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A REAL HIUIltICANE. Written to Cuiiommtorato a Great Fenst. Oysters from Oyster Buy to Bay Window-tht 's about the way the oysters caine and the way the lucious bivalves went. Now Il urricane is not at storm centre, as the name would scent to imply, but the inenorable night, of Friday, October 22nd, year of our Lord A. D. 1915 to the nidway hour was a lnocldowin and dragott for the poor tiifortunate little subma rintes in these wa ters. I say "poor" little things---whioever heard of a poo' little Norfolk oyster? But enough of misguiding, misun derstood jargon. The thing, or rather the occasion about which this ubiquit ous, idle, rambling scribbler is aiming to pencil, some pencillings by way of descant, sing or discharge a disquisi tion, is the gigantic, eleplhantic l3i1 shazzariain feast givean on the moonlit grounds of the liurricane school on the evening above noted. To begin with. the (lltuired and pop ular teachers, plisses Aiken and Dun c'anl, backed by the higher authorities (i' any such there be) Colleeled froim the li!eral f;. rmlers o1' linrricane scl'ool dist. itt a hale of, cottaon, eteh farmer cot:-ihuting. solir thirly. warnt' silly alai Siollte a hllnidt plounds. Th'1!:; eedc lt/1on b ing in lied and :; .! al :1 goo:l lite. 'uiig to a uund I" !'ii ia tut 4''t the sw'e i n'', t ltIfteTil "hlic( x" or mo t:et. thel a.:Lt::Ill tof w a.h w\a:; inl Ve t d " t sE , h and ;ttl'rel"' 111 stew\, fenast andt fet":ival delt' neti'onl, the coltoi o ti oll l-jhitors of thte di; t rim beh i:i', hl.'.i td to Ilh' r: :p~u ion of th. est of lh, lI!:td'. t: ihta leon tIt' tht' re l 910a.t .hai ito :'a lb and 1:;, e. alttiahl rivalry Gen' IMIi or theo o(cca.;on ill th ' e i a : t ; le\\ i ol h i 'a y i Awli tl% .II - io d a S it t n l!ot'~ i 111" It :ia. t~'t I 'it , i at ;1'( It) a Hitl inti ' il l ' f 1. rtl l it t l (ii" : I !!,aI :1ig I t i ,'ttI we'.,i . 71! h i lli - o- ! 'i t :'.'h t I'1 ,fu ! I lly ;:: feted as {i at .'d i. 'he i wolt ' ht '' 11t ut t: ea h' t 'WI'na e thel NT deiamn of 1t.e .f'uh i'e buli t a ul; - paisia l t Inth loothsoumn wier, ith it s t :.,l t'' sliek .:.stall nt.; gra1n ( i u:)' " ill a i cu ino ch eckred aeni:taoerI par takeni to his "l's a ol hole' t iorsel rich a1114 1.r . id. w o feol 111,tt All re tiredi thae lni I iatinntha we had been feasted as never beifot. There Was for' 01n, oily perori lli only, o d a'ins of the itgry, bIt. a fult sweet. slep with Visions of plenty and 1o a Ihott11t of the morning after, with its rarhtd rat back, yrystal-line gravy, tongh hiscnits and a cup of, chiekory as a makeshift for coff'ee. 'Twas a swell affair and will not soon he oatu le, idon a'I care who may over af(e1r eys, yion-ir :'kill at tt glme. Tlha e ofan ttaI'iia hablh idtal oaie, A.' I 1. UteaelyO' -"alits t.\anght.d -made(O1i'i ths onlt r rii n itiked1 Iate ,1 o c (lees It.tnv T i oad tuitl thei - tt a a y oti,'v iii ,u he ro ti. DRE L.A :E3SRUE Co A E, ELINGOR thi I ondition' and inake you !tt '. :l it Is at TIDWELL WRITES lIE IS READY TO GIVE UP Has for Somne Time been in Dothan, Alabama, States Attorney. WIM Serve His Sentence in the Peniten. tiry. Greenville, Jan. 1.