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SATUKDAY MORNING, JANUARY VJ, 18C7. LOCAL IviA'rTiilltS. To oujt BuiisauBEEs.-Wo would call tho atten? tion of tlioso -who aro indebted to ne throughout tho country, that tho old year is closing and their accounts are not yet settled. Tho prico of sub? scription is not largo, and will not bo missed from their plethoric pockets. Tho first of January has long bcou celebrated as a day ect apart for closing old accounts, and wo would not havo our friends depart from this time-honorod custom. Money is tho mof?vo pewer of ovcry enterprise, and news? papers ara no exception, and wo rosportfully ask our country subscr hers to cash up and commonco tho now year with a clear record. THE BEMAINS of tho lato T. CAMBRIDGE TBOTT are expected to arrivo in this city to-day by thc Columbia train, and will bo rointerrod in tho First Presbyterian Churchyard thin afternoon. FIBE IN BEATTFOBT.-Tho steamer Elisa Han? cox, from Savannah and Beaufort, arrivod here last night. Hor purser, Mr. LEE, gives us the fol? lowing information: On Thursday, 17th inst-, at 12 o'clock in the day, the largo steam ginnery of H. M. Stuart, Jr., at Beaufort, B. C., caught !iro from a spark on thc roof, burning the entire building. Tho building hod in it at the timo about 30,000 pounds seed cotton, most of which was destroyed. Mr. Stuart saved most of his machinery and eleven bales ginned cotton. Loss $10,000; insured fer $5600. UNITED STATIS DISTRICT CODirr-Hon. GEO. S. BRYAN Presiding Judge.-Tho Juries being organ? ized, the case of tho United States vs. MICHAEL LOLLIS, embezzlement of Government property, was tried, and the Jury rendered a verdict of guilty. JOHN MOBAH, charged 'with buying uniform clothes from U. S. soldiers, waa defended by M. P. O'CONNOR, Esq., and, after a short absonoe, the Jury returned with the verdict of not guilty. DISTEICT COUBT.-Tho Court met at the City Hall at tho usual hour, Jud?? LOGAN presiding. A number of cases-were taken np, some of which woreonterod as not. pros., and others were found not guilty by tho jury. The State vs. Frank Bos tic, for Larceny. Guilty. Tho S tuto vs. Robt. Cotton, Assault and Battery. A. H. DDK?DT, Esq., appeared for the defence. Ver? dict guilty. The State ts. Lizzie Underbill-Larceny. ""Tlf. ?RHETT, Esq., for the defence. Guilty. t Tho State vs. Harry Marzyck-Larceny. Guilty, The State vs. ABBAHAU LILLIENTHAL- False Im? prisonment. H. AV. ScmtoKDXs, Esq,; for defence. Guilty.. .. ._. To-day is appointed as Sentence Hay, when tho evil-doers will receive their rewards. MATOB'S C??BT, January 18.-Henry Smith, a gay and festive young man of dark complexion, who had been participating in tho "mazy dance" at a splendid ball in Elliott street, and thero salu? ting Sarah Brown, a dusky maiden, by a lick on the head with a club, while she was tripping thc very fantastic heel, was fined $3 for his unrrallant conduct. An individual who had, sans c?r?monie, walked into a boarding houso, and' gono up stairs to bod with all the gravity of an old lodger, but who had boen uncovered and brought ont by the aid of the police, was discharged, as it was supposed an overdose of whiskey had made him get so high. A five dollar bill, which had boen loft to answer for another Bill who had been on a bust, was ex? amined and foimd to be so good that, it waa re? tained and put into tho service of the city. One or two other cases, which are to bo examin? ed into, concluded the business of the day. STREET BEGGARS.-We havo heard, from moro than ono source, that our citizens aro being con? siderably annoyed, at the pro ont time, by men and women knocking nt their doors and ringing their bells, generally at meal times, and when the summons is ?nswored by a servant, a soiled writ? ten paper or greasy book is sont ia from some ons begging for money. These appeals are generally accompanied by certificates, signed with imagi? nary names, giving a doleful account of tho suffer? ings and wants of the petitioner; but as this is an old dodge which, we hope, tho people know too well, wo don't think the presentation of such doc? uments bonofits them much. Wo are af raid, how? ever, that the mistresses of houses stifler most from these interruptions while engaged in domes? tic affairs, and we would hint to the police to keep an eye on tbeso vagrants, and to prevent them as much as possible from disturbing families. While wo know that want does exist in the community, and that a great many persons, as of yore, have hearts filled with charity, still the large means that a number onco possessed, they have no long? er, and tho small amounts they are now able to give are properly bestowed upon those of our own people, whose poverty they are well acquainted with. It will bc a long timo boforo the inhabitants of any southern city will be able to supply visiting beggars either with capital or travelling expenses, and thcrofore wc would advise all such to compli? ment some other portion of the country, with their presence. THE PHCENIX FEBE EHOTHK COMPAFT celebrated their anniversary yesterday. In the afternoon they paraded about fifty strong, their engine gaily and tastefully adorned. The "playing" was high? ly satisfactory, giving a stream of 211 feet, with only 90 lbs. of steam on. In the evening the Company met, and the ballot for officers resulted as follows : W. E. HOLMES. Proaident. VINCENT MILNOE, Vlee-President. WM. CALDER, 1st Director. * W. K. PENAL, 3d Director. W. E. DARBY, Sd Director. W. L. KEAN, ?th Director. E. 8. CATHCART. Secretary.' W. AIKEN KF.T.Tig. Tresaor-r. W. A WTTT1NGTON. Engineer. W. M. MTJCKENFOSS, Solicitor. ROBT. LEBBY. Surgeon. 3. L. OIRARDEAD, Cuaplaln. J. W. MATTHTKBSEN, 1 E N. ETAN, f . A. O.PANSIN, Uxmen. . 8. WILET, j. ?Vice J. F. E rUsBT.T. declined.. A very elegant supper had been prepared by Mr. A. RACHEL, of the popular No. 119 Moating street Restaurant, and all hands seemed to enjoy them? selves in true, free and easy fireman's style, the Italian Harpers at intervals enlivening the occasion with their dulcet s'rains. Toasts wore offered, and speeches made, anda great degree of enthusiasm, and the very best of feeling pervaded the assem? bly. We secured the toasts, and had ample notes of tho speeches of R. S. DURYEA, Esq., Chief M. H. NATHAN, his Honor the MAYO?, F. J. PORCHES, Esq., BOSWELL T. L IAN, Esq., of the Mercury, axd others,; but tho lateness of the hour, i nd the crowded state of our columns, preclude their pub? lication. CHANCE FOE AH EXCELLENT INVKBTKENT.-Per? sona desiring to purchaso a plantation would do well to read an advertisement in another column, This is a fine opportunity for a profitable invest? ment, as the plantation described is rosily a valu? able ono, and will DO sold cheap. Foll particulars furnished by C W. DENNIS, at the Planters' Hotel. A NEW LIQHT.-We last night teated the virtues of the new burning finid, the "Boone Oil," at THE NEWS Office, and can testify to the entire accuracy of the representation? toade in regard to it in the ^ advertisement, in to-day*? paper, of Messrs. MC? KAY & CAMPBELL, the agent? for this city. The light is bright and clear; neither smoko nor smell; and tho consumption very small. BETTER LATE THAN NEVER_Our old friend, Captain Corm zn, having jr. jt remembered that he did not send nu a Christmas present, marje full atonement yesterday. II? sent us some Ever Eier. It wasn't exactly l*#sr, nor any other hit d we ever before drank, lt wa* hm, sweet, and had eggs and cinnamon in it-and many other ingredients, "too numerous to mention." We aro glad that the Captain thought of us, and more particularly that he did so in such' ? handsome manner. - May his shadow never grow larger! P. S.