University of South Carolina Libraries
MI~e Ebbertier Baberriptlon Price is $1.04 Per Year Payable In Advance. Published by ADVERTISEI PRINNTING3 COMPANY Lauwrens, S. 0.' ALISON LEE Presideut 'ARkTHUR LEK Sec. and Treae, ldvertising Rates on Application. ObItuarles and Card of Thanks: One cent a word. aftered at the postotfce at Laurens, i. C, as second class mail matter. LAURENS, S. C., DEC. 15, 1915. A little boy writing to Santa Claus in the Spartanburg 1Herald asked for a printing outtlI. Poor, mlisguided youth! "Plank Best Ped 'itcher" headlile in the Nows an(] Couirier. Wlat do they give him, boys? * * 0 There are fifly-two veeks in this year, but it has remailned for "Iro. Branch," of the Thorn well \lessengoer to point. out Ithat there are fifty-tilroe Fridays. lather rotlgh on jaybird1*s, ch? ell ? DE.NO.\lNATIONAla C~lalal:G MS. The fact it i' we art, 'oing to have stat' volleges, and iwe ark, the utilol shouli be absolutly "ree, anli theni there should he no fre sl-v ashps hiui thes- stai schools S'' ild e o)1 1en to every inoy anld ;irl "nih :allo Wiho is pr pared to entr th irst coI li'ge1t his.t it bt ti llhh i a 1lIet :uutPIl i ' nan Iae t!s n n daotr of th. - v who alre ah o to) u tli eIa Item ). am I. I d w IV0 41lilve thati ;Iny boy 01! n mut ao lUna t th e : t l : s t tIy 1 :tk 'ot' staie ad. and hio ithat- e 1o enutor t he :i -'an ila of ay (.,) Iegt , n l Ag t (t 1e'I a I wto I t h ou \ IIII hr ;ids oft ate it" I Ie n cI ho or sht'c It I'lhe ! 'w;i'-! th e t er for ha - as one saolauyas it wor tae tor ' the r:- ggl wi\ h ; h ; 'II . . d The ,;tae I r (.oi , i ana th I11e d omil in11111 ion l a collI tre nLol It iva\s anld are in d iffe rent i I' c I (t5 :11141 IIork in d iffre ]1 ield' 1 mI s Ia a S \v( ews ar Conce- rnedo~, wei do nlot wan11t t o See a1n y of 1te dsieomillatio: it colleg's knock ing at te doors o f st t t trasury for state aid. e blieve that the state iolleges cold st ti ShouId wI,e rlIln for les iloiley. Wh11y theni !n tha0 solm of the pay th e foot hall l 0nch as big a Salary as it Would take to pa 'he salary of at leaII st ithrtpofessors Inl our denlomlinationall clege AnIId thevre are othler expen.-;ss thI'l might be cut.-Newerrylhevald and News. Why should th e frilds- o ite de noinational collees e(1 Intertain any jealousy of thtfte stit collges? They canl hardl * denly Iha there Should bo state )olleges whihl ar bound to be Supported by taxe.; paid by (he p00 ple. To our inin'i onlly thlose situlentls who are nlot able to 11 t10w iWon Should gtisthe b'etit.f the schiolar friends):;. Too ofltenl ther are admilld into thle college studenits whose va laNworis. amnstain 'i'he aenomintiona ('l I 'llgI s sht~n otild tad 01' fa~l n Iitheir' own' mxt)~eis and th'''eir frieds witidto the catmpgt of thetse' ititutito by 0ri wicay w in ingatndt l(l~ whimperinb causoe ClemsonfWinthro, the IC) itde larg ee apponsriation from the statd. ofte wate tL will hes0ed intittihons oftut theseii 11s tarulird poidedl viw thantdot the injury of theta collee-r mn diferetolspofte'e"1 slte. The denom tnatioate colleges are( likeioie thin ande wild uefunes mayd 1)o nositelof thed ladvirt fromn a the state uin-. sTheto y ( sfe ower ot the mistid frted and isupotent . fhel ttltonnat The saeboleges. ThisIs fro vialdi t'erialsilIon ofcoaprs e xampltes ofppavrent vewse ofe watithins te define viwsf the who ca InIndits that te hav t. nt td enointin th og , hif te aeh etorlsr Wouh, ed cons ieratioV hehad ofth sould lI illbe ote that o gth of theing nape take th se