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Of the Reunited DmrtcC Party in thi; Camp.ign, IT IS ASOUN:. Do CUMENT. Imperialism is the Paramount issue, Because by it the Re public of Our Fathers is Imperilled. Following is the official text of the platform as agreed urn by the com mittee on rcsolti5ons and uresetrn to the National Democrati C0:Tent'.OO: We, the rerresentaves of .th Dem cratic party of the V:;ite ats as sembled in NatiCn Ccnve:cu the anniversary of the asoi n of 1o ) laration of the o L a firm our faith in t l-ationior al prolam tion of the inaliensbie ngasof man ana our allegiance to the Co.stitution framed in harmony therewith by the fathers of the Repub'ie. We hold with the United States Supreme Court that the Declaration of I dependence is the spiIit of our Govertnment. of which the Cor.s-itution is the formi and lett'.r. We declare again that all governments instituted among meu oernv-e thcir just powers from thc e'nsenzof the geverric; that any goverrinent not ba.d upon the consent of the govcrned is a tryanny, and that to impose upon any people a government of force is tosubstitute the methods of imperialism for those of a republic. We hold that the Constitu tion follows the flag, and denou:ce the doctrine that an executive or Congres, deriving their <xisterce and their power. from the onatiu:i n, can cxcr cise lawfui authority b 1Ea it or in violation of it. We a-s rt that no na tion can long endure h e ipuelic anc half empire, and we wru the A ens:an people tiat imperialism abroad will leau quickly and i zvna:y to -ou-m at ho:e. THE PORTO IICAN SCANDAL Blieving lu J f aal r ciples, we u eeteA P ri 1 law, ezac ed by a . iia Con as agai;nst the pr(s n . iti fg the 1)emocratie nnry a:: a os ncC open violation of the natiocn O:-: le law dad a fiarart brc o the nauonal good fani. L* "-1s upon the peope of Porto Rico avert.ia wainout tei-i consent 3d1 o without 4 repeen tato3. eu d'honors te A can p o pie by repudia'ing a sa.u pledge made in thir h alf:b te c0T::-and ing genera o of ora whe t.e Porto Ricaus 1,-e to a paceful and unresisted ceapation th~.r land It doen:ed to p'rty a- dsrs a people wh"-e L.e4?+'5s' ..'-appeal-s utt peculiar fore, to o1r j1-tce n'! mag nanimity. In this. he, ac of its i:perialistic progr:zna- h 'eRpubli can p:,r:y seks to c izr"t the United Statiu to a colonial poeco Inoistcnt withRhublican i::'ita us and en demned by the Surm Court -n nuzero'us ecisions. WE 31UST NoT CH]EAT CtSA. We dcased the pi:-e't and honest fulfilment of cur peccge to the C'uban people and the world th~at the Unrted States has no disposition nor itnention to exercise sovereignty, jurisdictiore control over the Islaa~d c: Cuba, e xcpt for its pcifiesation. Tim war, endedi nearly two years ra, prsternad praec reigns cver all the iMand, sti the Ad ministration keeps the g 'vernment A the island from its pe'p'e, while Re publican carpet-bag otieis luader its revenues and ex ploit the colonial the-6r3 to the disgracc of the Ame:-iean people. SHAME OF THF FILPINO WAR. We condemn ard dernousee in: Philippine policy ci the present Ad ministration. it has involved the Rp public in unnecessary war, sacrificing the lives of many of our nobles sons, and placed the United States, previously known and applauded throughout the world as the ehbampior of freedom, in the false and Un- Amer' can position of crushing with militarj force the efforts of former allies t< achieve liberty and self-government. The Filipinos cannot be citizens with. out endangering our civilization; thej cannot be sulj''ts without iltP':riliins our form of poerament, and. ss we are not willhng to surrender our ci-.'lzatiot or totonnrt the R.t. ie into an c fl pire, we fav r a' itmwd'. .' celaration of the nation, viz: e t . efom government; second, i repe:AenCe. third, protection from oat.ide i.r b once, such as has been give n for e al, a L'utury to the Republics of Centra and both America. Thegre"dy cmmer::ialism which die tated the Philippine policy of the Re publican Administration attcrnpts t justify it with the plea that it will pay but even this sordid and unwcr h- rle] fails when brought to the test of facrs. The war of criminal aggression agains' the Filipinos, entailirng an annual ex pense of many miuions, has alreadj cost more than ary possible prost thai could accrue fronm the entire Philip pine trade foryears to come. Further more, when trade is extended with th expense of liberty the price is alway too high. IiFFERENCE BETWEEN EPXPANSIO3 AND IlPERIALtsM We are t~ot oppnd to arritorir.l ex p-.nsion when it takes indesirab leterri tory whiith can be erected into S'u~ee in the Union, and whosi people ar~ wiliing and fit to beexe Amtri:t eatzens. We favor expansion by every peace ful and~ legit mate -ans. Bat are un alterabi:. opposed to ezing o.rpurchas ing of distant i.ade to be coverne: outside theC anat't .u. n d Los pcc pie can Tnevr becomee citiz*ns. -We are in' r feedn the Repub'ace -,i''en..a o~ - is= but belie.' t aa ioe :hn zb ex tended, no bv ~ea asa vinee, but through~ -h.pruanre powr of s high and "saal empe. e im~r portancs of d e .vo ne pendire before thet American pe'' is in ne wise dimn:hing, and the D)e-ocratic party takes no) ba kward t:i) from" its position on them, but the burni-eg is sue of imperialism, giron ot of rh< Spanish wa-. i-d--s t e very exist ence of the Repubolic and the destrue. ton of our free inst mio s. We re gard it as the Farsust i.uceof tN( cam p~gn. TH'E MCNO (E D CPJE Thke dce:'ratio in heRublicar Convem ion iu -leU Oih -:t the Republinpat:T x i heres to -eple . ueii Monroedetie'i oe u ii. eere and. dr'-i-ve.T rc-so is contradca by 11 -m se or the paty in o a lk to~ the spir" of the :3Ionrce dcrine, to acquiread hold sovereignty over large areas of territory and large n urnbers of peopik inthe Eastern hemisphere. We insti on the strict maintenance of the Mo0n h in .etter and in u pir' as . to pre nt the txtension of Euro ---mority en this continent, ana