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IN LANiVOILD NEMlS. IN NRDNV. * Lanford, March 24.-We were sorry to heat' of the death of a bright yotung wonan, Mliss Iutli Mattox, who died at Enoree last ryeek.% Her remains were brought here and tenderly laidt to rest, by a largo circle of relatives and friends. The funeral services Were .conducted by Rev. Prince, pasz tor at Entoree. 'Miss Ruth iassed her childhoodl (lays here utnll about 4 or r years ago when she moved to Spar tanbu'rg where she was engaged in telephone service. She leaves a father. two sisters and one brother, with whom We deeply sympatihize. Miss Pay Iil, of Enoree, Mrs. C. 1). Cox. Miss Cooper were Visitors at the home of Nir. M. L. Burnett during the week, to t'xamine tihe beautiful new piano he has recenti ypurchased t'or his little daughters. Mr. Belton Lanford and 'Misses Etolia and Florrie Lanford, of Wood ruff, were guests of relatives and friends here Sunday. We were all glad to see them back in their old home town again. Ni iss Daisy Ilarris, the home demon st ration agent met with the school and thbe lu ral 1mprovement asoe%-tion Friday afternoon and gave some very valuale demonstration to sowing club and tihe ladles enloyed sOme of the dailtles made witlh the good nayon aise. toiiato jelly, salads, sandwicles. etc., which Miss Harris is an expert in making. The all-day singing at Einoree was well attended Sunday and it was an flonned that L, anford is to have one ntxf Sunday, March 30th. All are in vited to attend. Biring your lun ches witih you anl spend the (lay in singing beauitiful songs of praise to our Master aud it will w :1 day well s lent in the service. Mr. A. 11. H1olmes has had his hout'e' remodeled and it looks like a new residence, which adds very muchl to the appearance of the plIce. Mr. and' Mrs. H. T. Ferguson of Spa rtanhot rg and Mrs. Lou b'erguIson and little daughter of Laurens, and Mr. Harprr Higgins of Unt!on, spent 'uiday with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. IJig Mrs. 1onnie Price and Mrs. E. L. 'Tompson, of (reenwood, are visit inw the former's grandmother. Mrs. W. A. Thomals. Nrs. . A. lrunmmond attended the woman's meetinlg held at Spartanbuirg la t Friday and Saturday an(l reports li~ister of the i 1)he c-hest 3DamTh 4th Dam--b 5th Damn-b, a ver'' Ielpflul and Inspiring meeting. Some of the effects of the meeting were seen Sunday in the organization of a Y. W. A. band. Mrs. R. T. Crow, Mrs. W. T. Cooper, Mr. A. L,. Crow and family went to Spartanburg Saturday, to do some spring shopping. Mr. J. It. Patterson wias in Laurens last week visiting her sister, Mrs. An nie Nabors. Mr. B. W. Jolinson and family, Mr. R. L. Moore and family, and Misses RIuth and INannle May Lanford, all of Arcadia, visited their parents Sunday. Mr. Talmage Patterson has landed safely on this side and will be at home at an early date. There will be an ice cream supper giventi at the school house Friday night, Marcl 28th. Lot everybody come and buy lots of cream, to hell) out the school. Captain W. I. ilh'hey, of i urens. has been invited to make a talk and tell of some of his experi ences overseas. SS* . . . * * * e . . . . . CROSS HILL NEWS. --..**..........e* Cross 11111, Al'arch 24.--Marriage be gani in Cross 11111 again last Tuesday when Mrii . I oyle Coleman led in mar riage Miss Beatrice Waird at the home of the bride four miles below this jplaet'. 'Mr. Coleman was discharged from military service a few weeks ago at Camp Jackson and is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Coleman. Th'lie second wedd in.g occurred Wed nesday whel Mr. W. Arthur Worknian. a prolineit aind successful farmer, was Joined in matilmony to Miss Beula Turner, both of this section. The mar riage ceremony was performed at Clin ton. The bride is the oldest daughter of Mr. John W. Turner. Both of these couples are settled on farms where they are heginning life in their new relations 'with happy hearts and cheeiing hopes of futuire pirosperity. They have the congr'atu hations of many frie'nds. At. the Laymen's Convention held at (reenwood last wee!k the Cross Hill aptit church was represented by Rjev. J. (4. Wilson, Messrs. A. M. 1111, A if. Gloggans, L,. E. Martin. J. A. Dav enport, A. .1. McKhrick, W. P. Cuilbeirt 4on and Tolin B. Wharton. Messrs. W. P. Thomason and M. L. smith of Laurens, were here on 3rd Sunday morning and spoke at the flap ist church in the interest of the Lay (en's 'Missionary movemejit. PEDIGREE 1'8f i 'hrIrne, 1Ky., has r'egi sit'ed of Iaouisv'ille, Ky3. tiut stalin, " 'irI Appar'ent". M~ar'kings--star'. il d Chief