University of South Carolina Libraries
' THE DAILY NEWS. =?-r - == Largest Cirrnlaucn- THE BAILY NEWS BEING THE NEWSPAPER OFFICIALLY RE? COGNIZED AS HATING THE LARGEST CIR? CULATION IN THE CITY OF CHARL FSTON, PUBLISHES IBS LIST OF LETTERS REMAIN? ING IN THE POSTOFFWB AT lt* t END Ol EACH WEEK. ACCORDING IO THE FROYIS lOkfB OP THE NSW P08T0FF10B LAW. CHEAP ADVERTISING. Tat CHAELESION NEWS, tho circulation o? ? which is ?boat twice aa large as that ol any other paper published ia Sooth Carolin?, is Lbs nest advertising medium for all business men. For persons who want sitmtions or serrants; - who want houses or apartments, or hare them to rant; who want or who offer board and lodg? ing; who nave lost or found articles of value, TOT News has DO equal; and in order that all classes may have their wanta supplied, we have adopted the following scale of CHBAP ADYBB fttBjOQ?T8, payment for whioh muSt invariably be made when the order is gixen: Advertisements of situations wanted by or " offered to clerks, governesses, tutors, work? men, mechanics, bousc-servants, porters, shop iKHb, cooks and washers; board and lodging wanted or offered; apartments wanted or to let; articles lost or found; houses, shops, offices and warehouses wanted or to let, and miscella? neous wants of all kinds. For each insertion of advertisements of the classes specified : Not exceeding ZHHKK mos or 30 worJs....05 cents <* Porra usas or SO words.40 ' " Firs Lrx ZS or 40 words.60 All advertisements to bo inserted at these rates must be prepaid and delivered at TBS NEWS office by 9 P. M. 8 A. Af. I IS M. 13 P. M. I G P. AT Friday 70 I 75 I TS j 74 LOCAL MATTERS. Meetings This Day. Typographical Union, at 6 P. M. Typographical Society, at 8 P. If. Young Hen's Christian Association, at 8 P.M. Chamber hf Commerce at 12 ll. THU iiAtntKB'e CHUHCH.-There will be ser? vices in the Mariner's Church, Church-street, to-morrow, Sunday, at half-past cen o'o'ook in the morning. A HUTT rou DULL Tiares-Take advantage of the great reduction in prioes, and prepare for the approaching busii.css season by hav? ing your Job Printing neatly, expeditiously and oheaply done at THE NEWS Job Office, No. 149 Bast Bay._ NEW POBUOAXIOKB. -WO have received from John W. Donny, printer, of Columbia, a oopy ^^'Instructions to District Assessors, and a oop7 of the "Triennial Catalogue of the Uni? versity o! South Carolina." Both pamphlets are neatly printed. * Cantos.-A large iron crusher, designad for manipulating the phosphate rook, waa ?hipped to Baltimore yesterday from tho Pheonix Iron Works, where ft had been made to order. She Charleston Typographical Society will meet at the rooms et the sooieiy at 8 P. H. to? night. There will be a match game of base ball thia afternoon between the Emerald and Charles? ton dubs, at the ocrner of Alexander and Charlotte streets. We leam that on yesterday Dr. F. Peyre Porcher received from New York a large order for his new work entitled "Southern Fields and Forests." The brig Cyclone is still at anchor off the Battery waiting for the weather to moderate. John Harvey, colored, who was arrested on suspicion of having a'tempted to burn Dr, Boise's house, was examined yesterday by Lieutenant Philippy and OfBoars Lovett and Train. Harvey proved an alibi and was dis? charged. goring the month of August tho City Sheriff was paid taxes to i he amount of $3300. The Charleston T.\ pograp h eal Union will meet at IKE NSWB ofSou at b P. if. It is reported that Aid erm an Small, colored, proposes to organise abase ball club composed entirely of the Aldermen. There will be two "nines" of the.members, and the Major nil be umpire. Mr. Alexander Abrams, agent at Savannah of th? Chinese Immigration Company, has already received orders t r throe thousand seven hundred Chinese laborers, and applica? tions ?re pouring m daily. Thirty-one o mstw-1 - kera at $S. and one hue? dr3d and twenty-six assistant ai ti per day, costa the S ?le only 8699 per day. A memorial, it ia stated, will shortly be pre? sented to Connell, p ay ng for th? repeal of the ord in ince providing that no petrol mm, kerosene benzine, benzole, Ac., shall be stored ?oath of Line-street. Bishop Wightman will preach in the Trinity Methodist Church to-morrow morning, at the usual hour. Dont forgot tho race between the O rio le and Blacksnake thia afternoon, at six o'clock. The fine? imposed upon drunken men by the Mayor yesterday o uric h cid the city treasu? ry to the amount of $15. The oases cf the parties charged with viola? ting tho ordinances relative to the lumber and timber trade, have batu postponed until the Oity Attorney cm look into the matter. A^solored