University of South Carolina Libraries
CITY AFFAIRS. Meetings Tal? Day. Horion Lodge, at 7 P. M. La Candour Lodge, at 7 P. M. ?.Prospect Lodge, I. O G.T., at hali past 7 P. M. u Confederate widows' Home, at 1 P. M. Sooth Carolina Conference, at ti alf .past 0 A. M Sunday School Union, at quarter past 7 P. M. Auction Sales Till? Day. - Wm. McKfvy will sell at 19 o'ciook, at his .atore, cutlery, scales, Ac. Leitch A Bruns will sell at ll o'ciook, at Quin? cy's gallery, King street, a collection of chromos. Jetrords A Co. wUl sell at half-past 10 o'clock, at 3u mmer ville, furniture, Ac Miles Drake will sell at 10 o'clock, at his store, boots, shoes and hats. ST. MIOHASL'S CHURCH.-Yesterday Mr. Cle? land K. Huger was elected vestryman to AU the vacancy occasioned by the death of Mr. Richard Caldwell. P HRS OK AL.-Generals J. B. Kershaw, of Camden, Wm. HI Wallace, of Union, and E. P. Alexander, of Columbia, are at the Charleston -Hotel. - Miss Laura Keene arrived In the city last even? ing from Savanah, Ga., and is staying at the Mills House. A. A. Gilbert, Esq., editor of that exceUent paper, the Sumter Watchman, ia also in the city,' as a guest of Mr. Geo. W. Williams. OCR PRICES CURRENT.-We especially invite the attention of our merchants to Tas NEWS Prices Current, issaed this morning. Made up situ the utmost care, and handsomely printed With entirely new type, it forms, with the business card of the house forwarding lt, the most attract? ive and welcome weekly commercial circular that can be used. Price, for ten copies or more, with business cards, two and a half cents per copy; single copies Ave cents. A BURGLAR CAUGHT.-Abram Brown, alias '.Pop-Eye," was captured on Wednesday night, after a desperate struggle, by Policemen Nlpson and Alston. The. policemen were in search of another marauder, when they encountered Abram as he was jumping from a window of -Smith's grist mill, in Beanfaln street, with a buQ die of stolen clothing under his arm. The*villain, although caught in the act, made a desperate effort to escape, hut was captured after a hard, fight, with the assistance of several colored people residing in the neighborhood. He was taken to i1 e -Guardhouse, and, upon being brought before the Mayor, was turned over, to the State for proseen tion. Abram ls an old JaU-bird, and was released from the Penitentiary only a few days ago by an act of Executive clemency? THE POLICE-THEIR PAT AND DUTIES,-The captain of the police of Charleston receives monthly $125; each of his two lieutenants $100; each or the two sergeants $66 68; regular police 160; the four door sentinels $50; two hostlers $50; seven steeplemen $30; three draymen $25; night policemen $2i. The detective force consists of a lieutenant, at a salary of $83 37 per month, and eight men at a salary of $00 per month. Seventy thousand dollars ts the amount appropriated for the pay or the entire command. The dnty of the police ls divided luto four hour watches, day and Bjight. The captain, of course, exercises BU per vis orr control. The lieutenants are executive officers, who take turns day and night in inspect? ing every post at least three times. A roundsman . is a species ot Inspector, who, Ukewlse, visits the several beats and men on duty. They are twelve In number.. One sergeant remains at the Guard house to rec. ive and enter charges, wilte up the Mayor's book, attend to the disposition ol prison ors, and "notify persons of any violation of the city ordinances. CRUMBS.-Yesterday was observed as a holi? day of obligation by the Roman Catholics, and ser? vices were held at the different churches of that faith as on Snnday. A grand masked ball wUl be given on the even? ing of the second of February, at the Hibernian HaU, by the. German Artillery Association., Messrs. C. F. Lubs, F. Younge, F. J. Lulen thal, 0. BteL,E^?pkhaber, H. Huxolt and H.. Harms, hawbWreritrusted with thc arrangements. The cltytreasurar is advertising for sealed pro? posals for making the city badges. . The,,Randolph Riflemen are preparing for a grand fair to be given at the Military Hall, com? mencing ou.UK 2is; inst. On Wednesday night, a colored man named Alfred Ford, was run over on .the Northeastern Railroad, about eight miles from the city, and In? stantly killed. Coroner Taft was notified of the fact yesterday - mooring, and the body, 'having been brought to the eily, an Inquest waa held over it at the (HtyiTntospitaL-The jury, after a 'short setting, adjourned oxer untd today, when they will meet at the City Hau, at 9 o'clock, to con? tinue the Investigation. * -^T^r jj}?fcB8 or RKAT: -ESTATE.-Messrs. Leitch * Bruns sold the following yesterday morning ' at auction: The lot known as Ko. 9 Nunan street, roar doors from Rutledge avenue, measuring twenty five feet front by one hundred feet in depth, with the two story wooden d welling thereon, for $580 cash. ... The lot. Nb. 23 America street, near Mary, with a cottage residence and garden, measuring twen? ty-five feet Iront by one hundred feet In depth, for $500 cash. The lot, with commodious residence thereon, known as No. 16, on the north side of Henrietta atreet, between Meeting and Elizabeth, measuring forty feet lu front on Henrietta street and one hundred and fifteen feet In depth, for $2100; terms-one-quarter ea an, balance la one, two and three years. ,. ' A. 0. McGiUlvray sold:. The lot of-land, wita the buildings thereon, on the south side or warren street, in Radclirfeboro', known as No. 16, measuring thirty-nine feet In front by-one hundred and fifty feet in depth, for $2800; terms-one-third cash, balance at the end of twelve months. . . The undivided two-thirds interest in the" lot of land, with the buildtngs thereon, on the west Bide or East Bay street, next to the Planters' ami. Me? chanics' Bank, measuring-thirty-three and a half feet in front by one hundred, and. fifteen feet in depth, for $3300; terras-one-third cash, balance on a credit of twelve months. - Hotel Arrival*-December S. ?JP -4" r ''? n PAVILION HOTEL. .: H. H. Smith, Detrolt,~M!ch.; Sam Marco, M. Marco, Darlington; N. P. Duttoa, Baltimore; W. B. Powell, J. E. Powell, Syracuse; 0. H. Whitfield, J. W. Edwards, WlUIamsburg; John H. Kearney, Philadelphia; John Menshaw. CH AHLESTON HOTEL. J. B. Weaver and wife, Chattanooga; M. J. Fo? garty, YorkviUe, N. Y.; W. S. Hough'on and wife, Boston; H. D. Coote, Timmonsville; J. W. Robin? son, Oxrord; R S. Hopkins, Philadelphia; Jas. P. DePass,-Marlon, Fla,; W. Graham, BarnweU;.M. J. KeUer. Orangeburg, S. H. Gale and wife, Bos? ton; B. F. Brown, Aiken; Trios. 