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.THE DAILY NKWS. Thc Richest Prince. MOM THU GE SM AN OF XERXES. Once i? Worms' old Kaiser palace,. Many . Germai jionarch sate. Of bis rich?i each one vanni bag, And the glories ol bia state. "Sich.'' outspoke the lordly Saxon, ?Is that glorious land of mine; Many a vein among her mons ai ns Bright with si.ver ore doth shine." "Ol the Shine is ever plenty. Cried '.he Count of Palatine: "In the valleys com fields waving, On the hills the noble vice." "Mighty cit'es. wealthy convents," Louis aaid, Bi varia' s lord; .Tbeee are mine; I fear no rival While my landa can these afford," Answered Eberhard the Bearded Wrrtemberg's loved lord was he '.oman my ridas, and spy mountains Void of silver hoards may he : Yet one priceless gem lies hidden Beep amid my forests gray ; On the breast of every Hegeman Fearless 1 roy head may lay. " Cried Bavarian then, and Saxon, And the Palgrave of theBhioe "Bearded Count 1 that land ispeerlees Which has jewels such aa thine I" [Ones a Week. /inannal ann Coramtrriai. Tnt Charleston money Market. THURSDAY, September SO, 1869. . it Securities of every description are much depress? ed, with little or no demand. The stringency in the mosey market has caused a general stagnation in business circles, and the quotat-'ons of the past week have been repeated with a few slight changea. City Ballway stock bas fallen to 61, ex October div dend. City stock la quoted at 67. Money IK per cent, per month on good s? euri ties. SOUTHESK BAKE BILLS. Current Bates Bank ot Camden.76 @(K> : of Charleston.88 ?00 : of Chester.... ..13 fe 13 t of Georgetown.16 $18 Bank of Hamburg. 7 @00 Bank of Newberry.83 ?83 Baak of South Carolina.16 @20 Bank of State of S Carolina, prior to 1861.40 @00 Bank of Stateof S. Carolina, after let Jan.. 1861.20 @00 Commercial Bank. Columbia. .3 (300 Exchange Bank, Columbia.18 @0C Farmers' and Exchange Bank, Charleston. 1 @0C Merchant's Bank, Cheraw.13 @13 j Toople'a Baak, Charleston.93 fa O') Planter's Bani of Fair?eld.Cte" Planters' and Mechanics' Bink,Charleston. 02 @00 iontkwestern Railroad Bank, Charleston, (old)..j*.75 @00 -Southwestern Railroad Bank. Charleston. (new).75 (Sj oo .tate Sink, Char lesion.8 WOO Union Baak, Charleston.98 @99 City of Charleston Change Bills.97 ?98 State S. Carolina Treasury Notes.97 @93 BOND-?, STOCKS AND COUPON?. City of Columbia Bonds....'.68 (?00 City of Columbi* Coupons.70 @00 South Carolina Railroad and Bank Stock (whole shares)..40 (?00 Bouih Carolina Railroad (half shares).19 @00 a C. Railroad Six Per Cent. Bonds.70 @00 8. C. R. R. Seven Per Cent. B'ds,.80 (900 & O. Railroad Certificate of Indebtedness. 95 ?00 City of Charleston Six Per Ot. Stock (ex October lntereM).67 ?00 City of Charleston Fire Loan Bonds.76 ft 00 ?tate of South Carolina Bords (old).70 ?5 00 State of South Carolina Bonds (new issue. Of January 1, 1867).67 ($00 State of South Carolina bonds (issued for . Bank of the State, bula).65 (SOO ?tate of South CaroUna Stock.65 ?3 GO ?tate of South CarolinaCouponafiuudableiGS te70 People's National Bank Stock.:.Tr. teOO First National Baak Stock.115 teOO Onion Bank Stock...-.$7J*@00 Greenville and Columbia Railroad State L.* ? guaranteed bouda.62 (?>00 Greenville and Columbia 1st Mortgage Ronda.70 (300 Northeastern R. B. 1st Mortgage Bonds.80 (SOO Northeastern S.S. lat Coupon a (past due).65 "f?OO . Northeastern Railroad r-tock (capital).$8 Qi 00 Northeastern Rallrord Stock (preferred).. $30 SCO Northeastern R.R. Certificates of Indebted? ness.Ka-.7-.65 @00 Cheraw ano Darlington 1st mort, bonds. .80 te00 Charleston Gas Company Stock.33 @00 Charleston City Railway Stock (ex div)... 51 ij?C0 Charleston Mining and Manufacturing Company's Phosphate Warka.00 @C0 Charleston and Savannah Railroad Bonds (State guarantee).63 @00 Savannah and Charleston B.R. Stock. 34 teOO Savannah and Charleston Bsilroad (State guarantee) Seven Per Cent, honda_63 @00 City of Savannah Bonds.9C @00 Caty Cf Savannah Coupons (Qua previous ' < to 1st/une, 1866)......17 @00 City of Savannah Coupons (due after 1st June, 1866).97 @C0 City of Memphis bonds, eadoraad by M. ft O Railroad.".60 ?300 Memphia and Charleston Railroad Std.?ll.^?OO Memphis and Charleston Baflroad Bonds.82 ?00 Memphis and Ohartestcn R. B. Cousons. .93 000 Kat ports far the Weest ending Thursday September 30. SEW YORK-Per steamship Jams? Adeer-29 bags -'Bea Island Island Cotton. 1016 bales Upland Cot? ton, 93 bbla Rosin. 35 casks Clay, 69 bales Yam. 31 package* t< un dries_Per steamship Geor? gia-3 bags Sea Island Cotton, 883 bales Upland Cotton ... .Per steamship Zodiac-593 bale? Up? land Cotton. 30 tierces Bice, 40 bbla Eo*in, 24 cask Clay, 1 Package_Per steamship Gee eral Sedgwick-451 bair s Upland Cotton.Per ?a?*m?i?tp Mancatiaa-6 nags Sea Island Cotton, 1433 bales Unland Cotton, 24 bales Domes? tics, 106 empty Barreis.. 24 packages Sun? dries ....Per sehr Myiover-103 bales Upland Cotton, 340 bbla Brain 100 casks Clay, 100 tons Phosphate, 36 candles Sheet Iron, 6 boxes Sew? ing Machines, 7 packages Furniture, 17 empty Ai? B?rrela, 60 boxea .sugar, 36 Ibis Sugar , Par sehr haney Smith-181,573 net Lumber, 82.759 feet Timber. PBTLADELPHIA-Per steamship J WEverman-666 balea Cotton, 436 bbla Bo- in 36 tales Donica tics, 3 bales Bags, 1 bale Wool 50 baga Cocoanuts, aid Sundries. BALTIMORE-per steamship Sea Gu 1-397 balea Upland Cotton, 6 balee Bags, 81 bales Dox estica, 1 bale Wool, 83 casks Clay. 13 rolls Leather. 