as c stalto our supremacy in Amer e3 fai. At. the same time we de c~are that no American people shall ever be held by force in unwillirng sub jection to European authority. We militarism. It means conquest abroad and intimidation and oppression at home. It means the strong arm which has ever been fatal to free institutions. It iA what muI lions of our citizens have fled from in I Earre. I will impose upon our peace lovitg 1e-ple a large standing army and unCa:-sary burden of taxation and a constant menace to their liberties. A small standing army and a weh disci plhntd State militia are amply sufficient in tiue peace. This Republic has no p for a vast mihiary service and ceriuon)f. -r1US TO OUR VOLUNTEERS. When the nation is in danger the volunteer soldier is his country's best defender. The National Guard of the United States should ever be cherished in the patriotic hearts of a free people. Such organizations are ever an element of strength and safety. For the first time in our history ard coeval with the Philippine conquest has there been a wholesale departure from the time honored and approved system of voluu tecr organization. We denounce it as Un-American, Un-Democratic and Un-Riepublican, and as a subversion of the ancient and fixed principles of a free people. TRUSTS DENOUNCED. Private monopolies are indefensible and intolerable. They destroy compe tition, control the price of all material and of the finished product, thus rob bicg both producer and consumer. They lessen the employment if labor and arbitrarily tix the terms an'd condi tions theretf. and deprive individual ene z. aui nMali capita' of their oppor tunityf betterment. They are the most efficient means yet devis;ed for appropriating the fruits of industry to the benefit of the few at :he expense of the many, and unless their insatiate greed is checked all weah i:! be asregated in a few hans andn the R.pIblic destroycd. The isonr paterg with the truer. ev1 by the liepublican party in State and national platforms is conclusive proof of the trutha of the charge that trusts are the legitimate product of Re iublican policies; that they are fostered b'y Republican laws, and that they are pretecied by the Republican Admainis tratiou in return for campaign subscrip tis Sad political support. We pledge the De~nocratic party to an uncesing warfare in nation, State ;ad city aainst private monopoly in 'v-ry form. Existing laws against rasts nust be enforced and more strin ent onrs must be enacted, providing or publieity as to the affairs of corpor Itions enazed in Inter-State commerce and requiriing all corporations to show, before doinz buniness outside of the State of their origin, that they have no water in their stock, and that they haye Dot attempted and are not at tempting to monopolize any branch of bisr the production of any arti elescfm mechandise, and the whole constit'utiet al power of Congress over Irie'r State commuerce, the mails and al modes of Inter State communication shall be exereised by the enactment of cmprehensive laws upon the subject of trusts. Tariff laws should be amend ed by putting the products of trusts upon the free list to prevent monopoly under the plea of protcetion. The failure of the present Republi can Administration with an absolute cntrol of the branches of the National Government to enact any legislation de signed to prevent or even curtail the absorbing power of trusts and illegal combinations, or to enforce the anti trust laws already on the statute books, proves the insincerity of the high-soun ing phrases of the Re publican platform ICorporations should be protected in all their rigtits and their legitimate in terets should be respected, but any at tempt by corporations to interfere with the public affairs of the people, or to control the onvreignty which creates them shou'd be forbidden under 3uch penalties as will make sucht attempt im posible. EVIL5 01 pROTECTION. IWe condemn the Dingley tariff as a trust-breeding measure, skilfully de Ivised to give the few favors which they do not deserve, and to place upon the mauis burdens which they should not bear. We favor such an enlargement of the scope of the inter State commerce law as will enable the commission to pro teet individuals and communities from dicriminations and the L-ublic from unjust and unfair transportation rates. SIXTEEN TO ONE. We reaffirm and endorse the principles of the national Democratic platform adopted at Chieago in 1896, and we re iterate the demand of that platform for an American finsociii system made by the American people for themselves, which shall restore and maintain a bi metallic price level, and as part of rsuch eystem the itmu:ediate restoration of the free and unlimited coinage of silver and gold at the present legal ratio of 16 to , without waiting for the aid or con sent of any other nation. We denounce the currency bill en aced at the last session of Congress as a sep forward in the Republican policy which aims to discredit the sovereign right of the National Governisent to iaue all money, whether coin or paper, a-d to bes:ow upon national banks the -o er to issue and control the volumie of paper money for their own benefit. IA pemsmen: national back eurrency, secured by Govcrnment knis must have a pertuaneut debt to rent upn and if the bank currency is to increase with popuaton and baisinsss the debt must also increime. The Republican cur rmily sceeme is, therefore, a scheme 'for f~te cir g upon taxpayers a perpetual a~d growirg debt for the ben~fit of the b~nks. We are opposed to this private corporaioa paper circulated as money, but without legal tender qualities, and demand the retirement of the national bank notes as fast as this Government paer or a Iver cetificates can be sub sti~uted for them. PoPULAR ELECTION OF SENATOR.. Wfav'r an amendment to the Fed dea ostitution providing for the elcetin of nitedStates Senators bya diret vote of the people, and direct leilstion wherever practicable. Wec