-George W. Tid well, sentenced to serve seven years after belig convicted of manslaught er, is now in Dothan, Alabama, accord in : to a statement from his attorney Imi !es Ii. Price. Tidwell. after his s.roend trial for killing 11. liiimett Walker, was released on bond pending the result. of a second appeal. This appeil was forfeited by Tidwell sonic weeks ago). Mr. Price stated yesterday that he received a letter from his client sov eval days ago, the letter having been written on Christinas day, at Dothan. Tidwell asked if it were possible to postpone his surrender, as. he was engaged in a Ibusiness deal which lie wisied to complete. Ile stated, how ever, that in case a post ponement was not possible, lie was ready to re tiur'n to this State and surrender hiniii self. It is understood that Tidwell, who Was given his choice of serving on the (ouilty chain gang or spending hi.- s.'ute(nce in the State penitentiary, : elected to spend the seven years ;in the penitentiary. Aecordingly, it in orlier fotr him to go t) Colum 1 :'.ni sw'rrenltlr hituself there. Mir. ri' hais writ 'in hii to come bmek !'1 s1'eek. andi in ('a('sehe comes: first 1, (:"eenville. then to proceed to ('o !.:!1h to ent''r iupon ser'vingt of his sen't t'ticn sevn Ofhs5'tne. T1idlwell is now out on a til of fiv e thousand dollars. II has, sinte hi. seeunl trial. kept ai- arlteYS potedt1( as to his where '1:. .\t nio time ha any eon btlp period elapsed het weeI ' .: 1:tniattions with hitn, stales \1r. I''r tw :onthl I he l: been ('ardl of Thanks:. To t11iwI .autretnst .\dtierii.'cr: In the ear -ly Ifall, it was on1 nIin :fur i tun i .t-> h " all tir ht otisehlditi goodt1s by Ir( al (:iIy (ourt. Since that ii: t:i0: , wt' hiat been the recilinits :: l 'n vatluabb'~ amnl useflt aticl1's, frr:a friendls and1 ",ood ('blris;tian p~eo tle Int' ntia'ni sdectiott. N1w, we u: li: I tank one and ill for sanle. ' y (;.)d hh1'': (achl donor)1. '. In r.l N T N l' WS. * (itltl i'oint, .lan. :%.--.\rs. W. W . llucker has returned"1 to her honne in ie ssiblter ('ity. N. C., after a very pl easant Visit with relatives at ('old P'oint. .\Mrs. Willie Noft'z has returned to her holte in Cross 11i11 alter spen'l ing Christnas with relatives In Cold Point. UGH! ACID STOMACH, SOURNESS, HEARTBURN, GAS OR INDIGESTION TheInoent " nter l tI'ape '5'hiepi" reneh Itt Sttl'to td, butI' w trk hta ly: fi n n .1 y' Stt ch? Ntow, .\ly. itt elielit ntxiiuti ti l-h: ti t y~tit (iii ja hihal tv 'I i 't-i ont 'i li it s of t id Lat in' \ii.v ii' medh tti' ei' you r lii' snnli tiiii nl iu s loutit: iirr.-h i n a hr' airy ocaso tienie w ne-e wtltiy tho '' h dise( iirs' ju h d t aria yoft as a felo wist. foi'i ' :ie a cnoi back' a ill f a itlOt nt <3' ttt lt''leftestlid tan n wa, no ft. the stnet mlit tie lad ne y ingin )1 a Iag ticf nty-ila enesw on h ape's Itif-p in-o anI dieruof sltorh Yioufi reall ili ee fr ot i inig'stole dytslesi tortiany iliasiin 'lthe G er re mapnilyr tak as a fllo wdfor i oior -t "the( e eram back"i'i adi i ton empt eder y left' te un-3'toidaiteeo te orot. of5 the enl treer tofal slte.fule frae.lit isere ws ott' sinle siitole an thoe gonds the epiiursh lte fl il t o thi Ile lati d t ith . Te Germanitsay ever otake iul Ilurr itnn ise to ,sta ilye ,ra - unatinal cntre 'uerschola i a 3OTTONSEII WORTH MORE THAN WHEAT .Carloa(l Qf 'Seed Bring More Money Timn Grain. Augusta, Dec. 31.--Yesterday car loads of cottonseed were bringing more money In Augusta than were earloads of wheat at the granaries of the middle west. Pounds for pound cottonseed has been distancing wheat throughout the whole season, declar ed a prominent cotton oil man of Au gusta, in discussing this matter. "We have Issued a good many cheeks ranging from $1,200 to $1,350 per car for cottonseed during the past few months, and it has brought an immense amount of traille and com mnerco to Augusta," he said. Cottonseed were ranging around 65 cents per bushel in carloads yesterday and Augusta will receive approximate ly 75,000 tons of seed this season, or considerably more than $3,000,000 worth of cottonseed, crushed at the mills right here in Augusta, to say .nothing of the enormous quantity that has been handled by the smaller towns throughout the Augusta district, also a score of mills operating in territory adjacent to this city. The industrial value of cottonseed can hardly he est i mated, declarel an authority on economies. fa)r in addi tion to dist ribuiti ng such a vast s11t1 of money through this ':e.'tion Ith industry frinishca employment to hottsands of people, hringmiwi moll~i' from all sectionls of the world to the .