-Wo neglected to mention that tho Captain still entertains his friends and customers at the old stand in Market street. . . .. THE TABLEAUX of the Prophecies of ST. JOHN and the Miltonian Tableaux open at Hibernian Hall on Monday evening next. Regarding' these celebrated Tableaux the New Orleans Time* says : "This extraordinary exhibition continues to attract admiring thousands to Masonic Hall, who never grow fatigued gazing on the grand and' thrilling scenes presented in all the glow of a glorious art. The poet and artist haye vied with each other in their utmost reach after the .sulilimo, the marvel Iocs, and the terrible. The interest in these mag? nificent Tableaux continues to increase- daily, and we cannot understand how it could be otherwise, when the subject is one that awakens every feel? ing cf a high and holy nature that belongs to ka? manity." CouKT OT GENERAL SESSIOJW_TRIAI? or HOB ACE GiiEELKr ANO JNO. BULL (colored) FOB HUI DEB.-Tho Court waa opened at 10 A. M., Judge T. N- DAWKINS presiding. Tho following prisoners being in Court, wore arraigned : Hector Edwards, -ludiciod for burglary, plead not guilty, and his trial was assigned for Wednes? day, 15. H. RUTLEDGE, Esq., being requested to act for tho defonee. IHK Haynes alias Henry Williams alias Isaiah Francis, for highway robbery, plead not guilty, and Friday was assigned for his trial, W. E. MIKT?.T, and J. P. GIBBES, Esq., acting for tho de? fence. Tho caso assigned for tho day waa then called. Tho State ci. Horace Greeley alias Johnston, and Jno. Bull alias Donno' t - Murder. J. B. CA&P DILL, B. W. SETMOCH, and W. E. M?ETELE, appear? ed for tho defence. Thc Jury wero organized, and tho indictment read by the Clerk. E. M. Whiting, Esq., deposed dat ho was the Coroner of this District, and at dark on tho 3d of July last heard of Mr. Rhett's death, and wont to his residence. Ho was quito dead, and his back, sido and arms wero found to bo lacerated with shot; on tho 4th the inquest was held, which continued about a week; a largo number of witnesses wore ex? amined. Aftor thejurv had viewed thc body they adjourned to the Guard Houso, and continuad the iuveatigationB; the witnesses wero kept separate and not allowed to communicate with each other. After several days investigation Horace Greeley, one of the prisoners, made a statement, on the 1 ' th July, to him and the jury, that he had seen the same woman testifying thc . and wished to say a few words; that ho had charged bim at the time that if he wished to say any thing it must bo fret and voluntary, and that no compulsion was used toward him. Jno. Bull was also "present, and con? tradicted the statement in part.. Ball made a s ate ment, os a witness, in tho snaps of testimony. Dr. Mitchell deposed that he was a practising physician, and was sent for when Mr. Rhett was wounded, and found him dead on arrival. - He was lving on the grass at his farm, about a milo from the city. His head was in his son's arms. He was shot in. his avenue leading to his house, half a mile from- the main road, and quarter of a mile from his house. Ho has no doubt that the wound cansed his doalh. Ho was shot with dnck shot, i-.nd apparently from a shot-gun. From the na? ture of the wound tho assassins could not have been fifteen fee*- distant. He was shot slightly in the roar of his chest, under the arm. and tho party ftri-'g must have been in his rear. Arrived at tho spot about sundown; the bo?y was removed to his residonco in Rutledge street. Was in the act of going ont when he received tho notification, and arrived as quickly as possible. Jemima way (colored) deposed that she has seen Horace Creely before, and he went by the name of Horace generally; knew him abbot two ir three weeks before the death of Mr. Rhett; she lived on the King street road, near. Mr. Salvo; she first heard of Str.. Rhett's death, having heard Horace say, two days after the occurrence, that ho had shot him, but did not know if he had killed him, and she told Mr. Coorlong of it; did not know who Horace meant until told; sho had already heard of Mr. Rhett's being shot; she wc s examined before the Coroner; - there were Miles Terrier and i3veral colored mon present when Horaco made this statement; she had nover seen Horace with a ?lin, and had never heard him moke any threat. Cross-examined-She livos with Mr. Charlong. ind used to carry his dinner to tho railroad, and she was returning when she stopped in at Miles rurners, about 1 o'clock, and heard the state nent. Horace was sober and was in the store, ind she was in tho piazza; heard it through the loor; was sitting near it; is on good terms with arisoncr, and no\or had any words with uim. Hiere waa no drinking in tho store, ond no one ro iriied to Horace. She used to visit the yard where Horace Greeley staid, and mode tho acquaintance in that way. She was standing with her back to the door and Horace came in, and sho saw him and tieard him: knew his voice well. She was talking to Miles Turner at the time; thoy wore sitting on lach side of tho door, and were not talking at the ;ime; she turned to soe who went into the door, md could soo him distinctly; Horaco was only a ew foot from her, and carno in at thc street door; >ho was sitting by the back door. Tho house is in King street; ono door opens on tho street and ho other right upon the back piazza, and where iho was sitting could seo tho street distinctly, al hough her back w s in that direction; she turned LS Horace came in and looked up as ho spoke. iilo3 Turner. Oscar Silva, and a number of per? ons were present, but no white man. Tho piazza eas at tho side of the house (the south stdo), and laving ber back to tho street, she could still sec nto the store, lient. H. W. Hendricks deposod that be is Chief if the Detective force; about the 5th"of July tool? ome om-'ers and searched tho farm; round "where he assassins had been concealed and saw theil racks; on the second day had Bull arrested; sur ounded Horace's house and arrested him; receiv d information that induced him to take these tops: ascertained the spot where Mr. Rhett hac >eon shot through the colored people; was sonn tiree days investigating the matter bofore making ho arrests; the first information was received fron Juli; the prisoners both wished to make sonn itatemeuts. but rofcrred them to the Coroner iull said that on the 4th he.met Greoly and walket rith bim down tho road; thewlay after his arrest lorace proposed to give a full statement of whs: lad occurred; he notified the Coroner, who tool ?own tho confession before tho jury; Bull was pro ent at the time; Bull stated that ha had beet perking at a' certain placa opposite the uppec ?nard House on the day of tho murder, and par les testified that he was; he recognized tho gun nd said that it was the gun with which tho crim< tad been committed, and that Greeloy had alsc dentified thc gun and tho shot as the one he hat ised on thc occasion of tho murder; the parti? Mr. Hagerman and others) that employed Bull laid that he was working for them<tho who'-o da; if the murder; Greeley was before tho Coroner' lury, whon be testified to having used the identi al gun. and also said that Bull was with bim an Tabbed the gun and said shoot quick. Office ferrell notified him that Greeley wished to make onfession, and be acted as before stated; Bull wa iresent and denied the statement of Greeloy th? ie was with him; judging from the tracks at th arm, ho thought, that only ono person was cor .e&lcd in the rushes. Mr. Julius M. Rhett deposed, that ho is the soi if deceased, and heard of the accide.