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LAURENS 9FFIUEMS (ITED FOR BRAVEYt Three Officers of tho 871st Infantry, includig Late Lieut. Lake, Receive Distinguished Service Medals. Friends of Capt. W. it. Richey, Jr., Lieut. James C. Todd and the lite Lieut. Thos D. Lake will be gratified to learn that all three of these oll cers, members of the 371st Infantry, have been cited for meritorious con duct in battle by their superior of1l crt;. VCapt. Ric hey and ULeut. Todd are now at home, having recently re ceived their discharges, while the fate of the late Lieut. Lake Is already -well known, he having been killed in action Sept. 30th. The following are the orders issued by the Comantl idiing officers: "Recounendation for citation for DistiNguished Service Cross. Captain Willitai It. Ildehey, Jr., 371st Infantry. U. S. Gassc on Set. 29th, 1918 near Ardeuil, France, he nevertheless re inaied in commaiad of his company and with utter disregard of personal danger led it in the attack taking a Geirman conxon and seven prisoners and was not evacuated until complete ly exhausted on Sept. 30th. 1918. Near est relative, W. It. Itiehey, Sr., Lau vems. 6. C. "P. Lj. Miles. "olonel. 371st Infantry." "llecomnmendation for citation for Ditinuguiske4 Service Cross. F'irst NAeutenant nmnes C. Todd, 371st In fantyv, V. S. Gassed early in the ac tieoa of Sept. 29th, 1918 near Ardeuil. Fmaec, he .entinued in the advance in comaan4 of his platoon for two days throudt violent artillery and ma cb4in! gun ire. Later, when his cap tain wak evacuated, he took command of his cerapany, displaying judgment: and fortitudn in handling his men. lie wns forced to be evacuated on October, 2nd, 1918. due to illness brought on 4w gau and exposure. Nearest rela live. J. W. Todd, Laturens. S. C. "P. L. Miles. "Colonel. 371st lui'aitry." The following recommiendation for citation for anllant conduet in Illh 'Ciamipague offenisive of Septellber 28th. to October (li. 1918, wias male by me em Oct oher 10, 1918: ".First ieti. Thomas9 D. Lake, .lI., '71st Infaitry. Recommeii(ition for citaition for Distinguished Service Cross: "'i oicer, seconid in coilallfnd, was in battle with his company at. 1111 18S, Sept. 28, 1918. lIe showed great courage and ability. lie was again under very heavy artillery fire 'in the meadow near .lhissy Farm on the af ternoon of Sopt. 29th. That. night he led a patrol to the enemy lines with wonderful cool ness and disregard of personal dan-ger and was an ispir'a 1 to01 o the entire coin 1y. Thi I f tim.'4 'a killed in action on the morn ig '4 Sept. 20. 1918 in the mleadow nar1:1. Alin (GrCe'k narca' the village of Minimiva iile advancing witi il "'lajor, :'71st Infantryv, "'Comndg. 1st lHn."' Danylightf Ma ving lain Starmts Minr ccl :w Washington, \larch:l 15.---T'io imake ('I feetive the" daylighit saving law. D)iree or-Goneral ii ines today lnstruct ed ra!iilroads~ to turn ti heir clocks ahead oehou r at 2 a. m., Snunlay, Marchl 20r h. Tr':ain' will run on the new schedule thereafter', butt wiill be held only at torminals. While on the roadI thiey will not stop foir an bour' to make : up the diflferenmces ini timem. E'ach railI road will b~e called on to ''properly f safegumard nmovemenit of its trains on m the road at thme imne of -the change." C'locks tw ii l bemovedt back an hour i at ? a. in. on lhe last S'unday in 0" tober'. Fertlizer I am still selling the old reliable V-C Brands of Fertilizer With an~d Without P4tash See me ldefore buying. Also handled by Laurens Gin & Fuel Co. AUG. HUFF Lanren- - . F C * Local and Personal Mention. * * , . 