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11Y1TIflOUS PAINS AND1.ACJES M1ake. Life Hard to 1J(lar for Many ILaurens% Women. Too man11y womlen Mistake their pains and aches for trotbIes pectiliar to the sex. .\lore ofteni (isorIder-e( kid neys are causing the aching back, (iz. :.v spells, leadaelis and irregular tainilationl. Kidnley. weakniess bec(omeI(s dangerous if neglected. Ue a time tiled kidney reimedy--)oani's Kidney Pills. I osts of people testify to their incrit. Read a JatIro1s case: :Mrs. L. l. Taylor, 232 Jones St., says: "I suffere(l .ilt my kidneys an( hack. There was a dull, mpersistent ache, in my kidneys which had me worn out most of tht time. I couldn't sit long and when I attempted to get to my fect, a smdde.), sharp pain dart e(d t.roulgh the smal' of my back fair ly .1.i;'i nI.;- : r P :'way. AMy kid rneys did not rigi and mIy feet and ankles swelled. I went to P'owe's il)ru1g ('.- -ar r 'man's Kadre' lPills anld used t hem. I was vid of the misery." iPrice 10c, at all dealers. Don't sim ply ask for a kidiey remedy-- get Doan'., iiney P3l..s- the same that Mrs. Taylor had. l(tet -ilburn Co.. Mfa'., it1'aIlo. N. Y. . Habitual Constipation Cured In 14 to 21 Days "LAX-FOS WITfl PEPSIN" is a specially, prepared Syrup T6nic-Laxative for Habitual Constipation. It relieves promptly but should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 daye to induce regular action. It Stimulates and Regulate3 v Very Pleasant to Take. 60e per bottle. UIIH4N 4GAND JURY JU*IJMES PROBING Marioni, Il.; Oct. 23.--Tihe Herrin grn jury, which today resumed its Investigation of the Ilerril mine kill Ings after at month's recess, late this afternoon returned an Indictment for murder, naming 18 persons and an louiced It .had completed its work. This Illakes 414 )elsolns the grand jury has indicted In connection with the rioting Iin which 23 -men were kIlled. Circuit .udge I Iartwell, before whom the indlietient wias retirurned, explessed the Opinion that the true bill is illegal because it "was returned at the Septeilbe term of court by a grand jury imipannelled by the Jluly term of court. State Attorney Delos 'IOuty. ex)Ies anll olppIosite opinion, and stated lie would appeal to the state supWeic court If the Indictments were declarc-d illegal. Those indicted today were charged with the death of Ignace KubinIs, the last victim of the .riotiug to expire, who (lied since the graOnd jury took a temporary adjournment thirty days ago. Only a few witn( -res were heard today and they are said to 'have toll of wounds Inflicted on Kubinis, and which are said to lave iesulted In his death. "No Job Too Small: None Too Large" Guaran teed Tire Repairs We guarantee our tire repairs to last as long as the tires. Your old tires, repaired in our vul canizingt.'hop, can be depended on for long addi tional mileage. All work that leaves our shop is done by experienced men, using first class mater ials. Bring your worn casings for free inspection. We will help'you get every penny's worth of mile age there is in them, and we guarantee complete satisfaction. McDaniel Vulcanizing Plant West Main St. Phone 401 ------------ -------- . WOOD SEPARATOR STORAGE BATTERY WV. An Underpriced Battery The CW Battery (Wood Separator) has quality plates, selected cedar wood separators. Built right, df all n6w, high-grade materials. 6-volt Easily the best low- 11.-plate priced battery you can 1$16.15 b u y l'O h v z s a Sizes to fit all cars, Other Slzes at u ghtly higher Laurens Storage Battery Co. West Laurens St. Phone 440 Represynting ~ Wllad Batteries (THREADED RUBBER INSULATION) and W* Batteries (WOD#PA TOS * 6GRAY COURT NIEWS - Gray Court, Oct. .3.---On the after noon of the 20th at the beautiful home of Mrs. Festus Curry, a happy group of thirty children gathered at the in vitation of Miss Mavis Clear Curry. The rooms were beautifully decorated for a '1lallowe'en occasion. Large pum pkins, cornstalks, autumn leaves of red and golden colors and many interesting black cats, bats and Mal lowe'en trophies, leavi'ig a (11111 weird light thrown uiv)on then, caused all to suspect the presence of ghosts. Three ghosts soon appeared and marching .11rotid the pot stirring with long black sticks repeated those lines of Shakespeare, beginlitng "When shall we three meet iygain ?" After this ghost stories were told and the chil drenl tried to bite the apples hanging high above their heads on a hoop. The children were then ushered in to the dining.-room. The table decor ated with black and gold and autumn leaves surrounding an immense punlilp kin in the center was extremely pleas ilig to the eye. One little girl wanted to know whose birthday .Hallowe'en %was and declared it was a grand occasion that the hostess had given. A ghost whis pered that it must be Alavis Clear's 'birthday. On Sunday, October~ 22, Miss Minnie Crane, of Greenville, came down to Gray Court to assist the Junior League of the Methodist church in regular organization. Sunday morning at Sunday School Miss Eva Shell's class had charge ol' the opening exercises and .Master Le land Whittle was leader. ILNonday night the Billy Sunday club met at the Baptist church, Mr. Whit tle was leader and a large nuntber wias ,preseut. The Billy Sunday Club 'of Laurens .will conduct the services at the Gray Court Methodist church on the second Sunday in November, in the absence of -the pastor, Iwho will be at Confer ence. On Friday, 'November 3rd at the home of Mrs. -a. L. Gray, there will be An all (lay mission study oil "The Trend of the Races". 