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68 8 8 8 8 888888 8 88 8 8 Loeal and Personal Mention. 8 8 8 1888888888888888 Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Senn, of Enoree, w,ero shopping in the city Wednesday. Mr. Zack H. Tinsley of Triniky-Ridge was a salesday visitor to the city. Mr. William P. Harris spent Mon day here attending the sales. ' Mr. J. P. Caldwell has accepted a po sition with Powe Drug Co. Miss Maggie Garlington, of Ander son, visited relatives in town and in the county last week. Messrs R. R. Leonard, J. H. Par sons and Allen Garrett, of Woodruff, were visitors in the city yesterday. Mr. Alex W. Chapin of Boyds Cross Roads was among the visitors hero last Monday. Mr. George W. Clardy from near Clinton spent Monday here looking af ter business. Mr. Dutch Jenkins a resident of Clinton Route Three spent Salosday here on business. Mr. J. D. Blackwell of the Reedy River section was among the visitors here the first of the week. Mr. Anderson Abererombie of Ra bun, came down Monday to spend the day on business. Mr. George H. Brown, a resident of Sagetown was among the visitors here the first of the week. Mr. Billy Snow of Madden, spent Monday in town, attending the sales and looking after business. Mr. H. Frank Tumblin spent Mon day here, coming in from his home in the Hickory Tavern section. Mr. John W. Lanford of Langord Station spent the day here Monday on business. Mr. H. Pink Blakely of Clinton was among the business visitors here for the land sales. Miss Esther Fowler is visiting friends and relatives in Jacksonville, Fla. Mr. B. C. Armstrong, of Enorce, and Mr. H1. R. Workman, of Ora, were vis itors in the city Monday. 31r. J. R. Willis of Cross Hill Was among those in the city on Monday looking after business. Mr. 1'. 11. Richardson was among the business visitors in the city yesterday. Mr. Marvin Franks, of Charleston, spent several days last week in the city. \r. P. M. Pitts and his son Mr. J. G. Pitts from near Renno were among the business visitors here yesterday. Mr. C. E. Parker has returned to Cookville, Tenn., after spending a part of the Christmas holidays here. Mrs. Parker will join him there later. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Silverman, who visited Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Boyd during the holidays, have returned to their home in Elberton, Ga. Mr. Walter Manly has returned to his home in Florence after spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. -+. Manley. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Witt, of Green ville, have been spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Wilkes and family. Mr. Milton Latimer of OldI Quaker Clhuirch cosmimuity caine in Monday to attend the sales and attend to other businest. MIss Marga ret WVebb returnedh yes torday from Greenville where she wvas the guest of honor at. a reception given by Airs. Frank SIprait. The many t'riends of Miss D~ot Hud gens5 will be dlighited to know that -she is abile to he 'out again after a 'week of sickness. Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Coleman have re Iturned to their home in Ashvilhe, N. C., after vIsiting Mr. and Mr's. A. F. Cole nmaiin dring the hmol idays. Mr'. and Mrs. D~udley Young and child have returned to Gaffney m ier spending the hmol idayvs with Mirs. SallIe D). Young. Miss Lillian Hopkins and Miss hell iurns, of this city, s'pent the Christ imas holidays in Greenville visiting friends andh relatives. Mr end Mr's. Wm A. Moorehead', of ;olilmle, and Mr. Walter Vaughn, of Darlint ion, spient Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Ilopkins on East Main street. Nature BANANAS, ORANGES, or anything .AND PROOFED AGAI Preparing or your table we copy nature in hei thsdelightful coffee,frmteac Save your LUZIANNE C THE REILY New Or Mr. W. L. Patterson, of Lanford, was a business visitor in the city Monday. Miss Mamie Wright, of Marion, spent the holidays with Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Clarke. Messrs W. C. Irby, Jr., and Frank Reid have joined the salesforce of a large tobacco company and have en tered upon their duties. 