0. Jones, Mont? gomery; F. 0. Sloan, Boston, C. H. Wier, Balti? more; J. G. Stevenson, Marlon; J. Hennessy, Eng? land; Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Goodwin, Miss Lathrop, Savannah; Wm. E. Dawson, Summerville; James G. Dennard. Richmond; E. Schwarz and child, M. Stern, New York; S. Fitzpatrick, steamship Sea Gull. MILLS HOUSE. Wm. McKeever, Joseph Fartera, Philadelphia; L. T. Kale, Miss P. W. Kale, Miss E. L. Hender? son, West Virginia ; A. H. Wilson, Miss Wilson, Boston; Carrie L. Holmes, Georgia; T. Lovett, New York ?Samuel Clark, Mrs. Clark, Maine; Geo. Newhouse, Philadelphia; J. A. Caldwell, New York; Lather Terwald Peabody, J. S. McDonald, Tyrell, N. 0. ; Loni? Jones, U. S.; T. 0. Faxin, A. S. Gardner, Savannah; Edward Halie, Florida; ?. A. Daer, New Orleans; Robert T. Howe, New York; Ml!^Laura Keene, Savannah; Gustave Sehlbach ,Port Royal Railroad. . ' . .?&-For later LocaXx, see Mrst Page. "TMB'S. C. C?SBBBBHVB OB TSE?f. B. OBZTmCJES, SOUTH.. : Eighty-third Annual Se*gion. SECOND DAT. The (Jonierence met ye-iterday morning pur sunn t to adjournment, a: half-past 9 o'clock the ROT. Bishop George P. Pierce in the chair. The meeting was opened by the usual religious services, conducted by tho Rev. ll. A. 0. Walker. The minutes of the day before were -then resM and confirmed, and the names of several mem? bers who had arrived since the opening of the session reported. In, pursuance of- the regular business, the names of several members of the Conference were called, and their characters passed. The venerable Rev. Dr. Bachman was Intro? duced, and briefly addressed the Conference. Rev. Dr. Poisal, or Baltimore, was then Intro? duced, and presented the claims or the Southern Quarterly Review, published In Baltimore under the editorial care of Dr. A. T. Bledsoe, and now adopted as the organ of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Sooth. Bishop Pierce, from the obalr, commended the Review to the patronage of the Conference. The business was then suspended, and Dr. L. Pierce, of Georgia, preached the annual sermon before the Conference on the ministerial office. The discourse was listened to with profound at? tention, and at Its close the-Conference adopted, by a rising vote, a resolution offered by the Rev. H. A. C. Walker, expressing the pleasure of the Conference at having this venerable servant of God among them, and their high appreciation or the sage counsel deUvered by him. Dr. Harrison, editor of the New Monthly Maga? zine, was Introduced, and addressed the Confer? ence m regard to various works issued from the publishing house of the church at Nashville. July Harris, a colored preacher, was elected to deacon's orders. Credentials of ordination were restored to C. H. Spears and Wesley Bod le. The announcements for preaching were then* made and the Conference adjourned at half-past 2 P. M., with thfc benediction from the chair. THE BRIGN'OLI-MCCULLOCH MARRIAGE.-The marriage of these musical artists, which took place (says the New Tork Herald) in Canada, last summer, was celebrated by the customary recep? tion or friends a few days ago at the residence of the bridegroom, In Eighty-fourth street. It would have occurred earlier, but for the fact that the Signor was fulfilling an engageaient with the NUlsson Company. INTERESTING ANNIVERSARY-.-The Gentle? men's Assoc atlon, auxiliary to the Confederate Widow's Home, has appointed its first ann Iver sary Tor Monday night, at the Music Hail of the Academy of Music. The annual oration will be delivered by Major Theodore G. Barker. The cause ls one which enlists the Interest of our wbole people, and with snoh an advocate, it will not fall to command attention. THE NONDESCRIPT IN FLORIDA.-The celebra? ted Mrs. Dr. Mary Walker, a species of bloomerite i mortality, was lu Savannah at the last accounts en route for Florida. She proposes to establish her peculiar school of woman's rights' In the latter i unfortunate s tate, and nurse ber own personal cor- ; porosity. A Savannah paper says her dress was of Confederate gray extending to her knees, the i balance cf her attire being a serviceable pair of i bifurcated unmentionables, terminating In a i pretty pair of gaiter boots. THE COUNTY SENATORIAL ELECTION.-Curb- 1 Btono gossip among the corner politicians points unerringly In the direction of a colored candidate for the now vacant office of senator front Charles . 1 ton. Whether Parson Adams or Parson Cain,' or some other person whose name has not been pub- ' llshed to the world, will be chosen, are questions for time and the caucus to solve; but all the chances are In favor of equal division of the ' donors between the two races. In other words, Senator Corbin ls regarded as a sumc.cntly dis- 1 linet, emphatic aud Individualized representative 1 >f the white element to hold his own and satis ry 1 tepubllcau consistency. It ls als) urged that an tonest and capable colored senator is to be pre- 5 erred to a doubtful white Radical, who may pos- 1 tess more Intellectual force than moral virtue, rbis ls true, and if the Republicans make their ' ;holce of a colored man on such terms they may jlalm -forgiveness for their shortcomings in 1 nany other respects. B. 0. B. !