are op posed to government by in uncion: we denounce the black-list nd favor arbitration as a means of set tig disputes between corporationa a~d their emplioyees. n the interest of American labor Iand the upiif~ing of the workingman as the corner-stone of the prosperity of our country we recommend that Con gress create a department of labor in charge of a secretary, with a. seat in the Caiet, believing that the elevation of the American laborer will bring in creased prosperity to our country at nC arc proul etne ile n a - delity of the Aaerican ier and sailois in all our wars; weavr noerai pensions aod we rcizerate the posiiion taken in the Chicago platforI Of 1896, that the fact vf culistment and strvice shall be deemed conclusive evidence against disease and disability before enlistment THE NICARAU'AN CANAL We favor the immediate constifac tion,.ownership and control of the Nica ragua Canal by the Unied States, and we denounce the insincerity of the plank in the national Republican platform f!.r an Isthmian canal, in the face of the failure of the Republican ma5jrity to pass the bill peniing in Ccngress. We condemn the Hay- 1'suneefote treaty as a surrrtder of American rights and intcreLts not to be tolratcd by the Amuerizan people. STATES To BE ADMTITTED. We denouneo the iailure of the Re publican pariy to carry oat its pledges to grant Statehood to i'e Territories of Arizona, New Mexico an'd Oklahoma. and we Iromise the people of these Territories immediate Statohood and home rule during their condition as Territories, aud we favur home rule and a Territorial fLrm of goverrment fur Alaska and Porto Rico. We favor an intelligcnt system of improving the arid lands of the West, storing the waters for purposes of irri gation and the holding of such lands for actual settlers We favor the continuasce and strict enforcement of the Chinese Lx~lusion law and its application to the -awe classes of Asiatic races. SYMPATHY WITH THE BOFRS. Jefferson said: Peace, comme.rce and honest friendship witu all nations; en tangling alliances with none. .We ap prove this whoIesome dectrine and earnestlv protest a-ainst the Republi can departure, whcich ha involv d us in so-called world p:linte;, inetualria the diplomacy of Europe and the in tri;.ue aud land-graning of Aa, aid we esptcahly cudeon the 1i n cealed R-:ublicac aai;.' 'iih Eng iand, w~icer must u.ean d'ertuinatoU aga?nst other frie i natiors as hich has aire-ad. stdi-:d the nationi vice while ipo:;y es ueing stran-gic in Africa. Believing in the principles of self government and rej cting. as did our forfathcrs, the claim of monarchy, we view with incigaiion the pirp)se of England to over;heln with force tre South Afrieu ruuius. Saking, as we do, for the eratire Anorican ration, ccept its p alica 0ffie-holders, ad for Zl. frneeen everywhere, we extend our syn;tics to the heroic L r .ers in t, e ucp5a strui t -n m taia their liberty au' id pera ene. EXTRAVAGANCE DENOLTNCED. We denounce tho lavish appropria tions of recent Rep'blican Congres, which have kept tax 1 Igh a w'Ic threaten the p-ripetuativn of t heQ I ive warlvies. Weoppose the acc la tion of a surplus to be squard -1i such barefaced fraudu nypa the x: ay I er3 as the shippin ug iV i. whinc, uder the !a-e 'ret:e of proi-cring A -erican, -e ou d pt f - earned miillipe into the priets of ftv orite contributors to the Rcjublican capaign fund. We favir the redue ion and sped repeal ofthe war taxes and a return to the titehonored Demo ratic policy ot striet economPy in Gev ernmental expenci:ure!. Believing that our most ciherishr- in situtiors arc in great penil; th ut the very existecce of our cerntutioaai Repulic is at stake, and that the da ci ion now to be rendered will deter mine whether or not our children are to enoy those bloed privileges of free govrnmeont which havo made the Umit ed States great, prosperous and hoa orod we earnesdly askc for the foregoing declaration of princies the hearty eup prt of thc liter~y-leving Ansenican people, regardien 0t previous party The Widows of India Last Sunday a sermon was preached Iin a Washington cburch in which the minister spoke touchingly about the condition of the people in India. Es pecially the dreadful suffering of the little children left by the necessity of the famine to "starve in the fields or be devoured by jaickals," too ?eak to defend themselves A few I -.ets and figures may be of interest to some who are not acquainted with the miseries suffered by a large portion of the fc male population of Q:1ecn Victoria's subjects in India, and of whom our no ble American women have been uncea9 ing in their efforts to improve the e >n dition. There are nearly t wenty-three millions of widows; (:f thcse fourteen thousand are baby widows, under four years of a-ce, and six'y thousand girl widows be twe-en five and nine years of age. Besides many miillions of des. rted wives whose condition is in 'o:nc eca', worse than that of the widow-, ti*:ir lives are made so toiserable t!:a'!.: prefer death, and thousands coamit suicide annually. Woman is considered by the Hindoo as a thing that (exists solely for their use. She is given awray like a lifeless thing to the man who is to he her lu+i band, and who is comTanded by his religion "never to l.-ve her or ; ut cau. fidence in her." Otr three bunadred of these poor and miserable child widows and deserei wives arc casre' far, protected. and htapp:, in a miidot called the "Mukti Hlem -.' And ti' something more can be dorne f--r the.-c children than resculios a.