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*A* * * *S * * * * S* * * ' S . * Local and Personal Mention * .~ ** S* * * * * * ** * S Mr. and- Mrs. Ross D. You'ng and family have gone to the iountains of North Carolina for a feav weeks. . Miiss Alma Coleman, of Cross 11ill, i visiting her aunt, Mrs. b. 13. dood win. Mr. and Mrs. 11. Nichols left- today for Charleston where they will visit for some time. MiA Ruth Bamweijleft Sunday for Apheville, .N. C., where she will 'spend several weeks. .Mr. Fred Rush, of Bennettsville, spent seeral llays in the city last week. Miss Fanny Gilreath, of Greer, has 'been the guest of Mtiss Rebecca Adams for several days, Miss Lottie Sullivan is spending this week in Spartanburg as the guest of Miss .Grace Creightoi. Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Boyd and clili dren of, Florence, are visiting Mlr. and Mrs. J. S. Bennett for several days. Mrs. N. *C. Hughes, Sr., of Raleigh, N. C., is in the city on a visit to her soil and daughter-in-laew, ar. and 'Mrs. N. C. Hughes, Jr. Mrs. ChIlds Calhoun, of Darlington, is visitng her parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. 3-1. Dial. air. Calhoun caie up for the week-end. Mr. Gil-bert M. Tyler, of Charlotte, spent the week-end in the city -with Mrs.' Tyler at 'the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. .W. H. -Richey. LNiss Uois Fuller left the city today for ..Charleston to spIend some time with her friend, Miss Rhebe Simmons, on Sullivan Island Mrs. H. E. -Dallasfand children. of Wilmington, N. C., are visiting Mrs. -Dallas' parents, iMr. and Mrs. Adison R. Sullivan. Mr. and 'Mrs. P. 1B. Irby and litle ,boy, of Spartan'burg, have been spnd ing a few days in the city with home folks. Miss Louise Irby, of Greenville, is spending her vacation in the city .with her parents, Mr. and .Mrs. A. G. Irby, and family. ir. and Mrs. L. S. Bolt and little sOn, Joe, of 'Leesville, spent the week end in the city wfth Mrs. Bolt's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. H. Sullivan. Miss Claude Gray, of Gray Court, has been spending seeral days in the -city !with 'Misses Bess and Iule Chil dress. Mr. Mrion "Wilkes, now connected with the Federal Reserve Banl1 with his office in Washington, has been spendtng a few days in the city with his -parents, Mr. and 'irs. E. H. Wilkes. Mrs., J. R. Little, her, daughter, Miss Inn, and iMiss Sarah 'Dorroh, of this city, and Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Little and Mrs. R. \H. .MclDonald of Columnibia left Monday for Asheville where they will spend several iweeks. 'Misses Sarah Bisholp and Nell Jones, and Messrs. Euarl Langston, E. 1-1. Wilkes, Jr., Thomas Reid, Dave 'Ohil dress and .1. L. Langston, Jr., iot'oi'ed to Hendersonville last -week-end, re turning to the city 'Sunday night. 'Mi's. DeWitt King and children have returned ,~o' their home in Chmarleston after spending a few wveeks here. They were acconmpanied home by Mrs. L. Connor' Fuller who will visit them foi' several days, Mirs. W. .H. Hough, whlo has been at the General Hospital at Spartaihurrg since las't .Tuesday lwhen she under went a minor' operation is improving rapidly and will' probably be at home 'in ab~out a w'eek. MNJpie Lee Wilson Minnie ILee the Sine year old daugh ter of Mr. and -Mrs. W. -Roy IWilson, of 'Watts Ni1ls, died after an illness of only a few hours Wednesday, July c12, and was buried the next afteronon at the Watts Cemetery, Minnie Lee wvas a bright, attractive child, a gen eral favorite iwith her 'playmates, and hier funeral was very largely attended. 'The funeral services 'were conducted at the home 'of her grandparents, Mr. and Mr's. B.' B. Cothran, Rev. Foster Speer officiating. Mary Alice Weeks 'Mary Alive, the fiye year old daugh ter of Mr. ap~d Mrs. Reid Weeks, of Watts Mills,.died after an illness of a few slays on Saturday, July 16th. The interment ocidrred on Sunday at EDn gree. Ori ~ping Party 'Mesdames Y glas Gray and Eqapy 'Barkadale, ana Misses 'Rbebecca 'Ada'n' W Toccoa Gray,T triegene Gray, Margaret Knlght, Sarah 'Eliza Swygert, Kath erine Teagume "f 'Mountvilee, ifue Lea man of Cross Hill, and Fanny Gil reath, of Gre'er, and Richard ."Doe" 'Counts, Am'biase EkLster'by, Willaian Aibi'ghit, John,lftober't Ellis, Martin 'Teagu, . Nathan' Barlisdale, W illiafn Dutilp, Hfouston poe , Roy Ch'll~es ~and tHarley SBander.. of Grbygod