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With Bottle in the House You Are Always Ready UMtiurriNn TakWtw (Copy for thia Drportment Btippllod by tbO American L«t|lon New* Service.) WORK OF VETERANS’ BUREAU Improvements for Relief of Soldiers In Accord With Legion Policies^ Director Says. — # Practically all accomplishments of the United States veterans’ bureau, re garded by Director Prank T. Hines as noteworthy Improvements for the rs- *llef of the soldier, have been advo cated, and are in accord with the pol icies of the American Legion, accord-, ing to Joseph Sparks, chqjrman of the national rehabilitation committee of the American Legion. Among' the recent actions of thf bureau for the relief of the disabled man have been provisions for a perma nent partial status to disabled bene- thk rfnrx.K. fUHxww.t.. c EDUCATION WEEK IN SCHOOLS males with most For the He Will relieve Coughs and Colds among horses and results. mV been for Distemper, Pink Eye, Catarrhal and Wc Excellent for Sold In Wc all American Legtan Will Have %m*mm Aid In Canducting Program ®a- glnrung Novembar 1*. The observance of American Edu cation week, t movement sponsored last year by the American Legion, which received whole-hearted co-op eration from school, church and civic authorities, has again been designated, and will begin Sunday, November 18. At the tfme set. Legion posts through out the country will unite In an effort from which practically every school child In the United States may profit. The slogan for the 1923 observance is, “Visit the Schools Today,” and is aimed to enlist more Interest In the Institutions of learning on the part of the parents. Garland W. Powell, di rector of the National Americanism commission of the American Legion, has outlined a definite program for the movement, which is receiving in dorsement of school authorities in every section of the country. Each day of the week has been set aside for some particular considers tlon. according to the program offered by Mr. Powell. Beginning with Sun day, when pastors of all denomina tions will deliver sermons on the rfr. ficUrtes now receiving compensation iBtionship of the church and the on a temporary portial rating, thereby j •w’hool. all phases and influences of reducing medical examinations, ellm- 1 ’w'hool life will be touched.. Monday, Inatlng Inconvenience to employed Recording to the program, is to ba beneficiaries and reducing travel and known as American ( onatltntlnn day personnel «, when It Is hoped that i concise Idea Another forward step of the hnreaV * fltlsenshlp «n«7 he obtained by strongly advocated by tba Legion, was «ioalderation of the Instrument wMcfe Sunday School * Lesson’ (By KB V. P. ». PTTZWATER, D. D, Taacbsr at English Blbl* In the Moody Blblo laaUtuU of Chicago.) (Q. IM*- WwUra N*w*p*p*r Oaloa.) * LESSON FOR OCTOBER 21 ISRAEL IN THE MIDST OF THE NATIONS LESSON TEXT—Josh. 1:1-4; Isa. l:S- 4; Isa. 19:23-25; Esek. 5:5. - GOLDEN TEXT—"Look unto me and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth.” —Isa. 45:22. PRIMARY TOPIC—Tho Beautiful Land of Israel. JUNIOR TOPIC—The Land God Chose for Hla People. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOP IC—Israel in the Midst of tho Nations. YOU NO PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC —The Strategic Position of Palestine. --o Local Prtde. get year Nat aajr asare." aweweead if t*e ('ayvMr K~e*va gattew ae we caB ■HAha eaa teab JasM aa gaaee ea4 east Jaal aa rigBl IB OBf ew^ beaae tawB,* Mat] L # t \. I )WN0 VWNW #4MH| 1§ii< iH i in wmiwi 1 ft fl I I • * ■ CORNS % Stop their pain in one minute l For qoick lasting relief from cores. Dr. Scholl's Zino-pads stop the pain in one minute by removing the cause —friction and pressure. Zino-pads are thin, safe, antiseptic, healing, waterproof and cannot pro duce injection or any bad after-effects. Three sizes—for corns, callouses and bunions. Cost but a trifle. Get a box to day at your druggist’s or shoe dealer’s, DZ Scholls XitiO'pads Put one on - tfur pain it gone /"Hidinga beant rash wont to caereal • btoet BBS tba eto|tloymrnt of atfacilva awtboda of plar»to*at of voratlnoa) fralnaaa. whl* h has been sou saafnl ta aaroring poasttotM for B7 par caot of *hp tralnaan. Latrmal rbaagae la tba upgpotloa af tba horvaa are tba alMataataB af a^ aaJBlarmitoo pvaebaad rxpa^sk by rtoa lag E5 aobdMtrtrt aAraa; eparvatra- ttaa af boroae aoppBaa la tbi'** large •oarvoi dn-*a aad laiaaiaey af aB ® co* MpgEso to •sualMta fMtbaa pab ebaaoo} aatabEMMag af e ae^ ttoa la tw aeggfy di*tofc*a. nMaMMa* IBM «f saaBBar Bedae ta roastsol sAmb aadba *ew bead. easabbMhawaf af aa iBa^vRbH) et«waaOk . eagBMfflBMi bp Ae law. bal aeoea aafbeo aaeeadMbegt rtedag af *«arfarea laaeaeBMA o s**ao mntmmmm bad Bae hooa *W**s eg ead oaow *w ocoe Kg oonf (too of (So pwevtgol It poaaible. Tba ebearvaace of /■- t< * I. Israel’s GaographiciK. Position (J<iali. 1:1-4, cf. Kzek. 5:^. Isrpel.* God's, chosen and most‘fa vored nation, the nation to whom He came nearest and gave moat In order that It might pass on Hla goodneas to the other nations of the world, was givet! a moat strategic position la the earth. ‘-Palestine waa adapted ea no other country for God'a great porpoae of preparing a pore retigloa and send log It ta all th# world. Ta this end a Hagi* halloa wee erterted. trained aad glared >B the center af tba world, ae that wbra the time came ta pebllab the tree religion all taada eeald be reerbed PeWattae waa central aad i(Hated, yet auAeelhli. far wbea (ba I lime came fag tba apcilea te ge frvan | Paieenae by the Medtuemanan aea la I tba t«ada reaad abeni a. and fmaa there in afbee tea la (hear • ay* waa SAY “BAYER” when you buy-'fatufae Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians foi; Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Toothache Neuralgia Rheumatism Atotrta b the tram Accept only "Bayer” package which contains proper directions. Handy “Bayer” baxea of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 190—Druggists. Maaafxur* e( UonoecetksctSMt** mt SalKyUsacH aaa'vr ww awve*| to relieve a coup SMITH BROTHERS 4ft COUCHjmOPS rauft i J« I i> J tones af Aa sms a SeStox |ewe»eee to* to %to*awe eB a M un vtUMii fwm Asn.iMi Sa dawetoa Ae* bato a* masgvasa Sa* c**«e • .*♦ * («-w*gp beam* ad toeaHiwea •■i • • *« iae ■ ato*ea< .ea A A*e Aa ««todMatol bad etotsaaeaaw igbep •AMM sag ■* -“♦‘aeew (a etoMMa P* ■as wus toem I Jar a abeaaw. • to awmto Bag «to* » * ■ e peweai-itoi ed a peseatoie «sa Lagtoa baa geared gees to Seaa»ma<(ag TW • to he mi gtotoarwSa# sag (Vbewee aad to lha SaeeW W Stow a ae "genaas aad • aad toga*w ef trasasaig ef •a*-*»%,• gat far laaeto *vtol ta m** «e far si-a i i«sa Asaraeg At * A Aa Mbt ea# At TAataday . Feeaeaeanaa ef to bttog efeetoi stady ef raadHA msaag At baeb HAAea end wm be (be aba Ae tbto dag. f Aa total eSto# fasteres af the •M ba ram- • r eai ■aasry % , t # «*** ■ * \ f | Ag - Ha# %dl #a#1N#I»> %w# Am |r a « • s • < •#-A ##Ml #1# A#AddMft t ## # |MN#H|nP# A 1mm ## MPMMi 0V9HM W MBS M iNPw ‘••HbM 00*6 0O%090t*0O f AaANNmaa Aa a aa labato ba ObabmAa baAaa a amaay aatoMbAAiA edRadgad Aaaaa aad atdsgad ba Aa abeto aagtaaa at baasaae la ba a^rseAenasd