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* * * * * * 0 *. *. * * * * * DI.ALS NEWS. * * * * * * **0 * * * * Dials, Aug. 26.-One of the ni1on beautiful and impressive ceremoniec that historic Dials church has evei witnessed took place Sunday after. noon before a congregation that taxed the seating capacity, the occasion be ing the unveiling of a service flag ii honor of the boys from this church and community, now in the service o: our country. A simple but well arranged pro gram had been prepared and -was sue cessfully rendered by the young ladies who participated. The JRev. U9. M. Harley presided. To the strains of "Anerica", the large flag bearing six teen stars, to the mothers heart em blems of sacrifice and duty, was tin veiled, the curtain being drawn in , graceful manner by little Miss Nell Varris who has two-uncles in the ser rice. The speakers for the occasion were all present. Tile fIrst being tile Rev. Dave lackwell, of Quincy. Fla., one whom Dials claims a sher honored son. who iiade a very enjoyable talk. .lr Black well was followed by the H1on1. 11. A. Cooper of Laurens. Mr. Cooper's address. Which was replote with patri otism and service was delivered in 10 inimitable manner charged withIi all the elouence witi whichi he is so richly endowed. and was grqatly enjoy ed ) all present. The honor roll which was read by the pastor, consists of tle following youig m11en, eight of whom are over seas: Ma rvir Roberson, Marvin Arm sttrong, MarvinI larris, Claud Arm Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic tewires vitality and energy by purifying and ec riching the blood. You can soon feel its Strength eigai, Invigorating Effect. Price 60O. Packers' Are Rwe The public shou the profits of the p limited by the Foo since Nov amber 1, 1S pose, the business of is now divided into t Class 1 includes suc pork, muuton, o others that are products. P-'rofi per cent of the c, these departmen plus and borrow to exceed two ar each dollar of aa Class 2 includes fertilizer, and a mor~e or less as meat business, partments are iti outside businea are not limited. are restrigted to capita! employe< Class 3 includes ou such as those ii the operation of foreign countrie class are not lirr Total profits fc 4, together in 1918 between three an~d an increased volume~ The restrictions antee ai reasonable live stock pdeics ar> pl::es, becaurse the not possibly avera fraction of a cent toc Since the oronis are ::unning only abt dollar of sales, we I the profits from s< (Class 2, also limited ments, (Class 3) to earnings on capital. . Swift & Camp .its business so as to -limitations. -Swift & Comi strong, Converse Henderson, Plumrnor Henderson, Roy Moon, Leonard Ow Ings, Will Thomason, Clarence Aber cromble, Shell Owings, Ernest Hlar ris, Ernest Henderson, Jim Suittles, Henry Branilett, 'Connors Satterfield and Walter McConnell. The last naine, however, through an oversight was ov erlooked, Sunday afternoon. It has been added, however, and the flag now contains seventeen stars. l1lisses Eileen Curry and Cecil Ow ings have returned from Greenwood, where they were in attendance at the Bible Institute which was in session at Lander College. Private AWill Thomason, ot Camp .ackson, spent several hours with honiefolks Sunday. Miss Lania Hellams is on an ex (ended visit in Greenville, where she Is the guest of Miss Virginia lellamis. Mr. and Mirs. Robert Hellains, of Greenville, spent several days with relatives here and in Laureis last week. Mr. D. D. llrownlee had as his week end guest Mr. Wellie Abercroinbie of Tumublinfk Shoals. Mrs. Blackwell, who has been spend ing the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Curry, has returned from Greenville. where she underwent a minor operation on the throat re eently, which was entirely successful. much to the joy of her many friends. Mr. and Mrs. XV. S. Bolt and children, of Ilickory Tavern, were visitors at the home 4 Mr. D .D. Brownlee Sim day. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Owings and children, of i'ounmtain Inn, were S-un day guests, of Mrs. H1. Y. Simmons aid family. Mr. and Mrs. ). . Harris spent Thu rsday with Mrs. 1. S. IBrooks and family. AMr. and Mrs. Arthur Curry. of the Shiloh commniity, had as their guests for several days last week, Mr. and Mis. Willie Harris and childrein of thi' place. Profits @uated d understand that aickers have been d Administration 117. For this pur. Swift & Company iree classes: i products as beef, icomargarine and essentially animal :s are limited to 9 ipital employed in ts, (including sur ed money), or not d a half cents on CS. the soap, glue, ther departments sociated with the Many of these de competition with es whose profits P~roflt in this class 15 per cent of the side investments, stock yards, and packing plants in ited. r all departments wifi pr'obably be iI four per' cent on of sales, i absolutely guar relation between d wholes~ale meat >acker's profit can ge mnore than a -pound of product. on meat (Cas) 1) i >ut 2 cents on each Lave to depend on >ap, glue, fertilizer I ) and other depart obtain reasonable any is conducting come within these )anv.U.yA S e e e e ee ee ee e * OAKVILLE NEWS. * * 9 eea e .. e e .. O-kville, Aug. 26.