and arold 16uiier of'tMountvillec left yesterd&y for' 'Tuxedo, N. O,; *ypere thi '11f caim' ifor t4 week.'s n the 6hores of A1/putnimt, W'olff-WVison On the 12th inst. Miss Sallie Wolff and 'Mr. Milton A. W'ilson nwere mar ried at tile home of the 'bride's lpur ents, Mr. and Mrs, John Wolff, near Gray Court. Owing to -the illness of the bride's mother, only meibers of the family Were present. Rev. Watson of Gray Court, officiated. Immediately after the Ceremony the couple left by autonbile for Greenville, and the mOul-talins of Noi th Carolina. Mrs. .Boyce +). Wolff, sistor of the bride, came down from 'Washington for the wedding, and will remain on a visit for a few weeks. 000 . FI'ntertained at Club 'Ars. Marlion Simpson entertained the members of her Forty Two club and their ;husbands at the Bois Terre club Molypgy evening. After a number of games were played delightful re freshments were served. With the com pletion of the new dining roomn enter taining at the club has .become a mat ter of small trouble and it is thought that many will take advantage of it. 000 To Wed in Fall 'Airs. W. 13. Padgett, formerly of Leesville but nyho has been staying with her daughter, aMrs. L. L. Moore, for some time, has announced the en gagement of her daughter, Sadye Her bert, to 'Mr.- Job Hamilton Little, fPr merly of this city but notw of Columbia. The wedding is to take place In the early fall. Both of these young peo ple have many .friends in the city and state who will be interested in this an nouncement. Miss PPadgett -has spent much time in Laurens, where she has many friends. Mr. Little spent his boyhood days here, but is now in rail road offices'in Columbia. 000 Party for Miss Sullivan 'Miss 'Harriet Sullivan, -whose mar riage to Mr. Harold 'Davis will take -place on July 27th, was complimented last Tuesday afternoon at 5 o'clock 'by the Misses aIary and Virginia 'Sul livan at a delightful party given at their 'home on South Harper street. Eight tables of Forty-/wo were :play ed in several rooms of the spacious home which had been attractively dec orated with nasturtiums for the occa slon. A delicious salad course was then served by 'the hostesses, 4fter which the bride was presented witt a beautiful gift. MRS. IDA HUiDGENS TEAGUE NatIve of This County Passed Away at Her Home in Arkansas Last _Week. :Mrs. Ida Hudgens Teague, wife of Rev. E~ugene F. Teague, 'both natives of this county, died at Amity, Arkan sag, the adopted home of the family, last Tuesday, according to a telegram received by Mr. W. P. Hudgens, broth or of the dlcensed. Wh'ile tihe rela tives .here- had known of her illness for Several weks, inevertheless the mes sage p~roduced profound sorrow, thmis. being' the first death among the chil dren of the Huigens family.' -Besides her husband, she is sur vived 'by three sons and five daughters. Her, inmmediate relatives in th~s coun ty are her, mother, Mrs. -Mollie Hud gens, widow of the late 'Hon. Jno. M. Hudgens, three . brothers, 1W. P., Am brose L. and Jno,. eH., and four sisters, Mrs. Alice Teague, Mrs. -Guy Smith, Mirs. 3. B. Hill end Mrs. Ross Power. *Rev. and Mrs. Teague moved from tis county to Arkansas in 1893, to gether with their 'brother and sister, Mir..and-' Mrs. Jesse Teague, and their l'ather, 'Mr. Ludie Teague. Latnr Mdessrs. LIudie and Jesse Teague died and were buried at 'Hollyiwood, Arkan ins, amnd on Wednesday of last wee! .he late Mrs. Teague 'was .la'id to rest n the sanme cemetery. The family mnee lived at H~ollywood 'but moved to tmity where Mr. Teague is pastor of ,group of Baptist churches. Reniew your health by purifying youj system with The peifi i rfined salorei taipethat ate fte. from naue and danger. -N 'salts1 c~sarv talots 4ct like Ioit MILS. H. T. AieD4NALD DEAD Sister of Messrs. Mills and Hami liiter, of This Ulty, Uied In Atlan. ta Friday Morning. Burial at Or Sunday. Mrs. Ora Hunter alcDonald, widom of the late al. T. McDonald who was a civil engineer of note, died in an At -lanta hospital Friday morning follow Ing an operation for appendicitis the Sunday before. 'Her body was carried to Greeniwood Saturday where it lay at the home of her sister, Mrs. N. A. Craig, until Sunday morning when it was carried to Old Fields church cem etery, at Ora, where interment took placd in the presence of a large num ber of sorrowing friends and relatives. The services were conducted 'by Rev. I. N. Kennedy and Rev. C. T. Squires. 