University of South Carolina Libraries
Magnolia Balm LIQUID Face and Toilet POWDER 0A,,1seluty 1 face, I mpl arms, hads S imp Iy"''" wod'et ful Removes euption, freckles, sunburn, tan. EntacnD at Brunette Wit. Plak Rose-Red L Co BEST for 12 Years -a marrelwsa beauti. Proprietoret 4 LYON MFG. Sold by CO. all deal ers, or di d2 So. Fifth St. rect fro m BROOKLYN, Us. 7S CeEt N. Y, potpaid. AGED WOMAN DIES fIDINGt TO FUNERAL Miss Julia Sherbert Succumbs on Way to Attend Last Service for Sister. Spartanburg, uly 16.-t.liss Julia Shejrbert, aged S1, while traveling in an automobile to attend the funeral of her sister, Miss 1ilizabeth Sherbert, aged SS, died suddenly today. While en route to the church she leaned her head on the shoulder of a woman com panion who did not disturb her, thinik ing she was resting or sleeping. When the party reached lebron church. where the funeral was to be held. it was discovered that she was dead. BRiEAKS 'iHtI IN FALL Aged Elloree Woman injured by Fall. big at Ilome of Neighbor. I;iloive, July l6.-Friday afternoon Mrs. lane Irick, W, years old, fell (lOwnl the steps at the home of lier neigh bor. Sidney Rickenbacker, and broke her right leg near the lhip. It was nCeessary to carry the aged wo muan home onl a eot. She is dolig as wel) as could be expected of oue of her age anid fedblenes . ' *MEEAAEE0flEENUflMfnnuUnnuMu Colds & Headache "For years we have used Black-Draught in our family, U and I have never found any medicine that could take its U place," writes Mr. H. A. Stacy, of Bradyville, Tenn. Mr. Sta- U cy, who is a Rutherford County farmer, recommends Black Oraught as a medicine that should be kept in every house hold for use in the prompt treatment of many little ills to pre vent them from developing into serious troubles. THEDFORD'S BLACK-DRAUGHT: aU U "It toucbes the liver and does the work," Mr. Stacy * declared. "It is one of the best medicines I ever saw for a cold and headache. I don't know what we would do in our family if it wasn't for Black-Draught. It has saved as many dollars . . . I don't see how any family can hardly go with- U * out it. I know it is a reliable and splendid medicine to keep U * in the house. I recommend Black-Draught highly and am g never without it." At all druggists. Accept No Imitations A MMUN annum n n un THE UNIVERSAL CAR sALEs AND SERVICE Attention Ford Ford parts, like almost everything else worth while, are counterfeited. Imitation parts are manufactured to SELL at the highest possible rate of profit and the grades of steel used are consequently not the same high quality, specially heat treated alloy steels specified in Ford formulas for the manufacture of GEN UINE FORD PARTS. Don't be misled--Insist upon GENUINE FORD t PARTS made by the Ford Motor Company. By i so doing you will get from 35 to 100 per cent more wear from them, and you will pay the lowest possible cost-the same everywhere. i 50O04 0' GENUINE FORD PARTS . RETAh. ?K.. LZES TMU.:N :3c EACH Ask! for FrA Prie List When your Ford car, or Fordson tractor needs ~ attention, call on us. For remember we are prop erly equipped, employ competent mechanics, and use Genuine Ford and Fordson parts in all repair work: MARCHANT MOTOR CO. FORD---LINCOLN--FORDSON. SALES SERVICEW rI } e * * * * * * * * .* * * . * * * JONES -NEWS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Jones, July 15.-Our cousins, Wil mot Smith and son, 'Douglas, of Green ville, were at Ware Shoals on the 4th inst. Born to Mir. and Mrs. Jas. Dodgens, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Rogers, of Ware Shoals were the recent guests of their parents, M1r. and Mrs. Albert Rogers. Sellie Anderson, a worthy colored man, has caught 30 water moccasins on hooks 'balted with live frogs for turtles. The many friends of Mr. J. C. Gain -brell gave him a cordial greeting on his return from an Asheville hospital. Master Walter .Jenkins, of Colum bia, grandson of Dr. W. T. Jones, fell from a tree oil the 3rd inst., and frac tured his arm. AWe were greatly shocked and pained to hear of the recent tragic death of Mliss Annie Higgins, daughter of our twarm friend, Mr. Twendoza iiggins. We sympathize most tenderly with the bereaved family. The friends of Master Grover Crow will be glad to hear that he is con valescing from a recent illness. Dr. W. T. Jones is very thankful to his friends for continued kind favors. 'Mr. Adam Crain Jones has accepted a position at Bishopville. Chief of Police Koon and Police man 1o0t, of Ware Shoals, recently captred a large copiper still and de stroyed a large quantity of mash in the Andrews Chapel section. '.r. .1. W. Cochran killed a very large and vicious highland moccasin last week. MAr. Allen Arnold recently visited I)r. Ioland, of Stathamn, Ga. l)r. W. T. Jones male a professional visit to -ikomi a few days ago. Mr. S. C. Riley has a fine field of young corn. We recently visited our nephew, .