-it about 1 ninutes afterward through a small negro boj Iis father was lying in the field, and -stated th? io was shot by some one in the bottom, which wa .bout thirty yards, distant. This was about 'clock in the afternoon. -Farrell deposed, that he is a detective an ms omnloved on the 5th to investigate the m urde t Rhett's Farm. He rode through the avenue t causeway near a low bottom; on examination the Dund a track on tho edge of the marsh, and als ne near an oak tree; on following it np they fons hollow in the ruanos, where some one. had bee oncealed. They lound that a man had been see omni g towards this place with a gun. On tl ight of the Otb arrested John Bull and brougl im to the Guard House. The next day heard ttl lorace had been arrested. Bull made a declar. ion that he'was with Greelev on the 4th; Grech ras quite excited in his cell, and he told him that ie was guilty he had better tell tho truth; did nt tear what be said aa was not present. No indno cento were offered by any officer lo make Greet? onfess; it was entirely voluntary on bia par Greeley made his statement that Bull was his a omplice bstore the Coroner's Jury. Cross-Examined.-The witnesses were oonfin? eparately, and Greeley having a chance to see tl icos of the witnesses who were called up, be pr urned that it made him uneasy and excite lhere was no one present in the room, as far ie can remember, except Mr. Barry, Officer Coat nd himself. In bis position as a detective he bi o suspect every one put under arrest, and ti nessy and excited manner of Greeley induced hi o say, "If there is anything on your mind, uvthing troubling you, to tell the trnth." Ofnc ?oates informed Lient. Hendricks, who told tl '.oroner, and be took down the confession rriting. Catharine Collins (colored) deposed that si new the prisoners; bad known Horace about reek before the murder, but had never met Bi ntil tho 4th of July. She lived up the King atrc Dad, in tb? same house with Miles Turnar ai lorace Greeley. The house was on the west si f the road, with a piazza to the south, doc pening on tbe street and piazza. Horace w ot there on the Sd when she got up, and did r. eturn until sun-down. The gun (same as oort) was in the corner of tho boase on Mond ftemoon, but both Greeley and gun were misai n Tuesday. Saw the gun again when examin ?fore tho Coroner. Horace said, the day he i urned, that be bad shot a man to-day, but didi now if he had killed him. Miles Turner a emima Way were present; the latter was in t nazza near the door. Horace waa'-there until ros arrested. She never heard bim say ?nythi J Mr. Bhett. Frederick Dawson (cold) denosed that ho i nerly belonged to Mr. B. S. Rhett. Knows H ice Greeley, also Jno. Bull, who grew np in ' lame family. First saw Greeley about two we if ter be came from the country, about six mon xjfore the murder. Ho never had a wife on dace, but Vised to come there shooting, and 3 ihott ho? sent him to order Greeley off, and Gj ev told him Mr. Rhett bad.-better come hims ur. Bhett did so, but ho does not know w ranspired. Knows nothing about Horace; wi ie came from; bad never seen Jno. Bull and ? ?ce together. Horace used to shoot with a mm vbenever bo saw bim. ' Does not know Miles 'J tor's bouse, aa be never visited on King street Samuel Dawson (colored) deposed that used to belong to Mr. B. S. Rhett ; knew J 3ull woll^-know Horace-sinco he had worke McBride's ; he used to como on Mr. Rhett's p ihooting, and Mr. R. objected to it ; but Hoi laid he did not care : be came there a good w jefore t1 e murder ; used to out wood there respass generally ; was not on the farm at imo of tbe murder. On the Sunday before fihott was killed Boll came to th? farm, and il. objected to bia coming on the place, as be eft his employment. Cross-examined.-Has known Horace four mo: before the murder, but only by sight. Cain Hercules (colored) deposed that be 'ormorly a slave pf Mr. B. 8. Rhett, and was on place at the time of the murder; came up to M he waa lying on tho ground and asked ] ' M D as ii, who shot yon?" he said he did not knot was shot'in tbe bottom; took off his gloves shoes sid sont for his son, and got him s water; knows Jobn Bull well: has never seen and Horaco together on tho farm; has seen Gr? bnnting there, and bas boen sent to him by Rhett to make him go away; John Bull was Ii at the corner of Coming and lino streets, and race near Mr. Charlong'e at the time of the mu Horace and John did come to tho farm togi once in July; Horace came back to town and Bull went to the house.' Samuel Wilson (colored) deposed thai he k both of ibo prisoners; bas been on Mr. Bl place often before Mr. Rhett's death. H was working on tho place next to Mr. Rhett's; Bull waa not working on that place, and he never seen cither of the pr'sonora together. Mr, Salvo deposed that the gun waa his, an stolon from bim in November a year ago; noi it in July, about a week after Mr. Rhett's de; negro man bad it on bia shoulder; ho took it from him, but does not know the man, as h away; tho man waa living at-Mrs, Heidts' 1 formerly known as Chariong's. ' ' i X. M. Whiting. Esq*; re-examined :-State? Greeloy bad made a oonfosaion to lum, whic done ofhia own free volition. Ho said that on the 3d or July, about 6 A. M., ho borrowod a doublo barrclled gun from Alfrod Johnson (colored), and wont hunting. Met John Bull at tho head of tho avenue, who said ho would like to borrow tbo gun, and would give ?100 for it. He lot him have tho tran and wont homo. He afterwards met Bull on tho causeway of Mr. Rhett's farm, whon Bull asked him to kill Mr. Rhett. Thov wont into a small oottora and concealed themselves ; saw Mr. Rhett poming. Boil said shoot. Ho asked why Bull said" a hoot, and crabbed tho gun, and in tho struggle bo t!i barrels 'went off and shot Mr. Rhett, who cried "oh 1" They then carno down together, ?nd he told Bull that they had got into a scrape. Bull said they had bettor get out of the wav. And ho says that Bull is equally guilty with himself. Bull being present domod this statement in toto. Tho testimony was hero closed on tho part of tho prosecution, and tho defence introduced tho prisoner at tho bar. Horace Greeley, the prisoner at the bar, being sworn, d posed that on Tuesday, 3rd of July, wont hunting on Mr. Rhett's farm; got some roosting oars and carno homo by 12; tho boarders were all thore, and they took diunoi together; after dinner went down town and bought some moat, which he brought up; went out to a neighbor's house, and was standing there in his shirt sleovos whon ho saw somo polico going np tho road, and asked what it was fee-, and was told that Mr. Rhett was shot; he followed them np a short way and returned home; took supper and went about his usual business; rho reason ho made the statement at the Guard Hou.-o was because lie was sea ed and excited, and men would como to him and tell him that he would bo hang if ho did not tell all he know, and ho was worked up into such a state that ho did not know or care what ho said; he told thom that if ho must lio he would do it publicly; he broke out of jail be? cause the fare was bad and ho hod no clothes, and anybody that had boen there as long as he was would break out too. He had nover said anything about killing a man, and those who said that be had lied. Cross-Examined.-Catharine Collins lived at the same bouse with him, and tho statement sho made about his absence the entire day was false, because he broughtJtbo dinner home. Lieutenant CAMPBELL and E. M. Wnrnsa, Esq., both contradicted this statement of Greeley's; ?nd the evidence being closed on both sides, the Court adjourned until to-day at 10 A. M., when the argu? ment will be made, and the caso left to tho Jory. ECONOMICAL SIGHT-SEETNO_Those of our read? ers who design visiting tho Paris Exposition next spring, would do well to go to the College to-night, where they will have a foretaste of the beautiful things in store for them. And those who do not intend to go to Paris have a still greater induce? ment to visit the College Chapel, and BOO Professor HOLMES' beautiful Binopgxic Lantern views, spe? cially selected for this entertainment. Such an economical opportunity of making the grand tour is not often presented to ns. We feel assured a large nambc-r of young travellers, especially, will take passage with tho Professor. THE NEW BILLIARD PABLOS.