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' "r> bfl ht TON N'&N "Summer? I Don't Dread It!" "COOKING will be a real pleasure this summer on my New Perfec tion Oil Cook Stove-for the kitchen will be cool!" Why cook over a hot range in a hot kitchen when you can be cool and comfortable. The New Perfection Oil Cool Stove, the stove with the long blue ehimney, works like a gas stove. The long blue chimney gives a perfect draft, assures a clean, odorless heat and lasting satisfaction. The fuel cost is only two cents for a meal for six. New Pe;fection Oil Cook Stoves are made in many styles and sizes. They are sold by most goad dealers who w'l gladly show them. Look for The Long Blue Chim y Use Aladdin Security Oil to obtain the best results in Oil Stoves, Heaters and Lamps STANDARD OIL COMPANY \ (New Jersey) Washington, ). C. BALrIMoRt Charlotte, N. C. Norfolk, Va. MD. Charleston, W. Va. ltichmond, Va. Charleston, S. C. ITS THE LONG BLUE CHIMNEY" number of cups in apound An d the best coffee you ever drank We guarantee that for Luzianne. If it does not prove out on both points after you have used the entire con tents of one can according to direc tions, tell the grocer you want your money back and he'll return it with out a question. Buy this better coffee today. Write for premium catalog. %Te Reily-Taylor Co.C'New Orleans COFFEE No. 10859 t fJAJl~SallSaeo OJIl TPit FAStilitY D10PlAil'TM l'NTi. ltlNAiathiedoco Oi1lco of Comiptroller' of the Cuirrenicy. IOC tebaiesoBnina ro Washington, D). C'., May 261, 1916. vldInStoi fy-ehnrd WIt i'1tl'CAS, by satisfactory evidence adsxynn fteRvsdSaue i'sentedi to the undersigned it hasofteUie aes beren miado to apipear that "The F'AltM-CNVSONothFaer a, 101U', NAiTIONAfL flANK" in the CIT'lY urnSC. of ILAtItINH, ini the counity oif LAtl- NT*rOY ViROFwtes lili'NS, and1( State' of 501 TIl CA ItO- l adadSa fofc LINA, hans complied with all the pro-- (el li~2t la fMY visions of the Statutes of the United19. States, retlilired to be comphlied with (ind before an alssociation shall be author- JN.STTN VIAM, l'zedi to commence the business of .Cmtolro h urny banking: 4-~ NOWV IlIEtiEFOJIE, 1, .101IlN SKIL-T rvsOtMlriBid pSse TON WILIAMS, Compitroller of the'roOdtaddgnel tnteigtot Currene". dio hereby certify thatOOYSmrLs liTNIdi.ot "Till t. FA~tM 16115 NATIIONAL 1,IANK(" Mlraerectelo~nbldUt0a In he'CiY f JAUtI6Siith con- Rt o AU leloN Se oanduStas te SOTI BRAN ADDR[88[S Praises the Administratiou Swears Allegian St. Louis, June 1.-The Coliseum was so full tonight that the lire de partment took charge of the entrances and permitted no more to come in. William J. i3ryan, however managed to get by and got an aopro arlous re Ception. Senator .lames Ieanitied of the Nebraskan's plight, and re.cued h11. At 10: I5 o'clock Chairman .lames rapped the convention to order. The lor. W. .J. Iiardesty, chaplain of the AIssourit selate, offerer! player. After the prayer, the crowd renew ed its delands for a spleect fromn BIryan. kenator Thompson moved a suspen sion of the ruIles to permit Mr. Iryan to speak. ''hlere Were some "no10 '," hti the elm Irm'ian ruled two-thirds had voted ill favor. A comiitee headed by Senator Kern escorted Mr. Ih-yan to le speaker's place, while tie floor amd galleries rolared with approval. CI reatest. )emroc'rat. Senator .lames introduced lMr. I an as "one of the leading cilizens of the world and Aierica's greatest democrat." . hi'yan expressed his apprecia tion of the honor conferred by the invitation. "Every deloclat Ic convention