'they will have headquarters at Florence. They will be associated with Mr. L. B. Clardy, district manager. Mr. John Gilkerson, who is now with the Southern Express Company at Raleigh, N. C., spent several days last week in the city with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gilkerson. Saturday morning about a dozen members of the younger set met with Miss Nelle Eichelberger and enjoyed several games- of Rook at the home of her sister. Mrs. Robt. Eichelberger. After an hour or so of amusement, Mrs. Eichelberger served ambrosia and cake. Those present included: Misses Carrie Fleming, Elizabeth Young, Lois Nelson, Lola McPhail, Brucie Bagwell, Elise Babb, Virginia Sullivan, Alpha Bolt, Harriet Adams, Nelle and Kate Ellen Elchelberger. Miss' Beaufort Copeland entertained at a rook party last Tuesday after noon in honor of her cousin Miss Eleanor Ball, a bright and attractive little lady from Columbia. The weath er man ldid his very worst and there was a terrific down-pour of rain but the young guests gathered at the ap pointed hour in holiday spirits and attire, undaunted by mere weather. The rooms were gaily festooned in crimson and green, a lovely Christmas ree glistening with fairy-like orna ments making a charming decoration and markinp the occasion as a Christ mas party. At the conclusion of an hour spent at rook, a sweet course esting incident of the atfernoon was served on the card tables. An inter estinb incident of the afternoon was the winning of the first prize, a fancy silk work bag by Miss Katherine Dolt and the consolation, a box of candy, by her twin sister, Miss- Marian. The guest prize, a box of stationery was .-resented to Miss Eleanor Ball. Before dispersing, 'several of the guests, who are promising young mu sicians, gave most enjoyable selections on the piano. Those present were Misses Harriet Hughes, Emmie Lou Washington, Rosa Gray, Mary Roper, Caroline Rankin, Josephone Knight, Mary Blackwell, Katherine and Marian Bolt, Laura 'lmfly Dial, 'Mary IBall Copeland, l')leanor Ball and Beaufort Copeland. Wilson-Machen. The following announcements were received in this city last week: Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Brown Wilson announce the marriage of their daughter Myra Meddle to Mr. Ernest William Machen on Wednesday, the 29th of December Nineteen hundred and fifteen Deland, Florida. At Home 1 030 South Hiarper Street, Laurens, South Carolina. Mr. Machen is a resident of this city, being the nephew of lHon. R. A. (Cooper. lHe is connelctedl with the lusu rane dlepartme~nt of thme Laurens Trt'.st Comn pany and is a live and aggressive younig business man. The bride has v'isitedi here and is greatly admired for her many graces 6f bodly and mind. Mr. Maclhen was accompanied to Deband by Mr. Cooper, Mr. andl Mrs. .. S. Maclien andl Mr. Robert Roper, the last namedl being hIs best man at the ceremnony. Mr. and Mrs. Maclien are expected to arrive in the city today and wi'll take up their residlence at the home of Mr. Cooper. BegIns Christmas Savlings Cluh. As announced in this issue of The Adlvertiser, the Peoples5 Loan and Ex hange Blank have inaugurated a Christ mans Saving Club to begin at once. Al ready many have taken advantage of this unique methodl of being sure of having a little Christmas change next year. The dletalls of the pian are more fully given in their ad on page eight. 's Way. Nature prepares for food, is SEALED NIST DEADLY GERMS-/ uIZianrl work. Human hand never touches to your coffee pot at home.. 3UPONS for valuable gifts. TAYLOR CO. leans,. La. Teagne-Corbett. Miss Pearl Corbett and Mr. Clyde Teague, both of whom live a tow mile in the country, were married by Rev M. L. Lawson at his home in this oit: Sunday afternoon. They have man friends who unite in wishing them a happy life. Owens-Willis. Miss Ostelle Willis and Mr. Barlet 13. Owens were happily married a Gray Court Sunday, Rev. T. W. Mun nerlyn performing the ceremony. Botl are residents of Gray Court, where they have numberous friends who con gratulate them upon the step the: have taken. Abererombie-Chestine. Mr. Evans Abercrombie and Miss Mattie Chestine were happily married by Rev. J. R. T. Major at the Methodisl parsonage Sunday. Both young people are residents of the Shiloh section and are very populc r in their neighbor hood. The bride is the daughter of Mr. Walker Chestine, a well known farmer of that section. Cooper-Chaney. Miss Allie Cooper and Mr. Clarenec Owings Chancy were quietly married at the home of Rev. J. A. Brock on )ecember 26th, only a