- Which being translated means tho Blessings or Bankruptcy-blessings that have >een dispensed to a very large crowd or passen? gers on that high pressure steamboat yclept ?Insolvent Debts." They are generally blessings jr a character, however, which the recipients, be- 1 'ore they get the Tull benefit of the shower, dis- 1 tover to be very muc^i disguise!. For instance, to ' >e button-holed by a phyloinomlcally ugly 1.0. 1 J. on every street corner; to be rung up by hungry 1 ?Hectors at carly hours In the morning, and iraylayed In the evening; to be followed by shadows which haunt yon by day and become i Hg h tm ares In your sleep; to be worried, chaffed, l loused, enraged, upset; to contemplate vengeful I issault and battery on your tormentors, and \ lommlt Imaginary suicide on yourself; to lose I rour appetite, become dyspeptic, and morally i mn "down at the heel;" to have your tender Ut? ile wife periodically Inquire "what makes you ook so blue?" and pathetically suggest castor oil ' ts an aperient-these are only some of the pre- ' Imluary tortures or thc bankrupt process-the ' 'blessings In disguise." . . I Then to go before the well-fed registrar, whoso ' "ntness throws your poor anatomy lu the shade, 1 ?nd intensifies the contrast between your past 1 ind present; there make out yonr schedule of lebts, conscious all the while that thc world owes rou more than you owe lt, aud have the same paraded before this eye aud that, criticised by i a wye rs and scanned by courts-that's a torment, i ;oo. Finally, however, when yonr unhappy ? ?orpse has been sat upon until every joint has ihrteked, and Judge and jury have submitted meir verdict, and you are pronounced free to be ?'own wherever the wind listeth, though you may itand. therein clothes that are only a slightlm. movement on the toilette of Father Adam-say a ieck-tie and a pair, of shoe-strings, which have seen In mercy left-ah, yes, here's where ;he real "blessings" come tn. Your creditors "bless" you mightily-over the lert. Your former "friends"-who fed on your bounty and enjoyed rour sunshine-they, too, bless you ror a poor miserable broken down bankrupt, and turn the sold shoulder. In your Imagination all the world lojks askance and walks on the opposite Bide of the street. But no, thank God, not all. In a man's darkest hour there ls always a ray of human twilight striving to dispel the gloom; human sympathy somewhere burns to reach misfortune. By and by it finds its object, and then the scene begins to change, and life to build Itself anew on bright' er-but really, reader, your pardon-. We com? menced to wrlie only a paragraph stating that, since 1867 there have been eu te: ed on the docket or the registrar in bankruptcy for this district upwards of five hundred and forty-one cases, of which number ab ut three hundred have been discharged from their legal obligations. The sta? tistics of t li2 office, however, show that not more than one In twenty declares a dividend worth the trouble of securing lt. In a single Instance, a dividend of one hundred per cent, was deoiared, or dollar ror dollar paid with interest. The next highest was flrty-seven and one sixth per cent., from which figure there is a sort or facills decensus Averni, until you are among Insignificant and uuappreclable Perns like three-eighths and two-fifteenths of one per cent. vulgar fractions in a double sense, standing there In black and white to tell the world ho w mathe? matically poor a mah may become, when he gets Into a bankrupt court and does his honorable duty, and what a skeleton prosperity appears when stripped of the last shirt on Its back. Speaking or the B. 0. B., lt is but tasteful to say that in the administration of the affairs of his offlce, the registrar, Mr. J. 0. Carpenter, 'has uni? formly exhibited a spirit of courtesy and accom? modation, which has won the appreciative regard of all who haye had anything to do with the hu? mane institution. "MUM'S THE J^u^JThe brokers com? posing .Che Charleston,,,Stock. Board yesterday; passed a resolution' agahist the continuance ef toe publication of the weekly official stock list. We understand that the board went further and prohibited thepnbilcation, either In the newspa? pers or lu letter-sheet form of any similar price list of stock, Ac., by any Individual member* of the board. This action will account for the non? appearance In this issue of THE HEWS of the usual weekly official stock list. THE PRATT .INQUEST.-A coroner's Jury was empanelled yesterday morning to Inquire into the cause of the death of Captain Horace A. Pratt, who was one of the sufferers at the explosion at the Etiwan Works, and died from the effects or the injuries he then received. The evidence in the lato Williams Inquest was submitted, but not proving sufficient to satisfy the Jury, they, ad? journed over until to-day, when they will meet at the City Heiland examine several witnesses who have been summoned. Fina.-The fire briefly recorded in THR NEWB of yesterday, occurred about hair-past 1 o'clock, A. M., in the blacksmith shop In thc rear of C. Bart A Co.'s fruit store on Harket street. Extending to the front, the greater portion of the store was injured, and the stock badly damaged by water. Scorched cocoanuts, demoralized bananas, mushy-looking oranges and lemons, and moist books, made a dreary aspect yesterday of what had been a bnsy place. Three appraisers were engaged in estimating the damage. The accounts were saved. Daring the fire, a large amount of fruit and fireworks was stolen. Some of the thieves were arrested, but let off with a reprimand. Messrs. Bart A Co. were insured in the North British Mercantile Insurance Company for live thousand dollars. IXION AT THE ACADEMY.