is a love feast to in'e," he said. "It gives lte an opilortlliit3 to lteet and renew nit'litlaintanles Wit Illen witi whom I have been associated in politic:; for liore (han 20 years." Ueviewlug the struggles of the par ty, M r. itryan said: "After 15 years of wailing our party entered the hViit e ioise, "n forlinately, we won the senate aie the house at the saie atie. Our par ty bealie responsible for national af fairs, and now we come afler three years of labor to mnake our plans for' the fut lure, and to submit to the Amer lean people the claiiis of our Marty to continued coildiilence. United P'arty. "Whatever differences of opinion may exist, or nusay lave existed, as to pariticllar res or part icular acts, we are here to begin ihe light of Pitl;, a united party in every state in the union, ready for battle. "T loday those who stand for thie democratic party are ab1le to g, be fore this nation 'tini not only give a reason for the 1111 th that is in them but. give it defense of Ilite nllinist'a lion's clails to the confidence of till' people. "You may take all the adlinistria tions from the beginning of our his tory ats a reIpblic to the beginning ot the lprescnt. one, and you will not find as inany laws written upon the stat utc books, of great importance to the people, as you will find written in the last tlhlee years by \Woodrow \VI! son, i democratic president." .ir. IBryan thin referred to the tar iff revision, the federal re rve law and the strengtiheli!Ing of the anti i rust laws. . Fcderad Resert i,aiv. "No president since .1ac'K soil," said Mr. Ilryalt, "has had to mee1t such anl unholy conmbination of the powers of high tinance.' and even .ftlack on himt self nieer "uet Ilhe x1ituation beller Ihan \Woodrow \Vils:n miet it. \e have Just vommeinced to b-,1"arn hat the fedcra il l'ser lt' wll m oeats 'm this nation. T'his great piece of leislantion, till .r'eatst 1ie(t' il' constI'Cie stalles brok~en thle hold f' \Vall sIteet up on Ilie lisiness of thle tnation, bit it hias br'okeni Ithe grip of \Vail sItreedt uin thle liolities of the titedl States. F'or 21) yeats ther hal~s not beenl an e'tee lion1 but what a huntldredl men11 in \\ilt street cou ll, by3 ('Oerelog thiose t hev lhud In Itheir powl'r, ('hange thle resutit of Itle electilon. .\nlyone whlo, lIke my set'li hs f'elIt their I'tower I, Imulst Ihe 101rdlOnedc it' lie rejolc'us lhat we' have'( ant adini st rat ion that hl::s br'oken I lat powe r and set a niation)1free.'" "I Iie wer'e thre ie gr'eaIlimeastireos, caring ont t)1Ihe lpromiiise oif a demo11 erile platfoi'in, andil thlese three'' grlealI meiasuret's cons51 tituIC a i'ec(ord oh aIchiieveimienlt whi lh thle i'epub11lecan 11m1'rly dare not at tackc. '''The elcic'torate before wh'lht Ithiis repubillieian lfarity must no0w go Is no01 (00ntrioilled as Ithe coinVent ion at Oh i ('ago was bly tile Cep't. repr lesenta tive'(s of the favor'-seekinlg < s;orpoa tioins. "\Vhilie 0our lprCeiet nled our I ('oni Slen~did pyriambi (f ier'formtanc al' wartl ('ame that thriew upon)1 i.-is 'd mii strtation)1 such hurden'ts aS no pres--'(' idlent has1 to) heari wvithtin thle last 50 yearis. We intheited fiomo a irepuli Alexici. 'Thlis admlintistr'at Ion has deIalt with that situation anthe l. repubttll can parit y diarie not chlleng Iiue a vet' diet before the coutryti3 on1 t' .\I'xi (itn (luestioni '"We have a few, initer'estedl mienl Interested in r'aniches and11 aI few' In.. toeted ini incs, who wold ul ise thll bliood of Amieriean so01let's t1 gu ari Oittte prlOfhts and Itheir ivesMtmen'tts ini ..entimient oif the Amnereatn peole. 