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* HONOR ROLL * Laurens City Schooli. * , ji The Honor Roll for the month end-' ing Friday, December 19th Is as fol lows: 'i4leventh Crade-lighly Dist i guished: Elizabeth Senn, Monteith Caine; Distinguished: Sarah Dunlap, lNldna Riddle, larriett Hughes, Nelle long; Proficient: AnnIe Wade, Mary Roper, Annie Itaurle Thompson, Lois Taylor, John Wilkes. Tenth Grade-H ighly Distinguished: iCula Burns, Raymond Gaston, Caro line Holmes, Nancy Meng, Rosalie Sullivan, Emmie Lou Washington; Dlstinguished: Beatrice Babb, Luther Chancy, Margaret Lake, Ruby Martin, .Jessie Moore, Loree Page, Nelle Senn, llarry Woodside; Proficient: James Burns, Elbert Copeland, Leora Hun Ler, Lois Martin. Ninth Grare-JHIighly Distinguished; Herman Taylor, Grace Taylor, Ver inelle Calne, Nelle Jones, Sarah IEliza Swygert; Distinguished: Lunette Bar nett Martin Teague, Frank Wade, Re becca Adams, Margaret Coleman, Ma rion Blackwell, Martha Lula, Leonide Pinley, Lois Fuller, Allie Gosnell, Tccoa Gray, Martha Miler IHoller, l'itolia Lewis, Eula Mae Martin, Dell Montgomery, Louise Smith, Eva Tay lor, Jeanie Wright; Proficient: Joe lolmes, Jack Hudgens, Emmett Jes see, Mansel Senn, Margaret Eoleman, 'ralulah Henry, Blanche Patton, Re mell Reid, Ruth Todd, Ruth Watson. 'Eighth Grade - Highly Distin guished: Mary Ball Copeland; Dis tinguished: Robert Babb, Roy Gas ton, Wyatt Waldrep, Sara Katherine Barksdale, Alliene Miller, Ruth Sulli van, Ray Goodwin, Fred Clifton, Ruby Templeton; Proficient: Laura Hud gens, Nora Langston, Grace Montgom ery, Kathrine Meng, Cornelia Machen, Douglas Brown, Seventh Grade-4Highly Distin guishod: Hilda Taylor; Distinguished: Sidney Holmes, Mary Boyd, Mary 0. Holler, Cothran McCravy, Horace Nichols, Paul Philpot, Rose Rosen thal, Ada Catherine Owings, Ruth Oglesby, Ruby Todd, Mary Wade, Louise McCord; Profleient: (Marie Gene Gray, Eloise Clardy, Thoman Watson, Frank Roper, J. B. Power, Frances Knight, Janie Holmes Davis, Katlerine Hicks, Nannie Martin, Nan nie Franks, Everett Thomas. Sixth Grade-Highly Distinguished: Miller McCuen, Ida Mae Hunter, Editlh tiellame, Lila Rickman, Nettle Tolli. ATI The S BECOlV FIRST. Do ciation instead c SECOND! among business THIRD. D $1.00 per monti FOURTH. FIFTH. D< Every man, series that ope ~Hom Subscriptio) ion; Distinguished: Perrin Wrigot, f 31arence Albright, Herman Barton, I Kate Compton, Gladys Franks, Grace 1 3win, Hattie Miller, Anita Miller, Inez I flotes, Drucilla Owings, Sarah Richey, I Margaret Richardson, Gertrude sex ton, Lottie Mae Teague; Proficient: Richard Babb, Fred Cheek, Vivian I Blakely, Eunice Culbertson, Eula Dun- I can, Mary Lou Ferguson, Janie alenn, Janie Harris, Layton Waldrop, Wil-li lian Iludgens, William Power, Earl,] Riddle. Fifth Grade-lighly Distinguished: Harlow Mahaffey, Martha PoIower, Amaryllis Smith; Distinguished: Lel gare Blackwell, Harriet Bishop, Addin Holt, Caroline Hudgens, Kittie Mc Cravy, Mittie Leo Martin, Harriet Todd, Collyar Barksdale, Henry \Vil liams, Bruce Thompson, John K. Tay lor, Charles Rosenthal Ottie Smart; Proficient: Callie Hill, Willie Hill, Ce cil Sullivan, Frances Childress, Mary Thompson, Clara Sexton. Fourth Grade - Highly Distin guished: William Bramlette; .Distin guished: Mary Anderson. Laura Vance .ones, tMinnie 'Moore, Fannie Rosen thal, Gertrude Templeinan, Robert