-The . corner of. Queen and Meeting streets is destined soon to be? come tho head centre of attraction, especially to billiard players. Heretofore these establishments Lia ve boen confino;! to tho upper sections of the r?ty, but Messrs. GAYLORD & WAOKOH have doter rnined to make a change in this respect, and, judg? ing from the tout ensemble of their Parlor, it. will be com J the rendezvous of all knights of the Cue. Fheir saloon occupies tho entire second story of the building, and is a well ventilated, finely ar? ranged hall. Tho table?, four in number, are of the finest grained maple, with marblo beds and well supplied with aE the modern appliances known to billiard players.. Tho interior of th? hall is rory tastefully arranged; in tho roar is a bar sup? plied with every beverage used by tho bibulous, ind shadowed by two immenso mirrors. Messrs. JAYLORD & WAONOS are experienced hands and ;he new saloon will certainly prove a draw. The 1 eo? lation is admirablo, and its proximity to the Mills Sonso will insure a largo number of visitors. To light is the grand opening, and all lovers of this ?arno aro invited to attend. -o- . . LIKE REGULARS OM BRESS PARADE, the teeth should always be scrupulously clean and free from ilcmish. Keep them in this_condition with the ncomparable Sozodont, and when they aro vete ?ans in the service they will a till bo as "good as lew." tus2 WE REFER to JOHN COMMINS, No. Jg7 Meeting itreet, where ho offers TJ. S. Government harness, md saddles, little used, at one-fourth their original iost: four-horso set harness, complete, at $27; fine' imbulanco harness, complete, for ono horse, at ?10 (will suit for buggy, omnibus and fight wagon); ii prime bridles and bits at $1. ws4 THE DUTY OF CLEANLINESS is enjoined upon all icrsons as a matter of health as well as comfort. L'he Toilet Soaps manufactured by COLGATE & Cc. ixe free from any ingredients that can inj uro th 9 nost delicate skin, while for their cleansing prop? erties they are unsurpassed. This firm have tho orgeat works in the country for the manufacture if Toilet Soaps. ?SSV- 0 ' SUDDEN CHANGES OF WEATHER ara produotivs of throat Diseases, Coughs, Colds, ic. There ia no nore effectual relief in these diseases to be found han in the timely uso of "BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES." They possess real merit, and have iroved their efficacy by a test of many years, hav ng reecivod testimonials from eminent men who lave Used them. .. ' MARSL. Y'S PECTORAL BALK can be relied en zu ll diseases of the lungs. DOWXE * MOISE, Agents. GOODRICH, WINEMAN A CO., Agents. BUSINESS NOTICES. ALONSO J. Warra A BOB will sell at aaetlon thia day, t th* north of the Exchange, at ll e'cleok, a large bay tersa. Try Them. Many persons have within this sn sumar saparlsnoed hs benefits to bs derived from thc use Of PAITXHTS'S ISPATIc BITTE?) . We would recommend than to all rho stand in need of a tonic. Ear salo by all Braajrlsts. s Ostsaer S "j , "Canst tte? net minister to a mind dineased. And. with some sweet, oblivions antidote. Cleanse the foul bosom of the perlions stuff ] That weigh? upon the heart?" . 1 Certainly; PLANTATION BITTERS will de lt when tot hing else whX Melancholy, Depression. Hypochon iria. Insanity, all spring, more ar less, from a fljesaese1 to mach, and this PLANTATION BITTERS ls a sar? - ure for. There ls no mistare aeeut lt; Dyspepsia, leadach?, Drill????. Agna, sad Low Spirits, must yield a the heal th-gi ving and genial influence of the PLAN- J 'ATION BITTERS. If you are in doubt; nuke ons rial ana be convinced. tathsS January 34 _ THE DAX i3 fast coming upon na wita th? usc of Point f nd Powdar wffl be ?bandened, as the ladlee ara fast jaming the use of Erpme'a FLUTD EXTRACT or SASSA- ? '??y-y.? AND QUERN'S DXXIOBT, SS it render* th?akin j ?ft ?nd rosy. stntafi January IS - a To PLANT-TV a,-If yon wish Fertilizers, apply to J. N '.OBsox, Ne. 63 Bast Bay, who has always a large steck, 2 nd on tbs most favorable terms. ' November 29 su thstuSmes - -1 THU TIME TO AJ?V93R1TSIS US THE] j COTJMTRT. .InsDaily Saulh Carolinian at Colamb'a, ls BOW sent S every Postemos in the State. Being the emciel paper >f the State, it will be lound at the present ttme-?yrce lalty valuable to na ero nant? and ethers decirla g te avail hesaselvec of a very largo circnlatloa. - - >*???- .... B?RAXT-AST Cassa, ' i tDDij?CAx?a, Mcyro-a,: Roixsv fcc, aTmaoteTigbt?nu wholesome by'using tie P?Vsaxa' * fRASr POWDER. If you would u?s Buckwheat without < laving headache and eruptions, use the. Pioneer Tessi Powder. Bakers will find this Powder reliable for Hot ?. Solis, Tea Biscuit, Ac. Sold by . GROBER A MARTIN, January 12 22 No. 236 King street. A Nefarious Business. It ls th? richly fndgbtod ?bip that is tracked by the robber j pf the ssa; and, on tbs. ?ame principle, lt la the. popular specific that the land buccaneers, called oona- ' wrfelUrs, select'for ihr?'r shining mark. HOSTETTER'8 STOMACH BITTERS . ?tend preeminent among medicinal preparations in this noun try. The demand for them is something wonderful, unparalleled ; hence the coyi. .erfsitara know full well that if they can impose their flory fluids upon the people as ibat famous tonic, they can make fortune? by the fraud, rhoy are now at work. Detectives are on the tran of soma of them, and others have bean already brought to ' book. Xet the publie second the proprietor? In their ef? forts to baffle tho reckless ?coundreliwho ?eek at once to poison the community and swindle the firm that bas pro? duced tho flnast Vegetable Bitters ever manufactured Thinking to dodge th? law, the counterfeiters are affixing; to their bottles names resembling in orthography ead sound that or H08TETTER, such aa ''Hocnsrjrrrna," ?'HoojmariAAi." and the Uk?. Win the public he kind enough to look to this, and to see alto that the label is aB right, with Its Vignette ot St George and the Dragon, end its tiny note of bead, signed " HOBTBITKR A SMITH Y.\ The proprietors wfll do their p?rt to protect tho mOTion from imposition, and they ask the million to be on the alert against thc platters (gainst their .health. January 1* S HOU?E1TER A SMITH. E. J.' WHITE..;........'....JNO. ir. GOURDIN. WHITE & GOIJRD?N, Civil Engineers and Surveyors. OWNING ONE-HALF Ol THE PARKER PAPERS, sod bavins;, ?rete? to the whola ?aBssBOB at aU time?, we are pr?j>ar?d te ?xecut? all .work entrusted to our caro with accuracy ?nd dispatch. ... Office: LAW RANGE, Charleston,g.C. -V J?aaaxy7 Imo? AMUSEMENTS. NOYEL EXHIBITION! TH IB (SATURDAY) EVENING. AT HALF FAST 7 o'clock. Professors HOLMES and GIBlSliS. of the College of Charleston, will exhibit In the College Chapel, by means of tho "BXNOPTRIC LANTERNS." a series of CHOICE PICTURES, selected especially for this entertainment, at tho request of many who were pre? vented from atto -ding former exhibitions. VIEWS IX ENGLAND. : SCOTLAND. FRANCE, GERMAN If, SWITZERLAND, ITALY AND SPAIN. Beautiful Statuary, Chremotropee exhibiting .Kaleido? scope Changos, and the wonderful Dissolving Views. Tickets CO cents. Children auder 12 half price. Ticket? at "Holmes' Book House" and at the door. January 19_._ HIBERNIAN HALL. FROM ENGLAND. 110 NIGHTS AT ST. JAME?' HALL, LONDON. Opens Monday Evening, Jan. 21st, AND EVERY EVENING DURING THE WEEK. GRAND MATINEE, SATURDAY, 3 O'CLOCK. THE TWO MOST EXTRAORDINARY EXHIBITIONS OF THE AGE COMBINED. The Latest European Sensation, by Gustave Doro and John Martin. TABLEAUX OF THE APOCALYPSE, " ' OR THE BOOK OF REVELATIONS ILLUSTRATED Together with, the original MTLTONIAN TABLEAUX OF PARADISE LOST?. Pri?es of Admission. 