40 case? Shrimps, 21 hhda and 60 hags Cocoanuts, 6C00 feet Boards, and Sundries.Per steam? ship raison- 336 bales Upland Cotton, 10 tales Sags, 33 balea lomestic-, 101 bbl? Botin, 5 . .?an Clay.60 baga Cocoanuts, 20.0v0 feet ?oard?, and SUDdncs. WASHINGTON, D C- Per sehr Matoaka-80,000 feet Lumber. THE CHARLESTON MARKET. BOB THE WEES END IK ? THUBSDAT, SEPT. 30, 1869. 3 HZ CHOP? AND BrcziPT?.-The weather bas con? tinued rather favorable for securing the crops, and the produce of the fields is being obtained in good condition. 1 ho very rapid opening of Colton baa caused receipts at the porte lo continue liberal, but at thia place has not equalled the week before, and the following '.able will show the comparison with lest year at the principle Cotton ports: 1869. 1868. New Orleans, September ?9.36,908 46.623 Mobile, September 29.16,615 13 368 Savannah, Septembe 19.39 465 16 667 Charleston, September 29.19,391 6.819 Texas, September 25.4.C60 4 111 Reports trim many points ?tate that thc n'a;.le will all be out of the fields in October, and a late season wM not improve the yield cf the article in ?ooh placee. Some receipts of new lice have taken p'ace, and rom plain ts aro made that the grcic is sound to he light, and it ia thought qnite a percent? age of the crop will be of this character, caused by the want of rain during the growing reason. 1 HE COTTON M ASSET.-During the first part of the week under review the position of prirea showed no important change at the principal markets, the article at Liverpool opening at 12i4d, improving to , 12*i@12>?'d.\nd receding to 12>4'd-New York for a part of Oae week quoting at 2?c-and at thia point middlings were selling at 26@28l4'c: butUie unu?ual financial oisturbat ces at Ntw York have had quite a d"prt:aelnc rflVct in the American markets, ani un? der irs influence and highly colored reports of the Indi>n crop, tho markets in the United States have been flat, New York reoedir.g ti 273?', and at this point to 35*?, nominal. The roper s Irom Liverpool and New York have shown the following features: Cn Friday, Septtm ber 24, the lormer was quiet and steady, uplands 13,\?d, sales 8300 ba'es; the latter closed heavy at 99 -, sales 1229 bahs. On Saturday the former closed firmer, uplands 12*?a:2>,d, sa'es 12.C0O ba'es; the latter was basvy at 29c, tales.700 bales. On Mon? day the former wa? firm, uplands 12^al3?ii, sales 12.fXO bales; the latter was unchanged at 39c, sales 1600 bales. On Tuesday the -former was firm, up landa l2^al2Jid, sales 10 000 bales; the latter waa heavy sad lower, eales 2500 bales at 2??,'c. On Wclncsday the former waa easter, uploads 12A?d, aale? 8K0 balee; the bvter.was lower, aalet 18C0 balea et 28a2i>4c Yesterday the ?amer was irre, gular, upitnJs U%d, sales 5000 hale*; the latter ?aa. declining at 27\c, The Btocka of the article in sight at the latest dates were as follow e : 1869. 18C8. Stock in Liverpool. 442 00? 422.140 Afloat from India. 306,500 481,000 Afloat from America. 4,600 3.200 Block in London. 88,930 62,738 Afloat lor London. 12E.00? 161.OC0 Block in Havre. 48.130 30,173 Afloat for Havre. 100,102 101113 btock in Bremen. 4,876 10,043 Afloat for firemen. 1.801 5,619 Stock in United 8tates port?. 66,165 67,801 Stock in the interior towns. 12,032 6.888 Total.1,132,536 1,341,215 Deficiency in visible supply 208 679. Btock of cotton held by Manchester spinners at (be mills, now 60,000 bale?, same time 1868, 100,000 bales; middling uplands now 12>?d, then lOd. The arrivals at this port tor the week have been 143 bags of sea islands and Floridas and 6428 bales of up? lands, against 81 bags or sea islands and Floridas and 7296 bales of uplands the week befp-e, and 44 bags of sea islands and Floridas and 84 'ii bales of upltnds for the same week last year. These sup? plies have come aa follows : say of upi Ads per South Carolina Bailroad6190 bales, per Northeastern Bail road 1174, Savannah Railroad 36. Florida 3, Savannah River ll. Christ Church 8, Georgetown 6; of sea is? lands, John's Island 7, James' Island 7, Christ Church 7, Beaufort 27, A she poo 6, Cbisolm's Mill 2, Northeastern Railroad 1, Edisto 49, Florida 31, Savjnnab and Charleston Railroad 7. The transactions in this article in this market have been as follows: On Friday, September 24, there was a well sus? tained demand, prices being generally steady; sales 660 bales; ordinary to good ordinary being quoted at 23K@25, low middling 35>4?25X. middling 2?>?, strict middling 26>ic. On Saturday the market was quiet with but a limited amount of stock, prices r. maining unchang? ed ; sale j 70 bales; quotations as before. On Monday the demand was moderate with some sales indicating weakness, but prices were generally unchanged; sales 410 bales; ordinary to good ordi? nary being quoted at 23>4(?25>i\ low middling 25>?@ 35?, middlings 260)36X0 fl Th. On Tuesday the demand was well sustained, and very full prices were obtained; sales 550 bales; or? dinary to good ordinary being quoted at 2l@23.1?, low middling 25%. middling 26@2C?c TA rb. Cn Wednesday the market opened at about previ? ous rales, but afterwards became dull, buyers offer* log lower rates, which were unacceptable to factor*, and the article c'osed flat and nominal; sales 240 bale-. On yesterday the market was depressed and irre? gular, and prices unsettled, strict middling at the close Sellins for 25:3c ?ft rb ; sa!es 400 bales, viz: 2 i 34; 21 at 243?; 13 at 21?; 70 at 24?; 141 at 25; 1311 25J-?; 6 at 2C; 3exira staplcat 26?e. Quotations are entirely nominal, say: UVEEPOOL CLASSIFICATION. Crdluary to cood ordinary.23 <&24??' Low middling.24?(a2i>, Middling.25 (5:25? Strict Middling.,..-.D'-a - SEA IBLISD Corros.