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Publishes All County and Town Of ficial Advertisements. MANNING. S. 1C.. JULY 11, 1900. Selling Goods at 99 Degrees Is not as pleasant work as we have done, but then it is not as hard as one might think. as we have just such goods as ->ur customers need in this hot weather. Ladies. that nice summer Corset that you have been thinking of treating yourselves to 's right here at our store. We have the best line of Summer Cor sets on earth for 50c and $1 each. It is a fact that goes without saying that, we carry the largest stock of Cor sets of any house in town. R. & G. Corsets, Dr. Thompson's Glove-Fitting Corsets and the Roval Worcester Cor sets are all carried in stock in full as sortments. Ladies. if you need a nice White Dress, either in Organdy or Lawn, you can get it at our store, any quality you need. White Lawn from 10c to 35c per yard. White Organdy from 35 to 65c per yard. We have some atonishing values to offer in Ladies' Gauze Undervests for this very warm weather. Some splendid values to close out in Wash Goods at sensational prices. La dies, it will do you good to see the line of Silk Organdies we are now offering at 45c per vard, reduced from 60c. The prices on Summer Silks are now being slaughtered at our store. A visit will convince you. W. E. JENKINSON. Notice is hereby given that no advertise ments will be changed in this paper where the copy is brought ir later than Saturday noon. 'Miss Eloise Sloan of Ninety-Six is visiting Miss May Wilson. Go to Bell & Young to get your bicy cle repaired. Rev. B. Palmer Reid will preach in Manning Presbyterian church Sunday night at 8:30. Patronize home industry. The R. B. Loryea Drug Store. Misses Hattie Harvin and Mellie Nel son left last Saturday to spend some time on Sullivan's Island. How about a Lemon Phosphate now at Brockinton's Fount. Mrs. Joseph R. Fletcher who has been visiting the family of Mr. C. R. Harvin has returned to her home. Call at Bell & Young's to get your Bicycle Supplies. Married. July 3. 1900, in Clarendon county. S. C., b'y Iev. B. P. Reid. Miss Lillie'S. Cousar and Rev. Robert Brad ley. Brockinton's Soda Water, Bright. sparkling, cold and refreshing. Col. W. B. Wilson, formerly of Clar endon now of Charlestor, is one of the committee to notify William J. Bryan of his nomination. Grape Juice deliciously refreshing at Brockinton's Soda Fount. The Summerton base ball club left home yesterday afternoon to play a nine in Ch'arleston'this afternoon. Their nerve deserves success. Bicycles to rent at Bell & Young's. Send them anywhere in town. A game of base ball was played at Elloree last Friday between Summer ton and Elloree resulting in favor of Elloree by a score of 5 to 3. Soda Water. cold as it ought to be, and sweet as you like it at Brockinton's. Died last Friday night about mid night, near Wilson. Donald Benjamin Bagnal, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Bagnal aged about eight years. Bell & Youno will do you first class work and give test material. As fine a bunch of mules as ever passed through this town went over to Alcolu last Monday and were purchased by the D. W. Alderman Sons Co. Give the Merchants, Builders and Painters a chance to furnish estimates. The R. B. Loryea Drug Store. The Mayesville tobacco warehouse people are soliciting through THE TIMES the patronage of Clarendon to bacco growers. Pead their advertis ment. Cool the blood with Pineapple Ap perient. 25c, 50c and $1, at Rhame's Drug Store. Maj. Abe Levi and wife left last Mon day for their usual summer vacation which they will spend in Philadelphia, Atlantic City and other pleasure re sorts. Do not assume that Manning cannot compete with Charleston or Columbia. The R. B. Loryea Drug Store. The members of the county executive committee must name their managers for their respective clubs not later than August 1st and send them to the county chairman. Pine Apperient for liver troubles is safe and effective. 25c, 50c and $1, at Rthame's Drug Store. Dr. W. S. Stokes, rector of Cokes berry Conference school will preach at St. ,James at 11 a. in.. Andrew Chapel at 5 p. in.. Packsville at S:30 p. in.. San tee Circuit, July 15. Ladies' and Gent's Wheels to rent. Send to any part of town. Bell & Young. The Democratic convention has plac ed before the country WV. J. Bryan of Nebraska, and Adlai Stevenson of Illh nois as its standard bearers. They will carry Clarendon. For biliousness and bad taste in the mouth Pineapple A pperient. 