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NOYICE OF ELEC TION Siate of South ('ar oli, County of lAtirelis. Notice Is hereby giveln that the Glen ('ral FElectioll for epreseltaktive ill Coigress will be ield at the Voting pre. cilicts fixed by law in the County of IAtirenis oil Tiisday, November 7, 11922, said day heinig Tuesday following ile first loiday. as ..rescribed hby the State Constitution. The tjualilieations for sukilfrage are as follows : Residelnce inl State tor twvo years, inl the 'County ont year, in the polling preciict inl which tlt, elector offers to vote. four Ilontlis. and the payneni sIx miionthts befor any eiectionl of ally poll tax theno dumt aini payable. Pro vided, That mlinisters in charge of ani origalnized church and teachers of' pub lic schools shall e eititled to vof(! after si lnionthis' retIdence InI Ithe State, otherwis qtIalililed. Iegistration. 'Payimenlt ol all taxes, iicludiniiig p(,ll tax, assessed aid (-ol lectible dutring- the mrevioits. year. The production of a1 vertifiente or. thle re e ipt of it' (lIIict' autOlorized to (.ol leet such taxes shall be conclusive proof of fthe paymenllt thereof'. Before tle h1otii fixed for opening the poll s \lan.ageis and Cfei'ks inust Itke and subscribe o teilt Constili tional oath. The Chairman of the Iloart of .lanagers ai administer hille oati to the ut.her Maiiagers aild to the Clerk; a Notary Public must admin intecr the( oath to Chairman. The -.\an zgers elected their Chairman and Clerk. Polls at each voting place must be optied at 7 o'!o k a. ll., and i clost i at I O'clock p. iml., eXcept in the City of' Charleston, where they shall be op ened at 7 a. imi. an1d closed at 1 p. Im. The .\hinage's have lb' poweri to fill a vacalcy; and if nolie ol' ihe lan agers atteid, the citizenis ('all appoint, froimi among ile qualifled voters, ithe Alan ager.s, who, after beiing swoIl. ('len conduct the election. At the close of the election, th . Alan ageirs ald Clerk must proceed publicly to onei the lballot box and count the hallots therein, and continue iwithout adjouirinment lintil te same is coi pleted, and make a statement of the result for cach office, and sign the sa ie. Within Lhree days thereafter, the Chairman of the ilBoard. or some on e designated ".1y ile Hoard, mul st de liver to t-he Coiimissioniers of 'Nlection Ole poll list, the box containing tle hallot and writtlle stateiients of tile r-sult of the election. Managers of Election.--The follow ing .\Managers of I-'lecton have been appointed to hold the election at. tne various precincts in the said County: 'Aiurens--Il. $.l. Wolff, .1. M. Clardy, R. A. Babb. 0tis 1luff, 1-,. 0. Ande: son, If. 111. Gray. 'Imlarens Alill-J. Walt. liellams, N. P. Power, F. T. Duncan. Watts 'Mills-AV. W. Stone, Geo. Cor bin, Joe Blakely. ,Lanford ----J. S. Higgins, T. A. Drum mond, -1. .\t. Cannon. Ora--D. -M. '.\eClintock, S. .J. Cra ig, Conway 'Martin. Pleasant Mounlld---WIliam 11 iunter, R1. W. Stewart, 'Guy Putnam. Youlngs--W. 0. Sutton, WIlkes Wal lace, J. G. larris. Grays---W. '\. Knighton, N. G Thomas, (. C. Godfrey. Stevwarts store.