-The arrivals have been in? creasing, and were 143 base of sea Wand--, of ?hieb. 31 were Floridas, against 81 bags the week bei re. and 44 for the week last year. There has been a light inquiry for this quality of the staple, and sime CO bacs of rea island and Floridas have been disputed ol, among which were 5 sea island at 60c, 6 at 65c. and a few at about 75c and np wurdi. Some 1? b:g- of Flori? das sold at about 65c fl Tb. We quote common tc medium sea Hand* at 56@65c, fine at 75(5)90c fl ib. Bren.-The arrivals of Carolina rough have been light, say about 6000 bushels of new for the week. The very limited supply of this gra-n coming for? ward up to this time, and the consequent barene* of the market, has produce J a firm feeling. Some 200 Wtvef new clean Carolina have been sold dur ing the week, say 70 tea. at 8*4 ; 31 do. at 8? ; 80 874c. ?A rb. Good rice wat sol . at 8!" and cood to common prime at r? ct?. fl rb. Until further re? ceipts and transactions, regular quotations are omit? ted, yesterday, with more liberal receipt?, the mar? ket was dull and without transactions. NAVAL STOKES.-The arrivals under this hea l for the week bavj been moderate, and were aboat 1200 bbls of all kinds. The market bas r-een firm, par? ticularly in spirits of turpentine, wb.cbhai improv? ed, but the moderate supplies hare limited the ope? rations of purchasers. Spirits tu-peu tin?- opened at SS^S 39c, but stiffened to 40c fiv good packages. Transactions in rosin took place at 52 7593 fl bbl for Nc 1, f3 25<?.2 M) for low No 1, tl 80@l 95 for No 2 and extra No 2, and No 3 at $1 75 fl bbl. Crude turpentine may be quoted at $3 8o for tirgin, $2 CO for yellow dip, and 91 63 for bard. HAT.-The arrivals have beer about 1200 biles from an Eastern port, which was sold from thc wharf on private terms. Conn.-The supplies for the week have been a' out 6000 bushels from New York, 4500 from Norfolk. and some limited lots from Baltimore and TeonD'sec. The market has been dull, and consumers purchase only 02 tbe most restricted scale. About 2100 bush? els Southern white from New Tork wa? sold at li 53 ?ft bushel, weight, bags included. Jobbing lots of white Maryland may be qaotei dull at ll 67@1 68 fi bushel, weight, tacks included. FLOTJB.-There has been a m od< rat ely steady in? quiry for city and country use. Prieoa havo been without important change,aud we quoto Northern and Western super at 17 25a7 60 fl bbl. ; extra 17 76a8 fl bbl, and family at 18 60i9, and extra do at 19 60al0. southern qualities are in moderate supply, and may be quoted at 17 6) fl bbl. for super, !8a8 35 for extra, and 89a9 60 for famtly descriptions. BACON-IS lu moderate supply, and is rather firm? er. Prime shoulders may be quoted at 18:. fl Tb: prime e'ear rib rides at 33c ; strips a: 2-c , and long clear at 19?c. fl Th. WHEAT.-We quote prime white at tl 70(5,1 75 fl bushel, and prime red at ll 10 cell 50. Burne.-There ls a fair stock of prime Goshen. We quote good to prime at SC?40 eta. fl Tb. West? ern sod other lower grades sell from 20@30 c.s. fl tb, as in quality. FAXT.-Large Io's are held at !> 1032 25 ?A sack. Store lots are held at 12 30(913 40 fl sack. ly VIA BAXXMXSQ -The market is well supp ied with this arti.-le.and we quote 26'5)26c TR yard as to quality, term* and aize ot lot. Dundee bairgiur, 44 inches I,1; its P. for the' yard, is held atSO(5>35c. Sea lslanu bagging, 45inche? wide, 2 Tbs for tbe yard, ;s held at 45c ROPE.- The demand for ropo is moderate, and prices are somewhat nominal at quotations. We quole hemp at - cents fi H>.; greenleaf at 10 cents, and jute at 8?(5}9 cents fi pound. IBON BAVDS ANO TIES for cotton, of the most ap? proved patterns, are offered on the market, at 6 J-'a 7?c fl lb, anti sales nave taken place at these figures. TTMBEU AND LTJKBEB.-The market for this arti? cle ii dull. We quote timber for milling Durpose* irom I5<?9. Shipping timber I10@15; 4 i 'g. 5-4 floor? ing at !14@15 fi M. Bright lamber, good mc-i cbenrable, from city mlllr, cut to rize, from (20 (S)34 9 M by the cargo. Finn a nra-To Liverpool, by steam, nominal ; by sall wo quoto 9 1 OJ on uplands and ld on r-ea islands, '.lo Havre, nominal. Coastwise-To New York cy steam ?c on upland*, and lc. on rea islands, tl 50 fl tierce on rice; by sail, ?c ou coitoo; $1 V tierce on rice; 40c fl bbl. ou rojin; ti fi M. ou lumber ; |9@10 fl M. on timber. To Boston, by sall, ?c fi lb. on upland cotton. To Providence. 18 fi M cu boards, %c ft Tb on cotton. To Philadelphia, by etcam, un? settled and nominal; by sail, |6a7 fl M. on leards; $9 on timber; i3 per ton on ciay; and *3 50<vu4 on phosphates. To Baltimore, by Uearo, .^a ?c fi Tb. By sail. $6(5,7 V M. ou boards -S3 60joi4 fi ton on phosphate rock. Vessel are m demand by our merchants to take lumber freight* from Georgetown, S. C. .Parlen an i Saril? la River, Geo., and Jacksonville, Fix, to North ern*iorts, and lllf?,12 f> M. are ratea on lumber and boards. EXCHANGE_Sterling Bills-The rate yesterday was unsettled and nominal in consequence of thc unsettle! state of monetary affairs. DOMESTIC EXCHANGE.- The banks are purchasing sight checks on New York at ? discount ; 5 days ?discount; 10 days 1 per cent discount ; 15 days 1? off; 20 days 1)4 ; 30 days 9 off. They are selling sight decks at par. GOLD.-The rate was nominal in consequence of the unsettled stite of the market. KI arkeeta hy Telegraph?.. FOBEJO? MAEEBTS. Loroosr. September 30 - Noon.- Consols ?3. Bond* 8344. Turpentine 27s 3d. Evening.- The hallion in the Bank of England bas decreased ?350.000. Consols 93. Bonds 83?. Sugar dull; on the spot 39s Gda39s 9d; afloat 28s Cd. Turpentine 37s 9<L LTVERPOCI., September 30-Noon.-Cotton du i and irrefralar; uplands I2?d; Orleans 12?d; sales 6000 balee. Tallow 47s. Evening.