25e, 50c and $1, at Rhame's Drug Store. -A prty of prospectors are in South Caro ina'looking for mill sites, and _we understand they have in view a visit to the old Dyson mill site. in the Fulton section of this county. Leave every possible dollar in the town of Manning. The R. B. Loryea Drug Store. Mr. P. A. King of Hartsville accom ianted by his daughters, Misses Maud nd Bessie, and his niece Miss Lotie Howle is visiting Mr. W. G. King an~ other relatives in Manning. For family entertainment buy Graphophone' for 85 or more fron Rhame's Drug Store. See ad. We are anxious to see Manning th best tobacco market in the State. arc there is no reason why it should not be Watch the advertising columns of Ti TIMES friends, and he informed ac cordingly. Do not send your orders, whether fo small or large items, to other towns an cites. The R. B. Loryea Drug Store There will be a competitive exami nation held in the court house July 2 for three scholarships in Winthrol College. Here is a fine chance _fo thece Clarendon girls to get a practica eduation. How many will comipet for these lucious plums. Girls this the chance of a life time; take advan tage of it. The Manning Grocery Co.. has just received a car load of that popular brand of flour called "Perfection," and to prevent imitations they have had every barrel marked "Manning Groea ry Co's Perfection." When you need medicine you should get the best that money can buy, and experience proves this to be Hood's Sarsaparilla. The Pine Grove Graded school will have a new set of teachers for the com ing session. At a meeting of the trus tees, recently held, Prof. B. H. Boyd was chosen principal and Miss Garris of North Carolina, assistant. The merchants of this town. having the necessary capital and credit. can make as advantageous purchases as advantageous purchases as merclants in other towns and cities. The 11. 13. Loryea Drug Store. The first of our friends who has promised the editor a fine watermelon was Mr. John F. McLeod, the tall syca more of Sammy Swamp. But the prom ise has not as yet been fulfilled and if he does not hurry up some other fel low's promise will get ahead of him. Bobbitt's Chill Pills cure chills and all mala rial troubles. That is what they were made for. Cure after other remedies fail. No cure. no pay. Price i cts. per boude. Sold by the R. B. Lor yea Drug Store. Last Sundav Frankie Wilson. a son of Mr. H. A. Wilson of Alcolu. was coming to Manning with his two little brothers in a buggy, and Frankie was sitting in the foot of the buggy letting his feet drag in the sand. when all at once his foot caught in the wheel and threw him out. breaking the thigh bone. Dr. Brown gave the child the necessary attention. Wanted-In every town and country district in South Carolina, a man or woman to represent us. Send stamped envelope for reply. Culver & Kidd. Milledgeville. Ga. [2 The oil mill at Davis Station is no dream, but a genuine reality. The en tire stock has been subscribed and con tracts have been signed for the ma chinerv. This will give Clarendon two mills for the manufacture of cotton seed meal. We hope they will not go into a trust, and give our farmers the benefit of getting their meal cheaper than mills from abroad will furnish it. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are fa mous little pills for liver and bowel troubles.. Never gripe. D. 0. Rhame. Summerton: Dr. V. M. Brockinton. Manning. The cotton crop in the Santee section of this county has been badly damaged and in some places it is estimated that not over one-third of the crop will be made. We have heard of one man's crop in St. Mark's township that is al most a total loss and another in St. Paul who neither spares time nor monev on his lands, that will not make over a one-third crop. This is not en couraging news for those who depend on the cotton crop. The tobacco crops are in a very fine condition and if the prices are fair our tobacco planters will be in a better condition than those who plant cotton. One Minute Cough Cure is the only harmless remedy that produces imme diate results. Try it. D. 0. Riame. Summerton: Dr. W. M. Brockinton. Manning. As an example of what the devil's workshop can turn out we give our readers a report which reached us last Saturday morning. We presume the starter of the report had been reading Sergeant A. C. Davis' letters in THE TIMES from the Philippines and hop ing to create a sensation he gave it out that "Coke" Davis has deserted the United States army- and accepted a ommission as general in the Filipino rmy. The author of this wonderful piece of startling news must have thought that "Coke" Davis was a can didate for some office to be voted for in the coming primary. S.jR. Baldwin. Columbus. Ga., writes: I occasionally give a TEETHINA Pow der to keep my teething child's gums softened. [2t Congressman