boy nam d Charles J mes was ar? rested yesterday by Offioer Qnun upo J tbo charge of stealing a gold watch aod chain valued at $140 trom Mrs.Elisa Kinsman. One who is posted states I hat tho five hun? dred ?nd ten street limps coat $33,460 per an? num. The tnsoecior-^eneral of timber and lum? bar publishes a cid in the special notice column. Ita? white boy. Wo. Adkins, who was ar? rested by Ofiloer Quinn noon suspicion of stealing fowls from Slr. L? C. Hendrick?, ?as eonfeessd that be stole a gold thimble and two silver spoons. The spoons have been melted do?n by a jeweller of the city. The thimble was recovered. A professional mm has introduced a new visiting card. It is 12 by 9 inches io Bise. The yoong men are envious, dosire to know if he bas a patent-right. There are warrant? and cross-warrants being sued out by two white women. No. 1 aoouairg No. 2 or assaulting ber with a deadly weapon, while No. 2 charged No. 1 with put ting a light? ed toro b under her dwelling. Tba petition of the m Tobin ts to Council praying that the tax upo.t hoe and cotton ba removed, w ten feet long. * The v doc ot real oro porty in Charleston as assessed by the City Assessor, ia $20 747 641, wolle the County A"sessor make? it $21,268 - 68L Patrick Collins, B. Tigb and John Donna ghue. ara the bond mon of the inspoetor-gen? eral of timber and .umber. NEW YORK FASHIONS. Early Fall Styles in Dresses* Snits, &c. Tho now styles tor dresses, tuite, wraps and children's clothing are very pretty, aud every? thing is profusely trimmed. Velvet guipure lace, Cluny lace md fringe wi ll be much used for trimming. When the skirt has a flounce of tho material, the overskirt is often trimmed with wide fringe. Gay plaids will be worn in wraps, draped on the back as burnous, and ono corner thrown over the lett shoulder. A novel way of arranging a square shawl is to take a few plaits in the back, dbe same in front ; the corners then simulate tho front and back of & basque skirt, and the shawl hangs loosely over the Shoulder in the form of a mantle. Long shawls- fte plaids-are folded to si mu? lato a mantle or coat. A few folds are laid, and fastened at the back of the neck, and brought down to the belt, from which the shawl falls loosely. Ia front are folds also jost how tl:is is done cannot well be deserted, bat a shawl draped in this manner is graoetal. EVEKINO DBBS8ES. An evening dre-s of blue is very handsome, trimmed with black Cluny lace and black velvet witb white edgo. The bodice is a Lady Wash? ington waist, mod ?nm high on tho back, and open in front to within four inches of the belt, with wide laue filling around the neck, and narrow velvet heading it. Sleeves oro plain, with a wide, painted velvet cuff. The belt is of velvet, edged with white, and bas bows and ends of black and white. The skirt bas one wide flounce pat on ia fan-shaped plaits, with a black velvet star between each, upon the plain space at the top. Tho overskirt has the from plain, sloping np to the side and joining the back one-fourth of a yard from the belt. The back is in two puffs; the upper one baa a fall of lace, and there ia wide lace around the entire overskirt, headed by velvet with while edge; bows of this ribbon are set on the side where the front and back Join. A potpie dress with long crained skirt has one flounce around the bottom; an overskirt bound with white satin, and trimmed at intervals with clusters of purple leaves, bound with white satin, ??he waist and sleeves are trim? med to correspond, and there are white'-.satin battons ia front SUITS. Snits will be mach worn, and there is not even a rumor that Dame Fashion thinks of rul? ing them oat; for winter they will be wadded, or a warm vest oan be worn andor the basque. An elegant suit baa one wide flounce around the bottom. There are two narrower flounce?, set one above the other, to represent two skirts, and at tnt back is a short paffed sirirt of a basque. Sleeves are plain, with cuffs of velvet; and there is a cap-; that falls over the shoulders and back, composed of three ru?tes. A very neat, pretty w iy of making au over? skirt to oe woru with a black ailie suit tor early fill we?r, or may be worn for evening, is to make tbo back open to within ono-fourth of a yard from tho bAt ; tho edges are trimmed with wido Cluny laoe, and joined by a velvet bow ; tho front is composed of Cluny lace, set together over silk of some contrasting color, a J brown, pink or blas ; rosettes are made of this lace and silk to ornament the side i. A morning wrapper has a wide flounce only on the back breadth, that extends to the neck in Watteau style; the front breadth is trimmed io form f a rounded apron, and the side ones are io points; the trimming is com? posed of three rows of velvet, one wide between two narrow, and this extends ap the seams from tho trimming around the bottom to the t>elt; tbe waist is french siyle with reoers and ?Har described by rows of velvet. The pretty sailor jacket will bo very fash? ionable this fall, with reoers and a sailor collar. Children's suits are made mucre m tbe stylo of those ot Urger growth, goring or ci i colar Torrn. The materials mot used are in gay Dolors, plaids or stripes. RELIGIOUS.