-I,. W. 1111glits, W. 1). Stewart, 1'. It. lilendersoni. Cooks StoIe- , . Cooier, J. T. Ed .arid, .1. M. Patton. ''lhomps On Store-- -[,. W. il land. ). . farrow, tov While. Owings--l. .1. C. Curry, 1'. L. Tem pletonl, N. Owings. Gray Coturt- -W. W. Yeargid, W. I. iiarkdale, T. l . .ahb. Dia-is- 2. -11. ' llellamns. W. R. l .1 ris. i,. il. Ahererombie. Woodville --Jote Wh-.amlN , J.ohn11 TerrT. W.. 11 PutnAm. t Shaioh o.I Walce). ae.1ilson f'i pk'op- Taver. Wiiis . .akon,,. .1.*'Ll Thomi. c wn .Prineaon I--., .X .\onre, ' . Arn 2od, .11. .Hidgewnna , Vl. Wod e.lC xPitts.t, . t 'kom~I l-- . f. hnme, f. .\ ~aiel, Ai I. .lliam. DanielstStre--- . D. lade, . F'. O'iDitll, T.! R. J'ons. ip op--el -. m. Bo 'avd A. "or J. - i. Al c Ianie. U ttp,,IC ad win.. PN.asan-sy.,\ore .H .i'.nd, Owns .\i*.nihm .,olno II i llerI.CPno I.Y Crosldill-J. 1. Nanoek', S. 1. Caul Reovl-,I. 1T. F'puier, C. . lopeweil J 'iIaoyM~ Crafrn. Taydia igsto--. Gi. Aluophy, P.. B.d intn- iJ.D. McrayiJ W. 'ak .,aiteone Mof- th.u Plin sn .e A~'brams of R.ui' oWilo. Gold ille--- . . Wo Lker, . C a hel.1,IJ.'K. .Painter., Rfno-,~ihns 'Con'.y 00elnd Geo. Octbi'angston 2. .W Dnnn --R. 1 Glnns for. Praey.(rsC Brs. Thoe' '\asnagers catl Tac precit"" ned andv Vialiteb reutednto dee stgateningf thinumborto efecrse the box andp.baso the etietyon wil the appekate iouts uoic. va.e ommnissineof usedera In forsn eLauens Coudrntykei. Th . oo needsen QforNt Pry is ,a.nd IfrOnst (pts b t'trengthening,1ivgrtn fet see how. t bigs color to th-hes. n o. WIFE TO DEATH; CLEAREI Re1'inrhus Jiomite lnexPectedly Io Fint Paramour lin H~ome;W'eT ni Maderia, Cal., Oct. 231.-George T1 liarlow, who early yestrday club hed his wife to deatl and waA ex onlerated by a1 coronler's jutry, whliell return rued a verdict of %-j list ila111bl iolicide," told the authorities hii story of his wife's (eath. le is leld inl tit( Maderia county .iail while 1)istrict Attorney Mason A. Iailey deterlliles What action to take, in another cell ill lit' saile .jail is II. C. Ilallnchard, a youth c iar ged by IlIar low with being 1i1 ails home whn io returned from awork u nexpi'eCtefdly at I oclock Suinday morning. llanchard is itil parti i.y or his own safety ait partly while alitlorities dtetermile if any action will be brought against him, iarlow, according to tte story h told tie coroner's jiury, composed of neighbors at Norti Pork, where lie lived, ieturned home unexpectedly b( cause lie was ill alid in the darkenied bedroom cane 1pon tie sleeing fori of Blanchard, who lied while ie went to tte front of tile house for a shot giln. The gun its disciarged accldetllal ly, Harlow tolt the aut hiorit ies, and Alrs. Iarlow was not shot. 1 larlow said his wife taunted hlim, admitting h1ei relatiois with t lith' ,ltli and theln he struck her. smashiing the2 gun1 stock. As she tiurnie d and fled. he followed, belaboring her wI tit(' t barrel Of tie "uln until sit fell at his feet. "I did not m11 eian to kill her, 1 .inst r'ealized that sometigii4 terrible had Happened and '1 wenit mad." he(- de clared. "She stood ill frolnt of me -wheni I asked 'llow long has this been going on ?' I becanie blind witi rage when She sli led and said, 'Liong en ouglh how do you like it ?'