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TEK St8 OE TSE EE WS. TBE DILLY NIWS, by -"?alLone yet*. *6i*}* , -aontnfl ti; toree moni*lw'Wt% i^tP" ** -? .Hy at EisHTiiK OWT8 a weak, j?f ft*" ? .*? M-| len, or $8 a year, paid hajadvaace attheattce. THI TRI-WKBKIT Nfws, poBtftiiei on Tuefoa-ei?' Thursdays and Saturdays, one year $4; six atontas $2. THS WKESXLT Nsa-s. one year $2. Six coplea ?$10. .Ten copies, to one.address, $15. SuKOtarrroHB ia all coses payable in advance, and no paper continued after the expiration of t he time paid for. Address RIORDAN. DAWSON A CO.. , Ho. 149 Batt Bay, Charleston, s.e. 3?)* Cfjarkstott TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 187L SEWS OF TUB DAT. -Gold at .Haw York, yesterday, closed at 10*. -The New York cotton market closed i rregular and unsettled at 14Sc; sales 2885 b alee. > -At Liverpool cotton closed flat and Irregu lar; uplands 7?d, Orleans 7jd; sales 12,000 b ales. r -Yoong Black, who killed Colonel MoKaig i n Frederick, Md., for sedating his sister, has been triumphantly acquitted. -The British htgh co m missioners have re? ceived dispatches from their home govern? ment approving ot the treaty recently made by the high commissioners for the settlement of the Alabama claims questioa. It is stated that this treaty provides for a fixed commis? sion to ejjamiue and pas? u#?n the validity of J all dalma presented, awl that the Emperor ot Brazil ls to be the arbitrator. -The government management of the tele? graphs in England is working exceedingly well, and realized a revenue of over ?500,000 sterling last year. A uniform rate of one shil? ling for ten words, all over the kingdom, has been adopted, with the result of increasing the number sent over -10,000,000- annually. An? other feature 1B the renting of certain wires to newspaper? during the night at a fixed rate of j ?600 a year.. -'When the landwehr marched into Berlin, on the Kaiser's birthday, a correspondent writes : "One woman I saw with two babies, plainly twins. She wanted to hug her hus- j band; but it the did soe must drop ono of the babies. A comrade, whom no wife claimed and who was, I suppose, a sort of Land weh r man Brother Cheery ble, genially relieved her of one baby, which he carried with singular ad- . dress on his left shoulder. The young one pulled the nosegay out of the muzzle of his needle-gun carried on the other shoulder.*! And so the company struggled on under di ill- [ cul ties, striving to be martial to- the last, but visibly embarrassed by family considerations." -Ol the first issue of $20,000,000 fractional currency, made in 1862, and known "at the time as 1'posLal currency, " $4,445,060 remaras. unredeemed. During the past year, $89,418 of this currency was sent to the treasury Xor re-.] demption, oat the*rate at which it is now re? ceived decreases io rapidly that it promises to cease entirely io another year. Not far (rom $4,000,000 of the postal currency, It Is believed, will never be beard from, having been lost or destroyed in clxe {patton, Of tb? * econ d -issue ot about $23.000,000, made in 1863, there is still oui standing th* Bum -ol,$3,246,060. The redemption during the past year amounted to $151,455. The poor paper, upoa walch ibis 1 sane was printed made ft more easily destroy? ed than the first issue, aud k is believed at the treasury that more than $2,500,000 will never come In for r?demption. The total amount of J the first two issues of fractional curre ney lost or worn.out while In circulation will, accord-J lng to these estimates, exceed $?.500.000, or about 15 per cent? of (fie whole Issue! The sam ia, of course, a clear gala to the treasury, and aa eu tire loss to the people, it repre? sents a small part of the cost to the country of the present system of irredeemable paper currency. -A fearf-ri story of suffering ts revealed in the report just published by The Gazette of India, of the Ur kal or three-fold famine.of gras-s, grein and rain, which occurred in 1868-. 'SS-te} th frig h Ui-d severity -over 100,-QOO square miles ol Raj poo tana, surpassing in "intensity any which has occurred since 1812, and almost equalling that o? 1861, of which the record ls preserved, that three qmuters of the cattle j died, and that man ato maa. The scanty crops j wh 1 ch struggled up in spite of the drought were swept away by a plague of locusts; cholera j fastened on the starved peo pk, and a terrible | fever followed, striking down the entire pop? ulation. The deaths lrom this latter cause alone are put down at 20 per cent, of the j inhabitants, whilo in some of the -Marwaree districts (bey rose as high as one-third. Tak? ing the most moderate of the st a ti a tics fur? nished, the loeal authorities calculate that in Mar war and A j mere and the other districts, no less than 1,250.000 human beings died of dis? ease and starvation. The famines or periods of unusual scarcity which afflict Rajpootana nave hitherto recurred at intervale of some % ten or twelve *fe?r8. -The New Bedford Standard prints a letter from Captain Jemegan, of the bark Roman,-of that port, detailing a mutiny on board that vessel,' among the Magdalena Islands. Having taken In wood and water, and being ready for sea, on the 12th of March the captain ordered 1 the anchor hove up, when the boatsteerers and f foremast bands refused, to. work, saying they . were going on there the next day. The cap- , tarn decided to walt till morning before nsing force, but had the Henry rifles loaded for an emergency. While at supper the captain heard a disturbance on deck, and running up found the two mates ia the bauds of the