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OLUME XXXIV. LAURENS, SOUTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19,NUMBER 35 FRENCH TROOPS ENTERING RHENIS French troups mlarchingm. over the road to Wissemiboulrg-, am Goergzabern, ,of thle (k.r1111n territory. POSS POOLE VISITS WASHINGTON Intermingles With the High Lights Ind Has a Big Time in General. Now Waiting to Welcomie President Wilson, \Vashington, D. C., !while I wa~s inl thlis rathotel that March U.5, 1911). I was a negro, until I look in at glass. Mrit. Lee, I-ditor of LunsAerirThen I sitid, "O, hllo, this won't do 1." As I have ju1st arrived Iin Washing- 'And the waiter says, "Colored herIo,l tonl froml 1lanurenls and now for thle lbe at ease." ,Well, Mrl. 100, thlis was past few days I have been a distin- at great time I had and Admiral told gitishied visitor to Rear Admniral Mc- mei I wats thet first South Carolina nie .<'owan.l Well, well, Adira ooe gro that has visited the navy build well. Timle he saw mie enter thle lob- Ing and al1l thet emnployees wvas adirled by of hlis oillee hie made mie welcomie. 0ver MV and 1 will make a1 talk tonlight Ile Says, "Ilave a seat Poole,*" and for the benefit of themi. Well, 1Mr1. Lee., says, "I wvants to hear fromt France yout all canl look for, mie Iin 1920. 1 be Ithe first thing, I low mnany Gvermlans -onl thle .Job again at the grand old town1 <did youl kill?" "Well, Adirlal, it is! of 12aurienls. I also miet Mril. Laangston hard to tell how many I dlid kill. I iat Charloote, N. C. Hle says, "Poss,1 shot aill in) thle crowd of Ohem." "Well :is youl living?" I says, "Yes. sir-, the 'Poole, did you get wounded?" "No.( I un1s couldn't get a negr~o like mle. I s-ir." "Well, loole, [whlat was ',h, eould dlodge his pills too wvll." .\r. imm'e of yourl comlpanly and regimenplt?" ILaangston is sonl of ex-l'olicemlan J . say, "Here 1.4 the style: 'l1011 I ight- T.Ia gtna di h tto ater urs of the(, 371M." "We0l w'o , wat htpae y\oul gassed?" I say, "'The G'ermian's cneadfe-atdt ero rne gag would not hurt thle negroes. ItWelMrI',IwilleheunlM. would tutnI 11s black and we wouild g'oWisngtbakI-alstoeiol Just the same ' and the Ihunls quit.IIil.Igtheprl ose111 shooting it." "Woll, Poole, Is FrancewetadswSctryBkrIlY at good country and how do you like adalfl i il os it ?" "Well, it is finest place In the, WALIwllcoe world Iin timne of -Peace." Ps Poe Not tha toace Well mae maderen meowie toom ande heniiwanted toy hear of Franci. Wel \l.Le Iwl e eeuti \r theim Wol \\?itl the permit toa heehi.t laugwen andi sawyo Secretar ofaker tooday, PeoplesB .Well, I e tof e the Admiral f i) myx e wateri tGes Admit hoed hig t liton Has a Bi T irP.n MGneal.t owan WaitneWIom rsdn aMakwth e h'ache news- 1wsanerutl okinagas apr. man. Wellto he comie. Admrtir li(i fi,"ahlo i it(0' frens an hae istasvi "in aW4trsh a-Adtewie as (ooc eo t'ons Promol aen aher heos a fast iste- tes. ~ ,M' eti a ant thew ayito. Wavc bee dea iedl me ra ie a n Amrlt fir 30he mistor and Uared miral cm e Iwt h let uhCrln c t;owee himl and hel wadnirad okegow ha a iitdtena bid hwll Iaen. ' i told me eerybody) ugadal leeiilyes s die iy owhsell eh md e ecm. vrm and 1oinglbusknesstatktheniame le staysd' adte acourt hose,~ atil o i eei ftem el u Le the. " wqanyt. to hAmfrom ae yoleailo orm n12.1h Ihow is th I ImlteryI ookang? im ss, o aa ia tegaid 11t Ion ito atell ho manol 1i (1( tinkt(hrooe .(.le as 'los Mayor' 'ell had iever cowhrt andtecuddde i' ul ~ '~il.'