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Dr. Chas. A. Cromer GRADUATE VETERINARY SURGEON &DENTIST Service Day and Night Charges Reasonable Will Appreciate Your Patronage. Telephones: Itebidence 201; Office 45 Office at Posey's Drug Store. STOMACH TROUBLE Mr. Marion Holcomb, of Nancy, Ky., says: "For quite a long while I suffered with stomach troub!c. I would have pains and a heavy feeling after my meals, a most disagreeable taste in my mouth. If I ate anything with butter, oil or grease, I would spit it up. I be'an to have regular sick headache. I had used pills and tablets, but after a course of these, I would be constipated. It just seemed to tear my stomach all up. I found they were no good at all for my trouble. I heard THEDFORD'S BLACK-DHIUGH recommended very highly, so began to use it. It cured me. I keep it in the house all the time. It is the best liver medicine made. I do not have sick headache or stomach trouble any more." Black-Draught acts on the jaded liver and helps it to do its important work of throwing out waste materials and poisons from the sys tem. TIs medicine should be in every household for use in time of need. Get a package today. If you feel sluggish, take a dose tonight. You will feel fresh to morrow. 25c a package. All druggists. ONE CENT A DOSE - -- . Mauell7' ene *~--JA MES J. .i-li, a4VThe1V Sucesfl ar e Out Of amuniulated capital have arim-n nll the suce.-e of indtutr and applied ienhc all t le coniforts and ameuhi irt tons of the common lot. UponS it the world mnust dlepend for the pro.x.u of recactnctiou n ma aicb all have to. sare. -JAMUS J. H1I11L The Successful Farmer Raises Bigger Crops and cuts down costs by investment in labor-saving machinery. Good prices for the farmers' crops en courage new investment, more production and greater prosperity. But the success of agriculture depends on the growth of railroads-t modern beasts of burden that hau he crops to the world's markets. The railroads-lik ie farms-increase their output and c down unit costs by the constant invest ent of new capital. 'With fair prices for the work they do, the railroads are able to attract new capital for expanding their facilities. Rates high enough to yield a fair return will insure railroad growth, and prevent costly traffic congestion, which invariably results in poorer service at higher cost. National wealth can increase only as our railroads grow. Poor railroad service is dear at any price. No growing country can long pay the price of inadequate transportation facilities. &7h!t advel&ned I pulbti6Wd by ie c2Iociahon !fRadway ec utie.. Those desiring information concerning the railroad situ alion may obtain literature by writing to The Associa. ion of Railway ERxecuties, 61 Broadway, New York. OW TOOK FOXES IN NEAT TRAP Probably Only intmance on Record Where Youngsters Were Caught in a Horse Blanket How four foxes were caught in a horse blanket Is a quaint '-ite told by R. A. Ilutmiacher In the Ilunter-Trader Trapper of Columbus, 0. "I happened to be driving south of Iapatee. Ill., with the Implement deal er of that town. manking business cils oni several farners of that section, when, to my surprise, I s'aw on a very steep hill In the distance severul young - foxes playing about as if no human was near." says Mr. Ilutmacher. "My partner and I decided to try our luck at catching them, so driviLg on a little further, we tied our horses and. set ou, neross the ild after them. "When we reached the hole, they were ill up over the lill chasing eact other, so telling my companion to go around the hill] and chase them my way I threw a horse blanket over their hole aind waited. As they came rush Ing for the hole I raised one end of the b1lanket just enough to ilde myself and at the sarie time form a tral) of it for Ithemi to run Into. "They iall got to the hole about the same timae, when I threw one end of the bltinket over them, the other end being over ithe0 hole. In the excite mient I succeded in catching ill four in the folds of the blanket. "We went back to the Iuggy aind drove to town, Im.y comp".mlo:n taking two off te foxes and I two. Possibly tile explanation of our good luck is the fnet that the foxes were not imuch more than six weeks old when cap tured." WHERE THEY FOUND THE HAT Joe's Use of Brother Agent's Head. gear, to Say the Least, Had Not Improved It. Attorney General P'alier Instructed the New York brnnch of the depart ment of justice recently to gather all the German propagandan evtidence it ind acemnfulated to prosecute enemy alIens during the war and forward i to Washingtoin. where it could be stored in the state department vatults The books, papers and documnents were platced in a wooden case five feet high, four feet wIde and two feet deep. which was put in a special baggtge car aecotapanted by two