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TEBMS OF TBE NEWS. Tam DAILY NSWS, by ma? one ;year, ?18; Bis .months $4; three months $2 SOX - Served In the city at FIFTEEN CENTS a wees, payable to the car? riers, or $S a year, paid tn advance at the o mee. ina: TRI-WBBKLY NEWS, published on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday*:, one year $4 ; six months $2 00. THE WERKET Nrws, one year $2. six copies $ic. "Pen copies, to one address,. $16. SUBSCRIPTIONS lu all cases payable In advance, ?nd no paper continued after the expiration or the tune paid for. CASH RATES ron ADVERTISEMENTS IN TUB DAILY SEWS.-First Insertion 12 cents a Une; subsequent insertions 8 cents a line. Special Notices 12 cents a line. Business Notices (by count) 15 cents a line. Marriage and Funeral Notices $1 each. Meet? ings 76 cents each. Outs and Electrotype Adver? tisements wiU be Inserted on the Fourth Page only. NOTICES of Wanta, To Rent, Lo?t and Found, Boarding, Ac,, not exceeding 20 words. 25 cents each insertion; over 20, and not exceeding so words, 40 cents each insertion; over 30, and not exceeding 40 words, 60 cents each insertion. These rates are KIT, and must invariably be paid in advance. CONTRACT AnvTnmsEHENTS, to run two weeks or longer, for each Une of solid nonpareil: 2 weeks 60 cents; 1 month $1; 2 months $1 T6; 3 months $2 60; e months $4; 12 months $7. Larger advertisements m exact proportion. TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS will be published (n THE TRI-WEEKLY NEWS at the same rates as .n THB DAILT NEWS, contract advertisements kt one-half the rates for THB DULY NSWB. ADVXRirsEMXNTa TN THE WBBRXY Nxws, per line of solid nonparelL, 1 insertion 16 cents; 1 month 60 cents; 3 months $1; 6 months $176; 12 months $8. J BXKJTTAHITES should be made by Poetofllce Money Order or by express. If - this cannot be done, protection against losses by mail may be ?ecured by forwarding a draft on Charleston pay? able to the order of the proprietors of THB NBWS, or by sendhrrg-the money tn a registered letter. Address RIORDAN. DAWSON A CO., No. 149 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1870.. ^-ff-THE > PRICE OF SUBSCRIPTION FOR THE ?. DAILY NEWS" IS NOW EIGHT DOLLARS A/YE AR, IN ADVANCE. NF: wm OF THE HA.IT. . -Gold at New York*, yesterday, closed at :atio?alox- Rn -The New York cotton market closed dn'.l and tending down at l&cC* Sales 4700 bares. -The preparations for a gigantic ice harvest are active m ah parts' of ' the country Where Ice i? usually ruade by nature In abnntlonce. -John P. Cu.x, general superintendent of the Pennsylvania and New York Canal -and Railroad, is dead. . This ls the bare skeleton, scarcely, that even, of" a very fine drama,: the: conception and literary execution of whlcn reflects. the highest credit upon the author. -The result of a minute Inspection of the forti? fications of Metz by the German engineers is that these fortifications are considered "excellent in every respect." -Basil D; te has been placed lu charge or the Missouri lotteries by the court, as receiver. Simi? lar proceedings are threatened in Kentucky and Louisiana, - and the business will be-uninter? rupted. -The London Church Review gives its readers this classification of clergymen: "Parsons with cravats and collara are Low Ch urea ; pars ons with cravats and no collars are High Church; parsons with collars and no cravats are Broad Church. " ? -On last Saturday a train of nineteen cars, laden with tea direct from San Francisco, passed through Harrisburg, Pa?, on the way to New York.- The time ma le from San Francisco was' good, atttro og ti the bot axle boxes prevented tbe train from running on tbe express Ireigtit ache? dule. -.The cargo, it is stated. ls worth near $300,000. -A Western correspondent of the Boston Jour? nal declares the statement that the buffaloes are deserting the plains ls a fiction. They cover the plains for miles and miles.. The railroad track bothers them'. -e#hey'consider lt a snare, and will not cross it. They Ton along by the side of the train ror -miles, and when they come to a culvert diva ander. ^ ' -French oinoers held as prisoners In Germany are now permitted tb visit Berlin lu uniform, and in the street s lt is quite common to see them go- ' lng about "doing" the lions or the city, and with every facility extended to them by the citizens, who aro most courteouo in showtag them tue route from p Int to point, and In various other ways rendering them assistance and atten? tion.' . ' ' >i!'" '?' "'' " *' . ?i-lfhas been-observed lu the French hospitals at.Orleans tba* tho wounds of the Germans are chiefly.'from'pieces.'cf shell-comparatively few bullet wounds-but that the French have chiefly been'wounded by the Beedie gun.' The inference is obvious that the French fired wildly, too fast, and without aimlrig^and perhaps at too great a distance.' T?et?hasse'pot is a bad weapon for re cruita,'and especially for young French soldiers, Impetuous and dilficuit tb control. . " -%e Consul-General or thc North German Con-, federation, on last Saturday, transmitted anotlier. remittance of ten thousand thalers of the German war fund coiled tons In aid of the wounded, mak? ing, with previous remittances, a total of CIO.OJO thaicrs, of $244,900. The treasurer of the general committee of the German' aid societies reports, that the subscriptions collected under ; he auspices of#e organization mentioned,, have reached the earn of $202,08f, or which $190,?49 have been trans rattted-taBerlln. -Toe United States ship, Guard, of ' the Dar len Expedition, left New York bn December 3d, sail? ing direct for the mouth of the Alrato River, on the Is?hrnus." Toe United States gunboat Nip sic, now Atting