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BISHOP ROSS DIES AT OKLAHOMA ROHE Widely Known as Writer, Editor and Educator in Southern Methodist Church. Muskogee, Okla., April 2'.-Bishop Embree Hoss of the Methodist HpIsco pal Church, South, died at his home here at 9:30 o'clock tonight following a paralytic stroke two months ago. ile was born in .!onieston, Tenn. April I1. 18l9. Bisho) Noss. also widely known as a uwriter, editor and educator. was edicated at Emory and ienry Col leige, Emory, Va. He married MIss Ahhb' 11. Clark, Cliristianshurg Va., in November. 1872. He had entered the H olstonl Conference of file NI. P". Church, Sonth, in 1869 and was in charrc of the pastorate at Knoxville. Tenn.. In 187(1. -\t the close of his year at Knoxville he was transferred to :he Pacific Coast Conference an(l was pastor at San Francisco in 1872 afit r which lie 'was transferred to the Norlh Carolina Conference and was pastor at Asheville in 1875. Doctor Hoss became presidnt of the Martha Washington College, Abingdon, Va., in 1876. In 1881 he was made vice president of Eimory and Henry College, later 'becoming -its president, -He was professor of ec clesiastical history in Vanderbilt Uni versity from 1885 until he became the editor of the Nashville Christian Ad vocate in 1890. This work he con tinued until 1902. 11s more pretentious writings in clude "The New Age," published in 1906; "David Morton, a Biography," 1916; "Methodist Fraternity and Fed cration" a compilation of essays and papers, 1913, and "William McKendres, a Biographical Study," 191-1. In 1902 he was confirmed as bishop and continued his bA~ihopic until re lieved ini Nlay, 1918, on account of ill ne('ss. Sil(e that tine he had been niakiimr hd-i hme with a son in AMus kogee. PA h'TY i FFElIlENCES 'hmarfestton )'ioemcrats Agree on DIi Stll of Exeutive '1mmtt-ee Ofies. Chiarleston. April 27.-So far as, the city Democratic executive committee is concerned, all factional disagree ments over ofilcers was settled at a "harmony" meeting last evening when Frank I. Frost became chair man, R. C. Richardson secretary, and D. F. Craig, treasurer. Judge DeVore issued an order this evening vacating the temporary in junction and oredr to show cause is sued Thursday 'night in response to action brought by J. A. Black and R.' C. Richardson, who were ousted by the Grace committeemen, W. Turner Lo gan and D. F. Craig being elected in their places. All action taken tonight twith Mr. Frost appointed by the court on agreement of the factions as chair tan was unanilmous and the situation is satisfactory to all interests. 1101R111 ST I LL RtE FlSEIS TO SuPPOiT LEA(WE Supporters of Plan ''lhik Amendnents Insure flatilieationa by the Senate, Htowever. Washingion, April 27.-.Meibers of the senate were greatly interested to night in the revisp'l lext of the league of nations covenant as made -public by the state department. Senator Borah of Idaho (Republi can), one of the leading opponents of the league, in a statement, however, reiterated his declaration that despite the changes he could not support the proposed covenant. Supporters of the league plan, how ever, reiterated their belief that the revised covenant would be ratified by the senate. "From a cursory examination of the covenant," said Senator Henderson of Nevada (Democrat), "I believe the in sertion of the Monroe doctrine amend mnent, the two year withdrawal clause and a provision removing domestiC (irlestions from the league as well as the other changes that have been Iade 'will virtually meet all the objec tions raised agatnst it." A similar view was expressed by Senator Pittman (Democrat), also of Nevada and member of the foreign relations committee. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Druggists refund moncy if PAZO OINTMENT falls to euro Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protrudlog Piles. lustantly relieves Itching Piles and you can get restfuluilec) after the first nPIleation. Price Goo Citation for Letters of Administration. and creditors of the. sai&W. W. Madden _______deceased, that they be and appear be fbro U1e, In tboCourt of. Probate, to, be State of South Carolina, held at Lauroig Court Holisc, Laurens, County of Laurens. ..C., on the 14th day of May, 1919 next, after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock By 0. G. Thompson, Probate Judge: in the forenoon, to show cause, If any they have, why the said'adinini.itration Whereas Laura VIaddet made suit should not be granted. to me, to grant hey Letters of Admin- Given under my hand this 28th day istration of the pstate and effects of of April, Anno Domini 1919. W. IW. .Madden. These are therefore, to cite and ad- 0. G.- TwOMsox, onish. all and asingular the kindred 41.-2t-A J. P. . C. O W EN BROS. MARBLE & GRANITE CO. \I.C. N h 14Nt dayofMa, 91nxt iealrs in everything for the ceie 'hye large, an best duird ion mioental mills In the Carolin'. GREENWOODROS S. C. RALEIGH, N. C. Extraordinary Engagement ==Great Film Show OPERA 2 Days Only MATINEE Next Monday and Tuesday IE AN NIGHT-ivuiaDAL The Peer of all Producers It is a offers "The Sweetest Love Story Ever Told"--18 Months 0 AHeart. in the making in France--on The BattleaFront, Under the Auspices of British and French Officers. It i's Iggrtaa A Phenomenal Success, a Mas Kind. terpiece, even better than his "Birth of A Nation" TEARS --- LAUGHS --- THRILLS ROMANCE ur Fi tin eni es o rlr SqudrosoAiplaes-ZepelnsDisruto Goef Ctighttoth Charge ofuTanksfMasmernPIoductio SpEcial-Mu Fishding CMpan---Mile Sypony rchlesra Prices: Orchestra $1.00 and $1.50. Balcony 50 ets.