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IIV[R LAlY TR_ A CALOTAB Wonderful How Young and Energetic You Feel After Taking This Delightful Nausealess Calfrmel. If you have not tried Calotabs you have a delightfCul surprise awaiting youl. The woniderfill liver-cleansing and system-purifying properties of 'alomltel tuiay n1ow he enjoyted without the slightest unpleasantness, for Calo Tahs are calotnel with lite liver benefits left in and the sling taken otit. A Cal otab at bedtiile With a swallow of wa Ter. that's all. No taste, no nattnusa, no salts. nor th slitgllest unpileasant af ir-efleets. You wake It1) in the morn intg fvelitig iahe. You r liver is clean, yolur sysieifl is ptrified, your a ppetite hearty. .it what you 'wish, no danger, and no irisk of salivation. The next itme yoit feel lazy. mtean. nervous. h11e orI di scott raged give your liver a Ilthorou(tigli eleansing witlh a Calotalt. They are so delialtfli aId t'fectIiv e tha.t your driuggist is ati lorized to re fitid the price as a gluaraittee that yotu nil! he delighted. Por .\or rteltion. Calotalbs a re sOtld only iiina1. sel packages, ,-ive thir-ty-live e t .fal drugl St1o)res. ad%. THINK r . JlE MONEY YOU CAN SAVE ON SHOES Clarence .1. L .k: (if St. Louis, "lissuil .rin . " I have a pair of showwit n Siesandhave us-ed th)mf1 r to t . I think they will aist a I t hr stx im rhs." N Ir. 1ikrl alo reconunends Nt. in i , t %. t:ir com:' q and It X eaMtutta eolinl ls c t C o m e than ui . ,s that . V :Inly Irdi r . u cu an .'.t tW- " 1 n w sho in m':tv Ftvlc; for :..~u v i ,::d chi.drn --and t e.lee '.here. for re m::'odyar Tire ": \R.ho alio mlakeWifot es-urnedo otwcr any ot Ir heeS . Helps Sick Women Cardui, the woman's tonic, helped Mrs. \Vil lham Eversole, of Hazel Patch, Ky. Readi what she writes: "I had a general breaking-down of my health. I was in bed for weeks, unable to get up. I had such a weakness and dizziness, . . and the pains were very severe. A friend totd mec I had tried every th'ig else, whty not Cardul? .. I did, and soon saw it was helping me ... After 12 bottles, I am strong and well," .TAKE The Woman's Tonic Do you feel weak, diz zy, worn-out? Is your lack of good health caused from anty of the corn plaints so common to women? Then why not give Cardul a trial? It should surely do for you what it has done for so many thousands of other' women who stiffered-it shotild help you back to health. Ask some lady friend who has taken Cardul. She willi tell you how It helped her. Try Cardul. All Druggists , Three Sessions of War Congress Saw Il nmiralleled Events In World HIs tory. FIfty-Sevenl Billlions llolliarlS Sp p r prin1t ed. Wlishingtou. Nlarch 23.- --Accom plishinents of the sixty-fiftil war con gress are ofilotally revviwe in the final nutuber of tihe monI lthly compen diittm of the house of representlatives appearing today. 1'hiiished buisintess of te colgress which Iecessarily Must he conisidered iln the legislative "Iogran of the nw Congress. Soonl lo convene, also is conitained in ile pub llcation. which was edited by \\'. Ray loomils. an ollieial of thie house. "'Constiltiling as it does, a statisti ('alt retrospection of Ile aeeomplish ments of tilie Gi cog5ross," says .\lr. ILoomis. "inl a foreword of ilt comlen - diIauim, "the final issue of It' Itionthly compendiumlii, throws the searlchligt oni the itrains'action of lire ses5sions or 41paralleled ev nts. Whlen the con griess otuet it .\pril, 17. the eoiuntrly 'as t peaiCe. In the1v interim a war, had beln declared. a war-I had biven Von. and :t war had been ilded. Qo IthIis- issue carriles lkiMslati\(itr of a charler that i:irhap nver at- int will lie dp1 enlicaled. h)oilh as to le am It of money atntori*i :o h expenided and as to tIhe extent of thie lievoluitionizing (if the sodlial and busi n lin of the people of the nm. Th slxty-tifth vi congress is showna to h w appropia'tedI approximl y i .