-The rollicking bur? lesque of Ixion, and his flirta; lons la the realms of Olympus, was given last night In very spirited style by the beauteous Blondes. The divinities kept the audience in a roar throughout the per? formance, and we hardly know whether the palm ought to be awarded to the raging Mars, with his fearful sabre Oe mon pere, or to the witching Minerva, with her Lilliputian helmet and Brob dlgnaglan chignon, who seemed to possess the faculty of communicating to the* house the good spirits she so copiously and frequently Imbibed from the handy flask in -her delicate reticule. Miss Weber, as Ixion, was, as usual, Immense. Her songs and especially her dances were sys? tematically and enthusiastically encored. This troupe grows In public favor nightly. This (Fri? day) evening ls the fashionable night, and the great musical extravaganza of Lurline, which is to be piesented, will be sure to attract a crowded house. The ladles and children are delighted at the prospect of an Ernanl matinee to-morrow. CLUBS AND STABS.-Jolla Simons, > rrested for being drunk and disorderly on East Bay, and for general vagrancy, was ordered to leave the city. Henry Ellison, lodged for stealing a watch, was detained for further examination. The watch, which was round In bis possession, was tho prop - erty of Mr. Henry L; Faber, and has been return? ed to the lucky owner, by whom lt has been given un as lost for the last eighteen months. Reuben Crawford, Ned Small, Robert Prloleau sud Preston Owens, arrested while In the act or Healing rice from the schooner Palmetto, lying at ctn soim"s Mill wharr, were turned over to the State for prosecution. John Hopkins, lodged for larceny- of United ?tates currency to the value of $8 22, was held for further examination. Mr. O. V. Hunter, wnose arrest for soliciting orders without a license was noticed yesterday, was discharged, there being no proof of his hav? ing obtained an order. George Green, Charles Robertson and Charles Robinson, arre-ted tor stealing fruit at the Ure In Market street, were discharged with a reprimand. Robert Macbsth, arrested for stealing a box or gloves from a store in King street, had a prelimi? nary hearing and was remanded for further el? imination. Two cows found going at large In Rutledge itreet were taken to the Statlonhouse yard and )rdered to be advertised. P. Walsh and James smith were examined be 'ore Trial Justice J. G. Mackey, yesterday morn ng, on the charge or kidnapping. Alter Investi? gation, they were bound over m the sum or ssoo ?ach to appear for trial at the next term of the Court ot General Sessions. . BUSINESS NOTICES. PRINTING MATERIAL FOR SALE.-A No. 4 Hoe press, ia flue working order, and a rall supply or material suitable for a country newspaper, will be jeld at auction cn the first Monday In January, it Darlington Courthouse. Further partlcnlars ire giren In the advertisement of the sale. BEAUTIFUL PICTURES.-The auction Bale of moke and co3tly chromos at the gallery of Rainby A Co., ia Ring street, opposite Hasel, lakes place to-day. As thc sale ls absolutely ivlthout reserve, it will airord au excellent oppor? tunity or securing handsome Christmas presents it a bargain. _ HORBACH, F. R. S.-The popular restaurant D'Major Horbach, under the Academy or Music, jeenis to have become ono or our Charleston ln Itllnilons. Good liquors, distilled and form med, rood oysters fried, roasted und stewed-and lu a Hurry-good attendance, and au abundance or the good things or lire generally, constitute at? tractions which never fall to draw. THE ALABAMA IMMIGRANT ASSOCIATION, whose Incorporators are gentlemen of Integrity ind wealth, have their advertisement, lu another column, in which they propose to distribute $loo, DOO io greenbacks to hold, rs of tickets, lu sums ranging from $10 to $25,000. This association is vouched for by the press of Montgomery, as well as by prominent bankers and merchants, and will deal squarely with the patrons, it ls a similar Institution to the California Mercantile Library Association, that dispensed such large sums of money a few weeks since. Tickets only $2. Read their advertisement In another column. HOV30-10 THE SINGER NEW FAMILT SEWING MACHLVB will make a splendid holday present. Easy terms. State agency No. 107 Klug street. UOV25-31 RUSTIC GOODS 1 RUSTIC GOODS!-Side and corner brackets, book racks, wall pookets, paper stands, match safes, and plcture*frames. Hasel Street Bazaar and No. ici Klug street. octis ATTENTION, TOURISTS.-Stereoscopic views of Charleston and vicinity, at No. idi King street, or at the Hasel street Bazaar. - nov 12 PANTS-Cut, Made and Trimmed at $2 50 per pair, at O. E. & A. S. JOHNSON'S. nov2s-mwf Go TO GBOBGB LITTLE A CO. for fine All-Wool Undershirts, at $2. novl8-fmw MARK YOUR CLOTHING I-Order your Stencil Plates at the Hasel street Bazaar. octl4-Is FRAMES ! FRAMES I FRAMES !-AT REDUCED PRICES 1 AT REDUCED PRICES l-For Photo? graphs and Imperial Cards-tho greatest variety ever seen In this city-the Ladies are especially Invited to call at No. 161 King street, or at the hasel street Bazaar. . octl4-fs BILL HEADS printed on flue paper at $3, $4, $5, $6 50 and $8 50 per thousand, according to size, at THE NEWS Job Office. BUSINESS ENVELOPES.-THE NEWS Job Office ls now prepared to furnish good envelopes, with business cards printed thereon, at $1 per thous, and. Send your orders. Every merchant and business man .should have his card printed on his envelopes. w WI N DO W CURTAINS ,-' SHADES AND C OB NI C E'S-. ? 