWate Oranaabura. M?r. ?ait dav aaa Kleefe* ?or differ? ai atabal d?t riet? r this ceucty wHI be hal? a?, follows: Four Holes. March Mi Bowman, March 27} Rutawvllte, Maret?S.-Cor dova, April* 2: North. April al Norway Apr? * Tke big eowsty fieWr day ex .reisen and plead* wJ8t ataco at I Orange burg on. April 9-gnd to. Old Houses FOP S?le The Charleston <S? Western Carolina Railway Company authorizes us to offer for sale the following houses: . .. ' * . .... - : : ? CHEN A ULT HO USE S. I FOUR ROOM COTTAGE :' 'W? VT*!!'''''" REAR TWO STORY HOUSE REAR I ANDERSON HOTEL . I ^ NO. 113 W MARKET STREET I Na 121W MARKET STREET I NO" 127 W MARKET STREET NO. 135 W MARKET STREET NO. 409 SOUTH PEOPLES STREET THREE CABINS ON S. TOW ERS STREET IN REAR OF 229 W. MARKET STREET. WE WILL SELL T HEJ5 E HOUSES AT PUBLIC AUC TION ON THE PREMISES at Il a. m., SATURDAY, MARCH 7, FOR DELIVERY APRIL* 1. **' },Kt . tit spHfc$-; * 5? V ,. V. ..4-. V FRANK & DeCAMPS REALTY CO. ; ^fig g?> Cjg|| ?alf _:_:_5?_L:_:_ ?GB? ?RRESTEB H?S CONFESSED HIS 8U1LT ..-r-Ai .. *> Was One of Gang That Cbm roitted Murder ti-rd . . Arson? .i ? ? ' - .-' >:.??..' (II ind the body cremated -was 'brought lore tonight and will be taken-to>-Ram leigh . carty tomorrow fl . morhlhg.-'. for safekeeping. '.Fingor when arrested stoutly main tained bis innocence although the key? ind watch and' other articles"Identi fied as eblongtng to Ly?rly, are said to have -been found in-Finger's' pos 9lon. While hors pHnjf?r is -"Ulce^d ro have made a confession to officers and newspaper men In which he implicated four negroes, alleging according to his reputed confession, tra* one "ci bin companions actually fired- tho shot mat killed I.yeryl. That he and four other negroes want to Lyerly'e piero and called Ly er I y to the doon, saying that they wanted to buy some chickens As soon aa U y er ly opened tho door Fin g?r ls reputed to have said, ja neg rr named WUK last name Finger does not know) ?hot Lyerly. The party then proceeded to rifles th?" body ant the safe and set fire to the oil tank Officers ctated tonight that they hat tjwo more of He party whore thoj could lay hans upon them-?ad th? all of the five men alleged''to tc?-bi InrpUcaated In the murder would be b custody tomorrow. Twp negroes, Wilt Klrkp?trlck ant Joe Maxwell, implicated by Pinger ii hlB alleged confession ', were1 arrest et In Fowan- county this evening am brought here tonight to be taken . tt Raleigh for safekeeping; in th?'morn ?hg. They both claim they are tnhocec of the. charge. ABBEVILLE ROAD TO J?iS HEH MM . :<.... < >?? > . ----- (. Anderson Delegation Who Jour Ineyed Thither Were Well t Pleased. Tho Anderson delegation: which, wen to Abbeville Wednesday morning, rs turned' last night, well pleased .wit lite prospects tor the secarlo* cf i atrtr interurban, concerning whi?b4hr ?*et to the Abbevlle county capital, -ante mass meeting, held at I j; o'ctoc was opened*'by Hon. W. N. Orayeot who" acted?.1 ?^-T?*fcl?m?>w_ i ?Addt?K were mad? by B. F Meuldin.'-Port?r"/ Wholey ind ML ?/ Patterson or th! etty, Joseph'* Leach ' af Baste? ?a others. The addresses were wet! re cotved and were applauded? Mr. Graydon thea explained that : w?? proposed to rat?e SSOSvOdG in atoe between Kaaley and Augusta, incMslv of Bast ey bat not of Augusta, sn >300.