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TELE MESTON DIM ?fifS, G: B. CATHCART, Snrrom CATHCART, MCMILLAN & M?RTO?, PBOPRIHTOI fl. 1ST?. 18 KAYNE STREET. CITY PRINTERS. TERMS GASH. ,TOBSCl*rK?ON. D A?.T- ?WKLVE MONBMS. BOO DAB.T-iTTX MONTHS. DAILY-1 HEBE MONTHS.T*;" < SIS?TE O?POS.2 TO NBWST)EAXBB3. .. ..:3ccBt* NEWS SUMMABY. the Chicago Republican have sold ont their ?ntor est to Hon. JOHN WSHTWOBTH. Bill Arp, Bo-called (CHAMPS H. SstTix), has been elected Mayor of Borne, Ga. The London Telegraph has a daily circulation of lS?.OOO, -while tho .London Time* only circulates j about60,C80. ; ^- - lt is stated that up to Saturday last, only 10,290 balee of cotton had been received at the. port of Apalachicola. Last season tho reoeipta were over 111,000. The Commissioner* of the County of Hearieo, Va., in their returns of births, deaths, and mar? riages within tho county, during 1886, report 116 births, 172 deaths, and 275 marriages. The city of Richmond is in this county. Ihe Mobile reporters hare a quiet way of re? cording things. Ono of them opened a local para? graph last week as follows: "Night before last, Mr. HABWSOTON shot at Mr. WOODSO? and killed Mr. FABBAOTJT.. Buch accidents aa this are not un .omSQon.s -ig*? In Manchester, N. H., a man named Jtzxra. had a quarrel with a milliner named Miss BELLS, ori? ginating in jealousy. In the height of his pas? sions he drew a revolver and shot at her. Tho ball ?truck the metallio portion of her const, and glanced off without doing any harm. St.- Augustine is said to be a delightful resi? dence. Tho Ewmxiwr, of that place, ?peaking of the great crop of oranges, say? that GO,?00 will be picked from one grove. A gentleman there writes that "they hang in rieh yellow clusters from the traes on the ?idas of tho streets, and the'?oft air is redolent of their rich perfume." During tho year 1866,31,889 emigrant? passed Columbus,watward hound, against 15,140 in 1865, showing an increase in th? past year of 10,719. Of the 31,869 reported, 12,811 stoppedin Ohio; 687S in Missouri; 5080in Illinois; 3125 in Indiana; 650 in Tennessee; 819 in Wisconsin; 381 in Iowa; 1657 in Kentucky; ?45 in Michigan; 222 in Kansas, and 73 ha Alabama. A ?nit ha? hean brought for 510,000 damages against the Georgetown Gas Light Company, by BIOHAXD T. Maanicx, Esq., acting aa counsel, for Mr. W. D. Huertas, proprietor of the Georgetown Dtxily Times. Ur. Huaraca allege? that th? Gas Ownpanr-shTit' off his light without reason, there? by causing the ?aspension of hi? paper, and in? dicting damage upon him to the abor? amount. A letter in the Savannah News, frott an ageat of tha Havana Telegraph Line, who is. now in South Florida, says that part of the country ia destined botare many years to teem with the richest West india products-tobacoo and sugar of the finest qualities, and tropical fruits of every description. - Wo learn from the Montgpsuiry Mail {Hat "Bishop WrucBB, of Alabama, baa been invited to officiate in tho ?tate of Georgia until the election of a Bishop to fill the vacancy occasioned by tho death of Bishop ELLIOTT. Bishop Wn.vnit will not, of course, exercise ecclesiastical jurisdiction, bu'- will simply perform the rita* of confirmation, ordination, etc." The average value of tho 11,220 Baptist Churches in the United States in 1860 was $1700; of the 19.883 Methodist Churches, $2000; of th? C0G1 Prssbyt?rian Churches, $5000; of th? 2S34 Congre? gational Churches, $6000; of the 2250 Romish Churches, of the 2145 Episcopal Churche*, and of the Dutch Reformed Churches, ?10,000; of the Uni .tarian Churches, $17,000, and of tho Mormon Churches. $48.000. The Edgefiold Advertiser, of a lat? data, says that the present commandant of the post of Au? gusta, Creo., is Goners! SWBEKBT, who was th? leader of last Bummer's ill-starred Fenian expedi? tion into Canada. He is a mamber of the United States regular army; his regiment is the 15th Reg? ular Infantry; it is now, if we mistake not, in Sa? vannah. His rank ia Major. His bieret rank is Colonel. H? has dropped the Fenians, and no l2?E.aJ^87%itlt?^mu^u^x?co.11"",1'-J"~" The Augusta (Ga.) Constitutionalist of the 18th in?t- advocates the formation of a Land Company, for the purpose of furnishing means to tho plant? ers of Georgia, and for inducing laborers and farm? ers from Europe to remove to central Georgia. It fears that, in consequence of the large migration of blacks from that portion of the Stato, that much of it will become a temporary wilderness, unless semo effective moans are immediately used to draw a large amount of whit? labor in that di? rection. Scientifically, the oyster is a hunsl-libranchiate mollusk. Each oyster can produce 1,200,000 eggs. Each young oyster is the one hundred and twen? tieth bf an inch in length, and about two millions may be packed within the dimensions of a cubic boah. About one-half of all the young oysters ara eaten up by the old fish. Oysters attain their majority in two years. The oyster trade of New Turk alone is estimated at over $5,000,000 annually. Two families of Carter County, Tennessee, named ROBERTS and JOHNSTONE, have been waging a bloody war between each other for twenty years, during which time fourteen mea belonging to theso two families have lost their lives. On the evening of tho 5th inst, the vendetta came to a bloody end in the streets of Elizabeth town, Tenn., by tho ?oie surviving males of the ROBERTS and JOHN STOHB8. They engaged in a personal altercation, which resulted fatally to both. This domestic war .riginatod about a trifling affair. The Erie Railway Company has recently been Ewindlad eat of between thirty and forty thousand dollars. EDWABD H. WSTLEHT, who had been em? ployed to make up the billa of the workmen in the repair shop near Bergen Hill, was in the habit or putting a number of fictitious namo? on each pay-roll, obtaining the certification, and putting the money in his own pocket. On Wednesday last an examination of the matter was to be made, but he fled. The sum lost may be greater or less than ia now supposed. fbe following ia a statement of the emigrants arriving at New York during I860 : From Germany, 1067716; Ireland, 68,047; England, 36,186 ; Scot? land, 4979; Sweden, ?907; Switzerland, 3685; iT&ace, 3246; Denmark, 1528; Holland, 1306; Italy, 918 ; Norway, 583 ; Wales, 540 ; Spain, i-o ; Weat Indies, 246; Poland, 231; Belgium, 157; South America, 155; Russia, 154; Portugal, 96; Men'co, 56; Nova Scotia, 40 ; Canada, 28; China, 26 ; East Indios, 15 ; Africa, 15 ; Australia, 12 ; Cen? tral America, 12 ; Turkey, 8 ; Japan, 7 ; Greece, 5 ; tkoily, 1. Total, 233,418. The broad expanse of marsh lying between the Mobile and Spanish Rivers, which was thickly overgrown with tall grass, waa set on fire, either accidentally or intentionally, a few days ago, and th? grass being aa dry as tinder, the flames spread rapidly, presenting a magnificent spectacle .to tiros? who had a good view of it from th? opposite sido of the river. Immense volumes of smoke rolled heaven? ward, and in their midst innumerable tongues of flame constantly leaped forth as "the devouring element" swept across the plain, driving all living things before the fiery tempest. The scene was grand in the extreme as seen from many of the higher briUdings of the city. The markot for tobacco has boen very much de? pressed ever sine? th? suspension of sales just prior to Christmac There are many reasons whieh hayo produced this result. In the first place, the stoppage of the factories has lessened the demand for consumption in manufacturing and then the extremo stringency in the money market has checked speculation. To these causes may be added the uncertainty attending tho action of Congress in relation to the tax; all parties seem to be standing still, waiting for some indication as to the course the market will take, and in the meantime the fanner has to go without the money which he hoped to realise from th? sale of his crop or Bell at a sacrifice. Admiral TSOSTHOIT is to go ?n his projected ex? pedition to the East next February, and% frigate and corvette are being got ready by the Austrian Government for the purpose. The expedition will be provided with tome magnificent presents for ?he rolers of Siam and Japan from the Emperor. Among these are a marble statue of his majesty, some richly bound books and ohromo-lithpgraphe ^^^MSSSSH ?5?