2 tl |. | - . -- y ' - v.a- .' im* ? ... - --O , '.. ..<.-/..;: ? ? ?5s| ~ ~ : . .;. v/-; :! .. .' . .." .tfv.*?<? ?'? J. TRI M, M No. 243 King Street, Near T^a?iain Str??tj' Resnectrully informs thc Ladles of Oharteston the opening* of the LARGEST AND MOST FASHIONA? BLE STOCK OF UPHOLSTERY AND DECORATIVE ooo us that has been exhibited in this city since the war, consisting of :' SWISS, NOTTINGHAM AND MUSLIN CURTAINS , . Reps, Terries and Satin Damasks j Plushes, Moreens and French Lastings ? French and English Cretonnes and Chintzes . . Linen Coverings and Furniture Stripes Gimps, Tassels, Centres and Bxiin WALNUT, ROSEWOOD AND GILT CORNICES Cords, Tassels and Picture Nails Window Hollands, Buff, Blue, Green and White,. ? Plain and Decorated Window Shades ' ..' ,.''.. ? ] French and American Paper Hangings and Decorations , Embroidered Table and Piano Covers, Tollcrettes, Ac I make a specialty of Onttlng LAMBREQUINS and DRAPERIES from the newest designs. Also, of HAIR, MOSS and WOOL MATTRESSES and PEW CUSHIONS. SOFAS, CHAIRS and: LOUNGES repaired and covered, by the most competent workmen, at such prices and terms, that will not fall to give satisfaction, at 6 W. J. TRIM'S FASHIONABLE UPHOLSTERY WARBROOMS; nov28-mwfS No. 243 King 'street, two doors south of Bea nf alu street. ?\nt ?roceries, Sit. B E VT OB D'S (LATE CORWIN'?) E 0 C E R T AND- . TEA WAREHOUSE. HEADQUARTERS FOR SELECTED DAIRY BUTTER PURE LEAF LARD PRIME FACTORY AND ENGLISH CHEESES ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CRACKERS, ind BISCUITS, 4a, &o. N. B.-I CLAIM TO KBBP THE LARGEST STOCK AND MOST EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF FAMILY GROCERIES IN THIS CITY. VERY CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR f I E. E. BEDFORD, SUCCESSOR TO WILLIAM S. CORWIN A CO., No. 37? KING STREET, ..OPPOSITE HASEL. WHOLESALE AJVD RETAIL DEALER PURE BRANDIES, WI N EJS AND VERY OLD WHISKIES. IN - Fine Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Provisions, Spices, &e' HERMETICALLY SEALED FRUITS, VEGETABLES, MEATS, SOUPS, <fco. All articles sold from this establishment are of the VERY BEST QUALITY and WARRANTED. Goods lellvered to all parts of the City, Railroad Depots, Steamboats, free of expense.? EVER i" E. BEDFORD. I SEND FOR A ? JAS. S. MARTIN. GEO. H. GRUBER. f CATALOGUE. \WM. 0. MOOD, JB. ?sroego Starer). URE OSWEGO STARCH. T. ^KINGSFORD & SON, MANUFACTURERS. THIS STARCH has established greater celebrity than any other ever obtained, and having re cently doubled the capacity of their works, they will now be able to meet the demand. Their works are the largest of the kind in me world, the production Liing over twenty tons each day. The great desideratum in thc Starch, and that which ls exceedingly difficult to seenre, ls uniform good quality. NONE OF INFERIOR GRADES IS EVER WANTED BY THE CONSUMER; and evert Grocer ls aware of the annoyance caused by even a slight variation in the quality. None below trie standard ls ever "lowed to go ?ut or the factory, and not a box has ever been returned to them a? defective. IT WILL KEEP PERFEt fLY SWEET FOR YEARS IN ANY CLIMATE. Mr. KINGSFORD has been engaged In the manuracture or Starch for THIRTY-NINE YEARS, and ts the Inventor or the process of making CORN STARCH. The subscribers are sole Agents for Met?is. T. KINGSFORD A SON'S STARCH, and are prepared tc I urnlsh the wholesale and retail trade at MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. ocil2-2mos HENRY GERDTS ?fe CO., Agenta. P $100,000 IN GREENBACKS GIVEN AWAY! FORTUNE FOR T \r 0 DOLLARS! NO BOGUS GIFT ENTERPRISE ! BUT A GENUINE INSTITUTION ! THE ALABAMA IMMIGRATION ASSOCIATION, Incorporated ander the '.aws of the State of Alabama, hare resolved to give one GRAND ENTERTAINMENT! In the'OITT OF MONTGOMERY, ALA., on SATURDAY, De ember 31, 1870. Or, as Roan before as th? Tickers are sold, at which time ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOL? LARS, IN UNITED STAT KS CURRENCY, Will bo given away, to holders of tickets, aa rollow: 1 Gift tn Uoited States currency of $25,000 Is $25,000 1 Gift lu United States currency of $10,000 ls $10,000 2 Gifts In United States cirrency ot $5000 are $10,000 6 Gifts lu United States currency of $2000 are $10,000 10 Gifts In Gaited States currency or $1000 are $10,000 20 Giris lu United States currency of $500 are $10,000 100 Gifts in United States currency or $100 are $10.000 1500 Gifts lu United Stat, s currency of $10 are $15,000 1839 Gifts of $100,000. THE AWARD OF GIFTS will be made ou the regular plan, under the su? pervision of sworn Commissioners, gentlemen of j well-known Integrity ami hirh standing. Tue reputation and character or the Incorpora? tion or this AS"OCiatlon, couy ed with every sale guard that the iawr of the land can throw around lt, ls a guarantee that the distribution wilt be hon? estly and fairly made, and that every protection will be giveu holders of Tickita la any part of the country. In order to give all, rich aid poor, an opportu? nity at eilis GRAND SCHEME t by which they can become enriched In an hour, the price of Tickets have been put at ONLY TWO DOLLARS ! A discount of ten ner cen:, will be made to pur? chasers of $50, and a discount or 20 per cent, to purchasers of $100 worth o' tickets. WE HAVE NO AGENTS. ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIVE THOUS-1 AND TICKETS ONLY WILL BE 80LD. Parties at a distance desiring to purchase tic? kets must remit the money, direct to the* "Asso clarion," as per address beiow, either In a Post office Order, by registered letter, or by paid ex? press. Address, ALA HAM A IMMIGRANT ASSOCIATION, Montgomery. Alabama. tfw A Circular giving the result of the award will be sent each ticket-holder. nov30-l5 c 4)0t?lS. OLUMB1A HOTEL, COLUMBIA, S. C., WM. GORMAN, PROPRIETOR. The Proprietor of this pleasantly located and elegantly furnished Establishment, ar. the State Capital, desires to Inform the travelling public anet I others seeking accommodations, thav the "CO? LUMBIA" is In every respect a first-class Hotel, unsurpassed by any in the State or the United States. Situated in the business ceniae of thc city, with tine large airy rooms, sud a table sup? plied with every delicacy of the season, boto rrom New York and Charleston markets, the Ptoprie tor pledges that no efforts will bf spared to give perfect, satisfaction tn every respect. A firat-tuass Livery stable ts attached to thc Hotel, where vehicles of every description can be had at the shortest notice. Omnibuses attend the arrival and departure of every Train. WM. GORMAN, Proprietor and Superintendent. J. D. BUDDS, Cashier._aprl3-wfm -j^Qrj HENRY'S RETREAT, No. 107 EAST BAY, ONE DOOR BELOW BROAD STREET. 1. Restaurant. 2. Oysters always fresh on hand. 3. FREE LUNCH from half-past io o'ciook every day. 4. Meals at all hours. Dinner served from 12 to 4 P. M. 6. Meals served on Sunday until 2 P. M. 6. The best IMPORTED WINES, Liquors and Havana Cigars. 7. Only place in town for good genuine Hol Tom and Jerry. Give mea eau. A. HAMM E ESC H MID T, Formerly Barkeeper at the Milla House. sep2*-3mo8 insurance. JpiRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. SECURITY INSURANCE COMPANY, of New York, Capital and Surplus.$2,117,000 PHENIX INSURANCE COMPANY, of New York, Capital and Surplus.$1,831,000 MANHATTAN INSURANCE COMPANY, Of New York, Capital and Surplus.$1,380,000 INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, of New York, Capital and Surplus.$1,863,000 NORTH AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPA NY, of New York, Capital and Surplus. .$802,000 TOTAL CASH ASSETS, OVEB SEVEN MILLION DOLLARS/ RISES TAKEN IN THE FOREGOING WELL ESTABLISHED COMPANIES, on terms as favora? ble as other first-class Companies. SAMT, Y. TUPPER, AGENT, IN PLANTERS' AND MECHANICS' BANK BUILD? ING, EAST BAY STREET. novia-wfmlniij_ Q. .P A B D I A ? MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY or N E . W Y O R Ki OBOANIZSD Di 1850. ALL POLICIES NON-PORFEITABLE. MALF LOAN TAKEN. NO NOTES REQUIRED. I.?3T CASH WVIDBND (FEFTY) 60 FEB CENT. STATEMENT. Polices in loree........... $26,ooo, ooo Assets.i. i,60o,ooo Annual income. Las,;cs Paid.?. 600,000 O?FI0BB8. . W. H. PECKHAM, President, WM. T. HOOKER, Vice-Presido L. MCADAM, Secretary and Actuary. DIBECTOBS. Hon. John A. Dix, New York. Hon. James Harper, Flr-n of Harper A Bros., ex Mayor New, York. John J. Crane, President Bank Republic, wm. Ml Vermllye, Banker, (Vennllye ? Co.) Chas. G. Rockwood, Cashier Newark Banking Company. Hon. George Opydyke, ex-Mayor New York. Minot C. Morgan, Banker. . Thomas Rigney, Firm Thomas Rigney A Oo. Benj. B. Sherman, Treasurer New York Steam Sugar Relining Company. Aaron Arnold, Firm of Arnold, Constable A Co. Richard H. Bowne, Wetmore A Bowne, Lawyers. E. V. Hanghwout, Firm E. V. Hanghwout A Co. Wm. Wilsens, Firm of Wlikens A Co. Julius H. Pratti Mercaant. Wm. W. Wright, Merchant. Charles J. Starr, Merchant. william Allen, Merchant. Geo. W. Ouylor, Banker, Palmyra, N. V. Geo. T. Hope, President Continental Fire Ins ur anoe Company, john G. Sherwood, Pant Place, walton H. Peckham, corner Fifth Avenue anti Twenty-third street. Edward H. Wright, Newark, N. J. neo. w. Farlee, Counsellor. V7. L. Cogswell, Merohaa, .. KE.M A 188EBTEL, General Agents for South Carolina and Georgia, Office No. 40 Broad street, Charleston, s. 0. Dr. T. REENSTJERNA, Examining Physician, lanis Solt dopier. gHEET AND BOLT OOPPEE.-AGEN? CY OF BELLEVILLE (N. J.) R0LLD?G MILLS. WM. SHEPHERD A CO., No. 24 HAYNE STREET AND No. 35 PrNOKNEY STREET. f, WILL BE ' SOL?* ON TUESDAY", 2?TH? instant; at li ?'crocfc' af ?fe 'Oin Port-) om ce, corner Broad and East Bay st ree te,- i I .That desirable FARM, on Charleston Neck, con? taining 12 acres,'blore or less, tn Ward Ko. 8, situate on the west side of King-stree*Road, at the corner of King and Sansouci streets, late the property or Chanos L. Desel. This, Farm, has, been cu! ri vated for the past'year by George 0. Martin, Esq: -This property will be greatly en? hanced In value as soon, as tbe-XUty Railway Com pany run their cars to Magnolia,- which U now In contemplation, and will pas's "directly in front of the above Farra. Po-se-slon 'given Immediately. Conditions-Qne-thlrd. cash; balance pevabie m three.equal annual Instalments, i with Int-rest of sale payable annually, secured by bonds and mortgage of the property sold. Pur? chasers to pay for papers and stamps. dec9-fmw6tul _ , Hy AL05Z0 J. WHITE d? SON. VALUABLE STEAM BICE POUNDING ?>: MILL on Waccamaw River, Georgetown County. S. A .. hf:; w? ON THURSDAY, the 29th instant, at or near the Old Customhouse, In Charleston, S. C., at ll o'clock, A. M., will be sold, - - That valuable PROPERTY, known as WAVER? LY MILLS, on Waccamaw River, Georgetown County. The Tract contalas 493 acres, more or leas, of which 70 acres are Rice Land, under culti? vation, aud about 70 aeres cleared", and fenced high Land. On this Tract there ls a large Steam Rice Pounding Mill, wtth' Its warehouse accom? modations, wharves, grain ele vat ors, railway and railway trucks, cooper shop, twenty-six-labor ere' houses, more or less, two large barns, large sta? ble, a chapel, and a neat Residence: also a barrel factory, rice threshing mill and grist mill, work ed by steam power by stationary engine. ThtB lilli has for many yea? maintained a high reputa? tion, ls well located, and cap dj le of