mutineers. Going below fora rifle,.oo his return he found the cabla door fastened, and was unable to In? terfere, while the crew heat and cut tue mates and hauled them about by ropes, finally launching boats and going ashore with all their effects. The first mate was found severe? ly wounded and insensible in the mizzen cross trees, and both he and the second officer were supposed to be mortally wounded. That night the captain slipped the cable and put the ship to sea, fearing that the .mutineers would re? turn and rua her ashore. The mutineer num? bered thirteen* foremast hands and the four boatsteerers, who took with them three boats and all thc? whaling gear belonging to them, besides ail the spare rowlocks lu the ship, and several other articles belonging to the vessel. -The notification hat already been given that the Grand Duke Alexis, of Russia, sou of the Czar, would visit this couutry this season for unextended tour, aud it is now announced that he proposes sailing from Constadt about the middle of May, ra an Imperial yacht, ac? companied by au escort of tour or five vessels Of the Russian navy, und will probably reach New York early in tne month ol June. Ac-1 oordingly great preparations are making ut Washington to afford him a fitting welcome. The Grand Duke Alexis 1B the third son Of the Czar. He was born on the 2d ol January, 1850, and is couueqtu-uuy a little over twenty-one years ol age. tie is said1 to be strikingly hand? some; lu tact, he ls considered very like his *? illustrious gruudfdther, the lute Czar Nicho- t las, who, in his day, was not ouly ihe grand- t est looking sovereign, bat was caller! thu s handsomest man ia ,?urope. Prince Alexis has been QtfifoUy^Mac&Vd at the Imperial palace at St. PeUmorg, and is spoken of bx bifrAgtOp as sn aiit scholar. He is also rqjP resented as belnjf a bright, intelligent young man, thoroughly devoted to his profession as an officer In the Ru sel ariana vy, in which, it Is said, his own abilities, even were he not of. imperial blood, would have secured him exalt? ed rank, notwithstanding his extreme youth. He will be accompanied by a numerous and brilliaab> retinue, and after making a tour of this continent will return home via the Pacific and Eastern Asia. -Rev. Henry Ward Beecher has again set foot upon that path in politics which for him has always a sudden turning. We are at lib? erty, however, to consider that the liberal sen? timents which be publishes in the Brooklyn Union are, until further notice from Plymouth Church, thc honest and hearty opinions of the man. In this be is outspoken enough. He declares that the six years-since the war have been wasted, that reconstruction is a failure; that the local carpet bag governments of the South are corrupt, and that official knavery, Incompetence and the -'elevation of dema? gogues and dupes to the highest offices'' marks the gross debasement of politics under which the South ls suffering. Mr: Beecher denounces the exclusion of ex-rebels from office, con? trasting the character of Southern representa? tive men now with what it was before the; and as for the policy of coercion and. tb? recently enacted Ku-Klux bin, he styles the former au -impertinence," and- brands the lat? ter as utterly and inexcusably unconstitution? al. In forcible language he shows that nothing is safe to liberty where such outrages upon the fundamental law are committed, and concludes that the same pretext " would Justi? fy any evasion or overthrow whatever." These aro brave words, and timely; but while we welcome them as swelling the voie'.of popular denunciation of the enormities of a Radical Congress, we cannot forget that Mr. Beecher has before this taken just as noble and bold a stand against the wickedness of his party, only to eat his words wbeh Ply? mouth Church bade him swallow. " : The City "Elections. . . It would be pleasant to make a square fight, aod elect a Mayor and Aldermen who, by their high character an cl distinguished per? sonal merit, would, be reeogfiized as worthy representatives of the brain and sinew ef Charleston. Bul we cannot have it all our own way. The Radicals are well organized, and are our superiors in voting atrengtb. The Conservatives have no Organization, aud us nally, up to the last moment, do their beat to cot each other's throat The policy of. Noli me Tangara has been tried and has faded. We mast pul our shoulder to the wheel, instead of quibbling about the wagon maker's nama. Tbe South bas a practical tarn, however great the hankering after a glorious past. We love our Mother State and Mother City, and their good, now find at al! times, shall -be our highest aim. There is no miserable foolishness about ? I Charleston. We have fought and suffered. And because this people have done all their doty, and have not faltered whoa the red blood stained the- old fields of Vir gioia and .the Carolinas, we may now say frankly that lt, ia their part, in-Charleston, to loo?pt any honorable compromise whiob is jffered them. A Radical paper, published a this city, proposes, with the cotisent of nany leading Radical politicians, to give he Conservatives aine Aldermen of Charles- 1 OB, while the Radicals take nine' Aldermen | ind the Mayor. This is a compromise, and ve, who have carefully considered the sub? ed ia all ita public and private bearings, lay, without hesitation, that it ls oar duty to . iccept (he olive braach so extended to os. > Yorking together, and Seeking the com- j non good, we shalT-nol go astray. The i 3ity is higher than the individual. A Com- 1 >romis-j witt give JCharleston infinitely nore than could be gained by a party light. Nie Radical paperSrhich suggests thi? line if action is on the right path, and wHI have, j ti this, the support of all sensible mea. l i The Heathen Chinee nt the Loom. 1 I Aa experiment with Chinese labor in the J ?anufacture of cotton goods bas been tried it Baton Rouge, La., which promises to ' cad to important results. The superiateo. 