. IlIarlow tilel retit rnled to the -hiome and found portions of the clothing left behind by the youth when ie tied, lie slashed them with a large liife and was wrecking the furniture and dismantling the hlolise whenl neiglhbor. tool, him into euistody. ie dead woman wais IS yeais olI and tle liother of a1 :-year-old child. She and Iarlow, who is :0, were iiia r ried when she was 14 years old. ** * * * 0. * * * * * * * * I * * LANFORD NEWS * -* * * * * * *. * * * * * * Lantford, Oct. 2:.--Tlhe uiiral Schioo Iimprovelmielt association tiaid a verl iiteresting program lrilay aftenlilooll Some of the patron1s llet early ellolgy to observe the woIrk in soite of t.hIt Class rOOmis Ild it1ie satisfied that th( faculty is doing sole ver'y elliciei work. The 11rogram11 of their literalr) ssociety was carried olit In an original way which made (lhe meletihgr interest. Iig ald will prove valuable trainling ill after yearns for tlese pupils. They hianled t'( tie dtebat e andt 01tie is ticus-~ smins In veiry satilsfactory' mnnne. .\lis. WV. I I. I'aItterIsoniu wasi haIiman oi 0 to Vounitahli lnn Sundany to attend lte funeral of Mr i. Jamiles Adamns, who cse ideathI octcuirredt at .i s hiome lit all earlt~ hiour Saturidayv moin~i g. Mr. Cant Coopeir andt family, (If I 'n.. lon, Mr . Oscar iH ames andii fa il y, .\lr. Ilobio, oft Laurensli, andt Wesley guests oIf .\lr.. and AMrs. W. S. 'Prince, last Sunday. I t tle Lois Htarltan, dauilghiter (If Mr . and Mrs. Henry 'Iliarlan, was very se riously3 ilt last wveekc l wih dyplthterla, hilt is iii',.:inig now. -tMi. .5 ohnl 1. JiIarmnoni, (Iof( Laurens, w'as a visItor here tast Suniday. Atlr. anid Mirs. ,JIm Owiigs, of Wood..(i ru1ff, and Mr s. W. L. Iltilmmett, of lEno tee, .were guests of All. WV. A. TPhomnas last Suinday'. Air. andt Atrs. Berilce Strioup, of Co luia~l, werei( r'ecen t guests of Mr'. and Mris. Jamues Patter'son. Mr'. P'. A. Thiomas and famni y, of Spartanhurg, sp~ent the wveek-endt at Ite hiomeiof AMr. .1. R. 'Franks. CAir. II. W. Joh~nson and family, of Arcadia, spent a felw hiour's Sunday withi iretatives antI fiendts. Messrs. J. W. TLanford, Mel 'Flem iny and II. M. Johnsoni wilt leave TIleuhay morning to spend a fewv days in the cIty of Columbia, with theIr sotlier boyI (compianofns andt toi enjoiy the 01ld solers reun ion. There wilt he -a Ilaloween ('lter tainment iat the school hiouse FridIay evenilng, October 2'ith. 'IThe schll~ children wilt .have a pprlopriate exer cises and le creamli, home miade can-~ C '. '~ 1nnut : tid 110: corn biesidesC num-XI r-iint to Rememtb-r. Altl yun.' i ly 1t, dis to keep your back as straight ias you (en, andi not think about whatt Is up~on it. The rent andI essentiat mueaning of virtue Is that straightness of back,--Johin Ruiskini. &r Cn. WHEN. THE METEOR SHOOTS Across the dark bosom of the sky its brightness is only momentary, but. the brilliantly luminous lustre of the Crepe Meteor which COLLINS' DEPARTVIENT STORE sells for $2.95 is permanent, fadeless and fault less; even a wash with Octagon cannot change the brilliant beauty of its lustre. SHOES hes' river0 wheoeY the se.r ge to o ~t~d d '' i'etilnp*.1 .9i 5.igi Boys woolSis Condlrowy nells rolle to (i ti s, at $3.6. A nay ale : [ to 7ssii by.9i. alt doubt9u. blutso of~~~~. 