large develop? ments tn the bands of men of enterprise and capi? tal. The Mill ls now working. - - Conditions-One-third cash; balance in. three eqnal annual successive Instalments, with Interest from day of sale, payable annually, secured by bonds and mortgage of property sold; the lilli to be kept Insured, and policy assigned. Purchasers to nay for requisite papers and stamps. dec9-fmw9tbl By ALONZO J. WHITE & SON. BELVIDERE FARM, JUST BEYOND the City limits, one of the most a't.actlve and beantliul retreats near the City ur Charles ton, on account or all parties concerned. . On TUESDAY, 20th Instant, at ll o'clock, ai the Old Postofflce, Broad street, will be sold, All that TRACT OF LAND on Charleston Neck, near Cooper River, known as ?.the Belvidere Man slonhouse Tract, containing tblrty or more acres, has 'such shape, mark and boundaries asare de? lineated in a plat copied by Charles Parker, Esq., Surveyor, on 20th June, 188t. attached and 're? corded with the deed from John T. Blacklock and Alfred Raveoel, Trustees, Ac., to Charles K. Brewster, dated 20rh March, 1861; recorded' In Mesne Conveyance Office, Charleston District, Book T, No. 12, pages 336, 337 and 838. On this Farm ls a very handsome and commodious Rest dence, which can be put In repair with.but small outlay, beautifully located, nestled In ? grove of ancient llveoaks. The Land has been under con? stant and high cultivation. ThtB property advantageously appropriated as a p ace of pub? lic amusement, or for farming or nursery pur? poses. The Charleston Oliy Railway Company having announced their Intention or extending their valuable enterprise, makes this property peculiarly available. . Conditions-One-third cash; balance In two, three, lour and Ave years, secured by bond and mortgage of premises; Interest semi-annually. Dwellng to be insured and policy assigned. Pur? chaser to pay for papers and stamps. dec 7,9,12, H. 16,19.20 IMPORTANT TO PRINTERS AND PUB? LISHERS. I will sell, at Darlington Courthouse, on the first MONDAY In January-next, at 12 o'clock, M., THE PR CSS AND MATERIAL OF THE DAR? LINGTON DEMOCRAT. The Press ls a No. 1 lloe Press, nearly new and In splendid working order. The supply of material ls roll and complete. Terms cash. I dec9-3 A. P. LUCAS. SERENA L. DARGAN, EXECUTRIX OP C. A. DARGAN, va. H. E. P. SANDERS et al, Creditors or C. A. DARGAN.-Bill to Marshal As? sets, and for Injunction. Pursuant to an order la the above stated case, to me directed by the Hon. J. M. Rutland, Judge of the Fourth Circuit, I will sell at Darlington.Court? house, on the first MONDAY in January next, The LAND described In the pleading In the above stated case, containing soo acres, more or less, bounded by Jeflrles's Creek and Lands of Cole Gee's and others, on the following terms, to wit: One third cash; the balance on a credit of equal Instalments, one-half at one year, and the other half at two years, Interest on the whole, payable annually nntll the whole be paid, at seven per cent, interest, with two or more per? sonal sureties, and mortgage of the premises. Purchasers to pay for all necessary papers, Includ? ing revenue stamps. W. E. CHARLES, decs-is Referee. By HUTS O N LEE, Auctioneer. SHINGLER VS. W. L. VENNING AND HUTSON LEE. EXECUTOR?. . By virtue of an order of sale to me directed by the Il?n. R. B. Cart.cuter, Judge of the Court of General Sessions and C mmon Pleas f?r Charles? ton County bearing date the 23d day of June, 1870. I wilt otTer for sale, at Public Auction, on UESDAY, December 13, 1870, at ll O'Clock A. M., at the Old Postofflce, . The following P ECE3 OF PROPERTY, to wit: 1st. All that PLANTATION or iract or Land, In the Parish of St. Thomas and St. Denis, In the County of Charleston, State pr South .Ca ollna, i ounded by Lands of Eire and Toyas, and by Daniel's Island Creek, Olouter's Creek and Cook's Creek, containing 23 S acres, more or less. There are two (2) settlements upon this traer, and the Lands are well adapted to the production of cot? ton and provisions. id. AU that LOT OF LAND, with the Buildings thereon, situate on the. south west corner or Ma zyck and Beaufain streets, City of Charleston, measuring in front onMazyck street one hundred and twenty seven (127) feet, on Beaurain street thirty (30) feet, on south Une twenty (20) feet ten (io) Inches, and on west Une one hundred and twenty-seven (127) feet; bounding north on Beaufalu street, east on Mazyck street, south on Lands of-, and west on Lauds or Dr. Robert Lebby. 3d. Aft that LOT OF LAND, with the Buildings thereon, situate on the south side of Longitude lane, Ward No. l, City of Charleston, measuring seventy-live (76) feet front, more or less, by about twenty-live (25) feet deep, more or less; bounded north by Longitude lane, south by Lands of-, east by Lands of H. Bischoff, and west by Lands of A. R. Mitchell A Co. 4th. All that LOT OF LAND, with tho Bricks and' Walis thereon standing, situate on the west aide of Friend street. Ward No. 2, City of Charleston, measuring thlrty-sev^n (37) feet front, more or less, by one hundred and forty-two (142) feet deep, more or less; bounded north hy Lands of Hollo? way, south by Lands or Hstnte or Cogdell, east by Friend street, and west by Lands or-. 6th. All that LOT OF LAND, tn the Town or Mount Pleasant. Christ Church Parish, Charleston County, measuring sixty-five (66) feet five (?) Inches on Hibben street, one hundred and eighty two (182) feet on western line, slxty-tlve (6S) feet on Mary street, and one hundred and ninety (IBO) feet on eastern Une, more or less; bounding north on Mary street, east on Lan ia of David Balley and Methodist .Church, south on Hibben street, and west on Lands af Edwin L. Kerrison. 