- teaching them to read and write, and by to di. further fu!fiil the weords of cur taater, ' lungry, and ye gace mue mecat." FREE BLOOD CURE An Offer Providing Faith to Sufferers Eating Sores, TFumors. VGeers, r all curable by B. B. B. (Baotanie Blo'd Balm.) which is made especially to cure all teribie Blood Diseases. Pecrsistent Sores, Blood and Skin Biemtishes, Serofula, that resist other trearteents, are quickly cured by B. B. B. (Bot anic Blood Balm). Skihi Eruptions, Pimis ples, Red, itching Eczema, Scales, Blisters, Boils, Carbuncles, Blotehies. Catarrn. Rheumatism. etc.. arc all due to bad blood. anid heece e-a-ily cured by B. B. B. B>looPos.n prouo' Eating Sores Eruptin, Sue zlands, S->re Throat etc'.,o erl b B. B. B. (Botani Boo I-ha ::t fi;-e months. B. B. B. d tou tai vegetable or mia l poion sale by druggists everywher. Lar-ge bottles $1, six fon five 3. Write for ree sanplebottle, which will be~ snlt, prepaid to Times readers. deseribte simptons and personal free medicaf advice will be given. Address Bioed Baln Co., Atlanta. Ga. A kingdom for a cure. You need net pay so miuch. A twenty-five cent bot tle of L. L. & K. Will drive all ills .away. ThE BEST TO COME. Dr. Talmage Draws a Lesson From The Marriaoe Feast. A HOLY MERRIMENT. Joyous Features of Christian Re lig'on Clearly Presented. The World Invited to a Feast of Holy Merriment. A rcp" rkable illustration of the ubiquity of Eaglish speaking people is furnishe: by tOe rcqucets that have reach.d Dr. Talmage in northern Europe for a sermon in out of the way places where he did not expect to find a single person who could understand him. There as here, he presents re liion as a festivity and invites all the world to come as guests and join in its holy merriment: text, John ii, 10, "Thou hast kept the good wine until now." This chapter invites ui to a marrige celebration. It is a wedding in common life, two plain people having pledged each other, hand and heart, and their friends having come in for congratula tioa. The joy is not the less because there is n) pretension. In each other they find all the future they want. Tue daisy in the cup on the table may mean as much as a score of artistic garlands fresh irom the hothouse. When a daugh ter goes off from home with nothing but a plain father's blessing and a plain mother's love she is mi.,sed as muct as ttiugh she were a princess. It seems ha:d. after the parents have bheliered ier for 1S years. that in a few sher wonths hor Affecti,:ns hould have been *arricd uff by another, but mother re memb~ers how it was in her own case when bhe was you,;g. and so -he brtees up unti! the wedAiog I. passed ani the baqlieters are g.oe, aud she has a cry al loe. Weli we are today at the wedding in Cana of Ga iiee. Jesus and fis mother have betn invited. It is evident that :here are more people there than were expected. Either some pecple have come wuo not invited or more in i. i ;;ins have been seut out than it was Upo:ed "ould r--accepted. Oicoursu I - 1e is not a suffi!ieUt supply of wine. You know that there is nothing more embarras-ing to a housekeeper tLan a I .:at supply. Jesus sees the euoar rassment. and he comes up immediately to relieve it. Ile sees staiiding six ;ater p;ts. He orders the servaots to fil them with water, :hen he waves nis hard over the water, and iamediately it is wine-real wine. Taste of it and ,,c for yourselves. No logwood in it, no srrychninc in it, but first rate wine. I will not now be diverted to the ques tion so often discussed in my own coun try whether it is right to drink wine. I am describiug the scene as it was. When God makes wlin. he makes the very best wine, and 130 gallons of it 1tanding around in thie wa'er pots wine so'good that the ruler of the feasts tastes it and says: "Why, this is real ly better than anything we have had. Thou hast kept the good wine until now." Becautiful miracle! A prize was offered to the person who should write the best essay about the nmiracle in Cana. L i g manuscripts were pre sented in the competition, but a poet won the prize by just this one line descriptive of the miraele: "The con scious water saw its G~d and blushed." We learn from this miracle, in the first place, that Christ has sympathy with housekeepers. You might have thought that Jesus would have said: "I cannot be bothered with this house hold deficiency of wine. It is not for me, Lord of heaven and of earth, to become caterer to this fest. I have vaster things than this to attend to." Not to said Jesus, Thle winte gave out, and Jesus by miraculous power came to the rescue. Does there ever come a scant supply in your household? Have you to make a very close calculation? Is it hard work for you to carry on thinzs decently and respectably? if so don't sit down and cry. Don't go out and fret, but go to him who stood in the hcuse in Cana of Galilee. Pray in the parbr. Pray in the kitehen. Let there be rno room in all your house un constecrated by the voice of prayer. If you have a nmicroscope, put under it one drop of water and see the insects ing about, and when you see that God makes them and cares for them and feeds them come to the conclusion that he will tate care of you and feed you. A boy asked if he might sweep thc snow from the steps of a hou~e. Tile lady of the household said, "Yes; you seem very poor." He says "I am very poor." She say s, "Don't you sometimes got diseouraged an-1 feel that God is go ingz to let y ou starv?''The lad looked ny in the woman's face and said, "Do su thiok God will let me starve when I rust him and tnen do the best I can?' lEnaugi :.hcology for older people! Trust in G~odl and do the best you can. Amd adi the eime.nCts of hou-ekeeping to to hitm; he widl tal) y Ju control your tempr-r and supervise your doanestics and entertain your gu~s:s and manage *.our he economnies. There are hun dreds of women weak and nerv rus and exhausted with the care of hoaaekeep ing. I comme'nd .ou to the L -rd Je-us Christ as the best adviser and u~e re~t i dcie aid-the Lord Jesus who p r formd his fiat airaclo to relieve a nousekeeper 1 learn a's> :rom this miracle that Christ does things in abundance. I thiunk a small supply of wine woulli lave made up for the deficiency. I thiek, cerealnly. thy mu~t have had er ou.:b for half the guces. One galion ot wine wili d,; certainly five gallons wul be e'ough; errtai rly ten. But Jesus goeus ,'n, and he giv'es them 3) gal;" aud 40 gallons an~i 