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* *' * *' * * * * * .* *' * * * * 4 4 * * * * MADDEN NEWS. * * Madden, Aug. 13.-A large crowd at tondd the baptizing at Prospect Sun day afternoon where seven young girls and three young lads went down Into the water to arise "to walk in nowness of life". We trust that these .young people may I)e hlteIPful (and loyal to the church and their lives a benediction to all. We were glad to greet the following friends from other churches, who en joyed the services with us: Mir. and Mrs. R. T. Dunlap and daughters, of Laurena; Col. and Mrs. John Wharton, of Waterloo; Mr. Ton Madden and Miss Nota McDaniel, of Mt. Pleasant. The many friends of Mlrs. Niinnie Iihley Lawrence. of Seneia, and 'Mr. aid Mrs. J1im Finley of Westminster, weue surprised and delighted to greet theni Sunday afternoon. These good folks are former laurens county peo tile rInd' are here and a-t Waterloo on a visit to numberous relatives. We wer, gladt to see they were looking so weli and their lines evidently have tallen in pleasant places. Mesd-jamles Georgia .\artin. Mattie I an.ttston) and Peart Brown are three o' the good 11101terS of our comm)un ity that have been ol the sick list. We are ad to report all better and hop to se hem out soon. All hearts were saddened when It iecamue known that -John Watkins was dead. His body was brought ll) from -1oltimbia Sunday afternoon and was buried in Mt. Pleasant cemetery Mon day morning at II o'clock. A large e1tOun el'- of neighbors and friends were present. Rev. .J. It. Williams conducted the funeral exercises. The Scri)trte lesson was taken from the words of the Saviour to .\lary and Martha, "Thy irother' shall live agaii." The hearts of all go out in dee pest sympathy to the parents, brothers and sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Traywic'. long and sons came' upl) from Pheraw for the fun erkail of 010 thi brother, .John Wat kins. SeVeral from here attnded tle old soldieis' reIunion at Quaker. \Mr*s. Jim Roper. Nir. andl irs. Will Wood] and Irs. Charlev Ro ler were ret ' visto1*.s of Mr. and Mrs. Thad Moor. ndMr. Tha' Moore and Mr. W: ''r Nlooriwere visitors of t heir h :.;. -.1 a .\loo, 1itunlay. Thoy e n greet t hir br oer. 1,. 1'. tor and Ibrid. wio lave trtitited Coats,Suit Fall Fifty new fall dresse; and georgett~e combin~a1 and greys, $2G. to $32.! Serge P For S The Mar-H off serge skirts, made from goor serge, price $20 and $2 Wool For Early Pure Wool Sweaters mon, rose, terquoise, i $7.50 to $12.50. Single Bed Sheets, i Bleached Sheets, he Extra large size W< GORDON SILK HOSI Black, White, Bronze, and Champagne, $1.00, $1.50 and $2 from their honeymoon. Mr. Lewis Prointit, who is in the Ord nince department, and Miss Alice Profitt, of Columbia, were visitors to homiefolks for the week-end. (Intended for last week.) Madden, Aug. 5.--After a week of rain the sun shines brightly again and farmers are in the meantime whittling and discussing whether it will be best to plow the crop again. Protracted meeting closed at Pros peet Friday night with an addition of 10 youthful tmelbers. Rev. R. J. Wil llams, the visiting preacher, was greatly loved by Prospect people and his preaching was helpful to young and old. The writer recently had the pleas ure and privilege of reading a letter from one of our soldier boys near the far-flung battle line in France. "I am just behind the firing line and will be in ii a day or two. Don't worry about me. Rest assured when me an(] my Lewis gun (1o get into the fight, what we will (10 for 'Old Jerry' will be a plenty." Bully for you, Claude, t'nele Sam has no better shot than yoiu and we all know you will do your duty. Mlisse Fannie 1!udgens and Mlariv Madden. wi) are taking a bisiness course at Green ville, came down for the week-end. Tiey were accompain ied by a friend. Miss Miller. Mts. \'iola (entry, after spending tite week of meeting with her sister. Mrs. Iona Brown, left for home near l)-.tbhin batirday. Mrs. Della Cunningham, of Ilt. Pleastant enjoyed tie meeting at Pros peet, her old home chuirtch, as well as dltighted hter many friends with hetr presence, for sIe is a favorite here. She was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. GIriT Finley. .