* ,a??**> M? Chinese vSSSL PDb?ifi,hod by the academy of sciences of Vi*T*, a photograpliio album wiS portraits"ofthe imperial family and repr?sentons of Austinen ESLT&t?S^*^*^ PrtaoipaiI Prodm? Ifmlfc^?? omtSs SEES LARUEST CIRCULATION.-Thc DAILY NEWS publishes the Official List of Let? ters remaining in Ht? Postoffice at tlie end of each week, aereeetbly to the^ following sectil of the New Posto?ce Leta?, as the newspaper having %e largest eiroulation in the City of Charleston: Buenos 6. And be it farther enacted. Th?* asta of let? ters remaining uncalled tor in ?ny Postofflce in any city, .OTO or village, -where a nowppaper ?ball bo printed, ?hall h Drearier bo published onoo only in the newspaper which, being publishod weekly or oftener, aban have Uio largest circulation within rangs of delivery of the ?aid office. MS- Ai communications intended for puhh?ation in this journal must be addressed to the Jvhtor oftlic Daily News. No. IS Uayne-strect, Oiar'.eslon,S. C. Business Communications to Publisher of Daily News. - - We cannot undertake lo return refected cornrmtniea A^ertisements outside of Cte eilv must be aecompa nied wUli thc casft. _ CHARLESTON. SATTJXDAr MORNING, JANTJABY 19,1867. B1ST0BIC DOUBTS. "Tho truths o? history are lies-?very one of them." Thia appears to bo tho sum and sub? stance of all modern historical teaching. Faith is natural to the child, and according to this school of philosophy, the ono great task in lifo, the object of all learninc, instruction and knowledge, ?B to bebero nothing,-to doubt everything. In maxy casos this sublime degree of distrust ia not attain? ed before old age, and still oftener men leave this world in happy ignorance of"tho exacting require? ments of unbelief. Some of th's Utter class thor? may be, ?o ignorant of their own ignorance, that they may even question tho utility of a lifo spent inlendeavoring to show that "nobody don't know nothing." Doubting philosophers thora bay? always bo:n, and always will he; to. doubt is ono of the idiosyn- ? cracies of human character, which, if not combat- | ted, must ond in unmooring the very anchors of be? bet But it is nwt our object x> speak of this class of doubtora. "We have no quarrel at this time, either with tho material philosopher or the infidel, in a roUgioos sense. "We refer to tho olasa of | scholars whose pride it is to unsettle popular con? viction in historic truth. The younger NIXBUTLB, in modern times, may be considered tho father of J this nefarious brood. GIBBO?, it is true, by an artful collocation of facts, succeeded in throwing doubt upon the truths of Christianity, without ap? pearing to do so designedly. Others, by specious arguments, havs, at various timos, endeavored to make history corroborate some previously con? ceived theory in pobtics, philosophy or religion. Few, indosd, can be entirely absolved from such I partiality. But it is otherwise with a historian like NIAUu Wt, who, of set purpose, goos to work to sap the foun? dations of history. A very Puritan in bis hatred of Popery, ho seemed to carry .this same animosity to every other antiquated Roman superstition. Ile was the first to show that ROMULUS and BBXU* I were not suckled by a she-wolf ; that Borne was not I built by these said founders, nor at the time usu? ally supposed ; that the Bapo of the Sabines ia a myth ; that EGEEIA waa no nymph at all ; that the combats between the Horatia and Curatii were "auld wives' tales ;" that TABQOXNTOB, in tho lan? guage of SYDNEY SMITH, was a very good family man ; that the title of the modern Anserines to ancient nobibty was spurious, geese never having saved tho capitol-in,fact it is now aecortained tha the "geese did not cackle at all. The Studine ?Forks are a^ mere'legend. HANKIE AL is not yet entirely put aside, we b?lier?, but it is now ?et-r i airily ascertained that he did not "blast the Alps " with vinegar. Modern historians, with the aid of a competent corps jQt analytical chemists, have demonstrated that the work could not bavo been accomplished with acetic acid, and, in fact, that HANNIBAL was not in possession of any sncb chemical compound. The "jewels" of CORNELIA baye turned out mere paste. CICERO, they say, was a coward and a coxcomb ; never delivered his orations against CATALLNE ; that the latter gentle? man was a very respectable citizen, and no con? spirator ; that SALLUST, tho teacher of virtue, waa a great rascal, and GS?SAE never said "Tent, rtdi, viet;" that Li VT waa a perfect HtmoHHAUlXN ; that HOBACX was a scamp, ai d OVID, it is now ascer? tained, was a very good but ill-used young man ; that NEBO bas been much slandered, and old BELISABIUS was not blind at all, "When we come down to CHARLBMAOXB, we find matters still worse, the several ancient and me diteval historians having scarcely -left ga shred of him. It is now gravely contended by many that there never was any such man an - " _ _ -:--uio great German Em? peror, bas boon proven a figment of the fancy; and this, too, while it is well known that the old gen? tleman ia sleeping in his tower in the Kyffhausson mountain in Thuringia, where bo is patiently wait? ing for the unification of the fatherland. Here be has long been sleeping, his chin resting on his bands, and his elbows on a marble table, and his long board grown through the stone. Ivory hundred years he awakes, and sends ont a raven to se? if Germany is united. "Whenever the raven shall come back with an affirmativ? reply BARBA? ROSSA will coma forth, and again be a father to tho German people. Yet, the skeptic of history, with his superior wisdom, comes and tells the good people, your good Emperor, with the red beard, is a humbug. "We are asked to believe that ALTBHD neyer burned the bannocks, nor ever entered the Danish cami? in minstrel's guise ; that the "Fair Rosa? mond" is a myth ; that Prince Hal was a milksop and Falstaff the jolly Knight, the baseless fabric of a vision ; that burly Harry Viii, was a very proper sort of husband, and Queen Anne Boleyn no better than she should be. Nay worse than all, Miss Bacon, a down-east young lady, gravely tells ns that it was not SHAKBPXABS. who wrote Shak speake, but that Lord BACON wrote Shakapeare ; and very lately a Missouri Judge, profound in his? torical research, comes forward in a book of dig? nified dimensions and first rate argument, endors? ing Miss Bacon's theory. Wo are told that CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS never made that egg stand on end, nor waa tb? first who discovered America; that Ls SAOB did not write Gil Blas, but stole the manuscript from a Spanish monk, and translated it into French; that Sir WAL? TER RALEIGH did not throw his cloak into the gut? ter; that ELIZABETH was not entitled to her virgin epitaph, and that MARX, Queen of Scots, was a model of chastity; that the first JAMES of England was a very wise monarch, and that OLIVES CROM? WELL, was a scoundrel and a hypocrite; that tho Emperor CHARLES V. was a very ordinary man, and WALLENSTEIN a mere adventurer; that BOBESPIERKS was a very pious and tender-hearted gentleman; that Marshal NET was not the last" of the Grand Army, and bad never said that be was; that NASO LE?N was a very bad man in his private character; that WILLIAM m. was a very pleasant gentleman, abd very popular with his subjects; that the Pre? tenders were not those heroes of romance we have always been led to believe, and that- proud CUM BEBLAND was not always prancing, insulting the slain; and that it is all a mistake about King GEORGE TIT, and the apple dumplings. ' LEONIDAS, they say, had three hundred and eighteen men' with bim at Thermopylae, instead of three hundred, as is tho current belief ; though some go farther, and maintain that there is no truth whaiovat in the whole story of the battle at this Pass. They barely concede that there is such a place as Thermopylae. So with Marathon ; though they eannot denytho existence of the lat? ter, for Lord BYRON, a disinterested witness, re? marks that the flold of Marathon was offered, him at the very reasonable price of four thousand pounds sterling. Archbishop WHATKLKT wrote an ingenious pam? phlet, proving with all the force of logic that there never existed such an individual as NAPOLEON BO? NA? ARTE. He did thia ry using the same class of arguments, relied on by deists and others for dis? proving, .the historic verity of the oxistence of CHRIST; and in thus calling into question the ex? istence of the greatest man then living, or but re? cently decoased, ho brought an analogical reduciio ad absurdum to bear upon their argument. . ? Hero, in America, we have not hitherto suffered much from these doubting attacks. On? reason, doubtless, is that our history ia but of yesterday; and legendary lore bas scarcely had sufficient time to become mdicsolubly blended with the sober facts of history. Moreover, the entire historical epoch of Am?ne* has been subsequent to the invention or printing, and tradition bas not been much de? pended on for records. But oven here the doubt? ing THOMAS has laid bia hand. The goodness wealth and grandeur of MOJTTBZUJIAS have been exploded. The beautiful tales of the poor Indiana, and their blissful existonoe under the gloomy can? opy of tho virgin forest, are all gone. /We ar? now only treated to Abe naked savage; and "In? dians not taxed" in publio bills and acts, ls now the only mention we have of the aborigine, save where we read of a great massacre In the West, md a general Indian bunt, in cons?quence, bytbe United States troops. We have heard the MayJUnoer, Plymouth Rock, ind tho Charter Oak all doubted; but wa indignant y reject such historical undermining. Tho bcau iful- story cf FLCBA MCDONALD, a Scotch lady, srho saved the Chevalier's lifo, and ended her days in North Carolina, is now onvolopod ?n a higlfland mist. Dut, woreo than all-greatest of heresies the Yankee?, havinjfeonquerod the South, aro now beginning to mako war upon hor past history; and, by way of commencement, they naturally attack the very corner-stone of Virginia-no leos than tho cxtstenco of POCAHONTAS. Captain SMITH, tho greatest of all the John Smiths, they say waa not a reliahlo gontlcman, and invented tho whole story of POWHATAN and POCAHONTAS. A Mr. CHA BLES CXAHI, a Massachusetts antiquary, in a rccont articlo in tho 2TorOi American Review, is guilty of this sacrilegious profanity. Of course, tho ontire press of tho North at onoe takes up tho cry, determined lo rob tho Old Dominion of the very firbt of hor F. F. Y.'s. Wo knew, when we first saw this announcement, that Mr. DEAN? would "catch it" from our Virginia friends. The Richmond Wliig, of tho 10th, in speaking of the sub'oct, fays : r-;,*.. . Such is Now England's envy and jealousy to- | wards tho South and all that is Southern, that sho cannot bear to contemplate anything thai stamps lustre upon our.'J'iBtory or adds to our influonco and prosperity. It would rob us, if it could, of all tho glories or" the past, strip us of present influ? ence and respectability, and degrade us into a mero Territorial doponden-y upon the Govern? ment. Those same writers will soon probably turn their attention to George Washington, and if they shall not be able to establish that no such man ever existed they will probably uudortake to prove that ho WOB of 1'ankoc birth and lineage. This is a very mild rebuke, and by no means, we tako it, the last word that will be said on this sub? ject. We have, of course,, nothing to say on so purely Virginian a theme. Our friends along tho Jamos are abundantly able to tako caro of them? selves, and of Pocahontas too. We.will now conclude our long catalogue of doubts by saying that we doubt nothing. Wo be? hove in tho she-wolf, King ALFBBD'S pancakes and the beautiful POCAHONTAS; and we are certain that children learned more of Greek and Roman his? tory in HERODOTUS, Lrvx, Roixn* and GOLDSMITH, than they have learned, or ever will leam, in Nra BUHB and ARNOLD, THIRL WALL and GBOTB. Tho old facts, or what were so considered, having been unsettled, what remains there' now to teach the inquiring young mind? What kind of mental training can jua erpect, when you tell a child that th* whole world is mistaken in observing Christ? mas on the 25th of December; that CUBIST was not born on that day, etc., and that it is ministering to superstition either to burn fire-crackers or eat mince-pie on that day ? Is it not better to let tho child lean on certainties ? Doubt and childhood, aa we have said, are incompatibles. Let bim be? lieve these things implicitly, and well for bini if, in after life, he is permitted to retain thc 7;Uh of his childhood. Doubt and error will cssert their sway soon enough; but it is best, when they do como, that the youth should bs clad in the panoply of faith, and thus not necessitate an instant on questioning surrender of the citadel. WANTS. WANTED.-V MIDDLE AGE? WOMAB, colored, to take car? of aa infant. Qood recom? mendations required. Apply at LENGNECK A SELL. Northeast corner Meeting and Market streets, January 19_1*_Pp stairs. AYOU J! G MAN OF RESPECTABILITY, and a native of this city, is desirous of obtaining something to do. He would like to get a place aa Clerk in a store or counting house. He is willing to roe eire a small salary undi he is woU acquainted with the busi? ness. Heat of recommendations given if required. Ad dreaa C. Y" Daily News ogee. ?tuthO? January la ANTED), AN EXPERIENCED HIDDLE AGED NURSE (colonrl), to take charge of a baby 4 months old. Good recommandations required. Apply at THIS OFFICE._January 13 ' A LADT WIIO MAS HAD A ORE AT Wt4 deal af experience in the management and instruc 'tion of children is anxious to obtain a situation as GOV? ERNESS in a private family, or Teacher of the primary broaches in a school; and would ba glad also to give in. atructiona on the Piano and in Vocal Music-or, if auch situations cannot be had, would like a place aa assistant or companion for a lady. Suitable references will be given if required. Any application can bo left at THIS OFFICE, and will meet with prompt attention. . January 18 WANTED, A PARTNER_A GOOD BTJSI NESS MAN, thoroughly acquainted with the wholesalo and planters' trade of this city, wanta a PART? NER, with a cash capital of from W.000 to ?10,000, to join him in a safo ?Ld profitable business. Apply at thia office. January 16 ANTED, AN ELDERLY MAN SEK VANT, to do the Housework of a small Family. References required. Apply at No. 2 BULL STREET, next Coming._January 16 XTT ANTED.