1 lent of the State Penitentiary in that city, ir. S. L. James, finding that Wie demand ' br the cotton goods manufactured by the ? ?onviet labor ander his direction exceeded i he supply, conceived the idea of doubling < he production of the Penitentiary work- 1 ihope by employing Chinese to work the J 00EQ3 at night. He accordingly secured a , bree of one hundred and sixty Ohiuese, 1 ately employed io building one of the Ala- 1 lama railroads, aod set them to work, and 1 he ease and rapidity with which they learn ;d the busioeas surprised even the origina? tor of the idea. He reports that tbey became experts ia a few weeks, and that they are low fully as good as any workmer ia this [ )ranch of industry whom be has ever seen. Chey aro exceedingly diligent, always appear , ;o be absorbed in their employment, and teem to? prefer working at the looms and ?pinning machines to any other form of em? ployment. They are paid twenty-two dollars I i month ia gold, and even at theee wages ?fr. James considers them quite as cheap as ?onvict labor. The results of this oxperi nent are attracting much attention ia the. Southwest, and we understand that nevera! i otton mills ure projected'in diflerent l?caii- i ies in which while labor will- be employed 1 iy day and Chinese labor at night. Should ( hese plans "he carried out, there is reason to , lelieve that such enterprises would, if well i aanaged, prove largely and permanently irofiiuble. By keeping mills in constant op- 1 ration a mach larger production is possible ..itu a given -inveelment- of. capital in ma lunery and appliances, than if such mach?n- .1 ry is worked only eleven hours out of twen y-fonr, and while the prices of goods thus ?roduced may be lowered, the profits of , nunuiacture will be increased. Tue idea of Ir. James is a good one, aud the fact that he cloths, manufactured at the Baton Rouge < 'enitenliary hud au immediate aod prolita- < ile market, shows that the experiment may ' ie repeated'elsewhere with advantage to 1 K)th the producers of cotton and the con- t uta era of cotton fabrics. THE Abbeville Press says that jjt?i? South is to obtain del?terance it muat?$?UL tb* aid the Northeru- Demo$acy, "ipd "? ?n* foItewiD?? ^the pj$cy whl?b the party "deems''essential to gbcceia." In this con? nection, read .the address af the DeaKKaca?p Oongresimen ?nd tn? remarks ofl?ev?rndr Saott upon tbe Ku-K!ux Klan ! ittarrie?. RANG A BE-G ERO LT.-On Wednesday, April 19th. at the Greek Uhapel, in New York, by the Rfev. Nicholas Bjerring, CLEON RIZO RAKOABB, O ti f?r ge d'Affaire* of tus Majesty the Kin? of Greece, v> DOROTHEA YON GSROLT. eldest daught? er or His Excellency, Baron von Gerolt, Minister of iils Majesty the 8mi?eror of Germany. .funeral Statues. * ' ^'TEK^^^?lT?rfS^SSs AND acquaintances of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. KAHRS, and their suns, Henry and Phillp, are respectfully invited to atteBd the "Funeral Services o? the for mer, at his late residence, corner of Hacker's, alley and the Railroad track, at 4 o'cleck'Tms APTBRNOON. apr25* - pa- SOUTH CAROLINA FRIENDLY SOCIETY.-The members ate respeatfaliy Invited ip,attend the FoneraLof their late brother mem? ber, C. H. KAHRS, from.his late residence, No. 1 Hacker's alley. THIS AFTERNOON, at 4 o'clock. aprii5-l* CF. HE?OKEN. Secretary. pa- THE RELATIVES AND FRIENDS or Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Wilston, md of Mr. and ?rs.- 'orin IL Sereven, are invited to attend the Funeral* Services of Mrs. WILKINS, at St. Michael's Churob, Tbis AFTERNOON, at bair-past 4 o'clock. eprtfi Spit ld i X Jil Cit 3. ">^BA^K~ W^^?HTRL?ST 0 N, CHARLESTON, MARCH 23, 1871.-In accordance witt) the resolution adopted at a meeting Of the Stockholders, on art ti last., an election for Thir? teen Directors will be held on TUESDAY, Sd day or May next, and a meering of the Stockholders ror the purpose ot reorganizing ti.e Bank will also be held on same date, *at 12 o'clock, m the Bank HalL WILLI AM THAYER, aprl-stuthl0D6 Cashier. /Sr NOTICE.-N< I DEBTS GONTRAOT ED by any of the Crew of tbe British Bark OTHERE will be paid by the Master. apr24-a wiLUAM MCGREGOR. ??T-TH? COMMUNICATION OF B. G, dated the 17th. instant, not having been received nntu tbe 19th, lt he will Inform me where an lu tervlew can be had, I will be much, obliged. apr? JULIUS C. CARPENTER. pa- NOTICE IS AEREE? GIVEN to all Sub-Agenta of the Land Commission, that, from and after the Ont day or March, 1871, they will report all their proceedings to Hon, F. L. CARD0Z0, Secretary of the Advisory Board. ROBT. C. DBL ARGE, L. C. S. S. C. Columbia, February 28,1871. maru ?&~ THE STATE OF SOUTH CARO? LINA, COUNTY OF CHARLESTON-COURT OF | COMMON PLEAS.-EDWIN BATES, GEO. C. SEL. MAN, THOS. R. MCGAHAN, CU ARLE-> K. BATES, ? Coparme?, trading as EDWIN BA I ES A CO., Plaintiffs, against i. GOUDKOP, Defendant.