University of South Carolina Libraries
THE DAILY NEWS UrfMt Clrxm*iton.-raS D?ILT NEWS BEING TBE NEWSPAPER OFFICIALLY RE? COGNIZED AS HAVING THE LARGEST CIR? CULATION IN THE CITY OF CHARLESTON, PUBLISHES THE LIST OF LETTERS REMAIN ? fNG IN TBS POSTOFFICE AT Iu S END OF EACH WEEK, ACCORDING TO TBE PROVIS? SONS OF TBE NSW P0ST0FF1CB LAW. --- tm CHEAP ADVERTISING. Tu CHARLESTON NEWS, the circulation of which is about twice aa large aa that of any other paper published in South Carolina, is the ?est advertising medium for all business men. For persons who want situations or servants; who want houses or apartments, or hare them io rent; who want or who offer board and lodg? ing; who have lost or found articles of raine, *hra News baa no equal; and in order that all Classes may hare their wants s applied, we hare adopted the following scale of OEBA? ADVER? TISEMENTS, payment for which must invariably be made when the order ts given: Advertisements of situations wanted bj or Offered to clerks, governesses, tutors, work? men, mechanics, house-servants, porters, shop- ' hoya, cooks and washers; board and lodging Wanted or offered; apartments wanted or to let; articles lost or found; houses, shops, offices fed warehouses wanted or to let, and miscella .acona wants of all kinds. For each insertion of advertisements ot the classes specified : Not exceeding THBZXLZXXS or 20 words....35 cents " Fous Liras or 80 words.41 " FIVE LINES or 10 words.60 All advertisements to be inserted at these .rate? rnnat be prepaid and delivered at THE NEWS office by 9 P. M. LOCAL MATTERS. Meetings Tilla Day. Strict Observance Lodge, at 7 P. M. Medical Society, at 7 P. H. Eagle Fire C. mpany. at 7 P. M. Marion Fire Company, at half-past 7 P. M. Homestead Building and Loan Association, -ai hair-past 7 P. M. Auction lisles Tala Dm.j. William McSay will sell at 10 o'clock, at his store, furniture, cow, Ac. THE DAILY NEWS PRICK CURBENT AND COM? MERCIAL C IE cu LAB will be ready for delivery at oar coan ting-room at nm? o'clock this morn? ing. Single oopie-j five cents. Ordern for ten 'copies and over will be filled at tho rate of two tod a han* cents per copy. A WORD TO MERCHANTS.-If jon want job nrirrting done at rory obeap rates, call at THE Mjpws JOB Ornes. Business cards $3 and up? wards per thousand. . V AppoEvnaxHT.-Sr. William Seed has been appointed a Htate constable. He has been connected with the police and deteoiive forces of this 01 ty, and made a good officer. THE NEW OPES A HOUSE_The invitation tendered by the architect, John H. Devereux, io the ci ba ons to xisit the Opera Hoase yes? terday, was taken advantage of by a number of ladies aod gentlemen, who seemed much interested in the building and the operations of the workmen. THAT BUNCH CABS.-THE NEWS learns that ott yesterday Magistrates Kanapaux and De Large received a communication from Gov? ernor Scott instructine them to proceed with the investigation of the charges against Mag? istrate Bunch. Tbs Governor has beard both sides of tbe question, we suppose. WILL GET HIS LICENSE.-We learn that the members of Connell feeling fully satisfied that fahey, in not granting a license 11 Mr. Wulcern, har? ?bown that they hare the power to do ss they please with tbe citizens, and hare also carried out their equality ideas, will great him a license at tbe next meeting of the Co un ciL "_ Tars GAZETTE.-Mr. James Brennan, a grace' j ral and rigoron* witter, who has for some time j past.been prominently identified with the cause oPFonianism and with Iriah-Araorican journal? ism in New York, h is boeome associated with Hr. L. C. ip in the editorial conduct sad proiine'orshin of (be Gazette. Under the auspices of Mr. Brennan, undying hostility to English rule in Ireland will probably become 1 leaning plank tu the Gazette's platform. a THE OCTOBER MAO AZ area.