No. 2132. -Bourbon Chief No. 976. ?ll('en No. 3646 by lold d ust No. 2581 y Ilowe's Rieluniond, y HIighlhand 's Golddust. y Yellow Jacket No. 112. v C1oekspur. J. 13. Nall, Secretai B. L It has been agreed and- announced that during this year there will be un ion services for all congregations at one of the' churches on each 5th Sun (lily morning. The services next. Sun (lily morning will be held at the Pres byterian church when sonc Invited speaker 'lli conduct the worship. Friday and Saturday, larch 14 and 15, were observed as o)ening days at the millinery store of the Misses Rudd. Quite a crowd of ladies were in town and found a beauitiful display In the latest styles of millinery fashions ready for their InapecCion and choice. - Miss Lizzle L. Grlillii of the Cross Hill school, spent the week-end .with relatives inl G reeniiwoodA. Aliss Mildred Wilson went 1.o New berry Friday, where she visited her I)arents for the iweek-end. Misses 'Carry and Lucile Fuller. of Atlanta, were here Saturday angl Sun (lay, to see their cousin, Mr's. ell Gut-hrle and others. Miss Mary 11111 of the Mt. Pleasant school was here Friday to Sunday, with hoinefolks. * 'TYLE' ERVILLE NEWS. Tylersville. Manrh 2I.--Our farmers aire very busy trylng to get their farms ready to 'plit. There has been so much rain that they ar" badly be hind. The funeral of Mr. M. 11. Poole, who died at. the Laurens hospital early Saturday morning, was helid at Lang ston church at 11:30 o'clock Sunday morning. Rev. .1. -it. Williams, his pas tor and Mr. C. 13. Bobo conduct ed the services. Quitt . lianumber of peoplv atlended the services. Miss Lidle Peterson, of Spartanburg, spent the week-encid with homefolks, Mr. Henry Poole spent, Sunday with Mr. W. P. Poole. Mr. C. A. Power aid family dined with Mrs. M. 0. Clark Sunday. Mr. Harvey Poole, of Union, Mr. .John Powers and daughter, Ora, of Maddei, Mr. aiid Mrs. Bland, of Sum ter and Mr. Carl Pattersoni andl family of Lanford, slielt Sunday with Mr. T. P. Poole's family. Mr. Clarence Sanders and family have moved into our community re cently. Mrs. M. I. Clark and daugh'(r, Miss Lila, spent Thursday afternooni with Mrs. W. P. Poole. Mr. and Mrs. C. 1R. Coope.' spent Thirsday in Cross Anchor wi'.h Mi. Cooper's mother. RAF I ha oI. Vi. him Mot goot You bret Con to ir The 'y. .IT Mr. and Mis. J. it. Patterson were the guests of Mrs. J. F. Poole Sunday. Messrs. W. P. P1oole, P. F. Poole. Clar ec(e'i Siders .and C. R1. Cooper 'were buisiiiess visitors in Ilurenp Satur'daiy. Miss Maude Poole spent Friday af tornoon with Miss Lila Clark. Little Margaret Poole has been on the sick lisi, but is much better at 1his writing. Mrs. W. P. Poole and son, Callio visited iII Clinton recently. Alaska Ice Cream Freezers. All sizes in stock. S. M. & M. H. WILKES & CO. American Owned, Entirely! BILLION TAKEN "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" Quick Relief-with Safety! For Headache Colds Neuralgia Grippe Earache Influenzal Colds Toothache Neuritis Lumbago Bac AcIche Rheumatism Joint-Pains Adults-Take one or two tablets with water. If neces sary, repeat dose three times a day, after meals. Sinco the original introduetion of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" millions upon millions of these genuine tab lets have been prescribed by phkysi ciatis and taken by the people each year, with perfect, safety. Always insist upon Dager-Tablets WAspirin(E The"Bayer Cross-on Genuine Tablets Aspirin is thec trade mark or flayc'r Mwmifi' ture of 1onoaccticacidester of Saicyi ivcil 20-cent package--Larger sizes. Buy only original Bayer packages. )PARI ve purchased the Ro: at Laurens, S. C., ;e, weighs 1,200 lbs., t any kind of a mar :I colt. cans see by his Regie I in the purple. ie and look him ove i8ure. Horse at present < on's Sales Stables, Le .le F 0 O TER'S Clear rs and Dyers of Wearing Apparel and L< .1 hold Furnishings of All Descriptions. WE DYE AND CLEAN ARMY CLOTHES Parcel Post and Express Shipments Gi n Immediate Attention. FOOTER'S DYE WORKS, Cumberland, Md. Ci'ty Opera HouseQ FR DAY- THIS WEEK Greenville Womans Coillege Glee Club This Club comes to Laurens with a program of high class mu sic and songs that will delight all who attend. =- ALSO Constance Talmadge I .IN. "The -Studi~o Girl" ba A Delightful Picture Version of Comedy of Real Life Price 25 cents and 50 cents r'al Bred Stallion and will stand this season. He is a big bone fine driver, gentie and kind. e bred to him would bring a tration Certificate that he is ~r. The fee will be $15.00 an be seen at W. P. Childress urens, S. C. At W. P. Childress ED& Sons Stable