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THE DAILY NEWS. Israel Preyer's Bid fox'Gol?. FI.LDAT, SEPTEMBER 24. Annds 1 cow Ute pries went sashing through WaU street, WilUtm, Broad street, Ntw ! tai AO Ute specie tn all the laud ?sid ls one Bing by a giant hand, TOT milbeena more it was ready to pay, Ard tarottlethe- rtreat en bsngman's-day. Cp from the Gold Pit's nether bell, "Waile tb? innocent fountain rose and fell "Loud an J high? r the biddlrg rose. And tbs bulls, triumphant, laced tn*ir foes. It seemed as li Satan himself were in lt, Wa"sbeard ftevolca Of Israel Freyer - A doleful lc nell in fte storm-swept mart, "Five millions more 1 and for any part "i'll g ive Ona Hus dre J and fentay V Israel F rey ti-ft*. Government Jew mwtmmwmm i mme* thseaghaad tktm?? WiUi cradit gained in fte year he sold Our Treasury's precious hoard of gold ; Bow wWPfJw- his thankless mouth ringe out Tbe leaguers' last and cruelest ? bont 1 Pity fte abortar Kot they, indeed, While a single rival's lett to Maad i Down come dealers in silk* and hides. Crowding fte Gold Kcom's rounded sides. Jostling. trampling each ofter s 'Mt, Uttering groans in fte ou*er i&eet, - Watching, with upturned faces P?>, jife scsrrymg index mark Itstala Bearing fte bid ol Israel Prayer That ominous voice, would lt-star Ure ? ..Five millions more I-lor any part, (If it-breaks your firm, if it cracks your heart, ) m give One Hundred and bixty I" One Hundred ard Sixty ! Can't be truel What wm ima-beors-at forty do ? Btw will fte merchants pay their dues? How WM tba country stand the nowa ? Wbat'U fte banks-ont Ptten 1 hold ! In screwing upward tte price of gold To that dins?rons, last, particular peg. Ihey bad tined their Goose with the Golden Egg I Just there tte metal came pouring out, ' AB ways st dace, like a wafer endo?, Or a rushing, gushing, yellow flood, That opttofeefl the buns wt* rs ver ikay stood I Small rieedW open the Washington main, It eir coffcr-dame were burst with the strain t ~l It same by roamers, lt rame by wira, To answer fte bid of Ursel Freyer, ired in mi'bons from every tide, tfttbst strangledhfan wrns cried I'll give One Hcndredsna Sixty !" Like Vulcan after Jupiter'skiefc. Or the kphortstfeal Pocket's a tick, ' D?WK down, down, the premium fell raster than this rudert? me cant' Ul Ihirty per cent, the index std. Ye r Trever e? n kept making bte bid- v '**Otte"Hundred an* Sixty for any parti" - lhe sudden ruin had crazed ki? heart, Shattered bi? sens*?, cracked his brain, ard lfft him crying again ami agata Still mating bl? bid at the trinket's top, (Like the Datei man's leg that cernid never stop,), "ene Hundred and Six y-live Millions morel" lill they dragged him, howling, off tte ftoor. The very but wend' that seller and buyer ! Beard fi om tte month of Israel Frey?? A cry to remember long ss thejrUve- ? *? Were, "I'll take Fl v? Minions more ! I'll give I'll give One Hundred and sixty 1" Suppose, (to avoid tte appearance of evil,) There's auch a thing aa a Personal Devil, It would seem that Hia Highness ?ere got bold, For once, of a bellowing Ball is Gold I Whether ball or bear, it wouldn't much matter Should israel Freyer keep io bia chutar On earth or under it-(as, ftuy tay, He is doomed)-UH toe general Judgment Dav, When the Clerk, as he cites uinswo answer tor't, BbaU bid him Seep ailene? in that Court I But it matteia most, as it se? ms to me. That my countrymen, greet and strong and free, Bo marvel at fellow? who.uem to win. That if even a Clown can only begin By ste*;ias a railroad, and u^o itt ju- . For cornering stocks and gold. I r-wc -si - Fer buying a Juoge anOa Legislator,,, And sinking st il] lower poor human ?ture, The gaping pubhc, whatever betaV, Tv nile Uar BOD Ben ative? ssa sra no tmsr.*a At tte dust and pother hie gang have raised, Abd make UBTemember a nursery tale Of toe icor-and-rwenty who feared oas snail. What's bred in the bene will breed, you know. Clowns and tnelr trainers, high and low, Mo^^r?^ - ?what nraver or fast can save f candid ato for the grave, " i wrinkled Giant Peapair, ' ' rsi.iawtasj Uta**, r building a ?horch eave brm ii the lurch, _t come cul is tile rival way, ."; " Issue jour scrip in oven day, And tk>a yawl wealth in the grimy fist Ctf som? cross-mouthed, gambling pugilist; ??eve toil and poverty where they fie, TK'tttatere, workers, artists bf, * Tour pot-house fag from bis co unter? bring And mate him into a Ballway King I ^Between- each Gentiles snd met Jews Little enough one finds lo choose: D*ber the other will bay ind use, ? ?>t tte meat ?nd throw him the bone, 'And leanrg hist to atand the brunt alone. -lat fha tax past rome, that's gathering near, And ^^vmmmm^m^ fi ALL ABOUT THE STATE. IBB ivUf???Xtk?X ?AjQ?. ' Mr. Jeter, President of he Spartan burg and Union .Railroad, will pasa- ove? his road, frae of cbarce, aJl animals and articles intended tot exhibition at the approaching AgricnltuiaJ ?rr. Persons genug dosa ia charge of the animals, will be passed free also. Visitors will be p&ssed at half-fare. i?o;...:-,-- wr/BKAXairt w TOA?. There was s gran? tournament in York ville our Friday. The Edrjuirer says ; The foUo?ring Knights entered the list for the honors and priste : David D. Black-York-"Rudolph of Har?burg.'' Joe. W. Otfcock-York-'knight OTBaTWJtwuorr." James 8. Gourfsy-York "Knight of Tnr*ey Creek." John Gist Union-"Damioo J>eLacy." W. H. Green Brefdand-'Entght or the -Lost Cause." Angus NoU-Spartan burg-"Harry Percy," W. B. McPneefcera-FairfieJd-"3ir Wait*" James Robin?on-Chester-"Knight cf Cheater." 