special agents of the department. One of the agents beenme tired of sitting watching (tie case and said he would take a iunl on it. He turiied the case over on Its side and laId down on it, using his hand'a as it pillow, while the other bild on the floor of the car alongside the bIg box. In the inorning Special Agent Joe, wh-to sh'pt on the box, atwoke find found Agent Bill earching all through the car foi something. lie asked what lie had lost and Hitl1 said that he certainly hac a hat wn h- cntered the car hut !1 was rinissinzig. They could not fintl thIl hat and finalty turned tie ease rihil eidl up and there lay Agen t lill's new 1*at1l derby uidei i uLlbshLed perfectly flat. Tableau. Regulating Immigration. Until 18S2 congress diid not mnk any Inw restricting foreign limigra tion. ()n the other haiind. everything wias dione to encourage Ithiitgruntint wtithouit regardl to its chazrtter orl (qual. Ity. lIn 1882 a inaw was made exclud. lag eseapedt convicts, idliots and tier sons likely to become ai pubilic chatirge Siince thlen lnws hanve tbeen laissed ex eludIng piersonis anIllicted with any dan guiltyi of serioius crimec in their nti1v couintry. antalrchists. paupers anid pro fe'ssionat begga rs. Fo4reigners deterrer by law arie seat hack to thle coutr3 fr . vhi'h they cameit. Duiritng 19i( the repiort of thi'ecominaissi,'ner of im migratiIon shows 5.250 talitens, mor'ally menty or physienily below the standardt'( were' returned,'(t 4.257 (If whort werie debairredI frotm 'i entering, the re amnind~er tinvinrg bei'n arrested and cx. pelted. To Breed Rabbits for Their Fur. I An organization~ known as the Be veren club11 has been formied in Lon. on. Etngland, to breed rabbits rot thilr fri. The sceetti l beig run (ii cioopertlivle tlines. The' lltn leveren tand the Havang rabit s tire thle at rain w~thh tie clt initenids to rear. The futr oif thio blut Bevere-~n is of lavender blue nd Ii long. tustroius. ie anrd stl ky. ThaI Cf ilie lavana is of a richi chocolate color and is thick, fatrty long and Il- Ia hopied to produce from thest rabbits natural furs the coloir of whact wIll not fade. Women Build Roads. Five huindred Armierinan women em ployed by the American Rted Cross have built 100 mites of stone roads and reconstructed several steel bridges ini this section withIn the ls four months, atn Associated Press dis patch from Mnrash, Memopitaiai. says. TIhe ro~ads were' rehutltt in order to faeiltite tratisportatlon of lIed Cross s9upplles. Th'iere wvere no mte labiorers to be, erupilo~yed. .so Cant. E~d. ward Bleke'l of Seattle, wvho had chairge of the englieering workc, engaged the women. wh'lo were glaud to have em ployment of any kind. Wastage of Coal. [it a statemnent to Pennrsytvanla houiseholders urging siftting of ar.thra cite nah~es, the Anthrinecte Opierutora' associatlin says inintg exp'erta estl mate that an average home wastes abouit three buckets of coal a wook by not siftting, the losa a month being abnout $2. HAS HIGH PLACE IN HISTORY Magellan ,Famed as Man Who Found the Pacific and Completed the Work of Columbus. Four centuries ago Perdinand Ma gellan sailed from Seville, Spain. on the voyage during which he discovered the Pacific ocean, natned the Straits of Magellan and opened the islands of the Pacille ocean to the people of Iou rope. His was the first circununnviga tion of the earth. Ulad he not been imbhued with the desire to be the gov ernor of a new world, In keeping with the promise accorded him by Chnles V., the great geographer might have attained even greater heights. In stead he died, before the three years' cruIse wits comnpleted. while InI battle with natives of a group of the Philip pine islands. He had discovered thema, along with Ladrone and Guan islands. anl was Intent on Inaking them Span Ish. The discovery of America by Co hmabus had not completely convinced Europeans that the earth was round. but the findings of Magellan clInched the arguinent. He started v!th a crew of 270 inen and five vessels. but the on.e ship that survived the cruise only took back a reinnant of that party. MaIny died of scurvy, and sonie fell during inutiniles and battles with na tives. Magellan added much to the world's geography. Ile outlined the entire enYern coast of South Amnerien. ils discoveries offered the Spanirds new opportuity, aid they started to further explore the Paellie. Spanlardi found and named CaliforniL. after' a character in a1 S1tnnish novel. Then for some unaccountable reason they rested ont their inaurels. BALD HEADS AT PEACE TABLE Many Diplomats Had Whiskers and Mustaches, but Lacked Hair on Their Craniums. An amusing sidelight on the recent pence conference at Versailles Is thrown by a correspondent, who not only reported the proceedings proper, but took notes regarding the hair, irustacires. beards and whiskers of the penceincnkers. 