-AN INDUSTRIOUS LAD, VT with the highest recommendations, good address, and a knowledge of the Grocery business, is desirous of obtaining employment. Address INDUSTRY, at th? Office- of th? Daily News. January 12 AGENTS "WANTED ' FOR. THE LIFE, LUf TjERS. SPEECHES, Ac, of Hon. ALEXAN? DER HT ?STEPHENS, by Henry Cleveland, Esq., hats editor of AV e Augusta (Ga.) Constitutionalist. Send for Circularsaa d se? our terms at d a full description of th? work. Address NATIONAL PUJBLISHTNGjgp.,^ D???iubor^S?*** ' Imo* TO RENT. SEA ISLAND PLANTATION TORES !' FOR ONE, TWO OR THREE YEARS_All that valuable SEA ISLAND COTTON PLANTATION, known aa Pal? metto Hall, on Ohisolm's Island, at th? head watara of St. Helena Sound, containing 1000 acres of ?laared land having necessary buildings, Ac. Tann? easy. Apply to WILLIS A CBTSOLM. January 1_tua_North Atlantic Wharf. TO RENT, A COMFORTABLE DWELLING, with all necessary appurtenances, at No. ?4 Beaufaht street. Inquire at No. 27S King street. Januarys_?tnth T> ARE CHANCE FOR GARDENERS AND JAJ HORTICULTURISTS-An ORCHARD to be rented witoin a halfmile of Statoburg, S. C.. and 3J? miles of th? Claremont Depot, on the Camden branch of the South Carolina Railroad. Situated on the high hills of Santo?, in one of the healthiest (having long been th? Summer randene* of planters) aa well ss best and surest fruit producing regions of the Southern country, this offer should be very attractive. The Orchard, covering a opaca of 30 acres, contains about 6000 Peach trees, SCWPearsTand 700 Apples. There ls a good Dwelling House, contamine four rooms, with all necessary outbuildings for tho accommodation of a family, and houses for the accommo? dation of laborers. There is a Church, and a Postofflce will ?con bo established within half a mil? of the place. The trees are selected with a apodal view to tho Northern "^fcot, are in full bearing, being from 6 to 8 -rears old. The most liberal terms win be any one bringing skill and capital. There is a Grapery, contain? ing 30 vinea, of foreign varieties, under glass, In full bearing, until the last year, when it was neglected. There is a Propagating House and Nursery Beds for fruit and ornamental trees, and about 150 acres of goodland for the cultivation of corn and cotton, belongtnc; to the tract,, which can be obtained. The Orchard and acces? sories win be runted or worked upon shares. A-~'T to JAMEb B. PRINGLE, Factor and Commission Merchant, Tw_1_ Auger's North Wharf. Charleston, & C. December 13_thar? AND CORN PLANTATION TO "O RENT, in Sumter District. 8 miles wost ?f Sumter village The W?mington and Manchester Railroad runa ?trough the tract, and a station on tho tract, and within amiiee of th? settlement. Location perfectly healthy Water perfectly pure and sweet. Good a<atonmodations fer 160 to 200 negroes. About 1000 to ISOO?res of arable land; cleared and under lenee-fences In tolerably fair cenditiun. Good dwelling house, containing 6 room?, and all necessary outbuildings, as (tabled barna, Hieb?? 1?TT?T'- *ivThef0 mro Homa ^borers now on the place who might be induced to remain, as they are at teched to the place. Will be solo^if desired, or rented for a torro of years. Parties can examine the place by applying to JOHN B. MOORE, at Stateburgb, 8. cTTract ceatoms 3300 acres. Silty hand, have Leen successfully worked on the place. Good cotton and corn land for the middle country. The proprietor of thia place invites propositions frost parties desiring ta invest ia cotton planting as to cultivating this plantation aa. abares. December 13 * , ^^tfasta TOPENT, A FARM SITUATED OW COOP? ER River, eight mil?? from th?-city, eontainine 404 acree, between 60 and 70 of whieh have been planted the past summer. On it is a comfortable Dwelling, Kitchen Barn, Stable, and negro Houses. Apply at thia Office. ?"scomber g_ stothm I*>* EEHT^-WIU. BE RENTED TO tte nighest bidder, on the first Monday in, Febru P^uext, a ?eiirableHous? and* Lot, pleasantly situated ta tho village of Marion. On the premises awiaUnS ?eesaryouauilo^ngs.rjarn, .tablea, flower garden and a larg? vegetable garden-.Tams cash in advine. Apply *?T "> " ... -. . G. BERRY. ?C ' January 18 f ? . MartonOH-r?, c. T?^%TJT? TWO AND A HALF STORY ,f- . BMGK HOUSE northwest comer of Basel and East Bay street?, containing f.ur square rooms, two a^^J?^eroom and pantry, gas&rough^ehouae; S^.-rf < * ^-ItfltchsnofflverooXa^odds! tern, all in perfect order. Apply at the MirrnKAsr CORNER OF QUEEN AND STATE STRJOT* January 18 mo RENT, A DELIGHTFUL RESIDENCE _I_ In Church street, a few doors from the Battery. It Fn^SLStf1* iS) B(l"a*ro room?, pantry and dstara. Ah outbu?dtaga in good order. Applyto ~ January 16 6 8. L. HOWABP & BBQ. npo HESf, THAT PLEASANTLY RITT?. J. TED HOUSE,' No. C4 Radcuu^e stoaotTwi?i a cbrable Kass* double KUck?n. Coach HouseToVurnVhiS "Possession given on the lat of^bruaVy. Ap! ply on the premises._6? January 16 TOBEST, A PART OF A HOUSE IN Moir. TAGUE STRECT, with kuchen, carrbge l?use! T?J?J:K'r?uA FAfi* J* ?T. ANDREW? ik^S^SSl *bODt fo?f, miles fro? the new brldge^n Wappoo Cut, approachable by water. Contains about so ^"^"?d W?.suitable for cultivating the o/.Sif.Ifland Cotton, or tor farming purpoSS! K??^ whlch wo=k"1 *?? 0,408 laatyear^uponit; Janr??L IA '"'"?'. * D- AIKEN A COT January 14 6 _. Atlantic Wharf. r? ?KT'T''1 NICE SQUARE ROOMS, KITCHEN. Apply st No. 29 HASEL STB?ET? lesr mt nay._January S FiJt3Fr?!r1??n?S KOOK UT A GENTEEL private family. Also KITCHEN and Serrants' rooms" rorpartlcrdara apply at this Omeo. Novombcr27 HOTELS. ; VICTORIA HOTEL. r. OPDEBEOK.^..CT;.Proprietor. T^?<^^V^0VS3m> 0N THE EUROPEAN '^!0^i?ard*aa^^ *? ttl txtkmAm^?^S^^^a^^^nn of thia health MEETINGS. HOPE PIRE ENGINE COMPANY. ATTEND A KEGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF your Company Tfti? Scening, at thc Hau, at 7 o'clock P. M. precisely. _ - By order. B. P. SEYMOUR, January 19 1 Secrotary H. F. E. Ce. KALMIA MILLS. AMEETING OF THE BTOCKHOLDEBS OF THIS COMPANY will be held ia Charleston tb? TMrtUth. itvi?on?, at DL CHISOLM'S Office. Hasel strreet. at 7 ./.lock P. M. E. L. KERRISON. .... Secretary and Treasurer Kalrala Mills. January IS ** _. ' .' '' BIBLE SOCIETY OF CHARLESXOS. rriHE ANNUAL MEE'ALP.ii OF THIS SOCIETY WILL JL be held on AfondoyTJanuary 21st, at 4 P. M., in tho President'? Room, Charla?to? College. The Annual Re? port of the Society will bo presented. All Honorary. Life and Annual member? are requested to attend. By order of th? Presidont. W. N. HUGHES, January 18 3 * Recording Secrotary pro tem. CHARLESTON FLOATING DRY DOCK AND MARINE RAILWAY COMPANY. _ rTTHB ANNUAL MEETING OF ^ TOC KHOUTERS X will bo bold On Tuesday, the 23d instant, at Vi o'clock. Noon, at the Office of Winiam B. Heriot & Co., Nr. 9 Broad street, when a statement of th? affairs of tho Company will be presented, ?nd" o tour basin?