-Cotton dull; uplands 12?d; Orleans 12?'d; sales6000bales; for export and sp?culation 2000 balea. PABIB, September 30.-The specie in the Bank of France has decreased nearly 10,000,000 iran?s. DOMESTIC MARKET?. NEW TORE, September 30- Noon.- Cotton de? clining at 27?a28:. Turpentine quiet at 43?c.** Rosin dull; common $2 25; strsinei S3 32?. Gold 31*. Evening.-Cotton fully ?c lower; eales 1600 bales at 27?c. Flour dull and declining. Wheat closed dull with noon's advance lost. Mess poik firm at $31. Lard quiet and heavy at 18>ial9c. Whiskey firmer at $118. Groceries dull. Naval stores quiet. Freights firm. Governments closed firm. '62's 19*1*. Southerns strong and advancing; Tennessees 60; new 52; Georgias 80; North Carolinas 49?; new ?3. Money early in the day was easy, but later the market tightened, and at the close waa stringent at 7 per cent gold. Exchange was heavy at 8. Gold ranged from 31? down to 29 ?a29?, closing at the latter price. The sub-treasury sold $1,000,000 at 30 adi. Stocks closed rather lower; the prospect is improving, BALTIMORE, September 30.-Cotton dull at 27?c. Flour lower: Howard-street superfine $6o6 25. Corn dull; white $1 35al 38. Wheat quiet. Oats firm at 60a63s. Mess pork quiet. Bacon firm. Whiskey $1 20. ' CINCINNATI, September 30.-Whiskey firm at $113. Mses pork dall at $32. Lard 17?c. Bacon, shoulders 16?c; clear sides 20c. LOUISVILLE, September 30.-Mess pork $33. Ba? con, shoulders 17c; clear sides 20?c Lard dull at 19al9?c Whiskey $113*114. WILMEKOTOV, September 30.-Spirits turpentine quiet with sales at 89?c. Rosin steady at $1 77a4 60. Cotton quiet at 24?c for low middling. AUGUSTA, September 30 -Cotton opened at 25c for middling, but closed doll and nominal at 24?c; sales304 bales; receipts 648 bales. SAVANNAH, September 30.-Cotton, receipts 1841 bales; exports 1306 biles; sales 600 bales. MOBILE, September 30.-Cotton closed dull; sales 600 bales; middling 25c; receipts 765 biles; exports 2 ?3 bales. NEW ORLEANS, September 30- Cotton in good demand and a ?c to ?c lowor; sales 2000 ba'es; mi ldling 25?c; receipts 1190 bales. Gold 32?. Sterling 40.'x. Exchange on New York ?a? dis count Havana Marlie?. HAVANA. September 27.-The following aro the closing prices of articles of American and other pro? duce for I he week endlnsr Saturday evening: Sugars are nomina1, and huyera demand a reduction ; No- . 10 to 12 D. K, 8?a9? real? per arrapo; Noa. 15 to 20 10all?; molasses sugar 7a8; Muscovadoes firm at 8; Inferior to common refining inactive at 7?; fair to good refining artive at 8?; grocery grade? acthe at 8?al9. Molasses firm tor clayed at 5?; firmer for common at 7. Lumb r is solve for j clio? pine at $27 per M. and stcaoy for white pine at $v3< Freights -boxea of BORir to Noi l?.-ru ports $2? : hnd?. ef argar to Northern ports t8>?; hhds. or molasses to Northern ports 53, : per ton to Falmouth and or Jets 5S?. Wilmington Market. WILMINGTON, September 29.-TURPENTINE About 93 bbl* received to-day, and changed hand, at $2 50 for virgin and yellow dip, and $1 50 for hard, fl 380 lbs. SPIRITS TuitrEsnsE-Market steady; sales of 151 bois at 40c fl gallon. ROSIN-I he nates to dav reach 1853 bbls at $1 C2? for straiacd, Si C5, $1 70*3 75 tor No 2, and $3, $3 5U a3 60 fer No L i AB-41 bbls e jld at $2 90 r*- bbl. COTTON-Sales of 119 bales at 21 Hi, 25a25?c. t liarles ton Wholesale Prices. AltTICLE."-. 9A GOING, "n yara Dunne-_t.M at 45 Gunnv Cloth. 25 & 26 BALE ROPE. ? lb-Manilla. - te_ Western. 8 (<i> 121? Ju e. 6 Ut H COTTON. ?J lb Ordinary to Good Ordinary. 2? (ir 24? Low Middling. 24?te 24? Middling to Strict Middling. 26 te 25,'? Good Middling. - u - Sea Island. 65 (is 90 COFFEE, V lb-Rio.I 20 ? 26 Laguayra . 2?< <? - Java..'. .I as >it io FERTILIZERS- I Carolina fertilizer, f 2000 lbs... ?60.01 &) - Wando Ferttlizer. 60.00 te - Double Refined Poudrette.|30.00 fa) - Niles' Phosphate. 63.00 faj - Peruvian Guano, V 3240 lb'. 105.00 to - Pacific Guaca, fl 2000 tbs. 65.00 te- - Phoenix Guano.166.00 0 - Baugh's Phosphate, fl 2000 lbs...160.00 te - Rhodes' Phosphate, fl 2000 Iba...?65.00 (0 - Rhodes' Stand. Manure-165 time ?7.60 ?v - Or chill a Guano-.$40 time 35 00 (cb - Lard Plaster. 34.60 te Mapea'Sapcr Phosphate fl 2000 lb 65.00 te - Woolston's Pboepbste of Lame..*. 66.00 & - Woolston's V?g?t?t?, fl 30C0 lbs 66.00 @ - Croasdale's Gen. Super-Phos, net 60.00 (a. - Bowers'Complete Manure, net.. 60.00 te - gardy's Phospbo Peruvian, each. C6.00 te - Sardy's Pacific Qnano, cash. 60.00 (rt - Patapsco Guano.,166.00 te - ? Frank Co-'a Pboet hate..165.00 (g) - FLOUR, fi bbl-Sope.. 7.26 te 7.60 Northern and Western Extra.. 7.75 te 8.00 Baltiiiiore Extra. - te - Southern-Super. 7.26 te 7.60 Extra. 8.00 lb} 8.60 Family. 9.CO 011.00 GRAIN- Maryland Oats, fl buslieL. - te - Western Oats, fi bushel. - (gi - Corn, fl bushel. 1.67 (ai 1.58 HAY. fi cwt.-North River. - te - Eastern.| - ut - C UMBER, fl M. lect- i Clear White Pine, 1st quality.*..!60.00 (356.00 White Pine, good run.138.CO (340.09 Yellow Pine. 20.00 (a 21.Ou Hoards, fi M. feet-Rough.114.00 (215.00 Grooved and Tongued....?38.00 (?32.00 MOLASSES, fi gallon-Cuba.| - @ - Muscovado. - (g - Sugar House. 60 te 1.00 New Orleans. - te - S AVAL STORES, f? bbl-Tar.... - rte - Pitch. - S - Kosiu, Pale. 4.50 te - ROMU, No. 1.?2.76 te 3.50 Rosin, No. 3.i 1.80 te 1.95 Rosin, No. 3. 1.75 te - Spirits Turpentine, fa gallon.I 39 te 40 Oaauin. *l rb.I 16 ?a - y MLS- American, 4<ffi20d, ?a keg..| 5.60 te 7.00 POWDER-Dupont's, F.F.F. g....I 6.70 @ - Dupont's, F.F.F. 6.60 te - Dupont's, Blasting. 4.25 te - PROVISIONS-V> lb- - Bacon, Hams, fl tb.| - te - Bacon, Sides,. 22 ? - Bacon, Shoulders. 