8. C. Sadler-York-"Knight of York.'' Jimms W. Thomson-Spsrtanburg '.Saladin." W.,;W, Thomson-Spartanburg "SirQalahacL ( " After three tilts at the tings, with lanoe, by each ksighC, it was found that the "Koigbt of Turkey Creek" and "Sir Walter Raleigh* had each takes seven out of the nine ringa, making - a tie, and that Messrs. Qiet, Jomn? W. Thom? son and Nott, had,-each taken six oat of the *ine rings. The trial between "Sir Waiter" and the."Kaighi of Turkey Creek" fox the first prize and honor, was thea twice contested, -T?sulting, finally, m a victory for the gallant rider, from Turkey Creek, wfe duff ad? judged tbs winner of a handsome prize saddle, wit h. the privilege pf crowning the' Queen ol Jortv ?r-(? Belaly from among the nun; fair maidens present. "8ir Walter" waa adjudged the winnef of the second prise-a handsome bridle-andihe privilege of crowning the firet Jakia ot Boner. . Tho third prize-s pair of spure-with the privilege of crowning the sec? ond Maid ot Honor, fell to Junina W. Thom? son; and tbe fourth to John Gist, of Union, with the privilege ot crowning the third Maid of Honoi. .Colonel A. Coward, General E. M. L w and J. S. R. Thompson, Esq., acted aa judges on the occasion, and their rulings gave After the announcement of tbe result, the victorian! knights selected the ladies who were to wear the honors their gallantry and skill bad WOK* The " Knight of Turkey Greek." whose sweetheart was perhaps not among the ladies present, waived hia right to select the Queea, in favor of the "Knight of York," and Mies Sue Edwards was announced a9 the recipient of the floral qaowq. Gracefully kneeling ia the centre of koigbrs and ladies, the emblem waa duly thoKnight of York.*' The First X&Td or Honor, Miss Thomson, of Kerehaw, was^wrwcTby "Sir Walter Raleigb," winner of the second prize. The Second Maid of Honor, Miss M?dred thomson, of Mpartanburg, ja* crooned by"SaUuin," winner of the third prizs. and thc Third Maia of afonor, M?as Mat? tie Hobson, of Union, was crowned by Air. Jjha Gist, of Union, winner ot the lonrth honor. Altogether, tire tournameat was a pleasant success, the riding gsneriliy beinr, superb and witbfnt.a?i accident. The time given to accom ^ih the di^ was eig^t seconds; but twoi knights made au average lime of fiye and a half seconds from firrt to last'ring; and all tbs riders we.otjtbxough io less than the ! Sae prescribed. RADICAL .POWWOW DI XOHXVILLE. TSert^ssstobo a grand Radical barbecue in YorkviJIeon Wednesday, but the "big guns" tai ed to arrive, and tha bar bec u era had to con? tent thimsefvee with ^bearing Mar esJorod men, and A. 8. Wallaoe. "member of Congress IK:TorkTtiie Eoqa'rtr ?ayao? Wal ??es ? ? peech r ^ v ?''flu argument againat the ?'emoeracy reata ^"WOP^PD that it ia the 'alayehold ESKs* AA there don't haprJ??. bo any gMtaif?! this conntry apw, thia axgu meutdon t hit the party against which it ms Aimed. But when ueed by a apeakcr who waa a slaveholder aa long aa he could be one, it resembles the Australian boomerang, ?hieb, ?rhea thrown by an unskilful hand, ie apt to return and knock dc wu only tao, one who throws it. The whole s>peec?. as ie natural, was bitter against that p*ri? which defeated Mr. W. at tbe polls last year by 9060 majority. One conspicuous feature of thia ?pet ch, which ought not to be overlooked, was its gallantry. The speaker basked in the smiles of hie charm? ing coan try women who favored him with their presence, and drew fresh inspiration when be? spoke especially lo the ladies. It is proper ta add the only 'ladies' present were colored." A PROBABLE FIEND. The Yorkville Enquirer is informed that two logs were found lying across the track of the King's Mountain Railroad, two and a hali miles from town. They were removed by a passer-by. But for this, the train, which ar? rives at 8 P. M. would probably been thrown off the track. It is supposed the logs were put there with an evil design; but no suspicion at? taches to any one as the perpetrator of the villany. LI TEL ? TIKES IN CHE8TJEB. Tbe Reporter say? "No morcare our streets untbronged. No there are Our places of busi? ness unfrequented. No more do we see groups of idlers striving to while away the long, dull, hot days. A change bas 'come. Now, all is' j bustle," stir, and activ .;. The new cotton ie I on tbe market, the arv goods merchants are fliting their, store-rooms with new goods, the people are flocking to town to invest in the asme; the hot weather is gone, and: the fall hes commenced in topmost cheering And invigo? rating manner. In many respects a change is visible. People, relieved of the incubus of old debts, taxes paid, the cotton crop not so bad as was expected, wear amore cheerful counte? nances. Money begins to sirculate more freely, necessarily tending to a feeling of easi reps, which waB*not experienced before. For all this let ns be thankful." WAH UPON THE HIGH SEAS. A Caban Man-of-war suiter Spanish Teasels. ~* According to the New York San, the brig Hornet, from New York, recently seized at Halifax, on suspicion of being intended as a Coban privateer, and subsequently released, has again sailed for the Coban coast. The San says : - Sot certain good reasons we do not give the point from which tbe Hornet received her guns and suppli?e, but on the morning of the 21st all were on board, and, with a crew of seventv men, Cuba's first man-of-war, with tbe word Hornet erased and Cuba, her new name, in? scribed on ber . stern and pennant, weighed anchor for a point off Gardiner's Island. He fore leaving Halifax her captain had received bis corr m i cs ion. Captain Eloy Comacho is her commander. It will be remembered that he surprised the crow at the Spanish steamer Comanditario off the Cuban coast last April, and had to aban? don ber on account of want of coal sod close puisuit by the Spanish man-of-war. He is a bold, dashing, middle-aged Croan gentle? man of wealth