~ emayploe iy the tyle: therl. WihelI, agso iili iesa oniise hs ofl t "liellst' H'ell" ooand s at lc. VlI i md ew "liel gllserol ?'m pru s of your'h coeidn' oeadlewatdt ero rn race,"l~ and~ .sac "W i wae woud our isi eshc. wnst aio part the sameh'lpd therin ilty,"gtth lrnl t e hm an ghleoti'y an howru (he yos lieadaltf i a os the' "Well.rit isolore s..l i hell WelI ilcoe teill you timr of Peae playedPoole Nart antd 'o 'manyr tlingeit you'lmy toexereces."le ofay, "Weiics In**Capt.** *** theiWof'cd wu'd yu redand he geti lag fi'o say"oy, lebb's go1c to the",1 ''X 'llS as hoars deter Adme'e thnede run-t nin tal h iemn s 'nd the nes-ountnlduhe' fGeni theni gan. butAdmra h t conly Admrnlsol h ekedwil e lrns te black and 11 th o thW ade gooiM'uchMis P.J ucet fh'iedsr and le Gsrays." Well a talkes is .F aos,.i. sotls 's untle andrearew lies aoun lastvst- M'.ndn'. on eihflyn I hed(to dismiss Welhe owdtaniid w10 eitneth KitnglulatWd went t0 onie~ ofelarehtl akdndcli had 11'ateno.A(01iiu aa to se hm an li waiteo tokno cou e eo s e wih e eV 50i'C e o te e ol thesqlar yt. o dm alaskd e .i. Spiun. .ise l.. ......tion howIs le (eiete'ylooin? Isas, Celienton', acy 18.-Ms W.i II.r Mayr lahl ha e''cr coot hnd unge o hand daugheds Sofu ryeen-l lieCal e I ol ileio"no ad sai, nt thea Steek-nt it.e prns a~jlol I erOt 'i pioudof ot i'colred M. anl Mrs. J. A.uChaertt i' i'(('e" nd sas,"Wehav (1(1ou tMed J the Jallowing Jr.,t apet adls I~at aid as elpd bingvhry' dnteotained th Klni'tn lub riayt ed and ie tII m hov l~'oul liewa o urn e Mih an Mws seve toheCol- M' the aurelp clou'd bos "~eila1iley,( Mrs. yru Caieyn, MrTo Mi'er. tel yo A~mirl. hae aye iiy .on W. Y.own, Jr'., aJ. A. hander pai nt~l ~y 'm eretelingyoumyJas. Ji'un, Mi's.s . 1mmint Msserson exlerllies. le sys "Wsh (~pt lJes ilard, 'Nancy Owens andl li' Ilicey as iete" 11011 hii ~ eans.. Mas. Capt Ileliy se a estof erm ns. mbr.o uherc ofrd Samterda svent hisfac wod urni' ad ie et ia ay lnorat daneat her hith andyoudesrte se th.: egres un- Mir. and M. S'. rChanl lstr nlngtheGeransand he lun shtaied theo Andlon, aferst penading them lulaek ~ ~ ~ ng:Mr andthygtatiui M'Sm Mri's. of the noea, is at harerat heGeran." ~Vll,1 alk hmrs.' Cyru (layr addi so nttila gieatcrow wasroun oan Tr. ong,'and Mr~s W.o I ha to ism~s te ciow nd oeae M'i'fo Newcyomkt Oe sendr Went to oneof tMi. lHgehh.telskdohadSuevralmonths dinnr. Wllthiswas nte'taiing Mr's. JV. P. Jacobs, Sr., litlre asit me to h~gh hapen t foi'omed Sar afdayomsp tnuig t 'MsIo oetsnepcst H BAVARIA ...... ....... ................. Ph'ioto by .: testern Necwspaper Union. Rhienishi lavaria, to occupiy their part terI spin IUg sever'ai weeks wit herlid mother, Mrs. H. FA. Shockl y. Mirs. J1. .\. Pits delightfuly enter tied a numilhe' (I( ladles at a spend1( t he-da.v paty last Wednesday. Th e guests wer'e Mesdamies 'R. P. Adair, .1 enn Ie 'iiriggs9, Emnia L.tttle. Addie' Dil lard, A. Ii. Hen11ry, W. .\. Mc.\illan, Al ma Dillardl, Le PItt s, .Johni G. 1Pitts, Ilays and Nanii Finney. .\elris. JoeL vll.11 Phinney he r .\monda there w h M rs. .Jas, . opeand. Mrs. W. G. Nevite returnred iuesday from Greenville after visiting relatives for' a fewv (lays. Miss INan Copcland del1ightfulmiily en tertained t he (1. (1. G. Club Fridlay afi tetnoon. Those lresent were: Misses i. 'Copoigland, Sybil Hurdette, Mary la Ary. rio N'osby, lioweMia .lones. .\hsrs. la. A. Pitlard. Cothran, Dixot, Mitalworh, J. K. Wilson and \. I,. Ihmunap. lair, andc iLts,1111 . IN loIyd ne tie he fol lowing guests at a delimio us orse in 11er Tuesday evening. od. II(d Mirs. las . Copeland. .\l. and .