Moore, Herbert Oglesby, Oscar Babb; Proficient: Mabel Barton, Helen Led ford, Pawnee Watson, Margaret Wood side, Mariegene Nottingham, Dallas Dendy, Francis Ellis. Third Grade-Highly Distinguished: None; Distinguished: James Dunklin, Martha Franks, Antoinette Moore, Emily Taylor; Proncient: Arminda Hough, Lillian Kitchens, Vesta Ogles by, Laura Reid, Mary Rowland, Sara Sullivan. Second Grade -- 'Highly Distin guished: Sarah IDorroh, Belle Hamil ton, Dorothy Norwood, C. T. Squires, Mary 11. Vincent, Rosa C. Notting ham; Distinguished: Bertha Fink belner, Amy Moore, Lillian ,Moore, John Owens, Clarence Philpot, Mar shal Emith, iHughes Rountree, Martha Taylor, Mabel Trotter, Alex Wasson, Robert Wham; Proficient: Ralph Bag well, Bill Blackwell, Mary F. Franks, Joe Hough, Hampton Hunter, Clifton McLaurin, Cornelia Nichols, Paul Jones. First Grade-Highly Distinguished: R. A. Martin, Sarah Riddle, Margaret McCravy, Emily Babb; Ditinguished: Chalmers Armstrong, Leon Nichols, DeWitt Norwood, John Thos. Todd, Virgie Coker, Katherine Hudgens, 'Hazel Weir, Loulso Smith, Theron Miller, Clyde Ray, Clemiegene Teague, Louise Taylor;. Proficient: T. H1. 'Bramlett, Jack Balle, John H. Mont gomery, Edwin Owings, Julia Brown, Sarah Dendy, Louie Cromer, Roy ENTIC eventh Serie 0 LE A MEMBER. I BUlL! you know that you can< ,f paying rent. Do you know that the Be corporations, being exen~ c you know that you can for each share that you Do you know that by Paying $1.00 Paying $5.00 Paying $1O.0 Paying $20.( > you want to own your< woman and child is welc rs Feb. lst. Ask now. ri may be place( 'lowers, John Emory Holler, Charles PC( licks, Bernard Lever, Joe Reid, kn lackell Sanders, Charles Vincent, Pc tosa Irby, Dorothy Sitgreaves, Ruth pot tegan. of Daurens Hill School. 14 Fourth Grade-Distinguilshed: Mary th Jall; Proficient: George Nelson, Nan- hu ile Powers, Allowee Prince. CV Third Grade-Distinguished: Min- otl iie 11111; Proficient: Ora Baldwin, rt< Lancy May Casey, Macy tDavis, Mary ev, )rr, Florence Powers, Decimer Quin- thi on, Gladys Reams, Cecil Wilson. Second Grade-Distinguished: Mc- ap Kinley Allison, Ethel Lyon, May Wil- of )urn, Letha Wilburn; Proficient: An-,nlo fle May Gregory, Willie Motte, Alma ca Wilson. to First Grade-Distinguished: Lewis Ar Mlotte, Amy Lyon, Marvin Quinton; th' Proficient: Carolyn Check, Margue rite Jameson, Fannie bamb, Lydie se Snoddy, Nellie Casey, Katherine pa Weathers, Roy Workman. St STA RVI.Nt AUSTIRIA APPEALS FOR AID' America Receives Appeal to Save 7,p00,000 Austrians from Anarchy and Death. tc Washington, Jan. 9.--An appeal to et the American people to extend aid to al 7,000,000 Austrians, threatened with ti anarehy and death by starvation dur- w ing the winter, has been forwarded to J Washington by Baron Eichoff, who is 01 head of the Austrian peace delega- J tion. C1 "The representatives of the allied . and associated powers in Paris are fully aware of the terrible distress which Austria is actually afflicted," says Baron Eichoff's appeal. It re sulted from the ji-:" figures which have been laid before the renarations P committee with ghastly evidence "t on the end of the present month th Austrian people literally will perish by cold and starvation. This is a fact which nobody calls into question . "It has been established by the dis- I t tributions committee and of the au preme council that