collegevie t'hatythe dointona'le work w ns the astate kcoweg~en Andterfoe te. tlivern usefutlnes may be consfid mrendc antro th is tate i'titins. tof theln aoltiest o alegl titislt theit state colles Tis tis ay vota fiee tereioe ofmayisoofat' ous'n the definat vonas olltegqest in tdente tha te ael nimigiet the ierouenc ofthught twh'in thle liengthyi affiriaof t state.ld be1 unertoo tlsha toig to beinguade aoante stae thlegten dency of the times is already so ma tecialistic and the thought so much away from religion. It is possible tiat we ul(lerestimate tie ability of I lie ,denominational colleges to with stand this particular kind of state competition but we do not think so and oer views are the same as those pub licly cxi re.ssed by a representative of Anderson Female College, a denomina tional institution, in this city soie time ago. We would not have scholarships con fused with appropriations for enlarge ments and customary running ex penses The denominational colleges need not fear being crowded out by the state colleges so long as it is as chleal) for the boy of means to attend one as an other. So long as they can get stu dents, they will continue to expand, but the way must be left for them to get students. It takes a mighty pious old deacon these days to send a couple of boys to a denominational college when lie could save enough to buy a Ford by sending thei somewhere else at the expense of the state. The only way the denominational co'lege would get these boys would be to offer them free tuition too. In that case the old man would get Iis Ford, anyway, and that Is about what this universal free tuition amounts to. ThIe denominational college cannot be left out of consideration when the edueational facilities of the state are con sidied, unless we are to adim it that. we can get along just as wel! witiout thei. \e don't think many people hold that view. A laurenrs Let ir irom A ustiin, Texas. .\ly I)ar lMr. Advertiser: Scientists tell is the world is getting smalier, airnd veil apart froir tire cicntlst. we can know this fact. I have ILad troof of that iere inl my Texas Vit;crh, itf you will peiut a ir.,ontal siuib. Whlitlh I thouglht rluight have\( S(>:Ok-wlmt o;f interest.- to .owom or, yolu' reath-r., the older onev.i at la t Yesterda41"y, I condkucte'd 11he funleral selvice of a miltember of niy cihrurclh, who was born and ra im I'tIi in I "ar itenrs coltI 7. '. C., only a ftew mrle.4 fromr tire court misIe. lie was .lainr. K Iiatcl eson, taorn in : Anothe r Lairenrs imimier of my chtircih is .\liss Nannie Vauginr, who ias chalrge of the hos piial in tire Confederate IHome. She was borni and reared ine'ar' Poun ta in Inn. .\lis. Fannie .ones is anrother mrteibrier' of iy churchr who Is from Greenwood and is a sister of Dr. Wirr. It. Millwee, who died in Greenwood last iontil. Mrs. .\l atyni Elliot (rice Miss Jenile M.\cCaw) while sire camrle to Austin fi'oi Grteenville, yet spent many of her girlhood days inl i aurens visiting her aunt, Mrs. Sullivan, the nearest. neighbor to lily o(l home. Dr. Tlos. J. Calhlionr1, a Conifederate sol die., rareid in I aurens county and r'e lated to soile of tire old faiilies there liv'es here and i1s miy friemi. In dining one evening this week, ily hostess told ie lier father was fr'om 1'2-m th Caro ina, hav inrig graduated firormi P1urmiarn l'nriversity. Another irear neighbor ler'e was a ear neighbor o re in my btoyhioodi hom~e in Sedalila, I 'niorn coun ty. Still another membrl oh' my chrche was bornr in Chlar'lestorn, S. C. Arid