18 te - Bacon, Strips. 22 te - Lard, in keg. 22 te 23 Butter. 20 te 40 Cheese. 15 te 30 Potatoes, fi bbl. - raj - Onions. - fir, _ Apples. - Ca _ Rf CE- Carolina, fl rb. - feo _ East India. - rte - SALT- Liverpool, coarse, fl sack.. 2.10 te 2.40 Liverpool, fine. - w. - SCO AR, fi rb-Raw.j - (4 _ Porto Rico. - te - Muscovado.| - ta - Exporta of Klee. Narai Stores and i.nru oer from the Port of Charleston, tv fut thc 1st to thc 30th .September. 186B 186?-?70. H ?6?W6K EXroriTED TO NAVAL STOB'S Bbls. Bo-do->. 2,993 New ?ort. 1,1718 Philadelphia.. 1,431 Ballimore. 215 New Orleans. Moi ile. Proviti'ce, RI . Oth'rU? P'rts . T'al C?aitW'se 6,257 Barcelona.. Maj'a & M'rk't West Indios. Halifax, N S. St John's. N B London. Bristol, L -g.. I ivcrpool. Havre. Montevideo... Great Britain. Total Foreign, Grand Total, Feei. HO.OCO 1,1.74,01 6,257 30.000 1,104 017 NAVAL -TOB'H Bbls. 2,172 1,830 200 38C 4.638 2,719 2,719 7,4*7 861.000 472 C95 2U5.609 454,728 454,728 2,063,495 .Stocks of Cotton in the Interior Towns not included in the Receipts. Augusta and Hamburg... .Sept 25 Macon, Geo.Sept 2 Columbus, Geo.Sept 27 Montgomery, Ala.Sept 25 Selma. Ala....Sept 17 Memphis, Teno.Sept 25 Sash ville, Tenn.Sept 35 Total... 12,032 li if ?: a : "is OZ<2 o ff pill I IIP i: : I P . ? 1 accj^cj: : : Sl-kl: : : g a ? o ; : . ?$?*s ssStt l?ii ssillILli ISS- ggglg; asi I, S . ? cr. 3 i ?* J B I 9 (B B K'j Ber fl ss8! M cs " n ?fe. HA?M ftCl*??*1 <o I ti S ? H- S * SJ * coiol*3?o?oo?>-?'cs0*c, P->-' : ?S: : L cn _ E.2J o ? I F * 5 5 H ta ODIO So OD S?2 T. ? sr F*fS "tn 5c o O j r ? K - . D C Cl JO ? >? o o> S Sea 5? 5! g J? ! - -- ? J " *? _ "O on Hf KB ft ;* m 2. | cr p I : S i : ?: ?I ci -i ?oe ? S-gSg22I > OD e> i-1 o - ci O' -.AH s 2 ? 2 2. E. ? ?3 _ = O Ililli -j :: : I"J g IS ; .?.?: : *? J???: i g I : pr ?SI ll: : IslSg: KSI I fe I -> ?s -I : ? g> S? ; oe? : ;o CMO ?Ojs j % i ae S! S^": c!Sci?o?i?-?? i I ? SI Si;;, WUOOC-JO-.I "> I NOTE.-Wo havo deducted Irom New Orleans 2.574 bales Upland, from Mobile .... bales, irom Savannah 47 ba?s Sea Island and .... balcp Up? land-and from Charleston 50 bacs Sea Island and 9 bales Upland, the quantities received at tho ports from Mobile. Florida. Texas ann Savannah. 5 - B g- eg ? s cr c. 8 3 *f I cl I : a 2. ! ? E : sS : * 3 i ll ? ? 2. : * : - H M i? <? ? aa 9 ? 2 5? p 00 -=zi c. - - E ?8.= 2 3 3 2 S T. 2F 'IIB il SI ?D I cl I I SI sss S I I aol I c. I Isl s issi* I " I 81 : S: sSlSi Ssl s1 ? s s s ss R fis 3s .8 toinparutivc aCxporu of Cotton and lt Ice from tn? Port ot cn arte H ton, from thc lat to the 30th September, 1460. EXPOUTEB TO Liverpool.... Otb. br. Ports Tot'i G. Brt'n. Havre. Otb. Fr. Ports, 1869-'70. ?j 1868-'69. sT"I.IUpl'd j Rice. I I.|Upl*u.|Rice. Total France. N. of Europe. Tofl N. Eu'pe S. of Europe.. W. Indies, ftc. Total F. Ports. Boston. Bhode Inland. New York.... Philadelphia.. Bait. fc 0;h. U. ?H. Po's Tot'IC's? P'ts Grand Total 11346 1363 1691 14470 14470 ian 4190 6 ?17 319 5036 379 379 jHcnnc wm. Port ot Charleston. October 1. rn?-KS or THE MOON. New Moon, 6th, 12 hours, 46 minutes, moraine. First Quarter, 12th, 4 hours. 3 minute;, eventng. Full Moon. 20th. 3 noars. 21 allumes, cveuine. La.-t Quarter. 28tb. 4 hours, 2 ruinutep, eveuine. 27|Mouday....| 5,.53 ! 5..49 81 Tuesday.... i ly. 53 ' 5.. 47 9 WeU??H?^.; 57.54 5..40 OltThnrsdar,..! 5..GG ' 5. 45 21 Friday.! 5..4H 2i|saturday...: 5..06 C. .42 33 Sunda'?... . 5. 57 5..40 KOO* BIOH BETS. WATEB. "lu..23 I ll..42 li..17 12..39 Mern. 1..45 12..13 2..54 1..15 4.. 3 2..22 5.. 3 3..29 C.. 1 Arrived Yesterday. Brig Su=ic J Mrout, Hammond, >o lolk. Vi-72 hours. Railroad lion. To J A h'nslow k co. Hound to Bmnew ck, Ga, and hnviuc cxper!eneid heavy northeast gales has sprung a.??ak, an i has put into this port to repair da < ago. Sehr Ann S Deis, fro u Weat Poiut Mill. 49 tierces Bice. To Porcoer & Henry. bloop Alice, irom Ashepoi. 1037 buabe?? P.ou?L Hi-e. To G li Hoppock. bloop Julia, irom Pou Pon. SOM basarla I?ouu'h Rice, lo Bavcne'i k Lo. Sloop Flora, from Ashcpoo 6CJ bjehels Rough Rice. To G H Ir.grabatn k Son. Steamer Pilot Boy, Peck, Savannah, v a Beaufort and Hilton Head 17 bales Sea leland Cotton, Mdse and sundries. To J D Aiken k Co, W M. Bird & Co, Willis k Chiaolm, E Baum^? U Graver & Co, N hit? ter, J F MathewiB, Capt H C Webb, Holmes k Cald r, Ravenel k Co, W Gurner, Hopkins McPherson k Co. Southern Expresa Co, Dr St J Raveucl, and C H Glidden. Cleared Yesterday. Steamship Zodiac, Hines, New York-Ravenel k Co. Prom this Port. Steamship Manhattan, Woodhull, New Tora, Sept 27. S'eamehip Sea Gull, Dutton, Baltln ore. Sept 28. British sthr Lion, McLeUan. St George's.Ber, Sept 4. Dp for this Port. Steamship Flag, LronarJ, at New York, tolocvc ?ept 26. Cleared for this Port. Steamship Charleston. Berry, atNew Torie Sept 28. Brig Mary M Francie (new), at New York, Sept 27. Brig Adelaide, Wtlsoo, at Boston, Sept 27. Behr T X Tasker, Allen, at Philadelphia, Sept 27. Shlpnews by Telegraph. SATAN-NAH, September 80- Arrived, slrfp South? ern Bights and sehr E O Palmer (rom Baltimore. Sailed, steamship Bapidan for New York. niemur ?n-ta. The steamship Zodiac, for New York, which left her wharf yesterday to proceed to sea, came to an anchor in the Roads. LIST OF VKSSK1.S OP, CLEARED AND SAILED FOR i UIS Pitht FOREIGN LIVERPOOL. The Duke of Wellington, Allen, sailed.Sept 1 British bark Dalkeith, Langwill, sailed. ...August 19 The Homborsund, Nielson, np.August 13 DOMESTIC BOSTON. 