Out for the same expo anon, will sail about January lat, from Washington, D. C., and wUlpr?ceed Co the Atrato, there to take aboard Commander Selfridge and the scientific party, and o'onvey them to Aspln'wali, wheretboy*expect to arrive about the middle of next January. About.thHsame time the United States steamer Saginaw will arrive at Panama, and thea convey Commander Selfridge and party to the mouth of the barten River, on the Pacific side. The ex? ploring parties will commence operations both on the Atlantic aud Pacific sided, and survey .the re? spective routes n?tfi they meet. -The social and domestic misery produced In Germany hythe* war ht very great. A German paper states'that" In thc province of Westphalia, at the beginning br October, there were 11,817 married womeu.the Wives and widows or soldiers, together with 22,713 children, obtaining relief fi om the public funds. In Hanover, 9021 women and 26,418 children were" dependent upon the public for support.': In the Rheuisu provinces there were 14,312 married women and 29,C19 fatherless ' children who wereattcrly.dr-stttate. Thus, In only three Prussian provinces there were, last October, 35,753 women and 73,750 childi en in a condition of misery and want, and It ls believed that desti? tution to the same extent prevails lu the other provinces' of Prussia. Thc price of provisions is extraordinarily high, and the winter, lr. ls predict? ed, will be unusually s-vcre. The injury done by the potato rot aud the rinderpest, has also been severe, and the condition or the ramilles or the peasanta left at home ls very miser ible. About nine-tenths ofthe males are In the landwehr, and the women abd children thaijdeprived of their natural supporters will, it ls feared, perish from starvation. -An Englishman who lea Paris oa the 8th aud arrived at Brussels*on the 17th of November, ad? dresses a letter to the Independence Beige on the state of Parla. He says, that life there Is still more than endurable. Eaoh. inhabitant receives fifty grammes or meat a day; beer at one franc twenty centimes, and horse flesh at one franc a pound. Beer and mutton wilt last till the end or the monti?* there win still remain 45 603 horses and Immense quantities of salt meat stored at the New Opera, so that there will be enough meat for at lea3t"fSree raoirths. Bread ls secured till lie ead of April, and wine and spirits for two years. The writer was a, member of a dining club of eight. Tho dinner wa? usually composed of meat, soup, vegetables, cheese, wine, coffee, and bis bill Tor the last week bad only amounted to fourteen francs fifty centimes. In the muni? cipal Kitchens a litre of soup with vegetables can be had for thirty-five centimes. The poor receive food grati*. Each National Guard receives one franc fifty centimes dally. Those who do not stand In need of pay hand it bick to che govern? ment. They have been completely equipped to tke number of 400,030. The guardians of public security named by the government have disap? peared, and police duty ls now done by the Na? tional Guard. The greatest privation is the waut of news from outside Paris. -A review of the elections in the West ls not more encouraging to Radicalism than the first re? turns proved to bc. Missouri suffered the worst demoralization, from which ihe Administraron party has only now sufficiently recovered to as? sert that lt was not the revenue reform sen? timent which elected Gra:z Brown, but the enfranchisement issue. But as the Presi? dent was equally committed against Brown on each point, the distinction ls of little ac? count. Michigan, too, has been a disappoint? ment. Two years ago Grant had 31,000 majority in that State. Now the Radical candidate for Governor comes In with less than half that. But worse than all was Ute manner lu which these recreant Republicans treated the amendment striking the word ..white" from the State consti? tution. They passed It by only 1000 majority, and lae-'moral effect" ls not what wasex#R::ed. In Illinois the Democratic gains were enormous, ag? gregating over 41,000, while Kentucky sends nine Democratic Congressman, with a majority of 33,000. The latest news from Florida confirms the election of Democrats to Congress, a majority In both houses of the Legislature, and the Lieu? tenant-Governor. In all quarters thc breaking up has begun, and even such victories as the Radicals gained at the late elections are accom? panied by losses In popular strength which give them the character of defeats. The Extension ot thc City Limits. Tbe General Assembly has now before it a bill for tbe extension of the limits of the City of Charleston. A copy of the bill has not been published, but it is understood that the proposition is substantially the same as tbat which was made and defeated last ses? sion. The bill then, to the best of our in? formation, proposes that the corporate limits be extended so as to embrace all that neck o? land between the Cooper and Ashley Rivers, as far as tbe extreme northern limit of the former Parish of St. Philip. This would add largely to the territorial extent of the city, and would add about 3500 to the voting population. This latter consideration is the one, we presume, which leads to the introduction of the bill. At the elections in October last, Charleston City was carried by the Conservatives. The term of oflice of the present Mayor and Aldermen expires next fall, and it is hoped that an extension of the limits of the city, bringing in'a large num? ber of country negro voters, will enable the Radical elemeut to retain control of the mu? nicipal government. Upon this point there are some very ob? vious considerations which will, it ts hoped, be weighed well by the members of