University of South Carolina Libraries
MICH LIN- FOUNDED-1832 _ * (MICHELIN MICHELIN UNIVERSAL TREADS and RED TUBES a1i re not hight-priced! Just compare these pices with those you have been paying. -UlflVERSAI.TI'i1 ca1sLNGs ANDP EDI TUCES S1 ' t' nS r 323z. t f ..30 .~. 3.s5~_ -31 x4 21 ' 2 .J 4.(5 33 ; F5 25.05 4.25 34 2.5 5. \ \ 36- _2 95 27 405 5.30 3!4 0 -U .0 1II6. 5 MtAl hern Red ' ......'9 C I Tubes hang In a i;x - G. : 6 \on Cb ;: 1fi 14 c onaudcure tc u fi \de. 37 -__ .. r:. 5 rha casings perfecty. . . i Gr c n .er The Michelin Universal Tread cornhins n!l the na:lvanta, of non-skids of both the raiscd-trend and su tiun-tread tvp--. - Michelin Red Tubes retain their velvety softnesis ihlcrinit. y. Used in combination, Michelin casings and tubes mauke the most satisfactory tire equipment. I I W. P. HUDGENS - ONE QUALITY ONLY- THE _t l HUSBAND RECD DESPA!_INC WIFE After Four Years of Discouraging I had gotten so weak I could not stand, and I ,: e upl in despair. Conditions, Mrs. Bullock Gave .%t I y Hi b n ilt deapoire At 1::st, my bisbanld got me a bottle of Up in Despair. Husband Cardui, the woman's tonic, and I con Came to Rescue. nienced taking' it. From the very first dose, I coyld tell it was helping me. I can nosv walk two miles without its Catron, Ky.-In an interesting letter tiring joe, and am doing all my work." from this place, Mrs. Bettie iullock If .fou are all run down from womanly writes as follows: "1 suffered for four rI Qile:, don't give up in despair. Try years, with womanly troubles, and during (dtrdtui, the woman's tonic. It has helped this time, I could only sit up far a little more than a million women, in its 50 while, and could not wallc anywhere at years of contimtous success, and should all. At times, I would have severe pains surely help you, too. Your druggist has - in my left side. sold Cardui for years. lie knows what The doctor was called in, and his treat- it will do. Ask him. He will recom ment relieved me for a while, but I was 'meat . it. l3:'n taking Cardui today. soon confined to my bed again. After ' C!.,.i eine Co.. l.ales' .. i, rt., .:I., . iii;. .1 IA *i u r 'NI'ek. that, nothing seemed to do :e any good. t:..i;:. ta , f:'utu..". utmin rar. 1.61 y 'Healthgrams' On Skin Flashed to Thousands One of Nature's signal is1' an unhealthy skmn. It Is aclentific f~act that the skin andien'tes thel condition of the blood and the blood is the building inatirial fr lii body~ iii ,l I vital parts. Unless, the blood is nouisltIhied an keti rih and heahv It wIll evenuially react on thbe or ga ns it fecuds am iirieduc te idlal . Vidlual 1o a pitIable condItion. Litilo do penocb r''e e phy ad almnts that drain away str-eiw;h aml vitlaly and thiat enn be traced( straight to t he poor supply of blood. I 'imaples, Ecze ma Salt. Rheum, Rheumatism, Carbuncles, Boils, Cat arrh with its ohnious~~ results and the tendency to eca ily cntch coldl MalarIa adscores of ther jinal ly s'rious all-k~ men ts, arc all mnifel'stat ions of* badi blond. Fory over 50 years S. S. l as beeni a ni iai ilht (mey - ~ fifor thoso disorders. Thosama ofn I womn haveabee rclie or'auall 9ue Iy - -s-rw I.May ft h ad spenti 'year ain d ni3WrvPminn- tudes ofic dolar ior Ithe remdnofties bloo L Prt~$l.O~ron fruCilsCrs ndavor1 o rein hedal e -a ma rvtel andou tii Itu to . S.c em. WI S. hsu . ile pure - a vegtae and hen ta~e into th stmc Prkce,$*i.0 Prtle. coaucls andhptthem driv ocut elci iitie ,ITCWITTSPElITCCQ when so many ot hers similarly afflIcted have - gladly advise you about y(our case wIthout corut to you if you wish to avaIl yourself of thid servIce. SwIft Sp~ecitle Co., Atlanta, Georgla. Ijure, Wholesome Water, and how rtc to get it! ~ ~ ~avea