8hip E leu Southard,-, up.Sept 17 Bark A Kimball, Lincoln, up.Sept 20 Brig Adelaide, Wilson, cleared.Sept 27 Sehr Grace Girdler, Smith, cleared.Sept 16 xxw TOBE. Steamship Charleston, Berry, cleared.Sept 28 Steamship Flag, Leonard, to leave.Sept 28 Brig Mary M Francis, Francis, cleared.Sept 27 Sehr Jessie L Leach, Childs, cleared.Sept ll Ridgewood, rcrrickson, cleared.Sept 29 Sehr A T Cranmer, Cranmer, cleared.Sept 21 Sehr B N Hawkins, Wystt, up.Sept 26 PHILADELPHIA. Sehr Thomas Booz, Bomera, up.Sept 21 Brig Mary E Dana. O'Neill, up.Sept 25 Sehr Althea. Smith, cleared.Sept 25 Sehr I X Tasker, Allen, cleared.Sept 27 BALTIMORE. 8chr S E Woodbary,-. up.Sept 19 Sehr Wenonah, Mitchell, up.Sept 25 LIST UK SI11PP1NU In thc Port of Charleston. September 30. VESSELS UNDER 100 TONS, AND STEAMERS COASTI.-O WITHIN THE STATE EXCEPTED. STEAMSHIPS. Champion, 1418 tone, Lockwood, at Adger's wharf, for New York, loading-James Adger k Co. Saragossa, 778 tons, Byder, at Vanderhorst's wharf, for New York, loading-Bavenol k Co. Zodiac. 568 tons. Mmes, m tho Roads, for Nev York, ready-Ravenel & Co. Prometheus, 581 tons, Gray, at Atlantic wharf, for Philadelphia, loading-J k T Getty. BARKS. Vinco (Br), 438 tons. Halliday, at accommodation wharf, tor Liverpool, loading-Henry Card. Annie Torrey, 781 tons, Libby, at Atlantic wharf, for Liverpool, loading-W Koach h Co. B B Walker, ?00 tons, Pettcngill, at Central wharf, for Boston, waiting-H F Baker k to. BRIGS. Belia Dolores (Span), 196 tons, Durall. at Brown k Co'a wharf, tor Barcelona loading-W P Ball. Courier (Br), 209 tons. Evan*, at Marshall's wharf, for a Port in Great Britain, loaHng-R Mure k Co. Lady Perle (Bi ), 3 6 tous, Patterson, at Palmetto wharf, from salt River, JJ tn, wjittng-J A Ens low k Co. A Bradshaw, 245 tons, in Ashley River, for Wee! In? dies, loading-J A Euslow ?t?o, J B Kirby, 343 tons, Bernard, at Adger's wharf, from New York, discharging-W Roach k Co. Cvclone, - tons, Frisbie, at Central wharf, lor New York, waiUng-W Roach A Co. Susie J strout, lao tonn, Hammond, In tbe Stream, from Norfolk, VJ, to be repaired-J A Enslov k Co. SCHOONERS. Dexter Wsshburne. 279 tons, Munro, in Axhley Rivor, for Rockport, Me, loading-ulney k Co. Matoaka, 217 tons, fooks, in the stroam, for Wash? ington, DC. ready-Street Bros k co. F V'turner, 90 tons, Graves, at Palmetto wharf, for Ruatan, Hon, loading-J A Knslow k Co. Thoa Mitcommios, 110 tons. Wyatt, at Bennett'-) wharf, A Eimlow k Co. Trade Wind, 15i! tons, Hoffman, in the Strcan, ?or Georgetown, S C, ready-W Roach k Co Jonathan May, 362 tons, Neal, in A?hloy ltiv.r, irr i.altimore, loading-H F Baker it Co. J H Stickney, 274 tons, Foolts, in Ashley River, for New York, loading-Ridley ?t Crpiahton. Anna H Glover, 260 tons. Terry, at Venning'e whorl, fur Boston, loading-M (ioia-mith k son. J M Richards. - tons, Irving, in tuc Roads, for Georgetown, S O, ready-Master. Petrel, - tons, Shanan, in the Stream, irom Balti? more, to be repaired-J A Euslow lt Co. Francisco. 93 fons, Crowther, at N E Railroad wharf, from Baltimore, discharging- Mreet Bros & Co. Irapic Bird (Br), - fr.!, McDougall, at Quarantine, irom Havana, waiting-J A htslaw it Co. Cou -PI vat i ve, 293 tons. Kempton, at Adger's wharf. irom New York, discharging-W Poach k Co. Joseph Long, 158 tons, Perry, at Adger's wharf, from Boston, discharging-W A- Co. Isabella, 147 tons, Burton, at Palmetto wharf, from New York, discharging-V7 Roach 4 Co. Zeta-Pal, 231 tons, Thompson, at Union wharf, from Boston, discharging-J A Kui-low k Co. Ellen M Baxter, 301 'ons. Rodgers, at Union wharf, rrom New York-l discharging- W Hooch Ar co. D Talbot, 283 tons. Amsbury, at Central wharf, irom Rockport, Me-J A Knslow k Co. Mary Collins, 224 tons, Collins, at Central wharf, for Wi mington, N C, ready-Risley k Creighton. consignees per Noam Carolina nu ii road September 30. 8:9 bales Cotton. 02 bales Domestics, 85 bbls Flour, 7 cara Lumber, 3 cars Wood. 2 cars Stock. To Railroad Agent, Groener k Smith, J R Pringle, Kirk? patrick k Witto. Thurston At Holmes, L D DeSaus sure, Claeius k Witt?, G W Williams k Co, W K Ryan, G H Ingrabun, Caldwell k Son, F C Mey, W B Wil? liams, W W Smith, Pelzer. Rodgers k Co, W G Whil den * Co. cblsolsa Bros, Frost k Adgrr, Boeder k Davis. Dowling Ai Co. A J Salinas, Mowry k Co, J B E ?loan, Stenhouse s Co, and Fraser k Dil). Consignees per Northeastern llailroad September 3d. 23) bales Cotton, Live Stock, Tobacco, Mdse, kc. To cavan, B Manago, Frost k Adger. J V Barden, Pelzer, Rodgers k Co, Mowry k Co, Kirkpatrick k Witte, Reeder k Davis, G W Evans, J H Taylor, W K Ryan, Cleghorn, Herring k Co. Graeser k Smith, G H Walter k Co, Caldwell k Son, G W Williams k Co, Will am H k Birnie, Ravenel k Co, Kendall lt Dock erv, Ingrabam k Son, W H Chofee, A A Wilson, A J Salinas. Brodie & Co. AS Johnston, Thurston k Holmes, Bollmann Bros, and Railroad Agent. Passengers. Steamer Pilot Boy, fr m Savannah, via Beaufort and Hilton Head-Miss Nevins an? servant. J Gor ham, A H Bainey, Col Blunt, G F Line?lo. W C Bel? lows. P L Wingin, J J Pope, and 19 on deck. Prags, Cljcmif?ls, (Ste. tl S K O O i ON ACCOUNT OF THE GREAT NUMBER WONDERFUL CURES OF OBSTINAiE AND INVETERATE CASES OF SCROFULA DYSPEPSIA LIVER DISEASE KIDNEY AFFECTIONS GENERAL BAD HEALTH, &a, MADE Bl- THE CELEBRATED "KO SK OO," IT ll A3 WON THE ENVIABLE REP?IATION OF being thc best and most popular Medicine ever dis? covered. lt is daily prescribed by physician?, and recom? mended by many thoitsauds of our best citizens. For sale by D0WIE * MOI??, Charleston, 8. 