-Tho Bight Rev. Bishop Gib? bons, of Wilmingtou, N. O, is on a visit to our etty, and will preaoh on to-moirow (Sanday) in the Cathedral Chi pol, at the boar ot half past ten o'clock. Tue pews will oe open to the public. _ , SALE OF SroAHBOAT Paopearv.- A pi rt of tho steamboat property o wu o J by the lato Captain John Ferguson bai, wo aro informed, been sold at priva to sale. Among thom we learn was the steam jr Pilot Boy to Messrs. J. 0. Aiken Sc Co. tor $13 OOO, the steamer Planter to sever;'1 parties toi $14 OOO, and the steam nc Relief for $3000. Tuose vessels will be engag? es heietofore, iu facilitating tho oummerco ot thia port._ SEIZURE or rna Er WAH ISON WORKS.-We learn fruin the Augusta Constitutionalist that the Etowah Iron Works, better known as Jooper'a Iron Works, have rocen:ly been leis d by tue Unite i States/ Government, as ?be property of <ii%, Confederate States, at the nsunoe of ihe^Commissiouer at Washington, index tho 12,h section of tho act of 1836 and ;be amendatory acta of Congress. The Etowab iroperty comprises some fifteen thousand tores of land. TUB BBJQ CTOLOKB AND THE JHIPPINQ &.OSKT.-II a conversation held yesterday with Captain Fnsbia, of the briar Cyolooe, he stated that he had no obarge whatever to bring against the shipping 'gent, Ur. J. Johnson. Se was well assured that the shipping agent iad no intention of swindling bim, and he re? gretted that sacha construction might have aeon pat upon the arti clo in yesterday's NEWS, entitled "charged with swindling." He also stated that tho third mao who was shipped mado no attempt to escape. Mr. Jonuoon called upoa us yesterday, and javo us a full s'atemoat ot tho affair, which ilearly showed tliar be was blameless in tho natter. He showed ai the following eertifioate 'rom Captain Prisbio: "I hereby cortify that I have iuvi & fall a i l .'lear urderataodiug wi h Mr. Johnson, tho a.lipping ago it. ail exoner ito him fro a all luwuuou to do me an injus? tice.0_ TAX RETTIBNS FOB. TUB I KN MONTH* END NO JUNE 30 18G9 -Below will be lound tho ? ross a mo-1 ut of tax retaros made to the City Assessor from Septem Dor 1st, 1868, to Ja ly 1st, LSG* JJ los of goods, and merchan? dise, including noa. lumber, hay, grain aud oavil a tores.$10,706 552 J.-ilos of cotton. 794 446 Jalee of stocka, bonds ko . 612 819 Jal a of borne* and ma os. 27 975 Joujmisswms . 411655 rremiums on ios-arauo-e. 293 971 [u comes of la wy rs doctors and dentista.. 173 857 Receipts of . - xores . companien. 14 005 receipts of utte t railway compa? ny. 65,268 Etcoeipts of bo.els aol eating bootra. 169 407 Eteoeipta of livery stab et. mw Et o-?pta of oot'ou pnaaea . 42 777 El o opts or linn ? mg offices. 107 081 Etecoips or ta ?grapa companion.. 1 781 RccoiptH of com -lerjial agencies.... 2 251 Reoeipts of B-auliifhr. o im pan v. 186 98J Li i o-s receioc or co Wi ions made by consignee*, sin iptug agents,or any pcrsou- acting at the port of Charlos un >ta nie agent, or agents of any sailing vo-soia or a learn? ers. 100868 Tbe taxes received from eales of horses was (1136; from curiases and baggies. $1101; trom reatof stores, from small dealers, ac.,112 ??. --p, THE NEWS IN THE COUNTS!.-Readers of THE NEWS going to thc country can receive their favorite paper by mail, daily, at seventy five cents a month, by addres,?iog a noto, with their subscription, to our publication office. NEW SEA ISLAND COIION.-Tho Savannah News of Thursday, Septembor 2,say8 : "Messrs. L. J. Guihnart.u & Co. yo3terday received one bale uf sea island o ?ton of tho now crop, from tho plantation ot Samuol Swindle, in Liberty County. Tho balo weighea throe hundred and thirty pounds, aud ?ras of fine staple. This, we bolieve, is the third bale of the new crop received hero.''_ INCOMES OF PROFESSIONAL MEN.