-,7. oitii.004.)44 o: lt i passed 319 publiv la : IS public re(soluitions: 2S private, laws, and conducted :12 conigressiona inves l iaations. .\ tlolal of 22."7,11 hills and reSO1uions415 wer introdelid. of which. I.1 oritinated inl the house and thw rttainder in the sen'ate. lreshtentI \\isaveoced five IltNaSures. Pr--sident \\'ilson's part in congres sionlal matters is set out by a list of niotaib dales, including his approval of histr-makin\ law s and his iunmo t'uIIs addeses. It Is shown that for - first titne laws were sigtned il a forei:n ciontr : that for the fitst tim a tteatsttI'. t rv nile hill. was sjgned kin a 1railriOitil train: that for' the ti - im- a1 prt id4 t h d11 1 addIr('S sed It k in favIrI of wo it su ffrae. haul signted ai bill to tttoe thie sunt ' ard andit thenblawrIl." atd hadt koin' on the floor of the house t) shake ands with mteb's (If foiln warI nsionlS. Aoii-r' unprimecedta l feat ur- of lh .ontress lioinh-d out by- the CoM tu ".i was t t rct i cal on - foliuirt of all laws o if 0hi thre sos - shms wer' a ;provedi duing ttin. 1in lday :' of the c n- : . Thi, prii - iit san ted414 bis antd rft' in froto Februrnty 21 to .\lareb -. F-' tn rtprgentatis. ten s('natort' anld 1,n- y ( m m es died d rn I hi, 414i Two forir 1 reidin r , 111 Ih en t . lTeodor( Ihmoo:; atlso iilutded inl th d44 heath roll. A list of authots of lills re-ivine action beyond mior'e intni-dution44 sltows a4 lil-edom44intion 1) of namelis (it ta ir n t obitf ('ommoitlt'es. ."enatori4 ':4:44, of' )r. m. li chabumn or -he i ':i ary comit m ,ii witin .5s tt,.:s Ia itt I I(itan4itte4..144nd, ww ::4bls e:i h ,,s tK of) ' ilo s e t . Alaua libair BAIC1 ON IV[ JOB TIIMII8 JO DR[00 Anderson, S. C. M1an was' Forced~ to Lay Off on Ac count of Backache and Kidney Trouble. Well Again.1 I had41 to lay4 4)) fr-om my)3 w~ork on4 aer4 ti0 of he l'ns over my~ kidneys. .4nd1 ini myt -egs .ly stomac14h waslt also4 in had shmase, udto gave muitch trionuble by swe'llin ~, 19with soltar gas, andio I fr-ileant ly hadl swimmin1 lg in the head, butt Dr'ieo, thle ne4w meid icine), has stop) pod ll my itr'oubleh cs, and I'm now able ho work regular411 agat in, andl~ I give all lie ('r'edit to thIis goodt me)dcne,"' saidl 'T. E. .\ ulliniax of C St., Anderson, S. C. TIhousands of pe4ople arel needolessly sutfferin g from d isorders of the stomn a411, bloodl, liver, bowels and)1 kIneys. RlI lf is wit hin r'each of all. Many have foundii d41 eliverance111 fromii t he'ir suif ferinig thr'ough thi- use of IDreeo: the gre'at herba'l)4 I4ystem toii, which bin 044lopoundedi fr'omx Natur 's' o1wn reme.t4 whtiei 4are nec'essariy to health. Tlhaut i y it 4'egl eerates the blood, over coms lretuntIisim, ('liitates 4a 4:14 rh, i' t s th I to machi14('I ini goodl cond Il I )reco. is w Iiely 44old t hroughot thei ('ountr and' 411Is hi ghily~ 'C~1 re omended( in 1Iurrinl hey monie n,.. raigCo * * *' E0W31 N L' S.* * * *4 *** ** *** ** ** ** ** Ekoiu, .lirch 21. -Ve are having heauitifl spring-tine weather and the faintel's are putting iI good tilnle plotw Ing. Work In gardens has also begun. We are glad to report. all of the cases or influenza better. IAoII Ctilb'rtson has beell on the sick list the past week. We hope site will soon be better. M.. and A1s. I Waluh Wllace Spent Saturday nlight and Sunday with tis. .ane ('ulhertsol and family. Mir. and .\Mrs. IDouglas ('ooper and .