whIilie wa itinig ini thle State Cemeter'y yesterday' at. tire buil r'eferred to abhove, I exsariined severaI mnornurmen ts, t wo of which chanced to bie in rremory of two diistirnguiishred sons South Caro 'ira gave to the Lone Star State-thiese wer'e .Jlrhn .l. limiiphill, jur'ist and Francis It. L obboekc, governor, I186 I-63. All of wh'lichl, with riuich othier vi dence tat mIghlt be' given, goes, I thIirnk, to ('ort borate oiir scientific l'rienrd ini ihis ('onitentlon Ira t thre wor'ld is grow inig smiallerc, anrd ev'en is now stmall---one nreigrhorhtoodi, as it wer'e. Iieemr l IS, 191.3 Sami J. N iholls. Win woulId jurst like for some oine to explain how it was that Samr .1. Nichr 1)ils, thie newly electled Cornressmarn fromi Spar'tanbu rg was pst on the ver'y impriortarnt commriittee of Military Af fair's,-assigned to it even befor'e ire was sworn iri,-and we hatve niembers thrat have beeni there for years who are not on such1 an impiiortanit commriittece. The comrmittee is mroi'eu iprtanit now than ever in view of the "preparecd ness" t'ever that has struck thre counr tr'y. "Aiiothrer thing that excites our crr r'iosity about the assignment of tire delegation on tire Congr'essional Corn rmittee: Corigr'essmarn Aikeni has boon the r'anikirig mrember on the District of Colunibia committee for sonic time, yet another memri~r f'rm this state was put on this comiuuttee tIs year. Tis is unruisual. Was it becauise our' Congressrman (lid riot attend to Iris burs'niess as has so often been chrarlgedi?-Abbeville Meiumin. Useless Hope. "WVell, dlidi you get quantum suffit at I5 - Smdi ths' lurneheon?'' "Certainly No Arguments. "Anry wanr experts In tis commurnn ty?'" esked the ne'w s'irri'e "No " Pn. swered tire native. "We're till tcller hiul frienndly horabunts," LOCAL AND PERSONAL. * ** 1r. J. Byrd Bolt came in yesterday from his home in the Hendersonville section to spend the day. Mr. Glenn A. Fuller of the'TPrlnity Ridge section spent yesterday in the city. lr. George A. Spence was among the Sagetown visitors here on Tues day. M r. J. S. George came in Tuesday to spend the day. Mr. George is a resi dent on Laurens Route Four. Mr. Barney S. Wasson spent Tues day here looking after business. Mr. J. B. Young came in from Hick ory Tavern Tuesday on a visit for the day. Mr. 0. C. Duncan spent the day here yesterday. Mr. Jim Lewis Hahaffey, an Eden farmer, spent the day here yesterday. Mr. Hewlett Sullivan, Jr., a Mount ville citizen spent Tuesday in town. Mr. William II. Baldwin came down from Barksdale Tuesday to spend the day on business. Mirs. J. F. Iurton will leave this week for Chester \vhere she will spend fihe Christmas holidays with her daughter. Irs. T. C. 1ei)aniel and Miss fary McDaniel were among those in the city slioiping yesterday. 1i'. T. .J. Coleman of lountville was among the visitors here Saturday. Mlr. Colenan i has reet( recov'ered after Several weeks of illiness, (iiiiing whlh le was colfilled to his home. SPECIAL NOT'CIS. For Sa le-- i'ad n1( w t ord (:I., von by .r.A. .loorhiead Inl .\dvertiser coil tesI vind trad4Oecd in for. a M.axvell. 1(r; "1le at a barga in. C:111 (1n l ttien: .\lotr Car Com' '-any. 2 , 1(or1 Sle- Iarly ('h1tlesion \Ve lilid ('a gebl32 1l1a1nits for Sa.1 4. I Phone I 2. .1. l.vo 1-angston. 