\AI itaa territory. A tuote general Iuse of cottonseed products In tiils see tion1 IS also conside' ed likely to he the rc-ult the comting season. fbid liubits. Thoi.4i who b reakfast at eight o'clIock1 or later, 1un h at I welve amnd( halve (in ne:" :it six are almost certain to he troub2le'l with ildiCstio)1. 'T'hey do not al low ime for one meal to digest l' fore lakilg alnother. Nt iss than five hour.s shollnhi 1l:1pset hoVewee mtials. If yea are I rouleld wiith indigesti() li*'tlrrect y our haIiiIs and take :'hain hc.lain T'ailets, amd you la\- reastl o1 ab1ly hole for a picIk r'ever". 'I'hese tahim"s sIre':,:lben thet stomlach andi enalt ii lo prfor1 its ftnetions na (l:'ail). Oblatinlel everywhecre. Now S4el f-4 istniinx. ('olumb11 ia. IDee. :!i. -Thie state deo 'artmleint of agricit!tire is on a self' suistatiing bas-is. ( 'onuissioner' Wa't .conl tmhity sent a chevvk forl $1'!..~.n0 to the state treasurer o he turned linto) 1t' generai fund of the satae. This r.epr'esenIs the sutrplus collected by the (lepiartmetnti l during the year, "It Is the exact amount appropiriat ed for the (epartl ntent,'' said the coin missioner. alnouItning the total amonts collected during the year. The tax is derived from the tax on oils and feedstuffs. ISecure M AXWI I MODERN METH3OL Way." You have and the balance is pay ---the car sold under a1 them in and about Lau cars. The material an LA L Phone 286 :Lmmmmmners You've hit the 7 right tobacco ri/ when you fire-up sohrne Prince Albert in your z old jimmy pipe or in a r makin's cigarette. And you know it I Can't get in wrong with P. A. for it is made right; made to spread- smoke- sunshine among men who have suffered with scorched tongues and parched throats ! Tho patented process fixes that-and It's an eas job cuts out bite and parch. to change the oh. and All day long you'll wing imitrt tid rin u how glad you aro you're iti the Ytor o pals with nntenteda }RIME ALER take a ki k' 1 hnd the niaona! joy emokc You take this testirnony straight from the sh ulder ren. You can smolo a barrel of P. A. without a ki l mnds out all the tobacco aapness any man cr reamed about, it's so smooth and friendly. It's a m p ty cheer ful thing to be on tal:ing--ter-n with your pi e and your you' find Prince Albert tongue at the somfe tme--,-ut that's what's coming ttppy red bags 6c: to you Eure a you pin your faih to Prince Albert pared andhalf-pund humi. dar-and-in that classy pound crystal-glass humidor R. J. REYNOLD3 TC2ACCO CO., Wincton-Salem, N. C. tat ,ps h tobaco tp LOose Leaf edgrs LARGE OR SM L Advertiser Printing Company rhis And Pay As S applied to automobile retail business---that's the meaning of the "Maxwell the privilege of testing, using, enjoying your car after a small down payment, as you ride. What about the car? Why, it's a -MAXWELL mnique guarantee. For further recommendations ask the owners---hundreds of rens. It's made of the kind of stuff that's put into the larger and higher priced i workmanship assure long and satisfactory service. Price $655 Electric Lighted RENS MOTOR CAR COMPANY J. W. McKee, Pre8. Pm.hon 8