University of South Carolina Libraries
88888888888888%8 8 8 8 Local and Personal Montion. 8 8 8 88 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 88 Mr. Roy V. Garrett, of Fountain Inn. Is visiting frionds in the city. Mr. J. L. Mahaffey, of Gray Court, was a visitor in the city yesterday. Miss Ella Bearden, of Enorce, was a visitor in the city Saturday. Mrs. W. E. Lucas was in Spartan burg shopping Saturday. Messrs J. Moore Mars and Robert S. Owens, of Abbeville, wore visitors in the city Sunday. Miss Franceo Thames and Miss An nie Gilkorson spent Saturday in Spar tanburg. The friends here of Rev. J. D. Pitts will regret to learn that he Is sick at his home in Fountain Inn. Mrs. J. L. Fennell was among the shoppers here Wednesday from Wa terloo. Mr. William Boyce of Cross 1111 was among the visitors here Wednes day. Mr. C. D. Green and son Mr. Wil liam Green were among the visitors here Saturday from near Gray Court. Mlrs. E. J. Gage, of Greenville, has been visiting her mother, Mrs. W. H. Garrett, for several days. Mrs. W. Ii. Jarrett, who has been Viriting her1. son. Mr. C. W. 'Garrett, has returned to the city and is oneanpying her home on West Main street. Miss Frances Kennedy, Caroline Roper and Nellie Thompson are all home from Greenville Female college for the Christmas holidays. Dr. J. II. Powe, proprietor of the Powe Drug Company, is contined to the Julia Irby Sanitarium su ffering from a nervous break-dlown. 111s friends hope for his early recovery. Miss Lenora Thompson, who is it tenldinig Greeivile Female college, '111 spend the holidays with her a, Miss Pearl Dowling, at, Green Cove Springs, Fia., they having left Gren ville Friday afternoon via Spartan burg, Columbia and Jacksonville. Mr. ,. B. Clardy, district sales man ager of the Liggett & Myers Tobacco Company, returned several days ago from a meeting of the company's sales managers at the home ofilce in St. Louis. Mr. Clardy found the company officials and salesmen in a very opti mistic frame of mind, as business con ditions have greatly improved within the past four months. Incidentally, Mr. Clardy stated that the company has given him two more men for his territory. Mrs. Cora C. Lucas has returned from Charleston where she represent ed Laurens county at the Woman's Auxiliary of the Southern Commercial Congress. Her paper, "The Part Music Plays in E4ducation" was one of tho features on the program. She also go peared In two piano numbers. Mr. Charles McGowan, of Easley, alrrived in the city a few days ago to spend the holidays. Mr. T. II. Nelson, of Etowah, Tenn., Is in the city visiting friends and at tending to business affairs. Letters received from Sheriff Ow Ings. whlio is nowv at Meeker, Col., state that he feels very much strengthened since reaching there. Mr. Ihenry Martinm, who is attending Porter Military Academy, is spending the holidlays in the city with his moth er'. As manager of the academy's foot ball team, he contributed mater ially to the success of the past season, Porter's 'heIng recognized as thel Southeastern champions this year. Miss .Jessie Trotter is sp)ending tihe holidays in the city wvith her sister, Mrs. C. IH. Hicks. Alr. WillIam S. Benjfamin of Mount ville spent the (lay here yesterday on bu11siness. Mi'. Geoi'ge B. Birown or Lanurens Route Four was among those in the c!ty shopping yesterday. Mr. George W. Proifit who resides al Boyds Ci'oss Roads spent Tuesday In town. Mr'. Thomas Kanning of Tumbling Shoals spent Tuesday here looking af ter business. Mr. Billy Snowv was among the Mad den visitors here Tuesday. Ship Loads Find New(C Those Fragrant, Mellow.-as.o4 That Make New Orleans the TIIIS IS THE KIND WE US~ the Coffee that human hands green, until it reaches the take our word for the goods prejudiced. Try a enn at our back if you cre not pleased. All Croce: Use Only HALF as Much a THE REILY~ New Orl + SOCIETY; + Giasgow-Si1tl. The following account of a wedding at Jalapa, near Newberry, 'will be read with interest here whore the bride Is well known, having frequently visited Misses Hattie Kate and Ruth% Easterby on numerous occasions: "Mr. James Smith of Newberry and Miss )Mattio Glasgow were married Wednesday evening at six o'clock at the home of her father, Mr. Geo. C. Glasgow, at Jalapa, the wedding cere mony being performed by Rev. R. H. Burriss, assisted by Rev. E. D. Kerr. A large number of guests were pre sent, and the wedding was followed by a reception. The bride and groom came to Newberry by auto and took the Southern for Columbia, returning next day to Newberry, where they will make their home." 000 Entertained in Cluirleston. Besides the many elaborate social events given by various organizations for the distinguished men and women who were in Charleston for the meet ing of the Southern Commercial Con gress, there have been numerous small private affairs whih were very charming. Among these was a beau tiful luncheon, at which Mrs. Edward V. Durant was hostess, yesterday, in honor of Mrs. William Jennings Bry an. Mrs. Durant's other guests were: Mrs. F. 11. 