'During the day the district secrtary, iMrs. M. D. Gib son, of Laurenn, will hold a .memorial service in memory of Miss Bellef3en nett, e . * C . A .g. .. . . . * THE LYCEIT3 A SUT(iESS * Once more the Business Women's Club has been successful in selling enough tickets for a successfull Ly ceum. The members desire to thank the guarantors who stood back of them, and all those who bought tickets thereby making possible the large and enthusiastic audience that greeted "Caappy Ricks" last Thursday even ing. 'If everybody will help us further by 'kindly exprbssion ot' wphatever praise is -due the talent we may be able-to add to our exchequer some thing to be used in our ivork wvhich in turn will come back to the general public in our Rest 'Room service. Season tickets for the four remain ing pirogranms may be had for two( (101 iars. Since single adr'ilissions wvill be seventy-flye cents the season ticket is the thing to save you money. Those who were awvay wvhen the drive was madle ar'e .urgedl to 'buy nowv. We st'lll have in stor'e a concert company of five artists; a 'line male (iuartette; tivo iadies--readler andl harlpist; and the same compiany 'of 'Hlawaiians that captivated the- Chautauqua crowds this past suimmer. EDverybody join haands -and hear'ts wvith us to keel) alive the splendid community spir'it which is vital enough to be felt wvhen so many friends andl neighbors come together for an evening's enjoyment. Ask about tickets at' the Entenpr'ise National 'flank, IEntertainment Committee. Business Women's Club. * * * * * C C.* C * C C C C * IHOKORY TAVERN NEWS* * .. C C o C * * * . * * C * 'H'icitory Tavern, Oct. '.--The farmer's of this section are about finished gathering, 'Nickory Taver'n school began Mon day, October 10th. Quite a number of the parents attended tihe opening exer' cises. The children formed in line andl marched to tihe auditor'ium. Ile for'e the children there were the' teach ers, ..\r. Milton -Wilson principal, .\iss Kolden Harold, intennediate, Mrs. Mayo ilhodes, Miss Irene Wright and Miss ifBelle McGloughlin. M~r. .Jamies Sullivan made an interesting talk on the. "-Necessity of Sdhiool". .We are 'alwaya 'glad' to have him wvith us any time.' 'Miss 'Lucile Blaldwin, who has been home several days on account of her eyes, has returned .to her school at Andersen. J. C. Barns & Co. are Doing a Big Buiness. No Worms In a tealthy Child All children troubled with Worms have an un healthy col'r, which Indicates poor blood, anti as a rule, there is more or I ess stomach distu'rbance. GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC. given regu larly for twoor three weeks.will enrich the blood, improve the digestion and act as a general Strength cuing Tonic to the whole system. Nature will then throy off or dispel the worms, and theChild willbe lan erfect health. Pleaent to take. 60o per bottle. LOOSE LEAF LEDGERS ....For Sale By.... ADVERTISER PRINTING CO. S yleptus The Known Label Millions of dollars have been spent to I a0 make this label known to every man. Every Styleplus garment is guaranteed for complete satisfaction to each wear er. See copy of guarantee in margin. When you see the label under the coat Guarantee hanger, it means to you known style, "Every Styleplus suit and *overcoat bearing the official known- all-wool fabrics, known remark- Styiepius label is guaranteed to able tailoring, known moderate prices. be all-wool. Should any Style. plus garment fail to give reason. When you read the guarantee you able wear and satisfaction the know it is as good as any man's bond. eai prchant ro ahom t weacae is authoriad ts We have a generous assortment of act th aent. Styleplus Clothes- suits and overcoats-f and we will be proud to show them. You will be delighted with variety, quality and fit. Come in., I 0N MINTER COMPANY CASH DEPARTMENT STORE Cheaper than coal ickas gas ALADDIN: qwhen used in the latest New Perfection SKCURITY0 L STANARD K,?EROSENE is the first choice to meet a coal shortage and Aladd., Security Oil is the brand of kerosene to demand. You can now obtain an oil range that will cook three meals a'day for Icss than three cents a meal and as quickly as you can cook then on a gas stove, or a portable P -rfection Heater that will give warmth when, where and as needed. But do not delay purchasing if you need a stove or heater. Look up a dealer today. Don't go without heat enough to keep your home comfortable and safe. Perfection Oil Heaters will provide abundant heat wher. ever you want it-instantly. \ For greatest satisfaction anid economy use Aladdin PERFECTiON O"i""l i"",hateveroistoveor heater you have. NOW feI s' We recommend Aladdin Security Oil for use in Perfection ranges and heaters, and in Rayo Lamps. STANDARD OIL CO PANY (New Jersey) iNEW PERECTi~~ Oilga~nge with SDUP1 Bhii'mrr I-~m'~zm0