75 cents. Secured B?ats.;.$1.00 Children. 60 cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Commenco at 8 o'clock. Diagram of Hall at J. M. GREER'S BOOK STORE. King street, where Secured Scats can bo obtained during tho day. . 6* January 17 DRY tOODS, ETC. JOHNSTON, CREWS & ?0., Importera and Wholesale Dealers TN STAPLE AND Fi.NCT DRY GOODS, No. 41 Hayne Street. HAVING RESUMED OUR BUSINESS CONNECTION, under the same name and style as formerly, re? spectfully solicit a continuance of tho patronage so lib? erally extended to us heretofore. ? A. 8. JOHN8TON. A J. CREWS. JAS. M. BRAWLKY. January 1,18C7. A. 8. J. PERRY. January IS tuthsl3 POR THE SPRING TRADE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. BRITISH WOOLLEN CLOTHS, DIRECT FROM THE LOOM. TTHE UNDERSIGNED HAS JUST lt SBC RIVED TN X. bond about 3600 yards TWILLED MELTONS, fine ;oods; also, various qualities of CONFEDERATE GREY SLOTH, all of which will be sold sr bartered for VJOOL HENRY TRENCHARD, Exchango street, , January 8_tuthsOmo . - Charleston, S. C. CLOAKS! CLOAKS! J. R. READ & HAVE TEMPORARILY REMOVED THE CLOAK DEPARTMENT of their -ESTALISHMENT to the 1EAB ROOM of C. H. JOHNSON'S H<vT STORE. No. 2ti9 UNG, opposite HASEL STREET (READ'S OL, ' "LACE STORE"), whore, during the few weeks necessary to lomplete their NEW CLOAK AND SHAWL ROOM, they viii be happy to serve their friends and tho public [anerally. J. E. BEAD & CO., ' NO. 260 KIN?, OPPOSITE HAS EL STREIT. January 14 CHEAP CLOAKS. VXpt ARK NOW SELLING CLOAKS OF ALL DB T Y SCRLPTIONS at prices warranted to give satisfac iou to purchasers. We have still a few remaining or those BLACK CLOTH JACQUES at ?8.50, $10 and $18 each, formerly soldat (12, $14 and S18; which, together with onr KNTTRK STOCK OF LADIES' COVERINGS, will lio offered doi? ng the remainder of the season at prices less than their jost to manufacture. J. E. READ & CO., NO. M? KING. . OPPOSITE HASEL STREET. Janmary 1* "* " MACHINE SHOPS. BRIDGES & LAMB, MANUFACTURERS AND SEALERS IN DsALLROAD AND CAR FINDINGS, AITI> Maelaln ary of* gvry Description . - Axao, :APTS PATENT ROLLING LEVER SHEARS AND PUNCHES. Io. SO Courtland4t.,een:ar of Greenwith, . l N"?W YORK. r> AXLSOAD AXLES, WHEELS, CHAIRS, SPIKES, til Balta, Nute, Washers, Car, Ship and Bridge Bolts, ron Forgings of various kinds, Ac-, ftc STEEL AND RUBBER SPRINGS, LOCOMOTIVE AND LAND LANTERNS, Portable Forjes and Jack Sorews, tottan Dur* ?OF Car Corers, Brass and Stiver Trimmings, lelateg of ail kinda, Baggage Checks, Ac, Ac Also, Agente fae the mann fr*tarers af CAB HEAD .IKINGS. .LBif Ri BRIDGES.. IGEL C. LANE. Xoi-e'iiSsr ". fntrsf-pr SEW YOKE STEM C0., | 'J MANUFACTURERS OF ?NGINE LATHES, PLANERS, IMPROVED CAR WHEEL BOXES, . ' BOLT CUTTERS, . . Ul^GHT DRILLS, >.<.'.';-' ANT> IACHIMSTS' TOOLS OF ALL BESCR?PT?OSS. Works at Worcester, Mass. )FFICE AND WAREROOM, No. 202 PEARL ST., ? ' . 1I?BW YOBS." , December IS ' " ? errie BQ0XS, STAT.QUERY, ETcT GREGG'S BEIG?BE. . TBS HISTORY OP A ?3IGADE Ol' SOUTH ??RO CtNIANS.knowa first M GREGG'S, and oubaeqnently as SIoGOWAN'S BRIGADE, by J. E. J. CAUDWDX, lately m officer of the 1st Regiment 8. C. V. 1 vol. 12mt., 11.60.. . - ?.' " "* WAB POETRY OF TBS SOUTH. Edited by Wnxu ? ' lUMoax S ru Ma, LL. D.. 1 vol.. Cloth Ext., 32-50- - A few eenie? fer sale by . r.;: " ' JOHN;R?SSELL,"--: January 16 '' 7 ; 285 KINO STBEET. CF. N?. 108 MAREET;ST., Books, Periodicals and Stationery. JUST BEG ETfED-" " __._,_"_. A lar e supply of STATIONERY J'ii?ii. lHOTOGftAPHS, PHOTOGRAPH AL30?HB . , POCKET BOOKS, DIARIES for 1867, Ste ' AMO, ... ' A Ins and large selection of NOVELS? by theonoat cetebratea^rth<?rV- SONO; IfcjoKS. BOOKS fer atome AlIS^0MONTHLY MAGAZINES, rTEEKXY PAPBBS. DAILIES oonstantly on hand, and. auhacrtlrUona re ^C^h^^cW^re^^ TKBV? T.TWKmA*;.. Hoyen?! - ? E. M. 'v^HITINQ-, CORONER7iA^;j!UkmmmjLm, HAEEKKpy?p,,ass O??TCE WSOU- CSA;xmas1 .tnet t* HA SS OBOBCH- 8TBJEBT, 'ano door aorta el Uroaa steer!. AW put II AGRICULTURAL. SOLOLE PACIFIC 6CAN?. [COPY.] CBABLESTOK, jAnuarr lg, ISCA. Mr. J. JV. Robson: DEAR srn: I Dad tb? following composition In tb? sam? ple selected by me yoaterday from s lot of lon t?ns of th? Soluble Pacido Guruo at present lu Tour warehouse: Hygrom?trie Water, separated at 313 degress. 38.20 Combined Water sud Organic Matter (tho latter rich in Nitrogen, aud therefore Atuznonia-producing probably to the extent of nearly 3 per ceut). 36.80 Soluble Phosphate of Lime, after Ignition?. IA Insoluble Phosphate. 35 Sulphuric Acid, with bulphate? of Lime, Magnesia, Potash and Soda, with traces af Chlorides of the ?arno basil, about. ft.GO Sand. _ 100.UO This constituent, as stated by other analysis, with its Combined Water, would bo 16.44 per cent. A more adiniruble fertilizer c?n scarcely te imagined. It contains nearly everything which Corn or Cotton re? quires uirvugh the entire stage of their grow.h. The Soluble Phosphate is well proportioned to the Insoluble; whilo tho latter contains so much Animal Matter a? to in? jure its perfect disintegration, and it thereby ??cornes fitted for an early absorption by tho plant. Very respectfully yoma, January 19 1 CU ABLES UPHAM SHEPARD. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS OE ALL RENDS. AT LOW PRICES; IRON AND Steel Ploughs, Wheelbarrows, Trucks, Straw and Sulk Cutters, Corn SheUers, Panning and Grain Mill?, Cotton Gins, Com and Cotton Planters' Seed Drills, Plough Coating, Giu Gear and ether Castings, Horte Power Threshing Machines, Guano, Bone Dust, Phos? phate of Lime. Atc. JOHN MOORE, December 10 3mo No. 103 Front-street. Now York. PERUVIAN GUANO, DIRECT FROM AGENTS, AT MARKET SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO, S7G CASH; ?80 FIRST November, with interest, approved city acceptance. Swan Island "ruano, S20 cash: 425 1st November, with inter, pt, approved city acceptance. Baugh's Phosphate of Lime, 800 cash ; SSS 1st Novem? ber, with interest, approved city ?cooptanoe. Pheonix Guano. $55 cash. Flower of Bon?tChnadulterated and unburnt Farmern' Plaster or uypsum, warrant'd pur?. I. o Cering tho shore manures to plantera. I do so with overy confider-ce, not only having testimonials from plantera who have used them the past year, but the further guarantee that every cargo, aa it arrives from tho factory, ia analyzed by Prof. Shepard, of th? South CaroPna Medical College, and tho high reputation of these manures fully kept up. J. N. ROBSON, January 1 tuthsSmoa No. GS East Bay. SOLUBLE PACIFIC TEE COMPOSITION OF THIS GUANO IS IDEN- \ TICAL "WITH PERUVIAN. IT DIFFERS ONLY IN THE PROPORTIONS OF THE ?SAME ELEMENTS. TT7HTLB IT CONTAINS LESS AMMONIA, IT HAS VV nearly twiee the quantity of Phosphate of Limo, 15 per cent, of which is immodiatoly soluble. Its effect? sn Cotton the past ?eason have, la many instances, ex ?ellcd Peruvian Guano. It bsa in no case proved less ac? tive in tue early growth of the crop. When drought in? tervene* the crop does not Buffer from its uso a? is thc sase with Peruvian Gnane. By reason of the presence in it of ?o large a per cent, of Phosphate of Lime its use im? proves the soil to an oxtent that cannot be realized frem Peruvian Guano. Every cargo of this Guano is aub i cc tod to rigid inspec? tion analysis, and is sold on a bud* ?f actual value. The undersigned. Agent, ia prepared to furnish the tes uaaony of well known South Carolina planters in evideaoe if the superior oxcellsnoe of this Guano. J. N. ROBSON, Agent, December 4 tntheinSmo NO. C2 EAST BAY. E. FRANK COE S SUPER PHOSPHATE SF LIME BONE DUST MANURE. WI BEG TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF PLANT? ERS to the above a? a superior manure for either :orn or Cotton, tho experience of lost year proving it iqual if not superior to Peruvian Guano. The following is tho report of an analyaiavriiade from a ot now la>?toro: .?.