0. And DreggJ-its aud Merchants everywhere. OS- LADIES fr OFFERING FROM ANY DIS? EASE peculiar to their sex. can be restoicd to health by using DB. LAWRENCE'S "WOMAN'S FRIEND." It purifies the s?cr?tions, and restores the system to a healthy condition. For sale by DOWIE & MOISE, Charleston, 3. C. July 2C D?c lyr ia Ml.I.IS ?. CillSOIaA, F?CTOhS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS; urn SHIPPING AGENTS, WILL ATTEND TO TUE PURCHASE, HALE ANT SHIPMENT (to Foreign ana Domestic Ports) cf COTTON, RICK, COMBER .?ND NAVAL STORES ATLANTIC WHARF, Charleston. S. C. K. WILLI?.A. B. OHISOLY Ostober 2< C, ALDEN dc CO., ".No. 34$ PINE-STitEET, NEW YORK CITY. W. C. ALDEN, )NewYork WM. ELLIOTT. J i,ew X0TK' J. M. MORGAN, late of Chariest an, 8. C. Negotiate Sales of SOUTHERN REAL E8TATE. and exchanpoa of the same for Merchandise, kc. Refer to Messrs. Geo. A. Trenholm k Son, Charles? ton, 8. C. Sept 4 OFFICIAL. LIST OF LETTERS remaining in tie Poeto (Bee at Charleston, for the ?reta ?inding SEPTEM BEB 30 1S69, and printed officially In TUE DAJLY NEWS, as the newspaper having the largest circulation in the City of Charleston. tSr-Persons calling for Letters Advertised, should .tate that they are "Advertised." M&~ Office hours tram S A. M. to 6 P. M. On Sun? days, from 5 to 6 P. M. STANLEY O. TROTT. Postmaster. WOMEN'S LIST. Adams, Mrs Deyoang, JuPa |Howard. Miss Bose M Jane Addison, Miss H Drayton, Mrs Jeffords, Miss Anderson, Mrs Lonlsa hmma M C Drake, Miss Jones. Annott BankB.MisB Mar. Mary Johnson, Miss garet Eden, Mrs Maria Pauline B, Miss L T Lilli, Miss S H Johnson, Mist A Berton, Mrs Evens, Mrs BA M June Felker. Mrs SA Eeitb, Mrs Sn Bervick, Emma Fields, Mrs Har- san C Blue, Mrs Pan- riet Legaro, Miss nie Ford. Mi s Billy Jennie . Bleeker, Mra M Francis. Mrs w Lanae, Mrs BD O N Lewie, Miss S Boin, Miss Milly Frazier. Mrs Af- Long. Miss Jane Boicken, Miss r- flo E Brownfield, Miss Osmer, Mrs S Q Loyd, Mrs Mary L Gaillard, Urs A Lynes, Mrs M Broughton, Mrs Gibbs, Mrs A M Jane Girardeau, Mi-s Mazyck, Mrs M Brown, Mita SH J Jane Goff, ? Middleton, Misa Butler. Mrs Grey, Miaa Mary M Charlott Groan, Mrs Ade- Moore, Phillis Bullwinkle, Meta line Myers, Mrs T M Burges. Rosinda Hampton, Miss Neuman, Mrs J Caldwell, Miss Julia B Jennie Hall, Miss V Simon?, Miss B Calvert, Miss Heyward, Mrs ?i nous, Mrs A Ann I Too uh M Chapman, Misa Harleston, Mrs Small, Misa Sue-' CS PH koy Christie, Mrs O Higgle bottom, Smith, Julia Clarke, alias Lie- MfssE Simons, la Howard, Mrs Wndria. Isabella Conreicr. Mrs Betty White, Mrs Re Julia Holms, Mrs becca Crune, Mrs Ju- Nancey Williams, E'iza Iia Hodge, Mrs M C beth Cushman, Mrs Howard. Miss Williams Mrs H Minute Lizzie Delaine, Mrs F .Williams, Mrs C HIKE'S LIST. ARI cw. Thomas Alston, Joseph V Albrecht, Henry Arderson, Bul? ler Anderson, D A Ai Rel, Mr Appier, D Ai tope. Henry Bartlett, vuu Lynn Henton Charles Bigelow, .1 R Benns, Joseph Benn?, John Blake, Sam'l J Boone, Jas E Bowen, Edward Brown, Jos Chat Burton. Henry Burtagc, P Busc. Ernest Cairas, Theo E Calhoun. John ( aivitt, J M Cammer, Joseph Capers, J hos Farr Carr, Rev EG Cambell, Dan I Caminan, Claus A Callaghan. Patt Cherry, Henry Clark. I ompson Cohen, Isaa . Couchran.Jamc Coolr, Hcurv A Conner, Geo w Comings, J P H Cutler k Enos Cummiugs, James D ly, John tl Daly, Riobard I .?ly. Wm Daly. Neptune De Solit i ino, Clave Dietz, Gcorno Drayton. C A Elliott, Janies Eni.-ks, John B Faaubec, J W Feidner, Henry Fogcrij. SD Fra Ber, J L Fras'T, Harris B Gilard, George Gardner, Edwin J Glcoson, ; brm Goodwin, It T Gordon. John W Gourdin, John Granville, Mor? rell Green. Stephen Haigs, J W M Hammond, Hen ry Homes. An-cll Hopke. RPO Howard, R Hudson, Miller it Co Hurst. W L .J R H ?Jackson, John Jackson, r J 'acopa, Hoity James, D A Ji ff, rs, H L Xeukius, Kenty Jeff.-ots, Johu Lnuiogs, Geo Jones. J et sa Johnston. Wm Hrlly. 1 bomas Kenned*cr, H S Kocstor. H Lath doe, Jo? seph ? ?if J yo. te, J>bn Lake. B l.ako ( itv Preis Lanailand, J Laroucb, James LawnrLce, Frank D Leigh, P H Loniho, Uen:y P Leroy, Wm Lindt-nthal, A Logan, Geo C, Jr L 'vc. Cha- les Lorvad.-, Yoko Mahoney, Jirue? M. m i g te, J] ck Marken, John L Marras, M Martin, HO Mar in. Janie? Mathew.?, J H Matti , R R Meyer. Y H Metcalf. Capt 1 W Merreir, G J Midolcto.i, An? thony Miller, rh-irles MMer, TE Miller, H Milton, Capt Leonard Mitchel, C T Mitchel), v B Mooro, J J Morris, Richard Morri-on, 0 .Moultrie, Frank Moultry, Ish? mael Mcurgcon. L E McCants, R L Mc Toy, T Mc ' amara. John .vorthrno, Jame? Nathans, Orlan? do D Obetstaht, M O'Hear, John N Ojeman, ti Oneil), C Owens, J L Parker, A Parker, Dr Ar? thur Pawlt-y, James 0 Payne, Charlie Pfcahler, Otto Pharo. Jesse E Powoll, J D Pr.ogle, James Quintan., G W Quinn ii Bro, M M Reinbort, ihos Kithler. Ru? dolph Iiiebwood, B F Robinson, Tho-i Jas Bosentrtu b Bro, Rowell k Co. Geo P Kunian. H .Scb'obohm, H ?chloudorff, H Selles, PRK M Simmons, Sam -mith, Joseph r-mitu. J W Smith, P -nowdeu, J li -pcueer, J R -towart, John F Steele, K stone, Dan'l Sumlor, Geo thomas, Hene ry Jlmrn, Philip M .fl o'ley, C G Toglia, P loonier, Harvey Townsend, John H Vanmeter, Dr S Veno, Francis Voiler, E F Warnken, H G Warren, Wm P Weimor, J D Werner, John Wetbt rborn. P W- strm, Isaac Welzel. G F W iVbite, David G Wiormann, tide Wilson, John Wilson, ?'ato Wood. Thomas X Y Z Yates, Augustus Yeoman, Office Young Richard 49* Persons depositing letters in tho Poetofflce will please place the stamp near tbo upper right hand corner of tho envelope, and they will also please to remember that without the stamp a letter cannot bo malled, but wiU be sent to the Dead Letter Office. Colina ?cs. C OTTOS TIBS. BEARD'S PATENT LOCK TIE8. THIS TIE 19 UNDOUBTEDLY J HE BEST MAN? UFACTURED, is easy to manage and poaseafcs great strength and durability. Having sold them for the past two years, we can cordiilly recommend them to our planters aud others, as the