\Miss Ora Powers is spending a few days with her cousin, .\,ss Mattie Hobo Poole noar Langston. .\i .1 i itt m lie .\tihis was the recent guest of her aunt. .rs. Le Laitgstont. .\liss .\Myrtle Bishop. a charming yoting Id,1. of Iuman, after a1 pleas alt visit itre wilth Miss \zile Wof ford. returi'nd ithomt1 Monday. Mis" -,hop was one of tie eOficient teac ema of Ithe school of which .iMiss \of fi6 was p'n;ipal a1nd1 their' work to teher ia de a ast inlg frientdship. .Mr. 1. 11. Martin, (if Ala nta. , is soendi. his annuti1al vacation whith his .\l-. r .irs. T. It. P-ronvt and d-n rbn .3 .-3 lluhxerf- 'lhe enljoy able ene is f Mr. 'Ind .\)r'. . A. \\'offord .unday. v- e intrs-eId AR s, Dresses, Sk Dresses A in serges, rtir.s, tafl t as iO. 4iddy Suits chool Girls Middy sglts with pleated I qualityy of navy French 5. /, Swegf ers Fall.,Weairtug in all the new shds atl le and combinatiorns, puce SHEET rood quality, each. mined, 72x90, each Bleache >o1 Blankets in plaids an ERY Grey, .00 Laurens. S. C. In hearing that their son, Yates, who is in the aviation service, is going on up in his chosen line of service. Ile is expected home for a few days befor he sails for overseas dity. We hope he wili get homic, as expected, the latter part of August. Mr. and Mrs. Wash Long and their charming daughters, of Waterloo, were pleasant callers recently of the family of Mir. and Mrs. J. A. Wofford. * ,JONES NEWS. * Jones. August 1.-Mr. Jeff Craw ford of Florida, passed away recently and was buiried with Masonic honors at Mt. Hethel last week. .Mr. Craw ford was reared and spent his life with the exception of a few years In this section, and was held in the liglhes! esteem by all of our people. .\lr. L. F. 11. Daniel. of Chandler, and son, Prof. Johnny Daniel and wife visitel the former's sister, Mrs. )r. v. 'T1. Jones last week. Born on 5th inst. to Mr. and Mrs. John 11. Cul hertson, a sol. Iorn on 'ith inst., to .\Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Kirkland. a soi. lorn on Stl inst.. to Mr. and Mrs. lrinest Vannadore, a daughter. .\Mrs. Crawford. of Florida. recently visited her sister, Mrs. Mac Mitchell. Mr. Carlisle is building a nuice col tage. We recently met the following friends: Wesley Gaines. of Ilibler; Wells Riley, of Greenwood; Dr. Arthur Boland, of Georgia; llev. F. I. Bram lett, McCorilick; Willie and Arthii Crawford, of Florida; Willie Hasor, Whitmire; John Crawford.'North Caro lina; Clifton Shaw, Washington. 1) 1"I.; Townes Mabry, Cokesbury; Dr. C. W. Burton, Iva; Irby Box, Spartan burg; Yoiung Godfrey. Donalds; A. It. 'lhomuue, EIkomi; and Osie Allen, Lee county.v .\lr. Wilmol Smith, of Greenville. ecenty 1paid s a very appreciative visit. M. and M.\rs. Eugene ILpford. of Kings .\ountain, N. C., recently visited friiends and relatives here. )r. W. .1. l2anigston preached at Mt. allagher last Sunday. Dr. laangstoni is ati ('1lileli t divine and is very popu hi with all tof ourl 1eople. :everal'. I of 0111 people att ended the 'union at Quiaker and greatly n.loyed th ospla.;1:1lity of the good people of that seelion. (",1ndidato Vhe, uhs.Me V: rhorah On' (. anD I R! I .sell L L irts, Middy SL Sweate Velour Sweater hats, h~ er; coljors, rose, ter'quohs pr'ic $6.50 ea h. Fall Co Twenty five new fall and grey, serges, popli $25. to $35. Fall Serge Skirts New styles, best woc to $15. Black Satin Skirts, $12 3, PILLOW CA FOR THE CO . . . $1.00 . . . 