-Under the following clause of an ordiaanoe "to raise supplies for the year 1869 and for other pur? poses," tho professional men of the city, phy? sicians, lawyers and dentists, returned their cross incomes to the City Assessor: "Three dol? lars on every hundred dollars of gross income and all gross profits derived from the pursuits of any faculty, profession, occupation or em? ployment, or from the exercise of any office, whether in the profession of the law, the pro? fits derivo 1 from tho costs of snits, counsel fees or other sources of professional moomes, and also from the practice of dentistry. Sec." The Assessor has put tho returns in alpha? betical order, Bbowing that those whose names commence with the letter A returned for the ten mouths ending on the 30th of June, 1869 $300; B $8645; C $2212; D $3890; O $3300; H $3476; I and J $194; ?$400; L $1650; M $12 460; Mo $3235; O $1350; P $17 394; R $8323; S $13 404; T $10 966; W $1650; Y $2090. There were no returns from auy parties whoso names commenced with tho letters E, P. Q, U, V or Z. HOTEL ARRIVALS, SEPTEMBER 3. - Pavilion LloleL-J. W. Ant dy, Orange nure; J. M. Mi kell, St. Paul's Parish; Dr. J. Murray. Goose Creek; J. A. Baldwin, Ouurdin's; J. H. Moetze, Lexington; A. Palmor, Columbia; J. H. Der ham, Horry. Charleston Hotel-Captain Friable, brig Cy? clone; A. J. Holman, Orangeburg; J. Chadi neb, New York; H. L. Ooss. Union; D. M. Johnstone, Burke County, Ga.; A. O. Good? win, City; James Low, Columbia; J. T. Wells, W. P. Wells, Borne, Ga. 1 nat Censas. CBABLESTON, S. C., SEPTEM?EJI 8, 1869. TO THE EDtTOB OF THE NEW-'. Ia your issue of thi>. m jraing you stale that you "are prepared to prove inst there has been groat carelessness on the part of the cen? sus-takers in not o tiling upon all the citizens and getting their names. You further state tbat. npon inquiry, the facts elicited by you are as follows," viz: "Of four persons in tho clitoral rooms of TBS NEWS, two ii*4 been called upon. ' Of mur p rjons in the business office, none had nc. n cal.ea npon. "Of two in thc job office, one bad boen called upon. ' Of eleven in tho composing room, only live had beeu called upon. "Three colored waiters at a table at tho Charleston Hotel were asked if they had boon called upon by tbe census-takers, and asserted that they had not been. "Several merotrants aiong the Bay have stated that they knew nothing whatever about the census being taken until they saw tbe returns publi-hed. "Atamoeting Wednesday night, of seven per? sona asked only one had been called npon." Concerning the first and second charges, I beg leave to state that Mr. W. H. Gibbes, ono of my assistants, and a gentloman weil known in tins community, called at your orno or the desired information, and was informed that no one resined OD the premises; be also called at the Charleston Hotel, and was rcquestea by the bookkeeper to leave a blank, and he, the said bookkeeper would fill it with tho names of the permanent boarders and emp'oyees, winch was done, and the record of said board? ers and employees was made from said return, as furnished by the proprietor or his agent. I will answer the charge purporting to have come from several merchmts by stying, it was quite likey thht the names of many per? sona doing business upon tho Bay and else? where were taken at their residen us without their knowledge, for my assistants wera also etirollera of tbe militia, and woro instruoted to record the names, asea, occupations and resi? dences of persons rosidiui> in tho oity. All places of bu-uness were visited, and the only question nsked was. does any one reside upon tbe premises., and. whenever a nog itivo an? swer w ts given no tun her luquirv was made. It must, however, be remembered that 1 have to rely npon ibo mere statements of parties called upon, as tho law does not empower the census-takers tu oxaot an oath. Crusting the above will provo HS isfactorv to the public, as well as to you Mr. Editor, 1 rem un, Yours, very respt ctrnliy. R. C. Da L ARO B , Census-taker Chariostoti County". [We do not Mee ?hat this monds tte matter, or shows in any way that the census is less iuoor rect than wo believe it io be. S > muob for the census. One word as to UaLaigj's kuowlodgo of his duties. He says he was obliged to trust to thc veracity of the persons who were ask id for the information, because ho is not author? ized to require that information lo bo given on oath, l be 4th section of thc ceums law re? quire each hoad or member of a family to make the return on oath, and au'.boriass the persons taking the census to administer the oath. So much foi the census-taker 11-Era BUBltt BBS NOTICBB. FALL STTL?.