and, education. The Hornet was a blockade runner, and was captured by the United States war steamship Supply early in 1865, with a careo valued at 1260,000. She bas beeu confused with thc Lil? ian, also a blockade runner. The latter was converted into a man of war while the Horne was sent to League leland, whero she had re mained until last June, ?be is eight hundred and twenty tons burden, and pierced for eich guns. She is a eidtvwneel. and ranked thi class. Hbo is Clydo bui?t, and c?n, under heavy pressure, make fifteen knots au boar. She has seven guns, th ree on each sid and a pivot bow gun, a 100-pouuder Parrot?, of long range. The side guns are two S2 poundore, two 68=po undera, two crane au ' canister pioces, also 08-pounders H9rcrc\v numbera 153 men, 60 of whom are Americans Rho Baw service doling our war. She has 22 experienced gunners, and ali the monitions^ boarding hooks, and complete paraphernalia of a corsair. She is. no privateer, but a regu larly commissioned man-of-war, commanded by a Cuban, with a commission from C?spedes Her mission is to capture Spanish merchant? men and take them imo Mexican portB for ad judi oct ion; ehe is also to capture and destroy Hpanish transporte. abd all passenger steamers engaged on the Cuban ooaet, and, when pru? dent, attack Spanish armed steamships or sail maf ?fsajelsj. waa will not ho oaod aa a tmtin port, as reported. Whenever it is unsafe for her to carry her prizes ioto Mexican ports, she wlil eave, what she can of their cargoes, and then set fire to them and sink them at sea. What tbe Alabama was to our commerce, the Cuba will be to Spanish commerce. Another use will be made of her. She will escort all expeditions into safe bays, and guard them until landed, and afterward escort thc vessel mnkMBHrn out ta sea. . . Ka ports. BALTIMORE-Ter sehr Jonathan Ha j-410 toni Phosphate Bock Charles tan Cotton, M iee and Naval Stages Market. 1FFIC2 OF TEE CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS. I OSASXXfTOR, Friday Evening, Oct 1. I COTTON.-The market, for Als article was chirac ariz ed by a ste? 3 y and well maintained inquiry, rices showmg considerable regularity, with rather moderate supp'y of the article offering: sales bout600 bales, via: 36 at 33; 17 at 23*; 2 at 23*; 3 at 24; 9 ot 34*; 76 at 24*; Kat 24*4; 173 at 25; 1 at 35*; 86 at 36*; 30 at 35*; 12 at 26c. We ?note: uv rapoox. CLA? si ri caners. Ordinary to gcod ordinary.23 Ca,iv? Low middling.54*6(24 4; Middliug.35 Ot fetrict middling.26*0 Riox -The market for thia gr on was dull ; sales ) tierces of fair cl<au Carolina at Sc V R). NAVAL STOKEA-The arrivals were light, and ie transactions nairn portant. Markets by Telegraph. FOKEION MABSETB. LONDON, October 1 -Noon - Consols 92* onda??*. Evening -Turpintine 27s. LIVERPOOL, October 1-Noon.-Cotton quiet; blends 13*d; Orleans 13*d; sales 6000 bale?; ales nf the week 63.000 bales, ot which 13 009 ba'es 'ere tor export and 13,000 ?ales-for speculation; look 442,000 balea, of which 50,000 balea Ate Amar?? an; receipts of tbe week 54,000 bales, whereof 360 ales are American ; stock afloat 392,000 bales, of rhich 8000 bales are American. ?ttvrnoov,?-Cotton dulltup'snds 12*d; Orleans 2*d? Sarna and fabrics at Manchester dull. Evening.-Cotton closed flat; upland? 12H'd; Or? gans 12*d; tales 6000 bales, of which 2500 bales 1?re for export and specu'.at ion. Panis, October 1.-The Bourse opened firm, tentes 71f 40c. HAVRE, October 1.-Cotton opened flat; on tic pot If 13c; afloat If 3?c. DOMESTIC UABKZTS. NEW YOBS, October 1-Moon.-Stocks strong and ending up. Honey 7 ingold. Stirling, long 8*; hort 8*. Gold 30* Cotton uncbangt 1 at 27*c. Turpentine 43)?a44c. Rosin quiet; conmon to ?trained $2 35a2 30. Evening -Cotton unchanged; Rales 2000 bales at 17*0. Flour SalOc lower. Wheat lc lower. Corn avon buyers. Mixe! Western Sla$105. ? irk Inner at $31^. Lard steady. Whiskey nrm?r at ll 19al31. Rice firm; Carolina 8a9c. Kugc.r *c ower; Porto Rico 12* ; Mmcovado 12112,^. Other rroceries steady. Freights firmer; cotton bf steam ??. Governments closed firm at 30*. Southern? inner. Wallstreet quiet to-day, except at tot close, rhea the stock market ?as unsettled by roriors ot osses of tho Michigan Southern Railroad Companv >y the lats panic. There are no new developments nthe gold question. Many millions of Friday's on trac ts were settled to-day, and 'bs end of com H aUon ia drawing near. Ibe money market closed aster at 7 for currency and gold. Exchange is dull nd. nominal at 8. Gold quiet and sieady, ranging 0a30* and closing at 30*. Stocka depressed and insettled. BA?rr*oJrc, October . L-Cotton dull at i?27*? 7*a Flour quiet. Wheat heavy; prime to choice ed $140al 47. Corn unsettled; while tl lOal IS; ellowfl lOal 30. Mess pork quiet at $33 Bacon ira; shoulden 17*0, Lard qaiet at 19*a20c. falakty $120. flu cm KATI, October L-WnPkey Armand held t.ll ic. Me<s pork unchanged. Bacon firm; houldi-n $16*c; clear sides 30c. LOUISVILLE, October 1 -Provisions firm. Mess ork$33. Bacon, shoulden 17c; clear aides 20* ao*c WiUC-VOTON, October l.-Splrita turpentine steady, t 89*a40c. Crude tarp sn tine unchanged. Tax a shade lower at $2 80. Cotton quiet at 24a34*e for low middling. A?onara, October 1.-Cotton in fair d<mand a lower ratea; sales 427 bal' Bj rMtfftf Off tales ; salea of tho week 19*6 bales; receipts for tbe week 3072 bales; stock 2780 bales. SAVANNAH, October 1.-Cotton, receipts 1778 balee; sale? 800 bales; market active; middling Kc*. MOBILE, October 1.-Cotton, receipts of the week 8130 bales; exports coastwise 1754 bales; stock on hand and on shipboard 1521 bales; sales of the week 6800 bales; sales to-day 600 bales; matket closed quiet; middling 24*a24*c; leceipts 1556 bales; exports 401 bales. NEW ORLEANS, October 1.