<iftft m Augusta, add that AbbevtlJ pnuntv MM?t*d tty ?v.i? a.?. MAkiM Bfsthe aamaat; hrlwVhlehbc cam sekeerlptiaaai After ceoaieerafel* db un ?sion, rt appeared that many presea did sot nh?tKe flossi h* whteh. tno sm RcrSption papers wore made-up as therefore desired not to make ?ul urr??tlons until them were ^flfflWl tiona in the subscription form. Hov Owl High Grade Guano I i ; . ? . . . i .. ! .'...?! Tin?- .-'.:,<. . . II:. . . ^^/%^^ n i ' ' .:? . (j ?Siii.;i.. - .A ?? ? ? .'? . '. . ' ? :? ??. -For Sal? bvr^ _.? feud . zvf1 i"? y - .> ?..?<... ? bv S. Di Brownlee, : Anderson, S.. C. P.. v* ' "ij..^'?'...'M.'>HA,..a.| r-" '., .u.^r- ."V'*' ' ?",Jl' ,i; !'.?'. .>.... I . ffj i ...?. ? ;. j../..,.. . * - .?. '- ?... arm' .. .? i H-M rfi .? . lt- ? ' --. .? ...... I".." ..y*~Y .. ,....?..' . . THE UTiOTy OF PLACE 1 . - .1 ^ - . r. . . . : .- ? ' .....>??-.'. ,v .. ;.<;.**. ?..* -'. '.>.. .. .* '? " -v v." "~ - '* I.. WILL BE MADE PAIN FULLY CLEAR TO ' SOME OF US IN THE WIND UF* I ! I fe. IjtOpiiVB';'''FORMERLY OG- ' ? ' ''" GUHED DY THE. CITIZENS -, ' . NATION Ak. ?ANK: OFFER . SUCCESS TO SOMEONE, . .. ?j .... . v.;.' rv-.;V^'?.?'?e ?:u .. TH?is. F. CAin^??rrr : i- ? ... Manager Renting Department ever*, lt was understood that about barbed wire? be said sad this would $20,000 was pledged, based on new be strung along Jgbt ot way ot form?. A soliciting committee waa ap- the railroad lines, fh? pr?sident ex pointed, and eat powered to re-arrange pressed confidence thai this scheme of tbe papers and rats? tbe balance of protection would prove effecttvo. money, wblk?h it Is believed will be ' _'^^rr^r Thc whole pro'ject seems ?o bing? 0a TtM&I?eftKtictf? May Abbevllle's ability to raise thu? *tOO,- ?L_'j_?-.'.m.: ttfr-iJ-tJ? ' 4-?. ' OOO. and lt she ls successful then ' ra^FCflfelaa .M*"'*^ ?HOM oampatgns will bo put on In other Iii- . ? ; .. . i-rrVUi threated cities and towns, and through- Laredo, f ox..1 Mar?b. *4kr^et Gnv* out the Intoryehlog country territory, ernor Salome Rot*l|o, of t?je M?xlea? ' A great deal of detailed work will bare state of ??nevo Leofe, may i>ply to Gov- 1 to be done. It would appear ?hat there "rnor ?. ?4 Cc^htT7? Ttt?^'ttrnfc - pat thf??eh,. nvc men ot toi^o*?$k&WQ& aJ^ rr-?-?r-r-TT~. ' , \ducior?. o<?,_.!tho ' Am?aic^tp, .ran^mah; U,?a. -it?.'. A^w? rteaien>*:^|P4Xit, and wanted l? Te? . Mtietra Sias Army ?i taehnlca^f oa ? chaisg?horse Of. 2S0.OSO Men??-?2.?-gRSBg! ' -r--rr .. by hlotaan fertcrat syiopOihIsars b/jr?. Mexico ( Uy, March. 4 -Talking Tor u is -.Iso pointed oat ?hat the-Nuera tho first time Uxi.vy to a fsw jie'S'ly ar- teen earcutl^ ts aroba&tyrWithout Ift iived newspaper reporters, President formation as, to tho. w?e*se>ont* of ?ItiBTta. reiterated tbjit.hji K^a jg army ?'^iri^;::, ???n ?i'??*?5S??? ??. ?Of MthOOO mest, which ha ia'dctermksed coted KUassja soon. after. the arrest to subjugate or extern?roste the re bols, ?j,?] reported ^Mtecotlptv.ot Vergara. [Me added that h* was about ready C?4 i - -- --?-r [hefla IMP consiruction along tnt \ '?t,e collieries of thc Fibing, Sus ?ra?roads of ' +.009' bloch houses ouehanna Coal Company and the Le aboat a mite and ft hal* apart, in opeb hi*h i'oal and >?iwlsrat!o^ Company are 'of whicli b? nm because of th** |Ord>?B had already tjben giren for sta?natiou in tho oniJir?cttB eoni tr?d?*