-Misses Jennie and Clara Owings have returned from a pleasant visit to relatives and friends in Shiloh community. Miss Phenia Latimer has been visit ing in Narnie community recently. Our efficelnt rural policeman, Mr. .A. 1. Boyd, made a business trip to Green wood, Anderson, Abbeville Friday. Mr. and Mis. .l. E. McDaniel, Jr., spent Friday with the latter's parents at Central. Mr. W. F. MIcDaniel ' has returned from a visit to his brother, 'Dr. Wyatt MoDianiel in Greenville. Mr. S. E0. Williams made a business trip to Columbia, Greenville and other places recently. .\ir. 13. Brown spent Tuesday night with Mir. Carlos loyd. Miss Daisy Hiipp is visiting her aunt, Mrs. L. 1'. Cilbertsoni, this week. Misses Azile and Nora Belle Boyd have refIurned from a pleasant visit to their friends, .\Misses Ilarriette and Lee Watson, of 1..attri'ens. Private Ryland Ciibertson, of Camp .Jackson, spent Saturday night and Sunday with frien(is and homefolks. lisses Jennie and 1lara Owings spelnt 'I'llesdlay alternoon w'ithi Mlisses Ienora and Rebecca .\Ieianaiel. Mliss \'ivian .\boDaiiel is spending a while with her sister, Mrs. W. .l. \lyers of .\usgrovo. .\If. Jolin ltapley Owoigs has been visi ling hil; couisin. Mr. Ilonston Ow lags. Messrs. Ellerbe .\leDaniel and Chair Ile Kesler, of this coninuily, are ex pet iag to leave for trainin. camp Friday. .liss .\zile lhoyd anad sisters spen t Sau d y afternoon wit.\l Mrs. :\I. 14. .!i-ses Is"n'ora nd lz i ebea M.\Dana ivl att ': i.-d srvices at New l'rospect Sunda;.:lY Vinoriniiig. .\lr. ::nd ]is. Y. lBoyd spoilt Satiur 'l:'- iia:ht1 wilh their daughier, irs. W. I'. Jones, near. Ware Shoals. NEW 1O3.i AN. 'All of oir lst doclors had given m uip. I was unable to leave Imly bed for 14 w eek;s and wV'as yellow as a pinnupkinl, beside.; the terrible, stomach painas I suffered. Our druggist advised miy husbiad to try Uayr's Woiderful emoedy and it has saved my life. I ami1 a new woman now," It is a sim pit, hamess prepariition. that re inoves thbe' catar'i'hal iluelis from tH' in i n i':;liial tra11ct anid allays the inlami mation which cauises practieally -mmuich. liver anid intesthia ailmentfls, inele1ding aped-ii.One do.e will cion)vin1ce or inellay refunided. Laureins )ruag Co. C o e e e e e oeeoe e eoe e e * WCTlL0 ES C C e * 0 e C C C.. a 06 0 Waterloo. Auu. 2.--.\r. and .\lrs. Carl Profiti, of GreenIwood, spent thep week-endr ini W~ater'loo. .\lr. andI .\i rs. J1. ('. Smnit h wre guests of fiends in (Green aviille, t hi week. AlIss Mlinnie iPenneli, of Lowndes v'ilie, is isiting Dri. and .\iis. J1. L. eni nel th is Week. Prof. andt .\irs. .1. Ii. Sheeley, of Ninety Six, areC visiting .\lr's. Sheeley's fathlera, .\lv. lienry Wh'ariton. i. anad .\is. Gorige Andierscn, .\ir. anad .\lis. Prted (Calbeit son anad M\ir. W. II. ('ulber'tson are atI home from a week's stay at ilendersonville. .. T'. Garrett, of Grieenw~ood, spent .Ahonday in~ town'i on buisine'ss. The many fr'iends of .\ir. .1. lir'na rd Iic'eieson of W~at erloo, and M\iss Ehliz. ICCtotes'(I d t lar oi cf thiir amarria g whi ihl took plae 'iTuesday eveninug, Auiiis! :3th in Ca(lintn. Tihe' marr 'iia-.s eemonyv was per for d biiciiy e';. .\ r. Stokes of thi" FirstI l ove'l ' youn~g v' iiman. .\lri. Ii l (e.uon has l ivedl in W\ate'rlo al! is !!f'- andi n umbers hiis friend s by~ ithe sooic. .lmr hoiiie in W~ateriloo. LEMONS MAKE SKIN WH-ITE, SOFT, CLEA R .imake this henty lotion for a few 'eiits What gir ii ri womanll hasni't heardn of lemon juiice to iremnove complexion blemishes; to whiten the skhti and to bring out the roses,, fhe freshness and the hidden ~eautyf But lemon juice alone is aci( , theteforeo irritating, and should be iix 9t1 with orchiard( white this way. rt iln thr'ough a fine eloth the juice oI (wvo fresh lemons into a bottle cont ning about throe ounces o'f orcehaird white, then shake well and you have a whole quarter pint of skin and complexion lotIon at about the cost one usually pays for a small jar of ordinary cold cream. Be sure to strain the lemon juic- so no0 pulp gets Into the bottle, then this lotion will re main pure and fresh for' months. When ap~plied daily to the face, neck, arms and hands It should help to bleach clear, smoothen and beautify the skin. Any druggist will suipply three ounc en of orchard white at very little cost and the gtrocer hn'e the lemons, By an overwhelming majority the public has decided that 'Minter Company's line of Silk Dresses, Coats, Coat Suits and Milli nery is the best we have ever shown. You are cordially invited to see these new garments as they arrive. No Formal. Opening This Season Everythipg On Sale As It Arrives. Mirnter Company Department Store Laurens, S. C. To Battery Owners.... We ave just installed a new stora battery charging outfit of e latest type and are .fully, erauipped to care for your bat tery. The Price for Charging is $1.00 We carry in stock a complete line of first class batteries at reasonable prices for all makes of cars. Our battery proposition appeals to all battery owners. We shall be pleased to explain it to you. Waidrop 's Garage Laurens. S. C. Phone 334