-Cotton decidedly lower; middling 34*a24*c; Ralea 4000 bales; sales of the week 16,260 bales; receipts to-day 6288 bales; exports to Havre 1232 bales; to Liverpool 66 bales; receipts ol the week, gross 21 320 bales; net 19,305 bales; expoita coastwise 1976 Da'ea; stock 37,756 bales. Flour dull at $5 75a6 10. Corn lu light sup? ply; white $1 lOal 1234. Sterling 38*. New Tork exchange * discount. . New Torie Rice Market. The Journal of Commerce of Wednesday says: -,"The market for Carolina 1B tm. Ihe stock of old is rapidly disappearing, the new crop comes forward slowly, and with a fait inquiry from the dealer?, es? pecially those located in the West, holders have the advantage. We notice sales of 400 bbls at 8*a9c. and 25 tiereea at 8a9c. We quote old at 8a9c, and new at 93?'a8J?o. In. Rangoon there la more doing, mainly for dealers' use, at.steady figures- sales hare been made tpart a day or so ago) of 650 bags, duty paid, at 7*a7*c. and 200 bags, in bond, at 3.*c, gold. Nashville Market. NASHVILLE, September 28 -COTTON.-The mar? ket daring the week*bas been dull, and closed rather weak. Ihe transact! ons of to-day foot up as follows ; Receipts 67 bales; sales 42 bales; shipments 46 bales. Of the staple that changed hands to-day, we beard of 26*c being paid for low midding, but that figure cool* not have been obtained liter tn the day, owing to the condition of the market east. Ino receipts of th? week embrace 185 bal??, with sti; menta of 160, and ?slea of 71. The receipts for tbe corresponding week last year were 90 bales, with shipments of 23, and sales of 8 bales. The range of prioes during the present week laat year were from 20* to 22c, and the atock on hand for the cor? responding date fast year was 15 bales. COTTON STATEMENT. Stock on hand September 1, 1869.None. Received-1.-day.67 Received previously.179- 246 Total. 246 Sbtppid to-day. 46 Shipped previously.16>- 206 Stock on band. 40 FLOTHS-Market during the week has been buoy? ant, with shipments of 20C0 bbls, and also a large local trade. Pnce? continue firm aa follows : Supers 85 26a6; single extra 96 25tr6 60 ; double extra $6 60a 6 76; family f7 25a8; ts ney SS 50a8 75. CORN-Dull and drooping, and cot an order to fill. Ho dors are offering to deliver in depot at 81 12 il ]fi. WHEAT.-We note receipta to-day of 1500 bushels. Tbe receipts ot the week foot up 931:8 bushels, against 19.800 tbe week previene. We beard of sales to-day ol 9C0 bushels amber, sacked, and delivered in depot at $140. During the correst ending week last year thc receipts amounted to 8015 bushels, and prices were steady throughout that week at $1 80a 1 86 for tea, $1 76 for Mediterranean and $1 85il 90 for amber. OATS.-"Receipts to-day of1000 bushels, and sales ol 300 bu?bels at 7Cc, sacked; from etof*. 'Wilmington Market. WILMINOION. September 30-SpiBrxsjaTuRPF-N TINE-Market quiet and a shade lower; only IC casks sold at S9*c fl gallon. ROBIN-toles of 712 tibia at $1 76 lor No 2; $2 75, 3 a3 VS tor (.ol, and $4 50 for palo. CRUDS luBPEwns :--ales of lCJbble at $2 50 for urgiu au 1 yellow dip. and VI 50 for hard. 1 AR-Is 1 nv- r. and 401 bbls sold at $2 85a2 90, closing at lowest figures. COTTON-32 bahs sold at !Ma24*a $ lb. Macon market. MACON, SepUmber 2?.-COTTON-Receipts to-day CG8 bales; sales 168; snipped 319. Receipts lor the week ending this evening, the above included, 3010 bales; shipments 1650-shoeing an increase in re? ceipts for the past week ovc ! those of the week be? fore of 45 bales, and a decrease in sales ot 1132 balea Receipts lor the corrc-pondiog week in Sep? tember, 1868,1312 bales. Total receipta ot the crop ori8G8 oa the 29th of September, 3394 bales, and on that day middling? were quoted at 82 cents. Re? ceipta of the crop ofl869 to qate 11,147 biles. The market has been ttea*y with fc-eood demand all ihe week, and prives have not varied a half cent during tbat time, though ti ey have manifested near? ly all the white a downward - tendency. Middlings! have ruled at 26o26*o during the week, or up to this asssaaiiiH. ?lirm il... maia. | apasasJ ?J ns?. *i>o noon dispatches being unfavorable to buyers, prices went offs half, and tbe market closed dull this even? ing at 24 .'ic-the lowest notch of the season. At tune figure* planters sre storing their cotton, and bene; the light operations of the day, and of the whole week. COTTON STATEMENT. Slock on hand September 1, 1869..... 179 Received thia we?k. 608 Received previously.10,341-10,949 Total. 11,128 ?hipped to-day... 819 .hipped previously. 7210- 7629 stock on hand.3699 Interior Cotton Markets. COLUMBIA, September 30-Notwithstanding the lnfavoracle new?, the cotton mirket opened briskly o-day at 04 .^c ; but continued bad adriena received luring the dar depressed the market, and prices iel tl ed down at 24 cents for middlings. Sales 116 nie?. v . IUI Cit , . YORKVILLE, September 29-lhere have been lome receipts during the week, and the market may >e considered as opened. We quote 28Kofor a good estele. WINN9BORO', September 29-Salas of the day boot 76 bales. Pricea 24*c in tbs morning, but letlined ba New Tork advice? to 23),e during the lay. Harket weak, with a downward tendency. BOCK HILL, September 27-Tbe market bas on th. oed to decline; sales during the week at 23*a 6c, closing at 24c for middling. CHESTER, September 28.-Sales very light, the aarket closing at 24 to 24}? for middling. CHARLOTTE, September 27.-Tbe market open din the early part ci last week at 26 to 26*c and radnally declined to 34* to 24*c. at which figure tie market closed quiet on Saturday, kale* for tbe reek 345 biles. MONTGOMERY, September 29. -Cotton mirket try quiet. Receipts about 400 bales, only a small ; ortlon ot which was sold. We quote low middling 3, others nommai. SELMA, Septembor 38.