1.35 d Sheets, hematitched, 8: - WOOL B :I plain colors, price. ardy were in our midst a few days ago. The congressional candidates, Aiken and MDominick, delivered addresses a Ware Shoal's on the 13th inst. Mr. Cleveland S. Jones, of North Carolina, visited his father, Mr. Jas. Jones, last week. %it. .ohn Frank 1111, of Abbeville. spent last week witi his parents. .\lr. and Mrs. Charlie .lauldin, of Anderson, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Jones. Ir., last week. - A large crowd from here went filsh Ing lust Tuesday on Reedy river and reported a delightful outing and plenty of fish. Mr. Hayden. of California, is visiting relatives and friends at Greer. M1r. -ayden is a native of this state and made the trip in a Ford car. Rasor's Bridge road Is in good con ditlon which is a great convenience to our people. CALOMEL PURIFIED OF ALL OBJECTIONS 'hemtists niid Doctors' Favorite .iled. feine of Niasenthi and iangerous QuatlitIes. New Variely Called "('lotahs". A\ triumph of mnodern pharmacy that is destiuned to bless the whole world in1ii is the opinion of physicians and druggists who are familiar witi the w calomiel hat is wholly free from the objectionable effects of tile old tle ealomel. Ail o'casional p1iifying of tlie sys tem and thorough cleansing of the liv er are abl)utely essential to health, and. as all dyetors know, calomel is tie only (Irug that acoomplishes this result. No ' that the unpleasant an.d dangerous ffects'are entirely remiov ed. the po1 laflty of tile new calonel. Calotabs. will be vastly incteased. Its effect is delighlitful. Oie tablet at bed time, a swallow of water--that's all. You wake up next morning feelil fine, your liver cleansed, Your syst em purified and with a hearty appeti.te for brealkfast. E.A what you pcices no danger. No restrictions of Ibi; orm diet. ,'alotabs are sold only ill ori'ginal sealed pakages jrice thirty-five cents l. ur ug.i reom iens andi 'iuarateesC' them.--tAdvt.I ANNOUNCEMENTS For Coigress. Il onL1'. Bomar is hereby an nounsicel as a candidate for Congress f-om h ourth (one remwlonal is trict. su'-ioet to the rules of the Dem I hereby a il- u- nnue III Self a1 cad li he-- Io re-,"!eeion oCnresfo o :: ss and iothjoct 11o 1 I-t ru f theleneratic Pry SAMl .1. NI'IIb.S. hits, Wool Sw r Hats ats to match your swc at sanin, grey and black, at Suits Coat Suits, black, navy nis and broad cloth, price -Black and Navy Iserges in all sizes, slo. .50 and $15. SES AND BLI LLEGE GIRLS Bleached Sheets, hen Bleached Sheets, hen 1x90, each . . . LANKET - Wils "A oode I For Supervisor. I hereby announce myself a can-.l date for the olilee of Supervisor of Laurens county, qubject to the rules and regulations of the Democratic party. JOHN D. W. WATTS. I hereby announce myself a candli date for re-election to the offlee of Vounty Supervisor for Laurens Coun ly, subject to all the rules and regula lions of the Democratic primary. H. B. Humbert. I hereby announce myself a cand' date for the oilce of Suipervisor .of Lavrrns qounty. subject to the rules and regulations of the Democratic pri mary. S. S. FARRAR. For Supt. of Education. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for County Superintendent of Education of Laurens county, subject to the rules of the Democratic Pri mary. RALPH T. WILSON. I hereby ennounce myself 'a candi diatIe for the office of Superintendent of Education of 1Laureons county and pledge Ityself to abide by tle results of the Democratic primary. GRIAVI-'S L. KNIGHlT. For House of Representatives. I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election to the ioulse %.. r(presentatives and pledge myself to ablide by tihe result of the DeIocratil primara1y. 1). L. HOO'AER. I hereby annouice myself a enndi dat" fIor the i)llos or Ito resen flttiLves,' for lens Couinty and pledge iyself to abide by the rules of the Deiocratic primary. R. D. BOYD. I hereby announce myself a candl date for House of Representatives trom Laurens county, subject to all the rules and regulntions of the Democratic Primary. JA.ES H-. SULLIVAN. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the House of Rlpreseptatives frot Liauirns county and pledge my -elf to abide by the results of the Dem ocratic primary. S. H1. GOCGANS. T hereby annoriuce myself a candi date for the offie of Representative from Laicuens countyv in lie lowe; hous051e of the (enera"tl As'eiml ly. s't jet to ithe rules of the Demoer.1tic party. .1. II. It'sTI. SIherei v annonce m:yself a ca ndI d'le for ie Hiouse of hReIiesenttativer from Lauirent coltlty, ouh.idet to lhw riles of the Demo'rativ primarv. .1. If. A ' 1NS. I hereby announlce iyself a vamnli .Ntle for the flouse of Iteprie ltatives from1 Lait ren County sith.Ieet to ile ril ee of the Deiioeratic priiary. ). T. KINA iD. I horeby :'un1ounvIce mnyself a vaendt fl-te' for :h11 I f lo et' of ltepiresett i iv(S r''r Ibairn 's numy Nd pledge ny (elf 11o ah d by thi e r and re - tations of the Docratic primary. WAL'll'it .l. NA1'lI. eaters for Fal Fall C, Plush, Velours and broa brown, g~rey antd 'ourgand $20. to $37.50. Velour and Broad Cloth Crepe de Chl Crepe de Chine Waistsi binations, 3.50 and $5. Voil waists in white e price $2.50. each. hNKETS imed, 81x90, each istitched, 81 x90, each 2.00 . . $7.50, $8.50 G ing < comn: lace to Tra" I hereby announce myself a candi date for the House of Representatives' for Laurenu county, subjoct to the rules of the Democratic primary. JACK ff. DAVIS. Fof Probate Judge. We are authorized to announce the name of 0. G. Thompson as a candi ditte for re-election to the office of P)rohate Judge, subject to the rules of the 'Democratic Primary. For Auditor. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for re-election as Auditor of Laurens county subject to the rules ind regulations of the Democratic party. J. WADDY TIIOMPSON. For County Treasurer. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for re-election to the office of Treasurer of Ljaurens county and 'romise to abide by the results of the Diemocratic primary and to continue a faithful performance of the dities Iof the ol1ee. ROSS D. YOUNG. I hereby announce myself a candi date (or the offlce of Treasurer of Lau rens County subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. I. JTDSON LANGSTON. For County Commissioner. Ifoiring been urged at the last m0 mont by a nmiber of my friends and neighbors in the upper section of the 1 county. I hereby announce myself a tnn1i;date for the oflice of County Com missioner and piledge myself to abide by the rules of the Democratic pril Iary. t. WNRIGHT .\.MRTIN. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the oflice of County Commis Sioner of Laurens County subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. L. WI. .MARTIN. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the ofilce of County Commis sioner of Laurens county subject to the rnles of the Detnocratic primary. A. 1H. DLAKELY. I hereby announce myself a candi (late for County Commissioner for rau rens County, subject to the Irles of 0h Democratic primary. .1. 1. O'DFLLI1. I hereby announce myself a Candl -lte fotr the oftive of County Conmmis. tiner of ILaurens coun ty an11d pledge iynrlf to abido by the rules of the. DIettmoeratic prilmarties. Ak. H. .\OORM. I hereby ailouncetl myself a candi 'ili for thI o'll-Ve of ('outnt Iy Commi is ILonor of 1 r enS County and pledgi eimy:.tlf t a hide by the rules and regn lations of the Dctiocratic party. JI. C. NELSON. I hercby fnn1tlo)IttO myseif a candl :a for .\mMavistrale of Laturen; Town tzhlp and !ledge myself to "bide by the res'i' of the Ie tu irti" primary. .JOlIN N. WRM10'llT. EAR 1lShoppers. )ats di cloths, black, navy, y. Black Plush Coats Coats, $25: to $35. ne Waists n white, flesh and corn mnd stripes, new styles, I . .$1.50 . . . 1.75 ,$10.00 and $15.00 OSSARD CORSETS They Lac, in Front. r the original front lac ~oraet. They fit and are ~ortable. Lu.50 $3n5 ...d $ nn