22-i 1-p h-ost- -llimillon w.a It Case .ItlIt dealer11,I's namile, \Vili m 1 .1 II) Solomon, printed Inl It. Almo llrivoe a'.d. Irind r please rturn lto this 1olic. A Nlig ilIgalin -Practica1lly 1 brand new Ford tolrilg (ar. I'or sale. Call onl 14aurenis lotor Car Collpan1y. 22-2t For' illten or Sal'- -A few small farilms near Lat1rens. See HI. .1. \Vol ff. 22-It Fa1rmls-TI have somle very desirable farins for sale. Also the fa molts Stomp Springs, nea21 Ren no, with -100 acre tract. 11. .\. Wolff. 22-it lime.-\I have sev'eral nlice homties lin desirable vIicintities to sell at. iar-j gaints. 11. .\. Wolff. 22-1It Wlanltedl-To buly bnk11 anld L'aurens Vottoit .1Ills stock. It. .\. \Wolff. 22-11 11'uin.tedl---All our11 mterclatt friends throughotit the co ty to know we have jutst received car of, prodite anld want to I4lure withi you onl your Chr'istinas fruits. .1. S. tetllenet Son & Co. 22-It liegister.1ed lierksiren Hlogs -Regis 'ered boar. ready2 ( or3 service. fee $3.00. P igs r'eadyI fot' sale, $1.0!)021ach, pur11 (chaser' to 4)ay13 for ptaper0s. Cani furntish 11air 110 kin. Mlet tta Ic ar tm, Laut rens, S. V. 22-It N Oti(c-Tenntessee and1( Kent ucky mules at Ninety Six and Grt'eenwood. S. C. Ca2r 1on(1 jitst. arrived, some of the best y'ou (eer saw. Come to see its. Salnders & Addison, Nitnety Six, S. C. 21-2t for sale otte registeed mta re, 5 yeOars old. t horoughly broke, cant be driiv'en by lady,' r'egistrtation)1 papler goes with marhte. Appllly to .iames W. I lenderson at FarmIter's W'artehou se, Launts, S. C., or' L. T1. 1IC'enderson, Ware' Shoals. 2 1-21-pd Land14 For Sale-A dandy(13 little tract (If land1( foir sa1e, one0 and) onte-hltlf midles from .\outvtille conttaiing for ty' acrtes, goodl dwellintg of lIve rooms, goodl well wlater, Otte stable and~ one tetnant htouse. Prt'le $1,500. Tiermts entsh. Mirs. 10mmua Blrysoni, W. Cal flrysott, Agt. 20-3t-pd For' Sale-A few tnicc younig mutles fresh fr'omt market, at reasoitable prtice. W. ii. Wharton, Waterloo, S. C. 20-1t ltd-tf La~nd For' Sae-y ome place of two Itund(1redl acre imp 111roved farming lantd, timtber' and pasture Good well wvatetr, ntice dwellintg, good barns and~ other bulildlings; on main 1)ubl1Ic r'oad between Tumbtling Shoals andi Ware Shoals. Write ine at Ware Shoals or .1. H1. SullIvan, Laur'ens, S. C. Thos. .J. Sullivan. 20-3t-pd For Saie-204 aci'es of flute farm land about five miles west of Laur'ens. Will sell either as a whole or In tracts to suit puriichasers5. Mrs. Mar'tha C. Knight, Laurens, S. C. 18-5t-pd For Sale-Several mules for sale chteap). See us5 at once. Gr'ay and ICasterby, Laurens. 18-tf B. R. TODD Engineering and Contractingf Land Surveys a Spreaity amerete Work Skillfulla done or Is specteds $rawings and estimates of all Kind Telephone No. 346 A. 0. HIART LAWYER Postoffice Box 685 (Jreentvlleo, S. C. Practice in all COUR~TS. Pnni antioin griven all businens. SaUta Claus Oamne Before Christmas. On last Thursday evenifg about seven o'clock, those good people here at the 2nd church of Laurens Mill, ::ame to see their pastor In the name f ia pounding. It was a dandy pound ing too. They brought an abundance Af everything used In the pantry, also i nice feather bed, all of which they placed on the dining table, and stood n the floor to hear what the pastor would say. Our heart was so full that we could hardly utter words, wo ire very grateful to our Heavenly Father and to these dear people for To the FARMERS of I There will be a load of as I on Monday, Jaunuiary :3, 1911 several years. These mules an will run in weight from nine pounds, ages from four to six to work. These mules were b .Jefferson City, Tein., and lie r if you will (ome d111)(1 look, I th they are- goo( ones. We math a deal with Mr. C< V4ar1 of