*. ? .r" ' Phosphate of Lime, soluble.eli.:.:'._i 8.30 * ?hosphateof Lime,insoluble.38.80 -37.00 Sulphate of Lime and traces of Sulphate of Ammonia, Potash, Soda and Magnesia, with some free Sulphuric Acid, about..... 8.00 Jygromrtic Water erpe?cd at 313 J cirro ca.... 53.00 Combined Water (a portion of this oci?nos to the Phosphate of Lime, which waa r?ti? ma ted after ita ignition; the greater part of belan oe in doubtless associate 1 with the Animal Matter)'and Animal Matter. 30.09 lilies (Sand). 3.00 loo.oo The A alma! Matter, a? might be snppeied in a fertilizer 10 largely derived from fish, i? leas highly nitmgnnized han that in the Peruvian Guano. Still it will afford, du? ring the process of decomposition, about three lier cont, if Ammonia. The Oil (which ia rcmarLably abundant) hough not generally reckoned among Manures, being lore associated with other le?? stable animal principles, mnnot fail of adding to the value of the mixture, cspe ilally on Ught soils. The insoluble Phosphate being horougtily organized and. at the same time, minutely 11 Tided, is also weU adapted to a gradual appropriation by he plant. ' According to the present ?ample, COE'S SUPER PHOSPHATE is a judiciously and faithfully manufae rured Manure, and will not disappoint those who will rive lt a trial. Even if employed alono, I should expect Ughly remunerative results. (Signed) CHARLES UPHAM SHEPARD. Price SSS per ton of 2000 pound?. For ?ale by E H. RODGERS ic CO., Sole Agents for South Carolina. January 12 era talmo * North Atlantic Wharf. INGERSOLL'S PORTABLE HAND POWER COTTON PRESS. CHE INGERSOLL PRESS STANDS UNRI? VALLED FOR CONVENIENCE, ECONO? MY,* CHEAPNESS AND RA " P?DIT?" OF "WORK. ' FCAN BE WORKED WITH TWO OB FOUR HANDS, AND WILL TURN OUT FROM TWENTY TO fHTRTY BALES, OF FIVE HUNDRED POUNDS EACH, 'ER DAY. '.. .-. The Press can ba worked either alongside or under the j Inning Boom, and thus ba under cover and I worked in iU kinds of. weather. It weighs two thousani pounds; ?an bo rory readily broken apart and carried about the | ^On'ShibiUon and for sal? at : imE&lllit?SHILL'S Agricultural Warehouse SEED STORE, SK). ?40 METING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. December ll ? '> tutiisSmo . .November ?T Tt??AlAM BR00KBANKS, ?PTEAM OAS FITTER ANT? PtUMUUB, "TtLATN" AND ORNAMENTAL GAS imWt.01S ! J FITTING AND PLUMBING PROMPTLY AT 'XEKORO'TtX No. ll? XING STREET, August ll Betwein Broad and Queca aUecU. _AUCTION SALES._ Sala of a Horse, said, to be noir, or t-ilely, tlie. property oj Hie "aturm? jE>/<r?*? find "Jransiior tntion 'Company, to pay claim of Jackson ? Douglass for livery of same. ?. BY ALONZO J. wiima & SOM, Broker., A MC tlo greers and Kcal listiate Agents. Will ba ?old THIS DAY, l'Jth January, at ll ?'?l??i, at tb? north of the Sxchaaa*. 1 lar?? BAY HOBitE. Condition. ?ash. Januarv 1* SOTICE. Sale. EVERY EVENING at 7 o'clock, by KIXBOT A Co.. No. 339 King-stroot, of a general assortment of DKY GOODS, Clothing, Fancy <ioo<l?. J?w?li-r. Boots and Shoes. Cutlory, Perfnmery and Soaps. "january IV DISTRESS SALK. Sy Tlrtae ef a Distress Warra?t, to rn. d.llrarsd. Trill be ?old. THIS DAY, the 19th last, at lei- o'clock A. ii at Ne. aas Meeting streat. The fellowing GOODS. ccjwiTiHO or: Marble Top WASHSTANDS. Bur.???, Mirrers, and othor articles of Furnitur?, *o. Distrained upon and to be sold ss th* property of at tho suit ef-. Terni? cash ; preparty to be rsntered isaasaiiiaroly af? ter .ale. J. J. KENNST. January 19 Bailiff. For S'lle. BT R. A. MARSHALL. Will ba seid at the Mills Houri. Stables OB MONDAY. January 31st, 35 HEAD PRIME MULES. "AMD _ ? HORSES. _ ._ January 19 Portable Steam Engine. BY IiAtRBT ?Si ALEXANDER. On WEDNESDAY. 23d inst., wiU be ?old on Atlaatic Wharf, at II o'clock, ONE PORTABLE STEAM ENGINE, in good order, with about 30 feet Smoke Stack; will suit for a grist mill, or for driving cotton gins. Conditions cash. MS- The abovo can b? treated for at Private Sale. January 19 Small and Desirable Residences, Jtfili Street. BY W. Y. LEITCH * R. S. BRUNS, Brokers and Auctioneers. On TUESDAY, tho 22d instant, will bo sold, at publio auction, in freat of tho Old Custom House, at ll o'clock, -" - That ONE-STORT BRICK BOUSE, known aa Ns. 9 Mill street, containing throe rooms, and a fine cistern at? tached. The Lot measures about ts feet by 90 feet, mor* or less. AMC-, That DESIRABLE TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING, known a. No. 13 Mill Btrect. containing four rooms and a pantry. On this Lot Is a desirable Store, fronting tho street, formerly occupied by Mrs. Colson a? a dry gooda ?toro. The Lot measur.s?0 lost front by so foot in dopth. more or less. Terms-One-half cash ; "talarno, payable in ene and two years, with interest, socur?d by bond and mortgage .f tho premises; property to be insured and policies as? signed. Purchaser to pay Ul for papers. January 19 BY MILLIGAN, ?ELCHERS & CO. On MONDAY, 21st Inst, at ll o'clock A. M., at the wharf foot of Vendue Range, The Sloop EMILIE of about S tons capacity. Sh. has bean recently overhauled and put in thorough order, and her Rigging. Sails, Ac, ara new. Terms cash. January lt MILLIGAN, MELCHER? & CO., WiU sell en FRIDAY, tho 26Ui instant, in roar of the New Ouatowi House, at ll o'clock A. M., 1 lot ANCHORS-various sizos. January 17 thsmwfS Valuable Plantation near Blufflon and Mouse in Jilufflon. BY JACOB COHEN 4V CO. On TUESDAY, a2d January, at ll o'clock, at the north ot the Exchange, will bs sold, A comfortable two-story DWELLING and OUTBUILD? INGS, on a one (1) acre lot, in the town of BI melon. AISO, All that TRACT OP LAND known as Ros. Dow Planta? tion, situated on May River, four (4) miles from Bluffton, containing one thousand (1000) acres of high land (about, three hundred of which are cleared) and seventy (701 acres of marsh. This place has been under cultivation this year, and the land, aro of th. bast quality for SM Island cotton and prov huons. Ou th* plac. is a barn, gin house and negro houses. Also, belonging lo tho above and a short distance from it, a tract ?X .ne hnn drsd acres of Pine land. ALSO, A TRACT OF LAND, within three (8) mil? mt Blufften, containing seven hundred sad?rixty-two-and-a-half (7fi3>ij acres, all ol whioh is heavily woooed with Oak. Hickox, and Pine ; and, being immediately contiguous to May Elver, could bo mad? profitable b y tho salo of wood. These lands, whan cleared, ar? of the beat, quality for S?a Island cotton. Adjoining, end belonging to this place, is a?ftcen (15) acre lot, ou a high bluff, on Hay River-for a settlement and sn m m ar residence baing perfaatly healthy at all s?asons. Termsi-i'or thc House and Lot in Bluffton "cash;" for Roso Dew Plantation one-third (S) cash, balance in on?, two and three years; for the. othor Tract one-half [hi) cash, bulanco in ono year. Credit portion of above te b? secured by mortgage of the property. Purchasers to pay us for papers. January * flaw* fi PAINTS, OHS, ETC TBE mW ?11 ?PM, uiM-iAcrniM or IKE SOIXNE BURNING OIL, THE CHEAPEST AND BEST IN USE. NO SMOKE, NO SMELL, NON-EXPLOSIVE, ornee KO. 38 saoADWAT, raw TOBIC. JOHN S. BANKS, GENERAL AGENT. rTYHTS SUPERIOR OIL GIVES A BEAUTIFUL LIGHT, JL equal to Gsa in brilliancy ; is much cheaper; is per? fectly safe, as it is n*n-c.T;)/oji'.d; and is fir superior to any other oil or Burning Fluid ever offend io the pubUo. The Company will also furnish the trade, at manufac? turar?' prices, all kind, of Patent Safety Lamps, Lan? terns, Chandeliers, etc., admirably adapted for Hotels, Churches, Private Reaidenoes, Stsresf Waraaousea, Onices. Steamboats, Bailroads, and for Plantation use. In faet, they ar? better