bg a Aged | abavM Abaa ace a raarbad Aa «dbas af M*w ibaaAa * —tt amttomai aaaaufltea maBmatlaa maaabat af vba Amaabnaa LagtAi aasMaty. Mrs eArtals. mas aaehaaiaad to «*vrtabe Aa parry and Apart tW A r* r *a4 V|* rbargo to a baapllal At ebaatv atleto sad iraatAtai. Ned is asm rwetilag rata daa ea ae aatvlca ami end tba Imgltoi la Bgbtlag Ms Helm far r*to * liar*. A dag eat# ptaygmaixl fn<-iiitt«e paasaikm through with tba vrttraad s®^ gvarral physical adacattoa will be bwrvee. argtd. ^„ Thrtmgh *Hfr*rtB of the Legion aad ANXIOUS TO HELP COMRADES — • sands vlaltad the schools dally. Tha American Legion Evar Ready ta Land r r*r > °U"r to the observance was gen- Aaaistance te “Buddiee” Needing ""d ,he raor ^ smhltloae program Protection °* 1* rxjieoted to bring about * tven a wider recognition of the poe- aihllitles of the.Legion's program. The hand of men of the American Support of the National Education Legion is always outstretched do help aaRociatlon, state sc hool authorities, a former comrade in necessity, ae- and other educational leaders prom- cording to the many reports reaching ise to make the legion’s education national headquarters of the organizu- week of nation-wide import and tlon. How a disabled man obtained benefit. srbaaA of tba BeCtoB wtH ba tapiea Ob Petsrday Hf«eva sill ba gi*sa la aadlaAg a pcagram Ac adacattoa •*f Amvrlraa yaaA atowg phyatral POST WILL CONDUCT SCHOOL ■ - ~~7ar—-- West Palm’ Beach (Fia.) Organitation Is Financing Kindergarten; Extend Program in 1924. j money due him through co-operation of his Legion “buddies," was recently j disclosed m a letter from Clearwater, ' Kansas. v . ' Clarence English. gassed and wounded, was forced to go West to recuperate. A Wichita man owed i EfigUsh $H)Q and the boy cashed a check he gave him, in payment of hOs- T* 16 American Legion is performing 1 expenses. But the check wks re- 1 distinct public service in West Balm turned qnd went fo protest a second B eiK 'h. F^a., where the local post is time. ThVdebt wasjfcen called to the- financing and standing sponsor for a attention of .^a Legion post com- kindergarten. Seventy-five children rounder, who saw t*. it that a delega- wI11 attend the Legion’s school during tlon of Legionnaires Nulled on the the winter months, creditor and paid English in full. The * Th * kindergarten la under super- former soldier, through hla grateful of th * e**/ school authorities, mojher, expressed spprerlatlon of the but could not have been opened except Legion's effort In settling the matter. f, ’ r tb# partirlpstlea, of some outside , ageary to furniA l TbsA •aa Measar estoaasat. Me restma a stobsry esse tbs . ... As A* *as gtotoa Ms » a to *baa Mesas basa Ass bis Mam af fs gamers • es eras be sageasaaf Aabas Aa sarsaaam « rbaMtotol ef A* AsaMSAA ef As taaf Si Tbs toas aea tbsere bg stosTa gsvsmaa bal M tovasse Atose aasg ss Assy As> s#*sa*as a ams 6m flL 06 660* • % 06 IMMl VMM 1 MPM# M^w#fN§ HMl Ml pwMMMAM 06 6k. CvMMMM MM#At |##% M# fWAAMt ■f As Maassasg fa As* a toeawaga bs to «ss sf asm seas af Asa aas «ass> age * • k Ms AtotoMaAM A (A As e**Aa m aas baaaAa by Aa *eassa tosaasaaas ef l^amasa *a as earn bg As fcamasaMs **»as am BA saaA bg As ‘gssai sa*f MssASs’ gssssb s bsesas AgbA Atoaffb abSA As ebM ersa sf Aages bs4 aaaamaS As Asqg gases, sag as As asai A Aa IBaA tosvaaaaa aaa M AAaMsf sM sf AaaA B *sea«a Asssss AA A tsab tsaeeasaf BtoA f*«A gasaassag femg Aa AaA H. to*asre ggMean* sag Aesaae* FsarbAs (Aa S JS. A M3*t Tbaa gastasas As gbses sf AMasars abSA Aau A assmaaf A Aras« A a (bears uas L brass b Aea A fa. 1>—“A As Aas 4Mga a> Mg -bam fags' A aasaMy asaat A BrvtgtafS As uaa sf As liraitob Sir «l Art sf sM J asst I rsstsrettoa sf As katfisA sf JbfBb ts tA pAes sf prsstolBA s cieg tA aattoem sf As aaytf. Mesa tala' A Brrlptsrs aytobsUsee k Agfa si lass Dsa. 2 »; Rev. 11:1. 