Norton. although busy looking after his candidacy, is not neg lecting his work for his constituents. He has been trying to get the free ru ral delivery system in this county so that the mail 'might be delivered at or near the farmer's home, and within the past few days he has succeeded in get ting the superintendent of free deliv ery interested sufficiently to send docu ments relating to the delivery of rural mail to parties in different parts of the county, with a view of getting the nec essary information as to the condition of roads. distances, location of postof fices, population. etc. When this in formation is sent in. Congressman Nor ton will use every effort to get the gov ernment to establish the service in this county. He has also succeeded in hay. ing a'new postoffice established in Sa lem, to be known as "Turbeville," with Mr. S. C. Turbeville as postmas ter. There are no better pills made than DeWitt's Little Early Risers. Always prompt and certain. D. 0. Rhame, Summerton: Dr. W. M. Brockinton, Manning. The D. W. Alderman Sons Co. had quite a large confiagration at their mills at Alcolu last Sunday. About 2 o'clock in the afternoon fire broke out in the boiler shed, caused, it is sup posed, from a spark from one of the smoke stacks, and. although there was a watchman on the premises and a first class arrangement to extinguish fire, the flames were so fierce and rapid that nothing could be done, and about $S, 000 worth of property was destroyed without one cent of insurance. The property destroyed was the boiler shed, machine shops, dust house and a part of t e conveyor. The Alder mans are careful business people and they being without insurance is a sur' prise to those who know their thorongh business methods, but it is explained in this way: The plant has as one of its features a magnificent water works, as good as will be found in some of our small cities, and they keep watchmen on the yards constantly: they also keep steam in the boilers all of the time so that should fire break out they will be repared, but notwithstanding all of these wise precautionary means the property is also kept insured: the prop ertv destroyed, however, happened to be without'insurance because the con cern was about to make some chxanges in the arrangement of the mnachine shops and other buildings. Our friends desiring Prescriptions filled during the night will have them promptly and carefully compounded by calling on Mr. F. H. Williams. Ph. G., at Mrs. L. E. Huggins'. The 1R. B3 Lorrea Drug Store. Attention, Veterans! There will be a reunion of Company H, Twenty-sixth South Carolina Volun teers at Beulah. Florence county. South Carolina. on July 21st. 1900. All of the survivors and their families are respect fully solicited to be present. The pub lie are cordially invited to come witi well-filled baskets. W. H. FLOYD, Sec'y The Stomach of Man is subject to a dozer such common but painful alfections as cramps, cholera morbus and dysenter. )that, by neglect, may be made chroni )and dangerous. The best, handiest surest and quickest remedy is PAIN KILLER, a medicine which has beed Stried for more than a half of a centura sand never tailed to give relief. Avoi -substitutes,there is but one Pain-Killer Pnerry Trvis. Price 253c and 50c. Manning on a Move. It is gratifying to note the disposition now being manifested by those of our citizens who have monev. There is a spirit of "pull together- such as has not been here in the past. This is a healthy sign: it shows that our people are convinced that selfishness will not bring about progress and wealth. and that lanning can accomplish what. other towns have accomplished, if all hands put their shoulder's to the wheel and help push. In the starting of new enterprises obstacles can be overcome by putting men to the front in whom the people have confidence: when this is done aid comes almost unsolicited. but where men in whom the people have no confi deuce are put in controlling positions the people are afraid to invest. fearing that after the project has been started, schemes will be inaugurated to force the small investore to discount their stock. It often happens that stock in corporations becomes non-paying through no fault of the management, but to convince people who have lost their money that the management is not to blame. is a task we would not like to undertake. The Bank of Manning has been man aged so that its stock is sought after by investors, and those who are so fortu nate as to hold it will not sell. Why? Because it has and it is still making money. Tobacco warehouse stock was a loss to many of the investors, but there has never been anything started in this