for any purposo whatever, for whi oh a light is used, than any other lamp invented, and are sold, at a prico that comes within th? reach of avery ono. Contracts taken for lighting Towns ?nd Villages. For further particulars, turras, otc , address the COM? PANY, or JOHN S. BANKS, General Agent, Ne. 66 Broadway, Now York. Opinion of the Rev. Mr. Rapitan in rsgaril to Ul? finality ef the Seline Oil: WrLjATsfsioir, N. C., list December, 18??. A^f% ?anks: Sra: I have been using your "Solln? Oil" for ?em? tim? in a night lamp, and find lt the safest and most wonorrucal buming fluid -I have ever.use?. It gives a ?teady and beautiful soft light, and I can aay from erpo. ri?nce that tho article obtained from you ls not explosive, but is perfectly aafe in th? hands sf any ona. Respectfully, REV. A. PAUL REPTTON. Ordere for th? above Oil and Lamp? will b? received at McKAT & CAMPBELL'S, Hasel nrat, opposite th? nsw Post Ornoo. January 1* _3m ?a A. S. FREITAS, ?EATJUt TS fATNTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, BEC.. ?BAET-MTXE?? PAINTS, IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT JP?RCHABEHS, No. 174: East Bay. PAINTING. HOUSE, SIGN, SHIP AND ORNAMENTAL PAINT? ING. Gilding. Graining. Imitation? sf Wood. Mar? lie, and all other work appertaining to the brad?, en? lutad in a neat and worknaanlika manner, by FREITAS * RIDDELL. - No. 171 Bast Bay. L S. FBETTAS..:.._.ISAAC & RIDDELL Oe'obor li - tharne rn? SEWINS MACHINES. THE IS THE BEST FAMILY SEWING MACHINE XH THE WORLD, IT IS THE EASIEST OPERATED; THELEAST OOM - PLICATED, and the least Mable to get out of order. It makes FOUR DIFFERENT STITCHES: Lock, Snot, Double Lock and Donblo Knot; each ?titoa perfect and alike on both aide? of the fabric. ""? Tho work wiU food either to the right .or loft without stopple g tho machine. It will Braid, Tock, Quilt, Cord, Hera. Fell. Kinr. Gather and Stitch on a Buffle at the ssc:? noa", and dc alt kinds of Stitching rsrrairod by Families ?nd Manufac? turers. "I. It runs easily, and is almost noiseless. It ls the most rapid sewer in 'the world, maki ag five stitches to each revolution. It uses tba same sise threads on both eldee of the fabric -". It ofls no dresses, all its machinery baing on top of tha table. Its tension ia salf-adjaitang, sod hence not Bible to break the thread. THE MACHINES may be sees tn operswon at "HAYDEN'S JEWELRY STORE,' oom ar of King and ' Basel streets, whore the truth of the above wfll be demonstrated so all who may eau. - " AGENTS WANTED In every District in filo State, to whom Ubaral taduoc ments wfll bo offered. For farther Inforjaati on, oaU on, or ad drat* . 1 * CW. DENNIS & CO., ',. .General Agents for Santa Carolina. Dooemfe?rOO Taso LAW NOTICE. D. ?. MCINTOSH, ATTORNEY. AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IB , ECS.U1TY, - ... ? WILL PRACTICE IN THE OOTJETS FOB THE EASTERN CIRCUIT, om tracing the Districts Clhasterseld. Marlborough, DarUngton, Marion and wfl. Uamsburg. Prompt attention given to collection of claims. Omeo at Darlington Court House. Messrs. ADAMS, FROST * CO., Charleston, & C. I Messrs. G. W. WILLIAMS At CO., Charleston, 8-C. Messrs. J- A 3. D^KIRKPATRICK, Charterten, S. C. Gen. JAMES CONNER, Charleston, S. C I.. Mai. BD. N. THURSTON, Charleaton, 6. 6J. . - ! jTfcLI GREGG. Esq.,Mar?Bluff. I January U AUCTION SALES. Tatuaiila Grocery Stawl in Catlionn cfire? id Auc? tion. BTJOUN M. RIGG*. On TIIURMMT. U-.e 34th instant, st i 1 .'.look, at UKI corner of Dread ?nd East Bay, will bo sold without rr MTT., J uni. ?WO STORY WOODEN HOUSE. No. TG. north ?ids ol Calhoun street, [inmediately emt of thc African Chun h. conuiirun? four r.o:n? m thc ?oeond ?tory and twa rem* on Uw lower Unor, now occupied aa a Grocery Store, ami hap boen oeUblixiied kn auch for tunny your*. The Lot Ita? n fro ut ou Cab^oua. street of Iweulv-eiuht fast 6 inched, ?nd a deptu ?r one hundred andflflueu fuct. more ?*r lepa, a? i?er idat. On the premitio* is a KJtchxii with t-.To rooms, well of water will oulbtiildiugH. Conditions.-t??!f cash; balance in elx aud twelve months, secured by bond aud mortgage with interest. UulMiax* u> bu insured, policy assiguod, ?u.l purchaser lu pay fer papers. _ _ January lu House and Lot in Line slrrct, near Eultednt street. HY II. II. DcLliOSI. I will sell, on THURSDAY noxt. January 34tu. at ll o'clock, at the Old Exchange, eoruer broad and Knst Bay streets. All flat LO f OF LAND and ono-otory Wooden STORr, RD feot lou;; and 4'j icet wide, with Danciug Hall rn rear of store, and Bowling Alloy: i? also a oue-?lory house in rear ot' Hi.jre, conlainins 4 rooms, kitchiiu, tte. 'lim Lot ia 112 feet froulon Lino st., and 14f> feat deep. Xiii? slum being near tue terminus of City Itsllru&d, should command attention. being only ono door from Rutledge street. Ternis-One-thlr.l cash: balance, by bond and mort? gage, payable in one and tw i years, with lntcroet from date of salo ; property to be insured ind policy asstinod. Purchaser to pay Tor paper?._^ Jan-nry 1H At Auction-Desirable Lot in Sinn Street. BY CLIFFORD ?t MATilKWfcS, Ivcal Katate Agen!?, Xe. BA Uruad street. Vf iib. ?ld ouTUESWAY. 39th instant,.at ll o'olook, at the old Po-.toIHoe, That LOT in New streue, on thu east Bide, known as No. ll. sung tho third or fourtl: Lot from broad stree:, having a trout or about sixty foot, and a depth of about on. hundred and twenty feet. 'lona?-One-fourth cash; balance in 1, 2 and 3 years. Purchaser tc pay Cliuord ft Atathewos for paper? mid ?tamps. th a tu* January 1? tXlTSD STATKS ZU ARSHA J.'S SALE. SOUTH CAROLINA DISTRICT. MILLIGAN, MELCHERS k CO., AucTTojrBrats. By virtu, of ?a order of Sal?, to me diroctod, from tho Honorable the Judge of the District Court of South Carolina, I will expose for salo ut Public Auction, at No. W Vendus Range, at ll o'clook A. M., on THURS? DAY. 34th inst.. 5000 IMPORTED SPANISH 8EGARS (CONCHAS) 1010 Imported Spanish Segals (Plantation). Terms cash. J. P. M. EPPING. United States Marshal. January 17_17.39.31,23*24 Executor's Sale-Estafa of the Me John F. Vruts chen, of Tico Lots and "u Brick House, note occu? pied as a Bakers, Jvo. 115 Church street, at Auction. BY SMITH 4b MCGILLIVRAY, Real Enlate Aecnts, No. 'A7 Broad Street, Will posltiTcly bs sold on the north steps of idle Old Can? tora House, at ll o'clook, on TOtHDAY. the 6th of February, All that LOT OE LAND, with the BUILDINGS there? on, situate ou the west sido of Church street, 34 feet iront, and ISO fae', deep, more or lees, with Brick Build ins; known as 115 Caur.Ji street. To^etlior with that Lot of Land adjoining the above os the South, measuring front on Church street 87 feet 5 inches, and on the rear .it) feet s inches, more or lus, ajad in depth 139 feot li inches on the northern line, las feet 9 inches ou thu neut ?ern line, more or lees. Bounded ou tho south by SL Philip's CUurch Yard. Terms.-Ou-i-quartor oaah; balance in one, two, throe and four yearn, secured by a msrigagu or the property. PurcLaaer to pay Solicitor of Estate for papers and ax panses of papers. ' January 10 th 10 tuthsS 3d, 4lh and 5th Feb LARGE SAL.SC OF REAL ESTATE, STOCK ?fcc., ?cc. I will sell at public sale, at my Plantation, in tba For": of Edisto, Orangelmrg Dislr'.t. 12 milos from Orangoburg village and 8 miles from Graham's Turnout, on THURS? DAY, the 7th day of February next, S008 acres of first quality COTTON. PROVISION AND ITU BE Lt LASPS, with a fine Dwelling and outhouses. 