-We bare received the first number of Ihe Boral Carolinian, the ne? agricultural magazine jost issued by Mesar 3. Walker, Evans A Cogswell. A o asnal glance at t?e conten?a conv?noos os that it is tar s a pen or to any periodical of the k nd er er published in the South. The October na ?ber of the Nineteenth Cen? tury is also ont, foal, as usual, of lively, varied, and readable matter. We ab ill no+ice bo tu these publications more fully in cor next issue. THE SUIT FOB DAMAGES -It will be remem? bered that a short time fi co tue oas* of | -Charles Lafayette, negro, who sue J Mr. and Mrs. Ki nam arr fer false imprieojrsent, laying his damages at ninety-nine dollars, was heard eVafors Magistrate Mackey, who reserved his decision until yesterday, when he gave judg? ment for the d?fendant, holding th it. to sus? tain anita of this kind, "malice and ahsenoo of reasonable and pro ba bli cause are necessary; and in this ease "both clements were want? ing ander the testimony of Lafayette him soli" The decision is puohse 1 foll in onr ad? vertising columns. A Turn KB AND LUMBER.-Appended ia a state? ment of the number of feet of lamber and mdl timber inspected in Charleston during the month of September. Owing to the low water in the Cooper. Ashley and Ed ia to Hivers and their branch.-H very little mill timber ia brou<ht here: Two hnudred and seventy thousand mar hundred au J sixty-nine feet of mill tim? ber, and six nundi? d and ninety-seven thou? sand eight hundred and cloven f JOS of lomoer. Of this number three hnudred and sixty-thrre thousand one hondred and forty-seven feet were brought here bv the South Carolina Bail, road, and two hundred and nine thousand sereu hundred sud thirty-eight foot by the Northeastern Railroad. Wa rann elsewhere s card from Mr. F. W. Miller, editor and publisher-and wbo now.j ?miga? MWmm*GFttMh*<p\t7 by j ?&t?p*Z d&mj^m&TV. fha* *ys?r? rMsajbsM fseiaTltevatt.^ -spirit -WHrffds Mr; Mailor,?nd wo cheerfully E^bW whathemttWA think necessary lor ^%.tor? td aleta, thai, we bad mot??00^JSm?? wostworkhy in? fect ***** Oktf- bf the Sea? ?ss as tbe Joint property af one of the pawed here, and office. As to the "o? "the refature, we are quite ikes Mr. Miliar ahoold hara tbe bene? fit of his own statement in our columns. THE WASHINGTON LIQ HT IITFAHTBT MONU? MENT_At the extra meeting of the Washing? ton Light Infantry Cb ari table Association, herd last evening, the plan offered by Mr. Mark waiter, of Angosta, QB., was adopted. Stops will be taken to have the monument erected aa soon a? possible. When erected it will be one of the mos: imposing in Magnolia Ceme? tery. The treasurer of the association gratefully acknowledges tbe receipt of af iee o dollars from a lady at tbe North, tbrougb Miss Salto?, in aid of the monument to their dead. A Nsw MOVE.-Tho conversion of tho Adger building into an Academy of ?Mujio, made it necessary that Mr. K. White should find other quarters for his mammoth stock of furniture. Mr. White eogageS commodious ware-rooms [ just opposite his old stand, and for two days sixty of John H. Davereox's activa workmen were engaged in removing furniture of all kinda from the old rooms to tbe new. The long procession ot workmen so busily engaged I Attracted a crowd o? spectators. The moving in is DOW over, and Mr. White is again prepar? ed to supply the public with everything in bis line. THE STEAMSHIP GEORGI a.-We learn that this steamship, which was recently put upon the line between here and New York, was an English blockade runuor during the late war and waa captured by a Federal gunboat, while about th\rty miles off the mouth of tho Savan? nah River. The order to bring her to, dring a shot through, instead of across her bows. It is related that a member of the crew of the gunboat, who had been captured on another blockade runner, a short timo pre? vious, but had enlisted iu tbe service or bia captors, noticed that the soles of the shoes of the sailors of the captured crew were very thick. Boing up to "privateer's dodge*," he made an examination, and found that the soled were hollow and contai.iod gold coin. There was a demand for privatoeramen's shoes im mediately, and a considerable amount of gold was realized. Thc Georgia, or Karaak, as abe was then named, was sent to Now v0rk and sold._ CfiUatBs.