- | Copy Summons for Money Demand-complaint, hot Served -To I. GOUDKOP, Defendant in this action: Yon are hereby snmmoned and required te answer the complaint in mts action, which has been flied in the office of the clerk of the Court of | Common Pleas for the said county, and to serve a copy of y our answer- on tbe subscribers at their office. No. 15 Broad street, Charleston, S. C., with? in twenty days arter the service of this summons on yon, exclusive of the day of service. If yon fall to answer i hts complaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiffs will take Judgment against TO a ror thc aura of Ovo hundred and forty-one Si 100 dollars, with interest from Ute 4th day or April, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one, and costs. - Dated April ia, 1871,. SIMONTON A BARKER, Plaintiffs' Attorneys. To the Defendant, I GOUDKOP: Take notice, that the summons In this action, of which the foregoing ls a copy, was flied In the office of the Clerk or tbe Court of Common Pleas at Charles? ton, in the County of Charleston, Tn the State of 1 Boutb Carolina, on the 10th day of April, 1871. SIMON TON A BARKER, . - Plaintiffs' Attorneys, No. 15 Broad street, ap ri I-LUG Charleston, 8. C. pa- GERMAN SOOTHING CORDIAL. Hi ha valuable compound roatirtua So opium, taad innm, paragon?, *r -ottrer anodyne, abd will not- ? massacre the Innocents like.the ."Soothing syrups" m much in vogue. Toe GffRliAN SOOTHING CORDIAL ls uar m less, and ls reo >mmend ed by ali ?ur best physicians. It Ls to be had of the manu? facturer, . V . . DR. ll. BAEK, No. 131 Meeting street.. And or all Druggists, apr22-stuta. pa- Ttl Y IT.-IT IS AMUSING THAT the feeble should totter, wUb uncertain etepe, iver the face oi the earth, 4a danger every day of [ailing victims to the morbid influences by which ive are all surrounded, wnen a tested and proven vegetable tonic, capable of endowing them wltb the vigor they need, ls procurable m every city, ?own and settlement, lt might reasonably be thought tbat after the twelve .ears' experience a/hlch the world has had of HOSTE TT BR'S BIT? TERS, all wonld know that Its effect; ls to pt event disease. At certain seasons the atmosphere is snrcharg e?l with toe seeds of intermittents, remittents, rheumatism, pulmonary dlsirders, bilious com? plaints and the like. Persons whose nervous-sys? tems are related are the first to succumb to these llstempers. Brace up the physical energies, :hen. with this pote ntl a vegetable tonic. It ts me most powerful r?cup?rant which the botanic tlngdom bas ever yielded to patient research and ?p?riment. Try lt. The bll.idist discipline or the oid medical dogmas will at least admit that a tonio and alterative, compoanded of approved Herbs, roots aol barks can do no harm, while tbe testimony of thousands Invites a trial of its virtues. Vigor ls the thlqg most needed In these cases as well as in dyspepsia aqd nervous affect lons, and HOS'i OTTER'S BITTERS ls the safest, surest and most wholesome strengthening preparation that human skill has yet concocted. Hundreds or physicians have abandoned all the officinal recetpes and preserved this harmless tonic as a preventive aaa eure for all cases or chins and fever. apra-Dacs . pa- MANHOOD-154Tn EDITION corrected and revised by t .e a ithor, E. de* F. Cur? tis, Doctor Of Medtcliie. member of the Royal Col? lege or Surgeon.?, England; Licentiate of the Col legeof Phvsicians, Edinburgh; Honorary Member Faculte de Medicine, Paris, Ac., Ac, Ac-A Medical E-say on the cause and euee of Pi erna tore decline in Mau, showing htrw hes th Is lost and how regained, lt gives a clear synopsis of the Impediments to Marriage, the treatment of Ner? vous and Physical Debility, Sterility. Ac, whether a:. ugtnou by early abase or excess, and the rem sdiea ihereror-the result of tweuty years succasa rul practice. Pflce 50 cents by malt. Address the author, Dr. CURTIS, No. 9 Tremont Place, Boston,-Mass. inarT-tuihslyr pm* MEDICAL - N?TICE.-PATIENTS gunering from Diseases pe taming to the u KN ITO URINARY ORGANS, will receive the latest sclen titlc treatment by placlug themselves under the care oi Dr. T. REE?STJERNA, office No. 74 Hasel street, three doors rrom the Postofflce. ?epao-turhryr _ pgr FUR COUGHS, BRONCHITIS AND Consumption, In its early stages, nothlug equals 5r. PIERCE'S ALT. EXT. or Qiudeu Medical .Ms :overy. It ls also a gre kt bfood purifier and in engt li restorer or tonie, and for -Liver Jom >iaini" and ow Ive conditions of the'bowels it his no equaL Sold by ntl Druggists. apR20-thstu8oac Special flgti?g. ^'CONSIGNEES' NOTICE. Brig WALTHAM tamise h?gi rig Ug?fi at Wharf. All (foodsItt oated fo?yj-tafeown be stored at owners? risk-*nd exje n se?- 5 apr*to-i J M. gOgggM A SPIT. JBT" CONSIGNEES^ PER STEAMSHIP CHARLESTON, are hereby notified that she ls THIS OAT discharging-.cargo at A J ger's Wharf. All Goods rantainiag on wharf at sunset will be stored at expense and ri st: of owners. "apr25-l JAMES ADGER A CO., Agents. ?Sh COSIGNEES' PERi - STEAMER FALCON,' from Baltimore, are hereby notified that she ts THIS DAY di*t?ai*gtag Cargo at Pier>No. 1, Union Wharves. All goods not taken away at sauset will remain on wharf at consignees' risk. " ' ' MO KO fi CA I A CO., ?p26-i_ '*''*. Agents. m~ PEOPLE'S BANK OF SOUTH CAROLINA.-The Aanual Election for THIRTEEN DIRECTORS of this Bank will be held at the Bank, on MOHDAT, May 1, between the hours of IX o'clock A. M. and 1 P. M. JAMES B. BETTS, apr26 Cashier. pit HEADQUARTERS FIRST D1YI SION, FIRST BRIGADE, SOUTH CAROLINA NATIONAL GUARDS, CHABXESTO*, S. C., APRIL 24, 1871.