the Le? gislature. In the first place it has never been the*custom, until within the past two years, to make tho Charlestons elections a political fight. Men were chosen because of their fitness, and not because they were Whigs or Democrats. Thi3 is what we de? sire now, aud if any faith ls to be placed in popular sentiment, it is the firm determina? tion ol the Conservative people of the city tpel??cttufe best men, whether they be Radi- ] cals, Democrats, or neither. What is need? ed ie a capable and trustworthy administra? tion of the oflaire, o? the city. The people cannot alford to run Charleston as a political machine, unless they want to play ducks and drakes with their hard-earned dollars, and to make it impossible for the city to bear the burden by which it ls oppressed, i But. there is a higher consideration than this. Charleston is the largest city in the State, and pays a goodly proportion of the lotal State taxation. In a thousand ways, direct and contingent, Charleston ls a bene? fit to the State. We say nothing about love and reverence. It is a business matter, and we prefer so to treat it. Now, what is our condition ? The city hos-abuge debt, which tn some shape, must be paid. The interest alone is over $300.000 a year, and instal? ments of the principal fall due every year. Besides this, there are the working expenses of the city government. The police must lie kept up; the Fire Department must be paid; the roads and sidewalks require repairs; the poor are to be taken caro of. There are a thousand things to be done, and with a tax of two percent, for city purpose*, on all real and personal property, the government eau barely mike bo'-h enJs meei. Doubtless, lhere is some waste, but if every.dollar how raised by taxation were discreetly and wisely spent, the city would not have a cent to spare. It may b? possible to reduce taxa? tion. At all events, we hope so. On the other hand, it is certain that any increase of tax? ation for ordinary expenses will lower the value of properly, check building, throw mechanics and laborers out of employment, aud make it virtually impossible for the city to compete successfully with its more fortu? nate rivals. This is'plain reasoning, and yet it ts proposed to swell the volume of taxa? tion. In other words, au extension of the city limits will increase the expenses of the government without increasing in the same degree the amount of taxable property. ' The neck of laud proposed to be added to the city is of small value in compari? son." with the value of . land in the city proper. As soon as the addition is made, the taxes of property on the neck will be largely Increased. Proparty-liolders lhere will to do their part in paying tho ex? penses of the city. Their tax will be more thati two per cent., because for the protec- j tion of the annexed territory there will be re? quired additional police, additional laborers, more roads, more offisials, more drains and the liKe. The cost of these will be more than the revenue to be derived from thc new territory. A higher tax will be needed, and the . neck will have to pay the same rate upon ?tswarap or potato plantation that is paid upon a mammoth stope or a residence upon the Battery. IQ this way, as we have shown, an cxteasion of the city limits is only another way of expressing the certainty of diminished trade and increased Lax a Lion.. . We approach this matter .ia no party spirit. We are willing and anxious that everything possible should be dODe which will benefit the city and, through the city, the Slate. May it not be hoped that the Legislature will discuss tho City Extension bill in the same vein and with the same honest purpose, to act deliberately and do what is just aa J right ? NOTICE has been given of a bJM toautbor ize-the commissioners of.Cbarle?ton County to levy it tax of twenty thousand dollars. This may be all right, but the -public would like to know where all the money goes to. Checks on the County Treasurer have beeu hawked about, for months at a lime, at ten and fifteen per cent, discount, and it i9 com? monly believed that the commissioners have contracted liabilities largoly in excess of their estimated income. We should like to see a statement of the receipts and expendi? tures for the la?t two years, together with a statement of the outstanding claims. Can this be had? .OUR Columbia correspondent assures the public that the bill repealing the act of 1866, which repealed the old usury laws of the State, will bo thoroughly discussed liefore it is acted upon. What both the friends and opponents of usury laws should desire is a careful consideration of the whole subject, and a deliberate and thoughtful decision. Wo are confident that the result will be a determination to let things stand as they are. AND wc find that the people of the inte? rior are awakening to the injury that would be done them by the passage of Mr. Wilkes'^ usury bill. The Marion Star says, very pro? perly, that the planters whom the bill is in? tended to protect would be the principal sufferers. It says that we need capital in our State, and any law enacted at this time restricting the rate of interest to seven per cent., when money is actually in demand at one; two and three per cent per month, ac? cording to the necessity of the borrower, would be UDjustand unreasonable. No sane man will borrow money except be can make it a source of profit, and consequently will never give more than a just equivalent for its use. TO-MORROW is the day appointed by the General Assembly for the election of an As? sociate Justice of the Supreme Court, and a Judge of the Charleston and Orangeburg CirculL We believe that the only promiuent candidate for the latter office