v-ry TIE they want, io render their bales near, strong and compact ; capable ot bm.Hug bales from 400 to COO pounds. For Bale by GEO. W. WILLIAMS k CO., Factors, August 16 uiwfJmos Charleston, S. C. B U T li B ll TIM A SCI'PL Y OF TBE CELEBRATED ?.BUTl ti K " IRON TIES. Jus. received aud for salo by Sept ll lino HENRr COM V k CO. THON T IKS. FA83WA.?T8 ALEJOA IOB TIE voa BALING COTTON. A FRESH SUPPLY OF THIS SUPERIOR TIE, made of tuc best quality of Iron and warranted to give saiiHtaetion. For salo at lowest cash prices by R. M. BUTLER, Sep* 1 Imo Agent at ' harleston. A I Li IC Y COTTON TIE W A FULL sjurPLY O'S THIS TIS W.LL BE KEPT OT OSj DUKING THE SEASON. THE STEADILY INCREASING DEMAND FOR TUE WAI LET HE, IS THE BEST PP.uOF OF 1l"3 SUPKBIOBIT? OVER ANY OT HEB PATENT. FOR SALE :?Y STRE1CT BaOTlIlSKS ct CO. Sept 9 Spool (LotiM fo* fhe TT? SIX-CORD, Augr.e: 4 wfmlmos "? K O O ? L, Y W X LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Assets over.$1,300,000 IS3UE8 ALL KINDS OF LIFE AND ENDOW? MENT POLICIES Dividends annually in cash. Only Company having tho Definite Guaranteed Sur? render-Value Plan Polidei, world-wide. Second to no Company in the United States lor stability, "Jte? ranty and economy. Office No. lil Broadway? New York. CHRISTIAN W. BOUOK, President. WM. M. COLE, Pecretary. State Agency No. 36 Broad-street, Second Floor. Local and Canvassing Agents wanted throughout the State. ' ^ Apply in person or bv letter to JAMUs G. HOLMES, Jr., General Agent for South Carolina. Jnly 13 m wi ft m os I' ARDIAN MUTUAL. UFE INSURANCE COMPANY G JV E W YORK. Organized lat 1859 . ALL POLICES NON-FOB FEI TABLE, HALF I OA .V TA KEN. NO NOTES BBQ UJELj?.. LA8TCA6H DIVIDEND 60 (FIFTY) PER CENT. tTTATEMSNT. PoUoes In force.525,000,000 Assets. l,500,?fe Annual Income. SOC.OOO Losses Paid. 900,000 oman. W. H. PtC EH AM, President. WM. T. HOOKER, vice-President L. MCADAM, Secretary and Actuary. '.i-.A. FC DICK AH, Supering ident. DIBECIOBS. Hon. JOH? A. Drz, New York. Hon. JAMES HARPER, Firm of Harper k Bros., ex? Mayor New York. JOH* J. CB?NE. President Bank Republic. WM M. VEBMILTX, Banker (VermiJye k Co.) CHAS G. ROCKWOOD. Cashier Newark Banking Cern, pany. Hon. GEOBOE OPDTEE, ex-Mayor of New York. MINOT C. MOBO AN, Banker. THOMAS RIGNET, Firm Thomas Rigney k Co. BESJ. H. SHERMAN, Treasurer New York Stetm 6tt? gar Refining Coxpany. I AARON ARNOLD, Firm of Arnold, Constable k Co. RICHARD H. BOWNE, Wetmore * Bowne, Lawyers. IL V. HAUOHWOUT, Firm E. V. Hanghwoat Ai Co. WM WILSENS, Firm of W. WUketia At Co. JCUCB U. PBATT. Merchant. WM. W. WRIGHT, Merchant. CHAS. J. STARB, Merchant WILLIAM ALU US, Merchant GEO. W. CUT?ES, Banker, Palmyra, N. Y. GEO. T. HOPE. President Continental Fire In-ur? ti c<-e Company. JOHN G. SBESWOOD, Park Place. WALTON H. PECKHAM, Corner Fl th Avnue and. Twcnty-tbtrd-Jtreet. EDWARD H. WaroHT, Newark. N. J. GED. W. FAJU.EE, counsellor. W. L. COOSWHLL, Merchant. r (ihOttOE IC KIM, GCSERAL AGENT FOB?SOOTH CAROLIN*. Dr. T. REEN3TJERNA. Emnioing Phyaiciaa. H. ISSERTKL, GENERAL AGENT FOB CHARLESTON. ( 'Alee No. 305 King-street, CHARLESTON, 3. 0 January 12 DAO lyr ??UTO??^_ guUTIl CAROLINA RAILROAD. GENE SAL SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICER CHARLESTON, 8. C.. Sept 16. 1860. f 05 AND AFTER THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 1?,. the P aa&L?TOEB TRAINS of the South CarcKsa. Railroad will run as follows : FOB AUGUSTA. Leave Charleston.8.30 a. Id. Arrive at Augusta. ,*.15 P. M. CoDUbciing with trains for Montgomery. Memphis, Nashville and New Orleans, via Montgomery and Grand Junction. FOB COLUMBIA. '.eave Charlestor..8.30 A. M. / rive at Columbia.4 40 P.M. Connecting with Wilmington and Maud ester Ewl? road, ano Camden tram. F8U CHARLESTON. Leave Augusts.8.00 A. M. Arrive at Charleston.?CO P. M. Leave Columbia.7 45 A. M, Arrive at Charleston.^.4 Cu P. M , AUGUSTA NI(?T EXPRESS I SC N DATS EXCEPTES.) Leave Ctaxleiton.7.30 P. M, Arrive at Augusta.6 lu ATM. Connecting with trains tor Memphis, Nashville and New Orleans, v a Grand Junction. leave Auguste.*.'.' P. M. Arrive at Charleston.4 CO A. M, COLUMBIA NIGHT KXPBESS. (EUNTATS EXCEPTED.) Li?V" Charleston.6.C6 P. M. Arr.v at Colnmbia.4.46 A. M. Connecting (suncaya exeppiedt with Green?!!]? ar d Columbi A Tiailroa<\ and on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays with charlotte and south Carolina Rail? road. '.Leave Columbia.S.S ' P. Sf ?. Arrive at Charleston.6 CO t. M. SOMMERVILLE TRAIN. Leave Charleston.4.06 P. M. Arrive at S urn m-rv i Ile. 6.33 ?. M. Leave Summerville.7.M A. M. Arrive at Charleston.8.2b A. M CAMDEN BRANCH, hamden and ''olumbU Pavseuger Traine on MON* DAIS, WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAY?. \a? between Camden and Kmgville daiiy, (Sundays excepted,) connects witt up and down Day Passengers at Eing Vl?le. Leave Camdsn._6.35 A. M. Arri? e at Columbi.11.00 A. M. Lep..* Columbia. .145P.M. ACTU? at Carrdec.6 0" P. M. (Signed. H. T. PLAEE, Sept 16 General 8uDe'ic??id?,nt j^EW ROUTE fa ORTH! THE ST. LOCH IRON MOUNTAIN A ND SOUTHEBN BilLWAY A Is now open for business from COLUMBUS, KY.. TO ST. LOUIS Making the quickest, safest and only all rail rente to St. Louis. Pasaengere taking this route avoid one change of cars and a tedious river transfer of twenty miles, and arrive In St. Lom- FOUR AND A HALF HOURS in advance of any other Road. SS" Train? leave .'olumbus upon the arrival of trains ou lb- lloti?c and Ohio Railroad. W. B ALI EN. Sept 1 Imo General Ticket Agent ASTRAL OIL -NO CHANGE OF LAMPS niaotiag Ofl-Stricfiy s- wa not Explode higher dan is Boc 30 jo. iyaul fcs circulars, Seiu6 rrwf6moe