mu11iles and if our frien Sa lesdIay ill Januar we think in the mu1le line. We thanik you for past fa, J. F. HICI OurBal/c Le U ake carp and as such we offer additi together with renewed eff< sonable favors to our cu solicit your account. STRENGTH, SECURI Make OUR -Ba Enterprise Nationm N. B. DIAL, Pres. ~Ch ristmas Time 'To remnember one's friends wi + (Oifts seetdfor quali.1ty is + affection, not by plOicy great est pleasure on 3 Chi s Quality is the one essenitial o othier seasoni of the year a critical tastes. It is not a good. Nunnally 's Candy is a quaility Swish for a "'Merry Christ and3( delicious--GOood to th: We have a large assortm< Powe Drmi their gifts, and especially do we feel thankful that we live in this good town -among such a kind- and appre clative people. They have stood by us nobly in the work this year. We can always do pond on'the good ladies for their pray crs and hel). May God richly bless every one and give then a joyful Christmas and a bright and prosper ous New Year. Iam His and theirs, An humble, unworthy servant of God, J. A. Brock. LAURENS COUNTY: ,ood young mules at our stable 1, as has been in Laurens for all East Tennessee nuiles and mtindred to twelve hundred years, and all mules are broke night, by Mr. T. A. Cowan of 1ways 1buys the good kind and nk you will agree with us that >WAII fOr a half inlterest in this d4 will come( to our stable on he enl Sell you what you want S & SON a/ Barnk. ofour money onal security and strength, )rts for courtesy and sea stomers. We respectfUlly TY, GONSERVAJilSM ik YOUR Bank. dl Bank of Laurens C. H. ROPER, Cashier is Candy Time* th apjpropriate gifts is the "ad OP quanlhtily-promfpted by -are the gifts that bring the Christmasr candlies, for at no4 re candies examined with such question of how much but howv gift that will fulfill your every mas." It is made, packed and ions so that it is pure, clean very last piece. Bnt of this kind of Candy I istmas. r Company LAND SALE. State of South Carolina, County of Richland. ..IN COURT OF COMMON PLEAS... W. Hampton Cobb, as Receiver' of Carolina Agency Company, Plaintiff, against John Y. Garlington, IDofendant. By virtue of an executiont to ic di rectod in the above stated case, on titled W. Hampton Cobb as Receiver of Carolina Agency Company, plaintiff, against John Y. Garlington, Defend ant, I will sell to the highest bidder, at public auction, for cash, within the legal hours of sale, at the Court House door Laturens Court House, Laui'ens, S. C., on Monday the 3rd day of Jan uary, 1916, salesdpy in January, 1916, the following described property, to wit: 1. An undivided one half interest In all that tract of land known as the W. B. Young tract, containing five hundred and fifty-five acres, more or less, situate in Jacks township, in Lau rens county, in the State of South Carolina, being bounded on the north by Duncan's Creek, on the east by lands of Geo. F. Young, on the south by lands of S. A. Riser and omg the west by Owens place; 2. An undivided one-half Interest in and to all that tract of land situate, lying and being in Jacks Township, in Laurens County, in the State of South Carolina, and known as the Ow ens place, containing live hundred acres, more or less, being bounded as follows; on the north by lands of M. Y. Garlington, cast by lands of Garl ington and Young and of Geo. F. Young, on the south by lands formerly known as James Rlay place, 1Riser place and others, and on the west by lands now or formerly of Mrs. M. Y. Garilinglon; 3. All that tract of