-Some of the lette:? from Colum? bia ooma stamped Columsia. The postmaster should have a new stamp made. The records of the city are said to ba in thc Charleston College building. The fines imposed by the Mayor yesterday amounted to $13. Mrs. Dosoher has been required to give two hundred dollars security for hoi appearance for trial. Yesterday afternoon a mule attached to a cart fell down on the city railway track, at the corner of Broad and Meeting streets, and caused a short interruption to railway travel. The captain of tba brig Cyclone wants to place before the mista mate whom he shipped at Boston. The mate objects, and thc matter has been placed in the bandi of the lawyers. Ennis Myers and Anderson Davis, negroes, were arrested yesterday by Officer Hernandez upon suspicion of stealing clothing from Mrs. Hammond. During the past four weeks tbere have been one hundred and fifteen deaths in the city twenty-nine whites and eighty-six blacks. THE QBEAT SCABS.-Many wild rumors are afloat in tbe city and along the coast in regard to a "tidal wave," which, it is predicted, will dreocu our seaboard, about the end of tbe first week m the present month. Tbe whole foun? dation /or Ute apprehension which prevails, consista in the following paragraph from the London Timos: "Captain Saxby, of the Boyal Navy, has ca.ll "ed publie attention to the following facts, "which, rf verified bj resulta, will prove a "curious instanco of a priori reasoning: At 7 "A. M., on the ensuiug October 5, the moon "wilt be at the part of her orbit which ie "nearest the earth; her attraction will, there "fore, be at its maximum force. At noon the "moon will be on tbe earth's equator, a cir? cumstance which never occurs without mark "ed atmospheric disturbance; at 2 P. M. the "same day, lines drawn from the earth's cen 'Jue will cut tho.sun and moon ia the same "arc of right ascension. The moon's attrac? tion and the sui's will, therefore, bo acting ''in the same direction. In cluer words, tbe "new moon will bo on the earth's equator " wheu in perigee, and nothing more threaten? ing can occur of big h tides and destructivo "storms. Sur John H?rschel bas tai J tbat no "man jealous of hia reputation will be a weath "or prophet. The foregoing pre liction. which "assumes to be grounded on aaoertaiuing ohy "aioal facts, is given with s.n air of perfect con "fldenoe, and may be tested in the ensuing "autumn.'*_ HOTEL \BBTVALS, BSFTEKBEB 30.-Pavilion Botel.-3. Mikell, St. Paul's Parish; J. C. Sheri, St. 7x>uia, Mo.; J. Gorham, City; Mrs. Nevins. Savannah, Ga.; H. Z. Grabam, Myersville, S. C.; D. H. Biro, Barnwell; Colonel L. D. Cbil lu, Columbia; John ti. Terry, M<ster Terry,Walter boro'; Solomon Link, Lcwisville. Charleston Botel.-John D. Parker, E. Wash? burn, Adams Bun; G. A. Meuffor, South Caro? lina; W. J. Fisher, Boston; H. G. Fohee, Georgetown; J. K. Yance, P. A. Chase. City; A. K. Raimv, New YOTK; A. P. Blunt, City; J. ft Gillet, Augusta; P. K. Boyle, Bermuda; J. L. Rappiye, Tipailanti, Mich.; J. A. Walting, W. baiting, E. Bayole, E. B. Start, H. Biggs, F. D. Uar?, Oraugebnrg. 'The City by tile Scat." TO THE EDITOR OF THE NBW3. In your 'issue of yesterday, injury was done to me and the enterprise which I have under* taken, by the publication of an article alleging that tbe City by the Sos, a free advertising journal -the first number of which appeared on the preceding afternoon-ia a " Radical venture in disguise, and that it is owned by the proprietors of a Radical city paper." / deny thu statement emphatically. It baa likewise beon publicly denied by tbe editors referred to. The circum? stances-and all of the circumstances-oon nee ted with tho publication are these, and I have no hesitation in declaring tb?m: Anxious to bring out the City by the Sea at tho earliest day practicable having already secured a lar-e advertising patronage, op the eve of applying to a weJI-k aowii printing office in Charleston to have th? work done there, I was informed that the proprietors couki not engago in tho undertaking from wont of particular facilities. My experience With tho press taught mo that I could expect no old or eo-operation from either the Conner br NEWS, because they are my rivilla in'enterprise, and 1 accordingly called upon Mr. Wm. t?. Bran, a Southern gen? tleman, weil known in the typographical pro? fession of thia, city. After proper coca:? ; oration be contracted to do the necessary work, ona it waa done. ; I frankly concede the "City by the Sea" was printed on the type tn the jon depar'meot of that papjer, and that, to pr event delay in the publication of tho first number a few advt r tie em en te, already set up were borrowed from its oorunrrafl-!