5 seltlcmeuts, 2 K?U houson, sugar mill, steam saw mill in lae working order, a site for a watermill with dam intact, and two other fino site? for wator power. To bo sold iu tracts to suit purchasers. ALSO, 20 head MULES, 10 head Homos, to head Cattle, be? sides Hog?, Sheep, fco., kc. ALSO, TIM BET. CARTS. Ox Carts, Wagons, and Plantation [mp lome nts generally. USO, 1000 bushels nf CORN, and other kinds of Provisions. Temi? of Sale-Thc Land: One-third cae h. and the ?alance on ? credit of ono and. two years, with approved ?ccu 11 ty and a mortgage of tho premises. Stock aud Pro? visions: Terms made known ou day of auic. January 13 sw JOHN EASTERXIN. PRIVATE SALES. Plantation in Clarendon J>istrict, on Mack Uiver. BY LOUIS l>. DoSAUSSURK. FOR SALK'OR RENT, a PLANTA ?"ION consaining .175 acre?, of which ?5U ire oHarod. lt ls well adapted *> tho production of Cotton and Coro ; is well improved, iud porrootiy healthy. There aro now en tho piuco eight >r tee laborers who can bo contracted with. Thero wiil bo sold lor oa'h. to tile party renting; ?ix lead cf horaes, thirty head of slock cattle; one yoke of 3X?U; twenty-'.i ve or thirty hogs, ono wagoiu souls plan Lation toola, Atc, aud one tnous-nd bu.iiels of cotton ?red. The asovo place can be rented for two year?. or lang?!', if applied tor Before tho first of February, For particulars, apniy as above, at January 13 ' atutliJ No. 33 BKOAP STREBT. For Snte, Old Town Plantation, in St. Andrew' ? Parish. BY LOUIS E>. DcSAUSSUKE, N's). 23 Kroiad street. Af Private Sale The PLANTATION known as '-i -LD TO WU," in St. AndreiT'? Pariah, belonging to tin? estate of W. ilcK. Parker. This trjet of Land lius ou ibu Ashley River, is two miles distant from Charleston, aud commands a beautiful view ol* the city. It contains about 140U acron of land, of which :>-t) acres, more or lesi?, are cleared Sea island Cottou and Provision lands, ubout 8S? acres in woutis, and about ??S aeres in marok aud rush lands. On the Plantation are comfortable quarters for one hundred Insurer-, a largo new (Jiu House, a commodiouH stable and shed, a Blac&>uiitu and Carpenter's shop, a Church, a small dwelling house in fair order, ?c., ka. This Plautauon is a very valuable cue, iiavlug boon for a number of years most successfully cultivated in the finest qualities of Sea Leland Cotton, in corn, and other provision crops. Its fee ii i ti CK for being fertilized by marsh mud aud aed(,'e cannot be excelled, tho Ashley River being its boundary on tho coat, and a Creek that of its west. Tho natural beauties of "Old Town" are unusually great, the live oaks on thc Plantation growing in great profusion, aud of great size and beauty. A number of treen water fish ponds, wantonly destroyed during tho past two years on the place, con, by a small expendi? ture of labor and means, be restored to their former loveliness. Thc chimneys, and brick foundations of the ronner dwelling bouse are still standing, and could pro Dably bo used as they now are. A couple of years of ationtion and taste, and a mod?r? ete expenditure of means, would render thia Plantation me or the most attractive homes iu the Southern States. Lue fertility of ii? soil caa. bo well attested to. For particulax?, apply as above, at January 10 tbs tull_No. 23 BROAD STREET. Sea Jstand Colton Plantation of best quality of Land. BY CLIFFORD & MATIIEWES, Rend Estate Agents, Ko. 3U Broad street. At Private Sule That VALUABLE SEA LSLAND COTTON PLANTA, riON, known as Invernosa and Gilbert's, situated iu PTinoe William's Parish, at Old Pocotaligo, on Focotallgo laver, navigable at the landing for vessels drawing 7 Test water, and on the Charleston and Savannah Railroad, lontaining 700 acron, about 250 to 300 seres of which aro Jeered, and all well wooded and partially settled. Tor terms, kc, apply as above. january A tuths? Valu?tyo Sea Island Cotton Lands on James' Istand. BY CLIFFORD ?i 31 AT HEWE S, Real Estate Agents, So. 5& broad street. Vt Private Sale .me Hollo wing valuable SEA ISLAND COTTON LANDS m James' "Uland, situated on the o^no ?"v,eri , MAXCY-397 acres, nearly all of wulTu ?? CW*??; leal thy all tho year; settled iii buildings. DILL'S CUT-BO aerea, nearly all cleared. MoINTYRE-Abont 150 acres, nearly ali cleared BURCHES-201 acres, about 300 of which is cleared. M?anos well wooded. The above adjoin each other and would make on? fine Plantation, and will be sold separately or together. For terms, kc, apply as above. taihsS january 8 ii Priaale Sale, one of Oie Largest and most Val? uable Sea Island Cotton Plantations on Edisto Island. BY CLIFFORD & MATIIEWES, Real Estmte Asreiata, Ko. 5ti Broad street. That TRACT OF LAND on Eda to Island, well known aa he Seaside Plantation, containing abont 1300 acres of ligh arabia land (1000 ' of which aro claarod and under tnltivatton) and 500 acres of marsh. The average yield of base lands in ordinary seasons was 150 lbs. of clean Cot? on of th? Cne? t quality to tho acre, and they have pro luced as lugh as 200 lbs. par acre. This Plantation is i tua tod immediately on the ocean and about a quarter of i milo from tho healthy summer resort of the planters an 211 ?to known aa Edmgv.vills? Il is intersected by a oreoat lavigxble for coasting vessels, with convenient landings. ,'ory little fencing is required to ancl?se the whole place, rater forming tho natural boundary on two sides. It ls ?bout seven mitr^ from the steamboat public landing. Thia Tract originally consisted of three plantations, and ' ?in be easily subdivided; and its health advantages and roll known productiveness render it one of the most do Irable Plantations on the Island. For terms, Sc., apply aa above. January jj_ ?tuth A Farm five miles front Ote div, on Cooper Einer. BY I. S. K. BENNETT. U Private Sale A valuable and bearrtirdlly located FARif, five miles rom tte city, containing 302 acres. Ou n is aa elegant.. uanaion, and all necessary outbuildings. Apply as ibove. at Ne. AO BROAD STREET (UP STAIRS). january 13 " " stnthle*"' 'Musselboro' IsianS' and "Bennetts Point" Plan? tations tor Sale or to Lease. ? BY I. S. K. BENNETT. EOS SALE OP. TO LEASE, the two above uam?4 flrst ?sss SEA ISLAND AND SHORT COTTON PLANTA [TONS, adjoining each other, located in gK Barthel*. now'? Parish, opposite to Fenwick and Hutohinson ?land?, at tbs head watara of tho Aahopoo River and iosquito C~iek. -Them 'Lards are as Ano as any on the coast. About 00 aeres can be put under cultivation, and in nany ilacae a bals of Long Cotton can bo made te the aera. A ?if ratio of fencing is all that ia required on those trasto if nearly 3000 acros. The surrounding marsh fists and mowlls ?rs convenient for manuring, and giving eband int food during the entire year to horse?, mules, cows, ackies, tte At "Bennett's Point" it ia porfoaUy healthy at all io? sons of the year; the finest, oysters and fish, and santa sf every description, abound." It ls seldom so valuable md desirable a description of property ls offered to tbs . lublic. Far farther particulars, apply as ahora, at No. A? BROAD STREET (Up Stairs). Januarys ?tuto A Eine Plantation to Pent, known as O'NeaVe ? " - . Camp. ? ., BY W. Y. LEITCH & R. ?. BRU SB, . Brosters tuaA Auctioneers, IT?. 9a Broad straot. Ts Boat, a PLANTATION, sight mil?? from tba oliy, and within a half mils of th? Borea Mils Pump, South - OaroUna l<?ih-oad. containing ?bout SO Bores of inland ssaam* rio? land, and 300 acres sf cotton and prorlaioa. land. 'The quality of this tract or hud is .*a?urp???ej. besides tbs privilege of ?utting oak and pins wood will be ?ceo rd oil, wilda can bo ?hipped either by railroad or riTsr. On thia Plantation will be found a good Reel dsn ne, con uiniu s four square rooms, and all the necessary out? buildings, sn oh aa negro houses, barn, kc. . Terms ao commodatthg. _ atnfliS January 12 Fvu-niture, Horses. Vehicles, etc, at Auction, BY SMITH & MCGILLIVRAY, No. 37 Broad street, ?outra side, neu Stats '. * _.. ? ?? street. ?, : Salas of FTJRNTrWRE, kc, at private rssldancM U leaded tn st mtflnratt ?ii?ajas. Aaeaoa erery WESJIKSUAY f?r roRAES. YEKIoXR? FWRXrrURo, ic, at kaV-past M o'clook, at our office, October 3 _