well made with a ysoeSteam Driller / SG. C. WATTS, ~# Mountville, S. C. * notIce that on the I Iih day of Aiy1051 dltdt adeti 91I6~~ 11 regger a finoa ae- ii1011tu0( 1 ilrdonah0lIY gz w and doIngs as Ad- 011o ~aI ~aI imu l esn ~Vwith will annexed, of t lhe aiii (i iSOlil.Hilettewl $ J, Prico, deceased, In t he iPeiI iiio o ifr 11(ae -teJudge of Probate of I,ana-dlyloenrI' reebre. a~ t 11 o'clock a. mi., andNAlIN 'IC, 1~lQd~y.wlU-appl fora Ji a dr wih will tonntexed. oneed ~ for my tuss a Aml hav.1ing lims~ agans sad sat.wl 7,snteor eoe ad ae (lovornor iaruon made the first see onding speech. "I canme on behalf of the Ohio dele gation," he said, "representing the unanimous wish of the Ohio democ racy to second the nomination of Woodrow Wilson for president of the United States." The second seconding speech was made by Governor Stuart, of Virginia, to whom the Arkansas delegation yielded. bleferring to Virginia as "the moth er of presidents" Governor Stuart re terred to the president as "her illus trious son." After Governor Stuart concluded, the delegates wanted to wait no long er, and cried "Vote! Vote!" On motion of Senator Hughes, the rules were suspended and no ballots whatever were taken. The delegates simply I<.ared "Aye" when the names of Wilson and Marshall were called, and Chairman James declared them no'i'lmatcd by acclamation. Senator Kern, nominating Vice President Marshall, discarded a long prepared speechl and simply said: "I renominate Thomas Riley Mar shall." The nominations of both candi dates were completed four minutes before maidnight. Robert. Eimmett Burke, of Illinois, :i delegate who announced he would not vote for the president, raised the only voice inl oppositionl. 'lie was ('eeted as an independent. .1Many delegates and spectators :made a rtsh for the exits when the vice presidential nomination was inado and Secretary James witi great ditliiilly restored order. 1 lesoluitiott wereCi then't adopt~ted a p oatitiig Chairman Jatmes and former Governor (lynn, if New York, chair iei of committees, respeclively, to nIt ify the president and vice presi doent of their nomination. Senators iughes, Taggarl and Var -iamai were al)pointeCi to confer with the platform committee, which still was in session to learn if it was ready to report. l'ractically all of the delegates re mnained but the galleries emptied 'luiclcly. Senator Lewis, however, cut it short and merely thanked the crowd for its applause. The crowd wanted somebody to talk and there were cries for "'Tomt) lletin" and "Irvin Cobb". I eflin took the platform. While Ilellin was talking the con fores reit red from the resolutions commaraittee and reported that. Ithe 'lat orm would not be ready for two o three hours more. Senator iilughes recommended att ad.iournmient. I'll E'i'OltlilENS L.AND A("l'. Wil'l lecome defective July First, Next Provisions of the Act are Here 114'. luted so as to tiluide tie People of t'ounty. The Torrens system of registration of land titles will become effective in South Carolina July 1. Uinder its pro \ sians the clerk of court is to ap ''iti t by August 1 three or more at torneys, who are to be examiners of title:;: the county commissioners must provide a register of mesne convey an' a for Ite registration of titles. The I4r( visions of the act are assumed vol unlarily. The advantage of the Torrens sys tem is that after land is once regis tered ander this ila n, there will be no furtlier question of the title and it will not he necessary to have the title examined for any subsequent trans fers of the land. The object of the system is to give a cleat' title to land. Tlhe Torrenats act fixes the fees that areo to be allowed to the title examni ntors, (itlicers5 