University of South Carolina Libraries
IWafay. Jmm SO, 1M0 THE CLINTON CHRON1CLF 9 News Around Rock Bridge Mr. aad Mn. Prank Oakley and cMldran of Spartanburg, wara week end guects of the former's parents, Mk. and Mrs. Clarence Oakley. Joanne Mahon and Jean Reed of Greenville, are *>eodinc the week with the letter’s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Ramage. Jerry and Gene Forrester are va cationing at Folly Beach this week, going as gueats of their brother, Donald Lawton and Mrs. Lawton of Orangeburg. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Ray of Spar J nburg, visited the former hroth- , J. 0. Ray, and Mrs. Ray Sun day. Calvin Adams was visited by his twin brothers, Johnny and Joe Ad ams, and little sister, Patsy, last Tuesday. Billie Jones of ItamweR, is spending this week with Calvin. Mrs. Mabel Godfrey visited her brother, Belk Godfrey, and family in Greenville Sunday. ROCK BRIDGE GIRLS AT CAMP FELLOWSHIP Earline Austin, Jane Adams, Grace Orr and Velma Bolt were ac companied by their student pastor, Paul Reid, to Camp FeHowMiip last far a i Mr aad Mrs eon. Gena, of McCue of G coofcmit with Mr. and Mn. Jama Bolt and family last Wednesday Miss Violet Burgess of Dwtem. N jC., was here two days last week visiting her mother, Mn. Joe Bur- gen. MR .YOUNG AT PORT STEWART Second Lt. Lawrence Young of Battery D, 1st AW Bn, SOrd Artil lery of the South Caroline National Guard, is in training at Fort Stew art, Ga., for two weeks. Wylie Davis, who is attending J. R. Crawford SURVEYING CLANTON, g. O summer school at Winthrop Col lege, was at home withe her par ents, Mr. and Mn. Lawrence Da vis, over the week-end. Visiting with Miss Davis was her room mate, Miss Priscilla Roundtree of BnrawelL Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilkie were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Green in Inman Sunday. MOTHER ILL Mr. and Mrs. E. D. McCullough were called to Middleton, Ga , last Saturday due to the serious illness of Mr. McCuBough’s mother, Mrs. Bessie McCullough. Mr. and Mrs. Canon Neal spent several days last week with Mrs. Neal’s mother and sister, Mrs. C. M. Broome end Miss Betty McDon ald. They visited relatives in Great Falls and Lockhart on Thursday VISIT MOUNTAINS On Sunday Mn. C. M. Broome and daughter, Mias Betty McDon ald, Mr and Mks. Carson Neal and daughter, Dianne, visited points of interest in the mountains of North Carolina. On their return (rip they spent some time at Cnsaor’a Heed Girls Softball TEENERS RATTING AVERAGES Player AB M Avg. Nichols If IS m Robbins, 14 10 .713 Shealy 13 10 JT Hill It LI 57? Davidson 21 10 «7« Milam 21 • .429 Nettles 10 • .175 HsseWen IS 4 .308 Home Rune—Clara Belle Hill and Mary Nettles. MIDGETS BAITING AVERAGES Player AB H Avg. Sniders 4 8 .750 Simpson 11 5 .435 Simmons \ 6 2 .333 Horton 9 2 .222 C. H. Burgess Gray Court — Claude Hughes (Jack) Burgess, 78, of Rt. 2, Gray Court, died Tuesday morning in Laurens Hospital after an illness of one week. He was a native of Union Coun ty and was the son of the late John Thomas and Margaret Ivey Bur gess. He was a farmer and a mem ber of Trinity Methodist Church. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Ella Langston Burgess; one daughter, Miss Claudella Burgess, of Gaff ney; four brothers, Barth Burgess, of Clinton; Joe Burgess, of Cross Anchor; Phelps Burgess of Grty Court, and Alvin Burgess, of Laur ens; two sisters, Mrs John Greg ory, of Union, and Mrs. Ruth Vin son, of Woodruff Funeral services were conducted at Trinity Methodist Church Wed nesday at 4 p. m. by the Rev. Roger Branan and the Rev. M. B. Lee Burial was in the church cemetery Social Security Art yn loss then a year old or era thm the proverbial three score and tan? IF your work is cov ered by social security, it w« make > difference anyway. Many people believe that workers under age 21 and over 43 are not covered by social security and do not need aortal security cards. If your work is covered by the law, your wages or self-employment in come must be reported for social security purposes, Your social se curity number must be shown on this report. And, regardless of your age, you’re never too young or too old to be covered by social security or to have a social security number. S. C. Library Broad Reading Gab For children’s programs: 1. Summer reading is fun! Espec- ally if you join the Carolina Trails Reading Chib at the Laurens County Library. Be sure to go before July 1 so you can enroll. 