is Colonel Graham, of Marion. For the Supreme Bench, Judge Wright, the present incumbent, is again in the field. The fact that he is a negro may not count much either way, out it is admittod that he is a mere lay figure on the bench, and knows notbing of law. He said himself, a few months ago, that he was unfit for the place and would not be a can? didato for re-election. Wby not take him at bis word, and give the peoplo a Judge who is worthy, by his attainments and dignity, to be one of the members of the Appeal Court of tbs State. F -finaunai. o R S T~L7~? , $10,000 ATLANTA C1TT BONDS (now) $5000 SAVANNAH CITY BONDS, (old.) By A.C. KYUTMAN, Broker, dec8-2 No. 25 Broad street. Sat Sal*. JUST RECEIVED, A LOT OF FINE COWLS, willoh will bc sold In lots to snit purchasers, from $4 to $5 per dozen, for rail grown Fo .vis. at No. 42 kee street, between Meeting and Church streets, north side, by W. HUNT, this morning. _dec9-l? IF YOU WANT TO SEE MONSTER BANANAS, go to KLIEN'S. King street. Also extra Hoc Havana OitANtiKS ami cheap APPLES, fiO Crtnw a peck. By next m cam er, u larne lot of KKGiT, Including 330 dozen Eggs aud Malaga drupes, at reduced lulues._dec9-y ALAUGE T,OT OF VESTS AT $1 bO. Call and see them at 0. E. & A. S. JOHN? SON'S. nov2S-mwr POR SALE, ON SULLIVAN'S ISLAND, a comfortable RK-dDKNOE, lu a pleasaut locality. Tile lot is fenced, covered with turf, and never infringed upon by saud. K. M. MAIISHALL & UR-.., Real Estute Brokers, No. 33 Broad street. dccT-wfa_ FOR SALE, A CHOICE LOT OF SAD? DLE and drart Horses. Inquire at No. 52 Stato street. der-5-mwf.t* BRICKS FOR SALE.-THE ATTEN? TION' of Building Contractors and others, is called to thc fact that th.3 Walls, Ac., of St. An? drew's Hall, on Broad street, are now being taken down. 1 hey are comp Med iii BRICKS, of unusir ai linc quality. There arc, at present, say readv for delivery. Parties buying win apply to SAMUEL 0. HLA'!K~Xo. 2SJ1I"?! ?rr^r. ,1 ?c7 FOR SALE OR RENT, THE FOUR STO? RY BRICK BUILDING and Fixtures. No. 23 Uayne street, now oecnpie l by Oo idrich wiue niun A Co. Possession g von January 1, 1371. ALSO, One FARM on Rutledge avenne, known as "Cat? tle Farm." being ou Fair street: 5:,0 feet front and 451 feet deep; about ten minutes' walk from Line street. For terms ami other parUcolars, apply to OTTO SCH WI fZ BR. No. 303 King sireeL . dccs-i2? FOR SALE, A No. 1 WHEELER & WILSON'S SEWING MACniXB. In Cabinet (rate-Cheap Apply at J. L. LUN.SFORD'S. No. 27 Cri?es streets_n<iv-?a HOOK AND LADDER TRUCK FOR ? SALE.-Six LADDERS ami full comple? ment of Hooks. Axes, Lantern?, Ac, In perfect order, ami nooda* new; will be IH>M cheap. Ap? ply to M. H. NATHAN, Chief of Fire Department, Charleston, s. c. novU-Imn GB Tl ^AA ."FOR SALE, A LONG JD-db?-)\J\J? ESTABLISHED B C S I - S ESS, (Retail.) paying a net prontor $2500 per an? num. Ampie time given a purchaser to learn the business. Tit.s ls a rare chance for an active man to secure a permanent mooma. Business done wholly for cash. Persons having the. "stamps" and meaning business may address "$2500 In? come," Box V, DAILY NEWS Office, giving real name. inlv?S FOR SALE, TITREE FARMS, TWO ?miles from the Port Royal Railroad, In the Whippy Swamp neighborhood. One Farm contains. 375 acres, one 335 acres, and one 100 acres. Each Farm contains one hundred acres good planting land, with two or three comfort? able cabins on eaoh; also wcIK timbered, good .range tor cattle and hogs; and perfectly healthy all the seasons. For particulars apply to K. D. H., Barnwell VTIIasre. mavin ftailroaos. S OUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. On aud after Saturday.-December 10, the Sum? merville Train will leave Charleston at 2:50 P. M.; arrive at Summerville 4:10 P. M. Thc train will leave Summerville and arrive In Charleston at the same hours In the morning as heretofore. A. L.TYLBR, Vlce-i'resldent. S. B. PICKEXS, General Ticket Agent, dccs-3 _(Etjaratioriai_ MISS A. L. SALOMON CONTINUES to teach WAX and ROSIN FRUIT; Wax, Wura ted, Hal , Leather and Paper Flowers; Gre? cian and Oriental Painting; Embroidery, Tapestry and Tufting Work; Crochet, Netting, Knitting and Faucy Work, in its various branches, at No. 23 So iety street, third door east of Meeting, where specimens can be seen Orders iu any or the above branches promptly executed. ' ._novas-mwMmn ENGLISH AND GERMAN dUHiXJL,, No. 82 WENTWORTH STREET.-The exercises of thisinstitutloa embrace all the branches necessary for a good English aud Commercial education. The hours from 3 to 5 o'clock P. M. are devoted to German, lessons, viz: Grammar, Speaking, Writing and Reading, Lessons In Drawing and Moulding.every Saturday morning. The Night School from 7 to 9 o'clock, for exercises of Arith* mette, Reading, Spelling and Writing, and Orna? mental and Mechanical Drawing Tor adults. . i The Academy, is unaer my special superinten? dence, with the assistance of Mr. J. MCDONALD, Miss.J. H. ANGEL, Misa LEONHARDT, Miss J. MILLER. ? ri:: Vooal Musio by Professor F. BEROKHAN. 0. H. BERGMANN, ango PrinoipaL TRINITY CH?R?xt-THE SOUTH Carolina Conference or the Methodist Epis? copal Church, South will continue Its- sessions, THIS MOUSING, at hair-past 9 o'clock, l uis ETSXIKO. at quarter-past 7 o'clock, the Anniversary of thc Sonth Carolina Conference Missionary So lety will take place. Afer the reaulng of tim yearly report, by Mr. W. S. BLACK, of the North Carolina Conference. Addresses will be delivered hy Bishop G KO. F. PIERCE, I). 1).. and Kev. w. p HAKRISOM, O. D., o? the Nash? ville Publishing House._decs-'* ANNIVERSARY MEETING.