'P but tht hy il aiy et nh Lr-II " N S'll Dlar E P.Ailll IT.\l10NT %VTolm isI aoo SIier-l rwn tainy wnerasin rerowdss crow nearj-1 Aour l olri o ie.2 .0$.5 ev 3)oiallv solid as (4hbi ltnr. $1.75. M ul weight all wool wile) slits, g I 4 ta I itA soril atst 85e.eites ihTIO.- ere81 sorgestblakssizes 12 to 15 at $5.95. ie Sut WITlH BUTl1. A SI NGOliM, Tl1101, 1:0111,1. Ai ~lo 1'lawos with belt ait $7.45. lI~('iChl ,~el Soled leather, priee $2.95. at (,ollins' Do- Suits fov boys, sizes i ao 17 ith belt r at Setiesg-t "'nore. ersowerr blueasaed t $8.95, extrrag estalit Wool Silits. brownCNrde Serges chaps i teton Shoes $1.59 ln(1 o1.98. All solio rork re- assoted Colors, i h sizes. a, 19 and Niteps rorl toddling, t ravelinag gI(ybe trPot- 2o,,Ili$12()iad or ny$.9 at I8e Irnc erg $1.25. lleavy foual- *. tiaio tots.:tzes 5 to 8 ait 98e. ''World Mii's extria hleavy Winter Weighlt suits fo! iBeaters. Tor todiig tots, are the solid Men, wool in shIiu o5 black, your 2oice Irvingleather, id buttoned fop r $9.95. Flegant suits for men in ge Sa ll fkids, sizes 5 to 8 at 98e. and bown stipes sizes to 44, t $14.95. 1etrfod ithe fi r where the svrges cease to hndies' Shoes, all solid leather, $1 ollei's dark pnts with stivs, all sizes at Poill P I " ossibIly' little doubt tul iboui11 somle 1Iby 1 'a ts. aIll ruil)l)e- paat or in fiits $1 .45. %.Men's extra heavy 1iiitql wveight 11 'ell, but that they wvill dii ily mlv on thle atl 25v. wool Paints in gr'ey and blackl st'iipes at THE its. 's Dress Panti Ya stAiies and Niidi s o~ Iam ens '~ a ii t~iectat ~lA ~flaais' Shoes, Solid leat her ait 95v.' lit t~l.5 x aqni 1,INS' DEPI.'A 1TNIM jNT S''ORis at ve- Iants, fanc1 .A y 'Shoes, two color, at 1.15. lles. re erg t at $1 qality S. erle'si aig crds crod" ieve K laiwerhaki colored maimtas atil a. reteter grade S sr$1.65, $1.75, $1.95 to $3.65. "Ary (laly exeelit, sinli(ay. .liXed W\ool %Aellges o ia. cei, mn 's 'haki Pants alt $1i.00. IsMeia's $So.t aln widell olors at 19v_ All wol Shoes t ti-oii $.75 to 2'65. Boys' lress wool assorted eolors at $2.50. Extr 81 iees wi e $5.Sosa ron*.5t 2.98. Gii'ls ' and qu litPints ill all colors alt $0.4-5 aid w'isses' Shoes At proportional prices. All tg lak adies' Shlos, odd sizes, al leather, at $1.25, partd met"tr.elwewraee$ red 4 -e n %cream, Serges gray and $1 .49 and $1.i5. Shioe $s1' aShoen, a$ll so lid , S Pig' ie , ne'e ~ieadMre at, $1~.98, *2.1.5, -$2.35, $2.65,.95 o$.5 IiisoWt, refgts ddel st ia tvlee tgw.$ b tr$ ti6 itch, sie wool toerges at 8at. serges Al oolors 44 inhes, spo'eeat hri, skrunk b f ait 9d. horeneh Serge o$1.23. aevy t $al1 itv ytoInas erg', shsosgeo at( shatn95. 52 fili'es wide isn tavy blue w$t $1.25. I ICVihd r saeid lieoioe is truth $mde be$it1i fiI, So heere is a little foolishness toot al$to ge(t her fictionial for thle perusal of' the 5(eliool *~ loits: hoes afOYAr OK, it was the tree. Tshat sa'ved his Royal ro.pojesty. 