-Market opened firm, but losed essy at *c decline; closing quotations, mid lings 24*c, low middlings 23*c to 23*c, good or mary 22 J,c. Sales SOO bales. dorine Atm Port ol Charleston. October 3. POKT U ALBIN D-AJht. PBA-tB OF THE HOOD. Tew Moon, 6th, 12 hours, 46 minutes, morning, irst Quarter. 12th, 4 hours, 3 minutes, evening, 'all Moos, 20th, 3 aourt. 21 minutes, evening, j.-t Quarter, 28th, 4 hour?, 2 minutes..evening. 4 'SEPT, a OCT. .. t L*N ... .1 koo* , I maa RI6F.S. I 8FTS. I B5T8. I WATER. 7 Monday_ 8 ?Tuesday.... 9 Wednesday. QiTcursday... i'Frldar..... ilidaturday... 13 Suuday. 5..53 , 5..53 ! 0..64 ; 5..55 : 5..6C : 6..66 I 6..67 ! 5..49 D..17 5..46 5..45 5. .43 6.. 43 5..40 IQ..35 ll..17 Mosa. 12..13 1..15 2..22 3.. 29 ll..42 12..39 1..45 2.. 54 4.. 3 6.. 3 6.., 1 Arrived Yesterday. Steam-hip Chirleston, Berry, New York-left - nstaut. Mdse. To James Adger A Co, J E Adger t Co, J D Aiken A Co, J Apple, 0 I > Abrens A Co, E Jato 3 A Co Mrs H Ar m ?tr.-DJ, H Bischoff A Co, A iiBCboff, T M ? ristoH, E T Brown, W H Bird A Co, ' I H Brimin- & Co, Mrs Kooth, H Bulwinklo & Co, Jrane. Hoy 1-ton A Co, W S Ocr vin A Co, L Chap?n , k Co, F F Chapeau. OhlBolm Bros, L Cohen, Came .en. tar J ley ft Co, H Campeen, JOH Cl aussen, T d Ca er, G Conner, callevas. Son A* Co, B Cobla A 1 :?, Clacius & Witte R k \ P ; aid well, M Drake, R , L David, Dowie & Mt iee, H A Due, H Daly, P Darcy, Dorbaum & Jurs, L Elias, A W Eckel ft Co, Torey the, slcComb A Co, J o Fairly & Co. D F Fleming & Co, A D Flomlng.M Schwartz. J M Greer. P LGulllemin, H Gerdts A Co, Goodrich. Wlncmnn & Co, B Oral ton, C Uraveley, J K Heath. Holmes A Calder, Hun aeken A Co, T M Horsey s Co, J H Burkamp ft Co, bart k Co, W Hunt, N A Hunt, Jennings, Thomlin- , son st Co, Johnston, Crews A Co. O EA AH John? son, Kinsman Bros, Klat'.e k Co. J P Kelp, C Kerri ion, KID P man k Howell, Kriete & Chapman, F Kres? se), Jr, W J Lee. L Latents, Lauroy k Aleimder.Leog oick ft r-ell, I Liebnpan, A L inger, McLean ft Ken lal), Mc Loy k Bice, S R Marshall, Melohera ft. Mal? ler, W Marscher, Menke ft Muller, Muller, Nim tz ft io, T Murphy, Mrs J E McElbose, Mentone ft Co. N bl Railroad Agent. J F O'Neill ft Son, B O'Neill. Pal mit to Pioneer Co-operalive Association, D O'Neill ft toas. E Prrry, D Paul ft Co, Paul. Welch ft Brandes, finckncy Bros, Peozer, Rodgers ft Co, J A Quacken .UBU, J RP.e:d ft Co, E H Rodgers ft Co, LT Rob? ertson W P Russell, btrauss ft vance. E B Stoddard s Co, J Steiber, G W Steffen?, s toll. Webb ft Co, A -timer, Stenhouse ft Co, LSchnell ft Co, W A Skrine, < O Raittoad Agent, J Thomson ft Co, O Thompson. ?V G Trott, W Ufferhaxdt, F von Santen, W Vinci, J S' M W hit mann,- Werner ft Ducker, J Wiley ft Co, J d Wurbmaun. G H Walter ft Co, Rev B Winkler, W 3 Whilden ft Co, Walker, Evans ft Cogswell. War? ier ft Monaecs, P Walsh, E R White, B White, M A Zernow and W J Yates. Steamship Key West, Rudo'f, Savannah-left Wed aesday. Cotton. To J A Enalow ft Co. Bound to Sew York, an I having experienced heavy bead gales i aa? put in for coal ard for a harbor. t-cbr Ridgtwood, Derricks-n, New ?ork-4 Jays. Railroad Iron and Hay. To the Master, King fr'shb :>on, and Older. Fchx W B Thomas, Win rm ore, Philadelphia-1 dna from the Capee. Coal. To H F Biker ft Co. Sehr S E Woodbury, Woodbury, Baltimore-1 days from the Capes. Com, Floor, ftc. To Willis ft Chfs olm, Ravenel b Co, B M Bauer, J Campsen b Co, W M Bird b Co. Holmes b Calder, Mulle., Nimitz ft Co, H L Buck b Co. Boat from John's and James Islands. 3 bags Sea Island Cotton. To Fraser b Pill. Boat from John's Island. 4 bags Sea Island Cot? ton. To Boper st Stoney. Boat from Christ church. 3 bags Sea Island Cot? ton. To Boper b Stoney. Boat from Christ Church. 3 bass Sea Island Cot? ton, 1 bale Uplatd Cctton. To Boper b Stoney. Boat from Wadmalaw. 1 bag Sea Island Cotton. To Boper b Stoney. Boat from Christ Church. 3 bales Sea Island Cot? ton. To J I bi eal h. Cleared Yesterday. Bark B B Walker, PettlngUI, Savannah-H F Baker b Co. Behr Jonathan May, Nea), Baltimore-H F Baker b Co. Sehr E M Baxter. Bogers, New York, via WiUning ton, N C-W Boac? b Co. Sehr Joacph Long, Perry, Kingston, Jamaica, via Jacksonville, Fla-W Bosch b Co. Sehr Isabella, Burton, New York, via Wilmington, N C-W Beach A Co. ? * .# From this Port. *" Steamship Minnetonka, Carpenter, New York, Sept 28. Cleared for this Port. Steamship Sea Gull, Dutton, at Ballimore, Sept 30. Sblpnews by Tefcerapn. WOMTNOTON, N C. October 1-Sailed, steamship Fairbanks for New York. SAVANNAH, October 1-Arrived, steamship Cath? erine Whitney and sliip Screamer from New Fork. Cleared, the Bebra Mamie McNIel and Coquette for Matanzas; J Eddy for New Tark. MemojanrfU. The bark BOW Dodge, which sailed from this port for Georgetown, S C, on thc 27 th September, was spoken ott Oils bar yesterday by the pilot boat Wildcat, and would have put into this port but waa too far to leeward. 6he had experienced heavy north? east gales since leaving this pori, and if lt continued to blow heavily expected to make Tjbee for a harbor. 'The ?ehr C S Groves, Weaver, from Georgetown, SM C, arrived at Providence, B I, Sept 27. The sehr Grace, Clifton, from Georgetown, S C, arrived at Providence, B I, Sept 2T. Ibe sehr Wild Pigeon, from Georgetown, S C, ar? rived at Providence, B I, Sept 27. LIST OP VKSSKL? UP, CLEARED AND SAILED FOR 1 BIS PVhT FOREIGN LIVERPOOL. The Duke of Wellington, Allen, sailed.Sept 1 British burk Dalkeith, Langwill, sailed....august 19 Toe Bomboreund, Nielson, np.August 13 DOMESTIC BOSTON. Ship E Icu Southard,-, up.Sept 17 Bark A Kimball. Lincoln, up... .Sept 20 Briar Adelaide, Wilson, cleared.Sept 27 Behr Grace Girdler, Smith, cleared... ."