11^-11). This «ikioa sf Zloa's glory refers ts tA mtlieonlsl age. at ablrh tlam ether nation* of the aorld will learn of the true God through the chosen nation. 8. The Result of <vv. 2-4). The re turn of God's favor to this chosen peo ple ahall he “life from the dead.” To the nations of the earth (Kora. 11:15). (1) Nations shall flow unto it (v. 2). This pictures the masses of the people moving toward Jerusalem like streams from all parts of the earth. (2) Na tions encouraging each other (v. 3). Ail jealousies are now taken from na tions, and with good will to each other they are moving to Jerusalem, the world’s capitol. They are going there to be taught ef God the right ways to walk. They go to be instructed odt of His holy Word. There is but one way to peace in the world, that is, back to God through His holy Scriptures. (3) Peace in the earth (v. 4). When Isreal shall be in her God-appointed place with Jesus Christ as king, then war will be over. The implements of war will then • be ‘destroyed. (4) Friendly communication (Isa. 19:23- 25). As soon as wickedness is taken from men’s hearts they will establish means of friendly communication. <Ua f i t ti <Bf gas « •fatotod A * MaaA •gR ARmasse A abs tt pas tba fbto asnf absto Bbs #bgpa a Sato asa AMAaf Bswttf aB to*A'fctoM to (to* to»f peiaBartBai A vast totoMsw ertffc was A rttUNC Of MLCUiUlT TA AR C AA Ms IV As Ask (A bA A si Mag Amm af bas aaaa tosAato sail Mas M CM. MasAs to Ity As gS>9» agBSaay SBd ASSB meat af A* (MAr aastd. aad R laSar prat* by npcvatoSg. sttb Aap4rt>4 <vA vtottuB. IA Mass a ad lava af As A' ward world af man's mcaf aad aplr , ttaal Bator* In other avmta. pastry ; Is iBtsrpretlve both A bavlag Bat uml magic la It. and by Avtag moral . (frofuBdlty.—Mutthew AraoltL Cuticura Soothaa Itching Scalp. On retiring gently rub spots of dan druff and itching with Cuticura Oint ment. Next morning shampoo with Cuticura Soap and hot water. Make them your everyday toilet preparations and have a clear skin and soft, white hands.—Advertisement • Testing Out Conditions. “My hut Is in the ring!” exclaimed the aggressive politician. . “That,” said Senahjt-Sorgtrum, “is a prudent move. Wait and see whjjt happens to the hat and maybe yob’ll decide to postpone going in after it.” curry chemical co- A* Kk( KraOMAA. or KM.HO. TMOeS Atolrlac yi*Ja boto« aSVAB. Na c**«aa*taa. City, ro—try Ta *rav»at rartosity ***K*r*L m*4 lie far *anipl«. laformattaa Ua*4 W»ar Oa«N Ca ■ la* , Aabary PmrK, W. J. Faith and Works. Gotfei^-Where’s Mr. McDougal—It he coming in? Caddie—He’s awa’ back In the bunker. Ah left him wi’ his mashie and his n.aker.—Bystander (London). Hairs Catarrh Medicine Treatment, both local and internal, and has been success- fid in the treatment of Catarrh for over forty years. Sold by all druggists. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio p«>^*rkabl« A Right Tbs Knmmslera* smoking ear wss to. aA bad Asa rsAfAg stsrlasi mg Sf AS Realizing the BrresMty for tbs serif training of tue Hals folk As Legion bee takes (tags a sagely As bss< Qssd Tidings. How beautiful upon the mountains are th# feet of him that brlngeth good tidings.—Isa. 52 T. Holy acrtptsri. Help Bert stars M a sirasa a ag ss*er abses al ko As tost sataa and As AsA ania Allen! Ranges name "Allen” < X new mife r< 29 ynen’ te bofldme food Te^dtF, dm * • mb