'l'he leo'pl e of thiis Coutry is'tlanid biack of WVoodrow Wilson In li~s determinta-. Itin niot to initer'fer'e int Ithe a ffa I's of Mexieo. "WVhy, my frIends, if t'residlent WiI.. soin y'IeIled to thle demaimtl oif thoilse whlo haove ('llmiored foi' inter'vent ion in .foxieo, we' wouild nio soonter' haive' C'rossed thle line Ithan tt he' sam men i (i wOl d tell No ~l that Ithe so(let's inuit 1'ever I COme o ., foi', my1 fr'iends, SIni nexation is the next step after' intr Veni Ion has beeui un der'taketn. And If we invadied Mexlco, these samei mencu would say 'on to Panama'. War ini Euirope. * '"lb t, my fyjlends, tile lpresh lentI not omly has had to deal with w"ar to the tiouth of' us, but with w'at' to the east fitus. My friends, I have dlffer~ed fronm oiur piresident onl somel of the -nethods empnlloyedl in this wvar, bitt I imn one of those who desire sinucrely' I of Woodrow Wilson and ce to the Party. that (his nation shall not become a par'ticipant in the dreadful conflict." "We have a record upon whici we cn a palCa to the people for their Hupport, without fear, and without blush. I believe the American 1leo ple, grateful for what this admni - Ira tion bas done, grateful that we have peace in this country while wiir stalks throughout the world, will not l8 unlulldful of tle fact that it was a ditniorali president, supported by a dettiocratie s te:ae and house, who has Ihi s saved the country the horrors of (hat war'. ("reat Oppt1ort u nity. ".\ly friends, I believe that there is now before this country an opportun ity st1ieh is no other coulntr1y has ever had Sitce (lie beginning of time. I be lieve Ihat. (lod, in Ills providence, has reherved for lie United Stales the honitii' and the task of lifting tle mioral code that. governs ind ' ivis up to 11h0 level of nations and making it a part of tihe code of all intions. "If the nations notw at war had spletit one-t enthI as much trying (o ctitiaIe friendship ias they have spent in trying to cuItivate hatred, there Wotld be no war in hirope today. II I uinderstand this nation's op p rlui tly and tisl.; nation's task, It Is to lead the worid away fron its false philosoihy and help if to b (ild it:' hipe of 'are oi the cnurirIng found at ion of love aid brotherhood and Coopeiat ionti. ".\nd, iny friends, if this is to be the task of this nation, what party Is tuore lit to pel'foriu tite task than the party (hat preaches the brotherhood of tian as next in linporlance to the fat herhood of ("od4? "I, as a lover of miy country, want liy country to wine this greatest of all Ii'!xzes. As a~ deniocratt, I wat toiy party to have the honor that. shall coie wit hi the ain'citlpilihment and fit fillnent of such a task, and I stand wit(h the detocrats of the na ion to give \Voodrow Wilson an op loi'tuiity to be that man." I ryan concluded after speaking -15 minites, being ciudly cheered. 'T'ien tlie roll of the states was call ed !orw noiiniatlons. Alabama yield ed to New Jersey, and .1udge .lohn W-. WVescolt nomninated President Wilson. .judge Wesott slioke very slowly. At (lie rale lie uttered his (irst s 011 words, it wouhi req uire about. one hour and 20 ininicta to conclude. 'he delegates were altentive and quiet. as .judge Wescott proceeded, but the hallerties were imi patient. "Naie hit, naine him," 'nme cries from the galleries and .ludge wes cott hurried his seechi. Iletionstti'nit 14 On. As Judge Wescott closed at 10:.40 p. in. with a mention of the naine of "Woodrow Wilson," the crowd broke into a great. deionstration. Moving Pictures flashlights blazed and lags were paraded in frontt of tlie stand. 