-CONFED? ERATE WIDOW'S' HOME-The Annual M. otlngo thc Conredorate Widows'Home Asso? ciation win be held at the Home In Broad street atl P. M. To-DiY All annual subscribers ar* members or tho Association, and these, with all interested in tho Domo, are Invited to be pre?ent. The Annual Report will be read and Oftlcers elected for the ensuing ye ir. J. A. AUGER, dec? Corresponding Secretary. SOUTH CAROLINA SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION_There will be a called meeting or the Board or Managers of this Union, nt Ynuntr M?n's Christian Association Hail. THIS (Friday) BrmoNO, at a auar'er-past 7 o'clock. Members are requested to be punctual, as business ot Im? portance will be transacted By order or the President. OLIVER F. GREGORY, dec9 Recording secretary. THE REGULAR WEEKLY MEETING/ INO or Marlon Lodge. No. 2, L 0.0. F.. will bo held Tni8 EvKxrsG, at 7 o'clock, at Odd Fellows Hall. Members will please attend. Candidates are requested to be punctual. ROBT. C. STARR, dec9-f Recording Secretary. LA CANDEUR LODGE, No. 36. A. F. M. The Annual Communication win beheld Tats (Friday) EVENING, 9th inst.-.nt, at Masonic nail, at 7 . 'clock. A rn I and punctual atten? dance ls reqnested. By order W. M. HENRY WAGEN ER, dcc9_'_Secretary. PROSPECT LODGE, No. 7, L 0. G. T. The Regular Meeting or this Lodge will bo held TRIS K.VKNISG, at half-post 7 o'clock. In the Hal: under Odd Fellows1 Hail. A prompt and gene? ral attendance ls requested, as business or import? ance will be transacted. A. KALSTROM, decB-l* W. K. S. pro tem. COaiU*. WANTRD.-AN INDUSTRIOUS AND TRUSTWORTHY MAN. willing to work and make himself useful, may And employment as the manager of a small'plantlng business on a Sea Island Plantation. In a healthy locality. Apply to STONEY A LOWNDES, Vanderhorst's Wharf. dec0-tm4 WANTED TO HIRE, SMALL HOUSE. One In the western part of the city pre? ferred. Address (stating terms) R decS-mwfi* WANTED, A RESPECTABLE WHITE girl. 14 to 18 years of oge, with recommen? dations, to mind a child. Apply at No. 140 Meet lag street, between the hours of 2 and 4 o'clock. dec8-2?_ BOOKKEEPER WANTED, IN A COT TON Factor's office. Ho must understand the business. Address, at this office, In own name and handwriting, "Cotton Factor." dec7 3* ?oat ono Stmriii. STQPPED, BY BUCK AND MAPPUS, AT tho Six Ml e House, two strayed Mu'es-bay and a gray-which the owner can have by prov lng property and paying expenses. de&3-3* LOST, ON SATURDAY, THE 3D, A GOLD EYK GLASS, with tic Initials W. A. A.. having a valuable chain uti ached, A suitable reward will bc paid to the Under ou delivery, at Governor AIKEN'S residence dcc8-i? STRAYED FROM THE CORNER OF Bee and President strpers, on the 30th No? vember, a red ann white spotted no-horn COW. Any Information of recovery will be thankrully received. dec7 4* R00M3T0 RENT.-TWO OR THBffE i Rooms, for gentlemen, or a eentleman and wife, lu a pleasant situation. Apply at this offlce. dec0-2*_ TO RENT, HOU.-E No. 41 STATE STRKET, suitable for a Boarding HOURB. with a good Cooking Range, and other accommo? dations for business. Apply on the premises. dec9-2 FARM TO RENT.-A FARM OF FOUR? TEEN acres, situated on thc Bclivedlere Tract, three miles from the city. To rent low to a K00.I tenant. Apply at J. C. H. CLAUSEN'S. Market street._decs-wmf TO RENT. A P.OMF0L AB LP. TWO and-a hair Story Hons0, No. 4 Mary street. Apply at the southwest coruer ot Church and Chalmers si reels. nov22 jTlQR RENT OR SALE, A BEAUTIFUL J? ESTATE - In Orangeburg District, situated ou Lyons Creek, three and a hair miles from tho Nouth Carolina Railroad. The tract contains .?600 acres, soil rich red : clay, adapted to cotton, corn, wheat, root crops and clover. A splendid range for cattle; sunny hillsides for vineyards, and low lands for meadows. Lyons creek, a large, never-falling stream ruus through tue estate, and furnishes one or the finest water [lowers tn the State. A most valuable Iron oro has boen discovered recently on the place. The estate has on lt all tho necessary rarm buildings, negro houses, barns, stables, gin houses and Binall dwelling. It has been in cnn slant cultivation ?mee the war, and the splendid growing crop wouid give entire satisfaction. It is offered for runt or sole, on reasonable terms. Address Mrs. L M. KEITT, Socloty THU. Darlington District, s. 0. Or IL M. MARSHALL A BRO.. No. 33 Broad? sheet, uugt ircrtilijcrs. G.BNCY FOR THE SALE OF PERUVIAN G UANO. The undersigned, having been appointed their Agent at this port, by Messrs. Hobson, Hurtado A Co., or New York, who aro the sole agents and consignees or direct Importations of Peruvian Guano into tho United States, offers for sale, and will keep on hand supplies of No. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO. A depot ls established here for direct Importa? tions. Quantities of ten (10) Tons, or more, can be had at $60, gold, or Its equivalent In currency, per ton of 2240 lbs., for Guanape Island Guano, and $67 60 for Chincha Island Guano, exclusive of state tar for Inspection, and being the present Government prices. Purity warranted. R. G. LAY, Agent, At Office of Messrs. TunnoA Co., nov29-lmo Savannah, Georgia. pHOSPnATE ROCK. The Palmetto Mining and Manufacturing Com? pany are now prepared to furnish to manufac? turers PURE PHOSPHATE ROCK, irom their Mlue8 on Ashley Uiver. THURSTON k HOLMES, Agents, nov21-lmo A-iger's North Wharf. AGENCY FOR THE PERUVIAN GUANO. The subscribers having been appointed Local Agents for the sale or PERUVIAN' GUANO, would respectfully Informed manufacturers and dealers that they will deliver from warehouses, as well as rrom ships direct on arrival rrom the Peruvian Islands, PURE PERUVIAN GUANO, at the Gene? ral Agent's price In New York, to wit: ' Sixty dollars, goM, on delivery, in lots of ten (10) tons and upwards. Everv cargo will bc inspect- d and aualyzeu