'Two-thirds of the delegates were more or less baid. Perihps some of thei inade up for this by wearing tiustaches. Out of 65 men who sat round tie peace table, ill had mu+ tachies but 14. Wh!skers. on the other hand, were not popular. Only three people woro thon, and by a curious coincidence the natnes of all these three people began with V. They were Venizelos of Greece. Vi-ndervelde of Belgium aid Vassitch of Serbla. 're lutter's whiskers were prirticularly prominent. fin regaird to dress, there was less formn littire than one might have uingined. The E'ngllsli paid no special rttent Ion to dress. Iligh hirls and frock coats, once a coribination that would never have been sinctioneid. were quite popular; but there were sotne countries which put till they knew into their attire. These were, notably, the, and soie of the South American states. The New Age. A pretty 'iiladelphlit gIrl at a Newport dance wore a rose-colored gown of' the new "barrebactk" faishlon. Very die('oliete in front, tire gown's biOdIee tin rthe rear opened ini a broatd V talmrost to the Wralst. Trhere were nio sleev'es to tire rose-colored gown ; on thre contrary It was cut out tinder the airmrs like' tire jerseys worn by irth.' bets. It hadit, to be sure, a dainty wisp oif a trarin, tbut rieverthreless the fimsy skirt was so exliuouts that as Ire girl wIrlted abhout tire bralliroom to Ithe wilId st ris of thte jazz band It wais frequientiy potssibhI to see that tier gairtecrs hard rurby buck les. A Phtlidejlhin mrautrort said to George Goul d ans thle gi ri float eui past: ",roan is a lovely creantutre, but all her In t 'rests tire wriapiped it clothes.'' "Edvidenty h3 ier inerests only, mra'amr,"' sirid Mr. Goutbl withi a cyri. cal smile. Please. Doctor, Make Us Prettyl D)r. Seymiotur Op)pe'nimtrer oft New~ York writes to tire Medical itrwordi ex. press ig tire hoipe thaiit thie lonrg strtIdes mairde In wvhat is enill'd "'cosmretic" suir gory dunrintg thle war mairy riot be losi to th ite cvil popalttion. ie says that tis surgery for thre sole purpose of beaurtlfylrng rgly per sons was alwanys conisinlered "rathter a shaidy business" in whileh no reputable stirgeoni would enigrage. Biut threre are so rmany ugly faces and their beaiutifleatiori would make theIr owners happy, soime surgeon the richer by a fee, andi~ the world at large happier for not being oblIged to look at ugliness. thart this lia tire auspicious mnonment for ttakIig cosmnet Ic surgery cut of tire hiands of charlatans anid quac(ks tand ptting tt into those oft skilled practitioners. A Drawback. Jacob! Rtuppert, the New York brewv er, toldi at a luncl(heonr a story abiout a war pr'ofiteer. Mr. Rutpptert, "arid when his wltfe en. tered tire draiwinrg r'oomr he waves as tornlihed to see her in ai very decol lete dinner gown-no sleeves, very low Inn tire frorrt, andi liower still in tire back. I [is wl'fe htad never worn a dlecollete gown befor'e and the protfiteer staredl at hter ini howvldermient. "'Well,' shre sritd, 'don't yonr like it' Don't your like I his Pant's coniifecttin, darling?' " 'Eurte 1 likec it,' sid thle prolli er. 'but 'whnrt I wiant to kno~w is, htone.y, wirer-, the dlekens nre yan gerir to Pet your Mone - In OUR BANK t K0, .7 V s DGNT LETi XTRAVAGANCE CRUSH A ND KEEP YOU POOR Extravagance is a habit---saving is a habit. It is as easy to put a little money into the bank each pay day, as it is to figure on what pet extrava gance you can indulge'in--- but, your extravagance will ater becorne agreat brden--you'll gt the "debt habit." Your savings will soon show a big balance and you can look forward to something worth while. We add 4 per cent. interest. Make OUR bank YOUR bank. The Enterprise National Bank N. B. DIAL, President C. H. ROPER, Cashier How Competition k elps You The competition that exists among the hundreds of meat dis tributor", large and small, means Rivc3.ry in Prices Rivaky in Service Rivalry in Economy Rivalry in Quality Swift & Company sells meat at the lowest possible price, con sistent with quality and service. Our profit of only a fraction of a cent a pound on all products is evidence of keen competition. S'wift & Company must provide the best --rvice to your dealer or he will buy from cur conpctitors. This means a -tupply of fine fr'esh meat always on h:.nd for you at your dealer's. Swift & Company rnuct keep down manufacturing and scling costs, and u:. .v1 by-products to avoid waste, or else lose money meeting the prices of competitors who do. Swift & Company must make its products of the highest quality, or see you turn to others. This means bet.. ter meat for you and a greater variety of appetizing, wholesome food. W are as glad for this competition as you should bo. It helps to keep us on our mcttle. Swift 8c Company, U.S.A. -SP