>uf f??ry were inserted wuhoui M| knowledge or consent. In conclusion. I ?nil edd that I have no de? sire lo be mart\ rised for the benefit of either of tbe^urn^l^reterr^w; and tpoeo who ?ava hog ear to charges rjeJeroate^rto t?infn the cha rae'er of a vpqpg moo proud of his home and pebble; aatf io eruah oatan boomst ana worthy enterprise. _ _ __ _. F. w. Erl aaa. EJitor and Pubheher City by ike tie*. Chartert on, October 1. BUSINESS NOTICES. FOUR WORK HOGUES and one Baddie horse aro for sale at the omnibuss office, corner of Lino and Meeting streets. -o OYSTER SOUP, fried fish, shrimp pie and beef a la mode, will form tho attractions of Torck's lench at " Oar House," this forenoon. -o FANCY GOODS, MILLINERY, ?fcc. - Dealers from the country desirous of replenishing their stocks in the line of fancy goods and millinery, will find a very extensive and choice assortment at the wholesale establishment of Messrs. Le?nick A Sell, No. 27 Hayne street. The reputation of this house for consistent fair dealing, and the fact that their goods have been carefully selected with a special view to the wants of this market, should en? title them to the confidence and consideration of our country friends. OKS of Dickons' or Scott's wot ks is present? ed to every annual subscriber to the XIX Cen? tury. Sept 22 -o To THE LADIES.-Messrs. 8toll, Webb & Co. have received a case of Fall Dress Goods from an auction house, which they are offering at 25 cents (worth 45 couts;) together with a large lot of Dry Goods in every other grade, of the latest styles and choicest colors, at No. 2S7 King street. Sept 27 " REAPING THE WHIRLWIND."-" Reaping the Whirlwind" is thc title of a thrilling Confeder? ate story, written for Tho Banner of the South, by Miss Annie M. Barnwell, of Beaufort, S. C. Tho first chapter will appear in Tho Banner ot tho South, October 9ih. Send for specimens to L. T. Biomo A Co., Augusta, Ga. Terms, $3 per annum. The pa? per can be bad of all newsdealers in tho United States. 5 Sept 28 -o LIOHT READING FOR THE WARM WBATHEB. Oar friends in the country who desire to obtain light reading for the warm weather, at strictly popular prices, aro referred to the advertise? ment of Mr. C< C. Richter, the very enterpris? ing and trustworthy King-street dealer in books and periodicals of all kinds. His list will be found to inolude something to snit every taste, and it seems to us a marvel how he can afford to send bia books by mail over the oountry, post-paid, at the ridiculously low prices named, 3i)irts and /nrntsi)i!*a ?ocbs. BLACKWELL'S X No. SM? KIVU-STKKKT. One door below Market. Ci At E. A T REDUCTION IN PBI0B3 OF SCARFS TIE 3 HANDKERCHIEFS UNDERWEAR, Ac SW THY IT. d % M GD ?ti H| % 0 GOODS. Ju^y 99 tiraos -ptt-KSH GOODS FUR TUB KALL, SEASON. SHIRTS AND GENT'S UNDER WEAK, VA? ?T. CHA*** THE ?V093RIBER H A VIN? JUST RETURNED from the North with a fresh and carefully selected stock of SHIRT:) AND OKNT'd UNDERWEAR, re ipec fully invites the pu?lio to call and inspect tho sams. THE STAR SHIRTS, Hold by him, more than sustain their r?putation for unequalled cheapness, finish, durability and fit. For the genuine article, go to E. SCOTT'S, MEETING STREET, OPPOSITE MARKET. July 8 nao titos JUST RBCKIVB? A LARGE LOT OF SEAMLESS KID GLOVES, A3 J. R. READ A C 0 '8. Oct ia No. 289 KINO STREBT. F At,!? CAMPAIGN. N. FE HR ?N BACH'S POPULAR BROAD STRUM SALOON. LUNCH RESUMED. Olaolee Liquors, Cigar? sand Tobaoco. Kf pt 29 YOU WISH TO IIAVK A GOOD APPETITE, a relish for Food, and a perfect Diges? tion 7 03E SOLOMONS' BITTERS, dept 17 Sinos rjAlIK AflKUICAN BVBMHKOED, DOUBLE-ACTING, NON-FREEZING, FORCE PUMP. The simp'est and mo t powerful in ?ne, It ia proved to be the cheapest, most effee'rve, durable ?nd reliable PUMP Ha? no lost ber pac king. A child can work it. For cale by JENNINGS*. THOMLIN^ON s CO . Pepi 98 Imo General Agent? .jr -o. Ca. jyo YOU WISH TO PUT OPP 1SOE FTMICELi* SICK HEADACHE, Sour RroetattODS and Aridity of tho Stomach ? r*p* IT 3moa USE HO LOMON V BITTERS. gH%jfip?