..Sept 16 ?V YORK. Steamship Flag, Leonard, to leave.Sept 28 Brig Mary M Frauds,' Francis, cleared.sept 27 8chr A T Cranmer, Cranmer, cleared.sept 21 Sehr B N Dawkins, Wyatt, up.Sept 25 PHILADELPHIA. Brig Mary E Dana, O'Neill, up.Sept 25 Sehr Althea, Smith, cleared.Sept 25 Sehr T T Tasker, Allen, cleated.Sept 27 Sehr Thomas Booz, Somer*, up.:.Sept 21 BALTIMORE. Steamship Sea Gull, Dutton, cleared....Sept 34 Sehr Wenonah, Mitchell, up.Sept 25 (Hill road Consit;nee?per Hontn uaiuiina October 1. 93? bales ( ottou, 43 bales Domestics, 08 bbls Flour, 98 sacks Flour, 92 bbls Naval Stores, 5 cars Lumber, 1 ctr Stock. To Railroad Anent. '1 hunton b Holme?, Mowry A Co, Kirkpatrick b Wine, W K Byan. L D TX'.Hauesurc, Graeser A Smite. W W Smith, Pelzer, Rodgers b Co, G H Walter & Co. Dowling b Co. J R Pringle, Stetihouse b Co. W G Wbilden, A J Salinas, Seeder & Davis, Frost hi Adger, Wagner, Stuart A: Co, West b Jones, Bavenel b Holmes, Caldwell b Son, Goldsmith b Son, Wiss ft Co, JUE Sloan, W C Courtney & Co, Pinckney Bros, and J D Aiken A: Co. Consignee's per Northeastern I tn Uro sui October 1. 221 bales Cotton, 12 bbls Naval Stores, Live Stock, Tobacco. Whiskoy, Mdae, lr. To Boeder b Davis Walter b Co, Williams b Birnie, G W Williams AL?'< A J Salinas, G W Steffens. W K Ryan, Frost & Adger, Graeser h Smith. Broula k Co, Ravenel b Co, Thurs? ton k Holmes ? S Johnston, Claghorn, Herring Oe, Courtenay k Trenholm, Sbackelford k Kelly. D Aiken k Co, Kendall k Dockery, Mowry k Co, Colcock k Co, Kirkpatrick & Witte, Caldwell ft .-on, J N Robson, Chisolm Bros. Ingra barn ft son, F W Emanuel, X G Boag, A A Goldsmith ft Co, T Street, F Webmana, J Wei. er?, and J Marshall, Jr. Consignees per Savannah and Charles ??e- ll. II,,. ?Jot oh OK 1. 9 bales Sea Is'and Cotton, 10 biles Upland Cotton, Mdse, ftc. To Hopkin?, McPherson k Co, Kirkpat? rick ft Witte, W P Dowling ft Co, W M Lawton, Fripp ft May, J Moore, W C Courtney ft Co, J B Pringle, G W S Legare, S Magwocd, and street Bros ft Co. Passengers. Steamship Charleston, from New York-H Camp sen and daughter, Miss Clark, Bev J O Weston, wife and son, Miss Bogga, Mrs Stephenson, Mrs Sarah Parsons, J White, wife and two children, A Marti? nez, wife, five children snd 'two servants, L T Rob? ertson, wile and children, W Charles, wife and son, C B Street, L Bingman, florence Pond, J W David? son, C G Macoy, E Sullivan, G D Mercer, C Cheney, C Antonio, J B Cook, G ?tonner, J Smith, J Williams, A Stuart, W Klein and wife, May Gorbarth, W Wim belah, J Ferguson, J Steine, J Andrews, G Wilhams, H O'Brien, L Clane?. J Dunn, A Ferris, and 10 in the sterage. Gr U A R O 1 a H MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY or NEW YORK. Organized in 1830. ALL POLICES NON-FORFEI TABLE. HALF L OA N TAKEN. NO NOTES REQUIRED. LAST CASH DIVIDEND 60 (FIFTY) PER CENT. fTAXnOHIZ Polices in foree,....,.$?3,000.000 Assets. 1,300,000 Annual Income. SOO,OOO Losses Paid..... 300,000 OmCERB. W. H. PECKHAM, President. Wu. T. HOOKES, Vice-Presidenf. L. MCADAM. Secretary and Actuary, G. A. FUDICKAB, Superintendent, nmsoxoas. Hon. JOH? A. Dxx, New York. Hon. JAUES HAWKS, Firm of Harper ft Bros., ex Mayor New York. . I oatt J. CHANE, President Bank Republic. WM. M. VXRMTLTX, Banker (Vermilye ft Co.) < SHAS G. ROCKWOOD, Cashier Newark Banking -Ce%^ pony. V - Eton. GEOBOE OFDTSE ex-Mayor of New York. MINOT C. M ono AN, Banker. FB&MAS RIG NET, Firm Thomas Rigney ft Co. # BENJ. B. SHES HAN, Treasurer New York Steam Su? gar Refining Company. AABON ABNOLD, Firm of Arnold, Constable ft Co. MICHAUD H. BOWNE, Wetmore ft Bowne, Lawyers. R. V. BAUOHWODT, Firm E. V. Haughwout ft Co. Vitt. Wnjnws, Firm of W. Wilsens k Co. JULIUS H. PUA rr, Merchant. Wu. W. WRIGHT, Merchant. CHAS. J. STARB, Merchant. WILLIAM ALLEN, Merchant. 3xo. W. CUTLKB, Banker, Palmyra, N. Y. Oxo. T. HOPE, President Continental Fire Inflar anos Company. JOHN G. SHEBWOOD, Park Place. WALTON H. PECKHAM, Corner F:th Avenue ind Twenty-thlrd-sh-ect. EDWARD H. WniOHT, Newark, N. J. GEO. W. FARLEE, Counselloi. W. LT. COGSWIUJ., Merchant. ti KO HOE KEIM, GENERAL AGENT FOB SOOTH CAROLIN A. Dr. T. REEN3TJP.RNA, Examining Physician. k\. ISSEKTEL, . , GENERAL AGENT FOR CHARLESTON. . . ttfflce Sp. ?05 King-street, . CHARLESTON, S. Q January 12 n*o _1?* lXriLLlS di CHISOLM. FACTORS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS SHIPPING AGENTS, WILL ATTEND TO THE PURCHASE. SALE ANO SHIPMENT (to Foreign ana Domestio Ports) o COTTON, RICE, LL7MBEB AND NAVAL STORES ATLANTIC WHARF, Oharleiton,e. 0. E. WILLIS.V..t. E. CHISOLM ?lieber 2ff Stute ^Bfrtisement EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF AUDITOR OF STATE, 1 COLUMEIA , S. C., October 1,I860. ) THE ATTENTION OF TAXPAYERS IS RESPECT? FULLY invited to the following ..clrcnltr," address? ed to County Treasurers, which is published by this office for the information of the public. REUBEN TOMLINS^ON, State Auditor. EXECUTCVL DEPABTMENT. ) OFFICE OF AUDITOR or STATE, COLUMBIA, S. C., October 1, 1669. J Afr.-, County Treasurer: Sra-In a circular letter, dated August 23, you were Instructed not to Attach the penalty imposed upon delinquent taxpayers until you received orders from this office to do so. I am aware that the season at which taxes became due this year has made it burdensome for a large number of taxpayers to meet the demands of tbs government. According with the approval of the Governor, extensions of the time for the collection of taxes have been made to the foll extent of the authority conferred by law. In order to give ample time to all who wish to pay their taxes, it baa been decided to extend the time for the collec? tion of tate 3to the 15h of the present month. It ls believed that by that time all who depend upoa the sale of crops to meet their taxes, wiU have made satisfactory arrangements. You are, therefore, instructed to proceed against delinquent taxpayers, in conformity to law, after the 15th day of October. I am, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, REUBEN TOMLINSON, Oct 1 2 SUte Auditor. g O TJ T H K K H LIFE INSURANCE COMP AN Tt PURELY A SOUTHERN INSTITUTION. Assets July 1, 1680.