-Silk Hats recoived by to days steamer. C. fl. JOHNSON. Sept 4 1 No. 269 Kmg-strcet. -o AKBBIOAH House Refeotory aar1, lunch room is an exocllent institution for those whose aUy iu Boston will not admit dining at the table d'ho'e. This is but one of the many conveni? ences furnished tho travelling pahua. -o LIGHT READING FOB THE WARM WEATHER. Our irtenda in the country wno do -ire to obtain light reading for the warm weather, at strictly popular pnoes, are re (erred to the advertise? ment of Mr. C. C. Righter, the very enterpris? ing and trustworthy Ring-street dealer iu books and periodicals of all kinds. His list will bo found to tnolade something to sait ovort taste, and it HOP ms to us % rryarvol how he can afford to send his books by mail over th? oooutry, vosi-paid at the ridiculously low prices nameti. gftttiS. QI1AKLE8T?? H O T B L , CHARLESTON, SOUTH GASOLINA. TOI? FII!ST-CI,?H3 HOTEL M'UtTKO IN A pleasant location, aud ta the ba-uaees portion of the cit-, re ad-rs it the most <iestrat>lo Hotel for sith er p<-ravio>'ut or tran- om Russia, . bc accommodations are un? arpas-ed. havi i? exteoaiVH suites <-i elegantly fu ratsfead ap rt moo ts lot fmiieea d singlo teat le? ns "O Tu?- propn*tor will endeavor io mai malu tl e hL'h reputation e joyed by tliu "i'barlesiou" as a Snit class boas-*, auu uo effort ?id be ?uared to de? soir? a continuance of the liberal patronage hereto? fore be?toweS upon it The bon of Live y accommodations will be found adjoining trio establishment. I be bout? I* supplied wltb the celebrated Ario siaa Water ot winch deii^hitul bahs can be bi* either day or night, h. H. J ?..'K-O*, July 18 Prnprietoa. ?1 T . CLOUD HOTBZi. r HIS WEW ANO OOiiJMOl (ODS BOUHE, T.OCAT SD oorner ot Broadwat and Korty-seooad-sireet. posecones a i v intake-, on t all other house? tor ihe ar cotiimodatioo o (ts puesta, it waa built expreaelj for a Br?t-cl ?HS family bngvcdiag house-tho room , belair large abd en *uite. beatoa t y siena-?nb kui moil cold w ter. and furnished socon'l to tnn>; ?in ir the culinary lepartmenr is in tbt- most eiperlmso* vanda, at) rdi >g anorta an unequalled table. one of Aiwood's Patent i levaior? is aiao amona toe "in >dern improvements" auo at the service of ernesta at al> boors. Ihe t)roadwi> and Omveraity Ptae- Tars pass tbe door everv tour "toutes, rutntu ? trout tba nit] Had io Ceutrd Paik, while tee Mitt aiv even tb A venae'ines ar-* out a short block <>n eituer als?, a nord i og ample f.icliittps for coromumcatia? iriui all 'be deixi'H, steamtKMt1 landings, olaeos of atruae 0Y>Dt a'"1 hu- ino-a of the great metropolis. MO KB a% HULL. KY, Propriet?r?. ai arah 12 ?mts /.Rattail. ?JTJ A N K K B S , STOCK AND EXCHANGE BBOKEBB AND MEB CHANTS, wishing Checks, Blanks, Letter Heads, or Job Printing of soy description, can get their order? filled promptly and in the neatest style, at cbeap rates, by applying at THE NEWS JOB OFFICE, No. HO East Bay. /itu Jlrtfl. piIUTUGRAPII COLORING. PERSONS WISHING TO HAVE PHOTOGBAPH8 tinted with care and taste can have their orders promptly filled by leaving them at Holmes' Book Honae. Written directions should in each case be given as to the Btyle of coloring preferred. July 23 3mos* N KW ROUTE NORTH! THE ST. LOOTS IRON MOUNTAIN AND SOUTHERN RAILWAY] Is now open for butin?es from COLUMBUS, KT., TO ST. LOUIS. Slaking the quickest, safest and only all rafi route to st. Louis. Passengers taking tbis route avoid one changa of cars and a tedious rivr transfer of twenty mile?, and arrive in M. Loni* FOUK AND A HALF HOUBS In advancs of any other Bead. a?-Trains leave Columbus upon Ute arrival of tra?na on the Mobile and ohio Baursad. W. B ALLEN, Sept 1 Imo General Ticket Agent. ^il'TII CAROLINA RAILROAD. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT'S- OFFICE, OBASLESTOS, H. 0., April 9, me?. OM AND A FT EB SDI^DAl, APBIL 11TH, THU PlSSLITGEB THAIN'S of the South Carolu s Rail? road will run as follows : FOB AU G Bbl A. Leave Charleston.8.80 a. si, Arrive at augusts.?.4.6 P. M. CounecUng with trains for Montgomery, Mempbi> Nashville and New Orleans, via Montgomery w Grand Junction. FOB COLUMBIA. Leave Charleston.g.fO A. Al, Arrive at Colum n?.6.10 P. M Connecting with Wilmington and Manchester B?ll road, ?nc Camden tram r'WH CHARLESTON. Leave Augusta.a.oo A. M Arrive at Charleston.6.10 P. M Leave Gomm bia.7 45 A. ll Arrive st Charleston.6.10 P. X AUGC8TA NIGHT EXPBK88 (SUNDAYS EXCFPTED.I Leave Oarh'truu.7.XI' p. ot. Arrive at Augusta.6.1U A. 'J Oonneodng wltb trains tor Memphis, Na?hvil!' and Hew Orleans, v's Grand Junction. I eave Augusta.4.10 F. M Arrive st Charleston.1.00 A. .V COLUMBIA NIGHT KXPBBhfi. I?DTTDATB SXCEPTED. ) Leave Charleston.6.06 P. M Arrive at Colombia.1.46 A. M Connecting i sundays excepted) with Green ville sm Colu-nbt? Railroad. [.??Te Columbia.6.50 P. M. Arrive at Charleston.6.30 A. M. 8 fl M M K KV ILLE TRAIN. Leave Charleston.3.36 P. M. Arrive at Summerville. 