8th. AU that LOT OF LAND, with the Buildings thereon, In the Town or Mount Pleasant, Christ Church Parsh, measuring on Vennlng street one hundred and sixty-one (101) feet eight (8) Inches, more or less, In depth one hundred and seventy five (175) teer, more or less, and one hundred and tiny nine (169) reet on back Une, m re or less; bounding, north on Lands of Thomas Bamlin, east on Vennlng street, south on Lands of R. D. Vennlng, and west on Lands or Samuel Riley. ALSO, AU that PIECE. PARCEL or TRACT OF LAND situate, lying and being In Christ church Parish, charleston County, measuring and contalnlug, as per plat or J. L. Inglesby, Surveyor, (414) four hundred and fourteen acres of High Land; but ting and bounding to the north on Lands of George White and Wando River, to nie east ou Lands of Dorrltl and Whiteside.? aa>d the George? town Road, to the south on Lands of Toomer and White, and to the west on Lands of George White. Terms-One-third (K)cash; balance In two (2j equal annual Instalments, secured by bonds of the purchasers, bearing snven fl) per cent. Inter? est, payable semi-annually, and mortgage of premises sold, buildings to be insured by pur? chaser, and policies assigned. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. M. P. O'CON OR, nov9-w4 dccO,7,8,9,lo,l2,l3 Special Referee. ftnctionccrV JJripate' Salis, #r. By LOUIS D. BeSAUSSURE. CROW ISLAND RICE PLANTA? TION. For sale, CROW ISLAND RICE PLANTATION, lu Georg town District, being a part of Crow Isl land lying on the south side of Crow Island Creek, waters or North Santee River, containing about 40u acres or prime tide Klee Land, or which about 260 were planred before the war.. Oa the place is a suiaii Dwelling, Rice Thresher, (without boiler.) negro Houses, Ac, and negroes now living on the place._dec7-wfm3 By J. FRASER MATHE WES, Real Estate Broker, No. 5G Broad. Street. AT PRIVATE. SALE, .. PHOSPHATE LANDS of best quality and loc.itlons. :. . Rice and Cotton Plantations In aU parts of the city Residences, Stores, Building Lots and Farms. . . ootl2-6mo gHAHPOOING AND ITAIR CUTTING. LADIES AND CHILDREN Attended'&t their residences promptly and at reasonable rates, send orders to -. . 7 : W. E. MflPBWtT T-i Barber, Broad street, next door to Telegraph effloe, mayat ifT^RfiAI FALL SAL* ^*VTHB ITT-?rt' . SEASON ' Wi}* i?t'*i-:t'i : TH rs MORNING, at half-past IO'o'cl?Ct:J? will sell at my Store, corner -of Kin^" ?M ;?JMrty ft'reet?; - . - . >.T^P> ?53 caaes and cartoons of BOOTS AND SHOES, consisting;of?? - --. va-. .??? :- Jn'3?7 Case?? Men's orain, Kfp, Calf and S Wff a BOOTS Cases ktfen'8 Fine Calf, Creole and GloTe-Top'Oon . tress *)?d ?' Cases Mett's -Al 'Wax- Brogans-8* to. ll ar/? 9 Cases Men? Kip add Barr BrognirV, Balmorals, ? ? : Janey Ties, Msiakoiia, oxford fief, Ac. - Cases Boys'aad Tonths' Brogans and BS im o raia Cases Ladies* Serge Congress, Balmorals and ' . 'Pollen . ':'$ Cases Women's Goat an ? Bo ff Bootees-^ to 7 and 5 to 9, and a genera! assortment o? MlsseS' and children's Shoes -" . ^',. ; loo cases Men's,' Boya' and OMldrea's Ha Mi com . prism? the latest atyle*. - . ' The sale will be positive, without any mariner of reserve. . '??'.'.??f-?'J.x Terms of Salo-All sums under ?10O. cash ; o ver $loo, sixty days, for approved endorsed notes, iri tereatadded._- ? .jtee?,: , By W. T. LEITCH & & S^lMHr?,. : ' Auctioneers. "? ,?*i?< : CHROM03 AT AUCTI?N^fLEMMD COLLECTION NOW ON EXHIBITION.S 1 1 Will be sold at Auction, THIS DAY, the eta inst- at the Gallery ?TM s tra. Qntnby A 0?., No. 2S1 King street, at ll o'clock,- ' - A choice and s np erior collection 'Of CHROMOS, in superior WalautfcddGIRFrames. .,JJ Sale positive. Perch ase rs remove the pictures Immediately after sale_dec? Bj WM. MCKAY. BALANCE. ESTATE SALE.-r-LWOICE CUTLERY, FAIRBAJiK'S SCALES^Cooking and Office Stoves, Household Furniture, and a general assortment or Hardware. . THIS DAT (PrtdavO at No. 1*0 Meeting street, at lo o'clock,, sale to, be continued Satnr day If all ls not disposed pf. .... ,- dee? ? Bf JEFFORDS & ?0. ESTATE SALE HO?SEHOLfr-T?RNI TURE, Horse,-Carriage; A^'': /' , Will be sold at Sum me rv i Ile, THIS DAY, 9U instant, at io? o'clock, at the residence of the late G, A. Rodgers. Esq., near the depot " All the Household FURNITURE, . .ALSO,:,.-/ . " . "M 1 CARRIAGE, Horse ancLHarneea.*. " dec? . - .... . . . 5. Clotri infl rind iriinugt)?iifl ?ooiiiL gP E Ol A LNOil O BT~^ . _"-J5 Cw/-, ?AT. .-.'?'. MM;-a;--i-?tf .?Mi : fc^.^'fi^Vc: The undersigned- wonid respectrally -call tb?' attention of the public to their large and elegant stock of - -.; MEN'S, YOUTHS' AND' BOY'S CLOTHING AND- FiTBNISHING GOODS,. v gow Just received, ano offert ny at exceedingly i: itt ;'vf qa i'd-: LOW PRICES, - fr- ? 'iXr td< SJ .-. ' --?ri An early call is respectfully solicited, and satis? faction guaranteed in every Instance. . GEORGE LITTLE k CO., ' No. 218 King street, nons-fmw Belem Market street. .. ' "?>".. t/-?r .:' >-Al OVERCOATS: THE H WM, . . f.iCi -r.fS;-'ill THE GAKMCK. 'ft':; tiffi iii' .i"'-..-;?'- :? rr-."**" i? HOUSE COATS. DRESSING ROBES. "OUK FRITZ," CHAICELLOE, ' -. . .? . .- . -. - ; v :- ruo: . .. Lag fa . r?a .;?'?' -ff?-.--.'i ??'.??... .. STYLISH AND FASHIONABLE. ?,n: . .,. ... **J?,f"J. WITH A GREAT VARIETY OF HOSI E -R;"ST, ED), BUCKSKIN. IAIMLI AND ' ?' .- .:l;v:/w?- ; DOGSKIN GLOVES. SILK SUSPENDERS. THE CAN TAB BRACE SHIRTS, COLLARS, HANDKERCHIEFS. J, ll. ACADEMY OF. MUSIC BUILDING. dec3 TTTHAM'S ANTIDOTE FOR 8TK0N0 (J DRINK. A SURE CURE FOR DRUNKENNESS. One Dollar a Bottle. Sent by mali, postage paid, on receipt of prloe. The Antidote ls the best remedy th aft ean ba administered in Manla-a-Potu, sod' also lor all. nervous affections. - For sale by Dr. H. BAER No. in ifeettng street, OOM Agent ror abata carolina^