$910.000 DIVIDEND DECLARED.FORTY PER CENT. INSURES LIVES AND PROMPTLY ADJUSTS AND PAYS L03SES. Its principal business ls with Southern States, and to them tt appeals for patron? age. It has ample means to fully protect policy-hold crs and pay all losses. OFTICE ES. JOHN B. GORDON, President. B. H. HILL, A. H. COLQCITT, vice-Presidents. A. AUSTELL. E. HOLLAND, Finance Committee. VT. C. MORRIE, Secretary. BOARD or BISECTORS. Atlanta. Ga.-JOHN B. GOSDON. A. AUSTELL, E. W. HOLLAND, J. F. ALEXANDER, J. H. CALLAWAT, J. M. JOHNSON. Athens, Ga.-B. C. YAXCET, BENJ. H. HILL, ROD? EST THOMAS. Columbia, S. C.-WADE HAMPTON. Augusta. Ga.-C. H. Pmsirv, EDWARD THOMAS. Madison, Ga.-D. E. DUT LEK. V? abbington, Gai-BOBEBT TOOMBS. Comben, Ga -B. J. SMITH. Newton, Ga - A. H. COLQUTTT. Charlotte, N. C.-WM. JOHNSTON. Allendale, S. 0 - B. L. WILLINGHAM. Greensboro, N. C.-W. A. CALDWELL. J. H. MILLEU, General Agent, AUGUSTA. GA. Ra V. TUPPER, Restaient Agent, CHARLESTON, 8. C. B. W. DxSAUSSURE, M. D" Medical Examiner. August'19 DAc 2mos JP IKE, MARINE A fl D LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY 8. Y. TUPPER. IN PLANTERS' AND MECHANICS' BANE BUILD INO, EAST BAY-STBEET, CHARLESTON. 8ECUBITY INSURANCE COMPANY, of New York, Casv Capital and Sur? plue.,.8)1,845,803 PHSSIX INSURANCE COMPANY, of New York, Casu Capital and Surplus. 1,715,760 MANHATTAN INSURANCE COMPA- . NY, of New York, Cash Capital and Surplus. 1,908,943 INI ERNATIONAL INSURANCE COM? PANY, of New York. Cash Capital and Surplus. 1,990,844 NORTH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY, of New York, Cash Capi? tal and Surplu i. 795,937 ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY, Cash Capital. 1,000,000 CENTRAL CITY INSURANCE COMPA? NY, of Selma, Cash Capital. 9O0.0O0 SOUTHERN LIFE INSURANCE COM? PANY, Cash Capital. 500,00 Sept IC ihstnS W C. ALDEN di CO., .No. 342 PINE-STB?ET, NEW YORK CITY. W. 0. ALDEN, I v. . WU. ELLIOTT. J R,CW *0"' J. M. ?JORGAN, late of Charleston, S. C Negotiate- Sales of SOUTHERN REAL ESTATE, and exchanges of the same for Merchandise, Ac. ReluT to Messrs. Gea. A. Trenbo'.m A Son, Charles? ton.,*. ?: Sept! J. T. HUMPHREYS, BROKER, A UCTIONEER AND COMMIS MON MEM-CHAN I. ?ALHfc OF REAL ESTATE, STOCKS, B0ND8, 8B CCP.ITIES AND PERSONAL PROPERTY ATTENDED TO. io. a 7 a K o A i?- s T kt E K r CHARLESTON, 8. 0.'' r.s. Hon. HEN '.' BUIST. W. J. MAGRATH, Esc General JAMIES CONN KR. T. P.. WARING, Esq. Octnl>*? g E C A R K F U L WHAT MEDICINES YOU TAKE. WHEN YOU ARE EXHAUSTED BY OVEKWOBK of bead or hand, and feel thc need of something in vibrating, don't drink whiskey or any intoxicating tbing, whether under the uame of Bitters or other? wise, euch articles, give just a.? much strength to yo?? weary body and mind as the whip gives to the jaded horse, and no more. A'cohollc stimulants are injurious to Nerve health, and are ALWAYS followed by DEPBESSTNG REACTION. Dodd's Nerriiie and Inyigorator is a TONIC and GENTLE STIMULANT which is NUT attended by REACTION. What it gains for you it maintains. When itrefrcshos body or mind, it refreshes wi'h natural strepgth that comes to stay. We are not recommending teetotalism in the Interest of any faction; but long and extended observation teaches us that he who resorts to the bottle for rest or reena pe raf ion, will find, as be keeps at lt, that he ls kindling a Dre in his bones 1 which will consume like the flames of perdition. Turn from it. Take, s tonic that will refresh ?nd not destroy. DODD'd NERVINE ls for sale by all Druggists. Price One Dellar. See Bock of Certificates that accompanies eatrbboitle. 7mos June 25 jfuflSj Cfrrmtrals, dir. "jy H , O . S . F R OP H I T T ' 8 FAMILY MEDICINES CX>K9I6T1T70 07 HIS CELEBBATED LIVER MEDICINE, ANODYNE PAIN KILL IT, ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS, AGUE PILLS, Dysentery Cordial, Female Tonic AND P?RIFYING PILLS. THE EXCELLENT REMEDIES OF O. S. PROPBTTT, M. D., need no recommendation their well known power in removing the disease* pe? culiar to our Southern climate having already estab? lished for them an enviable reputation m Georgia and the adjoining State?. Aa the majority of person? "riving in the South are predisposed to disease of : ia Liver, lt is granted by all intelligent physicians tbat most of the pains and aches of our people are due to erg mic or 1 uart io nal derangement of Ut at impor? tant'organ. Prophlrt's Liver Medicine and Anti Bilious PfJls ?bike directly at tbe root of the evil. They cure the Liver, which tn nine cases out of i cn, is ai the bottom of tho Coughs, Dyspepsia, Colic, Sick Headache, Rheumatism, Constipation, Men? strual Obstructions, ftc., so common among our people. Earache, Toothache, Acute Rheumatism, Neuralgia ?nd bodily pains of every kind flee before PROPHITT'8 PAIN KILL LT like chaff before the wind. PH O PH ITT'S LIVER MEDICINE. I Dr. Propk?t-Having used thia medicine sum I dendy long to test its virtue, and to satisfy my own mind that lt is an Invaluable remedy for Dyspepsia -a disease from which the writer bas suffered much for six years-and being persuaded that hundreds wbo now snffer from this annoying complaint would be signally ben edited, as be bas been, by its use, we deem it a duty we owe to this unfortunate class to recommend to them the use of this remedy, which has giren net. only himself but several members of his family the greatest relief. M. W. ARNOLD. Of the Georgia Conferencs DOOLT COUNTT, GA , April, 1887. Thi.i is to certify that I was confined to the house, and most of the tiree to my bed, and suffering the greatest agony imaginable with Rheumatism, for I nve months, and after trying every available reme? dy, with so relief, I waa cured with two bottles of Dr. 0. S. Propbitt's Anodyne Pam Elli It, each cost? in g f. f ty cents only ; it relie red me almost instantly. I UK retort recommend it m tbe highest dajjree to others suffering from similar disease. I can say that lt is one of the bcRt ram liv mediemos now out, certain. Tours truly. Vt; A. FOREHAND. COTEIOTON, QA., July 9,1867. Dr. Prophit.