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XXXIV.L w LAURENS, SOUTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 1919. MANY IMPORTANT CHANGES IN LEAGUE COVENANT 1Ihtherto IUIpillished "Annex" SIows N ames of 81 States Origiail Mem. bers. Thirteen Neutrals Invited to Wwahington, April 27.----'Phe revised covenant of tihe league of nations, as it will be piresen ted at Paris tomorrow to the leace conference in plenary .session, was made public tonight by the Mtate department. Its essential feamturs, including important aiend menv1ts designed to meet cirt icisms In the U'nited States of the original draftli already had been disclosed throupd an official siiumary issued two weeks ago when tli revision was completed. Attached to the text, however, is the hithierto uniblisied "annex" referred to In the covenant, in wihieh are namldli.41 tle thirty-one states, including lie sIlf-govern ing Blitish domin Ions wichiii ari'e to be the original members of the league of nations, and tii.rteen nations to be invited to accede to the covenant. The original memilbers are all IIe nations which declared war on (ermany, and in addition the states of Czcuho-Slovaklia and Poland. Tlose iivitd (to become members by acced ing to the covenant are the Ihree Scan d iinavian countries, tle Netherlands, Switzerland, Spain anld Persia, and the American republic of Argentina, Cile, Colombia, Paraguay, Salvador and Venezuela.\xico was not represented in the con ference of neutrals at Paris, as Wvas excepted and does not. appear in the list. Provision is made in the cov ernant, however, for the admission to flie league of any fully self-governing country which will give required guar antees, upon a two-thirds' vote of the assembly, composed of representatives of the member nations. As in the original document the cov enant .provides that the league shall act through an assem'bly, In which each state shall .have one vote and not more than three delegates, and a coun cil, comprising for the present one representative of each of the five great powers and each of four other powers to be selected from time to time by the assembIly. Members of each class rep resented on the council may be In creasedl by unanimous consent of the council and majority of the assembly. I'u hIication of the text discloses that Ih tillealI summary quoted verbat; -tih ntew allicle recognizing the Monroe do(trine. It provides that nothlinig in the (Ovelant shall be dleemed "to af feet the validily of international en ga ni imenfs such as ireaties of aritra 'lion, original understandings like the Alonroe doctrine for securing the main tenance of peace." This was the amend mentI for willeh President Wil son made a sicessfu fight at tle samie time tile Inpanese delegation to tle peace (oilfreInCe sou ght vainly to hav\e a rae'M equality provision inserted in the covenant. Cha nges Sulggestecd i lr itieisms in Ilin Ujite 41 Sta'tes seniaik added pro visIins fori the' wihdrawal of a memi lier nation up on two yearis' not lee a f ter fulilliment of the league obligations exempiit domnestlIe quesi onis fromi the le ie's jur iisd Iclion, pirovide I hat man - (latoieis over tGermuuani colonle's or' for-I mer(1 Ottomani doinions shall lie given only to nat Ions willing to accept t hemi, leave It to) miembier state's toi dlec'ide w'.hat armied foir'e If any it wvill con Itiute to thce force iccpirled b~y the lEaen toii' eiifor'ce its mi~i~andaes and mak~le it. (lear t hat member stales iindi viducally wvill pass upon01 lroiiose'd limii 1ions iipon their ariiaments5. Wiih min'lifleantlons, thle ne 'wd raft in (.l ud's all Ithe prov'ison s for thle stib mlissioni to thle couil ci of intIerna~tiounaI dispuctiIes, for invitIng 1non)-membiers to t he league 01bligations If) appeal to thle members for tihe purpose of adjulst ing dliultes, andl for breakcing economic reltions or the use of armedl force ini dealing with a state which has broken Itle covenant and thereby commited "an act or war against the league." Except in certain speclfled instances, unanimous agreement is required for all declarations in Ithe previous setlIte menats of disputes it is set forth that the votes must be unanimously excepl ing the ropresentative's of Paris to (dis (leneva, S1witzerland, is namned as the seat of the league, Wyhere the secretary general willl maintain headquarters and whore the council and assembly will meet at stated intervals, unless some other place of meeting is desig nnft. NAVAL SEAPLANE READY FOR START 3inc hilie Prepared for Ovenseas "Juip 0Off."1 Rockaway, N. Y., April 27.-The big naval seaplane NC-3, which completed i successfili trial I rip at the naval air Station here today, may "JuI) off" any time now for Newfotndland oil the l first leg of its trip overseas, according to a statement tonight by Commission er .lolin 1. Towers, in charge of the navy department's plans for a trans Atlantle flight. Commander Towers asserted the ma chine was ready for its "big hop'". but declined to say whether it would be held here until the NC- I and NC-1, the other naval entries, are ready for flight. It is said these planes will not be ready to take the air until the end of this week. 'Commander Towers made his state ment after he had talked awith tihe pilots who today had taken hIlie NC '1I) for jInwo short butl, satistuetory lIights. On each trip thite machine car ried about 28,000 potinds. 'While ollicial announcement of ofl cers and crews selected for tlhe fliglit Is not expected until toiorTow, word has been revel-ecd here from Washing fon that Lieut. Walter K. liinton and 1mer F. Stone have been selected to pilot two of tie iachines. 'i'lree of thle F-5 type of plane which recently made good showings lIahimpton Hoatds for hothI speed and duration have arrived iere. It is be lieved they will convoy the larger sea planes on t hi6 first leg of tle trip from here. 1EIANS RtECEIVE TREATY TIlS WEEK Document Ready Friday or Saturday. Text About Finished. Secret Plenary Session Planned for Communication of Terms to Allied Powers. Paris, April 26.