town which has been of greater benefit to our merchants. The merchants could have lost every cent of their warehouse stock and then be away ahead of the game. The tobacco warehouses brought trade to this town which would not have come here otherwise, and caused piles of cash money to be spent. Now we have a new enterprise, the ground for which was broken last Mon dav-the oil mill. an institution to be managed by a man who is a natural mechanic and an all-round business man. He will devote his time and en ergy to the work and if an oil mill has money in it he will pump it out for the investors. The fact. that Hon. Joseph F. Rhame has been selected president of the oil mill company inspires confi dence, and with Mr. Frank Ervin as manager the investors feel sure that their interests are in safe hands. The Loan and Exchange Bank. now in course of organization. has nearly one-half of its capital stock subscribed and a good part of the stock is being taken by farmers in various parts of the county. The shares are small, so that a man with small means can take some stock without hampering him and at the same time, should he have need to borrow monev to carry on his business. he can use the bank stock as collateral -the finest kind of security. When bank stock is used as a collateral it has the effect of reducing the cost of money borrowed. for. while the borrower pays interest for that which he has bor rowed. his bank stock is at the same time making money for him. If this bank is organized it will be officered by men who have the esteem and conli dence of the entire community, and its purpose will be to bring more money here and thereby make it easier for our our farmers to buy their supplies and fertilizers for cash. This spirit of "pull together" has put our people to thinking about the building of a cotton factory, and if there is any indication to be had by what people say, and how they act, we believe by the next twelve months Man ning will afford a place of employment for many men. women and children, and a place where our farmers can get a full price for their cotton, at least a half cent more a pound, than if there was no factory here. Besides the cot ton, our farmers will have a place where they can dispose of all kinds of products which are easily raised all through the year and receive the cash therefor. The whole county should in terest themselves in this project, for we believe if Mr. W. Scott Harvin suc ceeds in his undertaking, not only Man ning, but Clarendon. will be wheeled into the progressive line. The industrial spirit is moving our people and if it continues there is a bright future in store for this town. What is now needed is a land improve ment company. an institution which will buy up lands in the outskirts of the town, make streets through them and sell off lots cheap so as to be able to in vite people to move in and build. The way this town is situated, we may as well be surrounded with a Chinese wall with locks on the outer gates. We have no houses to rent and no town lots for sale at a price that a man of small means can buy. This sort of thing pre vents the town from growing up to the necessities brought about by the im provements. Let those who have money get up something to develop and build up the now idle lands in and around Manning. Spain's Greatest Need. Mr. R. P. Olivia of Barcelonia. Spain. spends his winters at Aiken. S. C. Weak nerves had caused severe pains in the back of his head. On using Electric Bitters. America's greatest blood and nerve remedy, all pain soon left him. He says this grand medicmne is what his country needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kianey trouble. purilles the blood, tones up the stomach. strengthens the nerves, puts vun, vigor and new life into every muscle, nerve and organ or the body. If weak'. tired or ailing you need it. Every bottle guaranteed, only 54) cents. Sold by the R. B. Loryea drug store. South Carolina Military Academy. One Beneficiary Scholarship from Clarendon County by competitive ex aminations. Application blanks, with accompanying instructions, may be ob tained from the County Superintendent of Education. These blanks, properly filled out, must be in the hands of Col. C. S. Gadsden, Chairman Board of Vis itors, by the first day of August. [lt It Saves the Children. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has saved the lives of thousands of croupy children. It is also without an equal for colds and whooping cough. For sale by the iR. B3. Loryea Drug Store. Isaac M. Loryea. Propr. Uianlay Amusement. The Graphophone is an educator. There is no other' machine that can be purchased at any price that will atfor'd so varied an entertainment as the talk ing machine. To see the several kinds call at Rhame's Drug Store. The Best Remedy for Stomach and Bowel Troubles. -'I have been in the drug business for twenty years and have sold most all of the proprietary mediciines of any note. Among the entire list 'I have never found anything to equal Chamber lain's Colie. cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for an stomach and bowel troubles." says 0. W. Wakefield of Columbus. Ga. -- This remedy cured two severe cases of cholera morbus in mv family and I have recommended and sold hndreds of bottles of it to my customers to their entire satisfaction. It affords a quick and sure cure in a pleasant form."~ For sale by the R. B. Loryea Urug Store.Isaac M. Loryea.Prop. County Campaign Meetings. Pinewood-August 13. Packsville-August 14. Summerton-August 15. Manning-August 16. Alcolu-A\ugust 1l, at nigh t. -For burns, injuriles, piles and skin diseases use DeX\itt's Witch Hazel Sale. It is~ the original. Counter'feits may be offered. Use ouly DeWitt's. D. '0. Rhame. Summlerton: Dr'. WV. 3. Brockinton. M1anning. it is false prectense that has rinedllC the blessing in disguise business. A Frightful Blunder Will of ten cause a horrible burn, scald, cut 01 bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it Cures old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boils. felons cors, ll kineruptions. Best pile cure or earth. Only '25 cts. a box' Cure guaranteed . ld by the R. R. Loryea drug store. 1 i THEIR~iMARRIAGE Ah-NULLED. An Unusual Case Decided in the Spartanbrrg Court. Spartanburg, S. C.. July 9, 1900. An interesting case was heard here before Judge A ldrich today. A mar riage solomnnized between Iiss Fannie V. Littlejohn and the Rev. Stephen A. Nettles of the South Carolina confer ence, on June 25, 1899, was declared to be void and never to have been of binding force. The action was brought by Miss Littlejohn, who alleged that ai the time of such marriage her mind was so much impaired by reason of a serious physical ailment that she was incapable of understanding or of carry ing out the marriage contract. Almost immediately after the mar riage she was placed under the treat I ment of a specialist in surgery and dis eases peculiar to women. and as a re sult of his treatment her mind has been I restored, and she alleges that since re caining possession of her faculties she Koes not wish to ratify or consummate the marriage The testimony was in accordance with the allegations and while 'Miss Little john testified that Mr. Nettles' treat ment was very kind, she stated that she would not assume the duties and relationship of a wife. Under this state of facts, Judge Aldrich held that the alleged contract was in fact no con tract and so adjudged. Messrs. Duncan & Sanders represent ed the plaintiff, and Mr- R. 0. Purdy of Sumter represented the defendant. P. H. F. The above news item from Spartan burg will be received by our readers with sincere sorrow. Rev. S. A. Net tles who is well known and highly re spected by this entire community. will have the sympathy of those who know him, and understand his present troub les. His troubles are of such a nature that delicacy forbids us from saying much about them, but from reliable in formation we have it that 'Mr. Nettles' marriage annullment has the sanc tion of his church. and those who are in a position to understand the delicate nature of the case, and that his char acter as a man and minister remains unsullied. A Night of Terror. --Awful anxiety was felt for the widow of the brave G eneral Burnham of Machias, Me.. when the doctors said she could not live till morning.", writes Mrs. S. H. Lincoln. who attended her that fearful night. "All thought she must soon die from pneumonia. but she begged for Dr. ing-s Ncw Discovery, saying it had more than once saved her life. and had cured her of con sumption. After three small doses she slept easily all night. and its further use completely cured her." This marvelous medicine is guar anteed to cure all throat. chest and lung dis cases. Only 50e and Si. Trial bottles free at the 1R. B. Lorvea drug store. When a man once thoroughly under stands the ins and outs of horse racing. he is very seldom seen at the track. It has been demonstrated by experi ence that consumption can be prevent ed by the early use of One 'Minute ough Cure. This is the favorite rem edy for coughs, colds, croup, asthma, rippe and all throat and lung trou bles. Cures quickly. D. 0. Rhame. Summerton: Dr. W. M. Brockinton, Manning. The charity that begins at home is often so discouraged that it never gets any farther. After many intricate