5) galens and 70) gallons an~d 1(0 galions and 130 pi lons of the very bet wiue. It is juse t ke himn-doing ever3 thing on the lagest and most generous scale. Does Crit. our Creator, go forth to make leave? He makes them b; th.e whsie forest full, notched hiku ihe f'rn or sivered Ihke the as:sr or broad like the plm;i tick.eta ;a the tropics, Oregon f -reD lie tro forth to make flow c. lie makes plenty of them; they flamLe from the hedge, they hang from ui e top of the grapevine in blossoms, they roll in the blue wave of the violets, they toss their white surf in the spira -enougzh for every child's han:i a flwer, enough to make for every brow a chaplet, enough with beauty to cover up the~ &hasliness of all the grave. Does he go forth to create water? He onr it out, not by the cupful, but by a river full, a lake full, an ocean full; puicg it out until all the earth has enough to drink, and enough with which to waah. Does Jesus provide redemption? It is not a little salvation for this one, a little for that and a little for the other, but enough for all. "Whosoever will, let him coma." Each man an ocean full for himzelf. Promises for the young, promises for the old, promises for the lowly, promises for the blind, for the halt, for the outcast, for the abandoned. Yain for all, comfort f:.r all, mercy for all, heaven for afl. Not n erely a cupful of gospel supply, but 130 gallons. Aye, the tears of god ly repentance are all gathered up insto God's bottle, and some day. standing lefore the throne, we will lift our cup of delight and ask that it be filled with the wine o! heaven, and Jesus, from that bottle of .tears, will begin to pour in the cup. and we will cry: "Stop. Jesu:! We do Pot want to drink our own tearsl" And Jesus will say, "Know ye not that the tca's of earth are the wine cf heaven?" Sorrow may enduie for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. I remark, further, Jesus does not shadow the joys of others with his own I griefs. He might have sat down in that wedding and said: "I have so mu:h trouble, so much poverty, so much persecution, and the cross i coining. I shall not rejoice, and the gloom of my face and of my sorrows shall be cast over all this group." So said not Jesus. He said to himself: "Here are two persons starting out in married life. L- t it be a joyfoi cocasion. I will hide my own griefs. I will kindle their joy." There are many not so wise as that. I know a household where there are many little children, where for two years the musical instrument has been kept shut because there has been tro.ble in the house. Alas for the folly! Parents saying: "We will have no Christmas tree this coming holiday because there has becn trouble in the houce. Hush that laughing up stair ! How can there be any joy when there has been so much trouble?' And so they make everything consiitently d>!c ful and send their sons and daughters to ruin with the gloom they throw around them. Oh, my dcarfriendss, do you not know Lho-e children will have trouble enough of their own after awhile? Be glad they cannot appreciate all ),ours Keep back the cup of bitterness from your daughter's lips. When your head is down in the grass of the tomb, pov crty may coae to her, betrayal to her, bereavement to her. Keep back thu -orrows as long as you can. Do you not know that that son may after awhile have his hearr br-.ker,? Stand between him and all harm. You may not fight his battles long Fight them while you may. Throw not the chiid of your own despondney over his soul. Rather, be ike Jesus, who came to the wedding hiding his own grief and kindlirng the joys of others. So I have secn the sun on a dark day, strugglingamidst el uds, black, ragged and portentous, but af ter awh:le the sun, with golden pry, heaved back the b!ackness. And the sun laughed to the lake, and the lake laughed to the sun, and from horizon to borizin, under the saffron sky, the water was all turned into wine. I learn from this miracle that Christ is not impatient with the luxuries of life. It was not necessary that they thould have that wine. Hundreds of people have been married without any w ne. We do not read that any of the othcr provisionis fell short. When Christ made the wine, it was not a ne cessity, but a positive luxury. I do not believe that he wants us to eat hard bread and sleep on hard mattresses unless we like them the best. I think, if eircumstances will allow, we have a right to the luxeies of dress, the luxu ries of diet and the luxuries of resi dence. Tlhere is no more religior in an old coat than in a new one. We can serve God drawn by golden platform harness as certainly as when we go afoot. Jesus Christ will dwell with us under a fire ceiling as well as under a thatched rocof. What is the difference between a Chinese mud hovel and an American home? What is the difference between the rough bear skins of the Russian boor and the outfit of an Amer~can gentleman? No difference ex:ept that wieh the gospel c f Christ. cirectly or indirectly, has eau-:.d. When Christ shall have vanquisht d all the world, I suppose every house will be a mansion and every garment a robe and every horse an arch neeked courser and every carriage a glhttering vehicle and every man a king and every woman a queen and the whole earth a paradise, the glories of the natur'il world harmoniz ing with the glories of the mater~al world until the very bells of the horses shall jingle the piaises of the Lord. I learn, further, from this miracle that Christ has no impatience with fes tal joy; otherwise he would not have accepted the invitation to that wed ding. He certainly would not have done that which increased ti~e hilarity. There may have been many in that room who were happy, but there was not one of them that did so much for the joy of the wedding party as Christ hiwelf. He was the chief of the ban queters. 