by Professor SHEPARD, and satlfacto ry guarantees of its quality and purity will always be furnished when desired. GEO. W. WILLIAMS ft CO., sep23 Factors. i^ctrjspapers, iHaga^mes, Ut. JJURAL CAROLINIAN DECEMBER NUMBER NOW READY. Maintenance of Fertility of Solt?, No. 2-HU gard. The Oat Crop-E. M. Pendleton. Fairs and their Objects-D. Wyatt Aiken. Pineapples and Tropical Ices-C. s. Rand, of Bolivia. Peaches-p. j. Berckmans. Au Englishman's View of the Steam Plough. Handsome Engraving of Graniteville Factory, and other articles and Illustrations. Subscription, $2 per annum. Address WALKER, EVANS 4 COGSWELL, No. 3 Broad street and No. 109 East Bay, nov?9 '. Charleston, S. 0. ^mns?merug. a ^ c ? B4B?? y up F Sp s i<S. i -.BENEFIT AND' LAST' NIGHT BUT ONE^)F LISA WEBER. v* . Only appearance of LISA WEBER In Comedy. THIS (Frldaj) EViSNIXO..December 9, _ . Toe Performance will commence with, the char? ming Comedy of . THF. MIDDY ASHORE. To conclude with the last New York Sensation, the Mus lc ul Operatic Burlesqe of * LURLINE. OR THE KNIGHT AND THE NAIADS. Slr Rupert.LISA WEBER. TO MORROW. (Saturday,) at 1 o'clock, Grand Gala Matlnpp-EKNANI. SATURDAY EVENING, last appearance of LISA WE BRR and her Beautiful Blondes. A great Bill. dec9 Q T ONE, MURRAY & CO.'S COMBINATION CIRCUS ! THE COLOSSUS OF EXHIBITIONS' NEW DESIGNS TO AMUSE PEERLESS TALENT-M ATCHLESS SKILL ! FRESH SENSATIONS FOR 1870. WILL EXHIBIT IN CHARLESTON THREE DAYS, MO SD AY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, December 12,13 and 14, ON CITADEL GREEN. EXTRA ATTRACTIONS I HERR SCHROFF'S TRAINED WILD BEASTS will be exhibited conjointly with the CIRCUS per? formances, without additional charge. HERR SCLIKOFF, the Great Lion Hunter, will enter the Den of Lions, giving an exciting and thrilling per? formance with; these Ferocious Animals of the Forest, exemplifying the immense potency that Man wields over the Brute Creation. EXHIBITIONS WILL BE GIVEN EACH AFTER? NOON A^D NIGHT, commencing at 2 and half past 7 o'clock. Doors open one hour previous. ADMISSION 75 cents. Chlldreo, under io years, 50 cents. SENSATIONAL SPECTACLES FREE TO THE PUBLIC I First, on the morning of the Exhibition Day. In the form of a GRAND STREET PAGEANT, Preceded by the elegant Band Chariot, containing Professor 0. P. PERRY'S Famed Orchestra. The second Free Exhibition will be a marvellous display of human Intrepidity, UP IN THE AIR ! By the daring Funambulist. M'LLE JEANETTE ELLSLER, who will walk from the ground to the apex of the Circus Pavilion and return ou a Slender Wire. This startling gratuitous performance of consum? mate daring will commence about half-past 1 P. M., aud the unique nature of the feat cannot fall to command the attention of the citizens of this city. The great JAMES E. COOK, the Equestrian Miracle and Champion Horseman of tho World, In his marvellous feat on Six Naked Horses. M'Ue CARLOTTA DEBBROB, confessedly the most dashing, daring and finished Equestrienne in the World. LB JEUNE BURT, best Baro boct Hurdle Rider In America. M'lle JEANETTE ELLSLER, the astonishing and beautiful Tight-rope Danseuse. Miss EMILY COOKE, the elegant English Me? nage Equestrienne. Mr. DEN STONE, the popular American Clown and Fun-maker. GEORGE ADAMS, Funny Clown. TOM BARRY, Hibernian Clown. (First appear? ance In America.) GEORGE MURRAY, the favorite Humorist Clown. And the celebrated actors, BACHELOR, SNOW BROTHERS, BLI-S.GEORGIE, DUOROW, FRANK? LIN, COLUMBUS, COOK, LEACH, LAMuNT, LOCKWOOD, EDWARDS, and others. Mr. JOHN H. MURRAY, the Unequalled Eques? trian Director, ls a guarantee of the refinement and purity of the exhibitions. No smoking allowed tn Pavilion. Tickets for sale a-few dave In advance of the Circus at HOLMES'S BOOK HOUSE, corner King and Wentworth streets._dec8-8 ROLLER SKATING . AT THE ACADEMY . OF MUSIC HALL, COMMENCING SATURDAY EVENING, OCT. L The assemblies will bo as follows : MONDAY", WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY AFTERNOONS from 4 to 6 o'clock, and TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY NIOHTS from half-past 7 to 10. Admission to Night Assemblies 50 certs; Chil? dren 25 cents. Tickets In packages of twelve, $3. Use of Skates, 25 cents. Afternoon Assemblies. Ladles and Children, In? cluding use of Sates, 25 cents; Gentlemen, includ? ing use or skates, 60 cents. Season tickets or admission (good for all assem? blies during three months) for gentlemen $5; for ladles $3; for gentlemen and lady $7 so. sep27-3mos EJissolntions of QTopartnersIjip. ??ioL?TCCtt^T"^ Thc Firm or WILLIS & CI1ISOLM is tn is day dissolved by mutual ron-ent Thc liquidation of their affairs will be conducted by E. WILLIS, who will continue the business on lils own account. E. WILLIS. Charleston, S. C., December e. 1370. dec7 milliners* ?ancg ?000s, &t. JJ I LLINE B Y OPENING THIS DAY. A full assortment of MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS Cloaks ou hand and made to order. DRESSMAKING, In all Its branches, promptly attended to. Country orders receive special attention. MRS. ZERNOW, oct22-lmwf2mos No. 304 King street. JBnsinefe (Earos._ EATH & RICE, H ?Vio. 9 HA TUM STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WHISKIES, BRANDIES, GINS, WINES, CIGARS, TOBACCO, Ac, Have cn- hand, and are dally receiving, a largi and well selected stock of thc above, which the. orrer on the most favorable terms. We have still retained the services of Mr. JOl DAWSON, who will be pleased to see his friend* sepl5 JT^OCK AND ERIDGE WORK. JOHN D. GRIFFIN, CONTRACTOR. Estimates and plans rurolshed on application Tor all classes of BRIDGE'AND WHARF WORK lil city or country. Orders solicited from County Commissioners and others having charge of publlo works. Address