land situate in Laurens County, in the State of South Carolina, containing three hundred and twelve and one-luarter acres, more or less, being bounded by lands now or formerly of J. Y. Garlington, and lands known as the Dank lands, form erly of L. P. W. Riser, the metes and boundaries of which will more fully a ppear by reference to a1 plat m1ade by Paul D. Ryser (or Kyser) of date 12th November, 1883; -1. All such iportions of these cer tai tracts of land as are situate in Laurens County, in the State of South Carolina, heretofore conveyed to .ohn Y. Garlington by Mlary Y. (Ga rlington by lier1 deed bearing (iate 12h1 illy of JAual IIi ry, 1899, described respectively as follows: a) Tract of one thousand acres, m1ore or less, known as tract, nu1mber t wo of the Keyser surevey, having such shapes, metes and bonilids as will more fully appear by piat mnade by Keyser: (b) Tract of flive hunldred and fifty acres, more or le.5s, known as tract uniliber thiree and having such shapes, metes an( bounmds as will more fully appear In the Keyser survey; (C) Tract of thirteen hundred and eighty nine acres, more or less hav ilg such metes and bounds as will more fully appear by said plat by said Keyser survey made ini 1883; All of tile above described property being known as the Samuel Young estate and situated partly iII Laurens ad(] partly in Newberry counties, ex centing such portion,; of said tracts of lan( as h uIve been by the said John Y. Garljagton, prior to the 8th day bf Janiiary, 1909, the (late of the levy of tile warrant of attachment heroin, conveyed to William S. I fatten, C. C. IRiser and Hf. I. Burton, respectively, containing 292, 600 and 381 acres re sPectively, by deeds bearing date 5th of July, 1901, 17th January, 1903, and 7th October, 1901, respectively and re Corded in the olfice of the Clerk of Court of Common Pleas for Laourens County, S. C. 5. All that tract of land containiing tell acres, more or less, boundedl north by lReedjy Fork Creek, east by Harper Street , in the City of Laurena, south by lot of Lee Langston, and Weost by landls of Mr's. S. D). Younlg, ex~cepting such lots andl portions of said tracts as5 wore conveyed biy Johni Y. Carling ton to various Iarties, lrior to the 8th day of Jlainuary, 1909, the (late of the levying of the warrant of attachment hereIn, by lia deedsa as appear of roe ord in thme 01l1ce of the Clerk of Court for Laurens County, and which wvere at such tIme In thle possessIon of par ties ot her than the said1 Johin Y. nai'l inigton1. Theli sald property, above dceribedl, beinug the hlroperly levied u Pon anid attached by me, on the 8th d1ay of Jlan uary, 1909, and1( now heldl by me, iunder andl by vIrtue of a warrant of' attach mont directedl to mc In the abiove on lit led case andl (luly executed by me 01n said( 8th (lay of January, 1909, said( property having beeni s0 at tachled and1( levied upon by me as thle prloperty of JTohn Y. Oarlington and( is to lie sold to satisfy the aforesaid emxecutlin and costs. JOh N D). OWINGS, Sheoriff, Laurens County, S. C. December 11th, 1915. 2t-3t / - An Anoying Break down is apt to occur at any time to any style or nmake of carriage, but the. chances of an accident arc greatly lessened if you have us inspect your running stock regularly. Trho wheelh that we place oni carriages last longer and run belter than the other kindl, for they are built right and put on right. We are export mechanics and eur' prices are reasonable. Let us put your carriage in shape. J. D. SEXTON &SON LAUREN, S. C.