2. Do you know your state bird? It’s the Carolina Wren, and while you’re reading about it you can be earning credit toward an attractive certificate- if you join the Carolina Trails Reading Chib at the Laurens County Library. 3. Of course, you’ve heard of Francis Marion and his daring Red Rope - Mouth Smacking - Guaranteed WATERMELONS m the Swamp Fox, but did now you can read about his in several books at the County Library' These books ara on the rending list for the Carolina Trails Rending Club 4. Are you going to the beach this summer? Join the Carotins Trails Reading Club at your library and while earning a certificate you can have fun reading about the crabs, fish and sea sheMs you’ll see at the beach. Services Held For Mrs. Rathbonn, 75 Mrs. Chester Rathbonn, 75, of Rt. 1 .Clinton, died early Thursday in the Laurens County hospital after an illness of one month. She was a native of Del Rio, Term., but had made her home with her granddaughter, Mrs. Roy Osborne, for the past 12 years. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Ida Hanks of Laurens; one brother, Ancen Rathbonn of Tennessee; five sisters, Mrs. Maude Hill and Mrs. Lita Freeman, both of Del Rio, Tenn.; Mrs. Rachel Hill of Florida, Mrs. Litha Davis of Laurens; and Mrs. Sarah Ann Cogdill of Hartford, Tenn.; three grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted at the Kennedy Mortuary chapel at 2:00 p m Saturday by the Rev. Tony Gevalae. Burial was in Forest Lawn cemetery. Pallbearers were Charlie Davis, Leon Davis, Whit Buie. Robert Da vis, Henry Gentry, and John Har mon. Southern BeH Installs 7,00O,00OHt Telephone Southern Bell’s seven millionth telephone was installed Wednesday, June 22. The telephone went into service at the University of Florida at Gainesville. Ben S. Gilmer; of At lanta, Southern Bell p resident, made the official presentation to University President Dr. Wayne Reitz. This latest million was added in record time. Compafly officials said the number of telephones increased from six to seven million in only 23 months .compared to the 28 months it took to add the previous million. 7/te Old, 7muui Southern Bell serves nine southern sUtes-nAlabama. Florida, Georgia. Kentucky, Louisiana. Mississippi, North Carolina. South Carolina, and Tennessee There are now 3,272 of these telephones in Clinton. U was 50 years befor Southern Bell reached its first million tele phones. and about 10 years ago, there were only three million South ern Bell Telephones In the past decade, the number of telephones has more than doubled. Southern Bell now operates in 1,117 exchanges and employs more than 65,000 people . “Gossip too often goes la •e ear aad oat the mouth." Notice, Dog Owners t All dogs in the city must be inocu lated against rabies and wear the necessary tag. \ * After July 15, dogs found not dis playing such tags will be destroyed. City o! Clinton By Order of Council The Bootery's Big Annual Ladies' Summer WHOLE MELONS EACH Jane Parker Large 8-Inch APPLE PIES * Jane Parker Ring Cake ANGEL FOOD Each AP 1 “Super-Right” Quality - Delicious All-Meat FRANKS 1-LB. PACKAGE Pure Gold Brand Frozen Concentrated LEMONADE Prir«a la This A4 Ara Effective Through Saturday. July 2nd ing Truly Tremendous Savings! Wide Variety From Which To Choose! NOW IN PROGRESS All Famous-Brand Shoes From our regdlar stock Come Early! Bring Your Neighbor! VALUE TO $17.99 VALUE TO $14.99 VALUE TO $12.99 $12. 88 $9,88 $7 88 One Lot 1 One Lot SUMMER CASUALS Casual & Dress Shoes Values To $5.99 1 Values To $14.99 *2 88 to $ 3 88 ■ *500 Choose from white, pastel, straw, patent, navy, beige and multis! - a Choose from dress styles, casuals and flats! Chooe from pumps, sandals, halters! Open, stripped, closed-up styles! Choose from high, medium, low, edge or flat heels! — ALL SALES FINAL— Bootery, LAURENS GREENWOOD