Postofllce Box 52, Oharieston, S. C. nov26-lmo? Cabinet-iflaking, &z. QABINET-MAKINGAND UPHOLSTERY NICELY AND SUBSTANTIALLY DONE BY L. LUNSFORD, No. 27 Queen ?Street. I wish to Inform my friends and the public gen? erally that the Hospital for SICK FURNITURE ls still at No. 27 queen street, where ali the disease* that Furniture ls heir to will be cured speedily and on tho most reasonable terms as usual. Send In, therefore, all your sick and wounded patients, and I will heal them and make glad tue the hearts of all those who favor me with patron? age In this line. I would respectfully beg leave to call your at? tention to the fact that I am selling the best Sew? ing Hachines to be found In the market, a ll com? plete, for only $171 Gall and examine fer your? selves, and read the testimonials in favor of the Improved Common Sense Family .Sewing Ma? chine, and then I am Sure yon will take one nome with yon; J. L. LUNSFORD, No. 27 Queen street, near calder Home. april toreras, X?prore, Ut. ??r-^-^l SHOULDERS'!' SHOULDEBS ! ? ?S ?' SF : 1L-2E" Choice Sogar-cared. PIG SHOULDERS at li cents per poutfd, froto ^ ? " ' WILSON'S Q ROO ERV, dec9-l_A MOP and Society streets. J^EW CROP' NEW ORLEANS SUGAR, 20 hhds. of Fair to Prime New Crop New Or-.] Iean9 SUGAR, Just received and for sale on con? signment by STREET BROTHERS * COT " dec9-l JDrrj ?coos, Ut. pUROHGOTT, BENEDICT & CO .- , NO. 244 KINO STREET. . GREAT BARGAINS IN CARPETS. GREAT BARGAINS IN CARPETS. GREAT BARGAINS IN CARPETS. JOST RBOBITBD. 20 rous INGRAIN O A RP E TS, at 60 cents worth $1 io rolls Brussels Prto ted* Carpet, at 40 cents worth 60 cents 60 Druggets, 12 by 12, at $ io-worth S18. A large assortment of RUGS, HATS, OH Cloth and Matting, constantly on hand. octa .pURCHGOTT, BENEDICT & CO., No. 244 KING STREET. D R E S S, ?" O O D S . Largest, best and finest selection In town. l case of One DRESS GOODS at 20c, worth 30c 1 case Colored Alpacas at 20c, worth 30c. I case or Plain Poplins, oar own Importation, only 26c., worth 37Kc. 1 case of German Plaids, of all shades, only 40o., worth 60. . " . 1 case of "i Black and White Poplin only 25c. worth 40c. 1 case of Empress Cloths, In all colors, only 65a celebrated Lenee make. A large stock of the celebrated "Elephant" Al? pacas, at very low figures. Ali colors 10 Twilled Merinos, 44, at 85 to soc. 25 piece* Irish Silk Poplins kt }i, worth $150. A grand selection of Albanate Striped, Plain and Repped Silk Poplins, at reasonable prices. 10 pieces or Heavy Blaok silk at $2, worth $250. Also, a fine selection of Colored Silks, Colored and Black Velvetines and Velvets. octal J1?RCHGOTT, BENEDICT & CO., NO. 214 KINO STREET. SHAWL DEPARTMENT. 1 case Black and White Large SHAWLS, only $2 25, worth $3. 1 case Biack and White Donble Shawls, only $4 25, worth $6. 1 case Men's Travelling Shawls, only $5, worth $8. A tall selection of other Shawls from 75c to $10. 8 cases of good quality Balmoral Skirts, only f L ? octsi ?pURCHGOTT, BENEDICT & CO., -. NO. 244 KING STREET. i., > CLOTH DEPARTMENT. A supply of the Finest French, Belgian, German English and Domestic CLOTHS. Beavers, Doeskins, Broad Cloths. Velvetines, Diagonal's, Meltons, Cheviots, Corduroy, Casai m?res, ;-i*rm Ladles' Cloaking-prices guaranteed to give full ?iitls faction l case of doable width English Waterproof Cloth, only $1, worth $l 60. Call in time to se? cure lt. oetSl , pUHCHGOTT, BENEDICT & CO., NO. 244 KING STREET. FLANNEL DEPARTMENT. 1 case OPERA FLANNELS, only 45 and 60c, worth 75C. Red and White Flannels, froml26c up. loo pair White Blankets, io 4. at $3 50, worth $5. 100 pair White Blankets, 104, Extra, at $5, worth $7._OC81 ?pURCHGOTT, BENEDICT & CO., NO. 244 KINO STREET. HOSIERY DEPARTMENT. A foll assortment of Hocker's SHOPPERS, Wax A Son's Balbrlgans, sold at Importing prices, loo dozen of the celebrated '-Vldette'' Kid Gloves at $1, quality -warranted. The only place to get tire celebrated French make of Coupe Jouvin and Alexander Derrent Kid Gloves-flt and quality gnaranteed. A fall line of Trimming and Sash Ribbons; Plain, Striped and Plaid always on hand.' 25 cartoons of Black and Colored Velvet Rib? bons, at prices to defy comp?tition. A full assortment of FURS ou hand. oct31 Coliban (Soobs. C HRISTMAS IS COMING: NOW IS THE TIME TO SELECT lYOUR GIFTS! Particular attention ls invited to the NEW, LARGE AND ELEGANT STOCK OF WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE AND FAN0Y GOODS, suitable Tor Presents, Just received and opened AT . JAMES ALLANS, No. 307 KING STREET. JAMES ALLAN'S, No. 307 KING STREET. JAMES ALLANS, No. 307 KING STREET. All the newest and most' exquisite designs In Jewelry, comprising, SETS OF PEARL, GARNET, ALL GOLD, CORAL AND STONE. ? Leontine, Opera. Neck and Vest CHAINS; Seal Rings, Diamond Rings; Gent's Pins, Pearl and Diamond; Plain Gold and Wedding Rings always on hand or made to order; Sleeve Buttons and Studs, Bracelets, Brooches and Earrings; Armlets and Necklaces, In Gold mid Coral; Brooches for Hair or Miniatures,.Lockets, Charms and Mas?me Pins, Glove BandB, at JAMES ALLAN'S, No. 307 KING STREET, A few doors above Wentworth street. nov24-thftu ' ? arten ?0005, Ut. E STABLISH ED 1854 CHARLES HICKEY, Manufacturer or LOOKING GLASS AND PICTURE FRAMES, GILT, OVAL, WALNUT, and all kluds of PICTURE FRAMES for Photographs, Chromos and Needle Wurk Special attention given to Regtldlng, flanging Glasses and Pictures. Also, Oil Paintings cleaned and varnished. A good assortment ol Chromos, Photographs and fine Engravings, Ac, Ac. '1 No. 336 KINO STREET, ABOVE LIBERTY. . nov21-mwf2mosD*c B ALL, BLACK & CO, Nos. 565 and 567 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, In closing ont their Department of GAS FIXTURES, offer