'Irs. AMdDonald was the eldest daugh ter of the late Dr. J, . lunter and his wife, Eliza Dillard limiter, of this county. It was while the Charleston & Western 'Carolina railroad was be ing built that she met and married Mr. 'McDonald, nmho was then in charge of construction of a large link of this road and who named the station of Ora after her. Mr. Mc'Donald died in Jacksonville, Fla., where he was then living, a'bout eight years ago and af ter that Alrs. M1cDonald lived with her children at Kirkwood, near Atlanta, Georgia. Mrs. McDonald was a sister of Messrs. J. Mills and M. Hiamp Hunter, of this city, 0. L. Hunter, of Ora, and Mis. N. A. Craig, of Greenwood A half ihrother, James L. 1Hunter, lives in Florida. She is also survived by 'wo daughters and two sons, all of whom l'ive at Kirldwood, Ga., as follows: irs. Eliza Muse, Messrs. Tyler and Alfred MdDonald and 'Aliss Evelyn 'M1cDonald. Another "Lefty" Here "Lefty" Clyde Sur .:Ltt, star pitcher of Greenville fame, h: back home again having signed up for the rest of this season with the Laurens Cotton lill team. Medical Society to Meet A imeeting. of the Laurens County Medicall society has been called by its president, Dr. W, T. Pace, of Gray Court, to be held at that city next Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. .Statement of the Condition of the.. BANK OF MOUNTVILLE Located at 3ountville, S. C at thie close of business .June 30, lI)22. RESOURONS Loans and Discounts .. ..$ 94,470.67 Overdrafts ....1........ ,766.02 Furniture and Fixtures . 2,120.00 Banking House .. ... 2.,000.00 Due from Banks and -Bank ers .-. .... ...... 3,254.53 Currency............. Gold .. . Silver and Other Coi'.. Checks and Cash Items . 526.50 Total .. . . ., . . . .$105,048.96 IAlilBLITHES Capital Stock VPaid In .. ..$ 20,250.00 Surplus -Fund .. .. .. .. 6,000.00 Undivided Profits, less Cur rent EiXjpennlles and Taxes Paid .......... .... 1,840.01 Due to Bank4 and flankers 298.28 [ndividual ID posits Subject to Cheek .. .. $ 26,985.84 Bavings Deposita 10,000.00 rime Certiflbates of De posit 5. . ... ..7,601.62 cashier's Chtcks 73.18 414,660.64 B~ills Payablff including Cer tificates f r Money 'Bor rowed --. (.... .. ..32,000.00 Total -.-,-.. .. ..$105,048.96 state of Sou ti Carolina, County 4f Laurens. LBefore me came C. M. Fuller cash er of the ab ve named bank, who, be ng duly sworn, says that the above and foregoin s tatement is a true con litioW of said bank, as shown 1ly the looks of sa'id bank. C. 'M. FiUDJLER. Swvorn to ar.d subscribed before me his 5th day ot July, 1922. 'W. E. ORIS'P, Notary Public. jorrect Attest. C. 61. Fuller, J. M. immons, W. J. Cluck, Directors. sHom~ Try a sa.c of new floudrome mill. Th4 Nnon" bet Bratnlett &Babb Are You Wlng to Save Money? See This 3-Piece Cane Suite $207.50 Full Spring Edge, Marshall Spring Construction Beautiful Tapestry Upholstering In considering the furnishings for your living room, have you ever stepped -to think of how long a suite of faniture should last? The answer to long service and economy is found in this offering. Three comfrortable and substantial pieces made of woven cane, having full spring removable seats, complete Nwith two sunbursts and one roll---only $207.50. See our emtire line of living room furniture. S. M.& E. H. Wilkes & Co. Laurens, S. C. 'You will reali2e, the .moment you see this coupe, how pefe<dy it fulfills avery real need. 'It twas designed and built by Dodge Brothers in -response to that need-long-standing and often. expressed by peope&in all parts of the world. With Dodge Brothers .chassis as a starting point, it oily. remained to create a coupe body which would 1mite the usual coupe s.efinements with greater light nesa hardihood and economy. -Theworld now knows lhow this was accomplished. .Anentirely new precedent in closed car construction I was established. The body'is built of steel. S Moreover, the deep comfortable seat is upholstered . in genitine leather. Thesdoors are exceptionally wide. The -rear compartment will hold a small steamer trunk sa other luggage. The enamel, baked on the steel at Zhigh temperature is readily restored, after ,hard usage, to its original lustre. In every detaijtthe car reflects the purpose of the builders4..makeit a practical car ofuniversal appeal. EASTERBY MOTOR.CO. Phone 300 Public Squspre 3. i' TVK.,