\lr. Preston Williams, of Laurens. We recently met the following friend:;: Jas. Jones, of Owingsville; Travis Alilam. of Spartanburg; Mlasena iiiggins, of Ilodges; 'Hlermon Hallen tine and Alfred Snyder, of Greenwood; John )avis, .John Elledge and Alills Pitts, of Hoyds 'Mill; R1. L. l3armore, of i)onalds; Charlton Davis, of Green ville, and Thomas ('arter, of lionea Path. PIROHIlllTION LAWS AGAIN EXPLAIN'ED Rabbis, Miunisters and Priests May Su pervise Manufacture of Altar Wines. \ashington, July 16.-HRabbis, min isters and priests, duly appointed by the heads of the ecclesiastical juris dictions to their churches, may super vise the manufacture and distribution of altar wines in their specified terri toies, under new regulations being considered tonight by Revenue Com missioner llair in accordance with an Oliion~ b~y Attortey General i)augh erty. TPhe national prtolhit ion act. .\r. i)aughterty held. indicated an intent on the ia rt of congrtess to place in the handis of the cliur ch itself a power whlerebyv it will never lhe forced to use nfaerior trodutcts -fot sacra men t, nora ever thle left wvit houtt imeanis oif sitpp1ly Sing its nieeds for sacameni ct aI w~Iines. "'The int ent if congrtess is (lea r,"' thei( atitrne gieneral saidl, "to ;aholish: lie buisiness of thle miidle man or re tail uist rbu tr in sacramental wines, but the intent is equially apparent to permiit thle churichd, if it agrees to assumtae the responisi'bilily iihrough its dly atIhoriz.ed rabbi, miinist er or prtiest, full .iower to sitperlvise the mnaniutfactur ie of alItar w ies antd it Is my (liniiion thaiit thle speci lie grni t of lhe grea te ci !rivi lege of th1e sutpervi - sion oif man ufactutre carried w9ith it thle lessee privilege of suapervi 'ion of this The atltornley genieral's ,otiinion limt an etd to a long drawnt out fight by v'arious eel ig iois bod(1ies. whIo cl a imed .tha t thle el iminiat ion of I he sac ramten tal w inae dealeris from buit iness, through the deniial of t reasitry per nits shut oftf all legitimate chatanels for obt aiing liropert w ics for' sacra muentIalI!i aurpos''s anmd fotrced thle churtches to uisi spirits of uncertain SiIN P1 iON'4 KIldJ29I ''j'rainS Nrik.4 Anat'toibile at Miaine / WVatevil e, Miain e, Jutly 16.--Six per sons were kilb-< when a .Iaine Ceni tr'al railroad tr in struck an aultmo 'hile at a blinm easing neatr the U'ni ty station e .rly f~day. A baby girl was ithe solfe sutrvtuor of the party of seven in hfe auatoedbile. The infant was thr~k n 301 fe t from the tracks and'.esjtaPed with ~li or bruises. - Thd dea'd: 10vart S1.Varney, his 'wIfe and :flve year old .son, Malcolm, of MsB H~fiklecy, a behool teacher, of ampscot{. Mrs. Mart a Marsaall of Chelsea. Awreane \hnrrilmo lse nh... Un e xpe cted. 4' t a. OVew US CO0"M BetterHeavier, LongerWearing 30x3Y-$1095 NoTax-added on Sale Iow The 0 set the high value mark for 30 x 3% tires when it Ret., originated the $10.90 price last FAIL u USCO today betters that mark with a new and greater USCO-an USCO improved in many important ways. For instance, a thicker tread-with a surer hold on the road-thicker side walne, adding strength and life to the tire. And the price is $10.90-with the tax absorbed by the manufacturer. Men have always looked to USCO for the biggest tire money's worth on the market. They always get a bigger tire money's worth than they expect. Copyriabt 1922 U. S. Tire Co. 65o United States Tires T United States 0 Rubber Company Where You EUREKA DRUG CO., Laurens, S. C. E. V. GOLDING, Waterloo, S. C. Can Buy J. D. SPENCE & COMPANY, Gray Court, S. C. C. L. WALDREP, Lanford Station, S. C. U. S. Tires: When you get the Sign! DO you get off with a good start or doe your car lag LI behind? Not that there is usually any great advantage in being first, lut there is much satisfaction in being able to be there when you want to! The all-round satisfactory performance of "Standard" Gas oline, has I it the first. choice of thousands of motorists who know fi m expericice that gasolines difier.N Because "St ndard" is the balanced gasoline it is quick starting and swift on the pick-uip. It burns completel y, leav ing a minir um1 of light carbon; practically all of which is blown out through the exhaust. It is high-powered and delivers tl - maximitun mileage that the motor can give you. "Standar " is unequalled for uiiforn, year-round satis faction - under all conditions and in all makes of cars. Use the p per grade of Polarine. It is just as satisfactory. "STAN DAR D" Re . U. V at. Off. The Balanced Gasoline! \ STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) iIom rirI