experiments. scientists have discovered methods for obtaining all the natural digestants. These have been combined in the pro portion found in the human body and united with substances that build up the digestive organs, making a com pound called Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests wvhat you eat and allows all dys peptics to eat'plenty of nourishing food while the stomach troubles are being radically cured by the medicinal agents it contains. It is pleasant to take and will give quick relief. D. 0. Rhame, Summerton: Dr. WV. MI. Brockinton, Manning. Are You Anxious CA\FORl THE /-z? Commercial Advancement - OF MnANNING ? fHEN leave every possible dollar in the town. ATRONIZE home industry. TO N~OT send your orders, whether for small Jor large Items, to other towns and cities. fIVE the Merchants. Builders and Painters '~a chance to furnish estimates. TO NOT assume that Mannihg cannot com ~pete with Charleston or Columbia. T HE merchants of this town. having the ?necessary capital and credit. can make as advantageous purchases as merchants In other towns and cities. L ET there be a reciprocal commercial feeling 'existing among the merchants of Manning. T HE R. B. LORYEA DRUG STORE. for one. ?proposes to follow the sentiments here with expressed. ISAAC M. LORYEA, Proprietor, sig~n of the Golden Mortar, 4 MANNINC, S. C. - 'THONE NO. 2. HOME MADE i ATTRACTIVE i SBy the Graphophone, with its laughing songs, along Swith the serious music and comic speeches. ..FOR SALE AT ... 2 Rhame's Drug Store, Summrn,: .c POITIONS GUJARNTEED, IUnder $3,000 Cash Deposit. Railroad Fare Paid. SURVEYOR'S CARD. Parties desiring surveys and p~lats made will receive my most careful and accurate attention. 1 am supplied with improved instru ments. Address,S.0CNTY Summerton, S. C. OSEPH F. RHAME, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MANNTIG S. C. CANDIDATI For Congress. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Representative in Congress from the Sixth Congressional District of South Carolina, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. ROBT. B. SCARBOROUG H. Having complied with the require ments of the Democratic party, as re gards the filing of pledges. I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election to Congress as the representative of the 6th, Congressional District. JAMES NORTON. Uaving received a majority of the votes cast in the Sixth District for Con gress two years ago and having been deprived of that office by the counting of the Second Regiment vote which was cast outside of the district, and I am as sured was illegally cast, my friends in sist upon my entering the race again this year. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Congress from the Sixth District, subject to the Democratic pri mary. J. E. ELLERBE. House of Representatives. I announce myself a candidates for re-election to the lower House of Rep resentatives. feeling assured the people will recognize the fact that I served with a delegation, whose record shows an earnest effort to reduce taxes. If endorsed for re-election I pledge my self to give my closest study to the peo ple's interests. GEORGE R. JONES. .MR. EDITOR: Please announce that we the neighbors and friends of Mr. W. J. Turbeville have secured his con sent to become a candidate for the lower House of Representatives sub ject to the action of the primary, and we wish it known that Mr. Turbeville has proven himself a sound and practi cal thinker, and while not an orator he would make us a safe and reliable Representative. He is chairman of the board of trustees of the Pine Grove Graded school, and it is largely through him, this section is indebted for the educational interest manifested. We solicit the votes of the Democrats of Clarendon for him. NEIGHBORS. I am a candidate for re-election to the lower House of Representatives under the rules of the Democratic par ty, and I invite a close inspection of my record as a legislator. I. M. WOODS. I announce myself as a candidate for re-election to the lower House of the General Assembly, subject to the rules governing the primaries. HENRY B. RICHARDSON. For Solicitor. I am a candidate for re-election to the office of Solicitor, and again solicit the support of the voters of the Third Circuit, subject to the rules of the Democratic primaries. JOHN S. WILSON. May 5, 1900. For Sheriff. MR. EDITOR: Please announce as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Clarendon County one who has been tried in war aud proven true in peace. the peerless soldier, the sterling friend and citizen, Col. Harry L. Benbow, and gratify THE VOTERS OF CLARENDON. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Clarendon County, subject to the action of the Democratic primary, and pledge my self to support the nominees of the Democratic party. E. B. GAMBLE. Mr. Editor: Please announce me as a candidate for Sheriff, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. J. H. LESESNE. I am a candidate for the office of Sheriff under the rules of the Demo cratic party. E. DUDLEY HODGE. Subject to the decision of the Demo cratic primary, I am a candidate forl the office of Sheriff. J. ELBERT DAVIS. IFARN We have got your dealing and low ; holding it, it is ourf Keep Us in Y( When you want C prices are always i Yours THE PEOPLE'S)I WHOLESA&L N. B.-Don't let Flour and you buy. S. R. VE (a) Je wele Watches ware i MAKE A SPECIALTY OF HE I Articles of all kinds, suitable Such goods have never been sold hei I deal also in All Novelties in Silver bought of ALL REPAIR Wo] ES' CARDS. For County Auditor. Promising to abide by the decision of the Democratic primary, I announce mvself a candidate for election to the otlice of County Auditor. EDGAR C. DICKSON. Under the rules. and subject to the action of the Democratic party, I am a candidate for the position of Auditor. JUNIUS M. STRANGE. Having confidence in my ability to perform the intricate and important du ties of County Auditor, I announce my self a candidate for said office, pledgiig myself to abide the decision of the pri mary. W. H. TRESCOTT. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of County Auditor under the rules of the Democratic party. S. P. HOLLADAY. For Superintendent of Education. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of County Superin tendent of Education subject to the rules of the Democratic party. JEFF M. DAVIS. In announcing my candidacy for re election to the office County Superin tendent of Education, I do so subject to the rules of the Democratic party. L. L. WELLS. To the dear people of Clarendon: I bez to announce my candidacy to the office of Superintendant of Educa tion. subject to the rules of the Demo cratic primary. Of course I make the usual promise, i. e., if elected will serve you faithfully. I solicit the support of all tried and true Democrats, which support if given me will be highly ap preciated by Your would-be servant, J. J. BRAGDON. For Supervisor. Please announce my candidacy for the office of County Supervisor. I have experience in the work required for this position, and will give the people my best efforts if elected. CHARLES F. JENKINSON. I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election to the office of County Su pervisor in accordance with the rules of the Democratic party. My official record is known and I solicit the sup port of all Democrats. T. C. OWENS. I Through the solicitation of my many friends I announce myself a candidate for the office of County Supervisor for Clarendon County to be governed by the rules of the primary election. W. H. COLE. Upon the solicitation of friends from various portions of the county I have consented to again become a candidate for the office of County Supervisor, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. J. H. JOHNSON. For Clerk of Court. Subject to the rules of the Democratic party I am a candidate for re-election to the office of Clerk of Court. J. H. TIMMONS. For Coroner. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Coroner, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. W. T. TOBIAS. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Coroner, pledging myself to abide by the rules of the Dem ocratic party. BILLY DYSON. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Coroner, subject to the rules of the primary. R. F. RIDGEWAY. For Magistrate at Manning. I am a candidate for the office of Mag istrate, located at Manning, Pledging myself to abide the result of Democratic primary. .T. DUPREE ALSBROOK. I solicit the voters of the Farmers' Platform, Clarendon, Manning, White, Fork, Alcolu, Harmony and Black River Democratic Clubs to vote for me in the primary for Magistrate at Man ning. WALTER C. JOHNSON. LER5! trade and if square rices are factors in for all time. uir Minid s Eye ROCERIES. Our ight. truly, ONEY SAVERS, E GE00EES. Sugar get too high before N NING, r & Watch Repairer, MANNING, S. C. - DEAL.ER IN - , lockcs, Jewelry, Silver nd All Einds of Fancy Novelties. ;AVY SILVERWARE AND FANC~ for Wedding and Holiday Presents -e before. Call and see them. me will be engraved free of cost. K GUARANTEED ree doors south of Postoffice. VA rPOrE: SI~r2 - "M Now for Jul . iggigji W e have a lot of good things iihii (4WiWA69) which we wish to close out ifl . (hifiii J during the month of July and iM 4 in order to