-All persons proposing to con? tract Tor repairing tile Military Hall, in Charles-? ton, are notified thet specifications for the said work may be had at these Head-matters (the Military Hall aforesaid) on and after the 28tb in staat.' Proposals for the doing or said repairs will he received ap to is o'clock of the fourth day of May next; and all suoh proposals as may be sent in, publicly opened at the Hall at s o'clock E. M. on the said fourth of May. W. J. WHIPPER, j. apr25-S Brigadier General. p9~ R E AD CAREFULLY .J PETER AND AGUE. The only preventive known for Chills and Fever is the use or Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps. WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS Is good for Dyspepsia. WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS Is a prevent ive bf Chills and Fever. WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS i Is goodair all Kidney au I Bladder Complaints WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS Is used all over the World by Physicians In their practice. WOLFE'S SC?IEDAM SCHNAPP3 Is good for Gout. WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS Is good for all Urinary complaints.* WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS Is recommended by ali -the Medical Faculty. \ \ WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS Is good rbr colic and pain In the stomaeff. WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS Is imitated and counterfeitea, and purchasers will bare to nse caution tn purchasing. I beg leave td eau the attention of the reader to testimonials in favor of the Schnapps: . 1 feel bound to Bay that I regard your Sens'APPS | as being in every respect pre eminently pure, and deserving of medical patronage. At all events it le the purest possible article of Holland gin, here? tofore an obtainable, and as BUCO- may be safely prescribed by physicians. DAVID L. MOTT, M. D., Pharmaceutical Chemist, New Tork. LOUISVILLE, Ky., September 1. I fee* that we have BOW an article of gin suit? able for such cases aa that remedy is adapted to. DB. J. W. DRU" HT. "Schnapps" ls a remedy In chronic c?tarrhal complaints, Ac I take great pleasure in bearing highly credit? able lest!ouray to Its efficacy as a remedial agent In the macanea tot wbloa you recommend lr. Having a natural tendency to the macons sur? faces, with a s Hg nt degree of stimulation. I re gard lt as one of the most Important remedies in oh ronlo catarrhal affections, particular ly those ol the geulto-urinary apparatus. With much re?. J spect, your obedient servant, CHAS. A. LEAS, H. D'; New York: No. 26 PINS arnEST. N. T., Nov. 21, 1887. UDOLPHO WOLFS. ESQ., Present: DXAB SIR-1 have made a chemical examination of a sample of your "Schiedam Schnapps," with the intent ol determining if any foreigner injurious substance had been added to the simple distuitd spirits. . The examination has resulted hi the ooo elusion that the sample coo tal ned no poisonous or harm lol admixtures.. I have been unable to discover ia y trace, of the deleterious substances whioh ire-sometimes employed in the AdnitexaUua.of.| liquors. I would not hesitate to nee myself, nor la recommend to others, for medicinal parp?se?, the "Schiedam Sebnapus" as an excellent and inbbject lonable variety of gin. Very respectfully roars, (Signed) CHAS. A. SEELT, Chemist. CHEMIOAL AND TacaNICAL LASOSATO&Y, ) 18 EXOHANOB PLACE, N. T., Nov. 25, 1807. j UDOLFHO WOLFS, Esq. : DEAR Sin-The under dgrred have carerufly artd thoroughly analyzed a sample ot your "Aromatic Schiedam Sehapps," .elected bj ourselves, and have found the same free from all organic er inorganic cabstanees, mure or less Injurious to health. Prom the result if our examination vre consider the article one of lupenor quail ty, healthful as a beverage, and sfleotual In tts medicinal qualities. Respectfully yours, [Signed) ALEX. TRIPPE L, Chemist. FRANCIS E. ENGELHARD, M. D. For sale by all respectable Grocers and Dru lists. UDOLPHO WOLFE'S EST., mara-3rao-i No. n BEAVER STREET, N. ff GETTING MARRIED.-ESSAYS for Tonog Men on Social Evils, and the propriety ?r impropriety of getting Harried, with sanitary ielp for those who feel unfitted tor matrimonial lappinesa. Sent free, tn sealed envelopes. Ad? ir?es Howard Associate ., Box P, Philadelphia, Pa. '_anj.i-.imos p9* BAKER'S CITRATE MAGNESIA. k splendid preparation. Completely superseding the ase of ali nauseous purgative Medicines. Sold ay Druggists. JNO. C. BAKER A CO., Philadel? phia. A full supply on hand by DB. H. BA ER, feb7-toths6mos No. 131 Meeting street. ??ncaiionai. J?D WARD C. STIEL, TEACHER OF THE 3ERMAN LANGUAGE. Room No. 2, Mansion House, Broad street. ySap?FFIdE HOURS from li to 3, and from 5 to 7, TERMS LIBERAL. anrS-thstue Pianos, (?roana, &c. QHARLES L. M?C LE NAH AN. SO. 191 KING STREUT, Imiiorter aa<l Dealer lu 'I AN OS, CABINET ORGANS, SUE ET MUSIC. STRINGS. Ac, AC. SST* Taning and (tepatring promptly attended .o hy Hgs RY YOUNO, manta-tnthst'mn-' R 35?u*9>.a|?er&, itluyauuc?, 4?i UHA^iTcA RIJT?NII A N ~ FOR APttlL NOW READY. CONTENTS A3 VARIED AND INTERESTING . AS USUAL. ??rice-For single number.25 cents Per annum.%i Ou POT sale by WALKER. EVANS A COGSWELL, ' Publishers, No. 3 broad street. tND BY BOOKSELLERS EVERYWHERE, maras meetings. _ . \ IT ! Pl?EE^'sTEaJI FIRE aiSEXOHPASY OF AJILEN'.-You ara ima???? to atfcnd ?*Bttra Meeting of rpafffc THIS (Tuftsdavi ET?INO, ?tie 25ta. it jour RuglneJIouse, Marke: stwet,^ Relock precisely. Members' arejeqaeste? to m paruMmal, as bpiumea_/il importance will oe stu> miri?d. Byonler et the PreiB?ent. ' apr25_J. W. McKENRY, Secretary. CHARLESTON HOOK AND LADDER ' COMPANY, No. 2.