5.(0 P. M. Leave Summerville.T.10 A. M, Arrive at Charleston.6.25 A. V CAMDBN BB ANO H. Camden and ' olumbt > Pacsencer Tra?na on Mo*, navs, WEI NE8DAT8 and SSTUBDAM, connecte wab np and down Osy Passengers it Ringville. beavo Oamriea.0.35 A. M, Arri>eat Columbia......ll.ou A. M Leave OolumMa.a.?t'P.M Arrive at Camden.7.05 P. M, flign"rt> nc. T. '-KAKIL. April ie General Rur>*nn???vieot. Shirts un? /nrntfilni?? (fton?s. rn M EC ORKAT SENSATION, SCOTTS Superior Fitting Shirts. SCOTT'S POFULAB ABD RELIABLE SHIRT MANUFACTORY Mcetlug-str^et, Opposite Market Hall. BUIR 1 H. 8HIRT8. hBIB 8. SHU; 18 8HIRTH. HH1RTB. S Fl I KI'S SUIBTH. 1-HIBT8. SSIKT8. bHIBTtf. Ja&8 SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER. SHIRTS READY MADE, ALL SIZES. Directions for Measurement, kc, SENT BX MAIL. DAO 6mon BLACKWELL'S QQ fe w NO. ?Il? Kl*?-?TB>HlliT, Oas dcor b I iw Majket GREAT ft BOU ?TIOS IN PBU-Bi Of SCARFS TI US HANDKERCHIEFS UNDERWEAB. fte. aar TRY IT. id H ft X H % O GOODS. Jn'y ?2 6moe g ff \MfiMlING ABO HAlH-CtlTTlrtG. LADIES AND JHILIMW?N sttended al their residences promptly ?nd at reisea able rates. ?end ostlers to april H W. B-MARSHALL, Barber, No, 31 Broaii-?ireee inn siaino J (I H V 0. A b K I A N O E.K , ACCOUNTANT, NOTARY PUtiLIO AND GENERAL AGBNT, f?o. ts stroad-street. BI8PECTFVLL7 SOUCI!H BOBIN 888 IN Aa? JCHTING ACCOUNTS ol Merchanu and others, and In WBTTlrlt* OP AND POSTING their Roo h . .Ithsr ia part or whole, Ac, January 9 ^tfttQ?aefiis. C. A I. DEN & CO., No. 34J PINE-ST BEET, NEW YORK CITY. W. C. ALDEN, l""T",t WM. ELLIOTT, J I,ow Iorl?. J. M. MOKOAN, lato of Chariest jn, S. C. Negotiate Sales of SOD TE ERN BEAL ESTATE, and exchanges of the suns for Merchandise, Ac. Befer to Messrs. Geo. A. Trenbolm A SOD, Charles. tan. 8. C._Sept 4 jpALL AND WINTER IMPORTATION. 1869 RIBBONS, MILLINERY AND 8TBAWGOOD8 ARM STRONG, GATOR # CO., Noa. 337 and 930 Baltimore-Street, BALTIMORE, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF BONNET AND TIIIH tl IN G RIBBONS, VELVET AND SASH RIBBONS, Bonnet Silks, Satins and Velvets, Illusions, Blonde, Laces, Ruches, Nets and Crapes, FRENCH FLOWERS AND FEATHERS, Straw Bonnets and Ladles* Hats, Trimmed and Untrimmed. - SILK, VELVET AND FELT BONNETS AND HATS, SUNDOWNS AND SHAKER HOODS. TUE LARGEST STOCK OF MILLI ?EBY GOODS IN* THIS COUNTRY, and n.iequal'ed in choice variety, which wo offer at prices that will defy com? petition. ?-ORDERS S OL IOU ID. Imo AuguBtH Jjt B KIN KI? KA HI S Li Y li A R D, PACKED LY PROCTER & GAMBLE, t l M I MU A T I . JOS- Ask your ?rocci for onr Brand of j Lard In these Packages. Packed In 3 tc, S lb, 10 lb Oaddlee; 60 lb Cans for EhipmenL Cheapest mode for selling Lard, fend for Price List. ?Poid by Grocers in Charleston. Mav 29 D*O stnthSmo QUA8, HICKEY, GILDER, POBTBAIT AND PIOTURK FRAME MANU FAQ TUBER, No. 345 KING-STREET, CHARLESTON, 8. C. LOO H?G-GLAHSES of all stet* fitted to Frames. Jul? ^?M_PAO fmw3m? rpo ?J >I A N J. It ATM BR Ai CO.. MANOFACIURBBS OF FINE CIGARS. Paxtionlar attention to Spoeial Biands for Orooers and Jobbers. Nos. 29 LIBERT, Y-STREET AND 61 MAIDEN LANE. NEW YORK. Jt3f Samples sent to responsible houses. July 27 tuihs aBaoa STAIR RODS, ' BK1S2!!, ?1BS GILT, / " A. Porcelain, \?K/A T?atrvjmrt HO Cl-mn], /Oj^t wmi Till PATENT /MA \ DROP FIXTURE, /aBlA *w ?III 11 nu M ?rum.. Tho Original aal cal/ __^^H^Wfe^?fer; Eollatlo Totora nade. \ 11 V 'lis?/ cm be aPP|,c<] to Tf I IfWa^lSBffi^W any Stair Hod. either JI J 9^K?ljMw?|Mfil'oniid or Flat, and ' \ I fli^?^BKg^OW i reventa its slipping J fl ff TO|g^?,'^'rro''1 l's place. Sat C^l^rPBB^^BffiS Ask for thc JJ Mattattafi^S^JBWW Titt-t Crop Tixttm, MS3?^!^:?S^ CaTPet Dealers, ^BBp^gM^y^ANU BUY NO OTHER. ^^W/?kWS^SE^^^ AUW, -?t^gjjv*^ BI2AS3 Airo znro STAXR ^Xa-A-TES, Por Botels, Restaura PU und Public Buildings, MANUl'ACIX'RED UY W. T. ?k J. MERSEREAU, 62 Duane St. N.Y AncnsA1J 3DJ OH ?yyAlLKY COTTON TIES. A SIIPPSY OF THC- FAVORITE AND JUSTLY celebra ed COTTON 1 IE Ju?t reortved and for sale by STREE 1 BBOTHER1" A CO.. - opt 2 4_No. 74 East Bay. ?piOR BALING COTTON, DlLLOM'S UNIVERSAL WROUGHT IRON TIE. IMPROVED. Cotton Cica.. THIS FAVOBITE TIE MALE OF THE BE-IT qna?tv of imn and possesses ud^antatres lor the ?conomical baJIntt ot' cotton most important to the planter mo hint nd factor. For sal? in larn?aud small lo'a io! a bundle) st re? duced raus WILLIAM NOACH A 00., August 9 Imo Aaents for Hrttth Carolin? J T. HVlnPbHF,VS, BROKER, AUCTIONEER AND COMMIS. SION MER CHA A 7. SAL?S OF RKAL EHlAlK. ST0CK9. B0>T>8t SB OUHiriKS AV li PKRf?NAL FHOPfcKTX AiTENUSD tO. No. 5? ? BIM) ' O-STilKKT OHABLJCTON, b. C. K tr EREN CES. Bon. HE**ttl