their Immense and entire stock or real "and Imitation Bronze CHANDELIERS, Brackets, HaU Lights, Portable Stands, Ac, AT LESS THAN THE ACTUAL COST OF MANU? FACTURE. * This is an opportunity seldom offered to those about furnishing houses, stores, churches, Ac, for procuring tue finest worft and newest pat? terns at moderate prices. A large stock of Pattern Moulds to be sold cheap to the trade after March l, 1871. Tue sale will continue for abont three months, jania-lyr Agencies. C HARLESTON ADVERTISING AGENCY, CORNER BROAD STREBT AND EAST BAT. ADVERTISEMENTS taken at publishers' lowest casu rates for ALL PAPERS In the United States. WALKER, EVANS k OuGS WELL. decS-mwf Oneing, Ut. gOUTHERN DYE HOUSE. A new FRENCH DYE HOUSE has been opened at No. 350 King street, where DYEING In all col? ors, and Cleaning of au kinds is done at the shortest notice and in the best style. BLASCOWr BILLER k 00.; French Dyers, No. 869 King street, near corner George street, aepie-lyr -~ - -i*-tt - - - i- - -i<Jtyw,?.n,^?-www><-w-ii-.-ii--'-~"^r Jjju O ENE ? B A G G I N, G io - balea BAGOUS; "Borneo. " 10 bale^Bamttg, "Ganny." 100 rolls ?listig, "Doable Phoenix." -_ loo rolls Bagginjr. "Duncan." - Of superior quality. Landing anti for sale by ._W,J.J3.iOTJL*.0a, decP-I ._ - Napier's Bange. QHOICE PIG SHOULDERS, At IS cents per pound, at. . . . * .;. CO-OP ERATTVE GROCERY, Southwest corner Meeting and Market streets. dec7-wf2 6BBLS. CHOICE BREAKFAST STRIPS. 6 bbls. Choice Peach and Apple Brand/. . Jnst received and for sale by CUCIUS A WTTTE. ? ALSO TO ASStTB, . SOO casks Bremen Bottled BEER. dec5-mwf3 gLATES! SLATES! SLATES! SLATES nearly as cheap as Tin or Shingles. 30.000 Rockingham SL vTES English Ridge Tile Sand and Gravel. For sale by -Jg. M. GRIMME, decS 3 _No. Qi Ohnroh,^treeu- ? QRANGES AND PINE APPLE S.' 60,000 ORANGES, at 12 per hundred 110 dozen Pineapples. Landing from the Steamship Rita, from Hava? na, and for sale at No. 8S Hattet street, south side, opposite Market Sall. ...-:?. . ? ..' . deo8 , . MES. O D. KENDRICK. jp RES H ATMORE MINCE MEAT. Fresh TURKISH PRUNES Fresh English Homoepathtc Cocoa Fresh Baker's Broma " Fresh Baker's Chocolate . ... Fresh E. L Preserved Ginger Fresh Extracto m Carnls j lebig. nov24-smos JOHN HURKAMP A CO. g COT CH PI fe J R (pL.N . 60 tons Tfo 1 Scotch Pig IRON. ! ' Just,- raceirsd per British Ship County of-Pto ton. Por sale, by ROBERT MURE A CO., . deC7 Central Wharf. Jp RIME NOVA SCOTIA-HAT. ? 30-baleil Prime. HAY. Just received per British Ship County of Pic? ton. by ROBERT MURE k CO.. dec7 Central Wharf. C HEMIOALLT PURE" IMPOSTED LIQUORS/ li ' .?wal':rf : The attention of of Connoisseurs ls respectfully Invited to the folio win g Superior Liquors: " ' VINE GRQWER8 CO.'S BRANDIES. Vintages of 1 SI8, 1821,1850 ' JAMES HENNESSEY'S COON AO. PURE SHERRY WINES." ? AMONTILLADO, THREE GRAT*'*?. CABINET. HENNESSEY, CROWN, STAR AND'GARTER, ' TOPAZ, PALE AND DARK, OLD PORT WINES, JAMAICA RUM, OLD MADEIRA WINS STJ CROIX RUM, W. S. V. CLUBHOUSE GIN . The shove are selected, with an. especial view to absolute purity and richness of flavor; they an Classed-amongst tte'finest Liquors-that ever passed an American Customhouse. COR WIN'S CELEBRATED BRANDS OF" OLD WHISKIES, ALL AROUND. THE WORLD . AHB FOURTEEN YEAR OLB BOURBON. The attention or discrimin?t mg j Judges ls par? ticularly Invited to'their.mertt, '. /'_' Any Of'them can be 1 m pile 1 ty re Heil upon Where, a medical stimulant ls required, they having been endorsed - by medical men of the highest standing. " EVERT E. BEDFORV, T . . lu Successor to Wm. S. Corwin A Co., decs . . Now275 King street. Q H A. M P A G N E S . A full supply of FRENCH CHAMPAGNES. - Y ALSO TBS CBLKBRAT20 , Urbana and Pleasant Valley CHAMPAGNES, made after the French method. , They are-rich, fruity .-and: fragnnt,and, In every respect, pleasant and palataole. Price per case $18 and $20. V.'4'~-' '. '''?.si?'u-^ .' EVEB?. E. BEDFORD,!'. ' ' ,. Late W, S. Corwin A Co.,. decs - No: SH Itmgstreet. ^IHfiTST MAS CHE ER! . . - - . . Now ls the time to lay la '. SUPPLIER FOR THE HOLIDAYS. Yon can SAVE M O N E t By Dealing at . WILSON'S FAMILY GROCERY, Southeast Corner Anson and Society streets. TH A T D O L L AR TEA THAT DOLLAR TEA . THAT DOLLAR TEA. Green and Black, $l a pound. At WILSON'S GRCC?RY. COFFEE, ALL KINDS. GREEN, ROAST? ED AND GROUND, At WILSON'S GROCERY. COCOA, FARINA AND CHOCOLATE, ALL KIND-, At_WILSON'S GROCERY. FINE WINES, LIQUORS AND SYRUPS, At ? WILSON'S GROCERY.. ?GARS RETAILED AT WHOLESALE PRICES. At WILSON'S GROCERY. S C1ANNED FRUITS, PRESERVES AND I SPICES, '?? ? . At_WILSON'S GROCERY. POTTED MEATS AND I IMPORTED SAUCES. - At WILS'?N'S GROCERY. ENGLISH, PICKLES, FRENCH MrJS ., .. - TARD, ITALI AN OILS,.- - i ! At_WILSON'S GROCERY. SALMON, LOBSTERS, 'MACKEREL AND HERRING, At _WILSON'S GROCERY. PEEK, FREAN & CO.'S UNRIVALLED ENGLISH BISCUITS, At WILSON'S GROCERY. SMOKED HAM"*, TONGUES, SHOULD? ERS, AC.: At WILSON'S GROCERY. ALMONDS, FIGS AND FRENCH PRUNKS, '* At_WILSON'S GROCERY. EAISINS, CURRANTS AND CITRON, At WILSON'S GROCERY C1HOICE GOSHEN BUTTER; LARD, BY ; the tub, firkin or tierce. At_WILSON'S GROCERY. CHEESES-EDAM, PINEAPPLE, ENG? LISH DAIRY. SAPSAUO, FACTORY, STIL? TON, IMITATION ENGLISH, Ac.. AO,. At WILSO>'.-> GROCERY. > RICES LOWER THAN THEJL0WBS7 ELSEWHERE.] SAMPLES OF TEA SENT FREE. Address Postofflce Bot 383, Charleston, ]S.J0. NO CHARGE FOR PACKING. Ail Goods DELIVERED FREE in any part oaths City. Remember the place, WILSON'S GROCERY, Sontheast Comer Anson and Society streets, _ Charleston, a a J U S T REC E l VED, CARBONATE OF AMMONIA ' Bicarbonate or Soda Cream of Tartar ' AX Freeh Hopa. For tale, wholesale and retail, by Dr. H. BARR, oct? No. isl Meeting street.