1is'en 's ill leather Scouts at *1.89 aid5 $.98. Men 's 'heavier Work Shoes ait $2.35. $2.65, $2.95 and d3.95. iMen's less Shoes at $2.50, $2.98, $.75, $3.95 and $4.95. . Men 's hoy'y Poliue Srhoes, of tte aeers test gra'lc atl $.95. M.Cli's '1udo'Dlress rieotinc and Serge DresHses, appropri at $..5aly'Bonfruo Sits, Shoes, madle by Hndicott-Josoil, thle ately trimed at $14.95. y'ros a ed odk $3.5( kindf~. V.98.Dresses, golid bi'aid I rinmiig, extra grood roy litsy foi $14.95. eoay you ali buy at nAN ' w ) E ))'A (,lIh\'8iMR ottfonl IjhlketS, VX_ Extra 'heavy 'large Bl1ankets '72 1y 80 t $1 .98. 'Baby B11lnets. hein iid edges for al. color, upy, size 12.. _y $4. t5 . 95. I IWoosi nkes 12 too 15Plads at $5.5 .95.Sre ut for ahoy twitelveqate at $.5, $7.9ch $8.95 I [is Yoiuiuits\lfoesboys, fizesinup pssi7lywith1hel$9.9 tlOW('(l thicohedlihi$8eyes weilea.qualityiiWootheuits. Roya Oakiii he cld, s teaolsoated ircolor)s (isizes.18,19an wa i'ifeeced blechedwhit kindthat$2.9,h 12.00 kind for95 Boy $8.95sze ~ 'oli a's I)epap1 mn IStor se~~ t'r 14ends exta $2.95. winter we'ightuiss tore much'les. lioa' Uiio Suts f al ags. X E'f4L 81 QI N men, 'll wool i $1.25 $1.45lank, your8 enoic' 'Bos' in on Sn ts t. 9c 9t'65e 69, a bi ron stipssi up. o '4 at $14.95. .~e an 85 (.Me i's he~ ', l~l~el I hioii WPO t id' ti'st ilk.\senbt tderwkreantsitwithickstripatsle alle, sizes85atiii weigt zi 85c hida~i~' .ei~wt at$1.2, se)- 'hi'ad Slk. l'li$1.95i.iTt't inh'skMDri'ss(aPantsi hi ustripiesi'andc aiid Paits b' 11(1 t 3.'. nd nd p'ie ony 98. ''hie' 'c __assorted_____color_____a_____$2.__5._____x__ra____uality__ Suits a 49c, 9e, O~e 69c, .)e, 8e,\len'si bluat,45SeLadl isi'tsoton $16.9e5onyMen.s Tie nd 98. Ldies11(50 e ad l~. Jadlcs'Lisl ose hak ii coloried Patsat9. lete 'Camrady \V'hi I sleepig in I c lug ok hemeihtswithaeam atback fo 1 S.0..adies'n'sodsoft iail an allwool p-to-ate seate~'sli pver fr 35c Ladie' '' aisywnit''Pintssleaslorrded iiohloisinaal $2.50.ablExtrck men hic ( 'llis sels or ~.95 hos fo' 45. Ldies betd~rquaity ilk aty9 Pantts in (lecols ate $3.45 andg 'ergeat savded5.hAll-wolaleraj52-iy. cotlis Ywater .\ajty'sc feelns pssibely olSa' rn ueIhied ikhs %i lat2.5 ais th eater, s t old $1f.armerra ikios o'$.5 (1i lt'eei oo', 1 iih t 11.Ce* $2.rm, $2.65.d Laehed ' ~witem kind $19,dethaodttiiyhs o'l~.-21-cdeiii ntl oosat 13.'rp e $275.,an 85.4. amen$.'shildyrbed wet aiindi.Bos c~'ribdls' to'i rwnadlck40 hat$95 Sis at7c 98c .andis $1.25, S1.uits,edm c n o'oaifr ~ ni2e hl '~1l~'N'NI KI' w$2h.455. eaie eih at $.25 sep- ' olMoiths ~ 9 ad5e r ie bigsa olis catei exlack Dwaught 17 7'5c. Schoolenencilion Suis t 9e,50, 5e fro0e, 75 S. Ws 85i'ois i9eol bWdiore toepng ithe sig forays mgnhti(O'2c.lamlie oe ~yltin1 notu litte weptirom thei 'boen. a nohei worn 'e' ut t*.5 99,'11.5 129,Sft lzr ~.~c ae ace wmos wa'hih Collith sellsfo 1.0kwl95.t195 1.5tn 1.9. MnsMl-Oe.AamCok t9 n 17.So tcileoys woo brighters girt a185 -os nSi at t$23.Men'sBleSre Stig2pi'fo Vazoepe atw $.5andie s' Swa'tes atidd Pat98 2.5 , $1.av95,k.Soe'eahr 1'b.6e $2.5,ll345an $3.h 9 cwdred yoSillweoat-eihso ai tetwhr iethtodEgls ot erat 5e 8 G ndra 125, t 1.85, $1.nds anwil o adhg rie OLNS EAT I TSOE WCTI OA LPARICANONANDCON SOLATIONru4