0 0 0 9 e 0 S S e S S S H-. W. Dominick, Esq., of Chappells, was a visitor in the city yesterday. Mr. G. L. Houk, former principal of the schools here but now with the Marines at Parris Island, is spending a -few days in the city with friends. Mr. Houk says that he likes the ina rines alright, but he would rather be out now that the war is over. Mr. C. C. Wharton, of Greenwood, came over yesterday to see what pro gress is being i.ade on the store-room which he is having fitted up in the hotel block for the new clothing storn. le was accompanied over by Messrs. ennie TPoibert and WIlliam .Ja, both of whoer nave rec(ntly returned Irom overseas service. \li:;s Franes Thames had us her i-uest at the GilkQrson House last night, her brother, Mr. R. (I. Thamnes, and her cousin, Air. Frank Massey, both of Iiiinlgham, Ala. Mr. Thame" is the president of a large wholesale Iluimbet' concern in llirmingham and Mr. Massey is one of its repres;enta lives on the road. Mr. lloward C. Smith, who has been making a soil survey of the county, left yesterday for Greenville, where he will be engaged in similar work for the next few months. The many frie'lds that he las miade since he has been here regret to see him leave, es pecially as he has shown a great deal of interest In .public matters while here, having made several addresses of an entertaining and profitable na ture here. Cascarets Work While You Sleep No headac ie, biliousness, up set sto ach or constipa tio tomorrow Spend l0 e nts--feel "-Iranld! To night take Ca. calets t/liven your It ver antd clean !your ,tewels. SFtop the hevadachles, biliotys spells, sourniess, gases, coated tongue, had breath, sal lowiess and constipation--Take Cas and enjoy the nicest, gentlest "inside eleansing"'you ever experinen eved. W-ake up feeling tine. Cascarets is best cathartic for childrei. Taste like Candy. No disappointiment! Thir iy million boxes of this harmless, famous cathartic are sold each year nIow. Staple is M-temoved. The family of Mr. W. P. Iludgens received a telegram fit om him in lPhil adelphia yesterday statilg that ll staple which he swallowed abotit ten days ago had beeli sue('ssfully re mtt Oed an(1 that he will return homie in a few days. The mitany friend.i of Mr. ludgens, twho lave been very aixiouis ,)bout hiks coniditioni. we're ver-y muti' -lated to learn that lie had been "utn a lied". Huy 11 arlbi ingtonm 0t tau-.r The John Y. Cat'!ington (ot ta ge, In '':ted on Norlth li arpe r sttreet, h as r'e iently been, SOld to Mri. W'. C. P. Gobettson. whlo will take c harige on January 1st. Mlr. and Mirs. Y. S. Gil k erson andu Van cy, Jr'., are now (Ic -upying the cottage but will give way o Mr'. atnd NIr's. Rober'tson at the 'ear's end. R1ev. Sqires In 4clreetnsbore. R~ev. C. T. SquIres, pastoi' of thbe i'lrst Pt'esbyteian chut'ch, left Mont lay morning for Greensboro, N. C.. v'here lhe will condlul i'evlval services 'or a week or motre. In his absence he .pul1pit of the chturchii next Sunday v ill be filledi by Rev. IDr. Thtot'nton V'haling, of Columbia. MiCKIE SAYS PRE-'f'f Luce4 I'P Mr, DON'- KI'ovW WNA1' OtIs's PRP.SS DAV J\' NtEP-ti ; Flower Pots in all Aizes fr'om the hu'y Iwo Inch pot for starting plants tp to the lrefour gallon size. Prics JAPAN'S ATTITUDE CAUSING CONiERN (Continued from Page One.) amended he will vote against it. "I was a pioneer in the movement for a league," said Senator King. "More than ten :--ars ago I toured my State organzl:ing clubs favoring a ,world organization to insure peace. Then, as now the people were for it. They said that if there 1wns a panacea for war, they wanted It. But swith this concrete proposal before them they are analyzing it and finding so much in it that is dangerous and ob jectionable, that they will insist on its modification. Unless it is modified in several particulars, I cannot vote for it." Senator Jones (Wash.) emphatica! ly declared that the American worker will not agree to a Compact olening the doors to Japaniese immigration. "As I read the remarks of Viscount Islii," said Senator Jones; "the (e mand of Japan is that in the very con stitution of the league there be in scrtedi a provision which will obliter ate our laws restrictive of immigra tion from the Far East. "The opponents of the league were very wise when they denmanded that the proposed compact