\Mr. .1. W. Cooper visited relatives in iGren wood Friday itnlit and Saturday. They w'ere Iecoimpanied honie by 'Mrs. .1. W. Cooper Who had been spending awhile with her daughter. .\Mr. Josie Cooper, of (1i'een wood, Who hus recently received hils discharge from I'nel e Saii's ariny. splent the week-end with relatives here. .\Mr. and .trs. T'. I. oiu'ts and son, I':igar, i wre visitor'. in oii cominunllity SanI(lIa\ attv-oo~ll. .\sivss; UAdie Culihrt soi and Irene poper and .i. A. U. ''loie al Itteld(l hi \Wooil hun iimeet ling IA at Spartanburg lastI we-k. Those1 .ho v-iep-d Nlr :. Lou Clher qen Sn lav merv: .M1r. and .l-s. '. c. 'ilherbon Dir. and .\rs. .). G. Cooper. \i'. anld .Mrs. DIoilpas ('ioier, M!r. and .Is. 1N'ly ('noper. .l.. .1 i Mrs. Lon nlie ,'IIIhertsonl and little son, WilburI., \r. Carl ilhrtsou and children. .\lssrs. Edgar f11urts. .losiv and Sam Cooper. 1r. 1\. . ('ul .w '-.on4 is s pending awhile with Iioiiolks. Mr T. T. .. C(oojpei and famiilly had for their spenld-Ith-day guest s Suiday. M1Iss Irene "'ooperi aild ler brother. Floyd. Miissis FHdna and Nitura Cooper. Mrs. Lioret t Fi'lede and Mr. .1. 11. Mitchell and children. Air. and Mirs. Cray Cooper spent Sun lay with Air. Tom lrissey and family. \ir. R. I. Coley visited Mr. L,. C. Cut hertso and family Sunday. "Gets-It" Peels My Corns Off! A.1 ('nrn or CiIIs 01e4S Off Peace. (Mi i. i'aiilessly. Neier Fails. Ii's almost a pi'nic to gei rid of a corn or fi11u - the "'ets- way. You stienil 2 or- :1 secon(lhs 1u1ttinlg oil 2 or " droain oft"''ets-I'", about as siiui 1a1 plutting on your hat. "Gets It'' does awvay forever w'ith c'ontriap ions," "'wrap py'' tlast ers, g reasy oliutmeints that rubi off. blood-let ting kntivi's. ;iod scissors ihiat siip into thei "'iiiic." '"''i'ts-It'' cases rain. Your fi'oim thei Ito'. Yiut l'i'l the' corn paIn le'ssly fr'omi y r' tot' in J( on ' ompiliete piI'. hat'.' whercie iig'lni' conies in ---you iii'l it ok ' you woubl~i a ha I orn-removeriiii4~4i. thei onily' sure na io bt a tr'ii ifl afi' an drug * e. .\IT it y I-:. La wrence(4 & C'o., t'ie i4 n. Hi. Voh i ! Iur n .11 and r 441n ' id * 'ut h'.e u "r ; b! ' i o.: r n r t e y b iiii r 3k a i- 2' w. L areni: . rn iCto. (ndIpu a'oie I)u tS. 0)(fIlea trethru 1h of h \ li:. F.X podIn iv lorth Marc 1 wa 170,.tC7'Fi. niuiidiiit 'of,19m IO. (h I f the .\m-~ r':wi nail slbina:ir l~aiy forces tre Vi1< k ill " i M ' 10 '1titt e ill a il14' f-0l tin hailf n iltiilon nirk. hi lioin u e ariito m: .t) ad ii d thda he a tta nfitg to r e o n \ nrch 20 waso5i0,(1. inch'i d-i lii iiln l~tll ais an 1.1 e fth :umy,(1 1:1..13 ('(1navySIl Ternince. n ,7 a Thl I't'reniaih of the texpedi tionarylh intlted f2t,99l mre ofu the navy 4ompr hiing waspia1('l unit, h4i0 gun hseving i'ponnec'liion th theiarm'si 2.ent onil thde had0O5 beendreducid ti ('arine3 reghnent ass11 k ign touty atr 1 iOn Febr'uary toac'~ trngth~ r4mte honewa pacd td.07,2. Tire Sale! For the next 10 days we have put special low prices on our stock of high grade and guaranteed Automobile Tires. So low a price that you will be surprised. All clean, new, fresh stock. SALE WILL LAST TEN DAYS SALE STARTED SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1919 We have a full stock of Columbia and Permalife Storage Batteries to fit all makes of car' Also a first-class bat tery charg' g outfit. Waldrop's Garage! Is your farm help scarce and high? Why not grow the same size crop on smaller acreage with RO Y ST ER'S FER TILIZER RE GISTE R ED. ORDER EARLY AND AVOID DISAPPONTMENT. F. S.- ROYSTER GUANO CO. Norfolk, Va. Baltimore, Md. Toledo, 0. Tarboro, N. C. Charlotte, N. C. Columbia, S.-C. Spartanburg, S. C. Atlanta, Ga. Macon, Ga. Columbus, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. For Sale by OWINGS & BOBO