'he hand played "T'le Star Spangled Banner," while a huge banner bear ing the president's likeness was un fturled from the root'. 'I lie delegates began a parade bear ing slate stanch lons. The crowd rose to its feeI. \anty idelegates stood on their chairs. "1ix ie" and other melodies; by the band evoked fresh bursts of cheering. Chairiiiati .laines yiehled the chair dtrin the delonstration to Repre :-entative lleilini, of Alabama. Women tl'"''Mets were( zitioing Ih Iar toiader's. Sena~1tor and' rei~il'hlpsent ativets hled4 carry* lnimu'rs. St'tattor lughes ier' sotamlly bore (lie New .lt'tsey (lag. Sergewant-at-.\rne:i .iar'tin stirred upi he'(I enhiasn1511 by .Vav' ing the Texas "'line St ar"' Iag, handtetd oveir (lie hetads- oit Ithe t ro4wd froiti thie hali' iani's irostrinl. Ot her st ate langs were takeni to thle lila Itfrn,. Thi e tiwdl1 tied in singing a imedi Icy, iniludliing "'Il 4W )ry I Am"', "Oltd hllui.' and other's. A:\ (thle udeitinst ration hail been tndtetr way13 30 mlinlties, New Y'ork aind 5(in1e thier dletgaites r'esumed10 theii r seats. Wa vintg a t'anle over' the rili at (he chiairmwani's de4sk. Sena Ior ii nghes ire niewedl (the clamo bil'ly leadIig thr iee e'er.; for1 to presidenit. Th'er hand exhausixtedl I le lIst of popl '''Tipper'ary'' anid (lie crowd jinledI in It' chor'is. Th'eti (lie niii ans went hack (4o Amner'iean iris. Somie of (lie deleh4gat(es Stlped long onihigh (o drins i pop botitlels. thlen went bacuk at it agaiti. 'Thi'e hand was1 50 l'i'oous keepitig utp thle din that (he muisiclians wont. shorIt of brho ii I tey Iaid bat'k and lot (lie bass drummntier iierform alone11 Indtrionl0~4~y unt(il (Ihe bantdsmei got hieir' setondt wini antd thent went back (4) "TI'iprary."' ''T'r was lit at(llit to 'ontrtol (lie cr'owd. .\en anld wvotnen oveirrain the pltfoirmn andt (lie liress sections at wvII i'liTe passages to the t elegraph11 i'oomIis wer'ie so packetd w iIh perisons wh'lo hadit no builness in thie viciity (tat only3 (Iis who had41lii4 thlir teole graph istfirluments tin thle platform ('littId scnd (lie niews of the 'onlvenlt tiin o (lie outside4l4 wrld. Theli poli1ce made no(1 fftort to 'onitrl (lie' situaotion. Th'Ie crowd roarietd when s 'veral w'omen'i sitffr'agie woriker's w'ih gohileti iubrollas anid yelow swteaer's whoi moun1ltetd (lie ila tformt and hieldt a souf iage itnntbrtela hivter thei head of liep resentalive hlooini, of Alabamla, one of gr'ess. lie apparently enjoltyed (te situiia tion. Tlhie New York delegates, who had betet seatled. were aga in fot'edl to art'se hby insistetit elamor' from nearbiy delca f Iins. TIhe banid, Its re ietoi re ox hauitsIed, inr'ied to "'On Ithe Han iks of (lie \Wi hash'' and( "Tuikey in (lie Strawv." At I1t3 all bitt a few dlelei.ates had takeii (lie' seats anti at 11 :3'3 Chir' iiin .tatmes toudled thie first gavel rail. The tdemonistriat Ion had lastetd '1 m11ites. Th'le i'oll call of Rtates was i'esinmtdd anid Aiz'tna yleltded to Ohio. 1Fonew' Magnolia Balm is the Liquid Face Powder used by famous beauties. If you have Sunburn, Tan or Freckles try .M7'agnola Malm. It quickly stops the burn and removes Tan and Blemishes. Makes your'skin soft and smooth. Easy to use )A sure to please. ,1 Tharce Colo;r,'-. .. White, 'Pink Rose-Jid. 75c. of Druggists oa ' mall direct. SAMPLE FREE L.YON MFC. Co.. 40 So. 6th St.. Brooklyn, N.Y. State