*oirse Attn HAia-cuTTiae LADIES AND JHILDhEN attended at their residences pronspUj and at toase? able ratea. Nod orden to W. E. MARSHALL, Barker. April 14 Na, SI Broad-strett ra? stain) INSURANCE STATEMENT S. JN COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF AN ACI OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY entitled " An Act to regulate the agencies of Insurance Companies not incorporated in the Stale of South Carolina," approved March 6, 1869, the undersigned publith the following "an? nual statements of the affairs" of two of the Companies for which they are agent.-. W. B. HERIOT & CO., Insurance Agents, No. Ct BROAD STREET. Charleston, September 30, ISO? STATEMENT of Ute tondit ion of the TRAVELERS' I> SI RASCE COMPANY, of Hartford, Connecticut, OB tate thirty-first day of December, 1868, made to tile Comptroller-Ocaeratl of tue Statte or South carolina FiraL The name of thia Company is the TRAVELERS' INSURANCE COMPANY; it is located at Hatttord, Connecticut, and waa Incorporated Jene 17th, 18 3. Capltaal. Second. The amount of Capital Stock is. $500,060 00 Third. The amount or Capital Slock paid np is. 500,000 00 Fourth. A ?sets. Cash on hand and in Bank. S 05,220 75 Cash in hands of Agenta and in courae of transmission. 35 053 ll -6,130,273 86 Amount loaned on mortgages of real eatate. 85,000 00 Amount loaned on Banu and United State? Stocks.1 . ^ " Amount loaned on personal security.f 1?ouo w - 36,500 0? Acrumulated interest on loane. 6,214 47 Mocks and Roods, SB follows, viz: Par Value. Market Value. United States sixes ot 81.$ 9,000 00 $ 10,001 25 United States Five-Twenties. 306,000 00 327,420 00 Connecticut state Bonis. 40,000 00 40,400 00 Tennessee State Bonds. 25,000 00 17,250 00 Virgiuia State Bouds. 31.80U 00 17,808 00 Ohio State Mock. 7 500 00 7 600 PO Vlisabeth r ity (N. J.) Bo da. 10,000 60 9,500 00 Michigan Southern A Northern Indiana Railroad Ronda. 10.000 00 9,:i00 00 Indiauopoiis A Cincinnati Railroad Monds. 13,000 00 12,350 00 Chicago A Nortbwnsteru Railroad Bonds. 10 000 00 9.100 00 Chicago Wat*-r Loin Bonds. 20.00 ) 00 lu.GOO 00 American National Rank Stock, Hartford, (?50:. 10,000 00 12,200 00 City National Bank Stock, Hartford. 11,10 ) 00 12.099 00 i Ice .lr National Bank stock, Hartford. 12.0C0 10 16,200 00 Farmers A Mechanics National Bank Mock, Hartford. 10,000 00 13,000 00 .Mercantile National Bank Stock. Hartford. 10 0 0 00 11,000 00 New Britain National Bank Stock, New britain. 5 010 00 6,soo 00 Fourth National Bank Stocl. New York. 15,000 00 15,900 00 Na-sau Bank Stock, New York. 10.000 00 10,800 00 Railway Paaocngers Assurance Company, HartforJ. 58,600 00 CB.fiOJ 00 Furniture anJ Fixtures at two-third cost. 13.000 00 Revenue and Potage Stamps on baud. 93 24 635,528 25 13,09) 24 Groas Assets.$ 821,609 82 Liabilities. Salaries due and unpaid. $1,347 48 Incidental expenses. 3,781 80 -$ 4,123 28 Fifth. Amount accrued for rent and other expenses, not due. $ 750 $0 Sixth. Losses in process of adj aatment. 12.(00 00 Seventh. Claims disallowed. 65,760 00 - 82,629 28 Eighth. All other claims against the Company. . Net Aasets.$ 738 9?0 54 Net As-acts Ute Department. 318,935 05 Total Net Assets.$1,067,916 6$ [Seal of the Travelers Insurance Company,] l-igned] J. G. BATTERSON, President, [aigned] LOONEY LENNIS, Secretary, STATE OF CONNECTICUT. 1 Oouxtx or BABTFoun. I . HaatTFOiu). Jimmy 9, 1869. Personally appeared JAMES G. BATTEBSON, President, and RODNEY DEN Ms, ?ecretary. of the Travlers' Insutance Company, and severally made oath that the above statement by them subscribed ts true according to their beat knowledge and Helier. [jeal.] 15 cent stamp. 1 [Signed!. EDWARD GOODMAN, Commissioner of Deeda far South Carolina ba Hartford, Conn. Statement of thc Condition of ihr PH03 NIX INSURANCE COMPANY, on tate 3lst amy of December, 1868, made to the Comptroller of the State of South Carolina, in compliance with tile l&ws of said State. First. The nemo of this Company ia the PBiEXIX. INSURANCE COMPANY, and ls located at Hartford, Connecticut. Capital. Seeon J. The amount of Capital Stock ia.