and surv'iey'ors. The' ex ainert~i is to receive a miinimum fee of $5 fat' examtintation of each title of hproper'ty assessed up~on the tax books at $1,000~ at' less, and fot' each add(i Itinal $1,.000 of assessed v'alutc Ite i to reeive 50 cents. The suttveyor emuployed under the provisions of the act is to be allowed itot more thant -10 centts per houtr for' the time actually empltoyedI. it order to guarantee the title, and at the same tIme to prtotect against loss persons wihio bty the system lose an iterest in land not thiroitgh their own negligence, the state prtovideos an assurtatnce fund, outt of which claitms wilt be 1)aid(. This fund is formend by a Fee of one-thtird of one per cent of the assessed value of the regIstered lanid. Tlhis atmoiunt is turned over' to the slate treasurer. FIllEMEN WiLL FJND) W~ELC03tE. Ora'mngebu rg Makes Plants for Visiors, ('rowdis to Attend, Orangeburg, Jutne 1 8.-Thte 1 2th an nual convention of thme South Carolina Firemten's Association meetintg will begin in Or'agebur'g on Tuesday, June 20), and continue through 'iTursday, June 2'.1 Alr'eady fliremen andI vial tor's are arriving in Orangebur'g and the festivities or the celebr'ation are beginninmg. Besides the addr'esses called foi' by the pr'ogranmme James D). .leNeill, of Fayetteville, N, C., Shot' woodi Br'ockwell, depuilty insutranice c:ommilissioner' of North Car'olina, and 'Chief Farmtter of the Raleigh Ii'e de partmuent will dleliver addresses durtt ing the association meeting, T1he sessions of the association will not tie secret andl it is desir'ed that the ipublic attendedl these meetings and heat' thme add~resses which will lie Come to see its ror' your Frutt Jaurs. WVe htave the Sure Seal, Mason's im proved and Old Style Mason Jars. 8. M I' Ii, W1 r4Itan &. COw BANDITS IN RAID HILL 8 SOLDIEltS Mexicans Lose Six and Several Wound ed. Attack Not Unexpected. San .Antonio, Texas, June 15.-Luis do La Rosa today made good his threat to raid the border when 100 of his men attacked a small detachment of the 14th United States cavalry at San Ignacio, forty miles southeast of Laredo. Ills action cost him eight men killed and several woounded and many horses and some equipment. The American loss was three killed and six wounded, as follows: - Private Minadon, trcop M. Private Chas. F. Flowers, troop M. Private Edward Katanch, troop M. Wounded: Privates Thomas Ii. ILw ing and James Rouch, troop I, seri ously; Corporal William Oborlies; Privates William Minnette, Tonoy liar lina and Henry Matasoff, troop M. Major Alonzo Gray late today was using every man of his little command In a .sweeping search of the country about San Ignacio for a "hot trail." If it is discovered, a third punitive ex pedition may enter Mexico but at de partment headquarters, General Funs ston and his staff have little hope that Major Gray will be able to get into touch with the band. There was evi dence to show that a large part had re-entered Mexico but other evidence indicated that some of theta at least were scattered along the brush cov cred country on the American side. The first shot fired by the attacking party was at the corporal of the guard at 2 a. in., a sentry had heard the voices of Mexicans beyond his post. lie could see no one and called the corporal. While the sentry and cor poral were talking the raiding party attacked. FORETIIOIUGHT. People are learning that a little forethought often saves them a big expense. Here is an instance: E. W. Archer, Caldwell, Ohio, writes: "I do not believe that our family has been without Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea litemedy since we com menced keeping house years ago. When we go in an extended visit we take it with us." Obtainable everywhere. (GOVEhINOlt 3ANNING ISSUES STATEMENT Snays Take ('are of .Jobs Held by the Nat.lonai Guardsmen. Columbia, .June 18.