-Having used your Liver Medicine for moro than a year in my family, I cheerfully re? commend it to all persons suffering from Liver af? fections. Dyspepsia or Indigestion in any form. I also recommend your Dysentery Cordial aa tbe best remedy for that disease. 0. T. ROGERS. STAKronnviLLa, PUTNAM Conn rv, Oct. 1,1867. Dr. 0. S. Propktft-Dear Slr-This is to certify that I have used your Ague Pills for the last ten ye ire. and I have never failed lo cure the Ague Jn a single instance with them. They always break the chills the first day that they are given. I can recom? mend them as being the nest ague medicine that 1 have ev jr found, and they leave no bad effects follow? ing them, as Quinine ftc. Yours respectfully. A. WE8TBR00K. PUTNAM Comm. GA. September 92,1868. Dr. 0. S. Prophitl-Sir-I have used for the last two years in my family your Liver Medicine, your Pain Elli lt, and your.Ftmale Tonio, and 1 have no fears in saying that they aro tbobest medicines I have ever used for the Liver and Stomach. Neuralgic and Rheumatic afflictions, Headache, Colic, and pains ot every kind afb subdued by them. After using tbe medicines so long, I cheerfully recommend them to any and every one, and to aU that are afflicted, as the best and safest remedies for all the diseases for which they are recommended, ftc. Yours respectfully, JAME8 WRIGHT. UR, PROPHITT'S FEMALE TONIC. This Medicine, with its associates, is a safe and certain remedy for all curable diseases to which Fe? males alone are liable It is also an excellent pre? ventative of Nervous Blindness, or Nervous Dis? eases in either malo or tomato. It ls a powerful Ner? vino Tonic, setting up a full and free circulation throughout the system. All of the above Medicines sold by Druggists and Merchants generally throughout tho Southwest, ED: S. BURNHAM, Wholesale and Retail Agent, No. 421 King-street, (near CalbouD.i Charleston, H. C. Prepared only by DB. 0. 8. PROPHITT. April 16 srotb6mos '.'evington. Ga. F . f A .\ li \ I \ , Apothecary and Chemist. No. 193 Meeting-street CHARLESTON, 8. C THE ADVERTISER BEGS TO CALL ATTEN? TION to bis stock of the best Impertid and Domsa tlc CHEMICALS, DRUGS, AND PATENT MEDICINES. UPON THE DISPENSING DEPARTMENT Of his business he bestows the utmost personal care and attention, and guarantees the PURITY of the MEDICINES used ic com pounding. PRESCRIPTIONS Prepared carefully at all boure of the day and night. SPECIAL AGE?S'C? FOB THE KALE OF SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, MANUFACTURED BY Messrs. GEO. TIE & ANN & CO., OE X^EW YORH. HIS STOCK OF Hair, Tooth and Nail Brashes. PERFUMERIES, &c, 18 LARGE AND WELL SF LE Cl ED. \ctc. v lor tho rtaie cl thc te?tbro'.ed ? Boeltbridge Alum Spring "Water, A supply ol which ts al wave cu hand. MANUFACTURER OF PANKNIN'S HEPATIC BITTERS, Which hove established for themselves a reputation surpassed by nene. Through constant effort and attention be hopes to merit a continuance of the public patronage which bas hitherto been extended to brm. February IC tn thal yr (talion (Sins, (tic. g W K T T ' S SELF-FASTENING WROUGHT IBON BUCKLE TIE1 This TIE can b? applied instantaneously (o anr size bale; it requires no preparation w tate var. Insert the hoop In th? ?coi said draw it tight tv round the bate. It adjosti itself to tbe bale, and is so simple that ' it can be applied by any one. > rr When the lever of the press is raised the tie will fasten itself by the ont* ward pressure of the bale. K fresh supply of the above popular COTION TIE just received and for sale by HOOK HT .nf UK ?St CO? AGENTS FOB SOOTH CABOLINA, BO?CE'S WHABF, CHARLESTON. Sept 9 tbsruH ?iuctUut?us. STAIR Wim ra DROP FIXTURE, WHICH aus no muya*. Tbs Original tad edy Nhill nrtee made, i It can ho applied to any Stair Rod, either, ?Round or Flat, and |orevt-nts its slipping rom its place. m Ask for the tmm Drop fixters, ?OLD rr lu Carpet Dealers, AND BUY NO ?THHC mo, HAM AHB WK T STATU PTJATBS, For Hotels, Restaarants and Public BaUdingtr k MANUFACTURED BY W. T. 4 J. MERSEREAU, 62 Duane St., M.Y Aneust 13 Smoe MARVIN'S PATENT Alum & Dry Plaster FIRE PROOF SA El 5 Are most desirable for quality,, finish and price./ MARVIN'S SPHERICAL BURGLAR SAFES Cannot be Sledged ! Cannot be Wedged ! Cannot be Drilled! BANK VAULTS, VAULT DOORS, EXPRESS BOXES, FAMILY PLATE SAFES. COMBINATION LOOKS i Please send for a catalogue to MARVIN 4 CO., (oldest safe manufacturers) _ . . . (205 Broadway, New York. Principal j m Qhe8tnut St>> Phi]a> Warehouses |108BanK St., ClevelA?d,0 And for sale by our agents in ti* principal cities throughout-the United State? FOR SALE BY \Vff. M. HIRD k CO A No. 203 EAST BAY, CHAKCKSTON. December 19 lr? ROSADALIS. c "ROSADALIS. Sold by GtWIDKlCH.WINKMAai * CO., Direct '.i corters of European Drugs and Chemicals, Mayg stutbiyr 'TJABI.ESTON. P. a r\ o 1J O G y E , ftOPEBIOB TO TBE BE?T IM PO BHD XO I.0?N2 WA??B, maoctsorured and sold wholesale ana retan br Dr. H BABB. . june 21 NA 191 Kcctin^street