few of the rela tives being present. Miss Cooper is the daughter of Mr. Brooks Cooper of Gray Court and is pleasantly known there and elsewhere for her charming qualities; while ir. Chancy, son of Mr. J. '). Chaney of Laurens, is a most promising young man, now employed with the Standard Oil Company. This happy young ('oul e is now making their home on North Harper street, with the groom's parents. Their many friends wish for them a long and most pleasant life. halt-pagan. The announcement of the marriage of Miss Bertha Bolt of near Ware Shoals and Mr. Wilbur Franklin Ilagan of this city which occurred Tuesday afternoon at four o'clock in Greenville, came as a great sur prise to the friends of the groom here. The ceremony was performed by )r. George W. Quick, pastor of the First Baptist church of Greenville. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Iagan came to Greenwood to visit the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Ilagan on Oak street. Mir. and Mrs. lHagan will make their future home at Townville where Mr. Hiagan is a very successful teacher. Greenwood Daily Journal. Mr. Ilagan taught for several months 'in the gr ded school here last year. Jones-Snipson. A marriage that was a very pleas ant surprise to their many friends here was that of Miss Florence Clem ents Jones and Mr. 'D. Roy Simpson, which took place in Charleston last Thursday evening at six o'clock. The ceremony .was performed by Rev. J. P. Paul, a Methodist minister of Char leston, the event taking place at the pastor's home. Mr's. Simpson ia the charming andl ittrtactive daughter' of Mr. A. S. Jones, 1 lirominent lplanter' of Colleton (coun1 ty. She has vlsitIed ini Laur ens a num il ber of ti me's and1( duiring her visits here has made innumerable friends wuho are delinhteikd to welcome her to 1laurmens. The gloom is a w(elI- known and popimla r young busiess mitan of the city, holding a posItion with the. . C. Hiturns & 'Comnpany. lie is receiv ing the warmest congratulations fronm his many friends throughout the city andl county. The young couplle arriivedl in the city last Saturtday after spending a short honeymoon in and~ ar'oulnd Charleston. Tlhey will make their home witht the groom's mother'. McMillan-Hecnry. Clinton, Jan. 1 .--On Wednesday ev ening, at the home of the bride's Par enits at Renno, the marrIage of Miss Aninie Lou McMillan andl Dr.' H. II. I lenry, of Whitire', wuas solemnized, the Rev, Mr'. Murray, of K'inard(s being the officiating minister'. The dainty little ower' girls werc Virginia anid IElizabeth Adair, of this pilace, (daulghters of Mr. and Mrs. S Y. Adair. .Just prtecedinig the core mnony, Miss Susie Owings very sweet' ly satng "I Love You Truly," being accompianiied on the piano by Mist Susie Simpson. The wedding march1 was pilayed hy Miss Susie Owings and the br'idal par'ty entoered in the fol lowing order: Miss Lizzie McMillan sister of the bride, and Mr. Cooper' of WVhitmire, and Miss Elizabetl' Henry, sister of the gr'oom, and Mr', Gillam, of Whitmire. The br'ide and~ gr'oom then enter'ed andl took theu stand. time bridle being unusulall3 beaultifuil. wear'ing a gown of c'repi meteor with silver trimmings and car'riedl an armful of bride roses TIhe br'idesmaids were attriactively at' iiited in 1)ink a1( nd carried bouqut a 1 1)1nk cart'natIons. During the evoning afteri the eremnony had beent concluded('( refreshments wer'e served, Misses Sal, lie Hell MeMillan mand Lizzie Rul Davidsonn gracefully nm'nsldct at t1n punch bowl. The bride's register was presided over by Miss Essie Davidson. The guests were met at the door by Mrs. W. A. Galloway. Immediately after the ceremony, Dr. and Mrs. Henry came to Clinton to spend several days with the groom's parents. The bride is the daughter of Mlr. and Mrs. .1. C. McMillan, of Renno, and is a most. charming and attrae tive woman. She is popular with all her associates and, by her swcctness t and gentleness, she has won admira tion and retained many friends. The groom is a native of this city but is at present located at Whitmire, where as a young physician. he is enjoying a splendid practice and is held in high esteem by all who know him. The wedding was attended by a large 1number of friends and relatives from this place. * * 4 * * ... . * 4*** * JONES NEWS. * . e e Se e... ....... Jones, Jan. 3.