*? transact , ? - . . ?, T. 1J -. * t J l : . I * January IT LOST. T OST, ON THE EVENING OF THE 17TH I j inst., in Morris street, batwoen Coming and King, a small GOLD BROOCH, with a barder of Black Enamel, upon which wa? inscribed, in Old English letters, "In Memory of." The centre contained light hair.' Tko Brooch waa fastened in a black crape ?ollar. Tho finder will receive a reward by leaving it at Na ll Morris street, 2* January 19 COPARTNERSHIPS. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. rm UNDERSIGNED HAYE THIS "DAY FORMED A Copartnership under the firm name of MARSHALL. BURGE Ac BOWEN, for the purpose of carrying on the WHOLESALE DBY GOODS BUSINESS at No. 153 MEET? ING-STREET. .:. X. W MARSHALL. TT. T. BURGE. O. A. BOWEN. Shorleaten. January L Ito", tutbulsao January 1 NOTICE. rTTHB FLEM OF CRANE. BOYLSTON A CO. TS THIS JL DAY dissolved by mutual content. Either partner is aatberised ts sign the name of the firm in liquidation. JOHN G. CRANE. J. RETLVBOYLSTON. WM. H. TOWNSEND. HENRY BOYLSTON, Jr. SAM'L J. CORRIB. January L, HST. _ *"*??? j DISSOLUTION. rTTHB COPARTNERSHIP EXISTING UNDER THE L styl? and firm of WILLIAMS k COVERT is this day dissolved by mutaal consent. Mr. D. R. WILLI VMS 1? alon? arth.rixed te sign the name of the-firm in liqui? dation. D.E. W.T.T.TAMH, HENEY 0. COVERT. Charleston. 14th January, 1SST. COPARTNERSHIP. _ Wm, THE UNDERSIGNED, HAYB THIS DAT formada Copartnership im this city, under the name of D. B. WILLIAMS At CO., for tho transaction of 1 tho Wholesale Hat, Cap, Straw and Millinery Goods, st th? old stand. No. 122 Meeting, street, earner Pieckney. D. R. WILLIAMS, R. FLEMMING. W. F. BAKES. Charla?to?, 18th January, ISN. January 17 FOR SALE, FOR SALK.-A DESIRABLE PLANTATION on Port Royal Island, ol 330 acres; 200 acres ready for cultivation, tb? balance wood land. This place is beautifully situated on Broad River, one hour's drive from the Town of Beaufort. It ha? ample accommoda? tions for laborers, and is well supplied with horses, carts, wagons, and implements. The place will be sold at a bar? gain, and a part of the parchas* money can remain OB xaertrajre if desired. For further particulars inquire of C. W. DENNIS, Jannary IS la??*_.Plantar?' Hotel FORTSALE, THBEh YOUNG, WELL brok? MULES, accustomed to plantation or ?icy I work. Apply at No. (7 RUTLEDGE ST-EST, above I Lia? street. in?, ONE SOOD CART AND DRAT. J??nsryl._tn thai* FOR SALE CHEAP.-A ' EIRE SIDS WHEEL STEAMER of 110 TONS; leasts. OB deck 124 feet, boara 24 feet, over all 34 feat, depth ?f hold C feet, draft water 3 feet; has two (3) independent high pressure angines; diamoter of cylinder ll inch; stroke of plato? 4 feet; bas one (1) flee belier; is in good repair and ready fer ?erviee. axno, A 8LDZWHEEL STEAMER; length78 feet en desk. 20 foot beam-, over aU 30 fact, depth of hold 5 fest, draft water 3 feet ; has on? superior low pressura engin?, 18 inch cylinder, 6 foot stroke, bottom metaled, and well calculated for a ferry boat. For farther particulars apply 0 ? ARCHIBALD GETTY t CO., January ll 1 atuth Borth Atlantic Wharf. MU LE 8 FOR SALE-GOOD BROKE MULES always ea sand and for sal?, at HOCKA ! DAY'S STABLES, cornar King and Spring streets. January 17_? th?tai? FOR SALE OR RENT, RAMSAY' GROVE PLANTATION, on Black River, ?even miles from Georgetown, consisting of 175 acres of the beat and safest I ric? lands, with ample uplands cleared and wooded. This placa pr?sent? unusual attractiouJ. The banka, trunk, ' kc, ara all in good order; also. Dwelling House, stables, J barn? and negro houses. The former ?laves alVremain upon the plac?, and any oas purchasing or renting can maka Immediate arrangements for th? labor required. Fer further particulars apply to ? WM. GREME, Georgetown, Or FLNCKNEY BROTHERS. January 18 ' S North Atlantic Wharf. -J7TOR BALE, TWENTY LARGE, FAT, JD 4 and 5-year old broke MULES; and THIRTY 3 and_4yearold.^JFor?ala?t ?Uli? Hons* gtjWe^^nyW FIR BALE.-A SUPERIOR TOP BUGGY and a ?et of BUGGY HARNESS, can he bought j reasonably by applying to ~ WM. T. ELFE. December 19_No. 90 Anson-street. T7TOR - ALE, A SCHOLARS < . LP IN A PI1ILA JTJ DELPHI?. University of Medicina and Surgery. This Scholarship antilles students to foll instruction un til graduation in the MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, embrac? ing Anatomy, Surgery, Physiology, Materia Medica, Chemistry, Obstetrics, and Diseases of Women and Chil? dren, Principles and Practice of Medicine and Patholo As this 1? one of the first Medical Universities of j the country, a favorable opportunity is offered those j studying- medicina for a scholarship. Apply at this I Office._December 15 AT PRIVATE BALE-A FINE FARM, IN GOOSE CREEK PARISH, containing; S3 acres of land, ?4of which ar? ?learod and under fence; the bal? ance well wooded. This plaoo ia situated IS miles from Charleston, on th? State Road, and within a quarter of a mil? of the Northeastern Railroad. There is a fine or? chard en the place. For information apply ts Dr. H. BAKE. - ' December ll No. lal Meeting greet. EDUCATIONAL. DANCING SCHOOL, BT MONS. BERGER, AT MASONIC HALL. rrUMB OF TUITION-FOR YOUNG LADLES AND JL MASTERS, Tuesdays sod Thursdays, at 4 o'clock. For Gentlemen, Tuesdays and fridays, at 7 o'clock. Sat? urdays, assemblies commence at 7 o'clock. For particu? lars, apply st the Hall at the hours of tuition, or at No. 13 Glebe ?treat._thstn7 January 17 MOUNT ZION INSTITUTE, WTNNSBORO", 8. C. ' COBPS OF TBACKSmS. 6. A. WOODWARD. Principal Bar. yr. S. DuBOBE, A.M., 1 ?^^.^ W. M. DWIGHT ? i Aamsmats. rTTHE EXEBCISE3* OF THIS SCHOOL OPEN THE JL 1st Monday in February. ran.MO rsm cesaro*. Board, with Tuition in all th? branchas except Phi? losophy, Chemistry and French..8138 00 Philosophy, Chemistry and French, ?ach."5 00 " Students required ta furnish oed linen, covering and towels. - " ? For farther inf arraaiion, address ?fas Principal. January 4_. _?tn tall BOMB SCHOOL-FOR BOYS. 7 rytaE EXERCISES OF THIS INSTITUTION WILL BE JL resumed on the SECOND MONDA/ IN SEPTEM ! BEB, sad continue tan month?. - lae number of pupil? is limited ta twelve, . The Principal is a graduate in honors i Cambridge, I England, ?nd has had mora than twenty year ' experience ? as a teacher in tbs South, Careful and thorough instruction wf? se given in the LATIN and GREEK CLASSICS, French and Spanish, 'with a completo coursa cf gallah stadias, <n??in<w?? yathSTaaqcs, Canimaxcial, Arithmetic and Bo jk-Keep Puplls wm be treated in all respects as members i J bis family, and will receive the undivided oars and aiton jen of tbs Principal lathe preparation of their various ?ru? die?. Eerereneea.-To the Faculty of the South Carolina Uni. vend ty, and to present and formar p*+"-f For terms and farther particulars, addrwa the under I signed. ' RICHARD FORD, A. M. Columbia, August, ISIS. state._August ll NIGHT SCHOOL I NIGHT SCHOOLS HIGHT SCHOOL j - 1 ..... ax " ? . - COMMERCIAL SCHOOL, ?" CORNER BROAD AND CHUSOS STREETS. BOOKKEEPING, WRITING, MERCANTILE CALCU? LATIONS TAUGHT, FBOK 7 TO 9 ETZBT NIGHT. January ll _-_^ - -imo ~ MR?. CARROL. ~ ~~ HAVING RETURNED TO TEE C?TT, OFFERS ESS services ss Teacher of the Plano and Tocal M uria Apply st No. 81 WENTWORTH STREET. ? Decembor 20 BOARDING. OOD BOARD CAN BB OBTAINED. TJf A KX pleasant part of the city, with pleasant room?. Terms SS per week. Apply at No. 23 KKETTNG STREET. Jannary 19_ Imo* BOARDING.