\rs. WJ .. Copeland, Mr. and .ls. T. 1). Msopelad, ar. and M rs. 0. W. Ferg -. soit and .l G. an Ms J. F. .laobs, Sir. .lr. and Ms. John Ferguson itser a Ined a minmber of thieiri fri ends Ia st Friday evening at a dlinner patly. The guests 'were: r. 'and i's. 10. W. Fer guson, Mr. and Mrs. G1uy Clo ela nd , l m. and Mrs. G. A. C'opeland, Mrs. Ianrks dale and daughter from au res. Miss aelle rec'e entertainec'd hlie Young 'L adies (lumb last Satierday l enig at a dinner party. Those pres (nt. were .\isses Peggy Dunlap, 1'0d wards, Clayton, Marjorie Spencer, Mary flean, .Julia Neville, Caroline Caldwe e, \ esamnes M. J. MFadden and NJ. I.- Copelanl. Dr. and Mrs. M. JT. McFadden enter tained the following guests at a St. Patric dnner party last Friday ev enling: at and Mrs. Jas. . Copeland. Mr'. .and M's. T. ). Copeland, Dr. and Mris. H. W. O.hntson, Mr'. and .\l ms. .1. F. .Ja ob. Sir., Mirs. J. . Jones of Petersbrg, Miss Clara iukett , Dr. Diavis and Mr. WVihtu man~ Smdith. Mirs. J1. F. .Jacobs, Sr., en tert ained the Frlendl Iy IDozen hook C'lubi Ia t b/riday a ftc eroon. lDelleIc us refresh imnt s were served to the follow in p guests: M\esdlamnes W. II. Shandls. .. 11. .Jonies, of Pe'tersbuirg, W. It. Owen Mr'., J1. A. hailey, A. 'd. Spencer, A. M. ('opeland, 10. S. F. Giles, C'. -M. Halley. .1. W. Copeland, Si'., W. S. 'Hean, b,. R. Lynn, ,Geo. M. Wright and Miss ('on nle flalley. C'apt. T1. .1. Peakce of Camp Wa'rds worth, spent thle wveek-ojnd wvithI fr'iendls hiere. MIss .Julia Neville will leave Thurs clay for Nashville, Tlenn., to spend sev eral mionthis with relat ives. Mr. and Mirs. J1. F. JTacobs, Smr., aimnd Miss Clara Dumckett entertaIned thme following guests at a delIcIous course dinner last Thursday evening: R1ev. mid Mirs. Long, R1ev. and Mirs. Stokes. Mr. and Mrs. Rl. ZA. WrIght, -Mr. and Mrs. 10. .J. Adlair, Dir. Cald~well, Misses Dar'oline Caldlwell, Sallie Wri'ght, and Mr. Jame~s (Onldwell. Plies Cured In 6 to 14 Days DruggIsts refund money If PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure itching, Blind,-Bleedin g or Pretruding Piles, lneutaiiiyr eclc'yes Itching P11m i"(t ""d yelCit get reat'ui annfter thc' fis fle nondann ~ricoG bXD LAY the smokegarhe~ wth a jimy pipe if you're hankering for a hand ..j * .*..For, with Prince Albert, you've got a new listen on the pipe question thtcuts you loose from old stung tongue and dry throat worries! Made by our exclusive patented process, Prince Albert is scotfree from bite and parch and hands you about the biggest lot of smokefun that ever was scheduled in your direction! Prince Albert is a pippin of a pipe-pal; rolled into a cigarette it beats the band! Get the slant that P. A. is simply everything any man ever longed for in tobacco! You never will be willing to figure up the sport you've slipped-on. once you get that Prince Albert quality flavor and quality satisfaction into your smokesystem! You'll talk kind words every time you get on the firing line! Toppy red bag., tidy rad tine, handsome pound and half-pound tin hlumE. dora -and--that clasay, practical pound cryatal gla.s humidor with aponge moistener top that keep, the tobacco in euch perfect condition. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C. FRIDAY--THIS WEEK 1Sensaional fight for JUSTICE BEGGARED dY A FALSE FRIEND THIS WEALTHY MAN LEAVES GAY SOCIETY. FRIENDS, % EVERYTHING HE HOLDS ~ \ MOST DEARAND TAKE! THE GUTTER ROUTE TO BRUNG DOWN THE MAN WHO ROBBED HIM. A 3TORY OF LONDON, NEW YORK,THE ATLANTIC AND THE TRlOPiCAL ISLANDS Three thrilling FARNUM fights a startlinly realistic ship- n tha A4wreck and suprie ending. W ILLIAM FOX Presents Written and Staed by Frank Lloyd Admission Children 1 cts - - Adults 20cts