'When the wine gave out, he supplied it, and so, I take it, he will not deny us the joys that are positively fetal. I think the children of God have miore right to laugh than any other peop)1le. and to clap their hands as loud ly. There is not a sgle joy densied them tnat is given to any other peo'ple Chrisianity does not clip the wings of tha -,xal. Reiigion does not froat the flo tra. What is Christianity ? 1. take it to be simni-ly a proclamatiou from the throne of God of eunaacmration f-r ali the enslaved, and if a maun acoepts the terms of that prolamation and tbecomes free has he not a right to be merry? upoea fa:her has aa elegant man en and sa rse grounds. To whon wi:1 he give the first privilege of these grouis? ;Viii he bay: "My children, you must rnot walk through these paths or ait down under these trees or piuck this fruit. Tnese are for outsiders lhey may walk in them.'' No father wu:d say anything like that. He would say, -rhe Last privileges in all the grounds and all of my house shall be for miy own eh:ldr:n." AEd yet men try to make us b,. ieve that God's children are on the limits and the chiei refrehments and enjoy ments of life are for outsiders and nut b r his own children. I: is stark atheism. There is no ianoeat beverage too rich for (3 ,s eni.d to drink, there is no robe too costly for him to wear, there is no hilrity too great for him to indulge in and no house too splendid fur him to live in. lie has a right to the j ys of earth; he shall have a right to the joys of heaven. 'lhough tribulation and trial and hardship may come unto him, let him rejoice. "Rejice in the L>rd, ye righteous, and again I say rejoice" I remark, again, that Christ comes to us in the hour of our extremity. He knewv the wine was giving out before tnere was any embarrassment or morti fication. Why did he not perform the miracle sooner? Why wait until it was al gone, and no help' could come from any source, and then come in and per form the miracle? This is Christ's way, and when he did come in, at the hour of extremity, he made first rate wine, so that they cried out, '"Thou hast kept the good wine until now." Jesus in the hour of extremity! He tian horgs in Poland great poverty had come, and on the week day the man was obliged to move out of the house with his whole family. That night he knelt with his family and prayed to God. While they were kneeling in prayer there was a tap on the window pane. They opened the window, and there was a raven that the family had fed and trained, and it had in its bill a ring all set with pre cious stones. which was found out to be a ring belonging to the royal family. It was tiken up to the king's residence, and for the honesty of the man in bringing it back he had a house given to him and a garden and a farm. Who was it that sent the raven tapping on the window? The same God that sent the raven to feed Elijah by the brook Cherith. Christ in the hour of extremity! You mourned over your sins. You could not find the way out. You sat down and said: "God will not be mer ciful. He has cast me off." But in that, the darkest hour of your history, light broke from the throne, and Jesus said: ' Oh, wanderer, come home, I have seen all thy Eorrows. In this, the hour of thy extremity, I offer thee pardon and eversastinz lifel' Trouble came. You were almost torn to picces by that trouble. You braced yourself up against it. You said, "I will be a stoie and will not care." But before you had got through making the -resolution it broke down under you. You felt that all your re sources were gone. And then Jesu came. "la the fourth watch of the night," the Bible says, "Jesus came walking on the sea." Why did he not come in the first watch or in the second watch or in the third watch? I do not know. He came in the fourth and gave deliverance to his disciples. Jesus in the last extremity! I wonder if it will be so in our very last extreajity. We shall fall sudden ly sick, and doctors will come, bat in vain We will try the anodynes ano the stimulants and the bathings, hu: all in vain. Something will say, "You must go." No one to hold us back, but the hands of eternity stretched out to pull us on. What then? Jesus will comie to us, and as we Eay, 'Lord, Je-us, I am afraid of that water; I can not wade through to the other side," he will say, "Take hold of my arm." And we will take hold of his arm, and then he will put his foot in the surf of the wave, taking us on down, deeper, deeper; and our souls will cry, "Al, thy waves and biilow.s have gone over me." They cover the feet, come to tht. knee and pass the girdle and come to the head, and our soul cries out, "Loird Jesus Christ, I cannot hole thine arm any longer." Then Jeau. wiii turn around, throw both his arms about us and set us on the beach far beyond the tossing of the billows. Jesus in the lait extremity! The wedding scene is gone now. The wedding ring has been bsr, the tank ards have been broken, the house is down. but Je-us invites us to a grander wedding. You know the Bible says that the church is the Lamb's wife. aud the Lord will afterawhile come to fetch her home. There will be gleaming ot torches in the sky, and the trumpets of God will ravish the airwith their music, and Jesus will stretch his hand, and the church, robed in white, will put aside her veil and look up into the face of her Lord, the King, and the Bride groom will say to the bride: "Thou hast been faithful through all these y'ears! The manusion is ready! Come h~ume! Thou art fair, my love!" And then he will put upon her brow the crown of dominion, and the table will be spread, and it will reach across the skies, and the mighty ones of heaven will come in2 garlanded with beauty and striking their cymbals, and the Bride groomn and bride will stand at the head of the table, and the banqueters, look ing up, will wonder and admire and say: "That is Jesus, the Bridegroom! But the scar on his brow is covere.l with the coronet, and the stab in l?i si-le is co'v.