$600,000 00 Third. The amount of Capital Stock paid up fa. 600.000 00 Fourth. Assets. Cash ou hand and la Bank.$83.794 64 Cash in bands of Agents and ia oourae of trantrnissioo.118.433 30 -$302,230 ?4 Amount loaned em Mortgages of Beal Estate. 87.800 00 Amount loaned on Rank United Mates Stocks.'.. l.OoO 00 Amount loaned on Personal Sec tu ity..- . 60,740 10 -145.540 00 Accumulated Interest on Loans. 4,975 26 Mocks and Bonds, as follows, vis: Par Value. Market Value. 75 shares United Mates Trust Company's Stock, Now York.$7.600 $13 760 00 200 i>nares rourt'i Natioual Bank .-tock. New York.20.000 31.000 uO 100 s Metropolitan National Bank Stork. New York.10,003 14 4<0 00 100 shares Manufacturer-' and Merchants' Bank stock, New xork.10 00'J 10,200 00 loo shares Mechanics' National Bank Stock. New Y rk.10,000 13.000 00 2 0 shares Merolia-its' Exchango National Bank Stock, New York. 10,000 UH to 00 100 shares Merchants' National Bank Mock, Mew York. 6,000 6,250 00 50 shares National Hide aud Leather Bank Stock, Boston. 6,090 4,800 00 400 ula TI B Farmers' und Mechanics' National Bank stock. Hart? ford.40 003 52,400 00 300 shares i irv National Bank Stock, Uart tord .30,000 31,400 00 200 shires JSma Nati nal Bank Stock, Hartford.20,000 33 ?UC 00 285 thires Phoauix NaUoual Bink Stock, Hartford.28,500 3H760 00 sou iharei Mercantile National Bank Stock, Hartiord.80 000 33.300 00 I 'S shares State Bank Mock, Hartiord.13 500 lb 126 co 300 shares Hartford National Bank stock, Hartford.80,000 42.000 03 101 abarca Connecticut Biver Bank. S?ock Har^ro d,,.5 OOO 7.000 00 371 * bares Na'tuual Bank stock, Hartford., ,18.3*0 33,003 00 150 sbarei New Britain Nation il Bank Stock, New Hrita-n.16.000 16,500 OJ ]60 shares Ci mens' National Hank Stock, Waterbury.lS.t.OO 16 600 00 300 -bares Waterbury National Bank stock. Waterbury.10.000 13 600 00 60 shares N la-jira Distri t Hank Stock. < a nada. 5 000 6.250 00 300 shares Hartiord trust Company's Stock, Hartlbrd.20.000 30 OOO 00 IOU shares t'o yoko Water Power Company's stec.10.000 12.600 00 ano shares Mic- igan Central Hallro.d Stock.30,000 3 ?.(.00 00 Hartto'd City Bonds. 6 per cern, interest.10,000 10.000 00 New Britain Water Bonds, 7 per tent interest.10,000 10,760 00 Minneapolis Water Bonds, lO err cent interest. 5.000 6,000 09 CuicaRoand Northwestern Pim Mortgage Baliroad ronds. 7 per cen', interest.10.000 9,100 00 Mt.wansee and St Paul Pirat Mortgage Railroad Bonds. 8 p r ct. - tu errat.50,000* 51,600 00 Indianapolis iud ?'men utvl Uallroad Bonds, 7 uer cont, interest.45.000 38 700 CO North Mi-souri Uallroad Bond., 7 per cent interest.'5,00t? 32 0J0 00 Deliultt i y > onds 7 pe- cent. Interest.?O.'OO 60.000 00 Tillado Cit- Bonds. 6 per cent, interest. 3 010 3,000 00 Cincinnati < ity itonds, 7 3-10 per cent, interest.60.- 00 60.000 0 ) lenuessee Stale fonds. 0 per cent, interest.80 000 21 000 00 C noeoticut Mate Bonds. 6 per cent. Interest..00 ( - 0 101 000 00 aliioruit .-tato Bonds, 7 pc cent, interest.,. oOuO 6600 00 San Franc soo Bonds. 7 per cent, inter st. 6Si OOO 60 OOO 00 Ohio -tate stuck o 18 0, 6 por cent. Interest . : 9 u00 40.290 00 Missouri -tato Stock, 6 per rent, interest. 30.000 27 0 0 10 Unfed Mates Sto-t. "Sixes" ot ISSI 6 per cent, interest. 80 . 00 92,172 60 United States Stock, "Five twenties," 6 per cent, interest.52.C00 87,690 00 - 1,115,089 50 $1,467,836 60 Liabilities Fifth. Liabilities to Banks or others, due or not due.*. Sixth. Levees unadjusted ar - -.'ne. sevontb. Losses unadjusted and uot dae. Knihtn. Losses unadjusted. 131.V70 62 Ninth. Lotees in suspense walting farther proof. Tenth. All other claims again.