Austria can only be saved by granting her the neces sary credits and solely the hope that the powers would do so hold ip as yet a certain extent the morale of ,the suffering people. At the present moment this situation has come to a specially critical phase, the European powers having declared that they can not grant those credits and that Am orican co-operation offers the only chance for saving Austria. "It is, therefore, the sacred duty of every representative of the Austrian IN! NO of the fomi pens Februa IT IS THE EASIES' )ING AND LO. own your "own" home b: iilding and Lean Associati ipted from all forms of ti join the Home Building a Stake. > each month you will rec I each month you will rece 10 each month you will rec 10 each month you will rec awn home or if you~ own y ome to become a member JOIN I and payments n C. H. ROPER. Se >ple, and I might say of everybody )wing the utmost distress of this )ple, to address a most urgent ap ti for help to the whole populationi the United States of America. 'The perishing under the eyes of whole world of seven millions of man beings, who in the face of in table starvation would light each ier in utmost despair -were a catas )phle uinparalloled in history and mrlastlig stain on the civilization of twentieth century. 'Confiding In the Austrian people peals to the feeling of justice and humanity of the American nation twithstanding economic and politi I difliculties -which might he opposcu the relief action. The inagnanimon:; nerlean nation will not be deaf to o voice of commiseration. "It Na impossible that a people of ven millions must die when ta com ,ratively slight effort of the United ates could save them." LUNCHEON Al' CAPITAL. mnator Dial Entertains Ambassador and Governur. Washington, Jan. 8.-Senator Dial day gave an elegant luncheon at the tpital to Ambassador W. -E. Gonzales id to Gov. lRobert A. Cooper. Both iese distinguished guests of honor cre here in attendance upon the ackson day dinner. There were also ae or two others present, including ames C. Derleux, secretary to Gov rnor Cooper. MEUMATISM Austarine Subdues the inflamma. tion and Eases the Soreness Quicker Than Anything Else on Earth. Pay only 30 cents .14 get a big box of legy' u Mutarine, wld . 1. tjbe original numtard plaster and l''ma of strong, nal yellow mustard o Wubbst. utes are It's known as the quickest palt. ''het in earth, for in hundreds of instahces t stops headache neuralgia, toothache, aracbe and backache In 5 iinutes. It's a sure, s edy remedy-none et er for broncb its, plIeurisy.t lumbago. tnd to draw the nalammation from ronr sore Pet there is nothing so gond. k'ou get real action with Mluatarine-it oes after the aiu and kill. It rit oft ho reel. Yes, itburns. but It won't bis er-it doesn't give agonizing pain a slat ,n the v.riet. It does give It a good hoq1th) ;)nch In the Saw-it kills pa in. Ask toi ind get Mustarie always In the yellow boi. aons Is BiliAng al ry 1st, 192 r AND BEST W) AN QUESTIOf y making monthly payr ons are the greatest tov Lxation by the United S nd Loan Association by eive a check at maturit: ~ive a check at maturit eive a check at maturita :eive a check at maturit; 'our home do you want 1 --but you must act quiel NOW iade at Enterpr rretary anel Treasur Start the Nem By Protecting Your Famil Loss by Death In-mure in the 4 Jefferson Standard of Greensb They Protect You Agaii Call and Let Me Explain Disability Policies. W. T. MOC At Posey's Drug Store Their Medicine C IT is characteristic of fol~ nf.or Ueiy pass tho allottedl 'three svoro .3uars s.wl tto look batck Evr tOo cay4 Vth; are co.,o and thoughaill vo tac.3 ocr. I find myself, znt savonty-onc, f.