cf Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, I es. Franic J. Cheney msaken oath that he Is senior partner of the firin of '. J. Cheney & Co., doing busines in the City of To ledo, County and Site aforestid, nd that said firm will 711 y the suin of ONMW IIINDRllD) DOLJA h for each and ev ery case of Catarrt. that eantot he (uret by tho use of H AI.p 1 CATAH1I1II CIJIt1.1 lIiANKC J. Cl1ifCNIC:Y. Sworn to before me and subscribe'ul in ily 1resonee, thii.6th day of Decenber, (Seal) A. W. aTNAMSON, Notary l'tiblie. iTal's Catarrh Cllr', i taken interuruily anii nets directly u gn the blood an14l manu ctuus surfaces of the r-ytemui. iendi for testrnonials. free. 1'. J. (il& N CY & CO 'roledo, 0. Rold by all l)ruggisn, 7;. Take Ilale Faintly ;',. frI u constipation. .~ S . CHICHESTER S PILLS THul is I ONI, :.trANi 1ue in IeA A-0 u Anl evwe ij tw e . 11. s ae .t 1i ,,:@ .4 II S 1.nii."e1 Aa.k y.'.u~ ) .~.,tf IA 'I oL. ine oilier. Hsuy of 11A O 1 V1t~ )t 1. ' years kinown as lIH.:s Saet.~u Atl way R ciate OLD BY DRUGGISIS [VEMLWRE LAIllIENS i)lil'( S'T1Olt 1., Dr. T. L. Timmerman DENTIST Laurens, South Carolina Office In Peoples Bank 3ilding. Simpson, Cooper & Babb Attorneys at Law. Witl Practice In all State Courts Prompt A tntion Civen All luslunem H. S. BLACKWELL Attorney at Law Prompt attention given to all hubnins, lohney to l1111 on Iteatl Esitalo O'lce Phone ,50 lIleidence l'hone 91 Ollie 1 ..Inlonsft iluilding NothII(' of Schedi sh ( 'lhaites, Thle (Colii, Newhierry' &- I .-ei tiles wviilit be inade, t'eei ive Xoi Mlay 28t h, IP1t;. Trin No. 50 (Sunday41(3 oly )) doe leave ('lmonsila X :00t A. .Ml ied Conltinued.'( Tiraln No. 51I (Standay only) 1 ie to leave I .aurenls -l:30t l. .\l, ill b ii. iA'ave (iervais Street i 1:25 A. \i leavei Newhe~irry 1:00t P. 'l. li':i ('_' tnt52 I>. .'l., arrivevr haurens 2.1-, I'. M. wvithi Seabmoard Airll Line al1 ClInton for' A tltanta anmd t he ('. &. \\'t I. at lit'. for Sparltanbur'g. 'ITrain No. 53t (Dlaily) will leave bi r'ens 2 :25 I'. .\l-., ton Iert ion wh lii . & WV. C'. fromW Aulguts(t and CGreen~wood)1 heave 'Clinton 2:.I18IP. .\mi., leavte Newv Vatls St., 5:15 I. A., andm Cotiitml Tihe ab ove. schnedles I'; soubjec't to * * * * * * **~ * * 6 e6 * ANNOU!N('EMEijNT, * * * For' ('onlgressx. reprtesent . (lhe t'our'thi 'ongr;esslional ist' to abhid' by) thie resulItsz or theW )em.. I hiereby anlnoutnce mnyselfC ats a (enn didaite for' re-lection to C ongr'ess fromi the li'our thI Congret'ssonal DistrtictI of' South C'arolinat, sublject to the rulesx of t he De'mocr'atIc Pr'imnary'. SAM.\l . NICilOLTS. Fot' Solieitor. I hereby announce nlsyself aI caI(I date for SolIcitor of the lmlighth Cir' cult [and ptromilse to abide(1 by the r'ules of the Democr'atlc pr'imartiy. I hlereby annfoulnce myself a candi (late for the oJ1100 of Sollcitor' of the IFighth .1 tddektl CircuIt, subject to the rnlles of the Demnocratlc prlmar'y. - GICO. TP. MAfILL. I hereb-' announce myself at candl date fotr the ofiee of Solicitor' of the '10ihth It stri'ct. and~ m-ronms(n tn nabbl by the results of the (Democratic pri. T. F. McCOItD. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the oillce of Solicitor of the Eighth Judicial Circuit of South Caro lina, composed of the counties of Ab beville, Greenwood, Laurens and New berry, subject to the rules of the Dem ocratic primary. B. V. CHAPMAN. For State Senate. Sibject to the rules of the Doeo. eralie party and the result of the pirimary election, I respectfully an nounce mhyself a candidate for State Senator from 1au1renlst county. J. If. WIIARtTON. I hlert'y announce myself a candi date for re-election to the State Sen ate sibject to the rules and regula tions of the Deinocratie party. 