-red with a robe!' And "rh at is the bride! The weariness of her earth ly woe lo't in the flash of this wedding triumph!t There will be wice enrugh at that wedding; not coming up from the poi sorned vats of earth, but the vineyards of God will press their ripest clusters. and the cups and the tankards will blush to the brim with the heavenly vintage, and then all the banqjueters will drink standing. Esther, having come up from the baechanalian revelry of Ahasuerus, where a thousand lord feasted, will be there. And the queen of Sheba, from the banquet of Solomon, will be there. And the mother of Jesus, from the wedding in Cana, will be there. And they all will agree that the earthly feasting was poor compared with that. Then, lifting their chalices in that light, they shall cry to the Lord of the feast, "Thou hast kept the good wine until now." Blown to Atoms. An accident occurred at Parkersburg, w. Vra, on Wednesday in which five men were blown to atoms, one other so bauly injured that he soon di, two probably fatally iraj tred and more 50 p.:rsons serionusly hurt. A tank ear containing 6 000 gailons of oil was in the Ohio River railroad yards for shipment. A freight coming into the 'ard ran into an open switch and col lided with the task car. The tank caused a hole to be bored in the top part of the tank and the oil ignited All attempts to put out the fire failed, acd it burned for several hooris Fi nal'y an explosion oe-arred, cinsed by the fire igniting with the gas that had formed frome t be burning oil. At the time of the esplosion there were 100 or more persons standing around in close promity to the burning car, watching the flames, and the work of clearing the track. There was a load report, shaking the earth, the oil car flew high into the a r and the burning oil was scattered in every direction for a radius of at least 50 yards. Msny of the crowd who were standing near the car when it blew up were deluged wi~h the falling oil, but were no'. seriously in jured. Some of the men who were killed were blown out into a corn field and it was some time before their bodies were found. The killed were all fright fully manglei The following were killed: J. H. Hamilton, superintend ent of the railroad. E. A. Lilime, master mechanic. Charles Mohier, yardnmaster, G O. Shannon, train dis patcher, Bradley Reeves, freight brake man, George Chalk, a fireman. Twelve Persons Burnt. Fire in the crowded tenements, No. 127 to 131 Adams street, 1-oboken, earls Wednesday morning caused a loss of 12 lives, five of whom were members of the Winkler family, who were caught by the flames while asleep. The buidd ing was a three story wooden affair and contained about 15 families who were made homeless by the fire. They will be cared for by the poor master. The tenements burned were of comparative ly small value and the loss it is thought will not exceed $6,000. The origin of Makes the food more del ROYAL &AXMG POWD THE PROFESSOR. He Was Frank to Tell the Young Man V/hat He Thought. 1. A. Cppy. Ph. D., who is now a su. -iul cli:.or in New York. studied -li l:r-nk!u University. where he was -:i:unted: at Oxford, England. where ilo: 1:is <1egree. and at Heidelberg. 'rcrs-..r .lowett, whose "Life and Let s areX:W' i:uportant literary contri bu~ n.s. w: One of the most Interest ing pirsonaliis to Doctor Cuppy w.hen a siniient at Oxford. In his col lection of anecdotes about the profes sor he tells of a walking tour which one of the matriculates took with the pelal gogue. "It was a great thing to get an in vitation to walk with the professor," he said the other day. "and the young man who was the fortunate guest was so embarassed that he was unable to carry on a sensible conversation. Af ter they had been on the road for about thirty minutes the pupil finally spunked up courage and remarked: "A nice day, professor.' "'Do you really think so' was the far-away answer of Jowett. Another half hour passed, and the boy stammered out: 'Nice road, professor.' "The teacher responded: 'Do you really think so?' "The matriculate began to boil in his bones and to get even more fright ened, but he managed to again blurt out, 'Clouds seem to be filling up with rain, professor,' to which the answer was: "'Do you really think so, "The two returned to the college ground and the professor said: "Well, young man, we have been walking for several hours, and everything you said has been as stupid as It possibly could be.' "His companion replied: 'Do you re ally think so?' "The professor looked at the young man a moment. Then he smiled and grasped his hands warmly. From that time on conversation never flag ged during their walks." - Saturday Evening Post. A Summer Evening. It was a warm night and the mu sical tinkle of silver against marble from the ice-cream place across the way could be caught by a trained ear in the unbroken silence of the front stoop where they sat. "I'm afraid," she remarked with a speculative air, "that the manage ment of that new ice-crea.n parlor have made a mistake." "How's that?" he inquired, only languidly interested. "Why, although the Ice-cream is de licious and very cheap, they serve it with spoons instead of forks, as their exclusive patronage is accus tomed to. The dishes, too," she went on dreamily, "are rather large for fashion, though" But her neat, boiler-Iron, double rivetted hint had struck in, and soon in the quivering glow of the electric light they were sauntering over. The Vicious In Boston. "Yes," replied the Boston parent, "a boy soon acquires vicious habits if he is suffered to mingle with street boys. Once I thought otherwise, and permitted our Emerson to choose his playmates, as chance should throw them in his way, It wasn't a week, sir, until that boy, in spite of his her editary tendencies and the careful home training he had received, was asking me hypothetical questions that simply reeked with casuistry! "-Puck, Would Fill the Bill. Mr. Bigheart-Wiggins, old boy, we've raised $50 to get the boss a Christmas present, and we want some thing thiat will make a great show for the money-something that will look big, you know. Can't you suggest something? Wiggins-Sure. Buy $50 worth of rice and then boil it.