-Ready to re spond the minute orders are receiv ed from Whshington for the mobiliza tion of the South 'Carolina troops, Governor Manning and Adjt. Gen. Moore remained on duty until after in iduight to receive the official Inst rue (Ions to mobilize the South Carolina mil1a. The Governor's ofilee was kept. open throughout the night, and he remained in touch with a telephone al his side to start the machinery in motion which would gather the militia at ('amp Styx. The governor read the press dis intches telling of the call by the Pres ident for the militia for use on the Mexican border, and last night dic lauted the followIng statemlenlt to t people and the National G'uard: "'I k now that thle National Gu ard will gladly3 and w Ill ingly respond Ito Ilie (call to aid( in tihe defence of Amerle-ian righits, Amiiericani lives and Amiericain honor. I feel ceritainl thiose' whoi( emp~lloy 1men1 who are ruembers of ithe milItia will make satisfactory ar' rangemlents wherebyl)3 thle mien cani re spondi for' rervice on the boirder withI Out lnjur'y to their positions, so that South Carolina will suistain her envia ble reputation for patriotism anld dhe votioni to tduty. I know thiere will lbe the best or co-operation bietween the people and the National Guard. South Carolina stands ready to furnish pr'omlptly heri quota of mlen foi' servIce ini this crissia." ME('i(ETiAltY OF" WAIl SNays Mlilitlimni are 'aulled Out for Seruice on Mexicanui lirder.. Not for' New Expeditlon. Washiington, J1une i18.-Sccretary Baker' issued the fol lowIng statemenlt: "ini view of tile dilsturbledl cond~itions oin thle Mexican border~i mud in ordter' to assurie comp1hlete protectIon foi' all A merleans, thle President has called out sublstantially all the State militia antI will send them to the bordemr wherever and as fully as Ghen. Fun 9ton determines thenm to be needed for tile purposes stated. "If all are not needed an effort will be made to relieve those on duty there fromi time to time so as to distribute the duity. "This1 call for' miliia is wholly un related to Ghen. Pershing's expedition and~ contemplates no adiditional entry into MexIco, except as may be neces sai'y to pursue bandits who attemlpt outrages on Ameirical soil. "The militia are being called out so as to leave some troops in the several states. They will be mobilizer at their home stations, where necessary reOcrilting can be done." Another shipmient of White Moun taIn ltefiriger'atoirs and Ice Boxes re.. ceivedl this week. 5, M. & l. H1. WILKESt & CO. HOSIERY! We again call attention to this de partment. Goods of foreign make have d5. become scarce while domestic manufactur ers find it impossible to secure fast dye. Anticipating this trouble we doubled up on the most desirable lines and for the present the stock remains unbroken in quality, sizes and price, where immediate wants can be supplied. The scissors are kept busy on the nice shear printed fa brics---just the goods Pfr hot weather wear. W. G. Wilson & Co. -~ Lame as Coca Cola Bot CONSTANT SEXERCISE WILL MAKE YOU STRONG CONSTANT DEPOSITS IN , OIn BANK -~ WiLL MAKE YOUA -GROW OL.D - AND FEEBLE - AND BE WIT HOUT - f BANK ? ew ' - The boy who builds a fine physique in hi8s'outh will have a strong constitution to fall back upon in his OLD AGE. He won't be so liable to contract disease; he will have the STRENGTH to fight it off, the same with BANKING YOUR MONEY. Build a FINANCIAL CONSTITUTION for the .years to come. Make OUR Bank YOUR Bank. Enterprise National Bank of Laurens N. B. DIAL, Pres. C. H ROER Cashier