0. P. GOODWIN. For i ouse of lt'ipresentittives. I hereby nn1111o11011 ce 11mxyself a candi date f'or the llouse of ilepresetatives sIblet' to lie rules of tie Democratic primary. W., (t. It l''l il10, .,IR. I Iie'rby announce myself for re elect ion to lie louse of itepresenta IvIe's subject to lie rules of the Demoe ('ratio primary. W'" LSON V. I I Altl.. St.jeel to lithies of the 1)emo vratit priiary el eeliol, I respectfully annotnc'e myself at candidate for the I s' h liluritle 1rolin 4111ells County. I. L. I 100% 1011. r I hereby announce myself a candl datle for re-electi lon to the Ilosue of lie presentalives, sithject to the rules governing the Demitocratic primary. S. 11. GOGGANS. I htehy anoilne tiyself a candI att' for lt hIe l 15u(e of Iepresentatives Ii.n i -iaurens C'ounty. siihject to the 4 rutle:; of Ilhe 1)etnuoratic P'rimari1y elec.. .Fo r S h e r lI Sit b.ioeeI to Iie rules of Ile Deto ('rai l l'riiary Plcot iol I hereby an of l~ti'o'ii- s ('tatily'. .1, Ti' OS. I1'EI)EN. I lei''liv anounce myself a can di t11 '0 tohI lie otllo'e of Sheriff of Lau f rens onty,3' sbject to the rules of the JV I.TI IOAt. P10D IN. I hgreb3' offnc thyself as a candidate dafor the olle or Sheriff of Laurens re1ns ny sd blejge t elf eo abide by Ile ie'icll f rlie Ieaoati imary. . A. IIAIt AON, I hereby offenori myself a cand dor It' IIhe olice of Sheriff of Lau rotys (anl ey bjeyt to the biys of theo resulofithlleoai primary. A. I. SUlTIVAN. I htrey announce myself a candi dlate for the ollice of Sheriff of Lau rits County hj ct'omis to abide by the resits of tle Deiociatic rimary. 1). W. l. MASON. I hereby announce myself a candi datle for Sellifc' of haurens County sit lel to the rsles of the Deortcriat ll'trilt3'. S. C. REID. I herely annoutce myself a candij date fort e office of Sheriff of ty Com11ity 3 of 144111 '0ii5 1111(1 Viomise tIk abide by3' the resites of the Democratiq lrlliiar'. . I, W. KLIrJLTT, I het'y ilnottnce myself a candi date for the olliee of Sheriff of tL nty'0 oiiulr and promise to abid 'oi i 1 ' y t h s o f theD e m o cri aitl of litheeby announcellC my13self a cand! dat' for th'Ile ollice of Coroner of L tetis ('oun111y andit prlomise to abide 17 I he reso ls of I he Democlorat ic prhima I hertebyi L annouince my13selfI a cat4 tal for' (h ol'oiei' ofI heriff of caure Dtilmotfralie priml~ ay. 11 ~ay I1I. . I 'JOPNC I hereby3 anntltnee tnyself a cAJ1 ( dale for' thle oliee of Cor'oner of IA' ithe1 result1's fth Djemtocrael'les pri . PlAMicOt WITL10p' I hieireby annitounfce myi3self a ca and11 tledge myoself nti aidlle byt bsu iseslI of Ithee Democratiay I hieireby anniounle imyself a c dhile forii thle tillee of Cotearer of ItenS county13ubjctip'on the rube DhemoratllseI riemary. 'alcl~' W. . .JJA MPT N HTL 1 hereby lil announce efy datielfor Coronty and lromie Ito~~ ab de r3 ~eutsl of e c Democra I hier'tby ann1iounice my3self a~ d alte fort h'e-le10 lotft Treue 6 lhe'relts tof )10 the mocrtp I restpe'1i fulily nnce y y~ date for e-ectIee of Trea Aurel(i if11'ns Conty 81eg - abl te r eut of the Deetaicia I lierieby annlounice mfyseol Bi't daito foir re-el ection to the'd Trleasure of olttf Lauren Cou sromiet to abie bylc o te reu CorAu A.o I hereI'by anniounICe myself4 dte~I for' re-electilon to the Auitory oLaurisonty ot thelruolestof Prtheiemoraie ra For Cerk f tor party The i heeby noune myer