-Baltimore Am erican. A H and y Panacea. "I wish you would do somethng for my husband," said the anxious wife; "he seems to be worrying about money."~ "Don't be alarmed, madame," re turned the doctor, reassuringly; "Ill relieve him of that."-Philadelphis Record. Just So. "What is an island?" asked the teacher, addressing her interrogation to the class in geography. "An island, Ma'am," replied Johnny Broadhead, a studious lad who had Porto Rico in mind, "is a body of land entirely surrounded by politics." Puck. City Airs. Rubberneck Bill-This here camp is puttin'on city airs. They was a Greas er killed of escapin' gas last night. Bughouse Jake-What you givin' us? "Fact. Ef he hadn't of talked too much he might be livin' now."-Indi anapolis Press. The Boer Weapon. "The prisoner," wrote the British offica.r, reporting from the field, "claim ed to be a non-combatant; but when he was searched no fewer than six Bibles of the most effective modern type were found upon his person." Detroit Journal. Dead Easy. Hoax-My wife always takes me along when she wants a hat. I can pick out the very latest styles. Joax-Haw do you manage it? "By looking at the price tags."--Phl. adelphia Record. Bent on Revenge The Atlanta Journal says it can be readily understood that the murder of the German minister at Pekin has aroused intense excitement and furious indignation throughout the German empire. In his address to a force of marines about to depart for China, Em peror William undoubtedly voiced the prevalent popular feeling in his realm when he declared that his country would dictate terms "from the palace in Pekin." Evidently Germany will go into the Chinese war with zcal and with a tremendous foree. She intends to have a large part in the settlement of this question and the consequent L ISAKIM0i POWDER UBE idous and wholesome ER Co., nEW Yom THE IMPOSSIBLE. The Controversy Stopped Because the Other Man Was Speechless. "Just imagine! If you were a fdea you could jump 200 miles at a single Jump." "But I am not a flea." "I didn't say you were, I said if you were." "But you implied that I might be." "Not at all. In estimating the rela tive strength of a flea as compared to man, I said that one of your size could jump 200 miles." "Nothing of the sort, sir. You dis tinctly spoke of me as a flea." "How absurd! I merely inferred that suppose you were a flea." "Do I look like a flea?" "Why, no, sir, certainly not." "Have I the arms, legs, proboscis, anatomy of a flea?" "Who said you did?'" "You did, sir!" "I didn't!" "You did!" "Well, sir, I am sorry, I apologize." "You admit, then, that you did refer to me as a Rea?" "Why, no, I don't." "But you have Just apologized." "Well, well, let it go. I said you were a fea. I apologize. I am sorry. I was wrong." "Good! You were wise. I am no fea, sir." "Of course not. Utterly removed from a flea. You couldn't be one if you tried. Impossible!" "Impossible, sir! For me, sir? How impossible?" "Yes, sir, exactly, sir. How could an ass be a flea, sir."-Life. Evils of Good Advice. "Say," said the man with the wor ried look, "do you remember giving me a lot of advice on how to conduct my love affairs about two months ago?" "Yes," replied the man with the wise expression. "Told me if I wanted to win the girl I should make love to her moth r!" "Uh-huh." "Said if I could get the old lady on my side all I had to do was to toddle iround with a ring and say, 'when?' to the girl." The wise man nodded. "Said for me to compliment the mother on her youthful appearance," ontinued the worried man, "and give her a jolly about how sad it was that the young ladies of the present day were not to be compared with those of the past?" "Yes. Yes. You won the girl, I suppose?" "Yes, I did-not. The old lady has sued her husband for divorce, and me for 6reach of promise."-Baltimore imerican. ,. H. Rt. H. Queen Victoria. Caught. Itich Widow-Despite our short ac quaintance and the fact that my youth has flown you still make this proposal of marriage to me, doctor? Doctor-You have made on my heart a# tmprssion that time can never Widow (coldly)-H-m, and I had al ways believed you were able to live by your practice.-New York World. Civilzation. "You are scarcely half civilized!" we said reproachfully. The natives burst into tears. "Pity our misfortune!" they cried. "For our gold mines yield only low grade org!" Then they turned their streaming eyes toward the hills, whence a merc handful of Anglo-Saxons were shelling them perfunctorily.-Detroit Journal. Discovered a Prize. First Business Man-I have a gem of an office boy. Second Business Man-Why, I thought you said he was so stupid? First Business Man-So he is, but nw that the baseball season has open ed I've Qiscovered that he has no living relatives, so he can't ask to get off for funerals.-Philadelphia Rtecord. The Work Cure. "The healthy brother supported the invalid brother for years and years and years, and then the healthy broth er died." "What became of the poor invalid brother?" "Oh he had to get well and go to work." Right in Their Line. Hoax-These messenger boys are the lowest creatures on earth. I WOnl der what becomes of them when they grow up. Joax-Maybe they become chess players.-Philadelphia Record. Their Relationl. Askington-Do youi know Gabbleby? Teller-Well. I have a listening ac quaintance with hi m Against the Combine. The first victory in the fight against the insurance companies comrosiug the Southeastern Tariff Association charging a violation of the anti-trust law was won at Jackson, Miss., Wed nesday Judge Powell overruled the de murrer set up by the attorneys for the isuace companies and practically de clared that the anti-trust law has been violated by the association, as all of he vital points at issue in the main uestion were involved in the demur rer. The case now goes to trial on its merits at the next term, Thirty-seven ompanies a involved.