-PLEASANT ACCOMMODA? DATION can be found at No. 13 WENTWORTH STREET. Terms $8 per woek. January 17 >.. ?? y thetas* ~ .-. PRIVATE BOARD. WTTH OR WITHOUT ROOMS, AT Ho. 369 KING STREET, near George. January 14 . ? .,:. BOARDING-?r?H-xi vr ?TUT ?ira ?a SM; PARED to receive Boarder?, at No. 148 Meeting street, up 'stairs. jj* Har tpaay ^?^dv said *^m?<??*?^ wm please beag tam to rabid. ? ' ~ December 15 LOTTERIES; Havana Plan Kentucky State Lottery HD?EAY, EDDY. A CO., MANAGEBS. rPO BX DRAWN AT COVINGTON. KY., ?STH ^ND _L 30th each month. Scheme, 90,080 tickets-_i27 prizes, whole tickets, $10; halves, SS; quarters. Sa. 1 Prize of......800,000 2 Prizes of.SAJ500 1 Prize of..820,000 20 Prises of.81,000 1 Prix?Of..88,950 63Prtze*of.......8600 1 Prtxeof........SM00 155 Prizes of......8300 220 Prizes of $200. 64 Approximation Prizes amounting to 818.050. Combination Lottery dzvn cvory day. Ticket? from $1 to 810. ' Circalsn ?entine. Drawings maOcd sa soon se the Lottery la drawn. ' ..-i* Andrea? EL T. PETERS, United States Licensed Agent, Na A Basel street, On .????OQ, S.*,, or Se' Box Cit.O. November 10 Arco . INSURANCE. ?eecn?-?etfl4cnmfitn, 3lUct??a<erfer3UH;icn. tiller fccr bellen Sluftaltcn ccv< taxfrei (ter SmcfcrecoTcr,) roddie auf gegen*#iti?ett 9i?v'? begr?ntet ift, - btiergt ttl ben m?fcisftcii Pr?mien. Srotntmrttti? ?lrjt, 2Sm. UfTerOarbt. ?>r. CS. S'. Seiler?, etfc ?ing une iUiattctftragc. January IO_ - TJUJB EQUI?iJBLB Life Assurance Society OF THE UNITE? STATES. Established February, 1859. ASSETS.83,000,000. fTTHE ASSURED FARTICI?ATE IN THE PROFITS, ll Dividends declared annually AND PAID IN CASH. O. A. ROWEN, Agent for Charleston. At Messrs. James Adger A Co.'s, oornor East Bay and Adgcr's South Wharf._tutti?_November 20 QUEEN FIRE INSURANCE COMPM, - LIYERPOOL AND LONDON. CAPITA!..$10,000,000 IN GOLD. APERY TO GIBBES & CO., Agents, NO. 10 AD GER ' S SOUTH WHAEF. Deoomoor 7 CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH TUE OFFICE OP TFACHEK OF THE "8BK- i MAH LAMQCAOE," ra THE SHH SOEGUL or CHARI.ES TO?. Be it ordained by the i?ityor and Aldermen in City Coun? cil assembled. That there shall be a tia- hod to the High School of Charleston a Teacher of the German language, who shall be elected, and whose duties shall bo prescrib? ed by the Board of Supervisors. And tho said Teacher ?hall receive, as a compensation for bis services, a salary at the rate of one thousand dollars per annum, payable quarterly. Ratified in City Council this fifteenth day of January, A D. ono thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, lite ?.] By the Mayor. P. C. GAILLARD, Mayor. W. H. SMITH, derk of Council January 18 CITY TAX BILL. OFFICE CLERK OF COUNCIL, ) January IS, 1867. ( COPIES OF THE CITY TAX BILL FOR THE YEAR 1867 can be obtained at this office or at the Blore of Alderman COURTENAY, Broad street. W. H. SMITH, January 18 Imo Clerk of Council. CITY TAXES. OFFICE OF THE CITY ASSESSOR, 1 OTT HALL, January 1,1867. ) "VrOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THIS OFFICE IS [\ now open, and wiU remain open every day from the hour? of 9 A. M. to 2 P. M. (Sundays excepted), until the tint day of February next, for the receipt of Tax Re? turns on Real Estate. All Males, White and Colored, over the age of twenty one years, ar? required to return themselves for Capita? tion Tax. AU defaulters will be dealt with ss tho Ordmanco di? rects. D. C. GIBSON, City Assessor. January S AN ORDINANCE TO BAISE SUPPLIES FOR THE YEAR 1887. rrraa FOLLOWING ORDINANCE TO RAISE SUP I LIES for tho year 1867. wss ratified at a meeting ol Council, held Friday evening, 28th inst-, and take? effect Cram lat January, 1867: AN ORDINANCE TO RACES CDPPIJEa ? FOB TBS TEAK OSS THOUSAND EIGHT mtKDEEn ANO STXTT-SEVES," IUD" FOR O THEE F?BPOSE3. aBCTIOVL Be ti ordained by tis Mayor and Aldermen wi City Council assembled. That a tax for the sums, and in tho manner hereinafter mentioned, shall be raised and paid into the Treasury of tua city for the use and sgsvice thereof, that is to cay: Two dollars en every hundred dellars of the value, of every house, building, lot, wharf, or other landed estate, including every building and im? provement on lands under a lease for a term of fivo or ?nore years, from a religious, charitable or literary sod : ety, or under any building lease, payable on or before tho 29th day of June next, provided that all persons who shaH pay tn? amounts of taxes duo by thom on or before the lat day of February shall be allowed fivo per cent, discount on the lame ; and that all pursona who shall pay the amount of taxes duo by them after the 1st of Febru? ary, and on or before the 30th day of March, shall be al? lowed two and a half per cent, discount on ?ame. Seventy-five cents on every hundred dollars of all sales of good?, war*? and merchandise on personal account or on account of others, payable monthly. Two dollars on every hundred dollars of the gross re? ceipts of all street railroad?, payable monthly. Five dollars on every hundred dollars of the gross re? ceipt? of all Express Companies, payable monthly. Seventy-five cents on every hundred dollars of aU sales at auction, payable monthly. Three dollars per mouth on every coach or four wheel carriage drawn by two h. .rac? or mules (exclusive of thc horses or mules), payable monthly. Two dollars per month ou every coach or four wheel carriage drawn by one horse or mule (exclusive of tho horse or mule), payable monthly. One dollar and fifty cents per month on every two wheel carriage, chair, sulkey, ?c. (exclusive of the horse or mule), payable monthly. . Three dollars on every hundred douars ol gross in? come, and aU gros? profits derived from the pursuit of any faculty, profession, occupation or employment, or from the exercise of any office, whether in the profes? sion ef the law, the profits derived from thc costs t)f suits, counsel fees, or other sources of professional in? come, income from the practice of dentistry, etc., paya? ble monthly. Fifty cents en every hundred dollars of the value of any bond, mortgage, judgment, decree, or other securi? ty, whether ?aid bond, Aie-, be located, and whether tho interest bo paid hero or elsewhere, payable at the same times, ?ndernder the same wwf?T - *?