--Wo were very sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. Dock Ow ens and tenderly sympathize with the bereaved family. Beacham and Riley recently stored a large lot of cotton at Ware Shoals. Rev. J. A. Copeland filled his ap pointment on the 26th of December and the congregation presented him a purse as a token of their appreciation of his services. Our Christias tree was a joyous oc easiot and the distribution of the beautiful presents made the recipients very happy. We are indebted to Supervisor Ilin bert for having Mr. Joshua Martin to repair the road near Hasor's Bridge. .\r. and \I rs. W. A. Me('ord of Spar tanburg were the guests of Mr. G. 13. Riley during the holidays. 'the following teachers spent Christ nas at home: Misses Nona Riley, Belle and Lillian Jones. Misses Isabel Leachatm, Sarah anda Jennie Lou Martin of Lander and Frank P. Jones of the University spe the holidays at home. We extend a cordial welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Woodward of Greer, who have moved here. )r. V. T. .ones has lumber for sale. 11r. and .\lrs. Julius Babb of Lau rens were the recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Cothran. The following ofilcers were elected to serve Brewerton Lodge No. 183, A. F. M., for the next ensuing Masonic year: Dr. W. T. Jones, W. M.; T. L. Martin, S. W.; W. T. Jones, Jr., J. W.; B. L. Henderson, Treasurer; W. O. Mitchell, Secretary; Ed. Burgess, S. D.; Thos. O'Dell, J. D.; Foster South and C. W. Jones, Stewards; Geo. Cul bertson, Tyler; Dr. J. O. Martin. Chap lain. Ar. Bunton of Anderson is visiting his sister, Mrs. Ed. Thompson. The Masonic Lodge at Ware Shoals gave a banquet at its last meeting and the following oflicers were elected: W. S. Knight, \V. M.; Dr. J. B. Work man, S. W.; J. E. Elliott, J. W.; J. M. Major, Treasurer; Oscar Henderson, Secretary; G. M. Boland, S. DI.; P. II. IHenderson, J. D.; J1. 1. Hill1 andl L. W. Alr. and~ u1 rs. W\ilmtot 511m1ihadsn uglas, ditned wiu:h Mr1. andI~ .Mir. G. a ,>rolonigedl visit to her i:arents, to her hlotme. We recently mmt -the f ilowing frietnds: Luther C'ai nil of G eorgia;1 J .ohnnie MC~ee of IDue Wes;t, and~ Henry flecks of Richmaond. delightulutSbaginnier Partyk lat Uat utrday3 eveing at. six ocoka h hiaindsoime hotme of h tis tmothber en Iruby st reet. Short y a ftert their a rriva lie guiests wer~e uisheted infto the iing~i room1 where they were se'rvedl a mtagiu fletnt six-eonurse dinner0 i. Tihuose res dn1 were Messrs Tom1 Swygert, I.. It. Swygert, Erskinie Todd, dwitn Luns,4 Vance I rby. Tonm Lake, Shack Me Crady, Neps Mcrady and Arthuir L ee. Dintner Party. Atmong- the delightfutl social events of the city last Thutrsday evening in givent last Thursday evening by Mr. Ecnry Martin. The guests wvere servedl a delightful six-course dliner. Those present wvere Mrs. John Steven, Misses Margaret Webb, Mary Wilkes, Kathlyn Wilkhes and Hattie Sinmpson and Messrs Coke Gray, Hugh Aiken, Moore Dial and Tonm Lake. Chiristmias Dance. Th -ac gvnby tile younRg men(1 of the iety last Thu rsday eveninag in ini addition11 to the local dan erls, secv ceral couples camle upl froml ('linton and1( al~bied much(1 to tihe enljoyabhleness5 of lihe eveninig. There were about t wen ty-fiye couples dancing, making it one of the largest, us well as the mnost site oessful danice gIven In 1Lau1rens In a Inng 11mn0 O N the sidewalk in front store we have placed , of the -celebrated RINGW. LINOLEUM, now being throughout the country by n severe public tests. * This strip will remain on c weather to give an account c satisfaction of all that it will r or break, even under this ex * RINGWALT'S LINOLE cold or climatic conditions ar by the maker's guarantee of We are now holding A SPEC31 of this guaranteed linoleun. floor covering that is practi same time very low in pric you the goods. BeautiM, i S. M. & E. H. Stores (losing Ea0rly. SFor fear that some of the store man igers have let the matter slit, from heir memory, the little suggestion is 1owin out that it was agreed by many )f them that their stores would he 'losed at six o'clock all the year sound except for the month of )ecem )er. As that month is now a thing of he past, the early closing plan is in )rder again. 