11. Calhoun, state presi dent of the Daughters of the Revo lution of South Carolina; Airs. Itut ledge Smith, of Tennessee, ex-presi dent of the League of Southern Writ ers; Mrs. Cora Cox Lucas, of Lau rens and Ars. John Cart, of Orange burg, president of the South CarolinI branch of the Woman's Auxiliary of tle Southern Commercial Congress. Decorations for the luncheon w'ere of Aierican Bleauty roses. ''lhe repast ended, Mrs. Durant took her guests for a visit to the U. S. S. Georgia, and later to the two lovely teas being given In the Gibbes Art building.-Charles ton Post. oo Celebrated Silver Wedding. Alr. and Mrs. Buford B. 3lakely cele brated the twenty-fifth anniversary of their wedding (lay at their commodious country home a few miles from the city Saturday evening. Over a w.:n dred and twenty-flve guests as3e:nb!ed for the happy occasion and others sent letters of congratulation and ,;ood wishes. Mr. and Mrs. Blakely and children received the guests at the front door and extended to them the hospitality of the home. After the guests were asicnbled and had ex changed greetings, invitation to he dining room was responded to -.nd there a bounteous dinner was >pread, consisting of everything to be x I, t ed and wished for on the table of a country home. Mr. and Mrs. 11la .ely were the recipients of a beattifal vs sortment of silver, attesting to lhe t~s teenm in which they are held .)y heir numerous friends. aoo Jackson-Madden. The following, taken from a WVet unmpka, Alabama paper, will be of considerable interest here: "Mr. JT. G. Jackson, of Deatsville, Ala., announces the engagement and applroaching marriage of his daugh ter, Annie Christine, to Mr. James Henry Madden, of Greenville, S. C." "The above announcement is of much interest in Wetumpka where the chiarmning bride-to-bo made many friends wvhile residing here with her father (luring his term of ofmie as sheriff of Elmore county. "The marriage wvill be qluietly, but beautifully solemnized in the late afternoon at the Deatsville home of the bride wvith the families and clos est friends as guests. "While wishing her every happi ness, it is regretted that Miss Jack sonl's marriage wvill take her to an other state to reside." Miss .Jackson is not an entIre strang er in Greenville, hiaving been an at Their Way Into )rleans I-wine Coffee Beans, the Ones Coffee Place of the World IN BLENDING LUZI ANNE, never touch from the sack, coffee pot at home.., Don't ess of Luzianne-we may be expense. Get your mono s Have It. s of Ordinary Barr Coffee TAYLOR CO. eans, La. IISplen Come in at < $6.50 Quartered Oali piano polished. Ott in oak or mahogan; $25.00 $3.90 Highly polished Rocker, Oak or Ma hogany. Be sure to see the values we of fer in Rockers from $1.25 up. People are tage of the big ai We offer every er goods and loa We pay the S. M tracetive guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Wallace of this city for the past two summ eers. During her visits here, she has made quito a number or friends, wh-o will wvelcome her into our city, M r. J. H. Madden is wvell known in this vicinity, H~e ia a progressive young bu siness man, Secretary of Duncan Mii, and his many commendable traits of character is a guarantee of a suc cessful business career.-Greenville Draily Ne ws. M r. Madden is a native of this coun ty and has numerous friends hero wh o congratulate him upon his good for tune. Card of Thanks. Please allow us space to thank our many friends and neighbors for their kindness and helping deeds to us dur ing the sickness and death of our dlear so nand brother, Tillman Moore. May many. blessings from the Lord rest upon them. We only hope for the time that we shiall return every blessed deed and kindness shown to us. We again thank those for the let ters of sympath to us in our sadl hour's. D). TP. and N. .ji \oore a~nd Children. jey Don't forget tit y your share of the Rled Cross Ci.fero s Seals. Remem bnr Thuarsdavy. ANOTHER CA lid Fun RECEIVED mnce if you want derful B ij-_ $10 Desks, Beautifully er styles uine Oak Bu