BniHT, W. J. MAUP.ATH, iso,. ' louerai JAM F" H OUNN^H. 7. H. ffAOISiJ. i ir Tri ? ? p B T IC II VOT 4 H Sf TURN KR AND DEALER IN IVORY, And Uanufii'tnierot BILLIARD BALLS A. ND CUBS, AND IMPORTER OF BILLI vRU CLOTH, 00F8. Letter Obalk, and Billiard Mi-rchapdise in general. No. 80 h niton-street. New York. May 7 'fmos prag5t W?m\ca\Si (Str. JjlEVEK AND AGUE, ']? lix FROM WBICH MANKIND SDFPEB W? over a large part of tbs globe, is the I JBT ? consequence of a diseased action in HPT^ky thesystem, induced by the poison yous ruiiMD of vegetable dies y This Jl j^^/exhalation is evolved l y the action M ~~ of solar heat on wet soil, and rises W with the watery vapor fi om it While the sun ls below fte horizon this vapor lingers near the earth's surface, and the virus is taken with lt through the Inn v" into the blood. There it -acts as sn Irritating poison on the internal viscera and excreting organs of the bodv. The liver becomes torpid and fails to secrete cot only this virus, but also tbs bile from the blood. Both the virus and tho bile accumulate in th? circu? lation, and produce vio ent constitutional disorder. The spleen, the kidneys, and the stomich sympa? thise with the liver, and become disordered also. Finally, the instinct of our organism, as ii in an at? tempt to exoet th? noxious infusion, concentrates the ?hole blood of the body in the internal excreto? ries to force tbem to cast il out. The blood leaves the surface, and rushes io the central organs with congestive violence. This is the Cb?L But in this effort it tails. Then the Fever follows, in which the blood leaves the central organs and rushes to the surface, aa it in another effort to expel the irritating poison (brough that other great excretory-the skin. In this also lt fails, and tuc system abandons the attempt exhausted, and wjita tor the recovery of strength to repeat tbs hopeless effort another day. These are (he fits of paroxysms ol Fever and Ague. Such constitutional disorder will of course under mine the h eil th if it ls not removed. We have labored to nnd, and have found an anti? dote, A Y UK'S AGUfC Ct'RE, Which neutralises thia malarious poison In tho blood, and stimulates tbe liver to expel it from the body. As it should, ro it does cure this afflicting disorder with perfect certainty. And lt does mote, or rather does what is of more service to those sub? ject to this infection. If taken in 8<-aaon it expels it from the svstem as it isabsorued, and thus keeps those who use it I reo irom Ks attacks; deeps the sys? tem in health although exposed to the disease. Con. aequentlv it not only cute?, bat protects from, the gre it variety ot affectio ;s which are Induced by thia malignant induenoe, each as Remittent Fever, Chill Fever. Dumb, or Masked Ague,Periodical Headache, or Bilious Headache. Bilious Ft-xere, f-euraJpia. Rheumatism Gout, Blindness. Toothache rarache, Catarrh. Asthma, Palpitations Painful Affections of tho spleen, Hyaierlcs, Colic, Paralysis, and fainfnl Affect ons < f the Stomach and L'owels, all of which, when arielng frcm this cause, will be found to as? sume, more or b-es, the Intermittent type. This "AGUE CUitK." removes the causeof these derange? ments ard cures the disease. I his it accomplishes by stimulating the excreto? ries to expel the virus from the system; and tbese organs by dei;recs become habited to de this, their effloe. of their own accord. Hence anses what w term acclimatation. Time may accomplish the same end, but often Me is not long enough, or is sacrlnced rn the attempt, while this ' Ague Cure" does lt at once, and with safety. We bave g'eat re ison to be? lieve ibis is a surer aa weil aa safer remedy for the whole class of diseases wbich are canard ny the mi? asmatic in ceti D. than any other which has bean discovered; and it has stiU another important ad? vantage to the public, which ls, that lt is cheap as well aa good. PBXPA2XD BT Dr. J. c. AYER di Co., Lowell, Mass . Practical and Analytical Chemists. F fice One Dollar per bottle. Sold at Whole sale, by DOWIE st MOISE, charleston. South Carolina, And,by Retail Druggists everywhere. June 98 nao stoth3mos ^t J. I? V H Cl , WHOLESALE AND BETAIL DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY S. E. Corner of Kins; and John-Stn. SPECIAL AND PERSON AL ATTENTION GIVEN TO PHYSICIANS' PR(;8CRkPTI0NS. DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, FANCY GOODS, PBBFUM BRIES, SOAPS, PUFFS AND PUFF] BOJTES. TOILET SETS, dc. PATENT MEDICINES GUM INK BAY Ul'M. LUHIS'S COLOGNE 18 UNSURPASSED BY ANY OTHER. A TRIAL .TILL RKPAY YUM. GERMAN COLOGNES. L?HN't? FLAVORING EXTRACTS Have no equal for strength and pun