-1 the Company for printing, Ae. -$131,970 62 Htseelianeooa. H le yen'h. The greatest amount insured in anyone risk ls $25 000. in special oases. i welt th. The amount insured in anv one city, Town or Vtiljfe, dependa upon its else and how built. Thirteenth, a he amount insured in any one block dnpends as above. Fourteenth. Oertiled copy of tue Charter of the Company aa filed heretofore. STATE OF CONNECTICUT, 1 COUNTY IF HABTVoan, J L'aanroBD January 21, 1869. isreonaUy appeared B Elit LO i ?'), President, and D. W C. FEILTON. Secretary, ot the Phoenix Insnrance ? ompunv, and severally made oath that tho above statement, by them subscribed, is true according to their best knowied <e sod beUef. Before mc, [MgnedJ STEP tl EN TERRY, Justice of the Peaoe, |seaLj (cancelled1!} 1 *Octl Swing ?Mhms. JAM? F AMIL. Y KNITTING M ACHIM IC. J UK ONLY RXL'ABLK AND FUlST-TLA >9 FAMILY KN i TRB, cvor offjred to the public. Over Ode bunnrcd d iTireat iraimcuts and ?ti tehan. Ookl and ?liver medai* at ali tba principal F. ira in th.? United ?lato- and ?nrope Beat thing for Agents to malte na'Dey ou. For trun nie- arni lorain address LAUD KSI TT INO M. M. ca. Bop< 28 Imo Ohloop- o F?n.?, Uara. J T . H V 31 H H It IC Y S , BROKER, AUCTIONEER AND COMMIS SION MERCHAM. 9AI.?S OF RXAL ESTATE. STOCKS. BONDS, SB OOBITIES AND PERSONAL ?ROPERTI ATTENDED TO. No. 4 1 DRU AD-STRICKT OHARLK^TON, 8. a atr EKES CES. HOB. BEN ? 8U?ST, Vf. J. MAGRATH, Esq ?Voeral JAM7R GONN KB, T. B, WARING, Eaq. rv.toh*? * jy? YOU WISH TO 8LKEP SOUNDLY at night, and awake ia the morning with a thorong h appaeciatioa of your Egg, Bolls and CoSeo Sert T7 SUM? USE SOLOMONS'DIICTRS. Cotton Cits. ??1 PO KT ANT TO PLANTKKS. FACTORS AND DEALERS IN IRON TIES, FOR BALING C0T10N, T ll E A R R 0 W TIE. THE INCREASING DEMAND FOR THIS POPO LAR PASTKKINrt FOR BALrNG O OT TON bas Induced the i roprietor to provi <a a largely in? creased Stock for tbe pr^nt season, and we are now prepaied to fill orders io any tpiantity. tho -'ARROW TIE" it put up io bundles of 33 Bania and Tie?, eaeb of ten ieet iu lengtb, each bondie weTghiDc 66 pounds. It ll S EUT Ml' tt E ?at ru.. Agent, for Houth Carolin?, Boyoo's Wharf, Chark*! on. Sect 8 w'm12 A C. K A. I' F .1 A .V , BROKER AND COMMltJSION AGENT, Eo. 26 BRO AB'S T RE El % CHARLESTON, 8. C. PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO TBE POS? CH ABB End ?ale ci Beal Balate, Stocks, Benda, Bank Billa, Ac, Ac. wfratao ce Sept ld frn wow* cir. FALL GOODS FOR 1869, JUST OPENED AT STOLL, WIEIBIB &o CO., Nos. 387 and 289 KING STREET. t WE RB8PE0TFULLY CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE LADIES OP CHARLESTON" to our New Stook of CHEAP Dry Goods. Every department ia foll and complote in Variety and in PRICES. Ladies cm depend on buying uHEAPER from na this year thaityhey hay?e7er done before. Our ENTIBE STOCK ia marked at a very small ADVANCE, and wo ara determined to give our Customers evory advantage posaiblo in purchasing this SEASON. A treat many Goods have baon purchased from AUCTION HOUSBSJand will be sold yerytov We beg to mention a few Special Bargains which are selling very rapidly. DRESS GOODS. 1 case FALL DRESS GOODS at 25, (worth 45.) 1 ca?e assorted Winter Poplins, 25 cents-very cboap. i case aasorlod DaLaines, 20 cents. . - 1 case assorted Poplins at 30 aod 35 cents -cheap. 1 case Changeable Poplins ac 40 cents. 1 case Winaeya (now) for Suits, 25 cents -choap. A large lot of 7-8 Poplins at 50 cents, (worth 75 cents.) 20 packages of 7-8 8olid Colored Poplins at 40 cents-very cheap. Choice lot of French Poplins, in the most fa-ihionab'.o Shidss, also, a small lot of Dress Silks, in Light Sbades. French Merm?os and Eupress Cloths in every Shade and at low figures. Ladrea will please call and examine our Stocks before purchasing elsewhere. NEW LOT OF BLACK SILKS AND BLACK DRE-'S GOODS. WOOLLEN DEPARTMENT. 1 bale WHITE ALL-WOOL FLANNEL at 30 cents. 1 bale 7-8 White Flannels at 40 cents, (worth 50 cents.) I bale4-48nper White Flannels at 50 cents-cheap. Opera and Sack Flannels, all Shades. Alt-Wool Rad Flannels at 25 cents, (less by pieces. I case assorted patterns Figured Cassimeres, for Gents' Suits, at $1-ohean. Family Blankets in overy Varietv and at Low Prioes. Special attention to a obeap White Blanket at $3 per pair, job. -o DOMESTIC GOODS AMD IIOTJHE-?^IJRIVISHIIVO DEPARTMENT. BLE VC H ED TABLE DAMASK at 70 cents-cheap. 1-2 Bleached Table Damask at 50 cents, (worth 75,) A lot of Hack Towels ovjr ono yard long at 25 cents. Super All-Linen Hook Towelling at 25 sonta. 