-cluomity drifting back a quarter ( a t c I see myself in tlo t r,-o wnc at Bol ivar, 1.1o., ria!:!ag. and Wl!ing n vegetable comnpourd 0i MT f-lonets anl cutomcr-e t vs t0 ow:no only Dr. Lewis' 1!ol cno for Ctomach, Liver and B~owel Coniplinta. For many yona w!illo Iwan porfocting rny formula 'I CZu~lcd ad iavosticutcd t.o laxativos and cathar':cs on tr raarket vnd becamo convinced t:Ci. tho:r i a:t a..ult was not that they (lid nct act cn tho botyc's lut that thoir action was Oo Icnt ra-ow dra-0 Ic, and sipact the ry.-tc-m of C~io uz ;; which was duo to the fact that they %-cro not thorough enough in tOc'r actIon, wnme sml tliug on 1t110UP ercIrmna1 Inter tinei, whilo others Would act only on tho lower or lar7o Intea-Ines, cad that thcy almot Invariably prouccd a habit ro-i the bost off-et mup., a lrt Ono theorivce then act on the stomach and entire alimen tarysystem. It Wia was acoomplished, C~o inedleino would produce a mild, bet thorough olimination ct the waste withrt the usual sickening seonsations, and make the user fcal better at once. After experimenting with hundredi of diff rent como unds, I at last porfectad the formula thatIs now known as Nature's i~rady, which I truly bevi 1coca further LAURENS DRUG THE Ad Loan Asso 0 (Y KNOWN FOR (AIRES nents to the Home Build en builders that are kno tates Government. simply giving in your y for $100.00 y for $500.00 yv for $1000.00 y for $2000.00 :o get a check for a subs dly if you want to becon Assoc: -ise National Ba r Year Right y and Property Against or Accident )ld Reliable Life Insurance Co. oro, N. C. ist Loss and Accident. Our Double Benefit and They Protect You. IRE, Agent Laurens, S. C. best For 20 Years and 4oen more tian any laxative on the i.i..rkou6 to... o thousanda of lotters frno r 1308 ..avoe cunviuced ito I %as right, r.:-.l UtLti user cf llaturos fiscody a1s 06 ni ic.:nc, tio::h ho r-ty have uwil it l. r t.-wenty-fivo yea, never has ta iacrea:io t.:e <hce. I.fy knowled2p cf nedicino and the ro rAta of i.3 use in .: own family and r ac n -ny fric -da, bh Coo I ever offered it ra:, 120 t.- haegr faith In auro's n1:mc:y from the very Lrst. Anid n'w as I fInd mw-elf nearing the age v.hcn I auLt Low to Uo inovi.:.Llo and 1 to anothicr =7' m grcate--t pl.easuro is o t o her . d the lette.s that, esch mail brings fiona pcople as old or c er than 1, v.-o tcl' of avin~r Uscd Knime lsmeCdy for tVn, fIacen and twenty years and now t'icy and their children and grandchildren have been benefitted by it. It s a consoling thought, my friends for mian at r:y .: to foci theat asio irom own accss, one has done something f fr Liljhlw-snan. My 1 greatest atsafac y greatest hanpiness today, is the knowledge that tonight more than one mtillion peoplo will take a Naue' *1mgRme (NI Tablet) and will be bettor, healthier hapnier eoplo for it. I hope you wili be one of them. 0 r A. H. LEWIS MEDICINE CO., Sv. Louis, Mo. CO., Laurens, 8, C. * I ,,. A4L[(Wi. 'IME 0 +0 Cla Ri SAVING ing and Loan Asso wn and are unique name and paying tantial amount. ie a member of the nk of Laurens