-Altena" arr Extra Meet; tag ox yow Company, at your Hall. THIS EVBN rNO. rhe 25th war.,-at hair past 8 o'clock precisely. A fall and prompt attendance of all-the Members ts desired, a^-tmsjness of great Importance will be transacted. Ry order J**** 0* H***. . apr25 EDWARD MAGUIRE, Secretary. sp K-RMAN STEAM FIRE. COMPANY. VX Aa- ExwraJIeetlgg of your Company will be held at the Englue-youse, THIS. ET KN INO, at 8 o'clock precisely. "All members are earnestly re? quested te be present, as business ot mach Im? portance win be brought before the meeting. By order of the President. apr25 _MAX BELITZER, Secretary. HOPE STEAM FIRE ENGINE COMPA? NY -The Members of the Hope Fire Com? pany are requested to attend an Extra Meeting THTS EVBNING, at (8) eight o?croek. Those not present will bs fined according to rule. . By order of W. H. SMITH. api-36_j _0 FLFTfc-NINTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE LA FAY El TE ARTILLERY CHARITABLE ASSOCIATION.-The Anniversary Meeting of this Association will be held THIS EVBNINO, at Charleston Riflemen Hail, corner King and Liber? ty streets, at 8 o'clock, A general attendance ts requested. Tickets for the-Excurslon can be pro? cured at the Hall. J NU. GWSZALKZ, apr26 ? _ _.Secretary. fTIHE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING J. OF THE BURNS CHARITABLE ASSOCIA? TION will be. held at Kroeg'a Hall, Wentworth street. THIS EVENING;- at 8 o'clock. A full ai ten dance ls requested, ssrttfe Committee on Picnic Will report. 'OTUART-SOME RVILLE, : apr?s_Secretary and Treasurer. A DGER RIFLE CLUB. -ATTEND A XJL Meeting of your.'Ciuh, at Marion Engine House, at 8 o'clock. THIS EVBNINO. apr2S? By order of THE WARDEXS. SUMTFR RIFLE CLUB.-A SPECIAL Meeting of this Olub will be held* at Masonic Huh, TUESDAY EVBNINO, .the 25th inst., at 8 o'clock. By order of the President WV M. BRUNS, apr2t-2 Secretary and Treasurer. AN EXTRA MEETING OF THE MEMO? RIA L ASSOCIATION wm be held at tue Con red i rare wicows' Home, Broad streeton Teas DAT AFTSRNOON, the 25 h Inst., at 4 o'clock. All persons Interested inmemorial Day are request? ed-to attend._apr24-2 PEOPLE S BANK OF SOUTH CAROLI? NA,-Tue Annual Meeting of the Stackhold .nra of this Bank will be held at the Banking House, No. 9 Broad street, on WEDNESDAY, 26th lustant, at 12 M. JAMES B. BETTS, april_" _Cashier. _ttJams. ANTED, A%DY"T?^^RELX?BLE GIRL as Nurse for a small child. Apply at Nu. S Ashley street, near Mill. ' apr26-2? -tTTANTED TO PURCHASE, A SM*LL fl BOUSE, Iff the western-portion of the etty. Address, stating location aud terms, 0. P. T., Charleston Poatofflce_apr25-4? ANTED. A CAPABLE CHAMBER MAID, om that can wash and iron. Ap? ply to No S Sr. Phillp sireeu_apr25-l? WANTED, AT LINLEYS CHEAP STORE, No. 388 Klug street, two Boys, willing to wbrk._._apr25 WANTED-A COUPLE OF GOOD, steady COMPOSITORS can obtain per? manent employment br applying to the un? dersigned Immediately. JAMES M. BRO A N, Pakington Courthouse, 8. C._npr.6-3 WANTrD, A COMPETENT NURSE, without ineumhrances. Apply at Nb. 124 Meeting street. Recommendations required. apr24_ WANTED, A WHITE GIRL AS NURSE, and a Colored, Girl as House Servant. Must be- well recommended. Apply corner Cn ar lotte and Meeting streets._,_aprgl-3* WANTED TO RENT, BY A PUNCTUAL and permanent tenant, a neat and. pleas? antly situated dwelling, containing not less Chan four square rooms. The western part of the city, or the neighborhood of the Battery preferred. Ad dreBit, stating location and lowest rent, "Tenant." office or tja NEWS. _ airlS Soi Sile. FOR SALE, A FANCY IRON SODA WATER couMTE R..wirti Marble Slab. Also, Two Counter SHOWCASES. Apply at northeast corner King and Spring._apr26-l* AT PRIVATE SALE.-A HANDSOME NEW RESIDENCE, la good or.jer, fri be sold at private sale. Thc honse contains five rooms and piHZZa. The Int measures GO front by 100 reet, wli h a fine Garden and good water. Further particulars can be given at tue place, No. 02 Line stree?-, near Rutledge avenue._apr2fr-s* OR SALE, SEVERAL SEWING MA". CHINES, of good quality, which are offered . heap. Call at No. 2? Queen street, between Ntectlng aud Church streets. _fehlt NEWSPAPERS.-FOR SALE A QUANTI? TY of the above. Ai<ply at Board or Trade Rooms, No. Ul Meeting street. novio-tn l?o Bent. ' T^ITBBNT,B?U8?? LO<}A^F?^R Broad street. Four Rooms, Kitchen. Gas, Ueiern and Well. Apply ro'E. J. LIWlTH, sa King street. ._aprtM* TO RENT FOR THE 8EASON, A COM? FORTABLE TWO AND A HAL"' STOKY WOODEN DWELL! -0, with kitchen and stable, situated on the west side or orange, between Broad and Tradd streets. Apply on the premires, No. 1._?pr26 TO RENT, HOUSE No. 156 QUEEN street, north side, a few doors west o Frank? lin street, containing len (IS) square rooms, and two (lue attics, at alow rent to a responsible ten? ant. Apply at No. 124 East Bay, up stairs. apr24-2_ rHENT, IN AIKEN, S. C., A HOUSE of six rooms, and kitchen attached. Also, a Hue COW may be obtained. Fer term?, apply to Dr. THOMAS 4RANS, Aiken, S. C. apr24-mmth84?_t_ TO RENT, FOUR ROOMS WITH DRBS8 iNti room and pantry, with us-of plszza and necessary conveniences, in Meeting street, near Battery. Apply at i his office._ap ra TO RENT, A TWO AND A HALF SToRY BRICK HO??9B, No. 4 Tra in bo's Court. Good water and other accommodations on the premises. Apply at No. 1 Uayne street. Jan31-tttths_ TO RENT, THE WHOLE OR PART OF an clegsnt and commodious Residence, In the wesieru part or the city, having a line garden attached, and all necessary outbuildings. Pos-, session given Immediately. Apply to G. N. BER? NARD, No. 88 Broad street._tn-S TO RENT, A SUMMER RETREAT IN the Town of Andersou, ?. C.-a heautirul Coitaee, con tain lng six rooms, partially furnwnetl. Tue garden ls In a high state ol cultivation, and th?surroundings all that caa he desired fur sum? mer comfort aud pleasure. From May to october lhere ls hot a more agreeable l u-allty in South Car lina. Apply to F. G. Du.FONTAINE, at ths Mills House, or to M., Box 100, Anderson, S. C. aprl7_._ tos? awe i'onnc_ STRAYED.