20 pieces very ciieap Bird Eye Diaper, (a job.) Russia Diapers and Cotton Diapers. 1 case 4-4 Longcloths, 12 J eenie-cheap. Onr Longcloth Stock is the largest we bave ever shown, ranging in prioe from 64 cent? ta 20 and 28 cents. Every pieco in the boat Standard BRANDS WARRAN IUD PERFECT is Texture. * CALICO f3 FOR FALL AND WINTER IN* VERY LARGE VARIETY. ONE CASE VERY CHEAP MADDER COLORS AT ll CENTS Oar Stook is Full and Complete in every Department, and Consumers can invest (heir lucia to advantage at the Cheap Store Nos. 387 and 389 King Street. RESPECTFULLY, STOLL, WEBB & CO. Oct 1 garb-ware, Cniltrn, (Ste. lEI^IR/T <fc CO., HARDWARE MERCHANTS, CHARLESTON, S. C. D. D. COBEN. D. S. H A ET. I?. 8. HABT. P. MOHAN. /OHE V. M'.N'AMCB. W Wholesale Store, No. 39 Hayne-street; Bet sil Store Comer King and Market streets. BAR IRON, MILL ROCKS, PLOUGH STEEL, BOLTING CLOTH, NAILS, CIRCULAR SAWS, METALS, FAN MILLS, GUNS, HOES, PLOUGHS. A LABOE ASSORTMENT OF BUILDING MATERIALS, CARPENTERS' TOOLS BLACKSMITHS' TOOLS BRICKLAYERS' TOOLS TAVSKHS' TOOLS. ALSO, A HANDSOME ASSO?TMENT OF RODGERS' TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, PLATED AND BRITANNIA WARE, HOUSE FURNISHING AND FANCY GOOD? OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. 8?Pt 3* r>*o tawSmoe 3 nb ur aie. g U U T H E K * LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY PURELY A SOUTHERN INSTITUTION. As KC ti Joly 1, 1869.5510,000 DIVIDEND DECLARED.FORTY FER CENT. INJURES LIVES AND PROMPTLY ADJUSTS AND PAY" LOBSEs. It? principal business ls with Southern <Utes, and to them it appears (or patron? age. 11 bas ample means to lolly protect policy-hold? ers and i .av all tosses. timofw. JOHN D. GORDON, P>eaid nt. B. H. HILL, *. U. T, Vio?-Presidents. A. AUX PELL. E. HOLLAND, Finance Committee. 0. MORRIS Secretory. BOARD or DIB aero n.t. Atlanta. Ga.- Jon.v B. GOSDON, A. AUSTELL. E. W. HOLLAND. J. F. A uer A.VD Efl, J. H. CALLIWAT, J. M. JOHNSON. Athens, Qa.-B.' C. YI5CET, BENJ. H. HILL, ROD? EST I BOMAS Colombia, S. C.-WADE HAMPTON. Augusta, Ga.-C H. PBIMZT, ED-VAJSD THOMAS. Madison, Ga.-D. E. BTJTLEB. Washington, Ga.-RODERT TOOMBS. Cutnbert, Ga -B. J. Kiera. Newton, fla-a. H. Ccuujurrr. Charlotte. N. C.-WM. JOHNSTON. Allendale. 8. C -B. L. WILLINGHAM. Greensboro, N. C.-W. A. CALDWELL. J. H. M ILL Kit, General Ag ?nt. AU0USTA, QA. S. Y. TUPPKH, Resident Agent, CHARLESTON. 8. C. H, W. DiSAUSSURE, M. D., Medical Examiner. August 19 oao arno? ^j. BOftOI A MUTUAL FIB E AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, or MACON, GEORGIA. Authorized Capital._lOOO.MO ?lV.y. AND LIFE DEPAFTUKNTS SEPARATE and distinct br charter. $1?>,0(W paid into toe In? surance Department of Georgia a-cor dog to law for tbe benefit of the assured ia (hi? ('ocupan?. h>tr* iholdera wealthy and respon?tb-e ijentlemen of t?t or tri J. A purely Southern Company, aJIotfoj; only ?ix per cent, ol Its earning*, to the MockhoMera; the rent of t?o profita divida1 among thu Po.icrboldezs on Ute c< ntiibntiun plan. ?ire t/epartmou: lia? been in ?accessio.! opera? tion for six months, and has already ; cumulated baud-oiue aaaets. Life in part mont in full and sueceaftfal operation, and vicing with old companies m ita ?oert-a*. AM of ita Solicita non-iortpirablo and ot every description of Life and Endow men', t. (re > ber with an ubi uity table and return premium plan. No r-8'jic?jus apon travel, place of residence or occupation. Women insured on same terms as nu n. Loans half cf its premium*. No notes talnn. ttRWli W. J. LAWTON. President. J. C. MCBURNEY, vice-President. ?. J. LIGHTFOOT, secretary. 0. F. MCCAY. < ODSU uting AC nar?. P. H WRIGHT, Examin as P >i-lclao This Company U now pr?-pa red 'o ak? i-?- 'i'hec in ihe Fire or Life Department?, and ao.Hta a <-ba#e ol the patronage of thecuy and "?t?'e jr. G. HOU ?1 . &. Jr, General Agent for -ou<b Carolina. Local so* Travertin* agents ?anted la ail oaru'of the -U'e. Liberal eommisaioTM al loved, OT a sal? ary la* preferred. ApplicaOoos to b* ?arte fe? I. O HOLMES. Jr. General Agent, Ra 35 Broad preet Charl eetoa, S. 0. July ai MO wftn