~ ?u ???imi.U, ?Miase Three dollars on ev?ry hundred doUars of all dividends received from. stocks not exempted from taxation, nav able monthly. Three dollars on every hundred doUars of all annuities and other income or Incomes, received from what source soever, which aro not exempted from taxation by law or otherwise herein taxed, payable monthly. Two dollars on every dog kept within the city, payable on or before the 29th day of June next. Three dollars on every hundred dollars of gross re? ceipts of ?ll commercial agencies, payable monthly. Three dollars on e-ery hundred doUars of all commis? sions received by factors, commission marchant;, bank? ers, brokers, dealers In foreign and domestic exchange, vendue masters, or other persons vending or buying goods, ware?, merchandise, produce, and real and per? sonal property on commission, payable monthly. Two dollars on every hundred doUars of ail gross pre? miums received for or by any Insurance Company lo? cated in this city, whether incorporated or not, or by agencies for individuals or companies, whether incorpo ated or not, payable monthly. Throo dollars on ' every hundred dollars of gross re? ceipt? of ail Gas Companies and other manufacturing companies located in thia city, payable monthly. One dollar per month on every horse and mule used er kept within the city, excepting hornes or mules used in any licensed carriage, cart, dray, or other vehicle payable monthly. Two dollars and fifty cents per month on all retail dealers in all articles whatsoever, whoso monthly returns .f sales do not yield a tax aboro tho said amount of two donara and fifty cents. Two dollars capitation tax oh all males over twenty one years of age, payable on or before the 29lh day bf June next- * Two dellars and fifty oents per month on all Barber Shop?. One dollar on ev?ry hundred dollars of tic gross re? ceipts of Hotels anoVpnbiic Katina; and Boarding House?, payable monthly. . . 15 ^ One doUar on every hundred dollars of all receipts of Livery Stable Keepera, payable monthly. Two doUars on every hundred doUars of the gross re? ceipts of cotton presses, payable monthly. Seventy-five cents on every hundred dollars of the gross receipts of all printing offices, newspaper and nub lishtng houses, payable monthly. Three dollars on every hundred dollars of all gooda sold in the city by persona not residents, by sample or otherwise. Oh? dollar en every hundred doUars of sales of aU horses and mules brought to- tho city, payable monthly. Ono dollar on every hundred doUars of the gross re? ceipts of - Magnetic Telegraph Companies, payable monthly. ' SEO. 2. Any person or persons or corporations failing to pay the taxes in the manner and at tho timesherein before prescribed, may be double taxed at the option of CounciL And it ?hall bo the duty of the City Treasurer to forthwith issac executions against the goods, chattels and other property of said persons or corporations, and lodge the said executions with the City Sheriff, who eh all immediately proceed for the collection sf the same, in the manner provided by Ordinance for the enforcement of the executions. - - ? ? Sac. a That all Ordinances and parts of Ordinances ' repugnant hereto be and the ?ama are hereby repealed Ratified in City Conn di this twenty-eighth day Dcceml flu s.] ber, A D. one thousand eight hundred and sixty ?ix. P. C. GAILLARD, Mayor W. H. SMITH, Clerk of Council._December si . PUBLIC NOTICE. OFFICE OF CITY TREASURY, 1 " -January 8,1867 I T>TTBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER JL the foUowing Ordinance licenses have boen nrenared for delivery from this Onice. S. THOMAS; Ssw. L Be it Ordained by Ote Mayorand Anformen in City Council assembled. That from "and after the first dav of January. Ucenses shill be taken out for ?H carts, drays and wagons, used for private and domestic purposes, in the same manner, and according to the same provisions now of force in relation tocarte, drays and wagons, let or driven for hire, except giving bouda. And each such cart, dray or wagon, provided with a badge con ?atoing the nrrm ber thereof; and marked Private, to be placed on the cuteido of the shaft. SEC 2. No person shall oe taken'by the Treasurer as surety to any bond under the Ordinance consenting 11* c u-jtes for carts; drays, wagons and other carriages, un- 1 Uss 'te or she be a freeholder. Mta S. The i allowing shel! hereafter be the rates for Ucenses for publie and private carts, drays, 'tragona, Ac" including the horses or mules used thereof, which ?hali be free from other taxation: PUBLIC oattra. PEATS, ETC., OB THOSE XIATI^TW??; AHX BUSINESS WHATEVEE, FOB ??3E DLEECT OE UmtSBCT. For every cart, dray or wagon, drawn by one horse or mule, ?20. *P* avery cart, dray or wagon, drawn by two horses or mules, 830. For every hack and ?arriago with two 'wheels, 820. For ovary hack and carriage with Your wheels, 810. eTery ?*age or omnibus (except rino omnibus), with two horses, 860. -. '* For every ?tige or omnibus (except Une omnibus). Irawnby four horses, 860. '*. ^Forcvery truck drawn by two or more horses or mules. For every expresa wagon drawn by two or mora horses ar mules, 860. -v. BREAD CART* ASD FBTVATE O AETS. DRATS, ETC. For every bread cart or wagon, $6. ' For ?very cart, dray or wagon, used for private or do nestle purposes, ?nd not to be employedin tho trana Pfrtlng of goods,- wares, merchandise, lumber, or any jther commodity, for compensation, either directly or ndirectly for tte ?ame, shall pay for a license the tram of sa, exclusive or the horse or mule. r ?"fUi?d ta clty Council, this 16th day of Jaorjary. [tv a,} in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun u drad and sixty-six. . . ? . Bythssfayor. *? ?-0*WT. . January8 W.H.- 8M1TH.Oera of Cmmcfl. FIRE LOAN". MAYORALTY OF CHARLESTON ! _ : _.. Cm HALL, November 0,1866. I A Ii PaESONS DESIROUS OF REBUILDING IN T3E ?3L Burnt Districts and Waste Places of tba City, un? tar "An Act of the General Assembly, giving auttoritv o ?be ?ty Connell of Charleston to pr???i?n the r?2 sr of a Fire Loan, with a ?law to sid In bunding up tho" atv siew.- are hereby notified that the form of^?U anVon for kana can be obtained at the office of the Clerk f Council, between the hours of 9 A. M. and 2 P. M An application? mut be filed in thc above manuoned Y-jr- SMITH, .. Naveta??* M Clerk of Cetmrit. j _FINANCIAL. WANTED. COUPONS MEMPU I?T'A?W^' CHARLESTON RAIL? ROAD (?<IU|H>IIH City of Sa?annah. Georgia Coupons City ol Columbus, Georgia Coupon? State of Gc rxia South Carolina Railroad Stork. Apply to KAJt'L. C. BLACK. Stock and Real Estate ?rok.r. January 10 2 No. *2G l<->ad ntre?t. CLOTHING. LIB ?1, CLOTHING MilFiCTURERS, No. 352 KING STREET. AT WHOLESALE: A large lot of COMMON CLOTH? ING, expressly manufactured for this market, will be offered at tko LOWEST PRICES at tho above place. Merchants and Plantera will do well to examine our Stock before purchasing. 100 DOZ. COMMON SATINET PANTS. - DOZ. .FINE SATINET PANTS. - DOZ. BLACK SATINET COATS. - DOZ. COTTONADE COATS. - DOZ. COTTONADE AND SATINET VESTS. M?tr All the abovo can be bought in suits or otherwise, at No. 852 King st January 19 . *tntli ^TABLISH?F???8?9 THE ONLY EXCLUSITE GENTLEMEN'S IN CHARLESTON. WELCH'S SHIRT EMPORIUM AND MEN'S FURNISHING HOUSE, IS NOTT FAIRLY AND FULLY UNDER WAY AGAIN, and is now in ev< ry way preparad, as heretofore, to supply his former customers and tba public generally, with thc CELEBRATED ""SHIRT for which thia House has an cRtabriahcd reputation throughout tho Confede? racy, and which can bu made to order, from measure, with promptness, punctuality and precision, und can b. supplied from the nbolvos, of all sizes. ' 'ibo SH CRTS furnished from this establishment stand unrivalled for PRECISION OF.CUT. QUALITY OF MA? TERIAL, and faithful workmanship. UNDER-DRESS OF EVER? KIND. HOSIERY, IN COTTON. WOOL, SILE, kc POCKET HANnKFUCHIEFS. ready hemmed. And every other FANCY ARTICLE pertaining to a gentleman's wardrobe. S. M. WELCH, N. W. CORNER MEETING AND MAREET-STS., January 17 Onuiuanw. S. C. A. S. HULL, Ag't., MERCHANT TAILOR, HAS REMOVED TO NO. TO BROAD STREET, NORTH SIDE. BETWEEN MEETING "AND CHURCH, where he will be glad to see bis old friends and ouato ti? ers, and has in storo a full assortment of CLOTHS, COATING. CASSIM ER ES and VESTINGS of every va? riety, which ho will make up to order at as law price? aa any similar establishment ALSO. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF FURNISHING GOODS FOR GENTLEMEN'., WEAR. ?M. JNO. T. FLYNN (formerly of C D. Carr k Co.), will superintend the Tailoring Department as usual, and will give his especial attention to Catting Garments, and Making and Trimming. January 17_ Smos A CARD. TO MX FRIENDS IN GENERAL. A LL IN WANT OF GOOD FITTING GARMENTS il will find it to their interest to call at No. 35 BROAD STREET, where they will be fitted bettor and get cheaper goods than-at any other establishment in this city. In connection with the above. Mr. J. T. KENNEDY will be happy to wait on his old friends and customers, at JAMES MCCORMICK'S, No. 35 BROAD STREET. ?3- Call and see those $?16 FROCK COATS. January fi JAMES MCCORMICK, MERCHANT TAILOR, WnOXISAU AND ?TT?TT. DBALE2 TSC CLOTHS? CASSIMERES AND . VESTINGS, GESTS* FURNISHING GOODS, No.. 35 BROAD STREET, July 33 Amos CHARLESTON. S. C. PARKER & CHILD, DEALERS IN Clothing and Furnishing Goods, - WHOLESALE AND BETAIL, No. 103 BAST BAIT STREET, December 21 3mo Under the American Hotel. 103. OH, CliOTHIlSO SAILORS' OUTFITTING/ DEPOT. PAKKEB & CHILD, No. 103 East Bay. December a*_'~_ Smo C4BJURT, WHITFORD & K MANUFACTUREIS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS FINE, MEDIUM, AMERICAN EXPRESS BUILDING. NOS. 55, 57, 5? and 61, Hudson sir-Mt, near Duane. New York. T. F. CARBART. W. H. WHITFORD. J. B. VAN WAOENEN. December 10 6mo A. T. HAMILTON. JNO. FREDEK EICKEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office No. 84: Church st., OBTHl DOOR JW? CT II OF BROAD. January lg _ ' ws* NORTHROP & SJNBERS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ', OFFICE NO. 53 BROAD ?.TTBEET, CHAJaXBSTOS, g.C t. ?. N ORTHBOB.. ^........... - 8\. AO. V'S- BANDERS. lawrys ' ''''' a^rt GROCERY AND MISCELLANEOUS. VERY SUPERIOR NEW CROP CUItA MOLASSES. 1Clf\ HHDS. VKKY SUPERIOR NEW CHOP CUBA ^?\J MOLA'-.KES,.lust rscf-ived per Brig Jno. Pierce, from Mataaza?. For salo low from the wharf. January 19 1 J. A. ENSLOW A- CO. COTTON YA RN AM) Sill RTINGS. ACONSTANT SUPPLY OK BROWN Kill UTI NOS anti COTTON Y A ItNH, from BatesvlUc ami Huon? Vista Cotton Factorisa, on hand and for salo at market prie?. GEO. W. WILLIAMS k CO. January 1* stutfcC BEARD'S PATENT COTTON J RON TIM, FOR I1ALINU. THK REST TIE IN USE. A CONSTANT SUrPLY on hand. GEO. W. WILLIAMS A- CO. January 19 ?tuthO ~C0R?TC0EN~! AFLOAT. IC) AAA BUSHELS PRIME WHITE CORN, TN JL^.W'IH/ bulk and Lae? 1000 buihrla Primo Yellow Corn Landing from schooners D. V. Streaker, Eliza Frances, and J. Dailey. OATS t OATS I M90 bushels Prime OATS. I-LOUR I KLOUR 1 300 bbl?. Extra Superfine FLOUR. For sala by JNO. CAMPS EN k CO.. No. 14 Market street, opposite State. January 19 3 CORN!~C0RN AFLOAT. 5000 ^Iulk3EI''S PRIMR W1?1TK CORN, IN 1000 bushels Southern Yellow Corn, iu bags, per Hohr. Eliza Frances ?010 bushels prime White Corn, in ba??, per Sehr. Daily. For sale low whits landing, by JNO. CAMPSEN k CO., No. 1* Market street, opposite State. January 19 1 OL\TfC?AL! COAL ! 1 *CA TONS RED ASH COAL, tOO MZE, FOR JLOU ORATES 150 tons Red Ash Coal, stove siae, for Ranges Now landing from tho Brig J. A. Devereux, from Philadelphia, and for sala by ll. F. BAKER A CO., January IS S No. 30 Cumberland street. SEED POTATOES. O A A BARREL* PINK-EYE AND WESTERN BED ZUU POTATOES Fer sale by WM. GURNEY, January 18 _3_No. 102 Bast Bay. PLANTING POTATOES. I AA BBL8. WESTERN BED POTATOES FOR Ivu planting, on consignment, for sain hv KINSMAN A HOWELL, January 18 _ No. 153 East Bay. CORN AFLOAT. O AA A BUSHELS WHITE CORN, LANDING PER ?l\J\J\J Sehr. "Johm E. Daily," at Union Wharf. January 17 WEST A JONES. TIN. OAA BOXES FIRST QUALITY CHARCOAL BOOF 22\JVJ ING PLATES Just received from Liverpool. For sale by T. TUPPER A SONS, January 17 C Brown's Wharf. LATHS. IJ ?y OOO NOETHEBN PLASTERING LATHS. A general assortment of LUMBER. For salo by January lfl _6?_J. N. WOOD, Agent. FOR SALE. ?T fr BBLS. NO. 1 FLORIDA SYRUP. I O - '' WILLIS k CHISOLM. January 8 $* FOR SALE. 1 AAA BUSHELS PRIME WHITE MARYLAND lUUV CORN. WILLIS k CHISOLM. Dooen bar 20 REFUSE LIME. FOB SALK, 100,000 BUSHELS OF REFUSE LIME, thoroughly Impregnated ammonia, an excellent manure. Apply at ibo GAS OFFICE, Church street November 30 WANTED. 1 PC A A BUSHELS CF COW PEAS-THE HIGHEST Xxj\J\j market price paid. OH HAUT) AXD roil ULI. SEED WHEAT, RYE, BARLEY, OATS, carefully select? ed for planting. ALSO, GBIST, MEAL. RICE FLOUR. All descriptions of Grain fer feeding purposes. JOHN BINNS, No. 223 East Bay, Opposite New Cuatum Hnnsc. January 13 stuthO ALE ? ALE! ALE! W.Clagett&Co.'s CELEBRATED BALTIMORE ILE, IM STORR AND RECEIVING REGULARLY BY ovary steamer. Their Brewery waa established in 1776. AH their Ale ii warranted to be of the very bfefit quali? ty, and is pronounced by Judges to have no superior and few equals. For sale, by the barrel or half barrel, by J. k W. H. ARMSTRONG, Nos. 40 and 43 Market st, nuar Meeting, north aide. Agents for Mocsrs. W. CLAGETT k CO. January 7 6 tuthsSO eu Baltimore, Md. WM. S. CORWIN & GO., DEALERS IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, IMPORTERS OF FINE WINES, TEAS, ?fee, NO. 359 KING STREET, OPPOSITE HASEL, (BRANCH OF No. 900 BROADWAY. NEW YORK.) ALL ARTICLES SOLD" THOM THIS ESTABLISH? MENT are of tho first quality. Wo soil no goods but what we can rooemmead and warrant to bo PURE and GENUINE. Goods delivered to all parta of tko city, free of oharge. * Octoi>ei xv SA100NS. GENTLEMEN'S RETREAT, NO. 84 CHALMERS ST., OPPOSITE CITY SQUARE. THE PROPRIETOR OF THIS RETREAT HAS, ainco his retirement from th? old French Coffee House, concentrated all the valuable requisitions of that establishment at his present locality. LUNCH served at tho usual hours. DINNERS provid? ed at shortest nor!?e. His convenient situation gives him great advantages. A. HABENICHT. January 15 tutheC FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT, S. W. COR. QUEEN AND EAST BAY ST8. EV. TURCK INFORMS HIS FRIENDS AND THE . public generally that he has opened at the above place, and will be pleased to furnish them with the beet that the market affords, at moderate prices. January 0 Imo BILLIARD SALOON, WITH FIRST-CLASS rHTHE FINEST LIQUORS, ALBS AND SEQ ARS. AL X WAYS ON HAND; NSW YORK AND MTT.T. POND OYSTERS. H. H. BADENHOP & CO., No? 133 Meetio Street. November 19 CHARLESTON. S. O THE SOUTHERN EXCHANGE ! THE FINEST OYSTERS OP THE SEASON I THE BEST LIQUORS IN TOWN ? THE GREAT POPULAR RESORT. THE PROPRIETOR OF THE SOUTHERN EX? CHANGE. No. 135 MEETING-STREET, respectfully in? forma the'pnblia that the OLD POPULAR PLACE Is still open. The FINEST OYSTERS TO BE HAD he offers by the barrel, bushel, gallon or quart; also, on the half shell ai the counter, or stewed, roasted, fried, or in any other way deeirad. , FRESH AtES, ^ - FUTE BRANDIES, GOOD WHISKIES, FIRST-RATE WINES, , No. 1 SEO ABS. THOMAS FLYNN, Proprietor. December IT U. S. GOVERNMENT HARNESS AND SADDLES, LITTLE USED, AT ONE-FOURTH TPR ORIGINAL COST. AFOUR SET HARNESS. COMPLETE. AT .TWENTY SEVEN DOLLARS ($37). ? A ONE-HORSE AMBULANCE HARNESS, a good arti? cle for boggy, omnibus or light wagon, complete, at Ten Dollar? (?Ot Lot prim* BRIDLES AND BITS, at $L JOHN COMMINS, Ne. 137 KKETTNU KTRKHT, UP STAIRS. January ? ".. . > wa?