-STRAYED FROM GAS 0F-< k? FlOri a large Liver-Spott. d Pointer DO-', au-sweia to Hie name of Juck. A reward, will be paldju any one leaving him at the above office. apr25-l_ LOST !-LOSTj .ON FRIDAY EVENING, tuc 2lst tintant, ei'hera' the Catholic Fair j or un Meeting street, between the Hibernian Hall sn.i Hie Battery, a oold Wire Necklace. wati'lug a clasp, und with a Cornelian Cro-s a-ticked. A liberal reward wi 1 be raul for its recovery, on ap? plication to BAGUE rr A CO., North A tim'ic Wharf._apr24-3 L~ OST. A Y'UJNG BLACK NEWFOUND? LAND DOO) wilka Uuss ..eather strap around his neck. A rewam nf -Ave uoliara ls of? fered fur the return of the Dog to Mr. <i. w. pAU. KER. Mill" Honse._spr22-t LOST ON THE ?8TH, A BUCKSKIN POUCH, with Thirty Dollars aud some cents, between Ti add and Klug strets, via Filecd. Arcudale and Besufaiu. Finder will be re*;ird ni on delivery at No.. 114 Tradd, comer Logan streets._ H pr? Hemotiflis _? M.-D\liE~L.UZlEli, P^RIS?TN ?R?SS^ M iKEK, has removed in N'o. 233 KINO ?iuEhT, east side, between Market and Hasel strums. aprl5 yroTi.iK.-TH E- ..if.Qija'AiiLE LTP5 i?l A?KSDRANCES0C1K r?," ol' .Ne-' Vol k. turo einoved from So. Ill Mee TL' street io their n w oulce, No. 20 BROAD BTKKBT. WM. B. SHAW, lebl3 General Ageut. Amusements. poli L??f^m o L?B" ri .|4- fi |A BA$L will bCglnft at the South carohnf ?a;:, #13 SyjtsrNo^?pril 26th. 3 * W EDWIN P. FROST, ^ apr2?-l Secretary and Treasurer. A Ci UBI CLL! C F.A. I.E. LAST T H B E E TS I G H T S, APRIL 24TH, 26TH.AJ?D 28TH. The CATHOLIC FAIR witt be continued for I 'three days more, vie: MONDAY, TOSSDAT aad WEDNESDAY, of the present week. Thia Fair will be open each dar fcom 12 M. o?tU.2 P. IL, aad from 6 P. IL um ll li P. IL . Servants accompanying white children will be admitted dnrlr.g the day, Dat all servants will be excluded after 7 P. M. The price of Ticker will be aa follows : Season Tickets..' ec Family Season Tickets. too ! Single Tickets.;. 26 Children.......~~. U| 'Servants in charge of children. 10 BERNARD O'NEILL, Chairman. THOMAS O'BRIEN, Secretary. apr24-3 M W. Sr. AM AND, Treasurer. ^GADEM OP MUSIC; COMPLIMENT ART BENEFIT TO TEE KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS, WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 26, When will be" presented the beautiful Play, DAMON AND PYTHIAS. Tickita can be procured from any member of ', the Order, and at Bolnest's Up and Down Town News Depots. Reserved seats can be procured at the Box Office of the Academy of Music on and after Toss DAT, April 26. Admission as usual. aprl9-wimtuths financial. "AMES H. WILSON, BANKER AND BROKER, NO. 5 BROAD STBS ET... .......CHARLESTON, 8. C., Buys aad sells FOREIGN ANB DOMESTIC EX? CHANGE, Gold. BUver, Bank Notes, Stocks, Bonds, and ail classes of Securities, at current rates and on Commission. Interest allowed on Deposits, subject to cheek at sight. Time Deposits received as per agree? ment. ' . Issues Gold Checks on Self York; Bratts tn sums of ?1 and ap wax Ja on Union Baak of. Lon? don, and Provincial Bank of Ireland, at Dublin, and Branches; also, in sums of Ten Thalers and upwards on Discount Company, Berlin, Prussia. Collections attended to promptly. - Loans negotiated. aprl-stnthlmo Hotels. gpUMM^BE'lB OA ITD?ING^ AIKEN HOTEL, AIKEN, S. C The people of Charleston and vicinity are re? spectfully informed that the above HOTEL win be open during the summer of 1871 for the reception of permanent and transient, guests? The rooms are large, airy and well furnishes House and grounds w-11 shaded. Th? tables wtu be supplied with all the delica? cies af the season. .. Terms very moderate. For further particulars address CASE A LOUNSBERRT, Proprietors. Oood Livery attached to the House. aprat-imo_j ; ' (groceries, Ciqnorg, &t. YELLOW COEN MEAL. M obis. Kan Dried CORN MEAL, a superior artist* for family use. For sale by apr24-3 JNO. "UAMPSBN A CO. C OE N ! COEN! COEN! 8000 bushels Prime White CORN, landing ex schooner Cain. For sale by aprM-2 T. TUPPER A SONS. g UGA Ii AND MOLASSES. 228 h nd?. Prime to Oholoe DE MER ARA SUGARS 160 barrels Oiiotce Demerara sosar - , 1,67 puncheons Gnolce D me ra ra Molasses. , Landing this day ex British brig "iiocmaqby," direct from Demerara. ALSO, 20 hhds. Prime MUSCOVADO MOLASSES 200 barrels Prime Muscovado Molasses. Per sale by W. P. HALL. apr2l-a_Brown A Ob.'a wharf. QORN1 COEN! COEN! 10,000 bushels Prime CORN, In store aad for sale by T. i. KERB. A GO. aprl_ Q I G A R S! CIGARS! Large Stock or Good, Ftes SMOKING CIGARS, constantly on hand, and for- sale -at fie per thous? and, at J. MADSEN'S CIGAR MANUFACTORY, ?o. Itt Meeting street, aprS-lmo Opposite Charleston Hotel EAS! TEAS! TEAS PURE TEAS ONLY ! JUST RECEIVED A LARGE INVOICE FINE ' DRAWING TEAS From 70 cents to $170 per pound, being about 2d cents per pourfd below other Dealers. Consumers desiring FINE TEAS would do weil to try those sold at WILSON'S GROCERY and you will use no other kind. We buy TEAS in large quantities from first hauus, (avoiding Tea Companies of all kinds.) therefore buying at a small advance ou Am cost, and would advise consumers to boy no Tea in packages. - For PURE TEAS, go to WILSON'S GROCERY, Anson and Society streets. sf All Goods delivered free. No charge for packing. Q.ROCERIES! GROCERIES! Country Orders promptly attended to, at WILSONS GROCERY, Bos S >. 