'Night, School Organized. Tuesday evening a night school was )rganized In the Laurens Mill school for the benefit of the people of that !ommunity. Courses In reading, writ ing, spelling, arithmetic, and letter writing are being offered. As the teachers are giving their services, there will be no tuition charges for the pupils. Dr. Hayne to Make Addresses. On next Thursday evening at seven o'clock, Dr. Adam Hayne, State Health Officer wiTi deliver In the Lau rens Mill school auditorium an Illus trated lectrue on Hygene and Sanita tion. At eight o'clock on the same ev ^ning Dr. Hayne will deliver the same lecture in the graded school auditori .-n. The public is cordially invited to Bear these lectures. lir. Snydier' andi Prof. Ilantd Comting. On next Tuesday evening, .Januairy I liih, IDr. Ifery 3 N. Snyder, Presicienti of \\'otit'rd College, an .\(1 r. \\. ITI. I land, Slate liigh School iuispector, will ilet tre in the graded school aut rliorium ont suithec's of grjeat eudneae i onal impor''tantce. Th'lere wil h i. no aImi;sionti( fe und! (evryody in tuiwnt is invitedl to he luresent. A\fler the' u'(t nie. puptils of thle tinth i gradue will sive their Patrents a recepution. For Sprains, Lamerness, Sores, CuLts, RheurmatI im Penetrates an'eas Stops Pain/ t OnIce~ For Man di Dcast 25c. 50c. $1. MAll Dealetra. LINIMENT CHICETEHSPiD: 'fIi Mo'tr' I RthaotlgNd:) 'films in Ried and-'oord mti th' si e wiltu. itln. Taluf n^'ola nhi7'Nr ,'i. .ears knowb as est, Safest, Always Ieatule SOL 1BY 66roSTS FVFRVWHERE LAURES RUGSTORE, Lasrens8, S. C. PENSION NOTICE. Notice is hereby gIven that the Peni 1(ion CotmmOIssioner' will be at t he A t dit or's otlee on each Rcsturday' In the months of .lanntary for the putrpose of talking appl icationus and thsit t he Pea siotnI' l-(r will tmeet for thle lpurpvose ofE t u'iside ring alt d ienti s ont the first .\l'ndaly ini Febut 11ry. 'Tise ailritady on oIl atre ntot re <lptiredl to a pp'ai -lThe lhoard wil e thanikful for' i'e port; of (leths l: thait. our mol mayit lie rev ised. Th'lose who contomp~late making ap tlIctn are uri i gedl to act pruiotnti 'y13. J. P. Caldwell, Pension Comimissioner., 21..2t-Nn. Oh. 17 of our a strip ALT'S advertised ieans of these ur sidewalk in all kinds of ,f itself and prove to the ot faue,, curl, buckle traordos;y outdoor use. UM ih not a: 1ecterd by heat, d every yard in backed tp sait. T-tory' service. [ 3 . nreirier erted in a a!!::vrb .'i. Andii at the ^.me it: zad, he't us show '; r Circulars free. WILKES & CO. Dr. T. L. Timmerman DENTI6T Laurens, Souithtarolina Office in Peoples Bank Bdg. B. R. TCDD Engineering and Contraetiny Land Surveys a Spedalty ,aorete Work Sklful,11. done or in s eet d. -*rawlngs and s nates of all Kind. Telephone No. 346 tI An Anoying' " reak dow' is apt to occur at anly timeC to anfY st yle or make of carriage, but the chances of an accident ar'e greatly lessened if you have us; inspect your runnIng stock regularly. Thlie wheels t hat we pl ace on carcriages last longer and run abetter i than t he othle r kind, fo r they areo bil t righit and put on sight. We are ex pert mlmnClieis and olur itces ar r''Ieasonab tle. Let us put you' ('ariage in shaple. J. D. SEXTON & SON LAURENS, S. C. W ATYOUR DisT l'RtO('L.\.W.\IO(IN. i:Xecuttle 1'halimbers W\hereas inforomationl has been re et ved at this dleparVtmet, that one GreenIIwood Rlogers, who was convYictedl in the County of' 1Lau rens, F'all Te'rm of (Coulrt, 191-1, 0n the elhartge of' mnrlt der and sentenlcedt to be elect rocutedi on the twenty-Ithird day or October, 1914t, whIch sentence was reprieved, andl~ finally commuted to life imifisonl mient In thec state penitentiary, did es cape from thie I~eidl Farm where he waIs confined at / hard lh .6'r, on or abont the secon Ida3,gbf Deccember,. 1915. Now, therefqoi'4, Richard L. Man ning. Governofrof the State of South Carol Ina, in order that just ice may be (lone and1( thle majesty of the law vindi cated, (10 hereby offer a reward of One 11 undred ($1 00.0(t) D~ollars for the: ap llrehlenion1 and deli very of thi said Greenwood Rogers to tile shierifts of R~ihlan ld anld LaurensI (O~ ounties (Co lumlbIa anld Laurens.) In tes tiony whlereof, I have here un ito set my~ hand~ and caused (iSE'AL) the Great seal of the State tis t wen Iy-thlird1 day of I)eeiimber, A. 1). 1915 an din the one1 hundltred and D). 19l5 andie In the on; hli'r'u and the l'nited Stles ot' Amien. Rl('IIARID I. .\l.\NNING, Il. 31. 'Cc(own, nerntnry of Stane.