be scrutinized closely so that it should be rovealed just what ::meAns. They predicted that this a ation of immigration from the Asiati iations would arise. The supporters I the leagtue, however, In sist that tk._ immigration ltws of the United States -were purely domestic and would not conic within the league's jurisdiction. It would seem Laurens Pr OVER J.C. Give us a trial ti Prices reasonable Suits and Overco Dresses. Gives i Laurens Pr T. G. ELLI Telephone 254. THEY I their It's Stetso: the Stetso If you are in and loo - yet we im Wel they were wrong in tbair estimate o0 the situation. "Should the league -be formed- with out Japan and China and Russia, there would be merely another great divi sion of world powers. "As a body, I believe American la bor has been standing for the league, but when it understands this immigra tion matter I do not believe it will support the proposal." The 8rd Pioneers. I am resLing now In Europe, I was brought here by the draft; For the war I've carried guns and -shells Which were a heavy graft. While I was working in the dtmip A-going on the rtun, Many a shell was whistling by Shot in by devilish Hun. This ,went on for many a day, Till papers they did sign, That stopped the fiing on the front Fom Verdun to the Rhine. Now the war is over, And I have done my bit; So back to good old U. S. A. Is where I want to get. Alt.hough the war is over And the shooting it did stop; F'n battling with many a "cootie," That's going over the top. Pyt. Luther Branilott, 3rd Pioneer Int. See our display of White S1ountain Iterrigorators. Sixteen sizes to- select froti-prices reasonable. 9. M. & E4. H1. WIAKES & 00. essing Club IHELL & CO. ien join our Club. . We clean Men's ats. Also Ladies is call. dsSing Club S, Manager - Terms Cash. If You A1 Real Wc New L SPR: have "atmosphere' r wearing quality is r n workmanship a d ni its unique value a a steady customer i k over this fine selec rite you to come in a Is Clard LAUREN N IIeatrtotions 0 iyniwtc, Parlo SO ut a. Information has boon received from line to 80lct.'fro lolumbia that all restrictions placed )n the sale of dynamite and explo- Urnvs's Tateless chill Tonto iives during the war have been, re- steo vitalty and emrgy by puiifying and e-% ,noved and fr rs niotoi ek- richiog the blood. Yof can soou feel i1 9tegh rnvdadfarmers and otheors desir- steath ing to purchase may do so now with- '4111119- lvAOrbt 9 Effet. r. . )ut permits. Clemson Boys at Ilome. WANTED Oi account of mid-term examin Lions or some other affairs that made Live, Energetic HUSTLER as it possible for 'boys to get away from Sale Agent forLaurensCounty their studies, the following Clemson Hto control sub-agents for students spent the week-on dat home large, strong Accident and with their parents and friends: Health Insurance Company. "Snipe" Dunlap, "Rat Snipe" Dun- Paying proposition to rigt lap, "Kid" Fuller, "Nig" Wilkes, Nat man WVullace, "Pug" Roper, "J. ." Lang- BISCHOF & COMPANY ston, "Runt" Roper and visitor, Joe Y9 Me C. A. State Supt. Rivers; "Otto" Martin, "co" Franks, Columbia, S. C. Boe Bol" Armstrong. ___________________ L:ie, Enre* HUTERa When the Soldier or Sailor Steps Out of Uncle Sam's SeIvice Into Mfoter Co.'s He is greeted b( selection~~ as broad as his'~houldersngd as fresh and earl$ as t~i cock Reveille. He sees Colat,' , 6 vie for beauty with Iu reaa-punseas he saw "on the way over" ai d Cuts that are as easy to look at as the Statue of L'iberty was "1on the way back." He views Patterns as spruce / as Pershing, as Handsome as Haig and as Foxy as Foch-eand Weaves as suave as Woodrow, as smart as Wilson and as solid as Washington. All these at one set of fair, Democratic prices. We pride ourselves on our petty profits. MINTER COMPANY Laurens, S. C. ppreciate arth See me of ' ING SONS K tone--re distinction. And ques 'oned. h' -grade material that give ye want to urge. you to drop tion. If you don't know us nd get acquainted. - Company ..C..