-It was stated In French circles tonight that the peace conference would be ready to present the peace treaty to the Germans Friday or Saturday of this week. The draft Ing committee worked throughout the entire (lay today yhile the members of the council of three were taking a re spite from conference work. The French idea is that file text of tihie reaty is nearly completed. The military and naval sect ions, have been liniished with the exception of t hose pertaining to the Kiel Canal and some secoilary points. Aside fromi Ile disposition of K iao Chani11, which some of Ile delegale's ate (onfident will be settled tomliorrow, there remain to be settled con(( ocu sively qiestlioni of the Ciistom1s regiime in Owhe DIuchy of iuxembourg, tile disposit ion of tile German cable lines and the repatriation of German prisoners of 'war, 'Ihe repo'rI of the special coinmissioni on lie latter qunes tion is cxtet t omior'row. It was said tonight that all the Ollher problems iad benii solved and drafted into tIhe articles of tite treaty including the ('(ilI of th il' s't bank oif theo muhie The latest reports are that a secret ipt inary Sessin will bei h01bl Tihurs diay or l'ridaiy evetin g foir (1 ouniini - atssociatIeid p)owersi. Grnus's Tastclesqs chill Tonic resres vitality nodl energy by purifying anut e~ rihing thie blod. You can moni feel its Strengt h-. A CHILD GETS CROSS, SICK AND) FETERISHI WHEIN CONSTIPATED loiok, Miotherc! li toingueis 1 (conuted cleanih litte liveir andt honel('s. If yourt lit lo one's tongue is coalted, It is a sure sign the s tiiachi, Ii vet aind hiowels needi a getle thiooughi cileansinig at onc e. Whlen yourt child11 is cross, hiervishi, list less, palt', doestn't sleep, eat or act tiatutrally; if brealth is biad, stomach soiir, system fitll of coldl, throat soie, or if fevorish, give a teaspoonfutl of "'Califotruta Syrup of IFigs," and in a few hiotnr all the clog ged-iip, constip at ed waste, sour ileI and undigested food will gently move onut of Ithe b~owels, and1( you have a wvelI, playful child again. Sick childret'n ineedni't hie Coa xed to take this hiarmil'ss "ft'tit laxative.'' Mill ions of miothiers keep it handy be cause they knowv its action on the sltma(h, liver and bowels is protmpt aind sur e. Thiey also know a littIe giv en today saves a sick chIld lomiorrow. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "CalIfornia Syrup of -Figs" which con tains dlirections for habies, children of all ages and for growvn-ups plainly on the bottle. Beware of couinter'feits sold here. (Get the genuine muade by "Call fornia Fig Syrue Company." 0031PERS INJURED IN AUTO ACCIDENT Labor Leader Sufers Serious Injuries lWilena Taxi Is Struck by Street Car. Condition Ia said not to be Critical. New York, April 27.-Samuiel Gon pers, president of the Federation of Labor, was seriously injured here this afternoon when a taxicab in which he was riding was struck by a broadway surface car and hurled 20 feet to the curb. Surgeons who were summoned re Ported after an examination that two of Mr. ComIer's ribs had been fractur ed, his right hip sprained and that he had suffered severe body contusions. l)esPIte the advanced age of the La btor lealer, who is 69 years old, Ilie surgeonis declared that there was no likelihood of the injuries proving fa tal. Mr. Gompers has been bassy every miiuite since his rturn from the !eace conference where lie served as chairman of the colnmittee on Inter national labor legislation,. lie had Just. started out fronm his hol1el for an hotr's relaxation when the accident occurr(d. As the taxicab erosse(d the lroad waY car tracks at 3:lst street it was Istruck by a north bound car. l'-des. I trians who wtnessOd the crash rush d tc the~ wrecked Iachinte and ex tricated Mr. (bompers, Who Was founaid to be unconscious. One side or calb was comn plet ely crushed in and (heI ireckage pinned hin against tlo other side of Ohe machine. Alr. Gommipers was carried bcac to h1is hotel. After an examnination sir geois decided it would be unwise to reiMove hiin to a hospital. Alltiougil it was iisted that Gom er's 011(itoiol was not critical olli cias of the American Federation of Iaborm saiId )ull1(etins would be Issued f'rom tie to time repIorting his Col litio). Friends and Strangers Everything Marked Pay The Same In Plain Figures SWITZER COMPANY Beautiful Summer Fabrics and Everything Needed for Your Summer Dresses ATTRACTIVE PRICES FOR THIS WEEK White Goods epartment 40-inch White Lawn only................................................... 20c 36-inch New Taffeta, all shades, only..... $1.65 36-inch White Stripe Skirting only............................. 25c 36-inch Messelain, all shades 1.65 35-inch Beach Cloth only ........... .................. .c 35-inch Silk Poplin 1.00 Big lot 36-inch White Waistings ..........................50c 36-inch Silk and Cotton Foulards . ......1.00 Big lot 36-inch White Curtain Goods, worth 10 dozen Ladies' White Lawn and Organdy 35c, only 25c W aists, worth $1.25, only ........................ ........... 1.00 ONE -THIRD OFF ON ENTIRE STOCK OF Suits, Coats, Capes and Dolmans WHAT'S NEW The Eternal Question---"What's New" A question as old as life itself, yet ever new. For therein lies "the spice of life," the fascination of getting "something new." The merchant goes to market and asks, "What's New?" The consumer asks the merchant, "What's New?" Thus the whole world is ever striving to produce something new. Which means progress. Progress is the Watchword of SWITZER COMPANY and the only way to know fully "What's New," for one to wear is to visit Switzer Company's Wonderful Display of New Spring Goods. SWITZEiR COMPANY THE ONE-PRICE CASH STORE SteBeaulthreomfort Laurens, South Carolina We Sell Centemeri Kid Frolaset Corsets Gloves for Ladie