383, Charleston, s. C. 49* No charge for packing or de.i verm g Goods. WINES AND LIQUORS AT REDUCED PRIOflS. WHISKEY from $160 per gallon and upwards. Old Nomi carol'na Corn Whiskey $2 per gatton. Pure. Sherry, Madeira aad ure; Wines from $1 au pe gatton and upwards. Frenen an<i D-miestic Brandies at reduced prices. AU ?I tip* ?iou ve ar- procured directly from tie ers and Distillers thereby saving all Inter rund?ate iron ta, and lasufmg a good article, ami Te warranted of gooit quality, Une davor, pure and uuadulter.tte i, even tue lowest grades beiug irua-aiiteed strictly pure. Person < la need oi sueti nooda tor medicinal or other purposes eau deufud upon ge'ting a strlotly pure article at aa extremely mw pnce from W. H. WELCH. Fam?yorocer, S. W. ('orrie" Meeting and Market streets. ?#- Goods delivered Ires of charge, april s Hfeirtr^ AAS. n8B#i? prRtflBHlNlET PEAS suitable for >r Mle hg j? H s ?AMP8KH * 00. LaVlng and for sale at reasonable pri?es. ADOLPH NIMITZ. apr!?6-tBth3 . .Jfo. aa* BaatBay. "Y^AOWEB 4 IfOMSEfiS/ . \. rf oe. 163 ? ad 165 Bast Bay unit Mos. 3 ?nd 4 (i?tea rtrtit, . ' Have in Store and receiving doli y a large as* sortment of . /, - -.v FAMILY AMD PLAJs'TATIOl? 8'JPPLIES, . Consisting in part of : BACON, u -, . HAMS, POLK, BEEF,_MACKEREL, MOLASSES HOOK? S?ffA?. ' LARD, SALT, SOAP, -NAILS, COFFEE, . TEAS, Ac. AO. WAGBNER ft M0N8SOS Con Un nail v baye in Sure a- largo ?nd well se? lected assortment or SHIP GEOOEBIES; delivered free of cartage to Teasels, - WAGERER ft M0N*B1?, Agenta for Isador. Bm* * Co, BL Lom*, Ma, SPARKLING GRANU DUCHESSE CATAWBA. Also, contlnaaliy are supplied add have in store Choice'CALIFORNIA MOUNTAIN WWE. la silty gallon casks and dejnjl'hns. These .Wines are oqnal to any imported Wines In (?very respect. apr2S B ACON! POER! FLOUR! 60 hhds. Western Smo. C. R. SLOES ANO SHOUL DEBS 40 tierces 8. c. Hams-Beargraas and Diamond 80 bbl*. Obeloe Hess Pork * 300 bbl*, varions grade* southern Flour. . Noir landing and far sale at red aced prices by . ti -, ' BERNARD O'Nr ILL, api-25-2_ _ East Bay. NEW BUTTES, IMITATION ENGLISH CHEESE, AC RECEIVED PER RECENT ARRIVALS. Choice New GOSHEN BOTTER, Jenny Lind Im? itation English Oaeeae, Mild Factory Cheese, Pine? apple Cheese, You g America Cheese, EUJam and Sap sago Cheese, Extra Smoked Tongues and Breakfast Bacon-Strips, Choice Ploki?d Beef, Fam? ily Pig Pork amt Pie-led Ox Teagoea. >> SUGAR-CCT.ED HAMS. Dlffleld's, American, Whestphalla, Whitaker, Extra Star, Davis's Diamond, and the celebrated White Sogar - cured Chan pion Hams. For sale by E. E. BEDFORD, Janll No.'?75 King street. S PARELING MOSELLE SPARKLING CATAWBA ilOCRBIMER NIERSTEINER LIQUEUR DES BENEDICTINS CHARTREUSE CURACOA MARASCHINO RUSSIAN K?MMEL ABSINTH 1 VERMOUTH PARFAIT AMOUR CREME DB ROSE NOyEAUX . ANISETTE. ' & E. BEDFORD, . jaoli Nc. m Klnr street. B REMEN LAGEI'BEEB ENGLISH ALES . fr SCOTCH ALES CHAMPAGNE ALBS S/ONDON PORTERS DUBLLNfiPORTERS CHAMPAGNE (?DEB. E. E. BEDFORD, aaU _No. ?76 Kin*- atreet. TOOK OUT! FOR THE SIGNS OF THE CROCKERY HO'JSB AND CAROLINA TEA AGENCY. . JUST ABBIVXO AS L INLET'S CHEAP STORE, No. 888 Klagutreet, A new supply of that famous DOLLAR TBA. Also, a large tot or that very superior YOUNG HYSON TEA, waioh deli*at* all Tea connoisseurs who h*.T? over tried tt, sad whtoh-I-aeU mt the low p rice of tl so. pe r po an d. This Ta? 1B guaranteed, and I am w ? dag to remad tba money to any pur ? chaser who should be dissatisfied. ALSO, A large lot Of CANNED FRUIT, VEGETABLES! AND FISH, or th* most approved braads, which will be sold at low prices. - s. general assortment er Groceries, at reduced prices. Roasted and Ground Rio, Laguayra sad Java Coffees, fresh every day. Tao roasting fe done apon the pre cises, nader my personal super? vision. Quality and ktods guaranteed. - FRENCH CHINA 1 FRENCH CHINA I Vea Sets or piala French Chins, 44 pieces, for $8 Tea Sets, gold band French China, 44 pieces, for $12 A Urge assortment or French Calna for table use. Also, Fancy China Goods, Vases, Cologne Bats, Motto Cops and Saunera, Tdte-a Tete^Seta, A*. - English Crockery, Glassware, Tinware, Hard? ware, Wooden ware, Basket?, ' Looking Glasses, and a general assortment df House Furnishing Goods-sold twenty-five per cent, cheaper than regular dealer*. Special attention paid to country orders, accom? panied with cash.. Ali inquiries by letter promptly answered. No charge tor packing or delivering to any part of the city. m maris-lyr JOBN W.. LINLEY. B Cnraber, incl, &z. u ?ITD^^^^^LTEI? 0 T, NO. 84 CHURCH ?TBJBET. THBSS BOOBS Noam OF BROAD, CHARLESTON, S. C LIMB SLATES LATHS PLASTER TIN HAIR CEMENT TILE GRAVEL UHIMNEYT0P3 SEWER PIPE GARDEN VASES AC. AD. ftc. Now lauding, a cargo or vary superior LIME, for sale low. Country orders carefully and ^omp:|y filled. P. O. BOX 374 & M. O RIM KB. marfl_ t?os nues Cares. C. W. WIECKING, A G E.N T MILWAUKEE LAGER BEER, COBNBB KINO AND SOCIETY STR'SHTS. aprlS-thstaS*_ JJ EE YES, BROWN ft VAN WICKLE^""" WHOLESALE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, rx ALL KINDS or. DOMESTIC FRUIT AND VEGETABLES In their season. Nos. 162 and 183 CENTRE ROW, WEST WASHINGTON MARKET, NEW YORK. REFERENT s?. -S. A. Lambert, with Adolph Nlmliz, Commission and Forwarding Merchant, No 20S East Bay. Ohariestun. S C. apri3-3mos 1865J*J*F?ENEr * 1871 PHUDUGE COMMISSION MaJBCHANrB, No. 70 BARCLAY AND No. 222 OBEBNWTCH STREETS, NEW YORK, Reaelvers or Green and Dried FRUITS, Truck and ail kinds or Farm and Garden Produce. Our location and faculties for selling Fruits and Vegetables are unsurpassed in New York. Circulars and Marking Plates sent free to Ship, pera. All correspondents and questions cheer? fully answered. RKFERBNOB.-0. H. LtllenthaL Tobacconist, New York._?_apN4 B. CARPENTER, R ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 72 BROAD Smn^ Charleston, S. C., wm Practice la the Sute and Federal Coarta. febal