accomplish this point quickly we have put the goods down at prices that 4 will move them at once. Floor Matting at a Sacrifice. Five Rolls good China Matting at 12ic to close: former price 16ic. Five Rolls splendid grade China Matting at 16tc; former price 20c. Five Rolls very fine quality Cotton Warp Japanese Matting at 20c per yard that never sold for less than 25c. Ladies, it will do you good to see some of the fine Matting we are offering at 25, 35 and 40c per yard. Matting and Carpet Lining at 3c per yard. Just see the line of Rugs we are closing out at 81 each; regular price $1.25. Nice Velvet and Westminster Rugs at $1.50 and $2 each. Crockeryware at a Sacrifice. We have decided to discontinue the sale of Crockery, and in order to close out the large stock we now have on hand we put it on the market at a sacrifice. If you wish to buy some very nice Crockery very cheap, now is the time to strike us. A Word About Corsets. Ladies, if you wish a nice, neat-fitting Summer Corset, you can get it at our store at 50c and $1. Our friends tell us that we carry the largest and best selected stock of Cor sets of any house in this town, and from the number we sell we don't think our friends are far wrong. We carry R. & G. Corsets in all the best numbers. Thompson's Glove-Fitting in all of the best numbers, and we have recently added to our line the Royal Worcester Corsets which are fast becoming a favor ite Corset. Gent's Fine Linen Collars and Cuffs. It is a fact that goes without saying that we carry the largest line of Gent's Fine Collars and Cuffs of any house in this town. Our line of Collars and Cuffs is also known to be the best, the famous H. C. Curtis "C" Brand Collars and Cuffs, they have no equal. Collars, 15c each, or two for 25c. We carry a nice line of 10c Collars also. Some Money Fetchers. Twenty-five dozen of those Tape Neck Ladies' Gauze Undervests, six for 25c. Ladies' very long Bleached Tape Neck Gauze Vests, three for 25c. Fifty dozen Ladies' nice Hemstitched Handkerchiefs at 5e each, or 6 for 25c. A large lot of Remnant Ribbon AT COST. Large lot Remnant Embroidery AT COST. Millinery at a Sacrifice. We put our entire line of Millinery on the market at a sacrifice in order that we may have nothing when our fall stock comes in. A visit to this department will convince you of this fact. CLOSING SAILE Of Oxford Ties. We are very anxious to close out the remainder of our stock of Oxford Ties, and in order to accomplish this we offer them at a sacrifice. An inspection of our offerings will convince you. Yours truly, 7~V. . JENKINSON. IT IS SAID THAT__ The memory of the public is mighty short. However this may be, a cash cus tomer never forgets the store where they always get fullest value. Here are some of the Magnets that draw close cash shoppers to our Mid-Summer Cash Sale. Windsor yard-wide Percales, in all the good wash colors, suitable for 1 Waists, Skirts, Boys' and Men's Sunday Shirts, value 12ic, for....... Iv. Ladies' Leather Belts, with Nickeled Harness Buckle and Pulley Fas- 2 c tener, in Black, Tan and Modes.............................-- G Ladies' Fine Gauze Summer Undervests, French Model, a good 5c value..........................................--. Fine quality of Lawns, some in short lengths, would be chap at 8 and 5c. 10c; our prie.......................--.-------------------. Fine quality of 36-inch Percales, in checks and stripes; regular mar ket value 10c; your choice for.........................-. Men's All-Linen 3-ply Collars, in all the up-to-date shapes and styles, 25c. only 15c, or two fr............--. --- Splendid quality of solid Colored Skirtino- Ducks, in BlacksNv Blue and White and Cream, value Navyfo............... . e Extra value in Bath Towels, Cotton Huck, full Bleached, value 10c; 5c we ask only...........--.----. -----------------------. Linen Huck Towel, 36x20 inches, the 20c kind, for 15c, or two for...25c. Large Turkish Bath Towels, 58x24 inches, only..............--. Extra Heavy Cotton Huck Towels, 38x19 inches, for............--- -6-* Royal Imperial Linen Towel, large with handsome borders, suitable 35c. for bureau and dresser scarfs...................... Another lot of Little Val. Laces just received. Still offering values in Men's and Ladies' Shoes. Ladies' Fine Dress Shos, Dongola, Patent Tip, in Lace and Butn worth $1.25, our price............----------.------------.... 77 Men's Fine Sunday Shoes, worth $1.25, only............--.-..------. By'Knee Pants Suits, made of Fine Black Worsted, well worth9c 5 2Suit; our special Mid-Summer price, per Suit.....--.. This advertisement will appear only once more. Cut it out and fetch it with you quick. S. A. iFigby