ty, and ought to be used by a^l SODA WATCH DEALERS AND fCE CREAM MANU? FACTURERS. Mr. E. H. JAOXBOH. Proprietor of the Charleston Hotel, says: "I recommend your Extracts without hesitation to the public for leo Creams, Jellies and Paatry." Mr?. H. M. BuLTKBPiELn, Proprietress of tho Pa? vilion Hotel, eave: "Ihey are well worthy the atten? tion of those who deal in (hem or use i hem " These Extracts are put up in smaU vials, by the dosen, for tho trade and (orally use, and to pint, quart and half gallon bottles for manufacturers. Congress and High Kock Spring Waters CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Any ?rcele desired, not fa Stock, will be procured to ordVr. Goods delivered in the city FREE OF CHARGE, june 8 nao ruths Smo rjptlE BIS ll UP PILLI TUE BISHOP FILL 1 THE BISHOP Pl Lia I A Purely Vegetable Pill (Sugar-Ooated.) "COKTAllV B?SHOP PILI,, ''Is of extraordinary ethcaoy for Costiveness, Indi? gestion, Dyxptipsia, Headache. Nervous Debility, Live? complaint." " rn? best PILL m the world." Medical Journal, September a. TRY THEM! t RY T H E Ml JSS- AH Drngctstaiu CHARLESTON MB (bett. k* COSTAR'? ? STANDARD PREPARATIONS ARI: ..costar'n" Kui. Iluactx, die. Kxterma's. .?tfO'tatW Bed Baa Exterminators. ?Costau-V (only pure) Insect Powder. "Only infallible Remedies known." "18 > ear- cstabli'hed in New York." "2000 Boxes and Flasks msnn&rtored daily.' ..I 11 Beware 111 of spurlou? imitations." "All Druggists in CBARLKtrON sell them." For fl. Vi, $1 and $5 sizes, Address "COSTAR" CUMPA tY, So. 13 Mownrd-irtrect, New York, Hold lu CH ABLES TON, 8. 0" by ? OODK ICH, WIM KUAN dt CO. ?.>.?>? 93 nae iyr J^09ADAL1S Purities the Blood. in? (Sal? ky Draaajtns Everywhere. &uttm Salts. Residence No. 59 Tradd-ttreet, near Meeting. BY K. M. MARSHALL & BRO. On THURSDAY, 9th instsnt, at ll o'clock, will bo sold at ihr < i Jd Poatofflc-, Broad-street, The above, containing tour rquaro rooms and pao try, outbuilding., ciato?, gas, ?cc. Lot 99 by 10* feel, more or leas. Terms- Une-four'h cash ; balance in one, tw > aM three years, B.-cured by bona and mortgage; baud? in i; to be insured and policy assigned. Purchaser to pay ns for papers and stamps. Kept 4_atuthS Nos. 622 and 624 King ?treel, near Mary. BY R. M. MARSHALL & BRO. On THURSDAY. 9th Instant, at ll o'olook. will be sold at the Old Postoffice, Broad-street, The above PRKML-KS, containing besides th? stares, five square rooms and attics, wida kitchen, out? tern, gas, Ac Lot 30 by 300 feet more or less. Term -One-half cash; balance in o*e and two years, seemed by bond and mortgage; buildings to be insured and policy assigned. Pureba sec to pay us for papers and ?tarnt?. . thstoi Sept 1 jflatninttt), ^Lastings, (Ctr. K KUM ? TU 3M horse power, including tho oeleorstei Corliss Cut-off: Engines, slide Valve Sta* tlonarv Engines, Portahle Engines, Ac. Also, Clreo ar Mulay and Gang ?aw Mills, Sugar Cane \ Us. halting Pulley?, lie. Lath and Shingle Milla. Wheal and Corn Mills, Clrouvar Saws. Belting, ftc, sen* for descriptive Circular and Price List. WOOD & MANN STEAM fcNGINE CU., l'ehruary ls _PMca, New York. j^EETING-STRElfiT FOUAOKT. THIS ESTABLISHMENT 18 NOW FUBNTSHINa THE IMPROVED MCCARTHY COTTON GIN, STEAM ENGINES AND BOXLEBS, of vari?os sisas on hand IMPROVED VERTICAL aND HORIZONTAL COBS MILLS, SOGAR HILLS, SUGAR BOILERS AND PANS, of all mies H0B8B POWEBS AND GIN GEARING, from 9 te 16 feet in diameter IMPBOVED LEVER COTTON PRESSES for Hanl power, Haw and Rice Mills MACHINERY AND CASTINGS of sU desert prisas made to order Particular attention paid to HOUSE FRONTS AND CASTINGS FOB BUILD? INGS, GRATINGS, CISTERN-CO 7BRS, SASH WEIGHTS,, ?c, ?et WILLIAM 8. HENEREY, MACHINIS1 AND FOUND HS. No. 314 MEETING-STREET, CHARLESTON, 8. 0, August 3 nrws Jkufjbj (?l)emic?l37 Cte. JZ ROSAD ALIS, j I X??a^^t* ? ROS AD ALIS. Sold by GOODRICH. WINKMAN di CO., Direct Importers of European Drugs and Chemicals, May8 ituthlyr CHARLESTON, jj 0. ?1 kV . P A JV I? ft I S , Apothecary and Chemist. No. 133 Meeting-street CHARLESTON, S. O THE ADVERTISER BEGS TO CALL ATTEN? TION to bis stock of the best Imported and Domes- ' tis CHEMICALS, DRUGS, AND PATENT MEDICINES. DEATH "TO FLIES. USE LIGHTNING LIGHTNING LIGHTNING LlflHTNlM* FLY PAPER PLY PAPER PT*Y PAPER PLY PAPER. SURE AND 6PBEDY D?H1 RUCTION V lbi5 TROUBLESOME YISITOB. KOK SALE BY THE SHEET, QUIRE GR REAM, B-Sr THB ADVBRTI8BB. <i MANUFACTURER OF PA NKNIN'S HEPATIC BITTERS, Which have e?ia*li?bed for tbemselvta a reputada? surpassed by nome. Through constant effort and attention be hopes ta merit a continuance of the public patronage whidn has hitherto Men extended to him. February ia tothsly?