Sup to styles at $15.5 to $21.50. Its worth a visit to our sto of Bed-room Furniture in ang, Circassion Walnut, Golden Oak. Complete coming from every p ralues that we are < inducement for YOL ver prices. Sfreight to your dep< . &E. H.X * t'ROSS 111LL NEWS, * Cross Hil1l, Dec. 20-After tcn years of ceflelent and satisfactory serr ice as cashier or the Bank of Cross H1ill, Mr. E. II. Rasor has resigned that iosition and the resignation has been accepted. His purpose in giving up th,s p;ace is to ei'gage in other wora w haien will* be more cond~ucive to a robai: health. For the next year he will likely give his t mo and attentioni to his farming in terests here. Mr. Rasor's~ congehnsat 'face and accommodatinug dispsosition, as well as his careful bu']nnes -lualities, will be missed by those who. are cnn nected in a business way wit.h the bank. At a meeting of the directors a fswv (lays ago when the resignation of Mr. Riasor was accepted, Mr. W. Paul Mar 'tin was elected to succeed Mr. Raisor as cashier. Mr. Martin is a young man of promise and his election to this important position will no doubt prove a wiso selection, lHe is a son of R1ev. J1. A. Martin, a gradaute of Furman University, class of 1915, a man of steady habits, arnd has the promise of promp~t business qualities. As this po sition requires active thought as well as promplt and emelient service,I and as it demands a life of honesty andl integrity, the selection of one qualified to fill It muint nnoncsailiy be nmae LR LOAD OF iiture IN MONDAY to share in* argains. .50 finished gen- Bea ffet. Other Dressing 0, $17.50 up and prvic finishes. " *. -I rejust to see our display Black Walnut, Mahog Birds Eye Maple and suits from $18.75 up. ifern in fineho r>tton purherdspofay Bni s ale ale andd ofativf judgento nt and leth ffse ringcipn ofbuine hoi Jto t comre O . L acm p)mt, n a pu an seno tof yon ma hnti sa th suh si ness tis haf in, vhis ardy, bu thgs and rad-th hse~leinis of Marinceas foe him. We lievt a an honor torthny youn stowed and that the business will con tinue to prosper uinder safe manage mont. W. C. Rasor will continue as president andl Jas. D. Bleeks as assist ant cashier. Under the auspices of the School Im pirovemnent association Prof. Landlrum andl Miss Kinardl of Greenwood coun ty gave a musical entertainment at the school audlitorlum Friday evening. The program was madle up of piano, violin, rind vocal selections, all of which was instructive and entertaining. Misses Josie Grimn and Adecll Mar tin from lBrenau College and Misses Mary 11111 and Caroline Matthews from Limestone and Miss Willie .Joe Aus tin from the Georgia Normal and In :hustrial College came home last week for the Christmas holidays. Others will be in this wveek. The Cross Hill1 school will adjourn T'hursday for ChrIstmas. Appropriate exercises will be held Thursdlay morn Ing in celertion of the an. A. A&NNAZA W3. 7 ZN hese Won a 7j $9.50 utiful Mahogany Table. Other styles Is in all woods and I A $9.90 Set Fine box seat din er, quartered frames, upholstered seats. Other styles from $5.50 up. di taking advan ne furnishings. irger stock, fin 10.00 or over. Co. ('tittion for ILetters of .id miisthration Staute of South Carolina. Coutnty of ILaurenls. fly 0. G. Th'omupsoun, t~robiate .1udget Whereasi .laniie 10. Ledford mad~e suit to) me1, to granut her Let ters of Adin-f ist rat ion of the IEstate and effect~s of J1. T. Ledford. Thiese are therefore, to cite andlu ad monish all and singular the kindred and Creditors of thio iad J(.. TP. Ledford dieceased, that 11Wey be andl appear he fore me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Laurens Court hlouse, LanU rens, S. C., on the 5th dlay of Jlanuary, 1916 next, after publiention hereof at 11i o'clock in the forenoon, to show" cause, if any they have, why the said adlministralt ion should not hie granted. Given under' my hand this 21st day of December Anno D~omini 1915. 0. 0. TiIO.\PSON, J. P. L. C. 22-2; NOTWCE. Trhe foard of Coun ty Comm is sioners of Laurens County' will receive bida for medical attention at the County Poor' louse andl County- Jail for thio year A. 1). 1916, until $ o'clock noon of Thursday, the 6tlyday of Jlanuary next Prnposit ions .aro asked for hoth by the visit, and bj the year. All bi1ds to bie in writing 'and to 'he dheposited wvith J. D). Mqek, Clerk, on or hefore the dhat~e above meontionedl. Bids are to cover regular medical attention and such medicines as are usually carried by the physician, other medicines to be furnished by the county. 22-3t Supervisor.